Exeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 6!IS STE. TEG -Y FA.1.111/ A. ii THE VIOBLD S iLAItilialTS - - -, .. - i i r ' Trill good at $3.,S0 to $1, mixed lots BEPORT IS FR.) 0-/:„T -THE LEADING 111(Ythal11, at tea to $3.40 and cows atsni:02ekteovanslOid. yeede'rg-A good TRADE CENTRES. many of these cattle were offering, and the better class ot stoats; sold . prices of cattle, Grab; cheese, nell. Others ;were slow. Prices alt Must Retrieve 1 1111 self by Again and Other Dairy Produce r°1111'd are (111Qteci• unellsagech 8tc'ek- at Herne and Abroad. Attacking the Russians. OrS are quoted at $8.60 to $4 for bedvies. sand $2 to $3 for light, Light MAREETS OP WORLD. ' bulls are quoted at $1.75 tO Toronto, Sept. 20.-W1ieat„-Ns,v Feeders are michanged at $2 to $4. - No, 2 white and red l'it'inter void t", 25 POI" Mt* APS TO AGAIN Arl"..PACK. Sttinsonoff refused, partly owing to side sit $1.05, and e3:1 grades are Mitch Cown-Trade was more an - The :rade uorrevoudeut c,/ the the untied ch, ;niter of Gen. Oriod nomioal at 31.0$ to $1.09, No. 2 tive and some good COWS were on London Plentreai soya. that Field Mae- Ir°913s.- The et)rr°sP9lideRt justs goon: wheat nominal a 90 to 92., tho market. The,v sold at prices shai (.1,0,1141„ has received the zeost Gezis. Snowmaker $action, declaring east, Mir No, 2 Spritig at $1 east. ranging from 830 to $01 each, rigid instructions te restund the ofehthat Cavalry certainly would, hoee Marinate, wheat is easier; No. 1 Nor- Calven-Wero steady to firm, awl loasAve as Semi as hist troops have re - venerated mid the roods mill peralAt, ▪ to attack Gen. gOttropulltio be the wioter begins. Should the been annihilate& 1 to 1.1 1:-, everything lies sold early. ''Itliey are Nothing has been received, enabling No e, Norther at 1:08 to $1.09; ami 'quoted at ;. -$.2 to $10 each, and 3h: to harmonization of the condicting re - No, 3 Northern at $1,05 to $1-00. 5.0 per Do concerning the Russian intea- Googian ilov ports. Urinal/to in ,...1, , , • o an as Thrssaans reore to aukcx-41 to ovoid. . bold Altalnien nor ot . - • trait liltes ale 6c a 0\ t, -1,0-- lterttor, but the deum,rizi was aetive, a battle Marshal Oyama will ts eursee i:It ie anticipated that thero will .1c3a; quo?e,il_. .1.tite -s . , ‘ te - and overvibipb• Was sold early, Pric- them with his th„e .,,,,,.„4„s, The 0,01,,,;m: forthez serious opeoation ti.„,, IN.e,,‘ ate e o A foto, o eoso Nt\o,,.ecteea,ae: to firm. l•Nport are su_rrounding Gen, ii:ouropathia at /1''''''' ‘"'''''''''-'''-' Liao-Yane- caused this rder. whi •I'' 'be' Sba'rt at ala4Wallian. it is StAtet1 was inSpired kV the RIP.- - - lapSe of :gerS110.1 OyaMa'S seherae iler h.V.,zelle! il„„*.e.!:dez.,h;e„dja'Palle'5\'' nPart fr''m 0 :32 to :32ic. low freight`h oat! at i'quoted higher at $3 to s,1 per ewt , bs bhing believed hd 31;1 to Zinc north and west. No. .1. lee ee n • • - nen white is stea.ly at 33e east. at $1,40 to e,„/ 5,0 per ',,,t,, ..).ud $.2„, Derley-No. 72 quoted at 41 to ..1:-.c , '''. '' ' peror. The general staff is bitterly Allf111,--.NITION EXIIAUS'I'EP, No4.no e s4; ti• ae, .03 lr...arket is weak in tone, dimppoirtted by the escape of Oen. despotoh from Tokio sons • a, n.t 3.t bat quoted unchaTiged at $,..).23 per gouropotkin. and Va.rshat Oyamo Field Marshal Oyaroo reports that frOgins., insist ree hineo,of, for, accordion-, some of the ereemy, with a few guns. peao-Tio, market is firm at 03 to lwt" for sel(-'ct' d $- ht s )•(1 I tor o, to the Japanese 'view, ids strategy are laostea in the direetien of ti4n.- ot °Iasi -14 Points. - fats, Coasequeutiv a desperate at- iscishi. frequently fire at the Coro-N'o. American, yellow woo,. THE VALUE 02 FAIRS SHO'ULD MEANS OF GIVING INFORMATION. The New Ed.uca.tional Featur A Substitute for the Fair. s - It is a seat -evident proposition that agricultural fairs which receive grants of publie money should give tine nubile soinething of value therv- for. It is not the province of goy. erninents in these days to assiSt in protiding tiMusenrent for the PeoPle. A good many agricultural societies are now meking an earnest effort to improve their fairs by the introduc- tion of educational features. and and their example is being followed by the large