Exeter Times, 1911-5-11, Page 32 *,
III 14,
. I
' . I " [ A'Romauce
Of Flying
A"�' ' 'I" A .
"..., I `
,,A,1`�1-'`. V1 (i N 0 . I
S 4000 0 k a Ir" +
81000 ot 114 . 10 'Olt W031
t&,05r, .VFJ,r,jWS who IS the 001's po" -
0. a tstaity, oj �Xly. Walla clior 18 TH,E AIR LANts
4 q arter I
2reax� ol.d may homestead a U
. L
lijo , too! of 9,vaila,jilepomilolou land �x 0
Ma�itpba, 1Sagkat0ho3V_aU, or ,A11borta, BY , .
Erie �ppiicant ,Uluet &,Ppear i,a PONSOP lopyzi,ll, igog, by the Dobbs. I ,
Iki ,the Dorai4iOn Lands. 'AgOnOY, 01 'F , MerrHI Company .
Onb-ugenoy for the distriot.4 fttrY W H,RBERT QUICK i
orov way W had at the 09,907# 00 I . _____ - I
) oerts,10, conditional �by, f ather" mathet " I I I WOW .6.09 i
lov, daughter, brothert or visteral _. . I I
0 platted gumputs, sIlk§,"dImJt1ek,ca1sh-
lintendlog bo�awteader. CHAPTE R IX.
pUtlea.:-SIX months TeBideals`e U90C werw, linms, cottons and soft light
*nd CM�ItiVation of the land in Wk Ti I rE xNcrrT%ox Ov "UNCLE TnEODOIM." woolens, filling his closet and spread
11 -ar.s A homesteader mral HEODOREIS mind, habituated against the :Vmil 9 occult.reasonsoriu.
Irmand into rm.rtMng-and that we'll
misul)dentand tvird 6gl)t and poll hair
need).0sly-dot'sn-1 that cover the
case?", ,
01 don't thitth kt does quite, out
. ,
YOU were %tying I Irfelf some quality.
Please go on." .1
"The quality of unclehood,11 s,alld she,
4,y,ou don't create the role. I suppose
ing Young rob-
ber, g6r yo-alre not bad looking, uncle,
you know."
Theodore blushed.
"Piracy and yeggisin and those
things are so incompatible with one's
Only Surviving live live -with -able un-
cle," said Virginia.
#,In 'The Babes In the Wood,' " said
Theodore, ',the uncle was quite that
10.rhe odd thing with us _1 like living
wltb you immeUsolY-IS that you seelil
VXL L ree i . .
ve within nine mileg' Of J3is bom`
darm Of at le'a4t IB.Q &crag
to -the airy ease of air ullut-
nected with keeping them In Shape,
43t,ead on a
and ocouPled by him of
tered faith �n his wasterobip
and protruding from the trunk were
Solely awned
! Aftud'h'ter,
father, M0610i", 00)
of the air, felt the galling,of
viore clothes, while In corners of the
14.rotber or ,sister. I
, ireallty as he walked westward from
bedroom were more trunks.
. In certain districts a homop,leadior
the station. toward dilapidated Car-
A lIght.step sounded, and he froye
in tzood standing may !p�(-610pt 9
son's Landing.
to a statue k of panic and' trance and
tituarter seoti0a, alongside
Seated on a slump, sought mental,
paralysis. Some one entered. His
lwkeiad. Exice $3. Per itere.
jrj,�adh of six
adjustment before entering his house.
heart bounded and then -stood still, for
Rust reside,aix moldths
from date of bOxIle9t0ad eVt"
He bad had his chance with Shayne.
,. . ... .1 . _ - - '
It- was Psyche of the dunes, Shayne'a
? Anoluding +he timO re4ulreil 'to 919Tn
,�r 'and cal�tlytas
a )
utho,, rince of tile powers of the Ir,1
had it 11,� ht, t AvOrds I
blecel Virginia, entering jauntily,
maddeningly, like a real woman tak.
&mestead patent) I
11ifty :aores extrR� ,
I �XbRuRtOid
twho has e
and thrown away
to,Shayne,1n;wb1ow%to Sllberberg�;aucl ,
Ing,possesslon of his bedroom as her
own I She bad a little subjectively do,
A homesteader
. inot db-
his homestead jig7bt and car
may take a pur-
by loaping-from the Roe-=to;t1lWun- ,
known abyss of ,night. These wt -re
rived Smile on ,her lips, hold in her
I �
I.. ition
p J,n a pre-emp
'iL mestead in certain distrieta
ID %�"wd ho
actualities. The broken ,defector of
hands a Spray of,huckleberry blooms,
which she�put-to her nostrils and then
vxiok $3. per acre.
resido aix mallf Lhs in eaoh of threle
� and erect
as dld,,the me,rno,ry,,or
�nte;ce, "'
stuck in a Tage, by the old ml,tror.
I �
'Psychel"',bo stammered.
I uhivate (if ty adres
years 10
R house wofth 'MOUX
over Shayne's nONV ba'ppily for- '
. ever past.
