The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-18, Page 23the real probiem lies in human nature BY THE RE tJERREINI'ti AUSTIN GEDCKE, BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Have you ever wondered why God doesn't put an end to " injustice, poverty and wars, etc.? Surely we have contemplated the thought. Minister 's stu Often, newspaper headlines off tragedies and destruction lead folk to ask, "God, where are you? Why don't you stop this apparent nonsensical display , of human ine- quities?" Well, it isn't because God doesn't care about this world's dilemma. The real problem is where to begin. You see, if God stopped all wars today, they would break out again tomorrow. The resentment, bitterness, and strife in our hearts Would see to that. If God brought poverty to an end to- day and gave equal portions of this world's wealth to all, in a few days we'd start cheating and hoarding, loaf- ing and wasting again. The real problem is human nature. Well, then, what should God do? Change us in- to mechanical robots who will always do good?, Would we want to surrender all con- trol over our lives and become . automated com- puters and have all our thoughts and actions pro- grammed by another? I think not. Such a life would have little meaning. The glory and wonder of man is that he is a freewill agent. You can't be a freewill agent without in a large measure being respon- sible for your actions. And God made us free and charges us with responsibili- ty. We can do good and evil. One day God will say to you, '`How many hungry people did you feed? How many needy did you clothe? Why did you quarrel and: re- sent?" If you answer, "Well, I didn't know where to start," He ,may ask, "Why didn't you start with yourself and your attitude toward Me?". You see, God is very con- cerned about our problems. But He doesn't solve them with a magic wand. At great cost to Himself, He has made a way to change our hearts. Because Jesus died and rose Christian high school society formed for Wingham district On Friday, January 30 a Wingham and District Chris- tian High School Society was formed. It is hoped that ' a Christian High School will be started in 'Wingham in September of 1982. Present plans call for this to be an in- terdenominational school run by concerned Christian parents. In the past couple of mon- ths a number of people from the Harriston-Palmerston area met to prepare the groundwork for the meeting mentioned above,. The work of these people bore fruit on January 30 when at least 125 people showed up to form the Christian High School Socie- ty. •. It is hoped that this high school will be able to serve students within a 35 mile �- _ __.' :cos•- isiev a the above •mentioned meeting, parents were pre= sent representing the com- munities of Clinton, Goderieh, i Blyth, Wingham, _-: Lucknow.,_ .Kincardine,. Ear.- riston, Palmerston and Listowel. A'pro-tem board composed of people from each of these communities, was set up. A permanent board will be elected at the February 27 Society meeting to be held in the Wingham Bible Chapel at 8 p.m. Also at this meeting, it is hoped that a constitution presented to this Society „will be•adopted. Many may wonder why this Christian High School is being set up. Christians see a number of distressing things in the public high school.. But that, of course, is a rather negative basis for anything (especially since Christian schools also have their • faults). A Christian High School is being set up to teach children a biblically - oriented perspective of the universe and everything in it.. It is being set up out of concern for the souls of the children. And it is being set up to glorify • the Lord and Saviour. • Christians everywhere believe that Christ is to be th e centre of •everything. That would in- ' elude the field of education. A Christian education does not mean a regular cur- riculum with Bible reading and prayer attached. It does not mean that Bible names and verses are thrown in- W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 324-81,p DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 hr. FILM DEVELOPING discriminately into the sub- a curriculum taught from a' ject, matter. with. the .hope,. Christian ' erspective by that the result is Christian committed Christians: The education. It means -instead, principles and methods - of education are also Christian in orientation.. For more -information. - write:' Box 615, Harriston. St. George's plans 100th year New slatenamed at meetin At the annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Anglican