The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 23The Goderich Lions Club recently donated $1188 to the MacKay Centre for Seniors for the est of additioaal in- sulation their building requihes. Incoming president Lion Bob Smith, left, and chairman of the community bet- terment, committee, Lion John Stinger„ right, presenied the cheque to MacKay fund-raising co-chairmen Bill Ross and Harold Bettger on Friday_ r Photo by Cath Wooden) •;./..,,,.%),"/„ro.r.v.,--:',2,' • eeeetoh.- AP' The Goderkb Lions Club has donated $1,W11 to tbe Golden& rawly betterment committee Lion J. eteinser, Eight Fire Department to help with the purchase of extractor and and incoming president Lion Bob Smith. (Photo by Calh rescue equipmenL Fire Chief Bill Beacom, centre, ac- Wooden) ', eepted the cheque last week from ehaftman of the Legion ladies ladies make donations " BY C. AROLYN HOLBORN The Lest general meeting of the Legion Ladies" Auxiliary before the summer recess was held Jame 9 with '58 members present. Installation of those officers and executive who were not present for the formal ceremonies in May was carried out and one new member„ Mrs. Del Mit- chelmore, was etitMted. Applications for two new members were received and approved. Comrade Florence Ashton received her 25 year pin and Comrade Marion Harris will receive hers as well. Comrade Julianne McKenzie will be sent her ten year pin in the near future. Since there were too many birthdays and anniversaries in June, July end August to mention, President Sharon Scruton extended a blanket congratulations to all.' After the 1981-82 slate of !kers and executive were intreduced to the meeting„ the new iqiinnee leas dilet with. During the course of this business the following donations were made.: $1I to the local Girl Guide Organization„ $250 to the Goderich and District Association far the Mentally Retarded to assist' in their camp fund, $10 to the Blyth Art Festival and $50 to Zone C-1 Sick and TisitingFund. In the geeing of the Committee Reports, Conuade Annette Stamp advised the meeting that there are now 12 veterans at Westreer lieepital and she and Kay Bell continue to send monthly parcels to each and every one of them. Comrade Faye Sheardown indicated that during the past month, she had remembered six Branch members„ the husbands of two Auxiliary members, thee Aueifiary members phis two new means and their babies with cards flowers and -or visits wile they were either at home or in the hospital_ The two new mothers will be receiving baby Seems in the near fulture Comrade Ann Sprung gave a detailed report on the Regional Sports meeting held May 30 m Strathroy with the higilight being that the Goderich Auxiliary is to be privileued to hold the Provincial Cribbage Tournament in June of 1982. This tournament will draw ladies fnan all over the Province of Ontario and the Auxiliary should be very honoured that it was chosen over much larger cities such as London. Comrade Ann also informed the meeting that a Zone Sports meeting *weld be !held in Gihriciti on June 29 at 8 pum.. and in- dicated that this meeting was open to anyone who was kiterestei ' Doe to the increase in the cogs Of running the When, the kitchen rerdal fee was increased by 15_ As well, the annual dies will be in: creased by $1. The mystery prize was won by Irene Todd and Elva Burns was the recipient of the attendance draw. In September There will be both a general meeting and a potluck supper. 