With a little scream she darted to�
W. COPY, beflor I
W. he Inleta of tO a
Deputy of t,
I )
"�-r- Waddy's money and -Mr. Craig- �
ward the door, recognized him its he
emerged from the closet, noted his
1q. B.-Unanthor M d ptiblicail'On Ohl
be paid f6i,
head's telegrams saved,tho�tay,
had I
paleness, turned back, her hand on her
ant Willnob 1____�
The first three yellow dispatches i
breast and a qlalck palpitation In the
Aoolftat, Five and PlIe
*a7ims imurance, also C61160tibg AcOdun. 9
T. B cARLING, Life, .
come in one delivery at Nashville, ad-
dre§sed to 4"Tbieodoro-Carson, the Illus. .
"711 of tier gown, like the heart f a I
and Auctioneering.
� trious : Inventor and Tha uniaturge,
snared robin. Yet she was le
_. � ___���
T W. BROWNING, M. D-tht- ()
, 1q
Care Conductor, Train 75.1" Theodore,
,%e ceas
r its
excited of the twain. Her al e S!
rid with her recognition of him. �
a#* P. S., Graduate VictOV1%
, botainlon
the Mustirlous, could not accumulate
4IMy robber," said she In a halt
11rusity. oince and residenenoe.
12sboratory, Exeter ,;
. the courage to'ask for them, but the
IV -
hl,Aer. "Ohl I'm so gladllk I
Assoclatc Caroner of Ituron.
wise conductor had pounced suddenly
upon him and'said, "I reckon you're
- - :. . ., - . . say J
O.Psychet" said he, "when You
. right,,M. D., M.C. P. and
Mr. Carson."
yoware, gla&,- �
,�ox rm axeuot dashed
I, S., onor Graduate Toronto Un-
.11.i 0 ars resident phygle"'
"Yield not to temptation, fear or cold
feet 11 the first read. 'Tour Uncle ]Ful,
so glad you ,
to �plecesl" she cried. 111"ve. seen. you I
, .
., . ?
"I'll", .Y. I Office Wing, Wlingt fallingo in my dreams
. lex. d ospital, etc. ler Is at the helin." This was signed I "MTBOBBM" SA3M SIM 1N A UAT,"F 'WHISl
U. resi ence, r. most oia stand "The Great Uncalled," 'with the first and never allghtin.-! But evidently, I PER. .
. rew Street, Exeter. - two words ran together as "Thegreat" you-didrl I I a babe in the woods more than an un-
� IrXes,"said he, "quite safe. But ho,w
MISS DELIGHT HOBBS In a telegraph operator's effort to re- cle, and I the other."
duce to the semblance of a name Mr. came,you. here?" , "What I wish you to understand is
,,6,,, 'Viblin Instr uetor, James Street Par Cralghead!s nom. do guerre. The sec- Pohl I live here," said she. "But, � how honored I am to be your guardian,
2 sonage, Exeter. � ond.Tan: "Have no feAr. Monopoly is how did you know? Or did you Just I even though I don't deserve it."
- __ - as clear In the air as on the land, happen? Shall I bide youi rii never I "Oh, but you do!" said she. -And
11R. QUACKENBUSH, Apologies to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, betray you, never, no matter what they :
say you,ve doner, I there's the Carson blood, isn't there?"
ill�- None to any one else by a dern sight, I "There's the Carson blood," assented
11 Physici%n and Surgeon and',' Ac- Conspuez Shayne." This was signed AlYou-belong-here?" repeated The- i Theodore uneasily, "and the trust that
k, coucher. office -Dr. RoIlln's old office "Craighead. the Legal Bloodhound." odore wonderingly. 'Mere? You --YOU ,
, o1i Main Street. Residebee-Corner IdAn old Broom," ran the more mys- Hve here?" � i blood alone couldn't confer."
