The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-05-13, Page 25PAGE 8A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1981 Walter Sheardown, president of Legion Branch 109, recently presented a $1,000 cheque on behalf of the Branch to Bill Beacom, Goderich Fire Chief to be used by the Fire Department for the purchase of extradition equipment. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) W.I. plans for anniversary The regular meeting of the program convener. The mot- The meeting closed , by Goderich Branch of the to. was "A good' example; is singing the Queen and the in- ' Women's. Institute met on, the best sermon". She had stitute grace. Mrs. Morley May 7 in MacKay Centre for readings on resolutions and served tea and sweet breads Seniors. With Mrs. Beatrice world affairs and not forget- and a social time was en- Martindale at the piano, the ting Mother's Day, she read joyed by all. president, Mrs. Mary Clair- two poems, "A Young June meeting will be held mont opened the meeting by Gardener". and `.`Mother's June 4. New_: members are singing, 0 Canada and the Lessons". . always welcome. regular opening exercises. The roiii.cuse "A resolution Pork producers . to meet we could use dell °answeredb 12>i ebers. Mrs.• Phyllis McTaggart was elected' as secretary - treasurer. The minutes of the April meeting were read and adopted as read. Plans were °made _to attend. the District Annual to be , held at St. Helens on May 25. An invitation was received from Tiger Dunlop Branch to attend their meeting on May 28. Plans for the 80th anniver- sary of the Goderich Branch were discussed. It was decid- ed to have a noon luncheon in the latter part of June. Mrs. Helen Morley was Pork producers from On- tario, other Canadian pro- vinces and from other coun- tries will be meeting m the Festival City, Stratford, on June 23; Nand 25, .1981- not for the Shakespearean drama - but for the Eighth Annual Ontario Pork Con- gress. Each day there will be a varied program at the Fair Grounds in 'Stratford. Among . the programs there will be competitions for pro- ducer innovators this year. Many Ontario pork pro- ducers have used their ex- perience to develop systems, devices,, gadgets and ideas that reduce labour and in- crease efficiency on the farm. These innovations will be featured at the Congress. The .. Ontario Pork Con- gress will reward the top ten winners in this competition and pass on their ladies to the pork industry. Other events at this one- stop shop Congress include purebred shows _and sales,. industry exhibits, barbecues, education pro- grams, art and many others. For further . information call (519) 625-8811 or write to Ontario Pork Congress, Box 61, Stratford, Ontario. THE NEW MINIMUM WAGE RATES FOR AGRICULTURAL WORKERS IN ONTARIO For persons employed in the harvesting of fruit, vegetables or tobacco, new Minimum Wage rates will go into effect June 1st, 1981. A further increase will go into effect April 1,1982: MINIMUM WAGE Adult • Student* • *Students under 18 who work 28 hours per week or less during the school term or work full time during school holidays. Effective Effective June 1,1981 April 1,1982 $ 3.30 $ 3.50 $ 2.45 • $ 2.65 ALLOWANCES (weekly) Room Meals (each) (weekly) Room and Meals Housing Housing (servic'ed) -. $15.00 $ 1.30 $27.00 $42.00 $36.00 $48.00 $17.00 $ 1.40 $29.00 $46.00 $39.00 $52.00 Additional information may be obtained from the Employment \,Standards Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour, in the following cities; TORONTO 400 University Avenue M 7A 1V2 Tel: (416) 965-5251 KINGSTON 1055 Princess Street K7L 1H3 Tel. (613) 542-2853 OTTAWA 2197 Riverside Drive K1H 7X3 Tel (613) 523-7530 SUDBURY 199 Larch Street P3E 5P9 Tel: (705) 675-4455 WINDSOR 500 Ouellette Avenue N9A 1B3 Tel: (519) 256-8278 HAMILTON 1 West Avenue South L8N 2R9 Tel (416) 527-2951 KITCHENER • 824 King Street West N2G 1G1 • Tel (519) 744-8101 ST. CATHARINES 205 King Street L2R 3J5 Tel (416) 682-7261 THUNDER BAY 435 James Street South P7E 6E3 Tel (807i (807t475-691 KENORA 808 Robertson Street P9N 1X9 Tel (807) 468-3128 LONDON 205 Oxford Street East ,N6A 5G6 Tel (519) 439-3231 SAULT STE. MARIE 390 Bay Street P6A 1X2 Tel (705) 949-3331 TIMMINS 273 Third Avenue P4N 1E2 Tel (705) 267-6231 For toll free numbers check the government listings in your local telephone directory. Ministry of Labour Ontario Employment Standards Branch. Looking Back through old files 75 YEARS AGO The mechanics have taken possession of the two lots south of Proudfoot, Hays and B1air's law office on the Square and have started the foundation for the