Exeter Times, 1904-12-1, Page 8- .E1 E ' 1.1 I hi Est' S, DEOE B E li, 1 st 004
Ladies t Fur
lined. Cape, mm
ade fro
Rich Silk Brookatell.
Lined with no, 1 Squire
rel, Trimmed with
choice Thibett.
tifal garment.
Ladiee Ribb Vests
long sleeve, open front
soft, downy finish, the
best value we have seen.
this semen, Ask for
our 25ts, Vests.
Ladies' Brockatell
fer lined Cape, Line
with reel good Squirrel,.
covered with rich Bro-
cade and trimmed with
Black Thibett.
Ladies' Black Fur Lined Cape. Covered with fine black cloth
lined with good squirrel and tritnmed with plain black fur.
65.00 $75 00
Ladies' choice black For our choicest, La -
Persian Lemb Jaeket dies black PersianLamb
with American Sable Fur Jacket, Vale is one
Collar, Lovely bright of the choicest Coats
best tieing. A reai glossy awl. Beat lan- we have ever offered..
Beauty. inv. Ask to see this line,
We Itre showing a splendid range of Black ,Astrachan
Fur Jackets, all German dye. They come to us direct from
the makers. We can save you money on fur jackets.
What about that new jacket for the little girls!, we have
a fine lot at very low prices,either short Reffer styles or long
Ulsters. Bring the girls in and let them see what we are
Ladies 131aek Persieu
Tes o na b For Jacket.
Lovely glossy curl,
Dried Appiee. Better, I
iimetta leigheet prices
Eggs. wad Leek"
Dteet fell to.leear Miss Kern inJt
at the Jus-st. anniversary ser- • illt
vices, Sunday and Monday, December
llth and 12t1 .
The second meeting a the Huroe
County Dress Association will be
held in the commit chamber, at
Clinton. on Friday, December the
2rel, 190i at 10 a. m. F
Starthng Values in 1Blankets andCornforters
eNew tD matte
th. thissp.ee cute weeke
611171$tillaS f101iddilS
A e'reed treat is in freo or theSe
Nvho at teed the t ekt-n-keet
ing n Monday overlie's,. December
12th. Miss Kern. of Woodstock will
render several weal selections.
Miss Clara ineneae. of Farquhar.
with iter friend, Miss Seholfield,
Port Colbernet aro epeedine a feW
days with Miss Duncaies siter, Mrs.
Are you sending Money any where?
SQ, we have ithe very best facilities for
emitting money and c ell you at reasonable rates Drafts or
IN,Toney Orders payable without charge at any Town or City in the
We you to deposit your ra y, no matter whether it be
a large Or small amount in our Savings Bank Department
we allow interest from date of deposit and add it to the principal
and compound it FOUR TIMES a year.
e give special attention to Farmers Business.
Best tacilities for all kinds of Banking Business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Geo. Mantle.
Mrs, T. II. eloCallune etrs. Geo.
Willis, Miss 13. Dodds, Mr. 3, Seuior
and Mrs .11. E. Ifeeton. attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Frank Wil-
lis, at Lateen, on Thureday laet,
Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25e.
At the Official Board meetiee of
the elain-ste Methodist church the
following were elected stewards ;-
Messrs. Rd. Gidley. Thos. Barton, Men's Coon Coate, made of tinest selected fun choice dark colors, evenly
W, 0, Huston, T. 1Lmootilture, and matched, every coat a beauty S45.0), $50,00. $09,00,
,E, Reston.
to N'ortli-weet in t he serine isese wearing and most eerviceable coat that naoney can buy. Price $20, $30.
selling agent for 0, p, R. lauds, lee Men's Australeaa Bear Coat, very heavy fur, good linings, a great cee.
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets
27 and 3o inches long; rich glossy curl. High storm collars
and large lapels, with quilted satin lining. These are beautiful
garments. If you have a thought of buying a coat this season you
should certainly see this lot.
Prices $29.50, $3z50, $4o.00, $45.0o.
Also a very fine showing of Ruffs, Muffs, Boas, Ca.perines,
Caps and Gauntlets at very special prices.