L ,A Titraes and Albert Street opposite terious next "albeit minus one cover "Yes," said she hurriedly-10with "And the relationship must stand in
j4Wes Street Methodist i!`aisonage, the place of ytars," said Virginia, "for
Ifieter, Oiat, and dog!s eared, nevertheless sweeps W7, Uncle. I couldn't 6ndure the I can't go back to the Shaynes. I'm
pliones-office 59a, Residence 89b clean. He yokes the whirligig to our Sbaynes and SlIberbergs uny longer. afraid tboylll-flnd me and make me" -
car and sweeps the howling skiesl" ,Why, the way/ -they did just drives "You shall not go back!" said Theo-
J)R. C. A. HPUZE, V- S- (Signed) "Dandy Jim of Caroll3ne Gray- people to crimel And It you did any- dore. "Never,"
Graduate of Ontario Vet. College� bill." The fourth, delivered at Bit, thIng it �rsi In open war with the of "My, myt" said Virginia. "How
'1� 11eirnbe of Ontario Veterinary Medi- mipgham, was addressed to General ficers and . not . by stealth as the fierceo uncle! And now let's go fish -
tat 80, r Thoodoie, Carson, M. A. ("Monopollst .Shaynes and Sillicrbergs do.. I told Ing.,,
Treats all Diseases of Domesticated of the Ale), and consisted of ten them so to their teeth --only you ought Yes, Theodore bad fallen. Fleeing
AnifitalE OU latest Scientific principles. repetitions of "Eureka," signed 'I'D. J. 'to reform and all that. YOU know. the best bedroom, in which Aunt Chloe
All calls day or night PrOMPUY at- O:t,C.'? And I couldn't bear Auut.Marle any bad established Aliss Suares, he bad
�1, ten,ded too. Office, Mai]38treet- lDxe- The last came at Bay Minette and more," here the voice trembled, "though unmoored his launch for flight, but,
ter, Ramsey's Old Stand. " -, - was too astonishing to be explained on everybody ,will say I'm ungrateful and raconsider1rig. bad demanded of Chloe
__ any theory consistent vi I ih Craighead's all that. And General Carson's family
DICKSON & CNRLING, Sobriety and sanity. "Caroline's dad," are all my relatives in the world, ex. an explanation of the incomprehensible
it read, "falli dead at unveiling of cept tb'e Shaynes. And this Is their mystery of the presence, under a sta , te-
arplabers 19ollolbors, NobarlaR, Conve noaro ment that she lived there, of Shayn"
commijoloners, Solicitors lor the 91 Broom Idea. Sees absolute cinch and plantatipn-my uncle that I never saw
Bank, Lbe. 010OBB rises to It, as per lifelong custom. livee here -and I came to him. I hope niece. to
money to Loan at lowest r&tW of intarOgtil Formed today 'Universal Nitrates and he won't hate me, I'd rather not have "She's come to live -with we all,
0McB1_mAM STREET, XXETM Air Products company. Laws of West to ask him to shelter a robber the very Said Aunt Chloe. "She's kin o' OWIL"
a. VARL7350 V- A. , - U So VICKSON Virginia. You come In for 25 per cent first thin,-, and so I hope you aren't , Theodore gasped.
- I Caroline impressed. Either universal pursue& Brit if you are I'll hide you "There must be some mistake" said
I before I'll see you caught. 1 he. "How can she be relate P
I" ONEY TO LOAN. genius or rodents in campanile. Great- Tberel" d to me,
L I " ly encouraged, not to say tltivated. Mr. Carson ,reeled back against the Chloe?" '
'> 'Almost converted to belief in my own wall, drew his hands across his eyes
we have alams amount of private toads "Wly, yol some Line ol uncle to hub,"
can on faxta an4 village Vropertiles at loWrate - schemes and self, but am cautiously and looted again. She seemed to be replied Chloe. "Huh. mothab was a
- Interest. GLADMAN & STANBURT suspending judgment Will have Chi- there Still, rather nearer than before-, da.ughtah to ole Gin'rel Cabson. She
. Barristers Solicitors. Main SN'ExOtOT cago surrounded by time yoa return. hands clasped In adorable anxiety, dl- I married Lee Suarez and ' died. Miss
- Go east to Wheeling (or Is Charleston vIriest pity In her eyes Ginnie knowed about us, an' when hub
i.. . MONEY TO LOAN capital?) tonight and will Incidentally ,,of course it's a slitt, k." qaId Bliss I aunt throwed hub off'n the alabsblp
. run up and construct first line of cir- Suarez, "to find you"- I fob stanlialn" up fob you she come
Private funds to loan at lowest rate culn-vallation (see. cyclopedia) about "I am sorry," said Tbendore. fo have hyah, ez she had a right to, sub."
of Interest. Greater New York. Monopoly end of shocked you by being visible. Vt- "But she didn't know I was here?"
A . ERNEST ELLIOTT deal absolutely nailed down; brass 140b, now," saiii Miss Suarez, "Try I Theodore suggested.
Office opposite Central Hotel Main nails, with Waddy doubloons coming to supply ellipses - and - and those I "Oh law no," replied Aunt Chloe.
I o f
Street. Exeter Orit. copious. Up to you to produce flier. things. I meant to find you so"- I ' "She don't know yo' Mistab. Carson yit
, Getting wabbly in head� Losing faith "So Incapable of -so lacking In the onless yol tole hub."
'�O Disagreement. i In you as, concrete entity, Have You ql1allties,of_-of-of"- I J "But, Aunt Chloe, we aren't any kin
� _,V,ancouver, B.d., May 8,-T. .G. any aeronef? Answer 'Yes' or 'No' at "You're graduinily getting closer to' to old General Carson, are we? And
, Join to uncle to ibis young lady, am
-krolt, executive agent of tile Carladiaui once." This also was sign"bd I'D. J. of It,,v commented Virginia. "'Our danger,
Northern Railway, has given an em- I
. I to a Teport to the effect Caroline." I il- where there Is nobody bangIng about IT'
ttbatic denia l What could he mean by an "SD Old to Sort Of Mitigate -no. not that -to- Aunt Chloe was IndignairrL
hat a disagreement thTeateiling to
spend construction work -on the B.C. Broom?" The old copy of Broom's Le. to,o- "Hev Ah been wuckin' fob pol whites
een the gal Maxims in Craighead's "library" "To absorb and ditEuse the 'shock,' to all these yeabs?" said she. "Yol sho
"� ketion of the road exists betw I as clus as uncle. Yo' paw knowed he
Provincial Govornment and the rail -1 was Indeed minus a cover and dog's suggested the engineer.