exhibitions which do not Ordinarily receive legislative granis. There are still some fairs, controlled. largely by tne business men of the towns, which seem to be held for 'the purpose of attracting' visitors who will prove good euetolio ers, but the mmiber is fortanotelY spot near Farnham, was devastated oming few, lt is now geeerally re- hy a heath nee which broke out oa cognieed that shows exist primarily the 180 ult. foe the purpose of improving agricul- rat conditions. The British, Trades 'Vision Congrees, There lies been a further reduction thee is r0 evPeeted, radii; if dinneliaperieee. The:0 is some Rossini nt (I -e on trees.. Toronto. and No. ores of expert Judge.% who e,„;plula tipholdieg the principles of free. ton trade from 47, t o The up-to-date fair secures the see- at Ixeds passed a strong resolution, working hours iaLtheo aga.inst tnstend 3-11116"-Ps""aValtY at WalltatFa arat Shaaag- IMX"1 at °lc' Canadian c°111 REMARKABLE OPERATION., rs per week. , reasons for their decisious in the Tade• rxng a -"la give arldresoes on the lies British trade returns for Angus% e number of Russians and Voice HEMMED NEWS ITEM HAPPENINGS FROM AIL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegra,phie Briefs From Cele Own and Other Couatries of Re- cent Event. CANADA. Loss, $50,000. and logs, were burned On Saturiay, lumber are steadily deellenig, The Naniloons sawmills. . The spe.eiel committee of the Brant - !lit ooee rtits•edit,i oi0otfikeyee:C71001:0ettnoore.nullel;t idoenc i oil rla traounriecciopiani at an nein-noted IN Eitlij OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY NAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Suprem.e, in the Com- inercial World. London's birth rate and deatli rota The Salvation Army is the modern Tower el Babel. The staff officers speak 42 langueges, Bishoprie of Southwark. Vic rriuro or Wales is giving 5.:1,- 000 towards the endowment of the dcznsetu, 1 ts; lion. Raymond Prefontaine, who years 'r age' Ii° gets UP Ult Lour ill Wwtfitliaitthtlele $41111°11 ils"rieS Tinned states Wesleyan Conference that the Menlo - the 1norning and boils the kettle, The oldest waiter in I.,ondon is 9-1 It was announced at • the recent. has returueu to Montreal from the Wolatt be seen anneatny fiettied,, •dist million fund bad been. cOmpleted, he was taking to the asylum in the of Manx farrners, bas died la hI4 village constable, chained o lunatic novelist, descended from a long line William Elliott, of Sbowville, a Xs. John Oaine, father of the manger of a stable at Ottawe, Be Sith year. was ordered to take his charge to Paradise, a well-known beauty the POlice etation. GREAT BRITAIN% den anist aecontissenied by terrible TnaitSit. The eziensy has also beat searea and firm at oe west. tighter. Tile entire force is stow Pin several ploces between Sironinti toy lEtSe--The inarket is firpa, with nee moy sbzt 0.3o,trua boweter, ese do not int Fent contreig other iteSPPIV.te itilf1014-ol army, loading iroops ans lies at Kobe C es,,) from getting hi. It woE; only st and ITiroshune. ri'lleso will be land'- • 0 ti.V evening that the rnen- 03 at "ng.A•OW "11(1 St" --Z nArtil " ie lidontry sueceedEel breabing , the railroad. It is understood that Jiro:eagle. Other charges followed ; at len-t 14.1(.4101,) :nen ,and 100 gun1311,Position after position waS rushed. i wifl be added to the ooPeuvk* arraY 't but after the entrenchments wer4.., or- be?or Oct, 1. A malority of these coplea the was -stems tired fiercelo• re seerintsi t'ol000 froin Ntirtherni from the trolls of Line -Yang•.. Lt. wus ' on, who are able to IS ithSt and not. until 10.20 that Oen. Nodzu's wint•,r, !troops oectipied the south gate DZ the eitv and bivouacked The whole line of entrenclime the northern. city w nt fter midnight. ser,t ree east of the elty at dawn on q pt. 4 lo pursue deotruction of • 4-, . , sliritzurt{4,1 toon; 4 41111 cro.,14 a Vim*. The:4e erv road. EP heir pot,mso or oxen. Otenent reports tousehold at the heal s lightiug ear": Yang oceurred during the 'eve 1701 4 4814 sein. 3. The Twentieth Rego alasoltene eadioustion jeeatd, Munalest, yrieee ot o)9, to ooe east or • grianina- Ins tinets a- Bo7 Are swioe. p emtally with food. / Cleo. Noti.,,u reverts 'Chet