Men's Fur Coats
Perseus wt contemplate moving Men's Mack Calf Coat with Russian 1.auth Collar. This Coat is the
should call on It. E. 'Pickard, .teneral
can sive there some voleable inkier-, tbe eumeY, $1S.50,
elation tee the West,
Tao Christian Guardian of Uie
eletbotlie( (entre); paseed ite seventy-,
fleet eeeivereary or the feundine of
the paper, and last week issued a
epecial number. beeriness the fac-
eintile of. tile first paee of the first e i "William Da.uneey is in WI ox- Special envelemes will he furnielite
number on the title paee. eter, Ale week takine in a laree for the occasioe. Special sineine be
. e
SaturdaY and Sunday, Very lareee treentity ref poultry for eV, II, Le- the ehoir, On Moeday evenin e Mr
etutelittee Pe enow fell through this vett. Oliver will deliver hie eelebratedlec-
. .
dietriet. te the depth in SOMe Places ,Th le t Thanes - el .•
re, uQbert tUre on a su, ect dear to all tine
bj •
fiest-class and considerable toanaine This leeture is spoken of in the
se '1 wish tbrou eli ( heels
Large sized Flannelette Blankets white or grey,colored borders
only $1,00.
Large 6 lb size White Wool Blankets, all pure wool colored,
Borders only $2,95.
Large 7 lb size White Wool Blankets, all pure wool, colored
borders only $3,45.
Large Grey Wool Blankets, colored bordcrs,6 and 7 lb sizes at
$2.25 and $2.5o.
We have a large range of Bed Comforters in a beautiful range
of Colors, all well filled with good batting $2.00 to $3.0o.
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensall Zurich ClInton
golleitore. Manager. Exeter,Brench
Far Marius Licenses,
Wedding Rinks,
Watches, Clacks
Spectacles Etc
WatehRepairing a Specialty,
Sargon, Oeulist,
Specialise Deseesee
Eya Eir Nose and Throat
'visits Exeter monthly.
Glasses Properly Pitted
Nasal Catarrh and. Deafness treated. Office
yaZiTtol-qt-1,3115t17, Deg. (4.4. (Tiiit I'.
ov. 3,21•vaa. ndon office 225 Queen6 Ave.
General Selling Agent far
C. P. R. Lands
Any persons, farmers or others,
:who contemplate purchasing lands
in Manitoba or the North-mrest Ter-
ritories will find it to their ad-
-vantage to call on me, as I have
recently been appointed general sel-
ling agent for all C. P. R. and C. N.
W. Land Co's lands. Prices range
from $3.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R.
lands within one year after pur-
chase have ten years in which to
pay for such lands.
For fArther particulars apply to
R E OICKARD, Exeter.
Or at the -TIMES" office.
4. Don't Overlook +
• ÷
; These Sensible Gifts 3:
• In seeking gifts especially for
members of the family it is al- 4.
el. ways advisable to note whether e•
something in the line of toilet *
* requisites is not needed. These +
4•are useful a ed practical gifts, and +
the selection of them is never re- *
• grettsd.
.1. 4.
te Beer Brushes +
Cloth Brushes Bath Brushes *
4° Complexion BrusheeeEtat Brushes
Se 4.
el- Shaving Supplies Fine Soaps e.
el` DaintyPerfumes Etc *
W. S- flOWEY, FHA B. *
se Chemist and Optican.
The Times will be eent to any ads
dress until Jan lat., 1906 for one dol-
lar. Send the Tixnes to an absent
of 12 inches. The sleieltinT is now 4tietneae, air, end ars. neas, neenteet Beiteue. "fUlats for the DitiFltie,"
• eon; done. 01 and unu y , .
Mr. and Mrs. Clete. Kntght. of 8 . rriautr,tuusde to
oo tla.%eprrrieesuas beils1Weirr ti(lt:°I1).
Thomas; M. and Mrs. Geo.Iful.,..:. -t 0„ 0.F., and this elasouie , brethern
and two cbitdren, of Ildertee; M. for their kindness and atteutlgn all
Chas. Ti-Lti;bt and will Kuiallt. * throb the illness and snbsequent
Oil Springs attended the funeral o death, of Mr. Robert li-oight ; also
the late Robert Knight, en 8 anda P, the many other frtenele Who Offered
WeTrhoefojrattnesareiLinMseetc4uartliinste tlit; eR° tire'," wfsnIttsilletiltnohant":' r:Itliinti'71111;1111tYllerir‘(7e);113
Georee Webber, oe Toronto for their 0rderyour Coal NOW.- e See
ly been a pastor at James-st, church price
artnivereary services. Ile is of hogs and down goes the
a, res
will doubtless draw' a large crowd, ice of coal. Having bought a, few
Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coate. nice curl, every coat guaranteed $30 $35 $40
Ladies' Nook Ruffs of Sable, Isabella, Stone Martin, Mink and Oppossurie
$1.00 to $12.00,
Ladies' and iklen's Fur Caps in Persian Lamb, Electric Seel, Beaver and
Nsutra $2.00 to $0.00.