way compamr. Mr. Holt stated that eared, but how .this "Broom" could, "The very word," said she. "Why, was a Cahson.11
"? the s�reJmiit between'the two cOn' I - even In metaphi3r.'yoke the wbirligig uncle, You're clever -once In awhIle"- i "What have you told her about this
fracti';� _�,'rti,�., was ratified by tile to any car -and sweep the howling "Tbank you, Miss Virginia. V- I relationship?" said Theodore.
Provin'cial Legislature is a part of skies Carson could not guess. 11r. "Don't Interrupt. please. Our dan- She knowed all erbout lt."
the statuto law �of the province, and Waddy's demand for aeronautical mo- I ger bere In the wilderness IS that of "Did she know how father -how no -
*11 be carried out to tile letter. The , body thinks we are any kin to the gen.
; I "
; ,st answer to the report was the call. Popoly was being compiled with, to not catching Pe shades of expres- I eral and"- 11
ng for tenders for now �construction Mr. Craighead'A Mind, and the last sion. The nuances one has to have Who you mean by nobody?" . que.
1, ork between Hope and Kamloops, a telegram seem(ed to imply that the bu- ground Into one's system with regard � ll
I ried Chloe, "Ali reckon.We some kin
�istauce of 163 miles- . colic financier had been convinced. His to one,s friend% -if nu"ces can be i
. . - "failing dead" ,might 'mean much or I J . I— -_ - __1
I Fell Into Molten Glass. I little, but his, 0doubloo-tis coming cO- I
... . airmont, W.Va., May 8.-GeOtgc� P I lous" was eloquent of faith. And I FRZE TO YOU AND EV�ERY SISTER SUFFER.
. nt a blower at the Fairmoribi of all. the gods at FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER ING FROM WamENIS AILMENTS. .
Ow Glass plant' met a. fearful, wo,at in the name - . . I am a woman.
onee'could a 11-19lilversal Nitrates and .."._ fferings. .
1), .1 d� -yf,bwLu.7, wheii he felt 'into a- .11 I know woman's su ,
"' I
� 'g;of molten glass. blowing i Air �roducts company" mean In an I have found the cure.
. I He was 1;.,� I will man, free of any charge, my home treat.
� . iece Ot glass, whon it suddenly. nert,11 navigation deal or those mys- � ment with full instructions to an sufferer from
I t I yl
, o,and he lost his bala4ce, falliug; teriotra expressions about "surround- . �, women,snilments. 1want to tells I women about
-I ., Rk . my reader, for� yourself, your
. 11 . pit. in his fall he ca,me in, tng,4 CMeago and Greater New York? this cure -you,
I- I the �-`:�'.*,�< �g,,, daughter Your mother, Or your sister. I what to
tact N�ith a lot of broken glass, WeA, Aunt Chloe Nvas in there, sbuf- .1 o.-�,::,, zoll you how to cure yourself at home Withoub
� , t sp3il; his skull, tore out an eye, �,V�,:: theliel ofadoctor. ineucannet-understaudwom-
� -rhout, vrandprIng where he might ,11X,,:�.' on's auRarings. What we women know from ex.
A , ,:i�,,�
off an ear, and almost severed one 11 111-" ..: "...'XI ,..,.f,;, �,:,
t "'.."." *
bL-, ond bere he w,'I.t;. Inckin.- on sPec- ::::. ..."11,1. Rr?7�1,,`.,`,:�, arlence. we know ocuterthan anydoctor. A know
P"'. 11;.�N. .11 .-M, that my home treatment Is 0, safe and sure cure for
rn , ;W.�_W�,::` 01
I � . ,
411 - i ratty ond unswipected. With the conl- -.,,..-,�.�.-�,�,�,r,�..,...�-�,,�,�.,;
,. , Leucorthmaorwnitij;hdlschnrg.c.Ulecriktion,Dis-
I moo p)vl,iiari� Impulse to secret ap- :�,?;:;:%:.�:��. ,�.-,,:.�,,; pIocemcntorFAI1inVtDftheWomb, Profuse, Scant
Attempted Suicide. fl`�1*11'1 ,�.�. . . "' , terine or Ovarian Tumors or
....".1-m',;.: .. " or Painful renodso
,:11'.1-1. .`.�.