Church, the following members were named to 'the Board of Management in this, the church's 100th anniversary year: • • Rector -the Reverend R.J. Crocker; Rector's Appointments -Warden- Howard Aitken, treasurer - James Brunk, Vestry clerk- Shelagn Sully, chancel guild- June Taylor; and Sunday school superintdent-Maurice Appoi ntments-Warden-Paul Spittal, lay delegates Joan Van Den Broeck, Myrtle Goody ick, and Roslyn Campbell, substitutes Fordyce Clark and Harry Dykstra, ' board -Helen Videan, Glen Phillips, Malcolm -McIntosh, Mavis Baker and, John Ayers; Other Apppointments- envelope secretary -Joe Runiig, refugee committee representative -Gertrude Wilkes, chairman of sidesmen-Jack. Scaman, and nominating committee -Paul Spttal, James Brunk and - :S ow --:may.! Plans are underway for a Homecoming Weekend on June 27 and 28 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of St. George's Church. A visit from the Bishop is another event planned for this special year. ' Annual reports given at the Vestry meetingfrom the Board of Management, the A.C.W., the B.A.C., the Sunday school, the Canon Taylor Group and the Mission Group showed a very busy year for all. A pot -luck supper was ilky,Rye.> y or3e,present and the rector closed the meeting with prayers. again for us, He is able to answer the prayer of David and every other repentant sinner: "Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit within me." ( Psalm 51:10 ) The real problems are in GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1961—PAGE 7A our natures, and this is where God wants to start changing the world Good place, eh? Noted professor and livestock judge dies George Elwin Raithby, a respected Uniyersty of Guelph professor and noted livestock judge, died Saturday; January 31 in Guelph General Hospital at age 80. corn near Auburn, he is ttie father of Mark Raithby, Doctor of Veterinary Medecine, Goderich and the brother of Mrs. Edna Cowan, also of Goderich. The, late Mr. Raithby was the first former faculty member to be honored with the title Prfessor Emeritus by the University of Guelph when the distinction was established in 1974. He retired from ' the Department of Animal Science in 1965 after 35 years on the faculty, the last 11 as department chairman. He was instrumental in the installation of theuniver, sity's first computer. Used to analyse production records of Canadian dairy cattle for the purpose of improving breeding, the computer system developed here• set the precedent for the current world-wide data -sharing systemfor herd im- provement. An international livestock judge, he was also president of the Beef Cattle Per- formance Association and widely acclaimed for his expert judgery schools held by various breeder groups in Canada, the United States and Argentina. His activities inpthe field also included president of the Swine Improvement. Council. He was made a fellow of the Agriculture Institute of Canada, for which he was a dsffa ckl Qata delegate in 1952. In 1976 Prof. Raithby's v BEREA-BY-THE-WATER IC 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at.Suncoast Drive 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:30 Worship Marvin L. Bari, Pastor "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 10:36 ~ . a 524-2235 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC -FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M.. "WELCOME" TO SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "DAVID SLAYS GOLIATH" PLUS SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTATION MUSIC BY: OUR LADIES DUET 6 P M. WORD OF LIFE- CLUB 7 30 P M. "SIN AND ITS REWARD" TOES 6.30 P.M "THE OLYMPIANS" WED 7:30 P.M PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Convention of Ontario and Ouebec Montreal Street (near The Square)• Edward J. Anderson. Pastor .Choir Director and Organist: Mrs Leonard Warr 9 45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11 '00 A.M SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME• +_••vw.�.._.• ter•••+--'v._..o.•_.•.�..�. Knox Presbyterian Church i THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL. M A .M DIV MINISTER LORNE H DOTTERER, Director of Praise SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 11:00 a.m. Sunday l School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:00 p.m. P.Y.P.S. 3.30 p.m. Bellchoir t 30 p,m. Mariners' Service YOUTH PARADE ( Colour Parties) ) ( Nursery Fat'ilities ) Music the Teen Tones , (Sunday School retires from service) 7 30 p.m. Mariners' Service Music The Harbouraires Enteric) Worship Depart to serve >v•...._.._.._.._._..o.._.