palatial dry goods store to be oc- cupied by Hodgens Brothers. It will be practically double the size of the ire now occupied by the firm, making it one of the largest in Western Ontario. Alex Riach, representing M.I. Davidson fruit growers of Burlington, was in town last week and planted, over seven acres of fruit orchard for Mr. William Bolton on Maitland Road ( the old race track) . The main walls of the elevator are now within about 19 feet of finish Public invited to police open house For many years police forces across Ontario have extended a warm invitation to citizens to visit the many police facilities and see first- hand,the efforts being made by police, officers to protect the community. The slogan of Police Week 1981, May 10 to 16 is: -You and your police working togetherr. • . OPP Commissioner Harold H. Graham says, "Open house has been declared at all district head- quarters and detachments during Police Week. We are anxious to greet a large number of visitors. Bring your children and meet our officers". Most OPP detachments will have special infor- mative displays. In many areas, OPP, officers from nearby detachments will man larger displays in shop- ping malls. Knox. Brothers will: ina.few days open out in the livery business on Newgate Street. Gundry Brothers' two - seated automobile arrived In town on Tuesday, W.H. Gundry having driven it up from Walkerville. 25 YEARS AGO Today employees ..of.Huron County began moving out of temporary quarters into the new Court House, which is to be formally opened May 29. A freak current sweeping in and out of the Goderich Harbor at the height of the driving rain and wind storm Saturday night damaged two ships and caused concern to other boats. The Seafarers' Inter- national. Union strike con- tinued this week. In.. Goderich, picketing has been peaceful around the ships of the N.M. Paterson and Sons Ltd. and Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Co. Ltd., the two companies immediately affected by the walkout which started last Thursday. A tif:eloug resident of Goderich, Miss Margaret M. McKinnon, died here Sun- day. She completed 30 years of service with the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. 5 YEARS AGO Ross Bryant has been named . -by . the Ministry of Social Services as .ad- ministrator of the new Blue water Centre for Mentally Disabled Adults. Mr. Bryant,` , former ad- ministrator of Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, shares some of the administrative duties with William F. Gregg who has been named director of training for the centre. Mayor DebShewfelt broke a Ce vote Monday evening and swung town council's support behind a project to buy new lights for the ball diamond at Agricultural Park. Nearly three months of tension and depression ended Monday in Clinton and an air of jubilation and elation swept over the town when Clintonians learned their hospital won't be closed. (10 K RINGS *NECKLACES 'BRACELETS *BEADS gra gema 51 ST. DAVID. GODERICH 524-9972 PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTING; Constitution Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Insurance Co. Dominion of Canada General Ins. Co. Gore Mutual Insurance Co. Perth Insurance Co. Phoenix of Canada Insurance Co. Western General Insurance Co. All Canadian Companies to serve your HOME -AUTOMOBILE AND BUSINESS COVERAGE 38 ST. DAVID ST., GODERICH 524-9531 LEHRSSAVINGS "\"' 1/ / / SPECIAL! EXTRA• VALUE! "Cirdriuw w "SUNPACKER" FOAM COOLER 40 LITRE SIZE COLOURFUL! STRONG! STURDY RELAXING CHAIR WITH DURABLE P.V.C. COVERING MULTI- POSITION, RUST RESISTANT STEEL FRAME WITH P.V.C. COVERING CHAISE Ep 512.99 LOUNGE REGAL FOREST CHARCOAL BRIQUETS i BON ECHO BY WOODS 34"x76" NYLON COVER FULL METAL ZIPPER VINYL WEBBED • LAWN CHAIR 999.BACK PACKBY WOODS STURDY NYLON 9 9' EACH *999 10 Ib. BAG SPECIAL! SUNBRELLA KIDDIES SUNGLASSES A VARIETY OF CHOICES SPECIAL! PAY ONLY SPECIAL! NOMA BRAND PATIO LANTERN SET COLOURFUL SETS TO ENHANCE YOUR PATIO SPECIAL! PAY ONLY SET 1 SPECIAL! DISPOSABLE STYLE % '/: PRICE Sunbrella Fashion Siniglasses 1.9 LITRE CAPACITY s KEEPS DRINKS HOT OR COLD EACH • SPECIAL! ASSORTED ALL PURPOSE TOWELS DISPOSABLE J -CLOTHS CARTON OF 20 SPECIAL! PAY ONLY SPECIAL! ELASTO PLAST STRIP BANDAGES 40's SPECIAL! PAY ONLY SPECIAL! GARRITY FLASHLIGHT SPECIAL! PAY ONLY 130 ml SIZE SPECIAL! PAY ONLY SPECIAL! VAPORETTE INSECT STRIPS KEEPS ENCLOSED AREAS $4, A9 FREE OF PESTS® SPECIAL! PAY ONLY EACH SAVE 1 /2 AT ZEHRS REGULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 PAMPERS DIAPERS TODDLERS 48's O R EXTRA ABSORBENT aa DAYTIME 60'S CARTON 9 r- 4