May &"Complaining ofj proneb, Theodore walked 011, CO-Deeal- -:..:"I�;.'-.',�'.�'.'�� .""",.�."-.",'..'.'."�:�'�.*-'. -I Growths, also pains In the head p bbek an d bowels*
I ontreal, .,',,'.�"",.".�.-'.-'-.'.',.-'.'- �'-�! "' - ,
.::. -�;�."�,�,,��*:..'��;A,..,�-'.'..�,�,i.l..'.",
��..,`;:,,,:.�;.,., . .1 I
,.�`11 ,�0.011":
aged 44, ,*.'�-,`.-�11`�*,.�...',.' 11 ilicaringdo*nfceilngsrhervousncsso creepingfeel-
e- ed betwront tile Spanish bayonets arid �, . i?. -
tw ily',,troubles, Win. White, �: '0.;B�-:�-."::. �,?.,._ �.� � joi.;
. ro:V,ed,�,suicide yesterday afternoon. I a soraber ftae of red codarsi climbed 1�.`,��-11 1. . "i r, ., � Ing up the spin&. n1dianChOlY, desire to CrY� hat
::: I �P.�.-..�e;��.::.;:::: flanhes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles
I P'N'�.,,,,�"�,';�l;;,I",,..,..,�:
, his 32 -calibre revolver ' ' N where caused by weakness perullar to our sex.
� . I tile end of the veranda, scuttled Into i r, � .1,.'..",'�':'-',";,-",
- -?;_�,,pV-..'* :.,�':,'�.`;".. .
ullatifron 're�,,-�...�"",���"vr�".":�:Nr�'i:. �;...::
� .. . .3. 1.�.��II.I.".�:,..f�".,.....,-..���;-
fl-. furrow in his scalp which .I.I..N. , ,�:.�;��,.",..,,:.'...:.
" " ,, - 1,�vant to send you a complete 10 days'treatineot
I �:,.,.� .-'.-".-*,�,�.zr�r,,...-'.,:�,.-'..���.-'."., ura
... I...., .
. � roa,q hah and 'up to Ills' room, into . ,;: ".�.�".,...:,., � -
, the b . .., I.i.,....'' Ontirely free to rove, to you that you can 0
"A -iber,tha It will cost YOu nOthingtO giVO
�, v stunned him and iris ead 4cf -- 1�
� .. 11 was ta which he Stepped quickly, breathin.- a iroarselfibhome.etsf ,quicklyandSurel,K. Romen
� OAthe morgue he' kerl to i He opened the clos6t 111116wentmentacomple etripd-, and ifYou s ould Wish to continue, 11; Will cost You ortly about 12
1 .TO 'ce&,Ztation� 1-10 will al,,)pear in little. harder. � thantwocentsiadla Owill notrintorferewith your workoroecupation.
I . rted cents & weektor less S,telr�i6ho,vryousuffdr ifYouwish audl will alind.you the
t ,purt t ay. I for a chnoge of clothes and sta Justseod me your name eta d addres
a aignmen � treatinentforyourcasei entire14 free, In gain Wral) er,,,bpetlmumall. J will alsOsOnd YOu free
I . 1 back In wonderment quite as paralyz- ! 1 at doet,taybook-A 'WOMAN, S WNME ACALADVISS "A* ith explatiatoryilluattations show
Canadian Navy 'tenders. I Ing as -,horror, fo� his clothes wom Ing why women suffer, and how they can easilY cure thnfasOlve8 at 110111e, Everywortianshrobid
I .
I � . May 8, -It is understood I gono� Instead there, sat a huge trUn'k have ib an(! learn to thinic lot, herself. Then when the doctor says -"You must bave an opera -
Ottawa, I tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands Of women haye cured til anisolves with my home
for the building of the i fray full Of reniody, Dcuresull. aide To rdothet's of Daughters, I will explain a simple home
I at!,contractg 88tToyers for the Cana- with Its lid back, its open i lraylldoulwlr�ctually cures Loncorrhom, Green Sickness, and Painful.or
. iscra and d, I silken hoslelly, corsets, faces, gloVes, . txeatment.whicb, speedily-
ot be let for some � - I Irrc iii,itiwatisttuationin'Yo_ungLadies�. Pitanpuessandhoalthallva t sresulb from its use.
an navy will n illefs lind opeaWork things w1wrevok,yoll live.1 can referyou to JAC1109 Of YOor Own 100mlitY w o know and will glAdlY
.1 lers wbich were receivJ handkerc -teatioentreallYcotetb,llwomOlix,adiAesses4ndita,tosNvomcit
. e. 1,Mie tew OX)ened, but no state., of mystery arid terror, On the books tell anysufforortbatthlerlibmerl froo ten days'treatmentis
have licen . well, strong,pl impAWdrobust. Just 56nG SIFY our ad'Ardst, and tile
ent is � t forthcoming ftoln the ll&v- i were Many" many ;others g1lito tks aw- yotirs, nl8otll, 9001�,- Write t,6401, as You td&Y not see this oftr again. A,'Xdves$.' 0
l 1 MiIas"4 M� su NIZeS, S6X It 8_[1 I . look wfklosono oNirl
. depattment or the Mlnister� I fal. frilled And tucked Abd V11filed 110d 1, . I
I � I I I I I 1, � � �
I I . . I—. , . i. : (I I 11 � . I I I I . � � "
I � , I I I I
I I I ., I . I . I 't� I . \ � . , I . I I . � I .11 I . :, 1 . � .1 � I . I � " I '�
. I . � I 11 I i I I I I I � 11 , L " I I � 11"", I I I
;, .
