Exeter Times, 1911-6-8, Page 2. . M , I ...
I ! �,� � , I . I I , � � , 11 I I . I . f A VKVt*"A1VV1%4V4A mveu UVw Vaum Pvuutmr vurumi ,awa,ys w4ua -a gola was iaviswy used for, the. pur- . . ;1=1 1� �1;i;� 1.1;��, ;.;,;�;; . - � I I
� I : � ,.... . 1. Son with a druni-la4cile, and stand- ang of pitybeating in Ills heart. pose, A week later Sponcer was � , I
� , I � I �,. 1 ''... . � I . P _ TINY CHIS A BIG, CRIMES �
� . . L � � I . I I .. � I I llig upor� this was 4 small, fairy� After retiring for 4, f ow - 11101111ting the many stairs of an old� � . , . ,
t � I � I I I : .1. . I . . . 010 I I �
1,� I . I � I Is . —_ . I
M` [ 0 but who, with her spangle& and her again, her shoulder's Worned with led to th' lie Ap_%.
I I I "
, I I �, , ", . a fifth sturey, where A% -.a .
�� I ,
. . . � THE. Gig - S 0 , � auze, might, ind,esed,' have ,floated an extraordinary cloak of Magenta paused, outside a closed door. He I I VIUMINT"ALig ARA flmy r,Mlt�
I . , . I 9 - . 1. 1'hq6; . . I *i_ ,
11 . I � .0 . I . I I like, oreuiture, a girl of about eight, mouts Xr'. Jarringtou came forth fashioned Apartment house, that . . '"'" Honle . .
I �.; I'll, . I 1 ..) 1. ,. 1. : , . �. . I 11 �, In upon ,a ,clou4 from some other buo, trimmed lavishly with superb rapped gently, and a voice, low and . � ,j . . I 1 1 ..
I I I ... I I . � � . I . . : .. .... : ,
,, : . � I. I .. � .. I I World than this. She waa so Small, ra,bwlt skin. Bad, yet so familiar to him, re- I I I . . . I I
. � . � � ,
� . . � I � �
:�. i I ,�, so frail, so airy, that the people Motioning Spencer to follow, she plied, Heaven, did he -dream it, . . I . I — . , 1, I . .
: I � I I I .1 I I -11.11. . � gasped before the), clapped their prooeleded to another caravan, and or had the grave given tip its dead, I A Toy Lantern, . a B . I .
I . hands ill U'le-lev'Ve�;- a., fairy-,elftliat in answer to her summons a Shrill and wais it X A who had spok- Notos of Particular Interest to Wornen Fol . . 60tlaeep an4,. I
. "My congratulations to ,you, my , , , iriar ks
, :'. � � dear Spencer; imy warmest con- hadeome from tholand of dr'eams, iolde -called out, demanding to oxill � . . . I Half an 11ayelope :Helped �Ien ' . .
. .!, ;.�, ,� gratalatio I na, - A - fine, old house a, little waid who appealed to overy know who it Was. . He could not open the door at . I �, I . .
; - . to Galloij,,s. .
. �
.�� 1. . ., a way trom London, a country seat, heart, With her hair yellow as bu�- With a whimsical glance in�Spea- once but at last he turned the I I .
� Q &1_,_____ �_____ _____�IIJ .
!.� : � � was't4a very thing )roll wanted. To tercups, and eyes that r,esenibled cer's direction Mrs. Sarrington handle and entered: I 1
. I
� .
.1 . . . The famous series of fraud$ on .
:1 , I those that have, tars, �wide-opene<l, vivid with made some pacific .
. , you know, � all I . response, and Seated in the window, with the 'GOOD THINGS TO EAT. teaspoonfuls of grated nutmeg, then the, Bamlc of England by the Bqa�,
. . thin � I emotion . , oor w M . . - .
01 . I after a further paxley the 4 ,as winter light beating tip -on her,face, ,add t�ro ba,blespoonfuls of melted con broth' a generation ago Wap .
. 'Nal given. , I
� ,� I . . 11� 0ourtiley liftec tiously opened and a woman's was a woman, olde . I I I
. The clown and the ring -master call To make'a fine Olive salad 'a blitter, two heaping tablespoonfuls terminate d(irby'tbe fact that
I I his glass r than she , ""n",
.. I . one tablespoonful of olives stuffed tile
1-11 I then drained it, and nodded his ail- ll��d ceased their jesting, and w,erO handsoiiia, but ill-tempered, face whom Ile had once called wifo, yet with red peppers, add to one ca I ke of cornstarch, mixed with three forgdrs of the drafts forgot to date I I
I., ver head, a beaming Smile upon his Silent, I I peered out. Still almost divinely beautiful, tablespoonfuls of crearli, and the the last one presented, This. al�, .11
I I I f eaturo.s. I Arnold Spencer sat back in Ills The scowl died away at tho, sight Her eye . 9, 6houe starlike -out of of ore&m. cheese. Rub to a cream, whites of the eggs stiffly beaten. most incredible blunder led to the,,( .
