The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 22:.r �r��� welt playing their t caked ia Park: Willi tete GO.Ctinlicegthamt..libim keit ta right, Darrell vitlishiliTjarritalhan at eatitotellIghweeity in Ottawa, Jeff HUM •cam none Ilidtfteehling, studies et Watch Uuiveisity, Kea Wood dans to eider math or computer studies at Harmed Uaiverstiy. Cam - Der ar•.. ;SX ations Family andChildren's Services 01 Huron Coo* loperated ..the es AidSorktO Li atm in velf a 1111Ndllogal MOW lim*ralln for loll Ike AI& • for to ewe' a feed which goal - kW. *WO litt bridge, Maas., Elizabeth McMillan has applied for admission to Hole College, Kit r, and Anita Hallam bas applied for add 4. Mohawk Cole, Hamilton. lifissiog from the photo is fist Tricia M dhelland, sow apprenticiing as a hotel chef. (Pito by CathWaodenl, commence Jae 21 in Park The tli tteewa consec ve by Hugh, le regor and the samtmer4 season of Sunday: sang out eb* 1s Eleanor evening harbour Park Robi®mnitidiarge. Concerts w cemmalee ot1 Sunday,; Jute 21, at ?'-fin. This gest', the conceits with music seppbsi by the a e,.as iaihepast, Laker red britt Collegiate by the Godericb Laketown .Buie. Th iNienert dame M God liipoa wi`il be (to be held >lathe CoaitltOUse mew Park) will introduce to •" au. stege ind'_ for the f tine the New Hamburg Minns' Band. The Laketown Band will also welcametaGaderit hfar the first time the Haniston Brass Band. Band 'Master Cam : Marchand and .his 'recently futiired Harrigan Band will play the concert of August 16. A special evening has been planned for those who enjoy the toe tapping country and western music. The concert of. August 9 will feature the Huron Ramblers, Step Dancers and Hurt Strings. Oar own and always popes' Laketown Band under the direction of Blake Smith will aptismal services nglican Church. The . Reverend Rubert conducted at 0-»- PortAlbert nion Service . Christ; Angle= awn* in Post neWS Albert last Sunday. In his sermon be Ill spoke of the w ' TomL vingstone, �esondent -7.5 r 1 11 Jeanworetiitesame iessas her mother wore at ler bap• >milal:,: w _ . _ C c sommeucmg Junebe 21, erums will Lehi at9 3oa.m. During the march of Jute, major repairs are being done to the church bese- tting, , This week, ; `a new tloorwas poured. The repairs are being done by George Fielder from Port Many from the village at tales the Stratford Boys Choirconcert at St. George's Anglican Church . is &derrid , &Baby afternoon. Social News Harold Adams, who has been a patient m the Aman - drat Marine and General Hospital, has returned to his home nPat Albert. Ethelllowskiof Kitchener, sister of Anne Lives spent the weekend at the home of tom and Anne Liv<-- mgstarme in Port Albert. Mrs. Jean . Sylvester and son Bill from Stratford spent the weekend at their home in the village. SteVe Corkum from Thunder Bay, who is eyed by Mon Power Company,, : spent the weekend with his family in dee village. Margaret Young, presi- dent of the ACW repeats that the pians- have been com- pleted for the service and reception of the large group that wt71 be attending the dedication of the Hawkins Window on the afternoon of July 12111. Ratepayers of the village willmeet at the home of Jack Sealy ready 5. A deer was seal in the village Friday monibg. Roy Bellinger, conservation of- ficer and a r+esidn t of Port Outdoor activities planned dor Falls Reserve area Because of the success of last summer's Visitor Services Program at the Falls Reserve Conservation Area, another great summer of outdoor activities is in the planning stages for . the summer of 1961. The Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority -Author-it-y welcomes all campers, day risers and local residents to once again enjoy and par- ticipate in the activities