I I I i � -11 I 11 I &-_ 1 2 1� : -1._.�.__g _11____ �... . ,�t_ - __�1 ": ..... .. - I— � ... �11 ";' . � Al --.-
--.111.11.1 .1.1111. I -1 I - 11 I
- 5,j ge U4ab�o,W60fd
V-07-01-0010- W-ouhl �
It? Ab t,uk hub in as 9, Call.jon. If i
you tut hub in yo,ahms a
, ,no squench- I
ed hub tealls I reckon you wo4ldnl.t be, ',
brIngW1 up these heavy nrgumeuts.11 !
'Uncle Theodore w4s Stately, cere- ,
monlous and, wItb due allowance for
sundry Dhishes wheli Bliss Vlrgln,la
emitted a little giggle,
� ,promptly
smothereil Ill her napkin, quite grand
In his domeanor. at luncheon, 940
formally kissed Virginia's hand, and
when she told of her need, of her re-
Ilauce on the Carson fidelity, be yield- I
ed to the temptation without A mo-
mears hesitation, as became her un- I
cle, entered calmly upon the deception,
chlIVIQUS Of the 'Vast COnsequepipes in-
"I have the bonab," said lie, "to
drink your health -the health .of the
jewel and the hope of the Carson
She rose as It at a formal signal for
withdrawal, took both his hands and
kissed him on the forehead. There I
were tears In her eyes. .1 11
L".." _----_1- '
11-1 I
He had seized her hood and was
ipolai.n& at tier witti uoue ot the IM,
personality of too ourgk-onr or phyRt
cian, $be. difl not tiike . , � I
alyuy� 1-114 W lied It 41110 ran -ran- 1
toward the riveil ]
Tbeorlore was absent a
, at dinner wit6l
out upology, and the women were ir
bed before, lie *tole to bi,j room aP4
lay tossing again. Desperate, be ros(
arid, went to the library. lighted v;
lamp, saw the still sealed l0ter fram
Captala.garrod and slashed It open 4�
If it had been tile �)reast of his mortal
toe. 114-T=. , I
I bear that you are book south, J
hope you can corne, right soon. The eli,
gines Is here for ten days. The man that
lost the flying thing the Young lady comi
In is back. He is right orazy, 9r. Theo-
dore, from losing his machine. Be teepa
trying to .-It into this, shed and ,vells he
is rooned. They Is a lot of letters anC
telegrams at Palmetto Beach.
Theodore struck himself on tht
breast and started to his feet deter.,
mined to flee to his work and from �
010%HB first day -Theodore sent or-
I - 4ers for the ,shipment of the
evglnes and began to provide
better egWorrient for the .
house. He brought as a. companion
for Miss Suarez an elderly widow,
Mrs. Stott, who was addicted to the'
writing of poems of a lovelorn nature,
Virginia's opinion of her now uncle's
worldly ,wisdom rose at this provision
for cliaperonagge. But she gave him
too much credit He merely thought I
of Virginia's becoming lonely,
He could not depart until sure that
"Miss Virginia" w0uld Dot feet alighted
should he push on,
Cralghead!s telegrams came in from
the east, still Delphic in significance.
One reported that New York was prac.
tically "surrounded," another that the
country would soon be "gridironed.11
Theodore was deaf to.voices from the
outer world. A letter from Harrod,
proving that the news of his return
bin in the dunes,
fay on the old.escritoire one morning.
Theodore inserted a paper knife in the
envelope. half cut it open -and saw
VlrglnlWs dress glimmering outside.
The half opened letter fell to the desk,
arid Uncle Theodore leaped out on the
"Alorning, unclel" said sbe� "Have
you slept weUT'
"You don't look it," said she. "Your
eyes look dull. You devote too much
time to business while your family Is
asleep, don't you?"
"Uncle' thought of the unopened let-
ter, the unanswered telegrams, the
neglected business, Mr. Waddy's mon-
ey, the uncompleted aeronef, the sleep-
less nights, tormented by -not business
at all, not businessl Decidedly not[
"I slept too soundly' " said he.
They spent most of their time out ol:
doors. Theodore ate wolfishly each
day and drank great quantities of cof-
fee to show that he was in fine fettle -
quite unable to pick up his end of the
conversation. It was youth and spring
and sweet fellowship, though the
Items made him sick of Mrs. Stott's
table talk. He wanted the river and
Psyche, knowing that he ought to go
and leave her. Every night he vowed
to go next morning -and laid plans for
another day with her.
Early one morning they started out
on a berry picking expedition. The
girl trod in a hollow and fell In a
beap on the Bermuda grass. Theo-
dore found her with her ankle gripped
in her bands and her lips tight to hold
back a cry. A hurried question, a
cheery reply cut in two with a twinge
of pain, and he picked her up. She
threw her arms about his neck to ease
the burden. Alas, it made It heavlerl
The fervor of his embrace did the an-
kle no good and nearly crushed poor
Virginia. The color rose slowly to her
brow as he set her down on the veran-
da and stood over her, breathing hard.