396-4319 classic sign&design INCARDIN IreIPIMAN, CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS PRACTICAL CAREER TRAINING FOR AN EXCITING FUTURE New - TODAY - time tremor to sat yeue rEgIcts c errtirrsestintg =re scrlim5yreop eassuer. Talmo ammo piemetlesel step to en exciting future, ENROLL NOW FOR SEFIUABER DAY OR NIGHT CLASSES 9. TRAVEL COUNSELLING a warm EXECUTIVE stormy DNANCIAIL AIM PLACEDIAT ASSISTANCE OffIRID wit RIMIER NWORMATION CA111 CARDX 014116111041 10 -DAT CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS LTD. +124520 MI DUMAS U. tONDOM LEGAL SECRETARY ACCOUNTING Marto' Cede Pbrear L 1 1 1 1 GODERICHSIGNALeSTAII, WE...SRAY,JIJNE17, IPAGE3A oet discovere • From poste 14% Crei its deserted bed, But the springtime's warm, ftiendly shine Lifts the flow'ret's bow'd head. Let gratitude bloom in human hearts, To greet the angelseyes; Even if we are lowly here in life Our effrings God will prize TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZA NOLAN No more thy gentle voice we'll hear, No more the buoyant footsteps dear, But oft we'll think, with many a tear Of our beheld Eliza. Her silken locks, like softest down, Her sparkling eyes of mildest brown, Her radiant face, without a frown, Caned us to love Ebza_ No more conta,e0leS poison"d dart Shall pierce the pure unsullied heart, Nor shall the inem'ry eer depart Of our endear"d Eliza. This tender bud of earth shall bloom In Heaven, a rose of sweet perfume; Beyond the confines of the tomb The angels bore Bina_ HURRAH FOR THE ICE Hurrah for the ice, the magic ice, And its:wee repeateerine Whilst the pale moon sails On her pathless course And the bright rays fall 0 0 0 0 0 0 From their silvery course Afar in the vaulted blue. Vhirrah for the ice;the magic ice, And its games so wild and free; In its graceful feet, As it glances bright, Resounds on the frozen lea. Then hie to the ice, the magic ice, 'Ifs the foe of gloom and care; For the tv-ann bleed boom& °aro' the swollen veins Die a stream renew'd By the frequent rains Discharge' from their cloudy lair. 1, GOLDEN DAFFODILS Out in the April sunshineWith "Stood a fair maiden; briglg, golden daffodils Her hands are Laden. Her cheeks are hie June roses, With eyes like a dove; For me are those dadffedits, Pure emblems of love. Her form so light and airy„ Graceful as a fawn„ While she plucks the daffodils Growing on the Jame May Ile ahrigM aiideoyous For her ev'ry day„ Like the golden daffodils Now in her pathway_ Do yam Arno restammwEs tewE YOUR RISE? -fr EXAMPLE: HAMM s500,800 STANDARD DEDiall. UNDID s2S0. DEDetattlf CUM= e25. DEDUCTIBLE COMNITNINSIVE 6 MONTI4S ONLY Further discounts available for 2 or more cars. If vehicle is driven to work more than 3 miles one way slightly higher. BASED ON MOST MODIVII CINEVS. BUICK S. IO 5, POIMAC S. For mare Information contect: i ALEXANDER BANTER & MialIVAN 5242177 la THE SQUAW GODERICH 'Mb CATALOGUE STORE eke advantage ofus... Price reductions in effect until June 27,1981. TUFib0 Alpine single blamer gas barbecue outfit ge(221, item G. page 3 Sprung 1/alt,le catalegue Save 5.00 Pair of leaskto' lawn clanks 99. item a page 5 Spm SuippleTrient catattgue Save 10.00 Black and Decker deux. dual height workmate FrProlarn R&D =warn Iry J14, 31. 1, and ger a further ST O. GO Pack tarp them Deters 10 store 77181. item Et page 45 Was 59.51 partth. • I each Shrthg Supplernert r-mtague • Limited cpartitses. 91 Phifishave economy tripleheader razor 74222, nterh 9. p 52 1 Ahruel catralOgute 45!" li$74-1111IIS. Madam Save 10.00 Men% super slim LCD quartz watch 64322 -Geld colpur 60360 -Sr codur • Item 7 page 66 Spring Suptatener-, carat -cue W as 29 SIG pact* Black and Deck Whipper Super 92573ie age Spur Vaue cague 1 Concerto A NUM! clock radio 72336 te- Spnrc VaLe 2483 CONCERTO If you find a better current price on any identical item in any other catal We will match the price or refund the difference. SUNCOAST MALL tiVilt. NO. 21 SOUTH GOOERICH Daly 10 AM -9 PM, Sat. ID AM -6 PM ue store. BANG YOUR FILMS TO JS coo o0010.- 01161 awe • rumwonir,