The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 16'42 PAGES-GOOMIgismmATAR. WCDNESDAY,JUNE17,1901 (GIL 26. Hel wonted • 26. Help wonted • Aillemenimmomme lova. oF GODERICH requires WORKS AND ENGINEERING. DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE Application" RIH be irocehrod by the undersigned until likunidsgr. Joly 2. Wel for tho position of Works and Erighteeding Hapartintint Employoni. Applicants should bine tomplittod Grads 12. This successful °Smyth:cult will • ,_...wwlitillittaitdor tho oopondoloni of the Rood Susiesin- , :Weddell o. liedlideteellee end construcdon iittlars. *tr. lathe lOwn of Godorich. 10.71.0WANWILIellan In lids rolestod aim is !If Of itilrad. yorikes ere to tosisencolmisiodlotoly. Kenneth C. Hunter, C.E.T. Commisdonor of Works 57 West Street GODERIAMI, ' • - • ' BREWSTER Transport - Garage Foreman., This position is open ion Banff to individuals who hold a mechanics licence, and have a background in repair of or keit. trucks. Super- visory eapene- nee preferred. Apply is writing to: Bill Mooney„. Bon 1140, Banff, Alta..„111L OVO.-24b.c. SALESMAN - - wanted on commission bass for home impoweetent bus. Well worth iuretatug Phone 4124!1.1--24 • FUlti TIME cook wanted, Apply Ifarbour Palk hoe err Oise 5244434 between 12 - 5 psOL---24ar , . , HELP WANTED Ado - video electronic' technician. ...sperienced in graphics - photography. Shedd speak an Asinn Or African language. • G.S.VP., Limited, 35A West Street, Goderich, 524- 2961..-23,24 BABYSITTER for Ws -year-old and an infant in my home„ Monday to iday,, beginning August_ Variable hours. Apply with references to Drawer 72, Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., PO.....ox 220, Goderich„ Ont. --2311 WE NEED HELP - to service our many customers in Goderich. High earnings assured. NO school students welcome. For information call nailer Brush, London 1 -472 - DRIVER FOR ESTABLISHED COURIER COMPANY, hoars6.00p.m. to 5:00 a.m. nightly. from Cadmic!) to Ibrouto, $250_00 after four weeks. Can 1-416- 76-726 Monday to Friday, 9: IR earn_ 10 5:00 p.m. -22-25 PERSON with Ulf truck or ran for pick-up and delivery in your area_ For farther in- formation call 867-2005 Courtright 9 a.m. - 5 pin. -21,252 PART TIME help required inloemge, Queens Motet Seaforth_ Phone 527- 0120.-241.25 BABY it..ft required for infant in my hone beginning August_ Apply with references to Drawer 74, &gnal-Star Publishing Ltd_ P.O. Box 220, Goderich,OnL-29,25 OPPORTUNITY Join the Reveleigh fondly. siert pert -time. rapid IFOVrth. Rearieigh products very reach in elessaml. Excellent ever - Wings es well es advan- cement. *hone 5111427- 1327 collect WeettiMle- hums 1 YEAR ROUND PART-IIIME RETAIL SALESPERSON REQUIRED in our Goderich 'exertion Ins - mediately. Sales experience In spor- ting goods and/ow Stereo-firectrortic equipment would be an asset. APPLY WIMING TOr. GARY MACLEAN P,O. 80X MI lac *fir. Nem SO RELIABLE housekeeper required. Tiim half -days per week_ Phone 529-6957.-23,24 27. Wanted (general) WANTED; Good Used fur- niture or complete households_ Phone 482-7922.-4tfar IlinNiz-ms: riar.mt litortromn lor wrecking and salvage purboses. Contact R_ Lumley Demolition Inc.., 1185 Murphy Rd.. Sarnia 1-542-4080; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick_ We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in 1980_ We paid cash for a few buihrings, we demolished some for no charge„ and for others we charged a slight fee for our servites. Yes, we travel We have associates -partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas_ Honest appraisals„ references evadable. _ We `carry $1,000„0001Y0 insurance and are covered „by workmen's corn- pensation. We eliminate eye- sores in an honest, fast and eftint manner..