Exeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 22WWI THE EXETER, TIMES 111"W" i 00 1 , _Tho followling iis Mr,11W. Fletcher is on tile sick list mark ets or, Hiss Lottle Welsh is home from e Pa, ,a Whars Gooi +1 rected up ;to July,Otil. London. Clotbe,, Come From wja, at4 8 taadaxd 80 eQnts., in Seaforth Po vy v e 11 '4 5' B Barley 50'to 55 pebta, Mr. and Mrs., Rd 4,. L.Seldou spent Mon. 9, Buckwhett 45 'to 40 centis day in Clinton, -4i + 70, to 75 t4of , Miss Minnie Weekes spent the ball - PHONE 16 bran. C-20.00 aft *-,I i= A U MOF 4,00 day !a London t I Shorts *2 _Nlodel FlZur $2. 4 0 Master Joe Craig was in Loudon k the holiday. ass Feed flour $1.45 over W, Jacobi, of Biceter North is For Hot D'a 13umer 17 ceptp.. Mr" ys sueatHer The WN V1 65 Mr. Jud, Hawkshaw is visiting his cool and'vefteshing as 11CLY $10. There is nothing these bot,,sultry days so 0 . Hogs live 10 65 son Fred in Toronto. Li ght Suits for t Choicee rp;rt Steers 5;90 to 6,10 Mr. Fred Penhale of Toronto, spent Glass, of Lemonade made with Porit LA. y I S HERE—wam&- McdIum e:kpart Ljt'j,.t rs 10.75 to 50 Dominiou'l)-ay in town. Hot Weather Choice butchers, bel i.ers 5,60 to 5-0 Dr, Will Knight, of. London, spent Lemonade is quickly and easily made by simplyputtini a teaspoonfu 'Medium butchers heife .11 alld 11ea0y EIV6ry 0 'Ing, or, looking for- rs 5 0-560 Dominion Day in town. of PURITY POWDER and alialf teaspoonful of PUR,TX ACID in., + ne is prepax Common butchers heifers 5,00-5,',10 spent Prices $12 tip otaSte, Purity Extract is aleo ward to their holida s. We will mention a few Choice butchers colys 4.bo to 4,175 Mr. and Mrs. J. Markham a qUART OF WATER, 'SUaAR t y Dominion day in BrucqfIeld, Medium butchers cows 4.25 to 4A0 u ed as a flavoring andfor LEMON P 4,S. To try a jar means tc articles, soine of which you may need before you to 00 Mr. Campbell of Alpena Mich, is always use it. A coupon witih each jar. Common cows 3,50 Flannel Trouser - go away. Choice she, p 3.50 to 4X0 visitingat Mr. Geo. Atkinsons, i Choice JaUlbS P.50 to 74 15 Mr, Ed. Hanna of London spent ims in the new Monday and Tuesday in town. Mr. W, J. Crawford of Toronto designs flerc's Gomlort lor Sore' Feet war. in town Tuesday on business. Poulitry A iss Thompson, of Maple GrOTQ, White Wash Skirts is visiting her sister Mrs', S1, Martin. GET Mr., Percy Gillies, of Owen Sound, oliday at his home here. a bottle of ENJOYME FOOT EASE here and use as direct - The woman who intends buying a separ S W W. Tam' dfi d and it will bring relief almost instantly. Used regularly For the first four days of next week: penttheh 4 ate,white wash skirt, the garment so indis- Old Fowl ................ 9c per pound Miss Birr and Miss Dandas of Lan.- it wiil effect a cure. Try it. One trial will prove its worth, *1, perisible at this season, should shop at once, The Nifty Man's 28o'box. One coupon with each box. when the range of sizes is most complete. Spring Chicks (1011 batch) 16c dou, are thegaests of Miss Lela Gould, Mr, John Wood shipped a load of Ducklings .... . .......... 12o Tailor Ducks ...... .... ........ 9C export steers, to Toronto on Tuesday a 1, 1 01. Speclal $1.75 Turkeys .......... ....... 12c 0 0 Mrs. Geo. Atkinson returned last It pays to buy YoUr Toilet Wants here, 0 Alive in trade. We cannot pay cash week from visith.3g friends.16 London. C Drug Goods during the hot weather as the shrink. Miss M. Horney, nurse in a Chicago -row I iting lack Walper Of Hai 8 vis We give PremiUms with all out age is so great, Whea cool weather hospital is home spending her vaca- in town. Cro'niles and the danger from dying tion, SUIT,CASFIS BATHLNG SUITS heet is over, we will again Sames Beverley was in London psy" Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Howey and two Tuesday evening. POWELL'S BAZAAR. In leather, featherette, and For boys and men in cam, cash. children speiii, Saturday and Sunday with or without straps, in bination or two-plece—buy Chicks to be I lb. to the pair. Mr. Eld ed Elliott, left this week The Home of Cbeap China, Glass and Qfanite = 14, C" colors Of lighttan or brown'L one before you go to lakeside Ducklings 7 in Blyth. for Flint, rMich. 