Exeter Times, 1904-12-1, Page 41 Don't Let that OUGH et Ahead of you Stop it an time, That good dvice'fOr )7,our laealtb, and its ood advice for your pocket book too. A cure in time saves mon. ey and perhaps your life. Perry's Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar has gained much popularity by its prompt relief in this most corn - mon ailment. It is pleasant to take and wards off any tendency f a cold to result in Pneumonia Price 25c, a bottle Perre's Emulsion a pure NorWegian Cod Liver Oil with Rypophosttes, the meet perfect Preparatien Cla the mar- ket tor a/I pulmonary' diseases and general debility l'aices 50 cents and $/.00 per bottle. Sole ii4StAlry Browum Drug Store Ia Liberaliem, his tributes to the colleagues he has abandoned, his va glee allusimes to the Call of loy- alty and patriotism and les yearn - "T0 keep all the veatal irebvhich were lighted at the laeleie the else:dation a every »duel& whiela makes a free and itappy people.," It may sale the, nurpese of the Pre. eller in try 't(lt Oiantl11,1, the reCoril 'et his, Government with ,sueli meeederee e rhetoricbut the people are not lingering for sueler.eur,ies at thee tag() of Oetario's history. They will be well satisfied with the eoutMen everydae nectesitiee of a simple lir- lux eeePle# strotag aul clean admin., etion, pure eleetions, strietly jreotative ,eovernmeat end preser. ion Lor their use. and advanzaeee osources a the I'rovinee, hos. not given the, Pr•ov- e t j2 'bread of Zwwst oesive mettleLe oers the neote zsta1 thic 4cda reb . *C-QTQoao *I L F THE EV ROSS adn flt tter IQafl 0, PTOVI e The er Times 18ER U' 4 11 5 12 10 12 20 27 34 21 2.3 22 eel 4:P n basis. • -t the Go er*tn eery selA • th.Mberraee vere due to cident fl t 1atl a le , jorie y oi tte ore lel had. 0114 er. ospondn sLt re The THE EXETER TIMES DECEMBER 1qt 1,90 possibilit y of the Government ob- i aieing a norking majority ; and a bare majority. will mean a continua - leen of tle. wretaied eonditioes of the last six years. Surely ledepen- dent electors and those who leek t t he permanent advaeta ees and credit of Liberalism will vote to bring those conditione to an end.—Toronto News, CONDEMNS ROSS ON TEMPER ANCE. Mrs. May R. Thernley, of Leadex. te well-known leader in Woroares' hrietien'Temperance 'Union circles ade the following statement athude of the Liberal leader in re- •hth t't to temperance reform hes L'enlato Lopef ul that eN, pCeta of the promise of a large eure of relief from tbe liquor fee:: wae eeneral. Interviews and letters have •ereated and fostered 1119 bope. The W. C. T. V. cenven ion az Dowmenville, after neeriya wo-lecear illiSO4.5$1,014 a the eubjec the practical u nimone de con that should thes hopes Ione teraUz it would he as tbo reotutior dtb uers asset rhite r thet 8 0 1 It be bit ter 101'50 the se 1 re an b isappointment Mrs Teornley 8ddi tbat ie or tire new ali ster o neeei the station °ted / bled dleappointuten.„ "We think the party haste e eve ite own pu.rely selfish fneres a reoj mistake." pport zra opposite e tru° Tb. OV0r0Melat difi`41,11EAVS: 7.K.'.Canc,f` it baS IQ to enjoS Ole etenfidenee INT. Tit' peoele have4 not br 'piI , but repeatelly et ined t nive the ti0r. •e indica zn ;overman: g UV I Tite eoti e Pre leeszoua observ a Om' to regain DViflC. ah -da e a change. "stakeial te cap 00 e1eat- ee of the The 4,000 deleeat rouehle ekinz that le aelt eoustftueiay in the Pr Winn representee by 40 eiectore. nese 40 electors oro so many party onthuelaste reepontling tont. ureent party appeal in a ser- ious party crisis. perty Hues are drawn in Dater - to to -thy ts raany might very eas- ily, be found t °respond to the call of any perty leader in any emergency •regardless or tae merits or the cause tbey were asked to uphold, The ag- greentte looks formidaLle, bu1 eis- tributed moue the minty -eight eon- stituencies of the Province it is numerically intignificant and of etiII less account in its indication of the trend of public sentiment. Mr. Ross I= leaninz on a slender reed evberi he mistakes an. assembly: o rampant party enthusiasts for an outburst at popular opinion in his for. The neominee battle. at the polls will netbe determined by the votes or en- thusiasm of Torts or five times for- ty electors o represent the ex- treme partisanship of any constitu- ency. The issue will be decided by the mot who are teeither extreme Liberals nor extreme