this wav the " ittdgino• Ports end an fuereaso of S3,4,75,000 •e than double all other uatior.al, tyves of horses. cattle. sheet> and shOw a decrease of S1.607.500 in innarrived in Lonnen in 1902 west .4 IN eht . COt:reeted. may be mode an educational reoture xn exPorts, $ put together, ralft a to, e Floor -Ninety per cent. / An Indianapolis, judiamo doopetch ' instead of inerel;,• an allotment, or Tho BritiSb 'reacies Union Cele- Ife Array Couneil h opproved the WeeltS irgOrO Mar mut:Molt 0 the dap n ri ready to ;oh -wive. It f,tuitta wo4 gradzially reaming quoted at •1.10 to $4in s' eIss, east or w eFt. St rah, aetion in sanctioning tilQ, OZUI)10,ylnent (5' officers and 31101 who have Siv- in that the Japottc1Seot. 8. although the eneUly tbe Pm - Iliad. not ditninisioid. Thi13tCu4 "' s , The correctiou of criminal in- Preintalno bY melt who ore often in- glms comlenmed the (overall -lent ti, al of the Trilunteet incts /en woroical operation is coimo 4. Oent, or of special brands. for d; toot, Pot of the Juvenile Court. mo .slop TriFop, JuToo.NEENT, of Chinese labor in Selah frie'l / flt) Vente otlicient, service. ey niake an- t(l'esa. latazine to Order a s. in barrels. .51 -SO to SS. 1- .1 Ileord, lifteen years old. was Tile a:yarding of prizes at a fuir London for queem.10,31(1, Ftipi be Will ,Otto Of ititgIMOnd'S ISIStiarie jaa$ 10 crush 1110 , charge. The IlusFiart lire for sports are riow Woe, however, prevented the sinItt• SCENES01 The corre5p0 Dfolly A144'ill 331 eondition the urea of opere gees. he F;A:Fg. ,t 31 ceo,oiors o 13 ;Intrati:51 • n fen- lean p tore, of grain SCilt1P sTA,71 tt)e loortd pietnres native% Citinese chiltire deep their tudit st anding that were titration faVt. The Whole t 'Matfett is &populated. 'Ilse charge. and ineolottect his mem River volltT: and the eountrz; "f4 VVVNi‘i UllheSit;tthigly and eat't are all dk'Tted• tris in the assoulting line. l'he toot. the inhabitants cross.•d the Liao „ utunirolfol of wire entanglements ono ,(1.54 went west word. trhoe other obsooreti(os, rushM up to ty,.: rakers lied to the forosts to the east, 'Rupsian woros, shouting "Ilanoti.' ober.* Christians hid during* the 'Box- Ono battalion lost hn its omuer. er terror. The neutrality of the Nil- the first clash, and a private subse- loges iu the battle nrea increa.eNI (latently commanded it, One con - their danger an one respect, because Par!: was reduced to fourteen or llfs eaclf etraratanr. NusPeellng ths either teen men. The regiment's losses of sheltering thetein on tlte ussump- were from twelve to. thirteen hon. - Von that their neutrality wontil be drud, ressoected. has shelled the pl.tres with destruethe effect. This explains, the um -aux A VAST ITosi-,3,TAL, apparently wanton burning of maw. villuees oround Liao -Yang. Such A despatch to the Echo de Park protlts os were mode from the ein- from St. Petersburg states thot ployamoit of labor sold the sale of Iferhin hos been con\ erte.1 into Joe commodities previous 10 the lighting vast hospital. Even the chtuo:hos have gone into the pocates of a few and theatres are tilled. There are •le‘er ext 1)3i 43r. or lunoe been swat- 35;000 wounder, men from the blt- lowed m. in the deva,:ootion follow- ties around loao-lang, ing the batt1es. FORTIFYING TIIE A Lk:Nil:WV' IIAS TONED. A despatch from Tokio says 'he $t. Petersburg tornespondent Fie's' Marshal Oyama -confirms the re. Of the Rcho relit.) says that Vice- Ports that a considerable free of ray Ateniell„ desirous to avoix.1 giving 'Weeklies rarmins south of the Han color 30 tile tv enter, and says the Itufssians aro ter - between Gen. Wouropathin and tileing the heights on both sides of se ot,, t anne the Tama Iliver at Tie Pas.s. him from the nominal poet of cora- l:sander of the land and sea forms of Intesia in the Fetr hllaet, which BIG FIRE AT HALIFAX. command he ban never excn'lli`lrl'1. and — that he be required to exercise 1)0- Ne,rty a score 01 muitahags litical iiinetiotis only. 'The Ozer as A. Inalitax, N.S., despatch isays7. 