Exeter Times, 1911-8-24, Page 1'analog Requisite$
Sedloylle. AQW—Jargoly emplored in caanioo
preserving., We have he gonuino,
Gero. Rings -Both
pizesbo doz.; red, Joe do7
Spices that w
111 ma�e your piales just a
ittle nicer than your nelghl6ore,
Corks, settle WO, Etc,
OUR New Fall Dress Goods have -arrived early t his y ear to give the early buyer
a chance to have their Fall Suit or Dress made up right away. We are show-
ing a new range of Fancy Tweeds, Worsbeds, Serges, Pani amas, Satin Cloths,
Broadcldtbs, &c. Come and gee the New Goods and have an early choice.
;are'only toopleased to show Noll.
New Fall Underwear New Fall Staples
For Children, Ladies'. and Misses. New Wrapperettes, Flannelettes,
Oo yo -10, W"j,
than, you have 1144? Then use
and have wholesome end nourislaii) oo&,,
Once used always in favor. 253b!,
Colo's Drug Storo
400 Rer year In advaqce
Police Court
Reception to Grand Master Popplestone by xagistrate Georize 0, Pettyof Hen
L.Oir 0. F, Lod . �S%ll had very sirious ease to, deai We
ge No. 67, Euter, with on Monday When. A YOUDg inall
from Grand Bond Was brought before
him on the charge of attenigtea rape
M A i;p r;, County Crown Attorney er
d J 119%c
oi want
4efe the accused.
bury of E 1Z ;�4;E
'Upon the conelusion of the evidence
for the Crown-, the counsel for accused
applied to have the cbarge. reduced
one of assault, and thts the magistrate
AA .11 A 1� A- A 1-1 A I'l to . V a
for trial at Goderich. On � Taes-
my the magistrate!s colirt resembled
Col Dealson's at Toronto, so
ac.e;sed and witnesses throngE "!a
R a
place, and all were in connection with
allofe� violations of the Motor Ve.
hie es Act. Two cases againatH,
Quenther of Grand Bend motor bus
resultedin, the accused being let o6T.
Pit" h
C h
One case against Mr, Rd Fowell w4f;
C; e
dismissed. andon, the oiber the tine
was $1, J. G, Stanbvry defended in
Pa9h case,
XMIGIM—In Bmiter on Wednesday.'
Wagast,'lfth, 4o Or, and Mrs. .1.
.T. Knight, a, oou, (David Charles.)
A a
SALTER—In Exeter, a n Monday
. 1, 1 .4 Ar- AIf W
0% f Pr*
U V4U.,LO !1UX. an s.
We .-sell lots of Winter Underwear Sheeting, Toweli g, Table Liii6na, Salter a daughter. W.J
RORINS-In. ExeIter Nor th, on S anday
nowand our stock is just complete in On Thursday VV011111g, last Lite 1. 0. or. lie. had [the grea,test regard for Aagast 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
Kimona Cloths, Blanket Cloths, Etc. 0. R. No. 67 gave a grund roceptloil Bxoter Lodge which on differexft.oc-
every line, to S. A. I)b1iledtone, at Blyth, in ban- easlons had honored him one way, or ard 41-obins- a soil.
or. of*his recentelevWdon. 'tot the po- anol'hor. Xle grevOtly appreel-aXed th.- NORTHCOTT-In Exdter, on Ked� Y on to
sition of Grand Master of Ithe, Grand nesday Augudt 16th to Mr. and Mrs.
way the lodge etood at his back and
Lodge. of OnItarlo. 1ITeaded by Itbo bacV,inspired him oil during III& coa- Charles Nofthc6tt, a. son.