I'll I I . . seat, white-fK�ed, with staring of that. well-dressed figaro standing the pallor of her face, ,and she ut, spread between two � silees of brown Pour the mixture into two pie tiris break-up of �
1� I I Arnold Spencer ackno ledged � .
J! haw aze, his Soul ahaken.by so or entire wheat bread Which has' I tne Most ciangeroun'
il . the toast gravely, his ndsome, 9 Me tra- ait Mrs, Tarrington's Side, and she: tered a sharp cry and bent back lined with pastry. Bake for 40 band -of criminals England has ev-
�, I I . ,serious face bearing 6, thoughtful mendOus �emObi0u- Ile told himself stared at him with eyes filled with, a little, shrinking away, her &t- been buttered and out �ery thin. ,
�11. . . he =list be dreaming, or, if uOt3 $lisp I lcion. , I . titude' one of overwhelmivg sur- Here is a, now spinach dish: Press minutes. Beat up three whites -of er known, says Pearson's Weekly. -
I . . . . expreafflon. I why here before him was a child Sp . ed. hex instantly . prise. egg stiffly, add one heaping table- An uneasy conscience gave away
I . The old lawyer gazed at him encer recogniz all the liquid from a cupful of spoonful of sugar and beat again) Do gal, the Moat
, .1 . . . his smile faded. A per, With the face of his -dead Wife --a for the "lady equostrienm;o" of the . "Miriam!" He spoke her name cooked and chopped sp u Farm Murderer �
i again, and . inach, he- ,1
� ,� plexed light dawned � in his eyes. love! miniature of herself—there- previous night. in a low, husky voice, scarcely dar- Peat it with two L,sblespoonfuls of 'lien Spread Over CII -0 top Of Pie$) He had presented a forged cheq�;
i L "You have everything in the semblance Salient, striking, won- "I wanted to inquire for Your ing to advance a Step further. "Is butter, two of flour and one of set in oven and. brown. 'On his victim!s banking account
I I , tgc�od derful. Make a souffle custard pudding -by and the clerk, not recognizing th�'
I world, " he continued I . . little girl," he, said, stepping fo& it you, my wife; oh, is it you?" cream, aind season it with salt, pep- mixing one-half of acupful of flour, signature, asked Dougal to wait a .
I I I � . friends, good fortune, IFOod health. , .The child, b,ad ri8den round the ward and addressing her courte- . She bowed her head. per, Sugar and mace. Beat two, a pinch of salt and two tablespoon- few moments.
I Don't think =-a intrusives nor yet ring once or twica, throwing her- . ously, 0onvinced that , i .
"I hoped that you would never eggs-, thoroughly and a,dd. them to fuls of sugar bo'apaste with a little' wa's a trick to cletain him until tho - , I
� .
I I .
. . . u find self into pretty poses, more, spon- Her startled gaze relaxed, and know th' I I I
I prying; but—but why can yo at still lived," she mur- the spinach. Take it'frow the fire ool<1 milk. Turn this quickly into a police were summoned, the wretch -
I I no satisfaction in your lifol You taneousand less stereotyped than she uttered & short laugh, Inured, in tremulous tones. "What and when,cool enough shape it into -ad that rset in mo- I
I have a foremost position atthe is usual in such exhibitions' But "Oh, do you I And wh* maY you, was th6 good? I had takenan ir- balls with buttered spoons. Plac pint of soadding-hot milk on, the fire, ea man bolte,d,.a . .
I I Bar, a; splendid and a oyable pos- Row she hafted, and the a 8 and stir rapidly until very thick and tion -a train -of Suspicions that ev"
, adience be, I should like to know, and what Fevocable step, in ignorance and these in boiling water and boil . . I
ition, and whilst youTave strug- grew hushed and more eagerly at- - I object in ,spying ,round innocence, meaning to leave You gently for five minutesi then draiii smooth. Cover and cook for 10 min- entually resulted in the discovery I
is your .1 11 utes, t . hen add o . 11
"', gled and been poor in the past, tentive. Obviously ,the w ere V I � I free—free as you wishad to be." them. Xake a cream sauce, and tw ta,blespoonfuls of one of the most cold-blooded
� surel you can forget all that now. to perform some difficult feat. n bewildered while it is cooking put in the Spin- of butter cut into bits and the beat- crimes in the history of Murders,- I
� Y I "Hash, hush, Mme. Celeste 11) He stared at her i
Can the remembrance be so bitter Arnold Spencer held his breath. �interposecl the old show -**man, fashion. I ach balls. ,. O es Etir for a Any detective of, -experience will . .
