The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 10PAGE 10--GOHEB,ICH SIGNAL STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1981 Manydifferent games and relay races were played by ' left, Jill Dineen participates in the sack race and at right, Kindergarten to Grade 4 students when Robertson Public Bryan Lamb jumps a hoop during a relay race. (Photos by School held its annual play day on Tuesday afternoon. At Joanne Buchanan) USW discuss stewardship theme The. theme of. .the Holmesville U.C.W. June meeting was stewardship and articles were read by Betty Stoner and her group who decided on the meaning of stewardship. Other members of the group read articles describ- ing the instances when Mis- sion and Services fundhad been helpfullo less fortunate people. The business meeting was conducted by Phyllis Cox, and the report of the dinner di Jiwe 4. A delicious iuWit %u was served by Isobel Sturdy and Ada Tebbutt and Jean Wyatt. Members will meet' again in September. Ball news The league games are now underway and on Monday night the Goderich township Squirt girls won over Col- borne township. The Goderich township Squirt boys went down to defeat in Goderich. Next Week the Midget Boys play in Stanley township on Thursday, June 25th and the midget ;girls play on Tuesday, June 23rd also at Stanley. On June 24th the Goderich township Bantam boys play at Auburn, while the pee -wee boys are at home against Stanley. The pee wee girls play the Clinton B. tonight (Thursday) at 7 p.m. in Goderich township. On Tuesday, June 23rd Goderich squirt boys are coming to Goderich township to challenge us and` the squirt girls play in Goderich on June 24th. In our slo-pitch league, Holmesville lost to Clinton last Thursday night while Holmesville news Blanche Deeves, correspondent '482-3383 Porter's. Hill Gun Club defeated Benmiller. Goderich township has two teams entered in the slo- pitch tournament in Lond- sboro on June 19, 20, 21. Good Luck Boys! United news Last Sunday morning the Sunday School in Holmesville United Church held their anniversary ser- vice with superintendent Mrs. Barb Norman in charge„ Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge greeted the people as they entered the church. Tim Mayhew gave the call to worship and the scripture was read by Lisa Forbes. Shelley Crawford led in prayer and all repeated The Lord's Prayer in unison. Rev. Scott announced that worship service will be at Camp Menesetung at 11 a.m. on Sunday June 21st. The Induction Service for the Rev. Jim Bechtel is. plain= ned for Tuesday June 23rd at 8:30 p.m. in Wesley Willis Church. The primary children sang a hymn and Jackie Norman sang the solo parts. Heather Harris led in the responsive reading ' and the collection was taken by Robin Lobb and Travis Bell. Mrs. Norman introduced the guest -speaker, her nephew David Clifford who just arrived home from the Philippines- where he has been an exchange student for the past year. He showed beautiful slides of,the Philip- pines and gave an in- teresting commentary on them. He also had numerous 1 articles on display that he brought back with him for all to look at. Tracy Norman thanked him The exchange student to Stratford told of his ex- periences and pleasures while here. His greatest wish was to see snow. The junior choir sang and Mrs. • Robe Lobb thanked Rev. Scott for his interest in the Sunday school while he hays been with us. The promotion bars and certificates were presented by Mrs. Barb Norman and Mr. Bill Norman. Janine Mayhew led in the closing prayer and a social hour was enjoyed • with coffee and squares and cool drinks for the children. Let's all treat visitors U.C.W. studies leadership BRUCE T. THOMASSON DDS Dental Surgeon wishes to announce he has assumed the dental practice of DR. R.D. SPEERS effective June 15, 1981 at :.. 69 BRITANNIA ROAD W. GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 262 Phone 524-9655 By Appointment !ufltrrflg i� g' `'� SUNDAY,JUNE21 it.►BRUNCH 1 1" 1 a.m. till 2 p.m. 114 ADULTS $5.95 .CHILDREN THEUNDER 10 1/2 PRICE RESTAURANT AT THE MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB R RESERVATIONS MASI CAR 514-9641 Nile U.C.W. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George Cowan on June 11 at 2 p.m. Theme of the meeting was "Leadership and Development" and it was led by Dorothy Clements. Thought for the day was, "Walking with God". A hymn was then _ -=sung. followed with. Scripture taken from 1 John, chapter 1, verses 1-10 and the. medita- tion. Another hymn was sung and then a reading, "Those Old Grannies" taken from the March Observer, was given. It was about a Mrs. Vanstone from Stoney Creek and quilting and was very in- teresting. Mr. Cowan dosed this part of the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Winnifred Girvin then welcomed everyone and thanked Mrs. Cowan for the m- n:7eNeii's home for a po'dutit mmosomionimminan supper at 7 p.m. Husbflpds Notes from are also invited. Beth Rutledge and Dorothy Clements are to look after a little skit to be put on that ev Mr. wan closed this part with prayer and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Louise -Brindley and a social half hour was spent. Nile use of her home. Roll call was answered by nine members and two visitors telling one of their favorite hYrnils- Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted followed with the correspondence, which was read and dealt . with. Treasurer's report was then. fie - Plans for an anniversary supper at the church were discussed and planned. „ On July 9 members are in- vited to Mrs. Minnie It's nursing home week This is the eleventh year that the Ontario Nursing Home Association has. spon- sored Ontario Nursing Home Week. Nursing homes throughout Ontario mark this special week - June 22-28 - as a time to . open their doors to the public and hold special events involving residents, residents' families, volunteers, staff and the community. This year's theme "We All Have a Lot to Share" is the' slogan for Senior Citizens' Week. "In many communities nursing homes share their programs with other seniors and community groups, but rienee ti iy nursing homes are on the receiving end. There are so many pro- gram and special events that would not happen if it were not for the generosity of friends and community groups - of all ages," says Don Stevens, president of the Ontario Nursing Home . Association. Among the people who share their time with nurs- -ing 'Juane residents are volunteers. Today, most nur- sing homes have a dedicated group of : volunteers who regularly gi service to help make ally .living less monotonous .for the thousands of people who are nursing home residents. " i The Ontario Nursing Home Volunteers Associa- tion was formed in 1979 under the sponsorship of the ONHA. Volunteer workshops were held over the past year in the seven regions into which the ONHA mem- bership is divided. In November, workshops will be held for most' regions. President of the .ONHVAV is Helen Twiddy of Huntsville. Social news Sympathy of the"communi- ty is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dougherty and family in the sudden passing of their son Glenn who died as the result of a car acci- dent. Congratulations to all the boys and girls who went on the bike-a-thon and brought in over$700 for the church. Nile girls' slo-pitch team won the recent ball game against Auburn 19-13. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 1 7'6% A In IN Iiii Alf BRUCE ERSKINE 06 North 524-9555 ANSTETT JP/YELLERS a ALBERT $i., CLINTON 482-3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER We're ut your service... ' With in-store WATCH REPAIRS Certified Watchmaker on staff WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION Supplied and in- stalled while you wait 4..ach Also: Installation of electronic calculator butteries. We stock 20 different Power Cells_ HOURS: Monday through Thursday. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.: Fridays 9 a.m. till 9 p.m-: Saturdays 9. a.m--5:30 pm_ l Exclusive maple filter for the smoothest, driest smoke Brigham's patented maplewood filter. It eliminates "tongue bite-, the most common complaint of, pipe smokers. And by capillary action, it traps impurities, leaving the smoke fresh, cool and dry. F NCHER'S . SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH Also -See our full line of MEDICO Pipes 44 blt ait"i0LIU0 tUt Q4111)131 AA!) SJR J &LUZ 40..D JP J ar %ad. E. WkiteCWkie'ce 36 The Square Goderich 524-4312 LAUGH IT UP SELL -A- BRATION WICIMPSON-WARNER "Nice People to Deal With" Open 7 Boys GRAND BEND 238-2391 AT THOMPSON.WARNER GRAND BEND JUNE '19 th3OhI1 9100VEICLES oEHFROM T * LAUGH AT THE BANKS (Our Interest Rate is as low as 14.89 % ) * LAUGH AT THE GOVERNMENT (No Sales Tax on Trucks up to June 30) * LAUGH AT OUR * LAUGH AT THE GAS PUMPS (Chrysler has the high mileage cars) *LAUGH AT OUR HOT PRICES + $50. BONUS (Give us‘20 minutes, we'll give you 50 Bucks) BEST EVER,SELECTION (Chrysler, Plymouth. Dodge Rams, great used buys) OPEN DAY & NIGHT 9 A.M.-9 P.M. INCLUDING SAT. & SUN. DURING THIS SALE Every car, truck and styled van by Campro. on our lot will be "Windshield" SELL -A -®RATION priced against the manufactured suggested retail price in- cludinu option?. WARRANTY All fully reconditioned Thompson -Warner used vehicles are eligible for our 1 year used car warran- ty and carry a satisfaction or your money back guarantee. 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