'RAISER AND Cfnall. With a gale sweeping over the city at a rate of 52 miles ail liour reg - A Polish newepaper, pubinalied at istered by the Citadel windometer, a Cracow, says that the lialeer will fire broke out on Thursday afternoon have di meeting with the (near at 111 ty, in the middle of tee Skiernowice, tewn of Poland, 42 block on Water Street bconitted by miles south-west of Warsaw, shortly Sackville and Prince Streets. The and that great. politiral importance gale was 'ruin the southwest, and is ascribed in St, Petersburg to the was so severe that it was hard for meetir.g. pedestrians to keep their feet. Under SKILFUL RETREAT. ;impelled to nab4 in tho haviug vraioustr jost„ sot.ces-d-4 Ilbeiir 411,4331,d0r41; counnanders, etierideially taseAttel lth, consist:rig and dislodged tile Russians from let and bea"S* 1,1 their redOubts e.t These; I °Ming* Dee- wore no siapareeo facet% above the I winter. „Prank Olf captuin, Yoganst south Or i etdmenuaing tbe regiment, lee tla said to have consented. duced to Ashes1 such circumstances the. flain.es spread north and south with. frightful ra- A despatch from London snys ,pidity, and in an limo. after tile Gen. Nouropatlein's lateen rciPort. is !alarm was sounded a score of build- regarcled hero as candid, soldierhy and ;Inge were ablaze, many of them befog lucid, giving a clearer appreciatiOn reduce.d to ashes. of .the happening than the more gran- Goad fortune, liowaver. t,nCe more hie accotints of -the correspondents. ;clone to the rescue of Ralifa,x, and INekerthele..ss it does not affect -the ;tic° hours aftti the on ale t of the jticigeinent of the critics. The result ;conflagration the, wind died down, confirms in the holders. of rival views tend being Zoom the soutliewest, Car - "Here their respective opinions that tried the flamee away loom, the city the, honors rest witbenee Idouropat- and -towards the harbor -front. Had Inn. whose retreat was one of the it been from the „eastward tne , de - roost sailful in history, and contd'ar- wtruCtion most have been much. more ily, that the Ruenians suffered a SOVre, defeat, which was prevente..1 from- being overwhelming by . Koeropatiiin's prompt order to xie treat and hi e skill in conducting, the t h d ra wa 1 . It. is held that ct Orloff's failare Sykwani tin, or aS the .1:Leonean call i , 1 -Te iy ingta i, de- cided the result. It is remare,..! ns strange that Gen. Kooropetkin does not refer to the dangeroos posi ion M which for a time his moveineots were placee bv Gen. Kuroki, Unofficial ,reports received from St. A despatch from Barcelona sayst- Peteraleurg attribute to the Cossacks The bomb exploded at the gate of An important part in repelling Gen. Stra dosvph's Orphan Asylum, in this Inorolins turning operations. They city, Tuesday night, caused a panic, '-occopied a hilt. Tiesy dismounted In the pla,ce where there are 12 and droi-e back the Japanese , with and, 80 girls. The principal entrance. their laneeS. was entirely destroyed. The bomb _-Them i)-'7 ztorY of friction bc.t,reen , is said to }MVO been identical NO th (3 CDS 1"115:11M0fr and Orion.- During that found in the street near the the battle, it is alleend that gee. Law (fourts the other day. Police Orloff asked Gen,. Samennoff to send arc patrolling the vicinity, searching Cossah'es to Ills asnittance. Gen. for the- perpetrators of the crime. complete. As if, is, the loss will amount to 8250,9n9, two-thirds which is -covered by insurance. More than half the insixrance loss will be borne by three loCat conVanies, the Acadiae Halifax and Nova Scotia. • — 4. BOMB CAUSED PANIC. a.t Gate of Orphan As- , ylum in Barcelona, 43(1 110SrS NS), 1 Pa- biought into the juveuile Court in , CoWl'arativtgY uninvortent matter ss recommeed to his Government the haS Just ,•-r*-7(''; No. 2 rates15. ;i.411r .",,Itoreit by his Mother, end waS con:Pared \slat Other VonKidorationsv adoption of Canada's methods for 'It. bud existed fgoorn:e10(3L1'at-ea0""s•b"111"8* ' The South Atrieeit menioriel to tlie Ste TT, l'ozer„teent-General in t "The Cobwebs" was the title of str°ng t'sl'ers% $4-30 on trarl;. ;Merged with being incorrigible. 1-ir What is reolly desirable is that fairs Feeariag immigrants. outside points bran fa, at $/-r4.„7.1,o, 1 1111111141,1bilit 54:ilt(Cr4LS. 1.6011:134-aliltnsttilitauttiob: w's.rellotdole*roPtlititd oilc;::18.arel4irodtililceinglfTiOjelldd-13Stait ,11341 nn in:P'oritiose-gst To -re, etliol"ral.'ve.fri°111101:rjzlot't11)1(141rleig21111%!anttll‘QII!.