Men's good For Coats of Dog or Calf. From $15..00 to $28.00.
Dress Goods
We still have a few fashionable Dress pieces left and If you want
dress for the winter yon will find it here at reduced prices
he copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
adveatisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, DEC.; 1st, leen
*******411 et!******
roamed orator, and 'mine former-
risarot. hlardamcoaloraetpaa;rdieetoontaituhiei
'Mr. B. E. Pickard. ^Wila bas been e dere while it lasts at $6.25 eer
eelePointed general agent for eu. Firat come, firat served. Place
?the C. P. 11. and, C. N. 11. Company's our order at once for as soon as
lands, spent the whole summer in is supply is done you. will have to
acing over these lands, and se1ectjn ay more money. Orders left at the
a ellmehee of beautiful :sections. Ile , lace, of A. Q, nobler win be ,..ta(Ictuur)ciais cacun.eturtyranIcre into ide
Funera Diree
try. and his people became rastairtat-
ed .with the poison, it would be ult.
Bann then for him to drive them be -
pond his borders. The Emperor
Menelik, ,oe Abyssinia, has just been
compelled to take action a getinst
the importation 0t French \vices
and norman beer into his territory.
D. Hartleib makes a specialty of
watch trepairing.
Three weeks from next Sunday
will be Christmas.
Mr. johrt lineght station aeente is
off ,duty for a couple of weeks.
See lam thp Sovereign Bank can
benefit you in their ad. last page.
Miss jean Hawksbaw is visitine
her sister Mrs. Shosenberree in Lon-
The Times will be sent to any ad-
dress ,until the end of 1905 for one
dollar .
Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Brownies, is vis-
itingfriends in Markham, Whitby,
and Toronto.
Miss Robertson, of Regina, N. W.
T. is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. -W.
Miss Lille Johns, who has spent
the peat two months in Sarnia is ex-
pected home this week.
Mies Dow, of Mitchell, spent Sun -
ay with her cousins the Misses Dow;,
also with Mrs. George Mantle.
Mrs. Will Ross and little daughter
of Clinton, are reuests of Mr. and
Mrs .D. A. Ross.
Have you. a distant friend? Send
him or her the Times to the end of
yew. 1904 for 10 cents.
Mrs. George Willis, of London, is
visiting her parents, Mr .and Mrs.
T. H. Mc0allum.
E. W. Ehlers, of Dashwood, has
taken a position as clerk, with Mrs.t
W. D. Yeo.
The Thnes has the correct stylein
wedding invitations and visitin
cards. Let us have your next, orde
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson at
tended the china wedding of Mr.antl
Mrs. Bullierd at Heneall on TuesdaY,
of east week. "
Mrs. T. M. White. of Windsor,
Spent a few days with Mrs. John
John White; also with friends in St
Mise Lizzie T
after a two weaylor, of $tratford,
eks' pleasant vein
here with irientis, returned home on
Mr. Valentine Mitchell, of Centra-
lia, has moved into the residence he
recently !purcbased from Mr. S. Gid -
ley. We welcome Mr. Mitchell to
We ommitted to mention last
week that Mr. Geo. Crawley will
still hold possession of the livery
stable reeently purchased by Mr.
Thornton Baker front Mr. E. Cbrie-
a imesion bas teen placed at Le
fe'r adult% and 10e for cbildren.
' W, C. T. U. Note -On Account, of
ifluess being in the home of Mrs
rden Weight, she was unable to
bs with us on Sunday. and we have
postponed our mass meeting for .
uture occasion. Our next business
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs, aneon, Wednesday, Dee, 14th
at 3 o'clock. MI noembors aro kind-
ly requested to he in attendance.
King Lewanike, of Ileroteeland. is
taking steps to protect his people
from having the drink curse thrust
hest terms as being entertaining
its presentetion, instructive in
tter, and thrilling in its deserip-
e passages. In order that all ma4
vs the n portimity a hearing, the
Ready=to-Wear Skirts
oly. a few left. To be cleared oatbeloer cost, Now is the time for
barn itie this
leigheet price paid for Produce and all kinds of Poultry
Furniture& Undertakin
TO Mdic0 ROOM 1013 MS. 600
Big Bargains next Week.
