The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 271 A&P's... 1 001:08101$10 Utility Grade, Frozen 'URKE6 to 124 aver*' Ib Limit 2 per family with minimum '21.1 mi punt:: aralud:ng CY9arottas and fhis product SAVE 44a PURE APPLE JUICE SAVE up to 52r "Light Chunks" In Oil or Water BYE THE SEA TUNA 6.5 -oz tin KEG -O KETCHUP (Our Regular Price 1.19) SAVE Sr LB. or up to 400 per Turkey ibiE SLAW OR POTATO SALADSOO Supermarket pnces "Great on the B.B.Q." (3500 carton !!c) 8129 (Our Regular Price 1.23) (Our Regular Price up to 1.51) (Our Regular Price 2.09) McCormidks, Sunwtwet, Chocolate chip, Digestive, Shortcake WHOLE WHEAT 4. BISCUITS Chocolate, Assailed Varieties Including Coffee crone, Fingers A Waists Heefan, Assorted ValiisWe CADBURY ,�1.1 POTATO 99 BISCUITS . Clips: SIRL�1tITTiAkS9 T-BONE or WING �,�..,-�,a, ` STEAKSorROASTSi , Truckload of Beef Sale!from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef cut Ib (Our Regular Price 3.99 Ib) SAVE 7011 r2 ,. Niko Rerinohd'" 0 Rump, Sirloin Trp or inside Cut Round '''dull Round or ROUNDROASTBessEEFROASTS SIRLOINTIPSTEAK _ .... SAVE SAVE Ib49 up to Ib Ib 1.00 ',b° lb (OW Reviler. Price 3.29 ib) (Our Regular Price up to 3,49 Ib) (Inside Cut Round Steak Ib 2.89) \ FRESH, WW —"GREAT Ai! THE ma.- "Great on the B.B.Q." — Fresh scio EIDERS, RED HOTS, ALL BEEF, DUTCH TREES, Ground Beef 61.99 CHICKEN QUARTERS COMaMAT[ON — APPROxr. 50% MEDIUM GROUND SEEP & 50% GROUND PORK — "GREAT ON THE ILDAIP Ground Meat 14.49 SWIFT OLD NHL Sausages f61.29 SWIFT FREMRAN, SLICED, MACAW:NH A Com, NOCK ammo, DUTCH LOAF, EQLOGNA 175 a VAC PAC Cooke ' Meats 79 swFCooedr R.•O�PH, Nam -1751S.V9 Whole Herrng3.19 PHerOOD5ngM*FiMlets 2.19 LEG QUARTERS with bodes attsched BREAST QUARTERS teeth bodes& ji4. atter ib MIXED QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES DINNER WANKS — „GREAT ON THE B-a,Q," Wieners 1 -lb vac pec 1.59 1 SCHNEiDERS, SLICED, REGULAR, ALL BEEF, THICK Bologna 500 9 vac pae 2.39 SONARDlRS Headcheese 375 9 63w/ 1.59 GRADE "A", 10 TO 14485 AVER*GE SOJiMEDiRS, LOOPS — _ _ _ ami ■r ■ w �= cozen urKeys lb lad"; MIRES OR Mt?, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon 500 g vac pac 1.79 SMOKED RRnDLES , BV THE P!ECE, VAC PAC Side Bacon lb 1.29 swlri PlcIiLED OE1w cies LB 1,!!) Back Bacon ° 'I, 2.19 roIisn. sausage fb 1.19 Sci*r iDI�S, VAC PAC Hams OM�e-Fashiotted lb 3.99 SCN*001IIS, SLICED, ASSORTED 300 a VAC PAC Cooked Meats 2.59 50 EWER_ S, F10 *1111DED, CONTAINS ! PIECLs !00 TUa Bucket of Chicken 3.69 (Our Reg. Price 149 rep Kto 1.77) SAVE ap to tic Onion KAM OR UK 1 z LIPTON LUNCHEON MEAT' SOUP MIX Pun 85 BtNS of2iliws LARD Diamond 1R MANDARIN ORANGES Fir 10-©z. fin 99? LW6 RYSTALS pt: 1y 0f 4, 169 174 r4env 1 6 Pk/ -lb 9¢ Rowdy to Servs, Assorted Varieties Regular or Fruit Flavour HEINZ > RS tin ? IED EDROTEAE MIX Flakes of Turkey 1 49 — Flakes of6mos HEINZ Chicken 1 J9 or Assorted Variation MAPLE LEAF FLAKES OF HAM tin B.B.Q. SAUCES etnr310 mmummumemommommumm �Vt''c rt SAVE 821 kguys Versus, Pure . S Process Cheese Slices ABLE OIL KRAFT SINGLES 99 1 .500 ff g N"4J 99 1641• oz jar SAVE 35 Regular or Diet 7 UP 10.6 300, FS. 99¢ SUPER BUY Ch.fmastar, Parchment Wrapped MARGARINE 1 f (Limit 4Els per family purchase) NV 2 — SAVE 35¢ ap• WHITEiliao (Our Regular Retell Price `S` Loaf Buy 2 - Savo 34`) SAVE 1.00 1owm 611LF MOTOR OIL (Our Regular Price 1.39) t " JIXE17,;t9., -?ACS 7A WITH THIS COUPON ONLY (Limit 2 pkgs I Family purchase) Rog.Iar Price 2.81) (Plus bottle 5O� OFF OUR REGULAR PRiCE