Conservatives but by that lormiclable element ;which thinks for itself, and which now gives every sign of resolute bos- tility to. the Ross Government. To this more or less independeee public --opinion Mr. ROSS Will appeal in vain with his talk about the new dutiee e s One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry • Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. -I hays used ATOr's Cher.ry Pectoral in my family for sight years, There is nothing eqat 1 t ft tor sought+ Rua solda, etpeelally for ennee-eces.'w. et. SlialAR12, Shelby, Ala, ' J. 0..A,Yr5 co., Alt for NaSS. Night Coughsi teep the bowe s open with one of yer'a Pills at bedtime, just one. rt of 1 re w 1, a nnift Nort orrupt to von auie to niaw- I t b eecident praeticee whieb oneenaned, 02 tele MA R053 clach was es- . stroneest sue- 'bont Ue tell in 1 Le Lis1a s rnnjo u ections 'orfolk near he Goverronent ,fore, no iprvel its emelt/ ?lightest degree, and it rai to gain any advantage in the by elections in Centre Bruce and Nor York. It lost Muskoka, and it gai ed Sault Ste. Marie by flaerent co includine the scandelo episode of eke eruiee of the "Minn M." It lost North RQ111fren't havin first violated the principles et Li ration, and of popular eovernmet by keeping the constituency veea or nineteen nmeths. In fact, maintained its bold upon eower b committal; all the Defences contlera ned by the xesoletion of the conve gen; That this tonvention rcpre entine the Liberal party of the Pr vine°. of °Maxie, repudiates and co &runs in t Ile most unqualified tern very form of bribery by which th ectore are illegally or corruptl nfInenced at elections to the Lei alive Asserably, and all fraudulen cheanes to defeat the purpose o 1th lectorate, as being a violation of th undaraental principles at respo ible igovernnaent and. contrary t he spirit and traditions of the Li ral party." It is quite natural that Mr. Ros hould desire to have a comfortabl vorking majority by fair mean eke a fervent appeal for a major ty !greater than money can bu ut there is not a particle of ev ence that he has improved his pos ion in the Province since the (getter 1 election of 1902, which left hi a popular minority of at leas 000. The bye -elections show- tha a has 'rather lost (ground; every IT arent ;an that he has raade ha een nullified by the result of th ection trials. He has no reason t. ope that he can improve on the re alt of :the recent Federal election hich left the laberele in a minorit ten in Ontario. The Provincia °clients of 1898 and of 1902, the bye ections and the recent Federal elec on, combine to show that the onservatives are now in a Major - y in this Province, and only by ac - dent or fraud can they be prevent - from obtaining* a majority,in the gislature. If they- obtain such a ajority, there -will be an end to the teat ion eviech hat( brought so much scredit on the Liberal •party in re- nt years.' Everyone who desires at consummation will throw hie inlet against the Governi2aent, and lp to make the result a decisive e. The facts are all against the Ot tiOn9 whb antic efforts t " Gamey, tte ort ed 0- th re 50 le b- tt nt it ne 0- n- 5- n - be le 1 13 in 4, 01 NIT of el el ci. cd Le ra si di ce tb iie eve on &Wit, Mt Mega..., Been tlis 1112,P1d You Have Wee Bought Signature ilet,"&74:47, Treel at its euiar February last 00tt0d foawiur reeelUtion, and of copies printed, wbiab this week circulatine free- ly4 the county. Theythe ask 01.opOratjon of farmers and 1ly to «snst n ke in the besz ppoet uringthe xviretca by tak- ver practicable, on all the • the riellt halt of the immediately 0tte It I. Lt rnibt be well a10 to euentest that witen roads aratoo 1) tiler drifted that be be iz- .1 to place theta in such a condi ion as wUl admit of this suggestion be- iaa roughly testee during the ,5e00ion ,o, view to its eeneral edoption;--"That for the greaterearety and rapidity et -winter ravel the Provincial Leeislature he t it lotted zhroub our member elect o pass an act providing tint on all in and freely travelled roade, wlireyer predicable, wit it the open - in; of the neuter s eason and im- mediatel pater the first track is formed it shall be ,required that tae rieht halt of such trade be taken by 11 succeeding vehicles. The 'results o be secured are a solid road bed of tbree tracks width and a minimum of inconvenience, througe succeed- ing storms. MIL BORDEN'S POSITION', Mr. Borden