The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 19Hmdreds of bargain hunters filled Saltford Valley Hall Saturday for the first Rotary Club auction sale. This mirror was just one of the thousands of items that went up for bid on the auction block. (Photo by Dave Sykes) Concert held at MacKay 'Kiss Me Good Night Sargent Majora; 'Beer Barrel Ponca' and 'White Cliffs of Dover'. The program ended with singing the Queen. Coming events for MacKay Centre include a card party June 24 at 7:30 p.m.; and two films on. June 29 at 8 p.m., one on Switzerland and the other "It's Fun to Sing" with the Leslie Bell Singers. Don't forget the full length movies on regular dates dur- ing July and August. The people who attended the concert at MacKayt°en- tre on Wednesday, June 10 were treated to a very en- joyable evening of excellent music. Director off the Teen Tones, Iria Stewart, started the conceit with all singing '0 Canada'. The girls' selec- tions included 'No Man is an Island'; Beethoven's Song of Joy'; a Negro spiritual, 'Rock of my Soul'; 'Blow the Winds Southerly' and 'Rain- bow Connection'. Andrea Jackson's solo, 'Thank you for the Music', with the choir joining in the chorus, was en- joyed by all. The Teen Tones ended this part of .the program with their rendition of Mama Don't Allow No Music Played In Here. Following the Teen Tones, many old time favorites were played by Gord . Har- rison at the piano and Jim Magee and Francis Schram playing electric guitars. This was real toe tapping music. Ed Stiles played the piano and conducted the Har - Don't pay! The Goderich Detat- chment of the Ontario Provincial Police is warning people in the area to be on the look -out for phoney in- voices being sent out to businesses by Intra Canada Teteoununication. The invoice is made out to look hie it has something to do with the Yellow Pages section of the phone book and asks for a certain amount of money. In small print it claims: This is a solicitation for services and not a bill, invoice or statement of account the. You are wider no obligation to make any payments on account of this offer unless you accept this offer. Because of this sentence, even though it is practically hidden, police cannot charge the sender with fraud. If you receive such an invoice, DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT. Once you have paid, police carrot get your money back for you. houraires. Their president, Phil Main, announced the numbers which included 'Hey Look Me Over'; 'Do Lord Do Lord Oh Do Remember Me'; and a duet by Dave Medley and Bill Chase, 'He Touched Me'. One of the members gave a humorous reading about a man filling out his compen- sation form following an ac- cident. scident. Other numbers were 'Orala Lee'; 'Climbing Up The Mountain'; 'Amazing Grace'; 'If I Had My Way'; HEATHER Beauty Salon 108 LIGHTHOUSE ST. GODERICH PH. 524-7461 SATURDAY & MONDAY SENIORS DISCOUNT DAYS GODERICH'S FINEST HAIR SALON FOR ' THE ENTIRE FAMILY Ifit's from Anstett's it says, ;you're special' Engagement rings start at $150 ANSTETT 8 Albert St . Clinton 26 Main St S . Seaforth ,4 Mairi.SL._F.Xeter 263 Durham E , walk@rt0n Say it with diamonds Back row L to R: Solitaire Diamond $1;095. Three_Diamond Engagement Ring 51,525. Front row L to R Seven Diamond Cluster 6579, Three -Stone Diamond $2,070. Sixteen Diamond Cluster 51,075. 14 k yellow gold Desirable Diamonds Back row L to R Solitaire 07 ct $391. Engagement with one 03 ct , two 01 ct diathonds $325, front row L to R Eternity with ten 045 ct diamonds $1./10. Solitaire 45 ct $1,875. 14 emdents attend show Phironview harm for the aged residents were en- thralled n- thralledonp y even- ing, June 6, when they at- tended the Goderich show of The Famous People Players, a Canadian black light theatre group based in Toronto. Special guest nar- rator was Bill who is .en annOUncer with CKNX radio and IV. Grace Peck, Margaret Mltchell, Mabel GarTow, Al Macey, Gertrude Cornell, Bert Col - Margaret McQueen, Gladys Stanlake, Frank Bissett, and Ella Elder en- joyed the performance. Steven, Cook was the special guest soloist at the Sunday morning service. It , was announced at the ser- vice that in two weeks tithe the Sunday morning service GODERICH SIGNAI STAR, WEDNESDAY, ADIE 17,-R1'AGE10 would be held in the auditorium to accommodate the BlythSenior Moir who will besinging that Sunday. Fifty residents were ready to go for a ride on y evening when the Ex r United Church