Matchight KINGSFORD BRIQUETS 4-11i bog or S-tb bog limit ciao bag per Fatiyily put -disco Variel until June 20111, 1981. v.0 i SMith • 4• • *trop, mei/'A C cis b'lt; the ac tiv f two Ontario. Idinhaers involved in the =an* laid by private developers for about 1,900 al land, from Web theli stand to make atearly.tO xtuiilOrr:in profit. Apparently it was the davl ere'_i1 n _whip _._ probed intervention by the M nstet's ,of Housing and Agriculture ung after the matter bad haw referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. Misleading "Fine Print" The government Print" too prepare a standard offer -to - purchase form W protect homebuyers. However, the form won't be mandatory and the goveunerit won't move to protect homebuyers from sudden increases mortgage rates. The new form will be designed to replace often misleading "fine punt" clauses th some bonne purchase agreements which end up costing some homebuyers far higher in- terest on mortga$e payments than they believed would be the case. Opposition Members call- ed upon the Minister of Cin- et and Coromereial Relations, Gard Walker, to design a short form which' would lay out mortgage Corr dations and possible loopholes. They said offers to purchase which people sign when they want to buy a home should be "as binding on One side as won the other, unless it is dearly stated in the same size type that the interest Beare ie binding. Both Opposition Parties attempted .to force an emergency debate on the new gasoline tax,buttheme- tion wasdefeated by the Con- servatives. The ..Liberals charged that the, govern- ment will make 'much greater windfall profits than originally anticipated oat of its ad valorem tax. The NDP complained that the govern- ment will' make $100 a year Profit from every family in. Ontario. South Cayuga Last week, the Opposition Leader produced in the Legislature, a Housing Ministry map showing "MOE (Ministry of the En- viramrnent) Preferred Waste DisOosal Zone = December 1977", marked on the site eventually chosen for its h - quid industrial waste treat- ment plant He asked.. "Since the Minister..apparentiy . had this iii mind for some four years at least, was it not just a farce to go ahead with the McLaren report at a cost of over f 4d0,do0, pretending to be looking at other sites and having.�._��iother interests in mind?" Big Sisters E ;1 ER - A Big Sisters organization in Exeter is expected to become a reality sometimethis summer. At the annual meeting of the South Huron Big Brothers Association, outgoing president Jim Chapman said that he was optimistic that approval for the new branch would be canning within a couple of months, No probbem LISTOWEL - According to Listowel Police Chief William Sachs, '-There is no problem within the 1. towel Police Force." This is the reply given by Chief Sachs to news reports carried • in the Kitchener - Waterloo Record and on CKNX Radio and Television, regarding problems deelopirhg within the Listowel Police Force. The reports followed a meeting of the Listociel Police Commission at which the resignation of Deputy Police Chief Dennis Player was acrepteas with the utmost reef" by the heard Deputy Chief Player has accepted a position on the Penetanguishene force and he explained. It is essential that there be no misun- derstanding concern in k th e circumstances of my resignation from the i.nstowel Police Force qty resignation evolved' only, out of a desire for serf im- provement and was not precipitated by problems within the for < a� sug.ges`eel.