� that the taste of it stil 0 "I—I do not understand.)) moment longer, then cover and set tell, you that most criminals are
�, I lingers, Something told him, some instinct throwing a deprecating glance t - To make a fine digh of browned .
� � poisoning the preseAtV 'divined the fa,ot that the little ar- wards Spencer. "This gentleman - 'cYou—you were weary of me. I potatoes, peel and boil large pota- aside for 10 minutes. Whip the fools—whioh is a good thing in the
� . "Bitterl" Arnold Spencer Save �ista was nervous, or else not feel- witnessed S raphine's accident, --�-I felt it, I was, convinced; and toes, place in a Pan, dredge with whites to a. stiff froth and out them long run for those whose business 1*
Leigh confir ts custard; then it is to detecterime. . i
Ing equal to her ta,sk-. The smile 8 flour, pour . about two teaspoonfuls �f
i I a low sigh. "Listen. I have no and feared the child was injured." Wilson med my doub into the partly cooled -
I , —the e
� 's still upon the angel face, but . bake in a well-greas ct pudding -dish
� I quarrel with my good fortune Yet wa . "Oh, well, she wasn't, and that when he told me the truth There was a case in the midlands
� , . va'lua� the little lips were trembling, and of melted butter over each potato,
I yes you could have told him c,-�.,rzelf - truth You had coaded. in him " placed in a pan of hot Water Or in nearly twenty years ago which con- 1�
� it is valueless to me—. I it q the flush upon the baby cheeks was She won't show u' Y "The truthl" He repeat;a her "Prinkle with salt, brown in a hot caps, Have the oven very hot,and earned a man who 6pent many daya .. I �
� r
I less. Who is there to share p at the next pe - van 'Serve with gravy.
I I . I Neither wife nor child." too bright, for More, excitement. formance, so he needn't wait, and words; he was beginning to under- 10 Gooseberries will soon be i serve at once, as it quickly falls, planning. . I I
- '_ ., . I 'Ali "'. Mr, Courtney wagged his A crack of the whip and the so- that's all I'm going to say." stand. ripe* Two ways of making mustard: .4
head. , "Ills not impossible to re- bar old circus horse began to trot. She slammed the door, leaving "Tes; that you regretted . your .They are a fine fruit, and should be When a very mild flavor is liked A WOMAN'S MURDER, -
Yours is not round the ring, with its tiny rider . I marriage with a girl so young and used to a greater extent. A good use cream or milk insteacl of water, and disguising his own personality .
. . I � medy, my clear Sir. posturing upon its back. The clown her auditors, one, gasping indig- ar<1 as myself. I asked him Padding can be Made as follows: Make only a small quantity, as it so that nob �y could ever suspect . I
. at all a, hopeless case." stoppeclan,a na,utly at her rudeness, the battle- wayw idding -dish one -'half full of 0 . i I
at one side, his banter and was there no way in which I could Fill a pt doesn't kee,p- very Ions. A Salt_ him of the crime, Then, when his
I . He, uttered a short, mellow laugh . light kindlingin her own eyes . gooseberries, add sugar and a little . .
. . 2
� I that was abruptly checked, for his the grin upon his face a little the other standing in an attitude. free you, for I was bitterly ' hurt, spoonful of salt added to a table- plans were completed, lie luredthe I
.. � ... . I host had turned a white, haggard strain�ed, held out a paper -hoop. of profound reflection. bitterly wounded. He told me water. Spread over the berries the Spoonful of' mustard not only im- unfortunate Wbman to a lonely A
I face in his direction, and had lift- Seraphine, as the child was billed, An idea, had suddenly entered there was one, and only one—by following batter: One cup flour, one proves the flavor, but also prevents place and murdered her.
- approached it, the clown cried out leaving you. I Only half under- teaspoon baking powder, salt, one * . He was more than astonished to I
' ad his hand in an imperious gas c, his mind, impossible, perhaps, in it from going dry. 1!