-24eowtf FLEA MARKET vendors wanted. Highway 7 and 8„ 2.5 km east of Stratfont every Saturday and Sunday_ Phone Bev White, Stratford, 1-271- 28. Business opportunity DEALERS wanted. Custom made magnetic signs for cars and trucks. also adhesive, dis' play and flashiMg signs (indoor). 40 per cent and more discoont Quality - kniv prices and fast coast tel coast delivery. Write far sample kit: BC Sign Mfg. R.R.2. 29939 Lough ced Hwy. Mission. WC -246c. 30. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT any hours. in my home. on County Road 25, between Carlow and Auburn, all summer. Call,l-64,39..-23- 25 YOU% WOMAN will babysit in your home year round. References. Phone 524- 911 -22tf WILL DO cleaning Phone 482- 3151-23-25 NURSING - Wil do private nurstig in the home. Full eir part blaze. 29-7943--24 GRA UCTI-LNG wanted_ Phone 529-525.-24 CEMENT WORK Itttlered coracreteeinven- tt_ 345-244 couircr P. MALONEY DUBLIN 31. Service directory CI=1=44204=102,122 PAINTING wid add Lars Ask far Paul_ 529-6144 - 14_25 - - - - 31 Service 31. Service directory • directory CLIFFORD HUGILL Backbee Service 524-7170 ART'S Sam&ciikien%-faliq avi Gorden Cadre ine sonnet% Goderkh LAWN CARE ROLLING FERTILIZER SPRING BULBS Complete lbw of Everything inoodowl for • airreui instatiok GARDENING 524-2645 I NI I I 1 oft ..11.111EIGNIE.011.1. CONCRETE FORMING WALLS & FLOORS For o coonoloto loh cull SID IIUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-1668 Roach for this LONG HANDLED FULLER WIMOW BRUSH from FRED H. BISSET PHOTOGRAPHY 524-7223 evenings sc......d Top -Soil For Lawns. Gardens Flower Beds Call: ME MONTGOMERY 482-7644 PHONE EVENINGS DO YOU NAVE TERMINAL a'VACUUMITIS" See the Vacuum Doctor for diagnosis on all mok.s GODERICH vacuum CENTRE 52 WEST ST. :Sales 524-4112 *Supplies *SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS *BULLDOZING •BAaamoE WORK *GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete job can SID BRUMSMA MAIMING LTD. God 524-86611 • WATERFRONT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE CID DOCKS e SEAWALLS *0 GROYNES • e DREDGING DOCK BUILDERS SPECIALIZING IN MARINE CONTRUCTION FREE ESTEMATES P0 Br* 35.95 PETFtOLIA, ONTAR 88243€07 LIMITED CUSTOM BUILDING * * * RENO ATIOMS GENERAL CONTRACTING 21011letemeeere.lter 524-2497 GODER1CH 52449115 flateirlgree Emmet Gal." Swale .2fren awn* Ciesemit she remself NM i. 1 ,irir: „.111141. ....*7- - -- .. ,-_, Av. AIR -V • -••• • _ . B,-,••• mews11C71111raalltirt B.' :74- ..1 ,_. ,,- ,•4 ; ''"'1..1' r e. "...1 -eez,- 4;_Le re • • extzaexereem reme,.....o_cor.-,L system STANT A $19." .1. hol. dcryr WW1 WI KM • 2- , 31. Service directory A4 \IL CONFIRUCTION vecassersi Contracting ' ettestesess Building & Slosh Work oFoncing sAlundimen Siding 732 WALNUT 51. 5. Call Earl Lowrance 5244730 CARPET CARE Rugs & Ugholstary Pro- fasdatially Stonemasons, .d. Free Estimates 524-2440 JIM MOSS WHITE WASHING DOINFECTING TO BARNS BUILDINGS • smrese PAINIINO a MINOR NOME REPAIR PH. D. MecDONALD 5244216 PIANO TUNING elltepobs ' •Reinsmildbag *Keys ilnexwareed •Dimippchosers ORM FEWER 343-1223 Mitchell ec or i Inc Ito. 33 Huron St.„ Moon lox 331. aintoe BIWA US 4824542 no -rat Paints.Siskis. Min Wax prodects. WON coverless. Denporim. Floor Soculkig. Tositusiog interior Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING H.T. DALE Sepik Tank , Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years paoveg Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 5274284 PoPer Hanging 5243961 AFTER 5 PAL GARDINER'S DELIVERY We odefisir mai man anytifig large er salad 'free estimates' 524-2421 sr. -4, pinewed to en - elegem tilos Pawl Spoin who inis hod ontonidne oviterinnat in deRvery end rite Er tleg sinreice, boolnenn. sivieristmos- sairnimare 31. Service directory CUSTOM SEWING and Alterations. Please phone for appointment_ Diane's Sewing Room. Phone 521-9391 -17tfar AIR HAMMER, backhoe, septic bed installations. Cecil Cranston„529-7691.