SWEEPING SALE 0 citizen's Band of, ` 'London, a pr000s- nootloiv willi OddfallolIrS 1p. Mr. Pop-
sion of OddfellOwP":xOPresen!ting, Rea- laslitona? also dta!Led that be( owed� a 1,JARRIED 19 ft
go at some price. We want the room for the fox1th. IDATAou. lr6usall and Exeter large porition of his sliccesist fto�, his R11 NtSILRD-IIALL-In Hensall on
No reserve on them, They must all Lodges maiched to the school groLinds mother -who had inqtilled into him the Wednesday 16, Kiss 33erthn; becul V,
New Fall Goods. Bargains in every department of the,, Summer Goods. You followed by the guests in autos. good claalilties that she possa�aGd, who Hall daughter of Xr, zmd Nrs. J.
-ovided for about six had inspired him on and who 1had on- - all. of Exeter 4%7orth. to Mr, Char -
cannot miss them. Oealts were.pi 11
hundred people but nverlwo 'thousand coiaraged him in times of discourage- les Rinshed of- Detroit.
were present' to do 1onor 'to. oilavrliq manU and it was principally becaase
bad grown iup laour (town and who is of her that lie Inow stood before tilom D]M D
beld in the very, highos't osteLsm by as( the Grand Master of fthe Ontario Alxl�[,KSOIX-111 24xeler. oil Friday. uLOTHIN
Repp and Linen Suitings Plain and Fancy Ginghams khc-�-esidcnks of Explor. Lodge of Oddfollows. 11A conclusion 4iqfu9b Tfth._Jauo Prophy, relic.
]MY .'L. H. Dial -son tilled Ithe posi- Mr. Popplestano saidchat if he made ot e irae Richard Atkinson, aged
tion of Chairman in a very c4able onough,money in Bly'th (that possibly M years, and i10 moniths�
In all colors. Regular 26c to 35c per All over 12-1 and 1'5c Gingliams to be _Use,, JOUNSTON-Til Volborne Twvnshlp,
2 inanner.,and explained Ithe, rp he woaldre�tire 'to Bx6ter.
yard for only 15c. rd. cleared out at 10c per yard, they had g�althored was Ito tonor one Padt CGrana WasLer, 1131eive'tt, X. O� On i&cgagt ath. John. Mellarres UNDER
ya who had l;;an'tbc1x schoolma:te, Itheir of, StxaXford was 'the last of j(he . Johnston 7ounges't son of Anlarew
companion in sporLs and mischief. a �Spcakcrs and gave a madterlyaddras� Johns(ton.
on Odditellouship. He said he baU tft- 0 UCM-41n.
business Inan of the Itown, and who 19 Morrisi on WaguA, AM MID
had been honored by Ithe Grand 'Lodge tGndod a great mauyIgdtherings,.vhl1,�, Robert Souch aged �83 years. I t t
White Waists and Whitewear Fancy Silks and Foulards Grand iMa9ter bdt did not know tha�t MORBETIL-41a G 'uelph. on Augu,4
of Oddfellows, of Odtarlk), by eleva:t- W'"AIK
ing him L-6 the bigh.",t. position, of he ever eaw so many lUirn oat to such i0th, 81rs. Yorrel, indther of Mtr..
ng price. a ga'thering Ihnd that it must' be Alba' Marrel of 'Clixftoii� aged 67
All reduced to the lowest selli A few nice pieces left to be cleared the Order. Lhatt of Grand Master. rt
Mr. W. H. 'Leveft, Acting-Meave of Pleasing.to Bro. Poplestone. ge Was,
We are, clearing them out, fast at bar= out at the lowest possible prices. the town. was called upon to. give an here when. 33ro. Popleitoixe was lion -
gain prices addressl 6f welcome an behalf of ored bn a former occasion and he
Itown. and in -,a few well-chosen re. was: 1,mpressed then with Mr. Pople- School Board SHOE
r 17' marks 'spoke. of 'the, pleasurn in lex- 4ton6s ability. and that he had Ithe Announcement
'tanding the welcome of ithq toirn� to work of the 11odge at heart. and he
an Exeter Old Roy who had rison has been climbing the ladder and is The Bx6Eer School Board announcesq
NEW DINNER9 TEA AND TOILET SETS to the distinction thatMr, 1,3oplestoii� sure,that he will bring honor, to the the re -opening of!the 11. B. or Colitint-
uation Class section forTuesday Sept
hadrisen 'to and hoped Ithalt some.day socle ty. HATS -wd
We have just received direct from the manufacturers a large shipment of Dinner hc�,Nvould relturn a.iid Tuake. bla honic Mr. 'Blaw6tt traced the higtory Of 5th at .14 Ek. m.,when. all. intendLn6
.5-gt_,_s,,7_ea Sets and Toilet Sets. . They are the cheapest goods we have ever off6red ]a Exalter. the Order vtdting, tha�t it -C-Xistcd shxdonit;i� rre roclaired to be present.
