The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-14, Page 5• • •i••,
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nty libr
Dear editor,
As an observer of the Huron County
political scepe, I would like to share with
in serv
y boariL mArnber says
time playing games among the parties. I've
been told that the Opposition wanted this
Bill debated in the 'House so Conservative
members reduced their number on the tom -
readers some thOughts about last year's
mittee resulting in a tie vote for the second
- , ..-e-v•ents, especially—concerning. the. I-1-ur.on . 1. - —.-
County Library Board. time. The chairman (a Liberal ) voted in
I am amazed at the ignorance of most peo- favor of the appliCant, Mr. Reycraft.
ple concerning the political process and Where are the general citizens in all of
their apathy towards lOcal municipal af: this mess. Down at the bottom of the heap,
fairs. It seems events such as hotel'fires and I'm afraid. About all one can do now is write
kidnappings, things we have no direct con- to Jack Riddell and tell him you are against
trol over, are easier to comprehentl than Bill PR No., 7 and write to Larry Grossman
how we govern our own communities. At asking him to support the Act that his
various times I've heard comments such as, Government put into place only two years
"Oh well, as long as thy library isn't af- ago. The New Democratic Party has shown
fected, or "what's the problem, do you need remarkable maturity throughout the whole
more space? affair and asked a lot of reasonable in -
The county's position, that they are telligent questions. They are not merely a
perceived to be in control of the libraries by labour party but showed great concern for
he thought he lived in a democracy but had
wondered since I had gone againSt a Library
Board decision and travelled to Toronto and
spoke at the Standing Committee on Regula-
tions and Private Member's Bills at Queen's
Members of the Library Board have had
differences of opinion during the years I
have sat on the Board. Apparently Mr. Cun-
ningham could not aocept individuals hav-
ing opinions which differed from his and
council's- view_: At one board meeting, Mr.
Cunningham informed me,that I wasn't ac -
the total citizens, is a fallacy' promoted by countable to the taxpayer, as he was, •
I apologize for the length of my letter but a
'the administrator: and certain reeves. Dan because I wasn't elected to the position of
lot has happened in the past year. I wish to
Murph, the library board's solicitor ( as reeve. I tried to argue that I felt I was --
lay blame at the feet of the library patrons
well as the county's ) told the board em- , responsible to the users of the library and •
as well. Without public attendance at our
phatically it was a legal, autonomous cor- 9 that the board's very existence was to main -
Board meetings the conduct .of members
poration which handled the day-to-day af- tain minority interest of 26,000 residents
can get very egotistical and thifts are said
fairs of thelibrary and county council and who use the library system, and not only
that would never be repeated if the press 611
the administrator legally had no authority look but for the citizens whom I would repre-
public were present. The Library Board
in making detisions for the board. In fact; us sent as a result .of an election. I've seen.
needs a watchdog to ensure that everyone
many of us know, county council's influence many games played these past few years,
behaVes properly, that the Chairnian has
is not subtle and the board is represented by when we start discussing the closure of
control over proceedings and that the
a bare majority of reeves resulting in coan- . small low circulating branches the Reeves
secretarytakes minutes and doesn't fn-
ty policy often being served through' the would speak dramatically to save their own
terfere with his own ()Pinions, and ,that the
library 'board. • • little redundant branch but netier say
. regards At the December meeting the solicitor
Mr. Hardy rethind me of the story "the.. '
somewhere else in the, County.,Of course you
suggested that we laok closely at our respon-
Emperor's New Clothes". -In regards to the didn't ' dare criticize° a branch from the,
sibility to the book budget. Later in the day
-Library Board, he allowed minutes to be fil- 'warden's or chairman's.area. That was ver- '
the secretary reminded us of the laWyer's
ed as. secret and confidential documents. He boten, and wasn't a wise political move. '
suggestion and Warden Armstrong moved
also neglected to name the warden to the It is my understanding of democracy, that
that the board approve all book purchases
. Library Board but let council proteSt that the County paid approximately $500 to place
before we order the books. Mr. Ritter and
the warden sits as exofficio member on all ads inviting citizens to appear before the
myself fought very hard against such an
committees, but not on all boards. When Standing Committee supporting or•opposing
idea. 1 got the impression that the assistant
these.prOblems were corrected no one seem- Bill PR No. 7. Mr. Cunningham may have
Librarian, Sharon Cox, was not in favor of
ed to question the clerk whose job it would thought only those who supported the Bill
the idea as she asked members if we had
.seem is to inform 'council of how boards and PR No. 7 had a right to go to Toronto, but my
three straight daystb come .in and„choose or
committees.are different. Reeve Tom Cunn- definition of democracy .allows all sides to •
approve books before the ordering must be
ingham expressed in amazement last fall ' be heard. It is interesting to note that at no -
done. There was not one Reeve who spoke
that -council didn't realize that the board . time did any other reeve follow Mr. Qiirin-
against the, motiOn but without a seconder,
wasn't a ,committee and by . asking for ingham's comments with a -differing view -
the motion was not put to a vote and was not
special powers under PR No. 7 they could point sp. I took the stance that all of the
entered in the minutes. There is much to
legitimize a system they had worked under reeves -agree with Mr. Cunningham, Other -
fear. if the new board or committee votes
• .since the Board's inception in the sixties. wise they would have been willing to speak
such a similar motion id the year' to come:
. Imigirie! the council is unwilling to admit to their own mind and offer their opinion too.
The Board is not qualified to make such
their own nakedness and failings instead' The herd mentality may be all right on the
judgments - only a professional Librarian.
they choose to shoot the messenger! • farm but it should not be acceptable in toun-
We have our likes and dislikes towards an
Is it the Board's fault that .the reeves, by: Oil chambers. . • „
author and when politics and books clash,
admittingtheir own stupidity and ignorance Any interested .citizen wishing ti:). read
that is often called censorship.
,of the law, should be made to suffer. Collec- Ittansoripts' of the committee May write to.
The latest twist in library affairs is that
tively are they not mature 'enough to admit .Clerk Tannis , Mannekel Queen's Park, '
the meeting for January has been postponed
they didn't know and be humble enough to Toronto and ask.. for October 22, 1986, Oc- .
1986 from its regularly scheduled date and put
work within the confines of the Libraries tober 29, 1986 and December 17,
off till the end of the month. Why! The new
' Att-. Apparently not for they have struck out, transcripts of the Hansard on the Standing
chairman didn't know why when I called to
at various players and place n,o blame at the Committee on Regulations and Private'
enquire. I may not be sitting - as a board
-feot of the clerk. Members Bills. The readerwill then be able
member in February if the cOmmitteeisap-
,. I was . asked for my resignation at the to decide how well the arguments for both
proved, but I've decided I will attend
November board meeting by Tom CLIO- sides stood up in front of the committee.
meetings. Anyone else brave enough to sit
ingham. He accused me of' being an anar-, The irony of it all is that county council
through a storm can join me.
chist. I suspect the man doesn't know the . forgets they gave up their right to decide by
, meaning of the worth (belief that ,the seeking .a Private Members Bill and the .
government should be abolished). He ,said Provincial government is having a great old
Countyreevesand their relationship toanythingin• ards to another. Imanch agenda is followed.
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