The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 13:wins low gross It was a bit of a dreary day on Sunday for the Goderich racing season. However, even without the sails, the boats Power Squadron's annual Sailpast to officially open the were gaily decorated for the event. (Photo by Cath Wooden) Basement team beats .Fishers last place Industrial Fastball League team French Drycleaners scored seven runs in the seventh ,inning Monday night to defeat second place Fisher Builders. Fishers Iead4-0 up until the sixth inning. Wally Pierson opened the scoring in the second when he hit a triple_ Chip Wilson sacrificed to bring him in. In the fourth inning, Jinn Durst was walked and ad- vanced to third on French fielding errors on .the next two hatters. Jim. Bell ' then intended a sacrifice to bring Durst in and made it m base himself. Bob McBride's bit; scored Bell for the 3-0 lead. In the fifth, Durst was walked once again. Two. errors on Warily Pierson's hit enabled ,Dust to score. French finally wit on the scoreboard in the sixth in- ning with a Wayne Kennedy run. He singled and ad- vanced on George Sutton's single. Rob Johnson hit a fielder's chaise that' got Sutton out, bit Kennedy scored It was the seventh inning that saved French though, as the bats got working. Glen Liner opened the inning with a triple and scored on Steve Johnson's single_ Ray Mathers then singled • and Wayne Kennedy got an base with an error which enabled Johnson to score. George Sutton then walked to load . up the bases. Rob Johnsen followed ' with a single to bring in Mathers Leaving the bases loaded again. Ion Bogie bit a home plate ball and Kennedy scored. Glen Lipner came through as the clean up batter with a triple and it was 8-4 for French. Don Bogie pitched the winner for French dismissing one batter and allowing three hits. W. Nichols was on the mound for Fishers, allowing 11 hits and striking out four batters. Also in Industrial League action Monday night, Green & Parent came back from a 1-0 deficit to beat Gord's Sports 3-1 Gord's scored in the second inning from Jim Ginn who hit a single. After ad- vancing on Bob Riehl and Des Courtney's outs, the G&P third baseman com- mitted anmitted.. an error, allowing Ginn to carne in and score. G :P tied it ''p inom third inning after Leroy Meriam hit a single. Rick Whet- stone's hetstone's bit batted him in. In the fourth, Jim Martin led off with a triple and Walter Bell batted him in with a single. Leroy Meriam's fielder's choice and Bob Graham's single enabled Bell to score forthe3-1 score. Jim Martin pitched the winner for G&P, strll king out four batters and allowing four hits. Des Courtney was on the mound forGord's. TE -EM FARM R.R. 1 BAYFIELD (FORMERLY REDER PRODUCE) OW AVAILABLE LEAF LETTUCE OUR OWN GREENHOUSE TOMATOES Vacation Cash ive-A-Way We'll Give You $5.00 Cash If You Join the ub Tony Bedard suNsgr NEWS by Betty Helesic Everyone seems to take a lot of time complaining of our weather. We seem to have it too cold or too hot, and I guess quite a few thought it was too hot Mon- day nightasonlythree show- ed up for lessons. Next week .maybe!!! Last week, men's . night, Harold Macpherson taupe closest to the pin and Tony Bedard was the winner of first low gross, while John Scott captured first low net_ The first .flight winners were: Bill Thompson, Ralph Schefter and Brian Reeves; second flight was won by Coley McDonagh, Brian McKenzie and George, Bolton while Don Fink, Cliff Kennedy and Gary Chambers were the third flight winners. Thursday ladies', night was one super night with the first two -ball of the season for the ladies. But when you are lucky enough to have so- meone like Ellen Connelly organizing the event, Shirley Baechler cooking up a beautiful dinner and Pat Wilkinson organizing a good draw (that brought in some cash for our league) it has to turn into a super evening - plus lots of guests and some past members joining us. There were some Useful prizes banded out to the win- ners: 1st, Verna Kane and Doris Paquette; 2nd Betty Fuller and Joyce Bolton; 3rd Betty Helesic and Grace Sale; 4th Thora McCabe and Chris Reeves; 5th Shirley Baechler and Diane Boyes; 6th Sue Gower and Peggy Rivers;. 7th Velma Haylow and Pat Chisholm. Mast honest golfers: Pauline Sibeon and June Nelson. Best putting Verna Kane and Doris Paquette. First draw was won by Diane Armstrong and se- . cond draw was won by Judy (Mrs. Crow) Crawford. Thanks girls - it was a great evening. Hope you plan another one soon. This Sunday, June 21st, there will be two events held at the Sunset. The Men's Field Day, with tee -off at 8-9 a.m. and a brunch to follow. Then at 3:30 another Mixed Two -Ball, will be held with a pot -luck dinner to follow your game. FASTBALL STANDINGS as of Monday, June 15 Team Lakeport Steel Fisher Builders McGee Pontiacs Green & Parent Lakeport Advertising Canada Company Cord's Sport Redford Hotel Frtneiterwaepee W L T P 6 0 1 13 5 2 0 10 5 2 • 0 ° 10 5 5 0 10 3 3 1 7 3 3 0 6 3 5 0 6 2 7 0 4 2 I L cODERICH SIGNAL -.STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1961 --FACE 3 �f IfaHWAY-8 N a- 345-2.$'2.40 neeileArr>7 JUNE 15-2 NOT JOST A MALE•STRIPPeR sur #9N Re5rozu7F1Y (ROQUE •11URLESQU MUSICAL IP- P- COMIC ,A pACTNMIG. AlAnnfE � yonrE EVER - t-Attzv T__ -- FROM NOON 'TIL ONEA-M. AN -SAT PA S ONE- 100 0 - 8.19.2*APPS E-ZS-Z4o•27-MICHAEL ZwEI& &c PRAFFACIONALS fovsR QIRiauE aM alum • 14 9 CU. FT. .REFRIGERATORS DELUXE RANGE CON'iERTIBLE DISHWASHER MICROWAVE OVENS DELUXE ,DRYER STANDARD WASHER AND DRYER CHEST FREEZERS{ 1 t 72 CU FT 1498 CU FT -21 99(h,l FT T Before ouo On Vacation e 482-9773 Membership Fee -'35°00 Offer Expires -July 15th, 1981 Noayment No Ihterest 'til Sept. 30,1981 to qualified purchasers* *Financing Arranged through Patrons Acceptance Ltd_ A Co-op Company Super Truckload Savings Most Appliances tax. Exempt Until June 30.1981: 16.9 CU_ FT. REFRIGERATOR FROST FREE, WI -HTE MODEL L I7JFV STANDARD ELECTRIC RANGE, WHITE MODEL J32FV DELUXE AUTOMATIC WASHER. WHITE MODEL W682V 17 98 Cu FT CHEST FREEZER, WHITE VISCOUNT MODEL July 1 price + tax 5882 70 June Truckload price (no taxi 5714 99 You Save $167°° July t pnce - tax 5599 15 June Truckload pace (no tax)5444 99 . You Save 5154°° ' July 1 price + tax 5701 87 June Truckroad price (no taxi 5 555 99 You Save '145°° July 1 price + tax 5438,55 June Truckload price Ino taxi 535499 You Save 58300 t Microwave Ovens & Dishwashers Not Tax Exempt c4MANCMIG r4nOUGN I