Y, L, of - ar e
eaxs ago in Greece and Rgylit, that The alm t1e !to d is 'to provid
b Ube ho:�et speaker was P;fr. X. a was founded in A
--some of the Toilet sets eing HAnd Painted. in 1871 ift merlc'L Ila a sound and. thorough education for
to our customers Stanbury who gave an -address of
'vol' Batdinore and at present had "a the varloils walks in life, Commercial CAPb
come on behalf of [the Lodge. -Mr. membexship of over 'two millions. The industrial and professional and 'to
Slfaubury- said it was a, pleastuft du,
lod-ge pays out over five million, dol- carefully 'train 'those under [their care
Toilet Sets Tea Sets ty to. extend the hearty irelcomD larl -annually. for a good, true, and'honorable Can -
Dinner Sets an& congratula!tions of Elxelcr. Lodge The mis�ioa of thii order is Lo,vislt adian citizenship.
to a fellow member who had risen the
in rich, new eesigns and colors. Some genuine Hand Painted, and A number of Real New Sets 'to to the proud position of Grand Mast- sick, Telleve the distresised, bury ' The coarse covered is conivlate for
the dead and educate Ithe orphan. In Model, Normal and 'University En- sox
The best of quality for $6,. $8, $10 all good value at $2J, $3, $4, $5 an, d or of the Oddfellows of Oiitario 'Noilth America the Order had forty. trance. special emphasis is given,k'
and $12, select from at $21, $1 and S5. Ile also -said ittvas not It -he first ocea- homes f or widow.s and orphans, the Commercial Departmen:t, $Ektuo e -V
slon upon which Exe!ter Odfallo-%v s had one, being near ToroiAo. denis are given a compl6te commer-
rejoiced wfth one of Itheir owiv, raem- b
In connection with the Order is the cial training, As a rural High School
bars in the success in xeachin*g lthi Rebecca branch. the branch for lad- full, attention is given to 'the special
high chairs of the Order. Ndt ruany ios and the speaker dealt with thL 4�,x- needs of 'the farmer and ar�tisan.
years It- _Dro. E. J. 'Spackinan, now cellonL work they are doing. 1110 The school stands "Government ap-
Phone 32 Jones May5 ExletO of 'ToroAto, albtained. to Ithe bigh,�st
boner in the EncampmeVt bran!Gh of spoke of the mo'tto, Friendship, Love proved'- and is thoroughly equipped -++++-+++*-++k .........
the! Order, The pro&eVt occasion has and Tru!th. There is no more beauti- as Ito playgrounds, labaratbry needs
a sl)colal daleltindtion attached 1to it. fal phase of character than 'the one library,^and staff. The work has r�_
M. Y. McLean the possesslnq� theise qualities. Nothing i's ceived full approval from both pub -
however. that. of Ithe prolonged7 and rander than a sincere friend Za lie and Contintiallon School Inspect- Everyth* n
P s1trenaous baXtlo of ballots which r
o- ;dthirg worse than the reverso. H'ie ors. The. results a- the last DeparL-
Liberal Choice. sufted in victory for 03ro. Poples'Ien" illustrated his remarks by several. mental oxaminatio'
Qnd although he must -have often been ns rank the Exet-
examples of loving sacrificing adts,of er fthool among the first of the pro -
discouraged yet be nov-er. VcrmPtt,a4 members which can never be forgn:t- vina,.