Bedroom Sett including Iron Bed from 12.04)
Couches from.. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •. • • • $4.50 upi
Extension Tables from. , . . „ . ...47.50 up.
e now meeting with great success in promptly attended tee -IL Parsons.
he held on
as synonymous with (Vine. is said The anniversary of the efainest
elethodist °berth will
The expression "kick the beckon"
to have originated in an English Sunday next, December 4th, The
raetbod of suicide. The intended sere:tone will be preached on SundaY
put tbe noose about his neck. then bY Rev. .T. II. Oliver, of Listowel, a
suicide would stand upon a bucket,
kick the bucket from under him, once. Special contribUtions are be -
;Med orator of the London Confer -
°nine ehese lands.
In Liverpool. , Eng., , four cents a
pint is ofered far Canadian eider, or
$10.24 a barrel. If some of our far-
mers would form a syndicate and
run a cider mill there might be
more money in it for them than sel-
ling their apples for 15 cents per
100 lbs.
AN OLD AND "Wgra,anntro Iimintor.-Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by Winona of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfeetaucceis
it soothes the ohild, sonenst,he gnnas, allays all
pain, cures wind collo. and is the be remedy
tor Diarrhosa. it is pleasant to the taste. Sold Bran 516 per ton.
by druggists in every parb of the world. 25
cents &bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo SII(Irts 520 l'er ten'
sore and take Sirs lefinsloves Soothing Family Flour 52,85 per cwt.
Syrup arid ask for no ether kind. Low grade flour, $1.25 Per cwt.
A Club Bargain -- The Toronto Ohieken Fend, le. per pound.
Daily World and the Exeter Times Butter 15 cents per pound.
from now until Dee. 31st, 1905ewill
be sent to anyone tor $3.00 in ad
vanes. The regular price of fthe two
papers for one year is $4.00. By tak-
ing eadvantage of ibis offer you
get the balance of tbis year free.
r and Praetlettble Embatmer. Opera ilause
Christmas Buyin
ine asked for in aid at the Trustee Ile hes watched their pernicious or- Christmas will soon be here and you no doubt are thinking
Board, in place of the 'amen tea- reds on bis people, and. has issued doing your shopping early. The earlier the better for you have
meeting. On Monday evening, Mr. an ediet prohibiting alcoholic drinks
Oliver will deliver his telebrated lee- from being smuggled or legally large stock to make your selection from than if yqtrinve-ir-tirt -,a
titre. on "Malts for the Old Fle" brought into hie cmlure, inile our day or two before Christmas. Below we mention a few articles
or "Greet Britains Victories by sea Parliament has .eresit difeioulty in Which we think would make nice Xmas gifts
or land." Admiesion 15e. eating a comparatively mild
measure of temerrance rotor= pass
Market Report. -The following es
the report of Exeter markets, core ed, it is pleasing to witness the
rected up to Thursday, Dec, Ist; Rules of Abyssinia and Barateeland,
Wbeat from 950 to $1.03 er bushel
states a vicious
Oats 28 to 30 cents per bushel. clittenlearaintlfaftrohnltheir asrendered millions of
p. z
Barley etic. to 40 cent. our people at borne little better than
Peas no to 60o per bushel. " Mass 01 hem" waste •
The Late Robert Knight.' -.At the
early dawn of Friday, Nov. 25th, 1004
aeother of our young citizens enter-
ed. into rest, when. Mr. Robert
1 Knight, youngest son of Mt etand
etre. Charles KnigbeStation, street,
prima peacefully away at the early
The easiest way to make a safe in-
vestment and !get large and quick.
returns for your motley is to pur-
chase C. P. R. North West lands.
New is the lime to buy. Prices are
bound to advance. Dollar wheat
and a big crop are sure to make
prices of lend o up. -R. E. Pickard
is the general selling agent.
The total vote polled in Canada
at the Dominion elections was under
800,000. ,The Liberals bad 53 per
cent. of ,the vote polled, the Tories
47 per cent. Liberal majority of
votes about 50,000. Apart from
the Province of Quebec the Liberals
have n. majority of 11,000 votes in
the otlaer Provinces.