planned for the upcoming months. Some of the weekend themes which will be un- dertaken this year inelude, Soil am Conservation, Wilflife-Protection, Wonders of the Wom dk t, Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Survival, and our Pioneer and iridian Heritage. Come on out and join in the fun! On June 20 and 21 everyone is invited 40attend a special "Discovery" weekend at the Fails. There will be films, games, arls and crafts, hikes and moth more planned to aid you in discovering everything the Falls Reserve has tooffer. See you there! The Falls Reserve Con- servation Area is located just outside of Benmi'IIe', four miles upstream from Goderich. If you world like more nioni a or a�y-�eryalh.. M.V.C.A. I e l 4' at335.355 or theFalls Reserve at 521-0129. MCK I LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'Established 1876 91 Main St. Seaforth P h . 527-0400 FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties R DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Ken Carnochan Lavern Godkin Ross Leonhardt John McEwine Stanley Mdlwain Donald McKercher John A. Taylor J.N. Trewarttta Stuart Wilson nese* time music at the concerts of July 12 and August 2. The personnel of the Laketown Band very much appreciate the.sappoit these annual concerts receive and sincerely hope that the °tel concert series wiltr be lhoroagMyenitled- tau be a vay trilficult thin a for sane families," says John gilt, Emotive of Fant° ly and 's Servicesoli Huron Quay. a pro° gram often prevents children becombg breed and creating whims for their family or ." "litany children want to go to camp, but in today's economy, jug t,'an * afford it," Peso says. Ilis program, operated every year, provides a way EY, W=very rionar you.,send goes dhectly to the child, no roomyis spentrothistrakion cogs iliac are abo tar deducti- ble." Any intlividual or group who wish tosupport this peau giant, should mrd donations 4. Sumer Program, Fatal - b, and Qdd*en's Services of Huron County,46 Gloucester Terence, Gederirdl, Ontario N7A1W7. ROBERT G. STODDART GOLDSMITH, SILVERSivit M H, JEWELLERY DESIGNER REPAIRS CANADIAN AWARD WMNI6 DESIGNER 133 ST. GEORGE'S QtESCR1T GODEROCH, ONT. 52443433 floret anlarine for w cm*F t 01 we% _.teeperk use name corgen has been associated with Luride- add building mauves In Southwestern 1'10 SIntie 'MS. fouof the Conklin fiyhniebuilt familya solid that ROW tib in entice of $20,6011000. an sales verity. For the t11;tdint Conidin Nome centres vol to Investors In the Oittarrio market place reaching as fat' north as coda east to the Wawa area and to tthe. vot+r franchise is based on a proven f01111618 WO - jetted to provide an attractive ongoing return on vote investnumtYour franchise will ermine you, elite entenalsing owner the opportunity of running your own some centre. Ya Witness *10 cater to time do4tyo rielf customer winch is considered to be one of the mint rapidly expanding nnarkets omg Me professional contractor trade �rat- mutat and commercian. TOW Bonne centre win be an integral Bart of time Conklin buggy power- you vain be strongly sonmwted with ptofesslorat staff in aggressive marketinng, cresitive advernsinte data processing. credit systems and general accounting saavlces. You will be a fully participating member of the Con- klin organization. which Is the largest privately owned bulking supply Home Centre chain omen. Your franchise Isvery much a part of tthe company's ac- tivities. whidn -mites the Conklin Investment an attrat: tee opportunity. manila tanpl give you franchise guidance to assist M Putting together Yow originai investment person wino whites to cannot ant fashion Wry-Frww own future and feet aiinfortable that he/she Is batted by a stable. solid, urea established