�.._.._..�..d._1 ..THE SALVATION ARMY ' 11t'i�,ti,•ttl �`rfi,rl)lr,l (1:11itrch Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School 10:00 a.M. and 7:30 p..m. Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for the "Back to God Hour" NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, • 1981 11:00 a.m. "PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL" (Rev. Robert O. Ball) + + + 4- 10 and 11 o'clock Sunday School Nursery and Tot Care 18 WATERLOO ST S % GEORGE RAITHBY dchlldren. A private family service a was held Monday,, February 2 and a , public 'memorial "service was held in War Memorial Hall, University of Guelph, on Sunday, February 8. portrait was hung in the Agriculture Hall of Fame in Toronto, an institution he co- founded in 1960. The professor was also a member of - the Waverley Lodge of the Masonic Order AF and AM 361 and active in the Guelph -Wellington •. Kiwanis Club. • Besides his son and sister in Goderich, he is survived by his wife Kathleen ( nee Williams); daughter, Mrs. Gerald (Elizabeth) Jelly of Peoria, Illinois; son Jack of Toronto;. and seven gran - • 524 9341 9 45 A M SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6 30 P M. EVENING SERVICE All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship .._••_.. •®..• • ••�..•.y The Anglican Church of Canada ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist Choirmaster Joseph B. Herdman f• February 22nd i) Sexagesima Sunday 8:30 a,m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Church School and Nursery 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Sermon: The Spiritual Rock, Cor 10:4 You are always iikelcome at 5t. George's tS .a.,_••a .. _••_.•v•w ••_.• _ ••z•._••v_••_••••••..•_.•s••v v••••1 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING M'i MUMMY CLEANING % REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524.6621 PRYDE MONUMENTS BUSINESS EST• 1425 Goderlch Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Girton 482-9441 ti Lonely? You're not the only one. . Eveyrda_y millions. pf people.gothtough the sarne kinds of problems. But when you have to carry them alone they seem a lot heavier. That's why we need each other. You'll find.that life is a lot easier when you don't have to face your problecrls alone. Especially when you're in touch with a personal God who really cares aboutyou. Why not visit us this Sunday and.be among. friends. , Sponsored by GODERICH AND DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION ELECTION TI N 'C)t which all t't't:,,'n< are asked to take notice and tt'govern themselves accordingly. 1►1 obedience to 1 -ler Majesty's s writ t'( elt'C11,1,1, dirt'Cft'd ln' me to the returning officer in each electoral district, for tilt' purpose of electing Pt'r!;011!; to represent the voters in the -Lry,,islrrtivr Assembly ot-Ontaric. Public Noticeis Iirrrrygiven nt the following in each electoral district. ALL TIMts SHOWN ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME Eligible electors (voters). missed during the current door to door enumeration. who wish to have their names added to the preliminary voters' list. must contact their returning officer and ask about the procedure before the list is finalized on Saturlay. March 7th. 1981 7p m Subsequent applications for additions to the voters' list will be. considered by the returning officer on an individual basis. THE OFFICIAL NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES CLOSES in the Returning Office of eoch Electoral District Thursday, March 5th, 2 p.m. PL"'% /y- .i•=r � :• f. ,.J, u/,f.' i• % 7 % ,! ,,,,v7•;:, :.: i, / ,tAfft0.7.1J%j:';%`,-'rf !.•:' ...J 'r,I.::../`% fife., ADVANCE POLLS (Locations to be published locally at a later date) SATURDAY March 14th MONDAY, March 16th VOTING HOURS 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Jf //''/%'%'r'j / f�i 1%J •r� % r/ r/.:�:'r }:ji'f /J /%¢.. p -'JF Y' ,C `/fJ %!n,'y: ., .r.N� ». / r/i:%'+.r o�!%;;'.'C•;: iry /. J / : <,f.�. � :. `; <. �••/ •rfi�'�/ytt?% . ;�:Ia�•/!�' ELECTION DAY,':'Y, URSDAY, MARCH 19th VOTING HOURS 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. :: %rte,.:. // J/.•....- .... .. �.. ,........ � >.: .. '..., :•,..cWJrr._ :. At a time to be posted IoCally. the official tabulation of results will be made by the returning officers, in their offices\\ using the statements from each polling place GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 'Gwen tinder my hand at Toronto Ontario RODERICK LEWIS, Q.C. CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER P2