a rdtraWN Mr. Stanbury also expres- ten. The Iteaching slaff remains, with
A. complete reprIesen'taIlon of' the sed the. apprecketion of Ithe Zxator A MAN
Liberals of South fluxon. at a can- Ile qLated that while ;Oro. PoplaV otia. change, as before and tail th-a 11.
lodge of the services of Va!A Grand tAone was touring 'this province in his S. section is as follows! W. B. R'Veid,
von'tion 'hold in Uensall las,t Friday Hadter BlowdU )%-be assisted 13ro.
official daties. he would, impr'Lss up -
were anaminous in rionitti,atingM, T� j?,,opledto enhammer'B. A., Ronox Graduate. of
McLean. Wto member of the riding no to his piescrit position. an the young and old the lmportauce� Toronto University and Spe6lLlst` in
in the House of Commoilp, to con- In anding his remarks t' Hr. Staabury of doing 'their dtity. Mr. Ble"WOlt COD., Moderns and English, has,ohdrge of-
Lcd� Ithe constitaeney� One hundratl again congralaliCted :Bro. Poplestone eluded his remarks by ,In oraLion. the modern langtiages, Higher Enz_ Wears
and felity fogr delegakes were pres- and Mr. Poplestonatook 'the platform -Th(I �Vorld 1,q Wafting, for YWL lisb, Mathema:ties and flaimice. Miss
L_ �n'L4 and in addition tthere were and, thanlied the members of the Youri- Xan.'� 141 .11 -Robb First.Class,'Mahsla, Eng-
groa!E many more Liberals Ledge and also the large ga:LhLring . At "Llie eonclu.,:'on of the spaech�,.,; lish alistory and Reading. lljsg At.
and all showed 'the gret0tost' interes-, presWb for giving.him this, one of three cheers wer,� givta for Mr. ]?Op- lir. 'Campbell, First Class, Commeroiw
7 Wires 28 cents 8 Wires 31 cents in the pxo�eedlhgs. the grandest receptions. Mr. Pople- le9tone and of ter that 'a, number of and 'Junior work. at Prices gualr'anteed
stone fhad visi (.ad a grea t many place& selt-etions were played by the baiid. Whe K. rS. Section is open 'to ab
Mr., Henry Snailth, Presiden!t of the since. cOlvinected with the I.T. 04 0. F.. The wasic. was grand and as 'the ]light he (have passed the H. 8, E ii:trai �,a
8 Wires 32 cents 9 Wires 35 cents Association occupied ILhe iebair. Nom- W I
indtions were called for and -eimlit m -in. bat for none of Lhem bas he Ithe same was ideal :tbo people revollod in the and parents or guardians are asked to to be below tlie, actual
were: nomina:tcd, thrc,� al,lowiiag [their feeling that he has for dear old 1bXet1- rare fxvat that was accorded Lhem. see tba:t registration of students i4;
All No. 9 '11ard Coiled Wire -names to go to fAo conventioni, via; made 'with the least possible delay.
M. Y. McLean. relter Lamont, of For information as "to courses apply cost, and f o r less
%hrich and Alex Maitard 03xueefield 'To Attend tModel-At the prvsonX to 'the Principal.
We loan the Stretchers for strOtch-, The dthers who were �Jriomlnx&id, Exeter Council Normal Untrance 134.xamination Miss J. GRIGG, Oec'y.'