She rose on the sound foot and tried
the other carefully.
"Tt Isn't bad at all," Said she.
Taking off the shoe, she held the lit-
tle foot In b& hand, examining the an-
. kle critically.
"Do you think itos swellhag?" she
Theodore tenderly squeezed the
shapely ankle and rose to his feet
III don't know," suld be. III -Vir-
" 4
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We loster it and you get the
I benefit. .
I What do we get out of it ?
1 See tho Point ? ,
Lot As give teatimaes, I
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the romantic dangers of his unclehood.
Trembling with excitement, he attem�pt-
ed a note to Virginia. Wizner at the
cabin, messages at the beach, meant
danger and disgrace if be neglected his
task longer, infamy if be toyed on
with temptation. He told Chloe
through her door that he bad been
called away and that she must explain
to the ladies. He hastily packed a
bag, ran down and unmoored the
� launch and fled down the river.
* * * * * * A,
� Captain Harrod, dignified, barefoot-
� ed, soft voiced, unkempt, kept his
lonely vigil on the white straight edge
Iof beach that lay from Fort Morgan
to Perdido bay6 Captain Harrod, ig-
noring landscape and seascape, devot-
ed himself to the study of sand tracks
of all sorts -tracks of foxes examin-
-Ing the beach for turtles' eggs, months
ahead of time; talon marks of opos-
sums and raccoons prowling about for
crabs, mice and birds' eggs, hoof
marks of wild hogs, etc. Trails of men
there were along the sparsely trav-
eled highway of the strand and the
footprints of one in particular attract-
ed him. Tracks in the sand were to
Harrod book, newspaper, telegraph
and circulating library. He knew sev-
eral things that this man might be -
a deserter from tile fort, perhaps, or
It might be some one connected with
the revenue service. His cabin was
"Harrod's fishingeamp"-nothing more�
What had revenue officers to do with
3uch humble piscatorial headquarters
as these? They should not care about
Thoodore's hidden invention'
And yet one day a slimy metal sea
monster stuck a blunt nose out from
the water at about the fire fathom
I contour line, opened a rectangular
, mouth and flicked a square red tongue
like an angry snake until Captain Bar-
! rod on the highest dune opened a bril-
liant red haindkereblef with a Cbau-
tauqua salute and wiped his nose elab-
orately. Whereupon the sea monster
sank beneath the brine, What took
place that night was concealed by
daTkness. If Captain Harrod was
busy carrying packages ashore, until
morning be came by them honestly, no
An examination of the popular nov-
els or periodicals of the past --say of
the em of that president whose Chris-
tian naffi'e our Theodore bears --will be
rewarded by a realization of propbeey
gone wrong -as to the Influence on
smug1ling of aerial navigation. It
must bring free trade, they said.
Ships navigating the air could land
their cargoes anywhere. Yet the air-
ships gave the custom house people
little trouble. Airships were so con-
spicuous; their loads were necessarily
so light; the system of reporting tbem
by wireless from Canada, Mexico and
the islands was so efficient.
Ver unexpectedly It was file sub-
marine that drove the "revenues" wild
and filled the law books with Draco-
nian statutes. No trade ever grew
I faster. The boat f[sh dived beneatu me
�wave;s And rose oil some lonely coast
like this by appointment with some
I Captain Harrod sitting like a bewhis-
�kered bit of wreckage on the dunes.
Harrod was 'nervous about the foot�
� Prints, and lie porseverecl in a search
I until liefound their maker lying asleep
�In a comfortabI6 sleeping bag In a
atearby thicket. He recognized him as
IWimer, Inventor of the, helicopter that
was blown out to son. He Waited Wiv-
nor, and the latter aosalled Harrod Ili
abuse which includeo the aboont Car,
ton. I . ,
"You lot my holitopter go out to
"�_-. - -.,- .. . - A01A._ -
,. . � . , I �� 11 �
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I . -
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"I Sufferod fixtense . I ,; I
. � I , _ I I 'I r)
qo "I �
_ �
ains , , MY � Left ' ' , .1
P ,�,
$9 ) � 11, �.. �,
Side". I I �1111'1
Do you realize it is bt�tter to bo � . 1,
safe thari sorry, that it is the bea " I � �:: � ���
policy to lock the stable door before I %, .."I
the horse is stolen? I . ,�
Dr. Wei' Heart Reinedy I ,
cured Mrs. C, C. Gokey, of a ,stubl. 11 � :� ;
,, �
born case of heart disease, such 0' 11, I" I
thousands are now suffering with. I � ,
. I
Rcad what she says: . . � �, I
"Before I begain tal,ing pr� Milest ,�,
I .
