The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 12VAGE —Gobigmai SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 19M Housewives win B title over Art's Landscaping The Croatian Housewives outscored Art's Landscaping from Goderich18-12for the B championship title on Sunday. Art's was winning 11-9 at the end of the fourth inning, • but the Housewives' offence and " defeacc came together - and they overcame the GodenCh team Pat Norman of the Housewives was top scorer as she came round, home, plate for four rams. Marlon Stephen, Mary Morley, and Carol Jobb each connected for three tuna whale Louise Brown and Val Pdantage each scored two. Jan Rutledge chalked up one nun High scorer for Art's was Brenda Pollock with three nun Chris Widdgen, Addie Grahame and Pat Boak each scored twice, and singles were notched by Bev Lamb, Jean McInnis, and Judy DraPer- Addle Graham pitched for the Goderida team whale Sandy Burns was en the mound for Clinton Bums won the Most Valuable !Pitcher, award, Brenda Pollock won the Most Valuable Player award, and Claris Wildgen took home the Mist speortwnanbke Player henna -The Canton Heusewives won beer stelae, a Imlay, aod$420 for the win, whaie Art's Landscaping received a chew fort/O. ROYAL BASK -712 PALMEHSTON4 Kincardine's Royal Bank team defeated Palmerston 125 for the B division con - siltation title. It was Royal Bank all the way as they went ahead 106 hi the rust five mires of play. Palmerston raided to scow five runs in the sixth and seventh innings, but time just ran out on them. Cheri Berfely, Tracy Swanson, Harriet Noseworthy, and Leslie Matheson with two scored for the bsing cause. Barb Fisher was top scorer for Royal Bank with three runs. Kathy &own, Gail Johnson, and Louise Bonnet each scored twice, win= Marg f..ared targh, and Janice Rutherford got single runs. • s. "NN, • • R was a dsse Flay at third base for the Art's Landscaping Mr' d baseman and the Clinton Housewives runner. CMOs beat Art's 18-12 for the Tharavision championship' of the Women's •IPaithallTswiseyealbeireekesd. ifeholabyCathWooden) Midgets run up against stiff competition, lose The Go erieb Midget girls softball team ran up against some stiff ifetanpetilica in dropping two games , last week. On Thursday night, Ow girls were defeated by Walkerton 9-2, and on Sunday the team was hambled by a strong team framSaranah 17-7. The girls hid a shay start against Walkerton, giving up eight MIS in the first two imings, bat settled down to play sound ban over thelast fiveinnings. Playing without the big litters, Thema Osborne and Andy DeWinter, the girls managed just five hits. Leading Goderich was Debbie Bfitchehnore who had a single and a triple as well as pitching onehft ban over the fatal four hmings. Terrnyn Fisher, Susan Bell and Kawmadhie Weemsooriya added singles. On Sunday, Goderich bit well against Sarawak but fielded poorly ict the rain_ Leading Goderich were Theresa Osborne and Andy DeWinter who each hit a home run and a single. Breaking out of an early season slwnp as well as providing entertaining baseruming were Teresa Donnelly and Mary O'Neill who had two hits each_ Theotherhits wenttoPa and Inane Ream Perforanitag well in the field were third baseman Moly DeWinter and shortstop Mary O'Neill_ Thegirls' next home game is Sunday at 1:30 when they play host to Teeswater at the MCI diamond. Bridge Club scores Last Tuesday night, Jame 8, the Goderich Bridge Club had nine tables in play for a 9t average. On the North South side, Mary Dormeny and Eleanor Erskine placed first with 150% points. Jean COOk and Verna Wordy were second with 91% points, and Cord Rutledge and Rick Somers were third with 9/We points_ Susan White and Bin 'Cochrane came in fourth with85points. On the East West side, Aileen Currie and Jean Papernick combined to take top spot with 118% points. Devine Sproule and Sean SulliVan were second with 10511,42 points. Arlene Gnabons and Theresa Mantis placed third with 104 points, and Joanne Duckworth -and Lee Ryan were fourth with 99%. CENTRAL HURON LADIES SOFTBALL &maws as of June 111 Team Elevators Housewives Art's Landscaping Superstars Noisy Ladies Goldiggers Sailorettes Sluggers W L T P 5 0 1 11 3 0 1 7 3 1 0 6 2 2 0 4 1 2 0 2 1 3 0 2 9 2 2 2 0 4 0 0 was at third . for Littie Plumber limner Diane Melick as the hall gets past the Bfitchen third baseman. The little Plumbers beat Witchell 841 in five imalags to reach the finals against St. Marys inA tfiviskion of the Women's Fastball Tournament on the Weekend. (Photo by Calla Wooden) Can. FEIDEI help ,you? Financial assistance Management comspeMng FAanagement trabung Information on government programs for buskiess See our Stratford Office Irepresentative DON KANDFORD AT: The Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Ontario ON: The 2nd & 45 h Tuesday of each month (Next Visit Date: Tues, June 23rd) 11 you require financing lo start. moderr,ze or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the F.808 management services of counselling ..,ind_tr.atnIng-or-wrsh-informatron-on • government programs available for you• business. talk 10 our representative I] For an appointnient or further Inforessflan an the services of the Sank, call 271-5750 (collect) ar write 1036 Getairfo Street, Stretford!, °menace. Opening hew doors' to small business YOU HAVEN'T GOT A GOOD DEAL UNLESS YOU GET A GREAT CAR IN THE BARGAIN • MAZDA GLC $5,590. The new Mazda GLC is making news in the small car field And a NM Motors deal on one of these great little cars can only make a good thing better. Come on in. You'll like what you see and what you hear. mama AEI THE MORE YOU LOOK, THE MORE YOU LIKE M -W MOT'ORS LTD. 1184 EAST Si. VOLVO-MAZDA/SALES-SERVICE • GODERICN 524-21i3 " FINCHER'S SHOPPERS SQUARE. GOEIERICH Reminds You.,.. FORGET 15 INCH BACKGAMMON SET tzf.: T7.1turgurillYi°uirs clie"s41°Ir to "..1.,, • 14* N>.7, SAVE 90.00 $24?8 BOOKS PAPERBACKS HARDCOVERS BILLFOLDS • KET CASES ,TRAVEL CASES and 'WV Smoky, bee 21 OW OUR REG. PRICES They make • lasting gift and you can find • law selection of affront and popular paperbacks betel FINCHER'S HAW IF -X elk SHOPPERS SQUARE. GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS AN SUNDAYS EARL RAWSON CORNER OF MONTREAL STREET AND THE SQUARE, GODERICH 7 CONT NUES SHOP Entire Stock % OFF TICKETED PRICE , ND MORE! ^