-2-52s PHIL'S REFRIGERATION '& Appliances Service, phone 1- 8187-9062 or Granger's 1V, 524 - FURNITURE stripping and refiaishimg, also canting_ Call 34-7490.-13ff MAN WITH truck to clean basements, trash tri dump, and light delivery_ Peter Prevet, phone 524-8553.-16tfar MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, parking lots„ repairs_ Free estimates_ Phone Clinton 4112- 3733..-16-30 FURNITURE Repair, Stripping and 1Rfinidiing. Free estimates, pick up and debvery. Also, smal car- • pentry work_ Stephen Norton. Phone S24-9394.-17tfar PLANNING a book or manuscript? Even before writing make it a reality with money saving method. Small printings (50O plus)) are welcome_ Contact "Publisher"' Horning Mills, �L LON 130. t519)925-6965.-24b.c. SANDBLASiENG - removes paint and rust right down to the metal "frocks, machinery, buildings etc. Specializing in brickc lea ning and brick repairs_ Free estimates_ Phone White's Sandblasting and Painting, Ringbolts, 357- 1723anytime.-22-25 WOULD YOU like to have painting dune around the house - inside or omit? Contact Brad Chase at 5N-8135. Reasonable rates -23,24 L & B AUTOMOTIVE. repairs 10 alt makes. gas or diesel_ Phone 524-4214_ Open 8 am. - 5:30 p.m. fixated nest to Adair's Grocery_ Ask for Bunt -23tf GENERAL • CARPENTRY *Custom Calabeis FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES 529-7945 GAFFNEY WELDING Wotan, AL iFebriartiore kc*STEEL *ALUMINUM *STAINLESS STEEL illydnin Senior Ansbne 524-6667 SCOTT DRAINAGE RIPLEY COMPLETE FARM DR AINAGE SER% ICE -DR IN ED FIELDS INCRIFIA_SE 1 IEILIXS- FREE ESTTUA m 3q5-2942 . 39S-3.363 34- PerS9n01 PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Monied or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is -as close, as, your telephone_ BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 521-2913, 15or521-2023---1-52 ARE YOU tired of being alone? Are you tmattached, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person_ Apply P.O. Rex 104, Owen Sound, N41( SPL Please state age. -24„25x 36. Announcements. notices 35_ Notice to creditors ALL persons having claims against the Estate of HARRY DOUGLAS COLCLOUGH. Hairdresser, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of May, 1981, are required to 1de the same with hill particulars with the un- dersigned by the 9th day of July, 19111, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed_ DATED at Goderich, Onlario„ this 5th day of June, 1981. PRESF and EGENER, Barristers, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich„ Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -23-25 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE Residents. contractors and builders cure ralm/eel that a permit b required from the Township aeries office before the demolition or consteectles em, emte uniaiwitdion Coaciritis Township: Demolition of a building by binning requires a permit from the Township and Ilse owner of the building being burned is further requbed to advise the Goderich Fire Deparanent of the dote. time and location and Demolition Permit number before burning Mhos place. H. MILBURN. CLEM TOWNSHIP OF comma. DD. S. G0001101. ONTARIO. 1111.: S2114410 STAMP -Post Card Collectors - Drop in and say hello...at Queens Bush Stamps, Bruce County Rd. 1, South of Hwy. 9, 10 1Cmkiugh.. 395-3545.