is by two first rate qualifications, their one desirable leader. First. ,the allegiance of the party Its been les for four years, and everybody likes him. A new man could not get into that position without having been tested for a long (time. Second, leIr. Borden has proved atis possession of a rather rare disposition, one most necessary to a leader in the heterogenous Do- minion --the disposition of positive •good will to all the various races and creeds. Probably no man -Who stands by instinct, training or as- sociation. -for the domination of any is the grandest, most scietetific and safest cure for any kind of headache. Without being a laxative, it regulates a disordered stomach, and is therefore something en- tirely new for a bilious headache. It clears the brain and makes you S.t for the day's duties, and to those vvho are trot.), • bled With 'nervous headaches at night, it acts as a calmative, and insures refresh- ing sleep ,and bright mental activity the next tnorning. ' Your physician will tell you that the safest and best form in which to take a headache cure is a tablet. Powders and wafers vary, containingeither too much or too little of a prescription. All Hed- rite tablets contain the same ingredients to a x-neoth part of a grain. They can be easily broken or crushed and .swal. lowed witlea drink of water. You, will End that after taking Hed-rite for a few attacks that your headaches will come less frequent, and in time will altogether disappear, unless brought on by careless and irregular living. We are the only head., ace specza, h lists in the world!. A postal card will bring yoi a sample box, tontaining two doses, free. Don't buy before you try. The Herald Remedy Co., Chicago, Montreal. , 1 sect or race can euccessfelly heed 1 t ha 1 ,greatest matter. as Se tendlY a Dominion party. Mr. Borden. is, •rupa.rtial as Sir Wilfrid Laurier lumsele, It would be hard to fiad another Opposition front-seat:0r of whom that maid be truly said. Therefore Mr. Dordeu only of ail the Opposition appears elegeble for he Premiership. Ills chances of attainine the place aro far from as remote es might ap- pear from tbe completeness oe bis party's rout. To say nothing otitis being „fifteen years yeunger than Sir 'Wilfrid, fee whose entire mantle there can be no Liberal successor, there tir.-c before the Ministry scum difficult pirccs of business, froea whieh that Opposition may reason- ably hope to make gains.—E, ana Thomeoe. in The Roston Transcript. FREE TRIAL norrtm prove what Dr. Leonhardt's Anti. 1I/1 wUt do --Your name and ad-, OSS On a post ,oard will brio tit-ellas cured tbeusaeds al- ready. Dr. zeonhardes Anti -Pill has ttehered In a new ere in thetreete ent and cure of diseases. Thous.. ds wbo bave given up bopa have red to ,perfect health, owl eeras to be perfect and Ilene is a eeee of dys, 0. unve ben £roin dyspe bavebevn traatd 1y loea have taken nee ly al tieed remedies witb only tempo ' relief, but Melee using Dr, bardt'sAnti-Pill 1 an eat •thiug alee- he same as wheu a boy, My ol vigor 1408 returned ;so that pirits are loneyant and temper al. I 'give all credit to Dr. a des Anti-Pill."--af. N. Da- othorne Street. Toronto, th's t seat recut at your tor 50e. A cample free by tbO wilson-ryleLita- ralis, Oat, Sole egent C1O1.S PLAiTs Banker). kingdom tu a with the idea tint tn 2nembers, with theexception of a few parasitio pints, adevise their sole sestentinte from the earth and from the atmosphere. A consider. able number of plants, ;however aro carnieorous and require a diet of aniraal food, literally devouring and living creature of appropriate size which comes within the reach of their tentacles or other weepeee of capture, The most common, thouelt not motet notable of these flesh -eat. plants is the humble sutt-dew of marshes, a diniinutive plant with circular leaveg from each of which project a nudber of prehensile ion- taeles, If a. small fly or gnat settles on these leaves, the tentacles sharp- ly close upon them, the pores then rapidly absorbitett, the greater por- tion of the slaughtered bisects, the rause being thrown out. If an ar- tificial fly he offered to the plant, by some unexplained means it detects the fraud and makes not the sfl1it- ont MOVOInent to recapture the counterfeit. Small pieces of meat, bowever, are rapidly devoured. The trumpet flower, a native of North America, is anothet examPle of