The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 6J PAGE 6--GODEIUCH SIGNAL STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1981 and Mrs. Jim 1V1c.Fadzen of Guelph visited with her cousin, Mei Jones on Friday. Sympathy is extended to Bert and Joan Dougherty and family on the death of their son and brother, Glen in a traffic accident near Seaforth early Saturday 'morning. A Hard Times dance, was, held at the Agriculture Hall on Saturday night. The pro- ceeds front this dance will go towards the, completion of a second -ball diamond at the pia A Stag and Doe .was held at Harry Brindley's shed on Saturday.,night for Phil Jer- ome and fiancee, Chris Hol- loway, who will be married June 27. Toni Webster returned to his home on Sunday follow- ing many weeks in London and Witlgham hospitals. Hazel will have a homemaker come in to help out. - Jim -and -Margaret Eragag--. ton 'have returned from a Western trip, visiting with friends and relatives. Son, Roger in Calgary, Art and Diane Dickson and family in ,Supdre, Alberta; daughter, Cindy and husband, Denis • Maaylnchuk oaf°Delta, :Monk - ta; also cousin, Marjorie (Errington) and Robert And- reasen, Surrey, B.C. and Mr.. and Mrs. Allan. Finley, White Rock, B.C. Mrs. Olive Blake was one •of the many from this area who attended the. Webster reunion at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield., on Sun- day. EightW directors attended the .annual meeting of the Dungannon Cemetery Board. Arnold'Stothers was appoint- chairn.sn .-..a 1,.ir'iin Reed,. secretary -treasurer. It was ` decided to hold the annual decoration day ser- vice, Sunday, June 28. Mrs. Robert Stothers,. Dungannon, Mr. and , Mrs. oc--heid foi rniPhil and Cifi i Rod Jervis of Goderich, Mr. Jim Stothers and Miss Mich- elnne'Bossey of Mani tended the wedding of Mrs. Stother's niece, Miss Ruth Bamford of Cambridge on Friday evening, June 12. The. ceremony, which took place in St. Pauls United Church, Preston, united in marriage Ruth Elizabeth, only daught- er of Warren C. Bamford and the late Alma Anderson Bamford and Neil Granville Davis, elder son of Premier and Mrs. William G. Davis of Brampton. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Paul Martin Centre, Wilfred 'Laurier Uni- versity. The bride groom is a recent graduate of Queen's University and is with the law firm of Davis and Webb in Brampton. The bride is a graduate of Wilfred Laurier University. The newlyweds will,. honeymoon in Florida .aad_thn_ Bahaanas. - On Tuesday, .rune 9 sever- al of Beth McConnell's friends and neighbours drop- ped in at lunch time to help her celebrate her birthday: Beth' Hodges; Cora Sher- wood, Olive Blake, 131 Mc Doaahl and Dopy dem- ents brought the lunch, complete with a birthday cake, Happy Birthday, Beth. D igamaon Udted Church Mr. Cowan spoke on the subject, . A . Choice of Ways, based on the parable of the Sower. The choir sang the anthem, Jesus is Lord of All. The sacrament of com- munion will be celebrated in both churches on Sunda June -21. Brookside Broadcast By Jan Gibson and On Friday, June 12, Mrs. Farris6's kindergarten class visited the Grand Bend Zoo. The trip was enjoyed by, all. It had been postponed from Wednesday because of rain. ungannon doings Marie Park correspondent The instructors from the Lucknow swimming pool came to our school on Wed- nesday, June 10 and pres- showed two films. There was some participation by the -students. At the same time on Wed- nesday, the Huron County Dairy Princess, Dianne Old - f eld,_gave a dairy presenta- tion to the primary grades. She discussed the processing of milk from the cow to the table. She also emphasized the importance of vitamins in the milk. She described a day on a dairy farm. On Thursday, June 11, an Energy Conservation speak- er came to talk with the two grade six classes. He discus- 529-7719 ed the