94, 20$ at $21.00, $5.00, —75c, $1,00, $1,50. 41 'Watch this space every we k for Miss Murray visited in London. Sat,,. ware Bargains. Come in and Look roU]ftd 4 Sizes 22, - 1 rs. Geo. Brownlee of Egmondville A 7, isiting her parents prices. is v k" urday and Sunday as.' F lynn. F&ctory have started J. Willis Powell, Proprietor. Phone 55 JoweA & May "M!k0r-. and Lee Wilson AV -pea pack, 44 returned Monday after holidaybug mu i eir 41 Grand Bend. Holiday Suggestions for Men Miss J. Spicer visited her brother, s in 1§rantford over the holida Mr, H, Walters has purchased the David ys Mr. John Floyd, of South Hampton residence on Huron St. which he has QT;TING -SHIRTS UNDER! is visiting his mother Mrs. Geo. Floyd. LOCALS been occupying, , V eufi6ld Mr. H. McKay of Hensall, presided ith soft. reversible col- Lbletic underwear, with Mr. and Airs. Charles Lind L fg----very cool and. cam - * 0 . short sleeves and short draw- * and son Ned spent Saturday and Sun, at the datrance eiams here last week .a EhOr—at ers,inplainandmesh, at, a; 0 4& siting at day in Goderich. Miss Charlotte Sweet is iindergLoin * * Miss Nellie Crews is vil 0 ii AN AWFUL FWE I$L'0011 garment, 50c and 75c. Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Mr. 'treatment at St Joseph hospital Will Murray spent D Tom Bowman of London were in town don. S713.AW aA.TS J30LTS ominion Day Dr.andMrs. Ferguson of Pontiac in Brussals. over, the holiday. al ver used half the Sensation that oilt Stock' S 'I ror-soft rim styles. The narrow belt is very s in Clinton are ligver ca Miss Annie Sanders, of Jarvis. is Miss Mary Atcheson wa visiting in town. They came a All,thenewest shapes. Also popular. We have it in tan, * * I ving the Toronto Uaiv by auto. Hat for Summer greys and black, at 25c, 35a * visiting in town. Wednesday tr outing S ersity piand exams,' ' Mr. and Mrs, W. Johns and daugh- _# and PrIceg are doi.ng this season Ou.r purchases of Wear.. 50c, to MOO. and 5.0c. Mr, and Mrs, Roland spent the holi- Messrs W. Greig and W Bsgl r terMargaret visited in Woodbam on days at Wattord. -ST FANCY HOSIERY A spent Saturday and Sunday t their Tuesday. MAF EAMER TRUNKS Mrs. J. Sutton and son spent the In lisle and lightweight 4 homes in Clinton. MissIrene Quackenbush, is spend- mum etyle; -trimmed with brass cashmere, in plair--and fancy 49- Missaohnston corners and bound with stripes, Big assortment, 25.c, home in Blenheim. KITCHEN it Ou .$at So large or bulky as:old 0 holidays in London. teacher in the' High Ing & month's holidays visiting in Mr, Saxon Fitton and so n Gerald . 1 9 DINI"Gimil 0, * a School, has returned to her re holidaying at Owen Sound 50c. oronto for thebolidays. Mr H Thomas of Sb Thomas was the straps, Special Price. + T , + Misses Ethel Sweet and V nest of Miss Hazel Dignan Saturday erne Mr. and Mrs, Will Fasts of Tor- 9 9 Bend. onto spent the for part of the week an k Mr. Sam Elliott of Flbat,, Mich. is V Mr. H. O. Southcott visited his with Mr. Jas. H = Quance are holidayin at Grand d Sunday PARLOR BEDROOM 'SUITES mother in Guelph on Dominiciii Day. Mrs. This' store closes every T hursday. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stewart and visiting'his parents, Mr. and Miss Hattie Willis of London visited daughter Irene spent Saturday and Thos. Elliott, at her home in Stephen over the week Sunday visitbig in London. Mr and Mrs John Balsden of. South Aie ve Choice and tower head and shoulder afternoon at on I g ul end, Dakota are visiting with relatives in ry e O'clock durin" J y id child, .: , , ­ , I I I . 