The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 14Just Phone or Visit THE CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE SP/Wellington Street, London, Ontario NSA 3R2 Phone 679-5110 or our Mobile offices in the Federal Building 12:00 p.m.-4:30p.m. Sarnia Every Wednesday, Stratford.. lst and 3rd Tuesday of each month Goderich lst and 3rd Thursday of each month' Woodstodt2nd and 4th Thursday of each month) Tillsonburg Last Monday of each month ASK US i THE CANADIAN ABOUT YOU '; ARMED FORCES PAGE 14 —GTI DERICIH SIGN TAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1981 Oomph. There's me way to stop a runner, and that's to set up a roadblock in front of second base. This St. Marys runner was out at second but the team went on to beat the Little Plumbers 1-0 in 16 innings to take the A championship of the Women's Fastball Tournament on the weekend. ( Photo by Catb Wooden) Stgn..:,for Alaiticind Trophy. The June 8 Men's Night at Maitland Country Club was nota very good evening weather-wise, bit 26 men did turn out to play between the drops. Tom Jasper came in first, Dick Worgai was second, C-eraM Morgan was Tuesday, June 9 was another beautiful night which brought 34 ladies out to play golf. In the first flight, Shelagh Sully won low gross, Doris Paquette won Low net, and putt winner was Verna Kang n.Inntthe t gross, fight, Janet G nrnuu_., 001..... low Be!m Smith annn lnw not and iIarg'ir, ons vwon piths: Til the third flight, low gross winner was Bud Elliott, low Men's Slowpitch league net winner was' Bertha McGee, and putt winner was Vern Frith. The fourth flight winners were Joanne Jasper for low gross, Joyce Shack for low net, and Nonie .Collier for Pitts - The springs Flim wan held Satirrday, Joie 13 and -was very . well attended. A delicious , smorgasbord was served by Slue and her staff, followedby dancing to .:the music of a disc jockey. A good lime was enjoyed by all, thanks to the social committee. Friday, ', June 19 is the mixed 2 bail Check in time is 5.30_teeoffisat6.00_ ' Satinday, Janie 20, be sure to sign up to play for the Maitland Trophy. any excellent defensive plays Spectators at the hardball diamond last Tuesday were treated to an excellent slowpitch game between the Coyotes and Carlow Cow - Carlow struck. quickly in the first inning as Jim Fielder scored on Mike Red- mond'shit. Coyotes bounced back in the bottom of the first as Graham Yeats and Dick hicI.eati got base hits and subsegoenUy scored -on Bill Wedlock's . In the second, Harry Kerr and Dong Stoll scored for Carlow while Howard Lumby responded for Coyotes. Sound defensive play dominated the play on both sides until the bottom of the fourth when Dick McLean doubled, scored on Brit Wedlock's triple and Phil Paquette gave Coyotes a'6 3 lead by singling in Bill. Ray Fuller narrowed the gap in the fifth as he scored for Carlow off hits by Gerald Kerr and Alan Brown. That was as close as Carlow could get. Coyotes blew It ode open in the sixth as Millie Sul- ly led off with a homerun. Before the inning was` over. Dale Duncan, Jean Marc Beneteau, Doug McKeown, Larry Gaynor, Larry Sloan and Charlie - all scored to clinch the 11 to 6 victory for _" the Coyotes. On paper, one slowpitch game sounds the same riche next. How can anyone think of defence when they hear of an 11 to 6 score or a 25 to 16 result? Spectators of the above game were treated to It you re NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn. call the c{rraftne�a�on. bowies* ot-524-716k. You'll be g/ed you' did many excellent defensive plays by . both Carlow and Coyotes. Don't be fooled by the scoreboard. Slowpitch is dominated by hits and rums bit Lighted by good In other games around the league, Signal -Star con- tinued their streak as they defeated Cobras 14 to 2 and Bluewater 17 to 3. Garb & Gear defeated WheeLsmei by a score of 25 to 16 and nar- rowly escaped tragedy as they came out on the top end of a 16 to 15 score with Local 1863. Port Albert hammered Bluewater 18 to 1 and Coyotes kept the race tight by defeating 1863 by a score of 18 to 5. Meneset almost carried away by their record, had to reach 'deep to come up with a 6 to 3 victory over a surprisingly powerful Carlow team. Firemen, not to be outdone by the other A division teams, blasted Champco 19 to 2 and slipped past the, Cobras 10 to 8. Smiths defeated Renegades 10 to 7 and Tickers by a score of 20 W 11. Selinger Wood lost to the Optimists 9 to 1and also to the Oldtimers 14 to 6. In a rescheduled game, Wheelsmen downed Champ - co 16 to 4. hamp-co16to4. MEN'S SIAWP1r9CH LEAGUE STANDINGS AS OF JUNE 14 Team Meneset Signal -Star Co Garb& Gear Port Albert,. Firemen Oldtimers Wheelsmen Smiths Carlow Optimists 1863 Cobras Tickers Renegades Selinger Wood Bluewater Cliampco W L . T Pts. 9 1 0 18 8 2 0 16 7 3 0 14 7 3 0 14 6 2 1 13 6 3 • 1 13 6 3 0 12 6 4 0 12 5. 