W11 withdrew woro Jacob Kellerman , Gladys Kestle, Kisi,�; Mildred BratEll. money than you ca -n
ing Same. Deshwood, Thomas Mr. Shillinglaw. . *The council met at the -Town lTall and AD,. gariry Triebnor, of 'the Exe-
Tuakarsmith;�*f. G. Stanbury,. Exeter Friday evening Ithe, lath inst. Mein- itcr scho6l were grantvd.'Modei School
I IOT ding. they haviAg
iry �grnith, Hay, and Owen Geiger. bar,% 41 presenit. Xinates of the last Entrance 4tan buy the same quality
of Honsall., VVarden of the County, meeting were read and approved. ndadc Ithe required por centaget for
Lowest Prices on Fence Gates, Etc, The..delegales unanimouslY pledged Riversiand Wolper that the follow- tha�t certificate, This entitles thom
attend one of the now Model
lthcrasel�os 'to stand by the nomlnae ing accounts be passed and orders is- (to -ay with of nods at any'plac'e
of ILbe. conven'llon and promiscil t4o, stxd in paymWt. Gutta Pereba Rub- schools recently opened. Th
ivork Clithosiastically fox the electibn bell. Oo., ae 2.55; Queen 'Cilty, Oil 'Go. soveral others frora I,O)vn have al) -
or a Liboa:,xi [or SwAh I-Liro*. t bbls Gasoline '299.70; J, W, 1301, plied to attend at Clinton. I a d1d..T in Canada.
Warden Geiger doelarad'that: he was labor 16.00; Malter �Vestcott do 7.27 1:breo Inore ltii the list of successful,
no'd a candidtAc, his oloo'Lion Lis war -
R. ,Q'uance do' 7.00; Thos. 11olden com- candidates for the Exotor Continua -
don of the Comity of Huron beinp otery 3.50; Jno.'Pell do 1,00. Rie-hard tion 'Scllool. The policy of any store is a matter
All Accounts are now Due. Prompt Settle sufficien't for him at 'this time. 'if Quance do 3,50.. ------ 4— of importsanep to every customer of BOYS' CLOTHING
itt the fuhire a candidtete were' need- '00mmullications, Avere road froin 1GOOL) pOSIT=NS th&tstore. Some retailers buy a]-
rpent will be appreciated. ad he %i,ould then consider 'Lt. 116 F. Varricomb, GLfttn Percha. Rubber ways in the cheapest market. Our
&!g. 0 Tid. 6anadian Consolidalad 111til)-, The Clbfton 13iisiness College i�,k a policy is to bay rather iu the de-
uigLd.uport the d a.QS It work Co, a SACRIFICED
hard for the notkince as they were, bV 10o. 'The sinio were ordor.tv) tn worthy link in a ebiln ot' Saitn. Bus! pendable warket, to stock goods
no'll fighiting for a wan in, this clec- bd filed. nLss College.,; loated in'the cilicst of thatwe can hand %ith confidence
d Mr. Stanbury. wi b sold to the higherat bidder. `Tr NValkerlon' In the photographlo line we SNAP
tion, but, for it -real Teforui. Walpell and Day 'tbi:t (be ald iron London. r6terboro, Welland and 'the to our casi.omers. For instance-
Carri,�.d A B10
Mr. Smith an th- 0 cleame
drewin brictspecelres, doolarin thai �Vhigbam and Clinto.n. 010,114, -10 its
Wallpor and Rivers th,,�t Corn ni ii- to the Kodak goods, because we
flodmans- Hama store) storc 'thoy.,woxe romly to do,all y pos- - )on tip drain in Nasomeril. �.f highq-tndf,' work it is affillaivi Nvith
'al B'dacator, &re sure they are right.
sioner, or
Old for tho lml?ty OOIXI- Town Hall leading4o the Main tr
sibly a the 00inmeret BUY BEFORE YOU
is frooly admiltrid TAke the
Ing cledtion, Mr. T. 'Mr, Shil,linglaw Carried, tion Of Canada. 11,
on page seven will be found a short witbdrew, that,, owing jo thc,,,c connections its
4301111nunfeation. from Rev. P.. Hobbs. Foe additional locals and a list of Air. Ale -x Aradtard 1vould 61low h, Walper and. Day that It he ltoov,� pgudcnits. got the ver'v best po,�itions.