‘'l -IT "' 1.•!ntf been aWaV fr;:in, house live S4), 0, ' SilOO LI Ile 't Ineans o 1.1.,stintne, in6 • 1 1 id-. nd the mother and sister. cf the boo ' font • t • ) ri • • .4 14 1( n aod of xin123 g correct 1,13urgle'ss. 31.;1° 1;."11(.11 swialada8*,Voldtresul (114ardS Was Inivelkd ;11 quoi,e0 • t $1" coelaPoux, laata.1 an attempt to swint • -e. b the colouel 11.13. And' shorts --- managed. Pen; tog an investigation 11.1101a the ProsPeritY of Canaria 41(1- water when within two IllileS of tl'e IF Th° 11.°1481° of Vi°111111°11055"'1.1111.t9t?I' Tn.1(at $1,23 to $1, 30 ami 114114,144,,,ked at tile court, con(vii,Td the ide4 that, a . - Beono-prime beans are (muted at ' 1.,,ettires en, the fattening of eiiiek,ens bea.m4 ns -u ,(1)3.3111,(,',,enIt:),Itall'isciliolili::15 i'ttll:fe:1:otteleg:e.ustt..7itQt,tlisn: fool: atlelefi'st.li.natal- • . 1 of the came :Ws llelen W. Rogers. pends. Desirable and umlesirable CCII"'sZTRY l'ilQiii7(s1;: chief probation oll.leer and others of i t •pes of. fowls ma - be shown, with lyren°1.1,s11."\ ,. • POtil alt. debating the Finant'e 1141 . si.d,/ to .3i .4,, ,, phyi.ivol defeet was responsible for ' for the 13ritish and 3011410A° OlarK0IS gille Ii.'ing telegraphed his con tato'- I of' II- /- il 1 rat ta„ 11-„rsoo-ria, market is unehang,41 at '1.1te hitt's roental attitude. 'Phe luo- and e7dlibiti°11s of 15111ing"' l)lae"ng lotions to the ,Itoitioh Antarctic ex- e Ter Il°Yal 1g lues3 the 11 1 lioneo.....ithe tuar,Ket is quiet at o, fall received by the losy when three, PoultrY house. with incubatorP. oas arrived at ,plyramt.th, don, awl is stioping with Air. and 2t-.4 to 3fic accc,•ding quality, Alltu end sister then reriltIlliPTed , and Ptlazing for exPOrt• A model podium* steamer pisroNetw. whieh Eulolle of Spain lum arrived. in Lon- to 7.3c per lb. Comb 3'ears old. Ile heti struck Iteatl l000tcrs, tt enino eta Ikt to $1.S3 rer doyen, , ou rock in 4 stream wh,ore 14, w3s appliances, interested thousands of UNITED sTA.TES 'Tay...42er letS are quoted at, $,',„"..;30 Wadinz., leo looloonelos examioatiun Nloitors at the 'Yore:it:a fair this ' • 30 .78.50 on track', 'Toronto, the neon showed o eouralvo formation of tho ,1,eztr. Precticol demonstrations of F4 Test fires are causing gr,"at ter • No. 1 timothy. ,6Xtt:1 Uhere it should have been eoit- the ProPer Paw:king of fruit for ex- ag.t.'. la "la°rIna•t'twhile 'motto... to tape part n an en.. . ratr-Ille market is quiet. with veX. An•ortgemellis for an opnatiol Port should be given in iruit ii -1114: town of warren, Taal)°, has gagemmat he'e WaS 'conceoh.44- in a t t s- . 's of VOW at .$5.7)t) Le .,ctl 011 were made, but they II ttletS by expert paehers, and the twee willed out by fire. Loss $11lo -. ' owere not cor.o , tracli,, Toronto. ried out until .Jaly 5th, as the boy I ' 411 ' of rruft I) sayeOstaot100151;vTialti 11015:111:oet 71,150.(11111ig:7,14Wuslittl! itaTdbertm)IxarWaty in 1 tinilra. eiantiitine. i I ag-AesnoetIllefrhiiitsetiat'uee worthy of aixoptiou t ': 4 ton ay i , ao 1 trier te. 3 all agricultural societies, but it, of store. 'saved the removal of three pieces of 1 h,... Itro--Spring chic%ens, 14 to 13s " '5:kali' on the ander si'le °I.: whieh rtin'etlitiFts‘avinfevroMlus3retattrolinel101uottl; tlfrs. Vita itaalte at .10 laroSvenOr Square, Jesse Ward. an old Iltdi pugilist. fed the other day. On one oconsiott co ,n, , , or Admiral Watson, of t lie Experiments are to be moue in tne rettee states Nraoey, bas ocon grant- State'i with steel Tall‘vaY perinis,sion by the Admiralty to Nish the Davenport mid KeYlloul Eight persons were drowned in the dockyards. Delaware Itiver near Philadelphia in ^ re Yearlings to 10e he found thick growths preasing - • . t 11 a eollieten between st stettiaboat and . . , . +—on. ducks, 10 to 1 2e per lb, gOitist the head, The boy w I gitl" b''' A w '?'alk as a - , - s . A 1111:-IIIA.N'D'S JOEF.. lowed to leave the hoSpital fourteen tX1telne a vcry intereSting ann. in- rt launch, on Knthrtinth fartletiVO eXhibott of the oest voile- Because her busband went to e, doe's later. well and strong as over, ties of.erneses clovers midete sot, baseball game oeeptte ber protest, The Convivial laiShated, addicted