The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 2PAGE! --GODMOCIISiGNALATAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 191111 Florida. couple want. to 00.0.tact_Godericiveoupler WIJOANNE BUCHANAN las.4 summer a Florida mu* who wele vacationing in Nova Scotia met up with a Gdud" couple who were • also vacationing there They — heard so - -mach -about Goderich„ that they decided kreisitherethissiumner. •Since they lost their ad - •dress beak arid couldn't remember the- Goderich couple's names, they got m touch with their' dumber ef , commerce wholheri got in koldl With Jean Adams who •boks after the Goderich Welcome -Cadre. • Jean • has since been in contact with the Florida • couple and has made amagements f them to •stay at the Benmiller Inn in August. Wide here, they mold like to visit the • Goderich couple they met in Nova Scotia. If that couple is owing this' , contact Kate/well, 165 SE. 13th Avenue, Deerfield Beach, Fluidal 33441 orJean Means at the Welcome Centre 47. The Winghtumm „Towne Foyers, an amateur %,oa group, are currently repairing fur their' spring predicant to be beld Jane 25„ 26. and 27 *dabs in Virago= -town HaD at 8:39 ft' • This production will in- clude twooneact comedks aid a oneact thriller. F.E. Madill siadents are also contrileding to The repaid( varmicr coma" demsnornat- w.m. .parr ginlariStFhlI Mak br- in* of Geduld', will be fealnredinthetalling too. Advance tickets are amilableatThellomePlace - seethe Triangle Discount in Vfiegbam. There Will aOSbe fabetiattheiloor. 14+ id Bits ROBERT EDWARD NOUNGIKX/T Robert Edward. Yorogblut, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Stan Yeanghlut of Ge V2."' Munn?, Wie at the•Wog Cenvoenb:on of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Torontoon May 2& Robert, a former graduate G.D.C1., gdd€tbe rg Dean's Honor Lis- t 'in the Business Administration program. He is presently working with Willson Office Specialty Ltd. in afississauga.. • 1 DAVID IL MSS David B. Ross, son of Mr. ATA Mrs P.Livrarts• Re 4 Goderich„ received his Doctor of Medecire degree with Hews at the Spring Convocation of &are University of Toronto on •Arnett David was the recipient of Lr iff'ard Cameron in Surgery, the Dr. Debut S. Hoare Award„ the Ciba Geigy Book Award and a Medical Society Honor Award. He wilt he interning at SL Marrs Hospital in Montreal startingin July.. , • JEFF RAMMER Jeff Reedier, son of Betty and Con Baechler of Goderich, graduated recently from Teachers °dew at the University of Western Ontario in London. Jeff is a graduate of G.D.C.L and Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. He has accepted a teaching paaltiatimllsaw,„ 0A—erania. • BRENDA was • STEWAR'T Breada WO Stewart, frImir of Dm and Stewart of 196 Warren Street, Goderich, receiVed her diploma in Fashion Tortodaue and Design at the convocation at Sheridan College of Appled Arts and 'Tchnology in Oakville on June& Brenda has accepted a posit*. m with Cotton Ginny in imusion. . . • LINDA BLAKE Linda Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bike •of Holmesville„ graduated •June 3 from the Universfty of • Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Science degree i noosing She was also the xecipient of an Ahmmi Gold Medal awarded by • the Faculty °Mersin& Linda has accepted a position at Victoria Hasiitat, London: Facia *WM Air Sid* 1 COM be GO SOWN Man wg.,_*•.V5=1:::=4g- Itwea.•-•.,,,et 2 — m, =scow mio towable stromgesa/no 2—mo own *Asia en 3 5 newer& sea cioshoo—aa kaiedirrifir 4. meat. •Cdscialseing swot 5. 6. 7. S. 0. ;=„grame=1-"7-SUPPORTAIR • the akt-bed from the mine you know for quality • NNW =1'04_ rte. 13LACKSTONE . FURNITURE IR BEDS wisf ST-.. GOMM. • Exclusive maker df the Back Supporter') mattress • . • • , DONNAFRAYNE Donna Frayne, &udder of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fryane et RR. 3 Goderich, graduated from King's Colege„ University of Web= (Mario m June 13. _She recettedher Bachelor of Ads donee in Sociology and • was an the Deans Honor List. Donna is enrolled at Ailhouse Teachers College in tendon fir the coming year. Ste is a gradate of G.D.C.L and St Joseph"s Schoot Kridge 1 1 4 DORIS LORRAINE • NAYLOR Doris- Lormine Naylor, daughter of Mrs. Jessie Naylor eiGodesich, received her diploma inManagement • Studies and Enterprise Development from Ryerson Pdstechnical Institute in Toronto on May ?A. She is a former graduate of G.D.C.L UNAM. COSTELLO Um M. Caelf,a,'" of Mr.. and Mrs.A.V. Costello of R.R. 2 Goderich„ graduated Them/ay, June 9 from the University of Western Ontario with her Badoelor of Arts degree in English. Una, a graduate of G.D.C.I.„ has been accepted at Allhouse College, Faculty of Education„ University of Western Ontario and plans to enter the program in Samptember. 1; GODERICRVACUINA CENTRE SuIes Service %mks *FILTER QUEEN *HOOVER *GENERAL ELEGEM *ROYAL *EUREKA *COMPACT *ELECTROLUX *ETC.. Eic.. Bogs for every make & model S2 WEST ST. •524-411 HURON CHAPEL AUBURN. :4:01434". •••• 1 FANTASTIC VALUES ON OUR ECONOMY MINDED CA ... •• WEHAVE STOCKED UP ON THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR IMPORT NW NOW DURING OUR UM ANNIVERSARY SALE AND RECEIVE A WITH EvERlif N IJj • ‘I.AR PURCHASE • OFFER EXPIRES JULY 314, 1991 HERE'S JUST A SAMPLING OF OUR HUGE SELECTION NOW IN STOCK! 'COROLLA 4 DOOR. LONG BED PICKUP THE CONCORD DL WAGON • STARLIGHT 111111ACK • sauna •TERCEL DELUXE 1-1-17,111" ACP 94, IV\ 11 • ; i• '1" Frogararturaon imam AMC nonLiecorgoinexams mums 1110111111VI MORIN AMERICA'S MIST GAS MINEAGE AUTO- EPA- TEST DIME' CMS WIDE ROOT COROLLA SALES TAX via AIME awn 64.2.,„. 534 GOTA • OUR MOS POPULAR E.P.A. • 56, , 45 avurAGI Bay a Toyota* COUNTRY GOSPEL MUSIC SUNDAY NIGHT JUNE 21, 7:45 P.M. FEATURING • "THE INSPIRATIONA LS" PLUS QUARTETS, CHOIRS, DUETS, SOLOS EVERYONE WELCOME SALE HOURS: TOP TRADE-IN FOR LOW MILEAGE, CLEAN USED CARS ROPIDAT to THMISDAT AM- 9 PM IRONTAMS 5 we SATURDAYS 9 AM - 5 PM 'roue HORMAY RUE:1-4- CAR STATION 346 HURON ROAD mom 5244311 • 5244411 DERICH SU -9381