importance of con- serving energy and handed ented the many rules of out pamphlets on energy. Water Safety to grades 4 8. Tuesday, June 9, Dr. They performed a skit entit- Harry Cieslar from the Hur- led. Water Safety. They on County Health Unit talked to the school on the problem of rabies. He showed a series -r islidea 1-puceening pt veil tion and symptoms of rabies. He stressed the importance of avoiding touching strange animals, tame or wild. On Thursday, June 11, Mrs. Gibson's class, grade four, went to Goderich to tour the Huron County Pion- eer Museum and they visited the Huron County Historic Jail. They enjoyed their excursion. On Tuesday, the grade eights will be going roller skating at Lucknow. The grade sevens will go on Thursday. Thefollowingweekthere will be a two -pitch ball tournament held at Brook- side. The schools participat- ing will be Holmesville, Rob- ertson, Victoria, Colborne and Brookside. Good Luck to all! CORRECTION In this week's Met flyer. Inserted In the 4. Gatwick SIS===R--Saar, a printing error was nodi oRlthe Sate Price of € ur i®.wgntitior j wallets. The wallets marked 67.99 should road "511.00 and the wallets marked •5.00 should reed '7.0,. We are sorry for arty Inconvenience this may haws caused. THE MET SUNCOAST MALL 397 Bayfield Road Goderich USINESS DIRECTORY immummimmismamr Gertrude Knitting, correspondent 524-2076 Congratulations to Shirley Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fisher of RR4 Goderich, who ' graduated from the University of Western Ontario Monday, June 8, receiving her Bachelor of Science degree .in Nursing. Attending the a a were Shirley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fisher, Dan O'Brien, Bruce Fisher and Alison and Joan Clark. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young of RR5 Goderich who celebrated their 35th wedding anniver- sary with a family get-' together at the home of their daughter Janet and son-in- law Bruce Baechler of Port Elgin on Sunday, June 14. Congratulations to Don and Cathi Hubick of Goderich, formerly of RR6 Goderich on the birth of a daughter, Gillian Leigh on June 1 at Alexandra Marine and General HospitaL Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bentley of Ridgewood Park on the birth of a son, Michael James on June 8 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ine community is pleased to report Mrs. Ruth Taman has returned home after be- ing a patient in Alexandra Marine and General HospitaL Mrs. Beatrice Geiger of Zurich visited her sister, Mrs.. Gordon Kaitting and Mr. Kaitting this past weekend. Mark your calendar now for the barn sale at Theresa Fulford's place on Highway 21, . three miles north of Goderich on Saturday, July 4 starting at 10 a.m. Goderich & District Big Brothers' Association LI I would like to 'volunteer to bo a BIG BROTHER 1 understand that 1 will be contacted by a member of the Sig Brothers' staff. ❑ I am a mother of o fatherless boy(s) and would like to know more about BIG BROTHERS idAME AGE OCCUPATION HOME IADIESS PHONE (MS.) . (BUS.) Signature (Please send to) BOX 382 GODERICH, ONT. Jim Mulhorrt Dorothy Cornish Pyrc�e,�sident. 5.=,rra+tarry Jeffrey Rau really threw himself into the sack race during RobertsonPublic School's an- nual play day held for Kindergarten to Grade 4 children on Tuesday afternoon. (Photo by_ Joanne Buchanan) FOR FATHER'S DAY, OLD SPICE , AFTER SHAVE $2 99 LOTION 125 ml ONLY • 1 ' - AMPHORA PIPE g. PUNCH $ 35 TOBACCO ONLY • CRICKET DISPOSABLE LIGHTER ONLY ULTRA BRITS TOOTHPASTE 50 m1. ONLY SiLKIENCE SHOP THE TRIANGLE IN YOUR TOWN 300 ml. Plus !CO m1. FREE CONDITIONER $z. 4 BARS THE SQUARE GODERICH MAIN CORNER CLINTON MAIN ConNER SEAFORTH TFfIANG LE ISCOUNua.