The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 3More graduation announcements.� DOUGLAS WAYNE OVERHOLT Douglas Wayne Overholt, son of Mrs &Ina Overholt of Goderich and the late Frances Overholt, graduated from the Faculty of Education of the University of Western Ontario on June 12 with a diploma in Technological Studies. CYNTHIA (CINDY) CORNISH Cynthia (Cady) Cornish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RH_ C'wrnish, 122 Brock Street, Goderich, received her Bachelor cif Education dry ee Jure 12 during the graduation ceremonies at the University, of Western Ontario_ Cs: may, term was —ned to the Dean's Honor List, wrll be living in Spring Arbor, Michigan in September. SANDRA ADAMS Sandra Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, 206 Wellington Street, Goderich, received her Bachelor of Arts degree of the University of Warn Ontario en June 10. Sandra is employed as a teacher in London. MICHAEL JAMES PALMER Michael James Palmer, B. Eng. and Mgnrt., graduated from York University with a Master of Business Administration degree at convocation ceremonies held June 11 in Toronto_ His mother, Eileen Palmer of Goderich and a sister, Karen Baechler of Toronto at- tended ttended the ceremonies. Mille is a graduate of G_D.C.I. and McMaster University in Hamilton_ •I.otter. eIected board C: Bruce Potter was elected chairman of the board of governors of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital at Monday a rdno'sanni.sr nrie HesncceedsGordon Crabb in that post. Vieeschairman is Bob Dempsey; secretary Lynn Todgharm,; andtreasurer, BPDAtocock_ Other members of the board include Dr. 'Michael Conlon, Gerry Gaut, Dr. James Hollingworth, Mrs. Janet Kalbfleish, W.J.Mcflwain,, Mrs.. Tom Melady, Mrs_ Linn lvieiski„ Glen Fahey., Dr. James Rourke, , Ken Scott, Abel, may, Don Wheeler and Gerry 2irbrigg_ Richard Ottewell replaces Mrs. Jo Berry who resigned effective June 1, 198 , Tom Trovan has also resigned from the board, but to date, no replacement has been named. It is ex- pected the board will appoint someone this fell,tebring the board to its fun strength of 20 members a NEWBORN NEWS MIES Poug and Margot are pleas- ed to announce the birth of fir son, Michael John Gorrtzen Fines, ben June 14h,1 -ate taoderi.Ch Hospital, weighing 7 Ibs. 7 ozs. Proud grandparents are John and Evelyn Gorrtzen of London and Warren. and Jac- queline Finer of Bluevale. Wayne and Marie Scott of Wawa thank God for the safe arrival of their first child, a' beautiful • baby girl, Arnie Marie, born June 8th, 1981, 6 lbs. 9 ors. at General Hospital,. Sault Ste. Marie. Proud grandparents are Bill and Dorothy Ferguson, Mississauga and Kenneth Scott of Auburn. Great- grandparents reatgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rodges and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holzhausen, all of Goderich. SNOWDEN Bill, Shirley and ,Bill Jr_ are extremely pleased to an- nounce the early arrival of their . Sone and brother, Joseph: Brian, 4 Ibs_ 7'12 ozs., -t rrr-oi -Maey-a -1931-at-Ste In his final report to the board as chairman, Gordan Crabb drew attention to the fniancial report showing. the hospital carne in $148 under the funding of the Ontario rArmistry of Health after ate full year of operation_ 'With inflation almost out of control and costs rising constantly, the administration of this hospital has been able despite the heavy patient load with its demands on nursing staff and medical staff, to keep ac__ __�. _r - she bo .Est whirr.. *k.. bra. ct ' u to of EtU JUU 4iiG iw son v, uses ass °s'+as6s said Crabff _ He said that although the Ministry has been "more generous in its funding" for the coming year, it will benecessary to watch spendingclosely to ensure the kind of service the public expects The auditor's statement prepared by Durst, Vodden and Bender, showed hospital operating costs for the year ended March 31, 1981 increased by 8.9 aydonsayspark-program- government funding is puny BY JASON AINSLIE • The Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario (PRE O) held itsfrstannual meeting inGoderich Last They and Friday, when about 30 delegates from across Ontario met to