5 0 10 4 5 0 8 3 6 0 6 2 8 0 4 6 4 0 12 4 5 0 8 2 7 0 4 2 8 0 4 2 8 0 4 1 8 0 2 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JUNE 19-20-21 (Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to dusk: Sunday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.) FIVE SEASO.NS ESTATES ADULT VILLAGE BAYFIELD, O1ITARIO GOOEI ICH IAYFIELD ZOOM SE FORTH 1 ° re a TO Ltd We welcome you to visit our Adult Community. We'll have four mobile and modular homes on display. COMPARE THESE FEATURES WITH OTHER VILLAGES- - °Your ILLAGES- °Your own detached modular or mobile home from `2S, °Lot Size -1R0 ft. se ISO ft. c' oral; serutoss *Storage Facilities parnsitt 'ice° � FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FIVE SEASONS ESTATES ADULT COMMUNITY R.R. 2 BAYFIELD 402-9142 Two lop -sided scores in Industriai fastball There were two rather lop- sided Industrial Fastball League matches last Wednesday night, when Green & Parent was shut -out by Lakeport Steel 11-0 and when the McGee Pontiacs destroyed Hotel Bedford 17- 0. _D&P managed only three hits off of Lakeport Steel pitcher Brian McKenzie, who also struck out three batters. Jim Martin pitched for the losing cause. Lakeport began their scoring spree in the second inning as G&P errors were the cause of three runs. Frank MacDonald was walked, then Carmen Fielder and Lloyd Tigert hit singles which the G&P defense handled badly. MacDonald and Fielder scored on Tigert's hit, and Frank Hagen batted in Tigert for the 3-0 lead. Tigert's triple in the third inning brought in another two runs for Lakeport, from McKenzie and MacDonald who bit a double and single respectively. ,, It was the fifth inning that was the big one for Lakeport, as they slammed in six runs for the 11-0 victory. MacDonald • led off with a single, then Tigert got on base through an error, ad- vancing MacDonald. Hagen then singled, and. Larry McCabe was walked to load up the bases. Tim. McLean then singled, bringing in MacDonald and McCabe was out at second. Roy Miller bit a fielder's choice, which brought in Hagen. Bruce Bowman then walked to advance Miller to second and McLean to third. McKenzie then came through with a double for two More.. runs, store thud and came home for number eleven on MacDonald's single. McGEES-17 13EDFORD-0 Rick ‘Sowerby pitched six strike -oats and allowed only three hits from Hotel Bed- ford as they experienced a similar defeat at the hands of the Pontiacs. The McGee bats got going m the first innisig for eight runs. Paul Kelly connected for two runs, the first after hitting a triple; and Ron Klages, Mike Frayne, John Phillips, Mike_ Petre, Paul Bartliff, and Gil Latimer all rounded hone plate for McGees. In the second inning, Mine Fayre slammed in a home run with none on for the lone run of that inning and a 9-0 lead. Rick Sowerby opened the fourth inning with a honer of his. owns' before Frayne walked up to the plate for yet another lost ball over the fence. John Phillips followed with a triple, and Mike Petre sacrificed tobring him in for the thirteenth run of the ✓ 1 r a job for you! game. Paul Bartliff also tripled, then Latimer and Paul Kelly were walked to load up the bases. Ron Klages came through with a triple to bring in the three runs. The last two runs came in the fifth inning from Fray-ne and Phillips who were batted in by Petre'striple. LAKEFORT AD -4 FRENCH -1 In Industrial League ac- tion last Tuesday night, Lakeport Advertising's Simon Langlois pitched 11 strikeouts and allowed three hits for one run by French Drycleaners. Two of the hits were singles, and the other a double by French's Wayne Kennedy who scored the run. French also displayed some good defense, but due to some lapses, Lakeport managed four suns m the third, fifth, and sixth innings for the win. Roy Fisher started the scoring in the third inning when he got on base with a single. Dave Ross sacrificed W advance him, Len Kolk man got him to third, and Greg Hanson hit him home after French committed an error. Fisher and Ross each singled in the fifth inning and were advanced by Hanson's sacrifice. Langlois then hit one, and another error resulted in Fisher and Ross scoring., The last run came from Arnie Parker in the sixth inning for the4-1 win. 1 "We personally invite you to come to Clinton to shop - and compare - on your next furniture purchase" Compare selection, quality, price and service. You con buy the best for Tess at Ball 8 Mutch. Come browse through our vast selection of fine home furnishings_ We feel you'll be pleasantly surprised - we offer big -city selection of small-town prices you can afford. .,®....m.+ Clererec. Dertonarne Now cy ®ori hS a fl�� ir IoGSe e@t on nil stock,. E U FRCOVERINGS Special CARPETING I&Mutch Ltd. Home Furnishings 71 Albert Went. maharani -0n5 OPEN: Six Days o week 9 a.m.-6 p.m. ttw Open Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. 416 1 JEFF SEDDON lk QUARTERHORSES ' R.R.1$AYFIELD, ANT. -WARDING 1 -TRAINING -Sauna° OF QUALITY HORSES / i -EXCELLENT TRAiL RIDING -INDOOR ARENA ` -OUTSIDE RING CALL , 482-9960 ATTENTION VETERANS Ex -Service Men and Women and Dependents THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER Mr. Clare Wall Provincial Service Officer London, Ontario will be visiting in the area. Anyone wlsiting information or assistance regarding war disability pensions, treatment, allowances, etc., is requested to contact the service officer, or secretary of the load branch, whose name appears below, not later than Juror 26,1181 to arrange an interview. HAROLD YOUNG Service Officer PHONE 524-7145 1 BASEBALL CAMPER Does Your Dad Fit Into One of These Categories? • FISHERMAN SOCCER'I OUTDOOR CHEF JOGGER If he does.,. You'll Find A GIFT FORHIM SWIMMER We Have A Complete Line of Equipment, Accessories and Clothing For Every Activity And Just For Dud—We're Giving You MEN'S SPORTS Don't Forget... We Also Have A Complete Selection Of HAND and POWER TOOLS, AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES and ACCESSORIES .JERRY MacLEAN & SON AUTO cSPORTS Ltd iIiIII� OUR STORE 15 BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS BUT SMALL ENOUGH TO BE FRIENDLY 60 West St, .gn.derrkh 5?4®7^1 1.