WomanInetitute. -- The regular
monthly meeting of the Womans' In-
stitute evil lbe held in the reading
room of the Town Hall, On Friday,
December 2nd, at 3 o'clock. As it is
the last meeting of the year, all
members are requested to be in'es-
ent and those having books will
please return them. -Mrs. -Wickwire,
Pres.; Mrs. Hastings, Sec'ry.
The James-st. Methodist church
:anniversary Services will be held on
Sunday and Monday, Deceriaber 11th
and. 12th. On the Sabbath the Rev.
Geo .Webber, of Toronto, will preach
at both services. On Monday even-
ing an old fashioned tea -meeting will
be givene The °lapin assisted by Miss
'Kern, of Wcodetock, will render
special music at both the Sabbath
and Monday evening services.
The Rev. Gerald Willonghby, of
Cape Town, South Africa, and form-
erly of the London Conference, son
of !the Rev. N. R. Willoughby, re-
cently Of Exeter, has received an
invitation to the pastorate of rhe
leading- Congregational Church in
Johannesbturg, eo succeed the Rev.
Mr. Harris, who retires on account
of ill -health.
Sale 13iI1s.-Those having their sale
bills printed at this office will re-
ceive a Tree notice of the sale in the
Times and thus get the benefit of
our large circulation. This is a fact
which should be remembered. Sale
bills are not seen by all in the dis-
trict whereas The Times goes every-
where. The natice though given
free is often worth more to the per-
son holding sales than what in paid
Lr the &stored
Eggs 20 cents per dozen.
Dried. Apples, 3 1-2 tto 40 per 10. age of 35 years. Mr. Knight was
Chickens 7c per pound. born in London, and afterwards re -
Ducks 8 to 90 per pound.
Turkeys. 12 cents per pound,
Pork Live Weight, 54.60 per cwt.
Pork dressed $6.25 per cwt.
Hay $6 to $7 per ton.
Von. Archdeacon Williams, of
Stratford, elected as Bishop.- The
Synod, of litir on, which met
in London, on Tuesday, after
raideight. elected Ven. Archdeacon,
David Williams, M. A., rector of St.
James' church, of Stratford, to be
13ishop,of the Diocese of Hunan,. Aes'ebont.four years ago he had to aban-
don his trade, and for a change, ee.
clideacon Williams' election to this
high and holy office was consum-
mated on the third ballot, though it
was assured on the announcement
of the eesolt of the second ballot,
on which he was elected by the
cler,gy, and fell but three short of
election by the lay delegates. The
Bishop of. the Diocese of Huron was
torn in Wales in the year 1859. ana
therefore forty-five years of age.
Ho was educated at Lempeier Gram-
mar School and St. Davie's College,
Lampeter, Wales. In the yent 1892
the lain Bishop Baldwin appointed
him eo be rector of St. James' church
in Stratford, the largest church in
that in succession, to the late
New range of Ladies' Fancy
Collars and Handkerchiefs
Ladies' Gloves
Fancy Doylies
Fancy Pin Cushions
Fancy Picture Frames
Fancy Cushion Tops
Fancy Waistings
Purses and Satchels
Gents' Overcoats Scarfs
Gents' Ties
Gents Handkerchiefs
We have afresh supply of all kinde of peals, nuts, spice, raisins and
currants for Christmas cooking. Space will not permit us to mention all our
different lines but we invite you to come in and see them for yourself.
MPB W D. -7-MO
pecially the home sustains, when
sided in St. Themes for about four
years, earning to Exeter when a lad.
about ten years of age, and has re-
sided here ever since. Ile was mar-
ried on Sept .22nd, 1897 to Miss Car-
rie Drew, youngest daughter of Mr
and Mrs. William Drew, who was
untirine in her devotion during all
les long illness. The deceesed for a
number of years carried on the busi-
Bess -of merchant tailor, and had
built up a profileble business, but.
cepted ibe position of assistant
agent at the G. T. It. station, Exeter
hoping that with more active , em-
ployment he might recuperate. Dur-
ing the past summer bis bealth and
strength gradually failed, when he
went to Toronto, to. consult with tine
of ehe most celebrated specialists of
that, pity, but in spite of all raceieel
skill ,he surely and gradually became
worse until the end came. Bert was
a young man beloved by all his com-
panions, and many elm hear testi.