these carxtivorous plants,. The triode of capture le; bowever, al- together eliferent, the interior sar. face of the flower—really, however, a leaf—heir:et provided with honey ',elands which attrects the insects wbieb, hall stupefied by the liquid, are then entangled among a net. work of hairy spikes, and are soon devoured at leisure. The most notable and. marvellous, however, of these flesh -eating plants is lite beautiful picture plant of the tropics. This strange specimen of the floral world bears a remarkable handsome pending flower, several in- ches in length, shaped exactly like an ordinary pitther, with a lid auto- matically opening and closing, and provided .in some species, with sharp spines projecting from the ' inner surface of the lid. The glands of the flower continuously secrete sweet liquid, which accumulates at the bottom of the pitcher . Its in- ner surface is so smooth that it is impossible for an imprisoned insect to secure a foothold. Many various geenera a-ppear to be 110 prey of these voraeinas plants : even bumming birds, it is stated. having been known teonclsa.11 a prey to their (greedy appe- The unwary victim attracted by the delicious sweetness of the aroma of the lucious nectar in the beauti- ful, many -hued receptacle, rashly ventures into the deadly trap, and soon is entangled in the pleasures of the honied, intoxicating repast. And, now; satiated and drowsy, it es- says to qua; the lethal charaber.But too late; the lid bag closed tight:3y down, the sharp, spiny thorns ate fixed in position to bar any egress, and the poor crapulous _dissolute, now hopelessly inebriated, 'sinks down hopelesely into the, deathly fluid, and is soon absorbed by the bea utiful ,clevour, And. how often do radey inaltal a the example of that silly butterfly or moth, and in the pursuit of fancied pleasures evlich have, ,grippe'cl /them tight in their fascinations, find that they are immersed in the -water of despair. Bat He who came to re- deem 'theme by taking upon Himself the punishment -due to them, will if they ‘cry unto Him for help, not only rescue them from the cruel fet- ters of -their sins, but -will ,give them Llie inestimable boon of eternal life. WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL To (relieve constipation headache just ,fry Dr. I -Tamil( on's Pills e Manclrake and Betternue. •'eV-ender-- el/ley prompt, and never cause aril, ing pains. for theadaelie and billi • ousness use only Dr. lterniiteres. Pills. Price 25c. ce Huron .",•••••• We (regret to learn oe the death of Mrs. Hugh Love, which toot; Ow lto%rt'ie,!,(1,1e141rei ess:elrYt ril-Ea)ii;E:l. 1\16' P.L Atirx.rAerelelluicre. Mr. Malcolm Alkeebead, of Brace - field bets been, •appointed princilal of • the Illeevale settee'. for 1905, in 1,e.easie,semek me. n. ma0Ewee, who has Commencine .witit this issue', the . Brussels Herald will be under new management, Messrs. Appleford & Duncan of the Seaforth News zt Ate t btS:a fox;itaitlitNaenevds, busi- ness ness from Mr. H Delion. ,afrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio. writes; 'I have -used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen yeers, het Carter's r,,tttic Liver Pals dal me more good than all the rest. ¥re. Matilda Dansmore, relict o the late Henry Danonore, died very ie • suddeuly in Toronto Thankseivine Day..from heart faiinre. Mre.Dunse more was. for many years a reels „ dent a Tuokerseeitle Shwas a eis er of Mr. ,eidney Johns, of Sea - forth. and mother of Mrs, William Qamoolutrik Tuckersetath. On Tuesday as Mr. Layton. of Brueefield was tokine his traotion engiao from Mr, Waldron's on the. London Road, to hlr. Thus, Town- eentra It. brolca through o. culvert on eao ,read behind Wrn, Elcoat's farm and it was not got oat until Wed- trttieruedztafe, Ibvnast dfoonrc,t,itnittaly no serioue Zr Baldwin, a soaforth, wbo went west some time tyro mei las death in a betel fire 01.