The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 26PAOO6A--GODF i 'SIGNAL -ST , IlfgEMSDAY, JUNE 17, 1981 Wo Fottri0 ithit liffht to unlit gl ootiI ss t normal family requiroineltsl _ 'ou'll do better Paces _diva ihry Saturday, Tuna 2Ot11, 1981 JAVENWELL SAVE 30r AVE up to 90� 81?. Sun Crop, ?mane Concentrated I eral_ .Leader: _Stuart. Smith "waseiPeIlel from the Ontario Legislature last week for refusing . to withdraw .his description of a Cabinet Minister as "the of cor diogthef nancialscandaiin- voleng Astra Trust : Com- MY. ainIy aqd Re -mor Invest- ment Corpora- 11006 ,.. Dr. Smith said he was „ to r e. pte avers op-, posltson :her in , ,recent to be • evicted from`the Legislature in coder to draw ,attentuin: to how the - government is covering up theRe.moraffa r kostthe1119.e.irthansaVio'ilegswheliAst a Regular ar *I46, Sine 20's or 25's ALL POLAR . - CANADIANBRAN1a►S CIGARETTE� 'Ntru box 12.5 -fl -oz tin HONEYDEWi MELONS 0. 01141,111111* PACS 4.67) asidwin. Ttfdir P� Sys 1 Our !b%.gulur--Price 8i (Limit 6 Per Family Purchase) 59 I AFIP —5— WAFFLES Price up'to 9.89) ('12 Price Sale . Our Regular Price 9.59) HOLDERS PhR of 6 �Z. �i iuCc PINEAPPLES each9 SOME Y�If 6�t FARMSPEcTAUJLAR thins, . accused a LeaderStuart'Smithel g. " ° to suggest '. hat criminal donuts_ Nese imkedwiththetwo liankriipt . . Niagara Fans fin* Dr. Smith demanded that Wales retract his • stat mI rt. Somehow this request was net, responded to by the Speak&. and the deflate became. In the meanwhile, not .get tom, Dr. Smith complained that Walter was a "minister of stone -wailing, a minister of eoVer-np". This remark caused Walker to demand a retraction. The House was in a real uproar when, the Speaker of the Hoose, asked Dr. Smith to withdraw his the earlier requestthatalker witizhaw s the �lmccs yi Animistshoutsthe Speaker said he had no choice bot to eject Dr. Smith, after he had reused to w ` his remarks_ But as the Sergeant-a%lams rpt to get Dr-. Smith, former Liberal Leader, Robert l a- on, appealed the Speakees The House was ad- journed for the vote on the anal_ the ire was re ,hi - formed the House that he had erred by consenting to a vote on the*dice of Dr. He tried to appease the angry Members iyask- ing Walker to withdraw his slimy . Rather than having a calm- ing effect, this further an- tagonized the Opposition When the dist settled, T..rner adjourned they because of "grave dim,'. The Speaker con - silted with the three Party Leaders and consented to put the ejection decision' to a fie. The vote was to 44 in favour of au -owing Dr- Smith out After Eke . Walker w his "may innuendo" remark_ hiterest Rates Provincial treasurer, Frank, l statedthat t g will a progyam within the weeks to help farmers who are fad with a rihankie-Art- cies N ti: wedOven, Jut he toid the Leeislatore that the pcsIttee c bald mord to spend 958 million to $386 g Rion tt i bei farm Vaughan ate an the Vaughan e-ize continues Liberal Lea !er Stet Smithhas Tamil trip se aA ,O. Si SAM a Product of U.S.A., Tond, Fresh t ofdlotid., Sweet, Ripe, Juicy, Whole GREEN BEANS WAT!RMELON r 99 Large Sirs 1e Ib. Average cum No '1 6RA0�, PRODUCT OF Cauliflower sno ack 1.79 me,. OF ONTARIO, Sloe MMU1E. Fresh:Mushrooms PRODUCT OF U.S.A„ WASHED, READY TO COOK OR. USE I!1. SAWDS a a b1.98 Fresh Spinach toozPk981V CANADA ND DE, MA, RITE ed res 1-GRAPRODUCT OF FLORIDA, sums R Tomatoes ire� b s98/ CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF SCUM AFRICA. OW, swLaET JUICY Gfan ny Smith Apples 88? CANADA NO leGRAM PRODUCT OF NSA - Fresh Peaches Sweet,► b68 CANADA No 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, .AGCY Red IID. Plums b98? o. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFOIDWi, CRISP Fresh Celery Stalks 99? OF ONTARFO, GREEN, CRI', TEAM, FRESHRomaine Lettuce 21-31-9W Praiet of eard..w:y AVOC R.11.r S 'DOS S. Rk b Y�In:os 3W99, INE TOOTHPASTE ;ot tarr�r rvoorwa Il .rc moats is ..., - Rah Lemons • 5 kr99,- IUCr PI OF CALIFORNIA, TRL9•NATIATAL SNACK, =NET, JUICY. PLULLP Green Seedless Grapes b 1.99 /AODOCT OF U.S.A. Fresh Blueberries 149 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PMD. OF cwormsO, LONG, GREEN Seedless Cucumbers each? 98 cAIIRM IID. 1 GRADE, ?QODUCT OF U.S.A. Fresh Green .Cabbage X69? MINI OF,CANFORNIA, TIS, GRIni Fresh_. Broccoli • 99if D01 Ofti0QUDU, Garin SIVE Large Size Bananas 216991 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF amnions Head Lettuce Fm, 89? DA CANAFANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, THE PRIDE OF TIN ONTARIO GROWERS CANAD IIID.1 DM& *Ma OF Leask, yr, RIPE„ JUICY Fah Bing Cherries b 149 CANADA No 1 is1ADL; moo= OF CA PORNIA New Potatoes • 3.89 McIntosh Apples' bag 1:39 Prsd■ct eD Carvel., Some, JsecT, Y■.. FRESH CANTALOUPE Cam& No. 1 Grad. Nth Eletsrg.nt for Automatic hr's u10 caul eskg199 DISIIW�E 1.! kg 1199 of ,i tabes A box DI FACIAL Colours 79E TOWELS White or Yellow KIIMEX LLIRONADE, GRAPE COWAN, DRAW PUNCH J.B. Fruit Drinks bd 99? REDOIDAOIERS GOURMET Popping Com is.oZ I&91.29 Assourno coons Potted Mums � � 3.99 proms OF. CAL JIN , THE PICK OF THE CRO?,CU Fresh Nectarines sweet fb98 MOMMOMOF CALIFORNIA, LAW SIZF, SI * i= !;;.. Navel Oranges sweet 1264.98 PRODUCT OF (MEXICO, JUICY Sweet Mangos each 88/ CANADA SND. 1 'GRADE, PRODUCT Of ROROMA,T ER, GOWEN, FRES(, SWEET e-Cob 4 f r 99f Coosa.. No. 1 Grub, Product d FIon;d., Smoot GREEN PEPPERS 9 399 ¢ per lbw Mw ZSc ..d►) ROY A CASE OF 24 £ SAVE 2.51 Straii.ed, M iR... r rieA...5 T..i. s J.k HEINZ 71V 5fie BABY FOODS Jars PIM of i29 2 hells E�.SAs i.► — 4 !.r Ali Purpose MarFVEER PARI(ERS �f�i L Comet 4 0 ani1