nemy to he high esteem of mi9d
and heart which he possessed, and
can !readily appreciote the loss which
the c.ommunity, the churcb, and es-
city.Canon Batter.son. He bee been in such a truly noble soul is called in -
Stratford ever since, where he has
to the unseen ' world. To the
amie !splendid service..
all -
In Stratford - bereaved widow and little eon, his
heds beloved hy his parishioners
eorrowing parents, brother end /AS-
ter- we extend sincere sympathy
with !the prayer "Lead Kindly Light
amid !the Eneircling Grloonn" The
funeral on Sunday afternoon not-
withatanding the severe storm, was
largely attended, a brierservice be-
ing held at the home after whicli
the :remains were borne to Trivitt
Memorial ,churcht where an impres-
sive ,service was also conducted by ,
the Rev. 11.3. M. Perkins., The lun-
eral ,corteee then proceeded 'to the
Exeter cemetery where a eolemn,ser-
vice was held at !the igreve by the I.
0. 0. F., of which societY the deceas-
ed was a member. A touching mark
of respect was the mane and beauti-
ful floral emblem, anion e svhich was
a triangle and compaes from tlie
an4 !respected hy all classes In the
'cite for his broa.dmirtdedness and
wi e ,charity 11 is confidently ex -
pe ted that the Bishop -elect will
melte a most capable administrator
oe ithe affairs of the Diocese, his
kiien mind having a fine grasp of
business matters. As a pulpit ore -
or he is Avidly known, his sermons
eing profoundly spiritual, enainent-
ly, chtirchly and deeply evangelical.
He is regarded as in every way
a moderate churchman, tend as such
14 'acceptable to all classes in the
Diocese. Bishop; Williams was mar-
ried in 1888 his t.vifie being* Alberta E.
daughter of the Iate Hannibal Bur-
well, of Loneon.1 He is the tallier
of a family of six children.
Anniversary Services. - The anni- Exeter Masonic Lodge, the deceased
versary services of Main street Me- being a much respected member.
thodist church evill be held next There remains besides his widow and
Sunday. The preacher of the day only son, his parents, and brothers
will be Rev. J. II, Oliver, De D., of Charles, of St. Thomns ; George, of
Listowel. Mr. Oliver has the reps- 'Weston; Fred, ot Yorkton, Assa;
tenon of being orte of the ablest and Frank J. and John, of Exeter, and
most eloquent divines of the London sister, Carrie, at home', Who have the rted off by a little mouse to its nest
Conference. The trustee Board is sympathy +of many friends in -their Ns -here it enjoyed the particles of
asking a contribution of $300.00. sad bereavement . eoustli which wae on Slie Ting.
Annual -
In Gidley's Opera Hot
Friday Dec. 9t
Como Everybody, all Welcome. Admission 35c,25c &
Itching, 131ind, Bleeding, or pro-
truding, Piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
any case, no ma.tter of how long
standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap-
plicetion gives ease and rest. 50c. If
your druggist hasn't it send. 500 in '
stamps and it will he forwarded post i
paid by Paris Medicine Co., Si. Louis,
Mr. James Begshaw hes recover-
ed from his recent operation at the
Victoria Hospital and returned
home on Wednesday of this week,
A lady in London, recently, while
making pies took off her diamond
ring, ,and placed it in a saucer near
by. The ring mysteriously disap-
peared. After many weeks had
passed, the ring was found in a vefy
peculiar mann er having been eat -
Messrs. D. Mills, Geo. Anderson,
Ray L. Fanson and Meek Salter, at-
tended the !reception in London,
tendered to Dr. Oranhyatekha, Su-
pr!eine Chief Ranger of the Indepen-
dent Order of Foresters. The re-
ception was the inita.tion- of nine
hundred -and eightyseeven new mem-
bers in !the presence of the Supreme
Chief Ranger. and a distinguished
company of oficers of the Ceder and
representative citizens. In the ad-
dress presented to the Dr. it WAS
statedthat, with a membere'eip
225,000, and afier paying out to
widows, orphans and other ,benefi-
clerics, over $18,000,000 there is still
magnificient reserve fund of over
Mr .W. A. II, Findlay, late circula-
tion inanager of ihe Toronto News
has!etevered his connection with that
paper to become managing director
of the ItrindSor Standard, Ile Wilt
be greally missed. by, the members o
the News staff who have learned
appreciate his Igenuality, bushj
energy and good judgment