members ar- rived to take them fora view of the countryside. This is an annual: event and much ap- preciated by the residents. Clayton Steel, Leah Currie, Annie .McKinnon, lana Mote, Muriel Gibson and Ir- vin Trewartha journeyed to Stratford on Wednjr to do a little shopping with lunch out at the mall, Day Care showed their 99c movie "Far Country" with Jimmy Stewart. There was a ball game played on the front lawn with the Orderlies, who were dressed PNG club gets slate The Past Noble Grands club of Gpderich Rebekah Lodge . No. 89 held its meeting June 2 with 19 pre- sent in the MacKay Centre for Seniors. With the presi- dent, Mrs. Ila Crozier presiding, a new slate of of- ficers was installed as follows: president -Mrs. AliceMoss; first vice- president -Mrs. Marguerite Horton; second vice- president -Mrs. Phyllis McTaggart; secretary -Mrs. Helen Morley; treasurer - Mrs. Ellen Fritzley; cor- responding secretary -Mrs. Helen McPhee; chaplain - Mrs. Edith Craig; Marshall - Mrs. Joy Smith; press secretary -Mrs. Vera Larder; auditors -Mrs. Ma y e; alsdleirs. - :.e 1- nack; finance committee - Mrs. Margaret Bowra and Mrs. Anna Fritzley; telephone committee -Mrs. Della McGee, Mrs. Ruby Shawl, Mrs. Edith Craig and Mrs. Elsie Moore; and visiting committee -Mrs Elva Osbaldeston, Mrs. Della. Johnston and Mrs. Margaret Bowra. In the business part of the meeting, the Past Noble Grants were asked to open and close Lodge at the next It was decided to change the meeting night to a Mon- day night. The next meeting will be September 7 at 8 p.m. in the MacKay Centre lower MGM. Mrs. Pearl Lawrence observed her 90th birthday and was presented with three silk roses. The district meeting will be held in MacKay Centre Thursday, June 25 at 8 p.m. to install the new District Deputy, Mrs. Grace Fuller and her installing team. Next term, any members .hospitalized will receive tit=tet.... _ . Five hundred was played. High winner was Phyllis McTaggart and low was Ada Fritzley. The lucky cup was won by Grace Fuller. The retiring president thanked all for their co- operation. A dainty lunch was served by the committee. in challenging the Engineers plus their rein- forcements, who were female staff. The score 7 - 7 did not prove the superior team but it was a lot of fun to watch and we thank all the staff who played, Dick Kloss who was plate umpire and Mr. Lester who was base umpire. The seventy residents who turned out to watch the game enjoyed an ice cream cone. Readers are reminded of Senior Citizens Week star- ting June 21st - June 26th. Plan to visit with us during that time. Huronview would like to welcome Irene Britnell, who is from Exeter and living in normal care, and Elmer Keller, who is from Dublin and has joined his wife, who is also a resident. Elmer is also living in normal care. PETER S. MacIEW AN INSURANCE AaENCtri Constitution Insvrane. Economical Mutual insurance Co. Dominion of Canada General Ins. Co. Gore Mutual Insurance Co. Porth Insurance Co., Phoenix of Canada Insurance Co. Western General Insurance Co. . All Canadian Cornpanlos to servo your HOME -AUTOMOBILE AND BUSINESS COVERAGE 38 ST. DAVID ST., GOfl i lO1524-9531 ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THE CONTINUAL RISING COST OF FOOD? ALBERT SCHNEIDER FOOD SERVICE Can... 1. Freeze your grocery prices up to 14 months. 2. Provides you with your top quality name brand products (stables as weN) 3. Orders can be adjusted to suit your needs. ,CALL NOW FOR MORE El'A1LS .(No obligations)^ Hilda or Norris Sampson 544-7$01. Goderich ALL PRODUCTS GUARANTEED- tobeof FINEST QUALITY If heating with oil, cash in on the Government's Off -Oil Rebate up to $800 Phone TheGasLine: 1-800-265-0562 (toll free) Natural gas is the most econo- mical way to heat your home. And there's plenty of natural gas in Canada - enough already dis- covered to keep you warm into the 21st Century. So call The Gas Line before you make a decision for any other energy alternative to oil. Union Gas will send you a book of detailed comparisons of various energy sources, so you can make an in- formed choice. We'll send you the Federal Government's booklet that describes their rebate - up to $800. - for converting from oiL And we'll show you how Union Gas's finance plan can help you spread the cost of conversion on your gas bills. Our natural gas is ;goingto be your best heating buy for a ong, long time. What else can warrn and friendly gas do for you today? 111111011 MRS m,_