The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 25stntEnN BOARD AD DEADLINE -5 P.M. MONDAv CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 pin first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15,00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go eadi week -142x DON'T MLSS THE ANNUAL "STRAWBERRY FEST" Saturday, June 20th at Ben: miller United Church, 5 p.m. to 730 pm. Smorgasbord with strawberries for dessert. Advance tickets on- ly. Phone 524-6327. Adults $6.00, five years and under $2_50.-22-23-24 CELEBRATE with is Zurich's 125th Anniversary. July 1st, Sports Day and Pork Barbecue; July 2nd, Children's Program and Fashion Show, July 3rd, Fish Fry and. Lionel Thornton's ask Royal Orchestra at 9 p.m.; July 4th, School Reu- nion, parade, displays and 125th Anniversary Dinner, catered by The Garage of London. July 5th, Communi- ty Chtuch Service. For fur- ther. information '°° phone Zurich Z64974 -fl - BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RES Clinton, 8 p.m. rust regular, card ngular` jin• games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -2-52x •'ITVERFkiaT - Saturday, Ju- ly 4 in the Tiverton Arena. Featuring a chicken barbecue from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and a dance with Walter Ostanek from 8 pm. to 1 am. Dance ticket only $6.00 person_ Barbecue only $5.09 per person. Dance and barbecue $10.00 per person. For advance tickets phone 368-7121 or 8-ZI33. Spon- --sorer"- bY- Tiverton-lievrea- tion Cormnittee.--24,25,26 Our Certified Biotherm Technical Consultant, Rosemary Goyeau, will be at our Cosmetics Counter to ad- vise and help you with your summer skin care needs on Thursday, June 18 from 11 a.m. Phone 524-7241 and ar- range for a Free Facial and Consultation_ Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich.-24AR HURON HISTORICAL GAOL FLEA MARKET Effective Sunday, June 21. all Wag.% for ven- dors will he allocated beginning at 13S A.M. We hope this grill prove to be more acceptable to the vendors, and ens assure you of our usual co-operation. SU YOU AT ON GAOL FLEA MARKET- ; Mr. Mrs. kick Forrisk Mr. it. Mrs. Harold Wynn wish to invite friends. relatives and neigh - • bourn to an i OPEN RECEPTION for their son ; daughter, Wesley 11 aria on JUNE 27, 19111 of WHITE CARNATION 9.110 i e You are invited to join the celebrations at ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, Saturday: AFTERNOON TEA at Itectory, 2-4 p.m.; children' S genies, 2-4 p.m., including fish pond, pony and buggy rides; buffet salad supper, 5-8 p.m. with entertainment SUNDAY: ANNIVERSARY SERVICE, 11 am. Trumpet Fanfare, Rev. Walter Barnes, former Goderich resident, preacher. Noon lunch in hall 1 p.m. -24-Z SUMMER SWIM CLASSES for pre-schoolers, youths and adults at Vanastra Recrea- tion Centre. Begins June 29, 1981_ Register now. Call 482- 3544.-24 Come to the Barn Sale, Saturday, July 4th, Teresa Fulford, Hwy. 21, 3 miles north of Goderich. Commen- cing 10 a.m. We will have a variety of .thing.. yon there. -24,26 DECORATION DAY Shit - VICE at Dungannon Cemetery, Sunday, June 28 at 3 p.m. -24,25x PUBLIC INTEREST MEETING: "Friends of the Library" will meet at the Goderich Branch Library on Thars.day jath 12 • noon. Ey�wk�th Bring lunch - coffee provid- ed_ Phone 524-9261.