I . Hoop -la," in a voice that seemed ,, one tablespoon batter, one-
� . . ese prosaic days. Yet he was un- stood what he meant; I was but a egg, To cook chicken "Creole" way find himself tinder arrest within au �
11! ture. i U.0 half cup milk. Bake a nice brown ' hour of the discovery Of the dea4 - �
i� ,, "A womaa broke my heart, to hold a quiver in it, and lea -ping b, to dismiss it, and it ga,ve shape girl, scarcely more than a child, cook four� teaspoonfuls of butter
I lightly as a, sylph the child jumped a 8 and. I regarded him a's a brother." n the oven; do not bake too quick- bod But it was no wonderful
once , , he, said, slowly and.distinct- a and design to a purpose that; seem- with one-half shallot, finely chop- Y_
, , - * - feat of detection after all. In his
: I.. ,,'.,\ro woman shall ever havothe through. But,either she M'SI'l 9- ed to have twin -birth with it." "Do you mean that yon never ly or the berries will not cook. ped, five minutes, stirring constant-
: . ed the distance or the horse in- ca f Serve with sauce. haste and conflision, the murderev I
- power to break it again." * * * ly. Onion may be used if shallot is .
� . The lawyer pursed his lips. creased its pace, for she failed to * I "I never loved him, nor did I To make a, mutton haricot with not at hand. Add five tablespoon- had actually left his visiting card �
,. the Saddle and fell down to "Mamma—oh, I want my marn- know 'until later that he was so macaroni a r uls on the victim!s body. I
. I 'Ah 1 but time, you k-now---� 2 regain of flour and stir until well
wife." . -own, then pour gradually, while
. . "She' -was my the ground, - ma I" I 4'oice wicked as t,p care for me." pounds -of breast mutton ii� plec4,,, br A child' s penny toy lantern dir.
� Mr. Courtney started, gazing at ing from the audience, The sweet, high-pitched "But, Miriam, who was the wom- roll in flour and'brown in drippings, stirring constantly, three-fourths of ectly led to the hanging of Fowlef ,
. his friend in ama2ement. � Rising abruptly from his seat, reached Spencer, and for 4 moment an, his companion in that last transfer to a stewpan, add two on r.. cupful each of chicken stock and .and Milsom. for the Muswell Hill 4b
striving a Smart of tears Came into his eyes. fateful ride—the woman we thought ions sliced, cover with boiling water murder. It was a ,lucky clue, that
"I Spencer pushed forward, S, an 1.
. . "Your wifeV he repeated. stewed ' d strained tomatoes- finding of the child who
� was unaware that you were mar k and simmerlone- hour; add a roiind-
. - to I ma -a his way through the, There was such a note Of sa,dn,es was yourself V, Bring to the boiling point, Be toy had
I . � yet live 7" throng that, ba,d already gathered of yearning in those tones, pathet- ."She was a girl—a. school-friena 'ng teaspoonfiil of salt and continue Season been left behind in thp, house with
I ried. "Does your wife -there. But lie -was pushed backbY ic to hear in a child. —whom I met at the first hotel ' with one teaspoonful of -,ilt and the body of Mr. Smith, the mur-
I ` TO; She is dead." to simmer until very tender; add
�� � IN , -master, and. he saw that He gave, a glance over his �,houl- where -we rested, whilst some re- oni, previously one-eighth of a teaspoonful of pa- dered man. It was the property of
� "But,,. mv dear fellow, don't the riixg us tent. He had on- pairs were b r. one quart of macar prika. Add one and one-half cup- Fowler's little brother, and the .,
� unfeeling, but is it im- the clown had. gathered the child. der at the Ciro eing -done to the ca boiled in salbed water, and one ** ,
I I think me t fuls of cooked chicken or fowl cut child's innocent pleasure at t4a
1, possible t& forget a woman who -up in his arms and Was making his ly a few brief minutes at his com- It was she o whom I explained it quart of peas (canned); simmer a in small cubes,.and lett, stand 10 or of his lantern was the cul -
1 w&,y out of the ring, with the our- mand. Mme. Celeste was about to all. It was she who 'Saved me- She few minutes longer until vegetables .
act, and at the end I", minuftes in the top of the -double
"p, _. - c the commence her ' my eyes to Leigh's base are hot and serve. The egetables '- -
PhL__ __ - a" c recovery
is deadi" minating stroke in one of the great-
, , .1 I 'Impossible to forget the lesson cus performers keeping ba k at may absorb .:.