organisa- tion. leis maid be your future -go for it nowt CONKLIN ES RES call Irian navies President of Contain gonane centres finterviezr4astenonal 9i 6720060 199 Queens Ave!rtmie-. t�ondonn. Ont. NSA 1l1 Albert said deer are quite. plenl in the area. Last year i0 were killed on highways:and duringthe deer season, 100 were killed. Novanber this year, the deer season will be a tended from three to fourda s. Farmers in the area would like to see more rain: 'However ; in other areas of the county, the lack of ram has not been a problem for the farmer. The Village of Port Albert comprises of6il0arms. _ Some things just daft seem to wear out. 1be bridge over the Nine Mile River at Pat Albeit was built in lam. Haying has been under- way in the Auburn -Blyth area for the past two weeks. Our fust haying is perm ie atSheppardtou where a field has recently been cut. 482-3354 527-1877 345-2234 523-9390 S24-7051 527-1637 482-7527 482-7593 527-0687 AGENTS .F. "bill" Durst James Keys Wm. Leiper 527-1455 527-0467 .523-4257 CALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE 1 THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS COUNCIL • It provides a jet black weather- proof seal that's resistant to: gasoline, grease, oil and road salt damage. 4 gal. pail covers approximately 500 sq. feet. PINE BARK 11 DOM -�� iilIVAN ii lir 4DW0110111312.111b 8 FT. 10 FT. 12 FT. 14 FT. 16 FT. 2x4 ® 217 .26© 945 347 2X6 272 54° 4e 681 5 2x8 389 487 584 476 79 2x10 SID 665 810 .5.IIO° eimmummun SMCIAL ---tiff— - ! *, ail This vtiap s 1 Rich looking earth tones will help manicure yard and garden. Mso helps retain moisture. J.P. LATENDRESSE, CA The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario announces the election of the following officers and members: President. J.P. Latendresse, CA, Ottawa, Vice -President, S.L. Wigle, FCA. Toronto, Secretary. L.D. Freedman, FCA, Toronto. Treasurer, W.H. Broadhurst. FCA, Toronto. Past resident, R.L. Ford, CA, London, Member of the Executive, W.J. Trapp, APA, Colborne. Messrs. W.P. Fazackerley. APA. Windsor, J.G. McBride, FCA. St. Catharines, J.R. Rathwetl, FCA, Lindsay, G.D. White, FCA, Kitchener. F.G. Whitley, APA, Hamilton, WA. Witham, FCA, Lindsay and R.P. Cohen. FCA, A.J; Ditworih, FCA, A.C. Ryley, FCA, all of Toronto. All persons who practise as public accountants in Ontario must be licensed under The PubtiC Accountancy Act and must observe the Rules of Professional Conduct laid down by Council Any information regarding these matters and the penalties for non -observance of the Act and regulations may be obtained from Mr C Doughty. Renistrar, The Public Account- ants Council for the Province of Ontario. 45 Charles Street East, Toronto 65 L BAG Marble Chips Use for landscap- ing & highlighting the garden_ Al- ways adds a clean, bright look. 20 KG. BAG 1 1 1 You save 20"x, speak this -cowmen - on all hand tools— ♦ ▪ hammers, hand- saws„ tape meas - 1 ores, chisels` screwdrivers and 1 much mare. Clip this coupon and 1 bring it into any In ▪ Conklin Horne Centre, 1 1 1 11 icormairs: I"%tintsDapSpecial 1 LM! . ram Aiifa 00,1001 epoi- -.stoma 1 1 1 1 C.artifOn'e Deck package gran udgm teps and railing. (2z4T OMR STALIN" Easy to innate In a very compact seam Easy to dee. 8995 95 8x12 Merle veer rues eee,r, snows s eeelesssewe sem aate,eraas creeks es. she No spa swop spay ea rsararmsrs wes. Shea emsWin rsairste newer e - 1t STOMPS TO nava lbw KIN GSViLLE HARROW 733-2341 738-22211 AMHERsTBUtiG 736-2151 wn1oa.OR west' 734-1221 WINDSOR CENTRE 2514-1143 WINDSOR EAST 72701 RIDGE -TOWN 6745465 WEST LORNP 759-1520 EXETER � 2`> 12 -14 GRAND REND 2304-004 Tt 29649191 GODERICH KINCARIt4NE SOUTHAMPTON 797-3245 OWEN SOUND 378,3181 KITCHENEIR 893-7901 KitcJhener Out -jt- e t 1-611 a