-24 See the display of award- winning photography by Col- leen Maguire at the Goderich Branch° . Library during library hours . until July 7M-24,25,26 BE BARBEWE - Cora - malty C'entre, Bayfield. Sat-, Judy 4 starting 4:30 p_m_ sponsored by United Church Women of St An- drews, Bayfield. Price - adults $550Aehildren 6-12, -$2.50.--24-26 - it4arRAY CENTRE FOR, SENIORS is having a card party Wednesday, June 24th • at 7:30 p.m. Admission $1.00. Lunch. For taxi call 524-7305 or 524-6594.-24 Goderich Township Recrea- tion Board - official opening of ball park, chicken barbecue (Kinburn Foresters) Saturday,july 4, 1981, 4:30 to 7:30- p.m. at Township Hall. Adults $5.00; ander 10, $3.00. Phone 524- 7004_ Proceeds for ball park.. -23-24-25-26 ********* p Appe.nngthis * 41( THURS. & SAT. -Or RECORDING 4t ARTIST "CHEEKS" 41( Its it (Wen Hotel it p SEAFORTH 4( 41- 414****-1144- 1Mb MN= FOR DELICKIUS CHINESE DINING ESQUIRE RESTAURANT THE SQUARE. GODERSEH PHONE 524-2242 'INE FA'1ILY DINING *.:40 JO% ENJOY OUR SUPERB DAILY SPECIALS WERE OPEN -HES SAT id om-10 pot SUN 10 arn-8 pm OtIA116* Li) tolo )„ LIE FOUNTAP We Specialize in... .CHICKEN *SEAFOOD eCHARCOAL STEAKS *CHOPS NOW SERVING RING moms/ *DELICIOUS SALAD BAR AV A IL ABLE DURING LUNCH AND SUPPER atiza*R1..:NT kvr &TF.th 11()( sul CC iNO€ . Ft A,8€41- ••• N 11' ' Treat Dad Ti.,. Our GODERICH GARDEN CLUB MEETING - June 17th, 8 p.m. Robertson Public School Film "Four Seasons of the °Pinery" by Mr. J. McCrabe.-24 Volunteer Association of Bluewater Centre, meeting June 22, 1:30 p.m. in the Board Room. Program: Relaxation Therapy Through Biofeedback. -24 NOSTALGIA -HAMA - On- tario's Largest Giant Anti- que nostalgia show. 85 dealers, antiques, nostalgia, coins, postcards, old toys, jewellery, breweriana, •railwayana, old advertising tins, • posters, calendars, Avon Depression glass, silverware, movie posters, gramophones, hockey, baseball cards, bottles, Coca-Cola, china, small fur- niture, tools, store signs, Fairgrounds Auditorium, Sunday, June 21. 10 am. - 4 p.m.-7Abc FESTIVAL SINGLES DANCE, Friday, June 19, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 am_ Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. --_--24 ANTIQUE • SHOW AND 17111.1116-11V. 4121VGA ,LOG.114".1. Auditorium, Friday, August 14th, 1 p.m. 9 p.m. , and Saturday, August 15th, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission $1-00.-20,24,28 KIN "SUMMERFEST - 32 teani Slopildi Tournament running all weekend. Friday night - free roller skating, arena; Bavarian Gardens in Community Centre. Satur- day - arm wrestling, chug -a - lug contests, Bavarian Gardens, free kidsfilms at the Community Centre_ Saturday night dance to By , Special Appointment, Com- munity Centre; Senior Citizens Card Party, Lucknow Legion. Sunday - Talent Contest at the Com- munity Centre, back-up band provided, rock band, Chaser from Wmgham will be present also. -24 HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUPPER Wednesday, June 24, 6:30 pm., Victoria Street United Church, auspices UCW. Adults $5.00; children 12 and under $3.00. Advance tickets only. Phone 524-7747 or 524-8857.