I � op that I
y wife was false to crowd from following, aud. Spencer of it was certain to return to hex desi;ns, and Suggested may be served around thve most on .sorne Of the sauce. . est tragedies of the last fifty years. I
� J received. M - caravan and to the child she had should remain there, leaving her to lalt - Clothes played a prominent part . �1
!. me. She ran awa;y with a villain was shut out with the rest . the p ter and the gravy thicken -_ I 11
,, who had pretended to be my A few moments later the ring- left unguarded there, during her tak:, my place in the car, disguised ad a very little and serve -i s,epar- in the Yarifiouth Bca4i murcler 1, I
. friend." master came back with a rea,ssur- absence by a thick veil, thus leaving me ely. TWO FRUIT. RECIPES. case of nine years ago,` _ . - �� . 11% �'.' �
is face, and annou'ac- d oely— free to escape from Wilson Leigh, at I ste" u ,_.. ,
. Mr. Courtney knit his brow -an- ing smile on h The following is considered a Often at this time of the year the a bootla:ce that finally f ed .. 1,
. noyed with himself because �Le had ed that Ma,m!zelle Seraphine. was Spencer had tried it—but it was a whom I had. already begun to fear very fine recipe for sweet pickled housewife has still a few jars of pre- crime on to Bennett. That trivial '. j: I.. I 1,
pursued the subject. merely a little bruised ound not at simple matter to force back the and. -distrust. The plan was car- served fruit on hand. She and her bootlace had been used to strangle ,�
"I am, sorry, and more than sor- all seriously hurt. window -bolt, and now, gaining & ried out, and the tragic result you peaches: Select firm yellow peach- '
es and scald them in strong, Soda family are heartily sick of "saace.' ' the poor woman who died where. so ,� , J.
Pon an old The audience appeared 'satisfied, foothold upon one wheel, he had know." Try this plan of making two deli6i_ many had found holiday happiness - I
ry, to have touched u -witness the re- it open, and was listening to that Spencer passed a, hand over his water, then throw them in a large , I . � I
. I a -ad settled down to deserts from one quart jar of and those who attended the trial 11
sore," he murmured. x, plaintive voice. I brow. vessel of cold water, and with a OUS I . I
� . �
Then he rose from his chair, a mainder of the performance; but tende S will never forget the profound im- .
"Little girl! Seraphine 1" dry, coarse towel rub off the fur. peaches. Preserved strawberrie , .
. I . agure, a little bent-, but Spencer did not Stay. He strode , He "Miriam, why did you not come To one , ound of fruit allow one cherries, ,etc., -are equally good to pression created by the production I
I fine Old I it cry, dreading as he back to me?" � � P
a gentleman of the old school. back to his -own home through the answered thi of vinegar, one teaspoonful of use. Separate the peaches from the -of the string. i � ]
, Ho cold air, woudering—woudering. did so that he would alarm the "How could I—oh how could I? gill . . . .
, took his leave, and Spencer 'ved my inno- the following mixed -spices: Cloves, Juice. . "I
. . He was early astir the next child. Could You have belie A MEETR�G IN THE, STREE T. �1
, watched him depart from that an- eaches to ..
cient City restaurant in silence. A morning, intending to make in- "Who is there 7 Who are you?" cence espacially when I was told mace and sugar. Boil together un- -, Recipe No. I—Rub the p 4 �_,
I 1.
. bitter mood held him in thrall, a quiries concerning little. Seraphine. There was no fear at all in the you �� confessed you were tired til. the peaches are tender. Then a pulp through a sieve. Add a halt Upon a certain occasion a pro- , I -, 7
'I.`- __ mood that he strove to dismiss, But, early as he was, the circus question. of me? Yet there was a reason, remove them and let the syrup boil cupful of sugar if the fruit is not minent merchant and railway mag- I I .
aople bad been earlier, and, like "I am a friend," be replied; perhaps, that should have made me until thoroughly cooked. Pour hot very sweet. Whip a pint of ,cream nate was talking inthe street to a .
� telling himself that he was a fool, PI Arab, had folded their tents "your friend, dear, arid I am here conquer my pride." over the peaches. When cool, cover stiff - Mix well with the pi6h pulp friend of his, one who w,%s eminent
. and worse than that, not to beable th8 questions. You His heart began to beat again the jars. � and turn into two one -pound -empty in the service of the'State. A young 1.
to blot out from his mind kand thus and stolen away. , to ask you some , ��
� a sense of immeasurable A thousand conjectures ran riot must tell me the truth, dear, and with thick throbs. Another peach recipe is "peach-. baking powder cans. Cover with man passed by, and, to the,'aston- ,.1
r , I forget th ed him when his - in his brain. One, thing was very have no fear, for I am going to "Miriam, was it our child— as in j(�lly." Open a quart can of oiled paper (the paper from cracker ishment -of the former, his compan- � 1
�. loss that ever seiz help, I hope, and take you away yours and mine?" peaches, remove the pieces Of fruit boxes is good to use) and press ion nodded pleasantly to him.
� thoughts wandered back to the wo- certain—he would have no rest un- from -this life." She threw a startled glance at and strain the syrup. Measure and cover on tightly. Bury the cans in "Who was thatl" asked the rail- ...