0. * s- Mr. and Mrs, J. McTavish ai nd tow.n. offered to YOU and the Mr. Charlie Grafton of Landed. vi ve %ran 0 above any others . ..... of Shakespeare, visited Ree T. and and -and Aunst. ited Mr. Wm, Le sslaill, was *0 avitt over Dominion Mrs Tailor over the holiday. Mr. Mack Vincent of Croj r M I;T! GSH 'T IRTS a', rsib -a,- Tey' Is r ho t 'le( r r rs pl c ol and cam I , in J'a Iler a _erment, 0._ 'T a T ELTS 1 W A S Day. home attending the funeral 'of his Mr.- Robt. Sanders has seturned Axtreturned home Fri- mother, Mrs Airth. 41 0* from Prices are Clean 0 + Mrs. E. H, several mouths visit in the 41 ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTP-D day af!er visitdngfor Miss Maud Johns teacher of S. + two. weeks in Southerij&nd.Eastern States. gl, h -Jualet Ert"M f home for the holidays. Detroit is visiting returne i Friday after visitin Mrs. g.for sev- her father, Mr. S. J. Etberingto Mrs Jae Jewell of Exeter is spending 13, Of eral weeks in Saskatchewan. Usborne. the holidays with her cousin, Mrs and daugh- EWAR Mr. and Mrs J. Inwood VV A-inkins ,Z_ - J. An S T-- Mr Chas Johns of Elimyille + R,,we n s7 " . -1 `k'0'1 Miss Lida Handford returned to -ir I— . A WT— Q N" 'Tea Snoon Toronto Tuesday after spending a few Boy Wanted—Good, stout boy FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS days at her home here,, Sanders Sartarday and Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. 'W- H. Thornton, of wanted to learn the. tinsmithing and 0 Miss Winona Howard and Mrs, London, were the guests of Mr. and hardware—W. J. Heitman Wilbert, Martin are spending a couple Mrs. Silas Handford Saturday. Mr. Earl Browning, left Saturday for 4 Agency for AUtomatic Hand' PoWer Vacqum, Cleaner, of weeks at Grand Bend, Miss Erie Quackenbush, who has Peterborough, where 116 has accepted + + a position as traveller for a hardware # for rent at 75 cents a day. Mr. H a-rold Maxwell, of St. U&r7s, been teaebing school near Ridgetown company visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. has returned home for the . holidays, +S. Martin on Dominion Day,. Mr, Rd, Farmer return The many friends of Mr. Geo. Kers- + ed to' his 18RESEANN 91F 8 Mr; and Mrs. Bence and little daugh- home in London last Saturday after lake, who hab been s6riously Ill,, -will ter have returned, to their home . in a few weeks visit with friends arountl be pleased to know that he is rapidly ..... ......... Buffalo after visiting relatives here. recovering. + here, e + Mr. Frank Sheere and sister, Mrs. I vIS. Dental Offic s Closed. + Miss Eva Carling, of St. Luke's Master Silas Reid, of London + + Fxank Boyle, visited with Mr. and hospital, New York, is spend a few ited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. ICially .(take notice (that :my off,ice F UA& R T ANN E + Mrs. Geo. Hockey of Brantford over weeks visiting, her parents, i2r. and Silas Handford for a few days the iig closeLT every Wednesday,ailtoxnoon. Sul IMER, J* Dominion Day. Mrs T. B. Dailin past week. 0U1;,ST0N., + 9. + Mr, and Mrs, Tb E. Handford and Beautifying Fire Hall—Mr James Mr. H. Hoffman was out from Dash- ++ ditughter; Miss Labelle, lef 6 Monday Taylor is improving the appearance of wood with the motor bus on Wednes 5 S 10 N erior bf the Fire Hall by a day and made his first trip by auto to CL JUNE + evening for Muskoka, where they will the int OSING NOTICE + spend the summer. fresh coat of paint the bend. Please remember that. my Dental + Miss A M Robb and Miss Alexande , r, office is closed ever Wednesday after- + + There are 21 candidates writing on Outdoor Service—Owing to the hot teachers in the Exeter School, have noon. + the various departmental examina- weather on Supday the evening sery- Students may enter any, + tions