rl Veq -lawkin8 nnd Son
textbooks to be -used at the 131 gh anio to go to the, conventioln'. f ra idtcrviv,%v srs, ' Ell openings are ori Angast, 28th and ARE TOO LATE
X3W, 11homas. Kny is slightly Indi-s- school next year see pa,geafr, had been urged to (]a so by his vc, stova procarred of them for iiso btlt (it this school
posed. at) poiver hotise in the fall Of 100:) e tj, i4 in6trueted privakfly
trienda, and lie would stand, Xis� de� 4ttidexi't. "I $
Hinshed - Hall -:Oa ',Vebiesdtay X'ksobali Lcaguo-The bnll pla;pors sire was dial: it 6 strongelat man Lit Reeve adjournmeYft- I Ijj�i ()rbeT, own desk, suidents inny They are, now ATId for Y,
,of last week Mia Bertha dau �d X t -NA
,hVr of I -own have formpd Ft ttbr(,,c tonin the ridingv—shot d rec-cive, 'the support T Clerk, 4'r.f.c �my da3% lvfany stuxlent's study been Lhe 1paders in the band camera
of, Mr, and Mrs, 9saaa Hall,, and Mr, leigue composed ot 'the "Glants'. og the delegates and whall placad it all at hanic and dt-bers VnAbr at howo fleld. Koclak simplifiel photo-
Charlas 11%in�hed at ' Detroit, drove 4�Pf atod" and, "All Selirs" and have -riominatiou all sbojild do (their best sr.( fixii.Th I - the
Ir I.Collogm, As Srol qraph the Folding Pockets
to Rensall and werd quietly Married also drawn up a sitt game'sabedule. for hint. Notice IoA Callegoti arn thr I*rpest: trainers I simpNxi.,111AXodair, Tlipy stittid
by, (4 ada, and bnv(, thirty years ex- for All W, �irid Nimpleat. in U
�iu Itev. Xr. Met. Smith A. rcd� The first game was played Ronchy "I am sltrongly ixi favor of the pael," in oaw Vlab is 1,
Kindly take notice that my denbat
option li,as afterwards hold at tho evenimi between the Giants a14, All lie fleclared. "I ivadt a sappor�ter of 11 porionco, it would be. Nroll for young pictur" mnking, qq0 to
oface.will be eltisea for fota, to six
home of �the bride"s parenls. Mr. and 'Stars and tbo Giants wore defeated 91r, W;Vrid 7-aux-tertogo to O'�tawa people I:o g(vt thoir trAining tboxv,
The- offleo ho
Mrs; Rin8bed have been viaiting for ft 7 10 6 �Tba n W, league is creating to alssis1l; hif in. bringing abouf� tbis weeks., wever will be Last year AAr, SPD[I-011 frainod over
li, in. to 5 p.m. top the' j,�00 youn- IL
� p,01)IC I
cat ra Ild placed ithoin Phm B
low days in t -own baf� will leave tkis lots of' irAcrosteand their is a 'strong �X AIL governinonts in Opened from 10 , W S. 11,O)WET,
appointments fnr work,
wool.t for DotTolt where thoy Will good-ndared rivalry be 0� OaTiladinn! hialtoAy have boon ih fnvo, lii�klng of good posidon.4. Mhat be lins -done
,mako l.beir fti�wllo hom.c. Ity. Vat it ronvilne for which will be given immediMe atten. -4r thousands of OP ChnmT& and Opltkian
1'he hridets ipams. Two games will b( of reciproci. d -hors he (Inn (10,
niany frl.vnda will italin it cot6grr�tul-. r y I tion on wvfreturm-G. P, Itoukton. for yGa" a w d
to -day ',,Tku, sda I t Con[ffixaed on page 0 014TA1110