� man whose presence had once giv- til he had learned everything there Ctoll, do—oh, do 1" The words him, , I a.dd water, if necessary, to make finely chopped ice and . rock salt way director, thinking he might
� an radiance to his.life. was to be known about Mam'zelle came, broken by a sob. "Take me "How did,you know?" twoollpfuls and a half. If not quite (equal portions) for two boars. Tliis have been mistaken. I I ,�A..,
I � And then had come, the unexpect- Seraphine. my own clear mam- "First tell me, is it by your sweet enough, hea,t slightly -and add serves seven or eight people. "Oh that is Mr. Blank, the Nveil- I
. It -was not a, very difficul to my Mamma, .. -
ed blow—that elopement with his t mitter ma.)) . knowledge that She is performing sugar to taste; then Stir in a scant Don't think because you are not ktiown'philanthropist." r
I friend.. Wilson Leigh, and theArag- to get upon the track of the circus Spencer did not betray his sur- in a circusill half package of gelatin which' has 11,sad to making the ice cream that Now, the gentleman of the rail- ,� �
i edy that bad so swiftly followed troupe. They had made for a town Be. ." ' She sprang te her feet, her eyes ' -Blank by another ; ,
1�, twenty miles away, and a couple pri Indeed, in some unac- been soaked in a half cupful of cold you ,can nob make this desert. It ways knew Mr. . I-'.
� the guilty pair in their flight; the of hours later Spencer 'was also countable manner lie had divined dilated with alarm. water. Pour a half inch in a wet- is very simple. F or a frozen whip- name and in a different capacity; 11
-motor accident a few hours later, that the child was never Mine Cel- '- What do you mean I I had been ted mold and place on ie canti.1 ped cream desert a freezer is not in fact, lie was one of the clerks in .1�. ,,
� there. �
� in which both had been instantly estels. His present action was jil and she, too, was ailing in this firm; add, a layer of the frui , either necessary. Any *owo quart kettle. the employ of the railway of which I �,
Signs of activity met his gaze on . t . ��
� killed, their car wrecked, the un- the outcome of that belief. de'ad, city air, where my work com- will hold the ice and salt. Place gev- he was a director. Examination of I I .
, r mangle every side when he reached the whole or out with enough more of I , .
� happy victims terribly, d— "Where did you leave your mam- pels me to remain, so I found a oral folds of newspaper directly in- the books. confirmed the worst Bits-
� . I a frijbtf al catastrophe. Meadow where the circus had estab mal" he asked. . ho in a, sweet English vil- the liquid jelly to cover and again . -philanthro-
to, lished its At one of the r - i me put aside until firm, keeping the ttle to fill up space so pic:ions, for the pseudo
.elf. ca'a. "Od side the ke
�_ impatiently Spencer got up away. In g 45, w th kind, motherly woman that much ice or salt will be need- pist had been robbing his employ- I
vans, the largest and most pictur- "Oh, ever so far a a remainder of the jelly in a warm "I
I g 0_ But what do you mean V I -gratify his i I
, . his feet, and returning to his cham- esque, of them all, he rapped with France—yes, it was over the sea.. wh Re� ed. When packed put the kettle ers for years in order to I'll
more cheer- f abrupt- place, where it will not stiffen. ad I .�
� . bers tried to induce a in the fireless.. cooker until I ,,,,
� she repeated, breaking of ambition to get into society. H'
P his knuckles. She was very ill—very, very ill, peat until the materials are. used, away
ful train of thought. —1 mean Mme. Celeste erve time to serve. I . it not been for that casnal recog- , ��
� But it was useless, and he decided Some minutes elapsed before the and mother 1Y."Only that this kind, motherly .nition in public the company would, r �
� door was opened, and then the —she whips me when I for -get to Recipe No. 92—Yon will have N,
P� that he would seek change -of scene 7) woman has apparently taken ad- with plain or whipped -cream T
Yes, be would tousled head of an untidy woman call her mother She broke of. fruit syrup, have lost thousands more than it. : I !"
� � upon the morrow. ,,It is my vantage of your distant residence In making grape jelly, which you about two -cupfuls � 11 I .
P � peered forth. She was elderly, off into sudden tears. Soak one did I
0 here this dear -mother that I want, and to lease the child to a circus per- will be doing before very long, use from your jar 6f peaches. That was a . . I
, and had a kindly, good-humored own in this proportion : One-third a,pples ered gel -a- . trivial chance, of I 1.
0 property that had been bequeath- and listened civilly when sho must want her little Miriam.)? former." course, but it was more than this A
� , across to him, tremb- to two-thirds grapes. Use grapes bin in a half cupful of dold yrup ", "
. ad to him by a distant kinsmali was face; She camp Mrs. Dyer, the Read- .,
� . . % Spencer stated that he wished to Ile Started this time. His wife's for five minutes. Brinj the r -s which caused :.�l
I situated. I wife,s ling and painfully agitated- that are part greea and part ripe; est of ing baby.farmer . of % "
P , This child with his � to wrap one : .,.