discuss the province's most salient parch or next iererer Among the topics discussed was Matin 200, a regulation of the Ministry of Culture e and Recreation vvlochr provides funds for Ontario mumiicipahities for reere:atiiOrn progaaw.S. Last year, the Onta a geveime sat aside tem - an 9' wo-ant' : J 1 -1 million dollars for the program and 666 municipalities applied for assistance_ Parks and recreation representative m Goderich, Elsa Hayden, said that„ co siderrng what the province contributes to the construction of roads, its con- tribution to parks and recreation programs is puny. Cha i an of the PRFO, Robert Arnot of Kitehener, said pr 1 1 i; ' e rmtericipal ties must pass a bylaw to file for financial assistance, must form a recreation Committee, and must perforin a budget analysis to irstimate a comnanuirsne d This year the federation which acts as a single voice far many satpilifa paw and recreation organizations, will present some recommendations to the ministry requesting more money and less restrictions. We've proposed that the format (for awarding funds)1 be changed," Mr Arnot said, "and that funds be increased' He said a town of the size of Goderich would„ under thepresentsyystem, be eligible for about 86,000 from the program. The + 1.17 is dependent upon the municipality's population and is scaled soy that smaller communities are awarded more dop er-capi:.ta than larger cities:. Bartthefederation wants the program scalerfto awn rdeveruoremoney torthe maileroeunnunities. Another factor which bears on the awarduig of funds regard the qualifications of personnel working for a sparks or recreation depment. Under the present system, muni es employing Wiry D 1 .' IU :O personnel reseirre larger awards than thoseertiliToying laypersomel_ But in light of the fact that the federation plans to update its certification policies as well as Regulation 20, the qualification criteria would be redundant, so it is the federation's suggestion that ministry monies not fie awarded on that basis_ With regard to the provinces expected increase money contributions, Mr_ Arnot said he hadn't considered where the revenue would be raised - just that it must be raised. Feel safe m. your boat. One can feel very much alone when setting out in a small boat as self-reliance is and must be the rule. - Before going on a cruise, give the safety officer . of your boat or yacht club an itinerary with estimated times of departure and arrival at your desti ati on- - If you change your plans while under way, call your home club or the person who knows your plans and, possibly the police. This will allay worry and prevent a needless alert which might set off a comprehensive air and marine search_ -Carry the latest corrected charts and a serviceable compass in your boat at all times. li THANK YOU The Ladies Auxiliary to . Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. Mk Goderich, Tag Day 0 conveners would like to thank Zehr's, Sun - coast Mall, Canadian Tire, Brewer's Retail, L-C.B.O. and downtown store managers. for 0 permitting us to tag, on their premises. Thank you to the Public and Comrades who helped in any way to make our day a suc- cess. Proceeds will go to Welfare_ MARION HAYES, CONVENER VI? DtwLS c. Ceetkints Wiiite j"""2. 3* THE SQUARE aatielleff 524-4312 Joseph's Hospital, Proud grandparents are Joe and Marian Tiffin and Ernie and Caroline Snowden" -z S V. -,it Paul and Bonnie (nee White) are pleased to aneounce the safe arrival of their firstborn son, Christopher Paul, at St. Marys Hospital:, weighing 5 lbs. 3 ozs., on Wednesday, June 10, 1981. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Swarthout of Kit= chener and Mr, and Mrs Fred White of Goderich. Also great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Good and Mrs. Laura White, all of Goderich. THOMAS Bruce and AIdina Thomas (King), Stratford, are very happy to announce the safe arrival of their son, Barrett Walter, 10 Ibs. 1 oz., on Sun- day, June 14, 1981, at the Stratford General Hospital, Stratford. First grandchild for Walter and Marion Thomas, Goderich" Grand- son for Alden King, Vanastra, and Johnin King, - NovaScotia_ 11 JL „AL peicetit previous year. Total days of 29,316 exceeded the previous year's ni ether of days of patient care by 7.2 percent, thereporsaid. Hospital adtniiustrator Elmer Taylor said a total of 9.,213 patent kwas admitted to the hospital. Overall occupancy rate was 89.2 percent, Taylor reported. "This high occupancy resulted in many times when thetotal number of patients exceeded our approved beds," Taylor stated. "By setting up additional beds . rieederi ,alb patients ,reseuEft-spitralization were accommodated," Chief of Staff Dr. Michael Conlon said he feels the present bed shortage will continue. But he didn't advocate allowing it to continue without a fight. "We cannot sit back •and accept as unchangeable the current designated active treatment beds as allocated by the Ministry," protested Dr. Conlon. The president of the medical staff, Dr. James Hollingworth reported that for long periods of time during theyear, the active bed section of the hospital was runningat about 100percent. • Anes-his-bras--neeessitaatedeth mission of patients to this hopsital," said Dr: Hollingworth. `in order to cope with these situations, patients have been kept in the emergency room for periods." He said the lack of available active has been secondary to chronic care patient.eand tients who were destined for future nursing home care, backlogging active`tCceatment beds. "It is the hope of the medical staff that within the foreseeable future,extra nursing home beds ewill be available within the community,. so that burl -up of patients waiting for nursing home placement does not occur," said Dr. Hollingworth. 10 1 • • DERICH SIGNAIAtAR, VMD Ay, Jim -17,19131—P �' 3. Looking for information Dear I'm looking for informa- tion _nn ray great- grandmother, r a t -grandmother, Mary A. Jones. She was barn January 6, 1863 in Goderich to William Jones and Jane Jones. iwould like to find in- formation about Wiliam and Jane. They came from Irelan4 uidsettledon a fawn a few miles from Goderichin the 1820s. Sincerely, Michael RT5 BOX 51C, Gilmer, Texas 75644 THE CORPORATION OE THE TOWN Or GOO ICO HEREBY OFFICIALLY DECLARES THE -WEEK OF JUNE 2.1 st-27th, As "SENIOR CITIZENS" WEEK" IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH Heves a great Father's D0yift idea -an Emberrnatic :- gS9fl!I oyArkla. Walt tial Dad sees the fabulous edvantvA9es of gas grilling ... real outdoor flavor with no charcoal mess_ Emberrpatic gasgrills use long life lava briquettes and natural or LP bottled gas. Instant heat, too, so there's no warm-up waiting time. Just light up and enjoy. Come see us and let us show you all the features that put more ruin into .cutd gnihr g y �- Not only read, but the whole family will love an Embermatic gas- grill asgrill by Attila. BBL- n 11A1 C- QAE3BN:iLL BYARKLA BAECHLER Uita honSI is tui p%sai 150 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524=11600 J E' SUPER SAVE PRICES KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING song T-BONE WING SIRLOIN STEAK 994 99 LB SUPER SAVE SUPERMARKET 524-9411 BLADE STEAK 38 104 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERItit We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices in effect tial closing Sot., June 20 1181 or while quantities last. CANAPORDAKELSECT SHOULDER ROASTS La COCA COLA 730 ML. PLUS DEP. WHiTE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE 4'S 29 GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES "-oz- 21894 KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ _,..• z 29 WYLER'S DRINK i.. SUNPAK LEMONADE 3tr92GR. � 47 PKG. • T2.5 07. 2 /99 U A V ; LEN " ORANGES DOZ. 9 MIMED CORNED BEEF La 2 4fr BLUE'S HAM SALAD LB. 1 1:9 ANY MANY MORE iN-STORE-SPECIALS FACIAI TISSUE 209'5 69 HABITANT ASST SOUPS 20L 694 SAVARIN T.V. DINNERS � •� TT O2" .3BRANNY 99 31.13 SOUTH ORANGE JUICE 12"5 OZ_ 11 s 9 B OGNA 9 LB. S WHITE SWAN SERVIETTES 49 ES'S MONARCH ALL PURPOSE FLOUR5.3113. • 99 ARRIVING DAILY FRESH ONTARIO STRAWBERRIES FRESH COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE PLAIN GARLIC 5 LB. LIMIT 1.29 USA FRESH R SMEEAi LOAVES $ BAKED LB. 59 FCRESI-BULK OTTAGE CHEESE 29 L. 1 . CANADA GRADE A ROASTING CHICKENS 3-41b. ..,7 L8. ®9 -.• V r 1 LLB.