„ . ir ADAIR'S AUTO SHINE 239 Huron Road Goderich 1/111 IMInni111111111111111KOM CALL: 524-9995 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich i Ont. 524-2011 j THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-261S OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 CLOSED SATURDAYS TILL SEPT. 12 FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL Ronald L.1 171ART0ED At�00iNITART awtafsT., Su�ut 47 Woad', Oalwis DIESEL Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel InleCtlon r jv:r,.:wnir itstrileid id. 443-79"71 :YOUNG'S • Small Appnaloe Rem Service 3S1 Suncoest Drive . Goderich 5246165 HANK'S PORTABLE WELDING and CUSTOM FABRICATING Don't come to us We'U come to you. ONE CALL'W1LL Du IT ALL! Residence 395-5610 If no answer call 396-4800 Leave name and number, . we'B cal. you back. NEW DAY 11 41 NEUS1980 . NRTuaE Rom rswn,WEI® wow some SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZERS -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST. GODERICH 524-899' MacGi I I ivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER N THE SQUARE. GODERICH, ONT. 524-2877 esoenesau meowro aewwnoN HAMILTON ST. cATHARI ES PORT OOLOOREN usrowEL weaesso CArGAIT ® anionnN VANcOUVR oo®tairt. MacGillivray Associates (Godetisii) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts iteceivable, financial statements, time & charges Z specialised reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2699 R.W. BELL DIST The Squaw 524-7661 Cards For All Occasions *Gifts *Boobs *Stationery Supplies *Records ANDERSON'S ROOK CEHTP.E 33 EAST ST. GODERICH J TRITOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice. Sales. Purchase and Disbursement Jour- nals. Accounts Receiv- able. Payable. Payroll J'inaacioLS9atements. Also Time sharing . and In-house terminals available. Also form A Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE 52 Huron St.. Clinton PHONE 482-3524 R.J. NEPHEW PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY 65 MONTREAL ST. 524-2029 CLOSED MONDAYS H.O. JERRY LTD. I Complete line of PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Powiturs for Esse/ raw. H.O. JERRY LTD. "Me Paper Paopte'• 1$S Park St. GODERICH AMIE IR FISHER GLASS & MIRROR - STAIN GLASS RESTORATION - CUSTOM MIRRORS. SASH REPAIRS - PLATE GLASS. STORM WINDOWS. THERMO PANES. FOR ALL TOUR GLASS NEEDS COME AND SEE US TODAY... 72 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-7312 i Alexander Banter and MacEwan Insurance Agency Ltd. 10 THE SQUARE, GODERICN; ONT. 524-2177 - Bert Alexander John Ranter Dan Mattawan HOME NUMBER 524-7636 524-6149 524-7663 THE OLD-FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE • C.I.L. DECORATING CENTRE -Paint 3: Wallpaper -Febulan Floor Finishes -Deft Furniture Finishes •GARDENING SUPPLIES -Fertilizers" seed i Tools •SWiMMING POOL CHEMISTRY SPECIALISTS •WATER CONDITIONER SALT •WHOLESALE CABLE & FITTINGS •FIRE EXTINGUISHERS -Sales A Service -Industrial & Hotel Inspections •DISCOUNT MOPS t BROOMS •WINDOW GLASS & SCREENING REPAIRS *CENTURY WELDING SUPPLY DEPOT effiCe ereteraiceis *GENERAL TYPING REPORTS, ESSAYS SPEECHES. RESUMES *PERSONALIZED LETTERS e BOOKKEEPING *OFFICE OVERLOAD SERVICES IN YOUR OFFICE OR OURS 10A THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2332 PHIL MAiN-HARDWARE 84 K INGSTON ST.. GODERICH 521.9671 FARM �•Y West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company Dungannon. Ont. NEM 11111 529-79*1 RESIDENTIAL AGENTS Frank Foran RR No. 2 Lucknow Donald MacKay RR No. 3 Ripley John F. MacLennan Lucknow Mason Robinson 341 Catherine Str. Wingham Delmar Spread RR No. 2 Auburn DIRECTORS Eldon Bradley Lucknow Garold Kerr RR No. 4 Gradwrich Austin Martin Lucknow Kenneth 6. Maclean RR No. 2 Paisley Donald McKenzie 143 Elgin Ave. Goderich John Niedsn RR 5 Brussels AUTO 5234124 343-3342 5211-3310 337-2473 124-3 523-2214 524-8412 328-3141 344-7537 524-71142 187-8417 CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO ?i$E DIRECTOR tiEan 1st von.