* , * V * * know if the little girl haA been in- name; 1100" I �1'
0 . "Axnold—Arnold, rescue my they make the best jelly. Cover ap- the syrup to a boil, sweeten if the bodies of Vvictims in a piece �
I he -
ured in yesterday's mishap, face, and his wife's voice, was rid pour over the gelatin ' bear' I � "
01 I .The following avening�& clear, 3 called by her name as well. Again child for me; for Heaven's sake do ples with water, cook until fender essarY a: i' of brown paper . .ing I
P . . .fine night—Spencer was standing "If you'll wait a minuto of two, he asked what, could it mean I But thisf I am & woman, powerlessi (need not remove peeling; to the stirring it-untiI dessolved. Set n I 1 �4
r on the terrace of his new home, at- Sir, I'll slip On my cloak and ask there was no time to stay and ques- bat you—oh, you will not visit my graipes add juit enough water to cool place to harden, HER OWN NAME AND ADDRESS. �� I
. . I
� , trartect there by the sound of dis- Seraphine's mother how the child tion now. From the circus bent follies upon our child!" keep from sticking. Drain tho I The peach gelatin may be.served . . . Con-' .
� � Sir no- he � the It broke away from its.ghastly
� - , tant.musio, which float�d up to is. It wa's only a sprainp <, heard the sound of clapping; Mme, All was forgotten in that, mo- fruit, but..do not squeeze, use equalwith whippe,d crea;m. Or before I ad to the top of thai
; 1 ; him, For a moment lie wondered thing else; scarcely that, in leed. ment. 'She was - but. a mother parts of juice � and sugar; needs gelatin ,hardens, ,you may whip into tents and flOat . .
I . Celesta"s performance was receiv- Ter.
� What it signiified. Than he recol- The child ricked. her foot in fallin& . whose, child was in eril. only a few moments' cooking lon.. it the Stiffly beaten white 6f:an egg rl I I
� ing its due tribute� - p I have I _.
, I
t lacted, that the housekeeper, a, gar- We were sorry for the ,accident; "Yoar mother's name, little, one, He took her in his arms. ger. This makes a perfeet'joll, and and make a thin custard from the But all great criminal cases ,,,,,
P rulous old dame, had informed him, she,g & real draw is the child, a t(Miriani, Wilson Leigh lied to it, will not granulate, a fault- with yolk to serve ,as a sauce around the turn less On trivial "I,
, . , � -et P,lq*Pd -a -
V.. I that a eircus was visiting the vil7-� genuine favorite of the ring, The and where Was this place in Y . as I love gra,pe jell. When cool cover with gelIbin- . I things. A railway tick .1
P I loved you than ,
� I largo. I taking$ will fall off marvellouslY Francol Can You rememberl" Ou . prominent part in the recent trial
� I , -a le to perfor J "Her namel Brendon; -we were you now, as I shall always love melted paraffin. " at Newcastle of Alexander Dick-
,, I . With & smile, at th impulse until she's ab In again$ - You Come, my dearest wife, let 1) as the kidlot r g t � HCOXOM.IES1
F . . called Brandon, and it was Paris, - eve at ire of .
I I , . Spencer decided to Witness a per- and thaVs a matter of consequence yes, that was the place." us seek our child together. "—Lon- 0 4 �f man, charged with the murder of , ,
F � molasses cake I Here is A, good re- The best way to keep the walls o, 5hier. ' Ib
� . . f6rmanoe, and with this intention to me, Sir, since I and my old man ,,, Ivill save you from this hate- don Tit -'Bits- � I Nesbit, the colliery ca:
� .. I � I cipe: Two ,ounces of butter, one the kitchen white and glossy is to bore the name of'one Station. and .
. he strolled away from the Hall. own this show," ful life, myclear little Miriam. Not . I ................ ,�_ � , I
I His footsteps brought him at, length "Then it is Mrs. Jarrington whom I Pound of molasseri, one pound of wash their Painted surface with was -given up at another.
1� , , I I this Week, perhaps nor yet the 'A DIFFERENCE. flour, -one tablespoonful ground gin- .bran water instead of Soap, Boil Half an addressed envelope con-
� , � atro, and he I am addressingl" 11 I . � ��'
F . . I . to, the huge canvas the next- but don't think I Shall for- Piunny, isn't it that the same g�r, peaxlash size of a nut, small one pint of bran in agallon of w1ator:vi ted g. murderer twenty years SgM.. ..