to late hours at the eleb. and the Pa - 'TOG PRODUCTS. on, long, dears 8:4 10, '14 e0 ,, ,,,P:,r, but showing a retnalieable difference eittuns. ''''' cara, fodder awl pasture lkil'S, Charles 'deans of lionterery, in ease tots: raer'9 rothrs .s1"''''''''" in 108 resumer, The old sail:new ana iIhtios, turnips, =angels anti Sag'SX LI, 1.00k. POLSOn. As her body fell tit4it wi;fe Waiting at blenne we vt37 ; e tort aut. Si? to *1 ungoaernable temper were gone, and beeto Can prOvided. lly stattlanag to the Boor it atrnelt her 10 month-) lt is not often, 110wever, that 'the ne wits perfectly nnallable tha these plots farmers uittl" learn 411;4 Old ertishiog it to death, , e two statue $0 ainnsineor ae •r4els &no to 15 1- Smo!..en lea - ant , liglit to deelimn, lee; do, heavy "LIC;rolls Ote, 1‘,:lsh.es or fats luOtkter• Tile mind of Leek:sett accliaolflitseaandto 441.1hineitrNi•uarrjrxivtiii,N tiunrles, .10031,1jers. S2 to or; baeos, 3,lei, l.no 00Y hes clearea, and he SeellIti e5-, :7..„._,„ ,......__, .,, ,_ .,„_, -. Ire:tatty bright. It is believed thet bringing home to particulur condi- ' `1,'"aflt.;;;.'s", 1.:`'e t`o"bsi,I2e; ran he will learn rapiilln in achOol and, tions of soil and elhuate the 1 genera Fie ne familiar subjects of everynlaY iito Trrr, ruiRY MAItKETS. Ditit en --Finest -if:. roll°. 14 14 to ldel ordinary to choice large rolls mho 01) for the worthless years. He conclusions arrived ot by the expert -I nuferstands what lins happened to mental farms. In all 'dads of farm I of the Frond: shore treaty. him, and says he is very thankful to crops the .yield per acre may be Ma- th() COUrt anti to the doctor. terially increased and the quality llo will enter special school in: substantially improved by the use of 0 ENER A Id: ••Newfoandlanders 1111011 re n re has capitulated to the 'dissatisfied fishery Interests. abd Will ask moulfication 13 to 15c; low to medium. o.rado.,, connection witli Se'hortridge High t seed which has been graded up by :10 10 1 le: creamery prints, it) to f-lohool, maintained for truonts and cavort:1 growing and wstexuatic. in - one; solids, 28 to 3Pc. backwand students, this week. Tho itneltiorigreunit)tiSoei.lircill.olomn, vceaotraltnoueldea\v%itITIohnist Eime_nese lois are Felling at 1,11 boy lino not been in school for three t 0 1 Se per doeen; FoNauls at VI to Yearft bemuse of his incorrigibility, Zle. Cheese-Salas at 0 1 to 0•,le per lb.. the latter twins, and at the time. he was talon out of school he had reached only the Sec- ond getuld-sthe class of boys eight years old. r-NITED STATES MAIIKr.rrs. 4— SIX JAEN BADLY INJURED. Initial& Sept. 28,-Vlora.1-Strone Wlieat--Spring, 'unsettled; No;: ;Northern old, carloads, 81,31; N't inter No. .2 red in store, $1,20. Corn-- QiPiet; No, 2. yellow, (Ile; No. 2 corn, inn. Oats -Steady; No. 1 white, 35 A. c; No. 2 mixed, 33e. Rye --No. n through billed, 21c. Canal C.',ItIME IN NEW yoax. Citizens Appear for Better Pali Protection. 43 case at a certain do.„vivegle establiSh- meat in. Whieh this incident occurred, A.fter many disappointments thee wife, had extracted a particular prO raise front her spouse, made Ith not a little show of repentant einem-ay, that he would return early from a supper party at the elub. She tOld him candidly enough Chet she had tiot much faith in it, but sweet wo- man is noticing if not forgiving, and an agreement to overtOok the past A Oespetch from New York snvo was sealed eni her lip$ in the uaual fact Cannot be too 800n, br011girt home Aturder:s. highway robberies, hUr.gls'ir-- to the farmers of Caaada, and one , ' manner as the husband took his de - of the best WayS of doing so would i°:" a"d 'crimes of Vicilerli:e Nt3". Vienne. York made suell an appalling record be to have on view at the fairs re - that newSpopers and committees of The wife herself went out for an preseentative exhibits of the great citizens ten making !nettle appeals to end, /lour or so to call on her friends, work being done by members of the oanadian seed flruwers. Association. the itutliorities for better protection, returning, awaited the. Ito The, frequericy such crimes was not emning of her hard and master. Demonstrations or agricultaral pro- Eleven o'cleeh struck and Ito had