held at Exeter this Week, Mr- leecifTrivitt 14emorial Church a returned to their respective homes day, Open entire year.' Now B IDES I U + .11. Wv H. Johnson of Kippen is presiding conducted on the lawn W 8 for the vacation is a good, time to,, entor Before making your pur- + MissNeva Brooker, with her two Honey Melts a I—Sun- Mrs. David Mack,- Master Wilfred Largest trainers in Canada;; + nd Bees Drowt chases for the Bride be sure + cousins, Master Donald Brooker and day was s and Miss Aluia, spent several days of Graduates got b'egt positions, -1 ^ a hot that the boney in the ,.y, 4, — 1, ; rp 1- 14.11 is" Thousands studving ar, home. Berry Spoons, too c I and examine our nester SneLl, OL UleVOlanG, qa!O, are bee -hives of _Thonias Rassell, melted . L.. .. - ­_ - ... I rks, Cake.Forks + ed down drowning the bees Mary and Bertha. Bxelusive right of the "Fam- ous Bliss BoQk-Ke piug Sys-, Mr J. B. Fowler, Mrs. A.. Gerrie and 'Ile ie Fie Knives, Stock of + visiting at Mr, and Mrs,. J. E. Smith's, and dropp E 11J, A. te&' for Ontario. "Actixal I + Thefirst half holiday will be cele- in the hive. , I I 'Butter Knives* '0 brated this (Thursday) afternoon, Mrs, W. R. Gerrie and family of To- i Watches + Mr. aud Mrs - Jae, Abkinson Who BusinesS from Start to + ingJuly and August the stores have been in' London "for Several ronti es. and Forks). Dar o, were the gu' ts of Mr. and Mrs., Finisb.." Oarving Sets, P. W. Gladrhan over the holidays. + will close Thursday afternoon at one weeks whereMr. Atkin -son has been + Clocks, + oclock. 11 . I C. receiving medical treatment, returned On Monday evening the Crediton, + Write for particulars. nx Anings Diamonds, Cut 4, Mr. W. B. Weideuliammer is busy home Tuesday, Junior bagebqll team come over and + + reading H. 8, Entrance. papers this A Nasty Wound --bliss Jessie. Me- defeated the Exeter juniors 14 to 3. :9,"r e ,_ 6 choose from + eek, He will go to Toronto next J)ullough had the misfortune to cut a Mr. George Palmer. umpired the game. one of her fingers with + Glass, Silver= I week to examine Normal Entrance hasty gash in + E t + literatime at the. Education Depart- a sickle, It required three stitches to ' The Ladies. Guild of the Trivitt ware, Pins, C, ment, Memorial Church will hold their an- London Business close the wound, . .. il nual Garden Party on tbe'Rect Mr. and Mrs. S, W. Rowe and Miss y st quality and lowest p#cas making this + liters Viola and Florenoe, of es Velma' and Xta Powell, 0 Groands on Friday evening July Orh Cros8well, Michigaii visited in Exeter College + "an the London Harp& (four pioces) -will on the shortesf7ao i ties. + WN acoburg, visited,&ver the holiday over'the bolidayi the guests of their- furnish the music—Admission l5c + with relatives in town,, The girls are giandparerits Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P6 w7. + Take,a (Affiliated with Clinton + remaining to visit for a couple of ell and obber.friends. children 10, +, , "y* weeks, + Business College) + Exeter -was very -quiet on July let, d The weather during the past few GEO. SPOTTON, Presid, ffiand -V Mr. Russel Fra ne, form ays has been the hbEtest on record. ent eilly with Mcisbpeopkbeir. outoftown. Some During the neat of the day, the ther- + the'Verity Co., at Brantford, but who goin fo Grand %end and R liniville. 