�_ . � . .took his seat Within, . Tbere waa a, "The same, Sir." ) d to Mma. Cal- I "I piece of &lam. , Melt the butter: and keep for.an hour., The Paint 0 ame and tiadress ,bad . �� I I
I � . fair-siz � ad 'ring, with a great deal , "There would be no harm in my get, ancl not a wor thin cn a hor In a Mon- h the n I .1
, n lon- &'t Ong'
r � of draperies and bunting, and it esting to you, 1: hop,o, that I estO�" t -,by and & disgraoe in a repub- add molasses) pour among flour 'will look better and keep clea thi to, do -with bini except that '
I' �� Tgg He -shut the window agmin,.then, ar itgok, pearlash, and alum. Beat ger When washed .with tbi4 than no 0 IN half was found in his bed- ',-.1
� � I . , : I was Plain that the rustic ;i'adience thought the child was fimid—ner. y away, vainishing &I- Ile Is, I 1 4 1 . gi the ther ��
. .. It . Strode quietl I mixture till very smooth, Leave it when cleaned with soap and water. room A piece Of & Me convicted a
k was awaiting the perfom(rice with Votts of her task?" nt when ,Vhat is Such, a thing I ' to get cold, roll out thin, cut, into ,People ,often spoil their walls by ma;-4e1c, named Orroolt, who� i
� I I I 1 4 arriiigton shook her .Most ab the very mume, 11A.,courb prosentinent.00 'r S , I ., �.
.11 . intense oxpootancy But Mr� - J , . rformaned, � . driving in nails haphazard, only to now forgotten, bu ex. 0
. Pr,esen with 0, loud "Houp.- hoe -'ad in vigorous protest. MM0.1 Celegto, her pe . . long pieces and bake in a M!64otabe t whow crinie,
I( . reached the . cak4vark . . oven for 25 minut�.s. find the nails bend because they are cited tremendous � interest some
ti 11�n boand'od in the ring, lie chud is devo . I ,WAS SH9 INSURED, , . I
la," the oflo "T id of fear in concluded,
�' : ' . Then commenced v, wordy warfare the usual way," she deol arod. Then steps, . .. . I ". 11 And then there is good old "mo- being havreted against bricks.The years ago, Armed with half of a I
. . � * *1 0) .t -a police tracked him
� - 0
� I , -m, * * *. *. e , S in -when fruit 't Od is to Piero* tht wall common, file, tb ,
� I between him and tbe ring "ter, ahe lowered her voice a little, I I An 4xfraot from a Popular novel. lasses Pi which fit � 1 4
I I-
t( I
'* ,
I '�, I " I, h. burbib MOB I I Bat the yolks. of four a with a darning need -14 to find one of the fillest feat's '
� which wall� 0114ed by the appearance I � fThe, fact is, Sir, the, child's MOth' A MrS,,' Brendon, an RQ is 1'J[,o prgot 'm apon 'oi. fails 99S the down diter , 4 �
� l I I crevice between the bricks And then of deieotive work ig ONO 4unals Of I
� I I of 86 String of ho�sos,7 intso, being er� has a, vile temper, and some- woman, residing in P&tis, was not ther Ohio 0 I'VeA.Shivar W with one cupful of brown 6ugart , I )
� I .� )�w,, .4,�i,44,,gb oertgi evolutions, I 0 tL , . , I I'll A two W drivo In. the, uAll" . , , , I., dottotion't i � .� � ! . �
, I jimes Soraphigo knows lbo,J-p ; p.,.,�liffiqlllt person to brace, w I I WA Otto 0 of . .. I I I
I I N 11 I " futA - . .
I � . . . . .
I � . I . 11 I , I � 11'':,'', I I I � 1. " . I., I � . I I _ mi" . 1. I I I I I I � . �,
" 1, 'I, I .1 I . . 44.. : . li . I � � I I I I 11 �11 I 'A( � .1 __11.11 : I I I I I I I I I I I ..,. . 1. �.
I I I � I I � I � � I . I I I , I
iL,1,�,�. , � �:::: ,, : I ?, , � I I I I I I 11 V . . I � I I
, " I . �'
��11 I � �, , , , , I I - t , ,, .� ,
k�L�fflwl��111 _!'�. � �.. ;�.r ",.Ik,,.11111�."k� 1. . -1 1.1 , '' , � , I . . � I , � I I � � : .
. iiAii�. a&,,. ", __ , - 11�1,`4.�I-_;_'A_�� i9i ��:,�'',: �, � I 11�. ,�,, I'll.., ���
�� ��, ihk".��:.-,�,4,,,,,,,,".,�.-,�-�-.,..�,�'.. I � �