reaband until the newspapere began se' . cesees are interesting to everyone, not yet appearea; then midnight and to compile and publish lists of such length that the city is alarmed. //ore the wife was still alone. Meantime of thope and doubt, rage and desnain, is the situation in the borough Manhattan alorte, as sunnund up in ihad each in turn been in possession Herald: of her feelings, and finally, in a flood 1 "In addition to the tWenir-tWo of bitter tears, !elle sought the re- fuge of the bedroom. There, in the darknees, a startling sound assailed tier ears. In fear and trembling, with a Shiloh: in readiness she listened agein. :Are enough -it was a man snoring! A Dash Of light as a match, burst into flame, and there, snugly asleep between. the blankets, lay the man she had been waiting for at least a couple of hoin•s! The husband, who enjoys his prac- tical joke, has since been retailing with great relish how, finding that he made a. mistake in the clate of the supper party, he repaired horns; again before his wife's return, and quietly stole op to hiede His better half, ettriouely enough, entirely fails to appreciate the humor of the; story. one. but the operation of a model Boiler at the Toronto Bolt Works kitchen &Ind dining -room, with exhi- Exploded. bitions of cooking simple -dishes and A Toronto despatch says,: About , addresses on domestic science, will Lee weeneseity afternoon otto of appeal especially to the farmers' freights -Steady. tthe tubular boilers in the engine 'WIVES AND DAUGIITERS. St. Louis, M.c.., Sept. ild,o_vheat_. room of the Maki/Melt r011ing, mill That tine children maY be led to take murders since Aug. 1, in which there an intelligent interest in the fair„ have been less than a half deem ar- Doc., at `ninny -ids ,:: loded witli terrible I (14511 151 $4.2..1,".?:,$1..nle41.: all .141; force, budily injuring six of the wore*- t, prizes might well be offered for ex- rests, and e 8° e" ..-- w° cas''s s hibits by school children of cut flow- felOnious a.ssault, in which no arrests ;A/dwarf-1dd, Avis., seot, no.__Amvat men, Part of the building was grains, clovers and grasses, 12130 been male' It was letrned le"' Nor_ wrecked anti hurled ht all directions, ers, -No. 1 Northern, 81,24; NO. 2 t nen, , .2. .' : . roots and vegetables, fruits, preesed authentic recortis outside tile police foul a No. 1 7(3I to 77c. Barley-Nlarge metal smokesteek fell in. For - o. 2, . . . weed seeds, beneficial and injurious and mounted wild flowers, weeds and department that within the same per- iod there have been fifty-four cases of . n 1 R .0_ the boiler lifted from he bed 57e: eample, 37 to 3Sc. Corn -Dee. 53 to 1S -a -e. asked. _ Duluth, Sept. 20.--Wheat-New No. 1 hard, $5.251; No. 1 Northern 81.241; No, 2 Northern., $1.14:1 old No. 1 Northern, $1.14:1; No. 2 Northern, .$1.102; Sept., $1.2,23. Dec., $1,161; May, $1.19, mei e y ni 3/1,, )01 g 0 0130 construntion the force of the explos- ion was confined to the part of the , building near the boilers, and the men in the other part of the mill es- caped. For those at WOlit" near the ; boilers there was no chance of es- cape, and they Were carriedout with the wreck of the roof and boiler, where all the boys and guns may go LIVP3 STOOK: MARKET. more severely than the others, day without coming in contact with Toronto, Sept. 2O -Thio run of The pollee and ambulances were any injurious influenco. butcher and light cattle was fairly heavy at the Western Cattle Market this morning, but again the percent - of poor stock, was too large, and were conveyed to the Western Hos- there v,ele hardly enough good cattle ashen offering 10 supply the 'demand. The The injured Dian -a -on, export trade wae -eeryarm s1,00343121 quiet, owing both as 1,00343121 and' badly scalded to the searcity. of cattle. Trade in about upper part of. body. Fred in Ontario, where the number of sheep and labs Was Oairly active, Jones, compound fracture of leg and fairs seems excessive, 13y adhering to one breed of cattle, horses, sheep or swine, as the ease may be, the stock belonging to the members of a society may be graded up wonderful - /et at a small -cost, but -the habit of ehanging continually from one breed to another must. peeve. fatal