The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 5First Rotary auction sale a success Photos by Dave Sykes and Cath Wooden Old age_secu.rity pensions increase • Increases in the Old Age Security pension, Guaran- teed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, which are to take effect in July 1981, • were announced recently by the Minister of National Health • and •-Welfare, Monique Begin. The basic Old Age Security pension will be increased to $214.86 monthly from the present$208.20. The maximum Guaran- teed Income -Supplement for an individual 'or a married person whose , spouse is receiving neither a pension nor a Spouse's Allowance, will increase to $215.72 from its current $209.03. Added to the basic pension, this will give a person receiving both the OAS and the maximum GIS a. monthly total of $430.58. The maximum Guaran- teed Income Supplemert for a married couple, both of whom are pensioners, will increase to $166.32 each from $161.16: Added to the basic pension this will give each married pensioner receiving the maximum GIS a total of $381.18, or $762.36 for the couple. The GUaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pen- sioners whose income, apart from the Old Age Security pension, is limited. The amount of the supplement varies in relation to income. The maximum Spouse's Allowance will increase to $381.18 from $369.36. HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Whether you're searching for a mate for your goldfish, a chic little doghouse for Fido or a special piece of furniture for your living room, the fastest way to find the things you're looking for is through the classifieds. You can com- pare prices at a glance. No need to waste time and gas running all over town. The classifieds are a great way to sell things; too! You can cash in on unwanted goods or items you don't use by.placing an ad in the classified column of your local newspaper. It will be seen by more than Waco potential readers! It's easy to use the classifieds! Gn6derich--- SIRNAL— AR GODERICII SIGNALSTAH, WEDNESDAY, AMIE 17,1861—PAGEO Civic oft -well cir A special meeting of town council to deal with tenders" for the renovations to town. hall Will be held today, Wednesdf, Jilne 17 at 4_p.m. in the council chambers at town hall The Goderich Airport Committee will meet this evening, Wednesday, Jimel7 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. The Loral Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, June 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the mayor's office at town hall. The Planning Board will hold a public Meeting about the official plan Tuesday, June 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the MacKay Centre. . Huron County Council will meet Thursday, June 25 at 10 am. in the council cham- bers, Court House, Goderich. Fi 4.1 I d 01 )14 krn I i I I I I 7:1171.14m1."N11.1.1111i11.11,1 _ .LF 131DAYS LEFT To_ SAVE THE SAES TAX. ON FURNITURE AT BLACKSTONE FURNITURE WEST ST. GODERICH OPENING THURSDAY. JUNE 1STH STRAWBER• RIES • TO CARLOW 44. CHURCH • • Pick Your Strawberries AT 1 BENMAILER ACRES Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday WEATHER PERMITTING SENMILLER II STORE 111 MILES NORTH OF BENMILLER • THEN 12 MILE EAST ring Your Own. Containers We've put together some tremendous sale prices on a selection of great gifts for the active Dad... or even the Grad! Show them your appreciation. give them some Garb & Gear Wit GIVE PAD A GIFT THAT LASTS.... NoR0RAistARN 7 PIECE M.R.H. GOLF CWBS FAMER'S DAV SPIOAL RAVER- - • ' Call...524-8331 REG. 41.99 WE HONOR CHARGE% AND MASTERCARD ...A GIFT THAT HELPS HIM GET FIT!• .NOT FAT! COOPER 1140. 241 BASEBALL GLOVE $344) BASEBALL CLEATS 200IF SALES AND SER%R 4 THE SQL ARE GOIWRICH Dalt NO. 2090 BASEBOLL GLOVE $46 99 524:2822