'w`0T`AK "o I t mometor has r6gistered about 08 de- 4 tion in Toronto, has vh great number adeompanied + ptician Id. .. take a poet a geees. Many of the citizens have been + again returned With the Verhy Co., the Baseball boys to Centralia, sleeping on' ve 'Mbs or in ham + ............. ont.. 1:4 and has full charge of the cost depart- ranc + + ent, With the new position Mr. A..numbor of young people held a mocks, Qrops are suffering foi- the + With You + in Ifila + ` The + ,yne gets a substattial increase, in picnic down in the Park on Tuesday need of ain. Glorious Twe' &Ail salary. afternoon in honor of Misses Viola Mrs. A Sheere, Miss Morloo'k and + a;dvisedly and Florence Rowe. Refreshmepts Misslennie Hardy'left Wednesday .14 We Say I 1K Studio at Grand Bend- -Thlg week + we do not -merely mean camera, were served una a very enjoyable time warning for'Sarnia where they will but the particular make of cam - Mr Latimer Grieve opened tip a studio Wa,S sy eat. t Grand Bend, where he will to take the boat for Port Arthur. Mrs (-,r& that, bears the trade -mark - a ke "todak"—the tatisfacto pi I res during the holiday season, New, Story—This week we have Sheerewillivisiblin son Nelson, at + ry re - le u &Bellle : .1 fl i + Last year Mr Grieve conducted a sim- commenced the publication of I% new Port Arthur while Miss Morlock will + sults that it has given to out, + t 'at st -2etween , ves," s n to Bassano. Alta, ana Miss .2. In specify- + r16 flar business at the Bend for two Sein L Ory, I Two a o a f. customers us' Ufy vis I weeks and his work was grLaatly ap. "by Bertha M Clay, All lovers of a Hardy to Winnipeg where they will ' .1, + Ing KODW 41. -or a f + proolated. contiuued story will flnd1bis one very visit i ew months. Messrs F, 4. inwkestiug Boyle ana J W Hern accompanied Yoilr'vacatian will mean move A, its far its -clariala. to you, if you Xoaak -nbb only 4- A Lticky Discape—Last Thursday them NO' AUGUISST evening, as A, Party Were out in Mk, D. , Mr, Jno. W. Taylor leaves to -day move pleasure at the timt but + and expects to Ti?ophy. Won—On Monday night + Afterw, rcl, ti Hartileb's auto they web With Lan &C. for a trip, to tb6coasG a lie added 9 Sure + aident about two njilea down the Lon- beabsentfoisixoreight weekso He the final Bowling Match took pleo for + that will come from the pIat Lives + ter hereby, agree to aonRoad which might have been at, intends opending some time with his the B&Wden Trwhy between Mr. 0. 601110 toloofloriGh- xy afternoon dur tended 'with serious results, 'the Son RoK and daughter Mrs England Snelle and 1, arlings rinks. , The Let us show you how sim 1JI e it t The Prettiest and Healthist Town Were- riding along the Edmonton, elose arid I I all is by the Xodak system—our + side of URI' game was var exciting k is very complete ancl , We In Canada, par Mr, stoo the iyoiw when something went wrong I :Raumeratoks Vinished—The Census from beginning to end. are always ghid t( A Short Procession + ktbraetlVe Special PrIV Ished their work rink winning out on the last end by. 'c he -111, with We— machine and, they were have fini ) give plwto- Urdo YeO thrown into a ditch about te hy . a feet anit handed in their books The work 3 shots. Besides winning the trop , graphi 11) to any &mate W, W. Taman deep, As the car was not going Very 'satisfactory, the winners each receive a, beautiful has been completed in 9, Are you married? 19, Smith fast at the tj' IoLamerMorp pearl handle knife and the runners Good Speakers W. V. pe&va , we it went lit on its Side wa, F and Some of the ts, nice knife alsoi Pollowing. Were Special uains and rates, s 'but had ItturnlhatonipleteI7 over, bo did exceedingly well, On the whole him. Bo 1 Joe, DAVIS doullb 66ino Of, V a 11on5flopploial So 140, . occupa, t9 'FOUld thdy re<ieivea vety cort6ous treat- 1'rloks, - e 1,111S and circulars foe. full partio- pea J, &Ould G. Uming 4- i. plaro, A Great Big My at a, small b 'if, O's It Was morib. As far so faii be learned the Chein! 01 on 0 was hart" 0 I'll 0 4 t J, Day - I Oel-up- raf4f) a thele own- bu W. CollinE IDXE TER ONTARIO .! 105. MeNEVIN, ailts, tbeh footed it to; butralilt &Md the 00p lktioll of the larger villages T, Boyle 11. Creech A., A Tono, e bome, Ing; 14 obak-tered A livery to,c . And W p haive eal! N -red. gomewuat, L Carli Secretary, cfiaomao At,