-24 SMORGASBORD SUNDAY JUNE 21 ST • Servings: 12:30-2 P.M. & 5-7:30 P.M. • ROAST BEEF & ROAST PORK AT THE •WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE ADULTS *5." 12 a, UNDER 63.50 PRESCHOOLERS el." Prices include Salad Oar & Hot Buffet 482-9228 After Hours 524-4133 BROWNIES Dgivr-119 ThEATPE iivi &olds ciintonett-73n sox OFFICE OPENS sin PM PLAYING THIS WEEKEND!DAY. MDAY. FSATURDAY. SUNDAY. JUNE 19-20-21 • SPECIAL ADMISSION: There will be a small chamois, children. The 1, Mikit Disneyp-d.....- \ H -Ma Duiin LASTToFEFLIGHT NOW OPEN NI NOAGHTLYH'S ARK Except Monday Nighlin7 She thought •KP was a sorority and a,pushup was a bra. THE GODERICH & DISTRICT OPTIMIST CLUB presents 2nd ANNUAL of 9.d..dag music festival re friends. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 4:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight Admission: $2.00 SATURDAY, JUNE 27 12;00 noon - 12:00 midnight Admission: $3.00 SUNDAY, JUNE 28 12:00 noon - 8:00 p.m. Admission: $2.00 DENIS LePAGE & STATION ROAD MIKEY'S MUD SALAD BRUCE COUNTY GRASS DOUG McARTHUR WILLIE P. BENNETT RICK McGHIE JESSIE LARK BRIGAND DAVID BRADSTREET RICK MeGHIE LARK RICHARD KNECHTEL • 1910 STOVE & KETTLE COMPANY — HARBOUR PARK, GODERICH — CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT & DAY CARE CENTRE PROVIDED ARTS & CRAFTS EXHIBITS OUTSIDE MAIN FESTIVAL GROUNDS PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY SERC GORERICEISIGNALrSTAR, WIRDNESPAY, JIMIE17,1081—PAGESA Cherrydale Stables One mile from the Berimiller Inn Over 10 miles of wooded buil • by the Maitland River. Riding from 9-5 Daily Special breakfast and lunch rides. June 20th to 26th ONE HOUR TRAIL RIDE Mtpamtun . • T‘wo Pee,* $ 7 00 • EACH Phone ahead- rmercations are recommended TELEPHONE 524-8050 1.44' \.v...oshatisnOnNwkto,VAAANItAM.NANNANA.VAAM.VIA.No&W•4, FATHER'S DAY • $ 3 00 ON FAT1HER'S DAY TREA • DAD TO CAP'T FAT'S FISH 82 CHIP DINNER • HOURS: SUMMER ONLY /7....'r Mon.-Thurs. 9-7 ' .s' Fri- Sat. Soo. 941 Congratulations Mom & Dad •on your Golden Anniversary The children of Evelyn -& Albert Vanderburgh would!, like their . ;treads, mighbows and relafities to helli them celebrate their parenb' 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 20 a 8:30 P.M. St. Peter's Parish Hal, 156 North St., Goderich, Ontario. Best Wishes Only • South Dock Goderich 524-9211 •'-' f#41 f 44 4 e --.• 44 0 ' • eat #, 'a 41"11‘11011W100MiAW14.14:11,4$1;ri.,10 rif:19,0:111° •F, • ..°;•: V"4119tOkelb Fresh Fish Daily Perch, Pickerel, Salmon . Trout, Whitefish • Sin. eked Fish Captain' Night Crawlers Fars Lobster. King FCrab Legs on request. Hours: 7 Days A Week eo• 7 AM -7 PM • Z:=:IME§S==imEsn A 1•141111411 ten ratairiliDOBOVIIIIONOVOI12111111811 001.EL/0 ‘1° RE • STAURANT Arl• & TAVERN LICENSED UNDIER LA.11.0. JIL• mamas RD. GODURCH 524-7711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND. •FRI. & SAT. JUNE 1, & 20 'FANTASY Ire a !I THE FATHER'S DAY finger lidrin' • 0 0 deal Sunday. June 21st is Father's Day. Make it a special celebration with this very tasty offer! Come in for the Father's Day Bucket_ Fifteen pieces offinger lickin- good chicken. priced at only $7_50_ The Father's Day Bucket_ Good chicken! Kent,* Pied 94 Elgin Ave. GODERICH • .-4.'••