*Ellein, Mn, Mr. Reldwin was the father of Mr. Ge M, Baldwin, eine...he-law of M', », Steinbaelt, of Zurich. •He had in- tended leaving. for his home in Sea - forth the next morning., bat met bis sad fate as noted ebove. A• fire started •lu Zr. Cuoper' ertan warehouse, Owleriele on Sat urday moraine. Nov. 26th. eauseilap parently by the explosion of the gas +aline enine. Tito walls aro left standing tbolealt badly scoreheth SeW eral ihonSand busliels of ,:tcain alsa was destroyed* but It is fully cover- eed by insurance. ills, Cooper hos 82,000 on the building and 0,000 an .store, 'stock awl utensils, There Teased away ot Ids home, 'eaforth. on Saturday•last, one e pioneer residents or 111-01:Cillop, in Ibo pt,rson or Mr, 'Wm. Alexander. Ztr. Alexender had been in poor health for about a year, but was not considered seriously ill until the daY before Ids death, the trouble being a eenerel breaking up of tbe entire system. lie was 66 yeara and 8 months of age, and was born in Iter. wiekshire Scotland. Mr, Joseph McCulley, af tlw 3rd rCitleesSiOn of Stanley, has sold his farm to Mr. John Pepper, eldest son of Mr. Roaer Pepper, ot Tueker. smith, for $1,500. Tbe farm contains 100 .scrss and is an exceptional- ly ,zood one. Mr. Pepper has got a eood bargein and takes possession at once. Mr. McCulley intends :troinee in to Colorado for the benefit of his Another pioneer of Stanley de- parted this life a temple of weeks' ago in the person of Chas. Dewar, He came to the Saubie line in 1836 wall Ido parente. The place was ihenel- most a wilderness, no neigbbors liv- Inv; nearer tinin two miles. Ile was o leesbyterian in faith and a Lib- eral in politics. Iie was a hind friend and obliging neighbor, a use- ful 'citizen and an honorable uprieht men. Mr. George Caldwell, of Tooker - smith, recently sold to David betw- een, or Seaforth, a very fine three- year-old gelding for which he re- ceived the very handsome num of $250. This fine young horse car- ried off the red ticket at the Senior - tit an Exeter shows in the face o1 very strong competition, Mr. Cald- well was very loth to part with him but the price teraptcd him. Ile was purchased for dray work in one at the large American cities. TONSILITIS IS GOING AROUND And everybody is wondering what to .do. Here is a simple cure. Use a gargle of Nerviline and water as POCOMIntlidad in the directions, and rub your throat and chest vigorous- ly with Nerviline. This has been tested and proved successful a thous- and times. Nerviline is a specific ifor toneilitis and in feet we know of nothing half so good for breaking up colds, curing tight chest and all muscular pains. Try a bottle of Nerviline ; price 25c. Perth Mr. William Nortlagraves, of Si. Marys, had one of his fingers broken one day last week while unloading water pipes. Must not be coefounded with come naon cathartic or purgative Carter's Little Liver Pills are entir- ely unlike them in every respece. One trial evil I prove their super- iority. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Robert Dryanstona of St .Marys, on Wednesday, Nov. 1.6t1i, when his eldest daughter, Mabel was united in marriage with Mr. Edward Rid- ley of Tem:est. Miss Jennie Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L .D. Stanley, of St. Marys, left on Monday, for fort Frances, leeiny River. On her ar- rive, lthere she will become the bride of. Mr. Albert Carter, a former resi- C__ASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o 11111.11111M111.11.1111111111111111.111111111111.1111.1111.11111111=111M r weeMat`,1)111:Nlitlitieet 9 00 DRov AVegetab1ePrepar4tionferAs- sidlating thefoodandRegain- ting de -Summits audEtowels of PromolgaDigestiongheerfal- *less andRest,Cootains ieithtr Opiton-Norpttioo nor Now' N.ut.c. wxc Xffe= 144.0744,74* -- Ads; sfia S , For Infants and Chilli, The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of Aperfectiteme y fur cons i Sour Stoutsch,Dtarrho rms,Cenvulsions.reveris ess and Loss or sum,. reeSimile ial;41 LJ For ON Thirty Years STOR (45 C0 W45Y. 0OkY OLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of ravliamen 1633) 40 CAPITAL PAID UP . . $3,000,000,00 : RESERVE FUND • • • • •• • • $3,000,000 00 • telhaaebesinOnterio. Quebee, Albert Itisheolumbia awl Neonate la • 4, EXETER BRANCH • Open every Lewitt' Day tem 10 ..1. X. to 3r, at except Uattittlar A at. FitirtileriV Sole rtiotos cashed or collected. Forms suppflea Ou Implication. DRAFTS on ell polote in" the Dominion, Great nritel not t itcd Stairs, tailgating aided. loweee rates of exchange. • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Xntorest Pounded haft yenrley, and added to principal Jiane Z:0th end December posits lierelpts else issuee sod nigheilt ettrrent rates et interest allowed. AcIvearsceno znade to farmers stock dealers and business me lowest rates tont on retest fevcrable terms, Agents at Exeter for Dom. (Overflew 4. D)CICSOrl & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manage elebele*******.