-20-31x WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humana arian • Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for * loan_ Contact Amos Osbaldeston. 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.-2eowx 36. Announcements, notices MINISTRY OF HOUSING HOUSING CORPORATION MrR.G. Flat* cif Clinton. Ontario has boon ap- painteri Chairmen of this Huron County Housing Authority, office knot - end at u The Square, Godwrids, Ontario. M. 'hot succeeds Mr. W. Harold Ithisley of Godorich. Other tisombors of the Authority are as folkway= Mr. Jack Alex Mr. James fellair, Anna& Mr. Ben Showdown -Godorkh Mr. Gary Bean - Exeter Mr. Harold Hinkley -Goderich ettrz,_ Ev....s....spormerdaw. 1 -Sialarth 40_ Lost & Found LOST - Small black eat (Male) approximately one year old, in vicinity of Wideler Street Phone 524-9469.-2tnit LOST - One motorcycle heArracet r cre with reari atelier. with silver maple leaves on itr. If ibcdphone524-9673.--31x • * ****************** * Haying? Selartoe Renting? Reach over HAD potential customers with a CIALSIVIF-EM VrAggt 14111,.. 47111 44 The Ceratteirtedi Sioeni-Stair WV= 38_ Auction sale AUCTION SALE OF FARM MAMMY a HOUSSIOLD MIAS veil be held for BILL COLLINSON Lot 2 Lolio liango. Ash- field Twp. 17 miles earth of Goderids. 1st form meth of kintall Store on Hwy. 21. SAT. JUNE 27 12:30 P.M. 14175 Ford 4111 tractor with coin Massey Forgerne 33 tractor with loads= 13irta2li aloha fit MEC trnectur; 11041 Fond 114 fro New Hallesed11 War: Mc - Cored& TS run seed drill Seneelons cisithanto= John Deere plow: chola harrow: dienanonel lawaraw: Mossey 3111 piste 3 pt. Is. ens= ono way 3 pt. Is. ens= gunder Peal huht awn seem blower: New lame seesenre wooden Mg bole feeder: skeleton elevator with inastor: George White Wagon with rod= Wagon with grain boac grabs empor: grass chpper; troller mid r olvetric hoes - mar mill with 3 horse motor: smell sew: suplest arena seperstor: Wawa 04 anann limes: 1971 Fowl "S ton track sayfety checks* chester- field end when mengenine rade: smell tinkles: illoing wade meet deeming 5 vets wooden dwk'i 3 radios= odd dminn smtionst tries, loteith west and alhomonel shosped issirron: ontiono cmilinterit old coed off hem= kitchen catkilessr, pedal weans eventing fromes: day heck wooden bean ikon 404 .4* braes Wen oil stove: Wostlesokoose firesnow: Mrehlett Eris Wenthighostee tric stem some allishenn iwint pereldie: antipeci *modems reneheing remerfelne: step lardieler: seam parrop: mentersess erndes. MIMS CAM FARM SOLD Owners- or eructionver eat wesponsittln for ma eldortes or inswen. Gnome Ponsed1 CURIE AUCTIONtiNt Across from L.CJILO. store- formerly Graham £1.c irk. Antique 'Furniture. Modern Feminism. Applian. lit cos. Some Antiques. etc. * Listing innext wades paper- * ESTATE OF MRS. CLARE SPROUL AND LAMB'S AUCTION SERVICE * GODERKII 5244457 * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** * * * * * * AUCTION S -11-10-E Of Used MOTORCYCLES SNOWMOBILES Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 a.m. Sharp - Response to our rond opening promotion last woo& was so great that we awe now faced with o lame influx eat used machines, We decided the only way to move them out fast is to hold a giant AUCTION SAKE THIS SATURDAY_ Doral miss this opportunity to buy qua% machines at the most competiliire pares. LARGEST OFFERING IN THE AREA. MOST BIKES LATE MO 'ELS .RECONDITIONED & READY TO GO. STREET .81KES CERTIFIED * 17 Toeiring Bikes • 10 Street Bikes * 11 Moto Cross Bikes 2* 3 OdYsselfs * 9 Mini Bikies * 19 Dual Purpose Bikes e Lunch Avg:61014e 0 Auctioneer Dick Lobb eriar OP, ketotwell OfFiNteetEneem-nreeRtbe.,:rM.51.1.rfe4r1,,, QI7Gre 161'-'544.011 . .