The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-05-13, Page 26DO YOUR AUTO 11111SURANCE RATES MAKE YOUR EXAMPLE: LIABILITY '500,000 STANDARD MEDICAL BENEFITS 250. DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION 25. DEDUCTIBLE COMPREHENSIVE 6 MONTHS ONLY • $59.00 *43.5° 5141.00 Further discounts available for 2 or more cars. If vehicle is driven to work more than 3 miles one way slightly higher. BASED ON MOST 1980-1981 CHEV S, BUICK 5, FORD 5, PONTIAC S. For more information contact: ALEXANDER BANTER & MacEWAN 10 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2177 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR„ WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1981—PAGE 9A Port Albert copgregation approves basement repair At a recent meeting ofestoga Inn. The couple left cardine High School. two areas - Colborne and Christ Anglican Church in for a honeymoon to Myrtle Huron. Port Albert Point Farms Port Albert, the congrega- Beach, South Carolina. On Point Farms Provincial • tion approved the expen- their return to Kitchener, Park has opened for the All 96 campsites in Huron diture of $6,000 for repairs to news they will take up residence season. are without hydro and the cost for an evening of camp - the church basement. Chair- Point Farms has become at 7 Chicapee Drive.ung is $6. man Harold Adams presided Tom Livingstone", With the movement of very popular since its open- The area of Colborne has village ing for camping in this area - for the meeting. tractors around the vi Christ Anglican Church with plow and cultivator at, .-one-just has -to -look at the 208 campsites and 74 have corresondent hydro, Campsites -with hydro was built in 1889 and the pre- 529-7645 tachments, it is obvious that licence plates from the many sent minister is the garden time is here. • States in the U.S. and from cost $7.50. Reverend Robert Crocker of Farmers in the area report B.C. to Newfoundland. Retirees may visit the park seeding is well-underway.c- free of charge. Goderich. The park is diVided into However, they are required It was the only band in this Roy Bellinger, con - class and received a mark of servation officer, reports 90 points. fishing. has been -good at the Previous to the Stratford Nine ,Mile River in the contest, the Kincardine High village. • School Band participated in This writer has a kildeer the Owen Sound Kiwanis nesting on his driveway. Music Festival and in com- Jane Ellenton, a resident petition with four other or 'Port Albert and a student bands, placed second. •at Mohawk College • in Blake Smith, the band- ' Hamilton, visited recently master of •the Goderich with Blake and Shirley Laketown Band, was well Smith. Jane is specializing in pleased with the band's per- the tenor sax and is a formances at the Stratford member of the McMaster Social news - Kincardine High School Band and the Goderich Laketown Band both par- ticipated recently in - the Stratford Music Festival. Both bands are under' the direction of Blake Smith of Port Albert who is musical director at the Kincardine • High School and bandmaster of the Goderich Laketown . Band. The Kincardine High School Band was entered in the ' Stage Band Contest ( open). Two bands were in this contest, the other one from Cameron Heights High School in Kitchener. The Cameron Heights Band was the winner. The Goderich Laketown Band was entered in the class from municipalities with a population up to -8000. • $111111131111111 wow Imo aibm iu fine markets...of line foods zehrs Music Festival. • jazz Band. On the weekend Anne and Tom Livingstone of May 9 the band competed. attended the wedding of in the Jazz Band Finals held their niece, Janice Ilowiski in Edmonton. of Kitchener and Harley De Elmer Graham, an area Jong, also of Kitchener on farmer, in clearing stones May 9. The wedding took from a field, lifted a stone place in St. Andrew which was exceptionally Presbyterian. Church with heavy. When chipped, it the Reverend Grant Mac- shows streaks. of silver Donald officiating. A recep- , through it. Eliper ishaving if tion was held at the Can- -further examined at the Kin - IT'S • TIME • GARDEN CENTRE SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUES. MAY 19 ASSORTED ANNUAL BEDDING PLANTS • PETUNIA HANGING BASKETS 10" DIA. • LLB. BRAND POTTING SOIL 50 LITRE BAG • BOX CATTLE 1 SHEEP MANURE $3 20 Kg. SIZE • 99 WICKER PEACOCK CHAIRS OUR REG. $9969. 95 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST OPEN SUNDAY MAT 17 9 to 4. pm and MONDAY MAY 1.8 9 am - 4. pm GODERICH HIGHWAY 8 MON., TUES. & SAT. UNTIL 6 P.M. WED., THUR. & FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. 1 „si 49;s, • 114 Library Computers are fast becoming a way of life—even • in small towns like Goderich. Almost every business owns one; " is considering one or • will have to consider one in the near future. The Huron County Library is no exception. For more than a month now, the library has been using a computer terminal to order books and search for requested books. The ter- minal is on loan from 'the Midwestern Regional Library System and will be sent to Bruce County Library next. • Head librarian William Partridge will then put in a request to the Huron County Library Board that a $1400 terminal be purchased for permanent use. The staff at the library has found that the terminal has streamlined their work; saves steps and makes things much more efficient. It can handle one book inquiry per minute and three book orders per • minute. • The Huron County Library, which moved into its new quarters on Waterloo Street last March, has a staff of one part-time and five full - fine employees besides Mr. Partridge. When taking all the branches into con- sideration, there are about 50 employees on the payroll. There are 173,00 books m the to produce proof of retire- The parks are patrolled by rnent. Retirees may camp in the Ministry of Natural a Provincial Park for 21 days Resources. The conservation free of charge and this can officers have the same be done from nark to park powers as a police officer. throughout the province with parks operated by the • The park is operated by Ministry of Natural the Ministry of Natural Resources. Resources office- . in Many activities are plann- Wingham and the park ed for all ages - making superintendent is con - crafts, fitness, trail and dan- servation officer Douglas cing. • McEachem. enters the computer age county and last year 7,000 With the handling ot this new volumes were pur- many books, a computer chased by the Huron County becomes invaluable. Branch which supplies all "At first it (the terminal) the branches in the county. was like a toy for us but / really think that in the future, it will be hard to keep up with all the information we need without one," concludes Partridge. County terminal on loan to the library from the Midwestern Reglomd Library System. The terminal • hbrary branches across the can take threebook orders per minute. (Photo'by Joanne Buchanan) Library secretary Grace MacDonald places a book order through a computer GODERICH The Prettiest Town In Canada • GODERICH Your Town DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. GET INVOLVED. BE PROUD OF IT. YELL IT OUT. SHOW IT OFF! Let's all work together to Keep Goderich The Prettiest Town In Canada. Plant some flowers. Clean up the yard. Paint the trim, Let's show our pride. Let's work together. Let's clean-up, paint -up, fix -up. Let's show everyone we ARE The Prettiest Town In Canada, DO SOMETHING NOW, Clean Up Paint Up Fix Up GET INVOLVED Sponsored on behalf of Tourism bf the Goderich Tourist Committee