Heart Rein4dy I ad been suffering I . I I
from heart trouble for over five I I I I . I. ,i,��,
years. I had grown so weak that it
was impossible for rae to do thirty, � I :
minutes work in a whole day. 11 I I I'��,
suffered intense pams in my le, ftside, . I I 1.�:."
and under the JcIt shoulder blade, I I .1
could 21ut sleep on the left side, and I . .11
was so short of breat li that I thought. I ,�L�
I should never bc able to take a full . �� I
breath again. The least exciternenL 1 .
would bring on th.- niost distiessitigr I �
Kal ilation. I had s,.-arcely taken a , '. I
alf -
_bottle of the kleart Remedy be
fore I coula sec n in irk0 change in I . :
my condi:ion. I 1)egall to Sleep' . .
well, 11ad a gcoji appetite, and im- I �1,
ved so rapidAy that when I had I .1 ,,,,
PTk011 r I I
1. _. six bottles I was completely ,
cured. I � , :�
MRS.C.C. GONE x', Northfield, Vt. .. .
If you have any of the SYMPtOM9 .. I ... I
. �,�::
Mrs. Gckey n-wiltions, it is Your , ��
duty to protect yourself. I I
Dr. MiW 11cart Remedy. ,�,
is what you need, If the first bov- ,
de fails to benefit, your rxioney 4 . I : 11
returned. Ask your druggist, L J
MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, Cane �L,
. r
� I �
1. � '.
kristocrat of the World, Says an Ar.�
dent Aamirer. 44 , I 11
Velancey D. Fuller, editor of thi I
I -
�ractleal Dairyman, pays the follOW-i I `_1 -
ng tribute to the Jersey cow: I .:�
"The charge has been laid at my,i I
loor that because I adrialre and app i �
Aate a dairy cow, no matter of w�� ,
areed, that I have ceased to IdTe thOl �
rersey. Nothing could be further fr=4 .
� .
.he truth. I admire and love ber. 11 -
Jelleve there Is no cow so perfect IA4 . I
I �, I
type, so beautiful in udder, having the�
3ame tenacity in milk, who calt Rver-' 11
:Lge so high a percentage of fat and! I
The imported Jersey COW C0131ISSO
V, Is a g;plendio specimen of this �
breecl of dairy cattle. The lerseY -
cow is a profAtable factory and con-
verts cheap gr:llas and roughage �
Into rich mille and butter fat. She ',
requires no more than a poor cow, -
but turns loss Into profit. WheZ1
the fariner gives her extra care and
better feed the Jer.�ay rewards him ,
with a greater flow of nillk. She is �
tractable, easily handled, responds
to kindness nnd is the farmer's -
friena. Two sw-n animals are more
va.lual3le than a ua t -a full ot scrubs. I
who will make as economical a y1e1dJ 1. -_-.1- � :
of a hundred pounds of butter fat sj� .
the Jersey cow. I , �i
"She breeds true to type as no othep I
breed except the Ayrshire does. S . I
responds to good care and r es. - �
Her globules of -tat being arge, 01 - I , .
grain of' ber butter c be e:c-�
celled. Her butter remains firmer im :
heat than that of any other breed, hel� . ,�
milk creams readily, and there is Vt
perfect separation between cream ;ni 1-1:
milk. As a buttermaker she is pre,-'
eminent, and in her symmetry of foruL :
and beauty she,is the aristocrat of the, I
dairy world." . .
Sheep Shaarmgr. . I .
The Merino ewe and the muttou ram � �,�,
make about as profitable a sheep con:l'�` . ,
bination as It Is possible to get. ! I
Without proper feed and care no ond - �
can expect success with sheep. ) . i
In selecting a ram to head the flocid I I
a cull is dear at any price. ,�
Remember, If your sheep are good' I I
there will always be a good, active
market for them.
There Is no longer any questioll I
about the wisdom of raising roots for .
sheep feeding 'Ahey keep the sheely .
tu the best llosslbl,� condition.
_ - I
Was Troubled w1rr ith .
Liver . .,.,�l
in ,
For Three Yeam �
. I .1
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will r .
late the flow of bile to�act properly Upt, I
the bowels, and. will toile, renovate a I � ��
purify the liver, remoVing ,every res, ,I
Of liver trouble fra-li the temporary b �-`
disagreeable he.i,�.kche V) the seve I � *
forms of liver cv.,,plaixtt, 1 I I
Mr. S. Nolso-1. Xatth.,Sydney, MR' � . I
writos,-"I hake used.,your Lai"! I 11
Pills, I was tmbled:'wifth liver c I
plaint forthrn .,-ears and, eould imt "
relief. I was 1,�,L%Qed by a friad ,
try �rour remedy, anrl,.aftor - , I
6, -,I, Ii.d .. I
viil:lgotrelief. Afterthad I
more I was cured completely.-� to
not bean troubled slAde, IVMAks " 'ur �
Valuable medicine,",, � . , ,
I .
Murn's ta - , Plus'. , '� 11 I
-cents per vial, a , V IM A I I I
Arialew or -1 , �11 .
. . t,- *M-.-. � � I
4co by Mis t .0 I ,,,
, � 11
r0rollutoo , . I -1 _� I ; 7 -
I � i I . . I
I .
I I I . � - ',
I . 1, 1. I 1� , . , ,
----..111 1:111-.1. ` ' ' ' L ..... 11'111--.- _._LA&Vo1L_