********1144444+ "ee 0„ dent of Leman and Clandeboye, and no wthe leadine znerchant of Fort Frances. Dr. Hutchins, of 'Mitchell, died sudenly in Mr. Mckaven's barn at St, Pouts Saturday. 11e bad driven there to paraltase a horse, and at - ter oasoectIng the animal, rested in the barn, and was found dead short- ly afterwards. Dr. Hutchins was formerly located in Stratford for some years. Heart failure was the cause of death. Dr. Ilutehine leaves widow and small eamily. An accident which proved fataloc- correct, Saturday at 'the ;farm tit Stewart Campbell, on the Northern ,gravel road, near Stratford. john Conway. with his brother, WII0 run- ning a threshing outfit and while engaged in adjusting a belt his arm was drawn In. Ile was terribly injured, his scalp and the bone of his left arm being kid bare. Every- thing possible was done for him at the hosental, where he was coriVeyed but he died early in. the evenIngeDe- teased was only 28 years of ego, un- married; and a son of Martin, Con- way of the township of Ellice. A BROAD STATEMENT This annnuncement is made with- out any t-jualifica Hons. Hem -Reid is the one preparation in the world that (guaran.tees it. Dr. Loonhardt's Hem-Reld will cure any case of Piles. rt is in the form of a tablet, It as the only Pile remedy used internally. It as (impossible to cure an estab- lished tcase of Piles with ointments, suppositories, najesteons, or outward appliances. A !guarantee as issued with. every package ,olf Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid which contains it, month's treatment. Go, and talk to your druggist about it. , The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Ni- agara Falls, Ont. Middlesex Messrs; .Maguire and Sheardown,of Lucan, one night recently captured a 29 lb. coon. Mr. R. Horne, blacksmith, having given up business at Lucan, lef t last week for Toronto. The reraains of Mr. Robert Jack- son were interred at Lucan the fore- part of last week. • Miss Pearl G. Shearmaii of Bosen- (Piet, died shortly after having a waggon with a heavy load of grain pass over her body. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, bil- iousness' constipation, pain in the side and all ilver troubles. Carter's • Little Liver Pills. Try them. At the meeting of the Eat Mid- delsex License Commissioners, held • in London, on Saturday, the license of tlic Lorne 'House, Ilderton, held by Mr. Harry Butler, was transferred to Mr. Wm. Pa trielt. The death oilourred on Saturday, at bis Joto esidence, in Londori tp., Anthony Bowman, one of ilia pioirer residents ur. laiddlesex conne Ao in his Olst year. Deeeasea ts sere awed by four sons — Thomas, .Tobn asul Robert, and one daughter, Mrs. James Itoe, of Lon- don tp'. Mr. Fred Downing, of Luo, hatl the misfortune while playing Loot ball at the High School grounds; to met a small bone ot the ieft arne broken at the elbow and the elbow joint strained badly. Mr. T. Orme reduced the fracture and witli no mishap, Fred will soon be all right again. Mrs. Weisslitz, Buffalo, N. Y4 cured of kidney trouble byLydiaV Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney, disease is the most fatal. In fact, en-. less prompt and correct treatment is een- plied,thewearypatientseldomsurvieee.' Being fully aware of this, Mrs. nape - ham, early in her careen -gave cargo study to the subject, and in produeog. her great remedy for woman's ills — Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound— made sure that it acne tained the correct combination of herbs which was certain to control. that dreaded disease, woman's kidney troubles. • Read "What Dirs. Weisslitz Says, "DEAR Mes. Peteareeet — FOP iNVO years my life was simply a burden, suffered so with female troubles, and pains across my back and loins. The doctor told me that I had kidney troubles and prescribed for me. For three months I took his medicine, but. grew steadily worse. My husband then advised me to try Lydia E. Pink— ham's Vegetable Compound, and brought home a bottle. It is the great- est blessing ever -brought to our home. Within three months I was a changed winatan. My pain had clisappearedoety eineplexion beea,me clear, my ego . bright, end nay entire system in gdaa eheonariscena,; ita.14.bloB:stieefrPtaceiropu;LowvAin..,"Wg.e*_::amssc670,80Tozfe,46.11ttil produce. '