to all plans for building up a good, uni- form herd or flock of grades. which is just What the . average farmer ineects anki native woods. These ex- burglary and highway robbery in 1111)115 could be supplemented by es- 'Manhattan and -the Brxonwithout a says for which priees mbe ight of- single arrest. Aired. WliereVer tried this plan hmany o as This does not inclutte Ai proved effective in h inducing children ther cases 111 which arrests ave been made." ' to begin the fascinating study of nature. Every precaution should be taken to have a good clean fair, TWO BRUTAL MURDERS. Terrible Crime -s -Brought to Light in Cleveland. Six were found badly injured, two to spend 'a. pleaSant and instructive • quickly on the azene, noutorg Many agricultural societies, par - Hart, Lynd, Griffiths and Hunter did tieularly in Quebec and the Maritime w'nat they could for the men, who provinces, do not hold fairs, but in. lieu thereof bun and maintain pure bred sires for the use of their mem- hers. This is a practice which might well be imitated More largely and hogs were unchangect and a ealt in tone. The ron antennted to 98 cars, and included 1,26 cattle, 2,- 141 scalded. Alex Watson, George Wood, J. Hall, and All>ert ,Dunfund. Sa.perinten,clinit Jolley And several s13ecp nnd 1 1 s , 1,650 lioo•s others were struck 1,3r falling bricks. anP ea -calves. The mill is. operated by the Toronto Export Cattle -Trade was light, as Bolt and Forging Company. very few cattle. were Q tog. The merket wee .steacly to fine in tone, and quotations are unchanged. The, dement -1 for " good exportcattle is beisk. Moire cattle were quoted at 84,00 to $5.05, 000d -to common at 34.70 to 34.80, and cows at 38.75 to 34. ilutelier Cattle -If anything, there at St. Huleveiseenburg Wednesday- a was a slightly firmer tone to the sudden puff of wina lifted a balloon market for good butt...there, 'For some with a nuMber of'aolditirs hanging litTRI.ED FROM A BALLOON. .rwo Soldiers Inilled - and: .Gix Fatally Injtired. A despatch from Vienna says :- During military ballooning exercises Uinta there have been few of this eines to dhe ropes. Eight 'of the soldiers offering, and the demand fot them were hurled againt a rock, and two has been steady and active. Those of this cl n se. offering to -day wove acid read and at prices well Ip d iS appeared. to quoted figures. The demand fort the poor cattle was light and theyoAHS .olOk101V-T, STARV'ATOON. Were Moly for a I 0, 1)11 t 0 04Pi ' of them were killed outright and six were' fatally Injured, The balloon canY &Teri ngs they WG're a Thirty -Nine bout eE c; ases eportein cleared up towoods the (171 01 day. The tone of the trading nclonOa. a ' Y ear. 1 t he L was A despatch from London says etteic1 . el a t faits all rotted 431 oboist steady- Graotf. to choice al- ittioted at 34,2:3 to $1.60, fair t e An official return shows that thirty - (3 nine of the deaths in .1„;endon la.st o year were due to :nervation. THREATENED CZAR'S LIFE.) Message Left in His Desk Has Created Panic. - A despatch to London from St. Petersburg says a court attendant is authority for the following story: 'A fortnight ago the Car found written en a blotting 'cad of his desk the words, "Beware,' your life is threatened.' 'rho Czar at once or- dered enquiries to be made, in an effort to find the culprit, but without avail. Three days later thenneident was repeated. The conspirator in- formed the Cizar's chief detec3n/0 than" he had nothing to fear, as they were. not lookine for fools like him_ The Imperiol hoosehold is in a state of panic since the oecurrence.". A despatch front (Dovetail& Ohio, says :-The body of a middle aged woman was discovered floating down the river on Wednesday, tightly wedged it a trunk-. The police be- lieve the wcanan was murdered, Later the Coroner examined tile re- mains and 'found that the woman's saint had been crushed. Letters were in the trunk directed to Mar- garet Lyons, 27.8 St. Clair street, Cleveland. :William Y. Lyons, col- ored, was arrested oi-P-euspicion. The police say that the trunk doubtless belonged -to some member of the Latens family. No trace of the per- son noMed`-could 1132 obtained there. - Shortly, afterwards the body of a man was taken from the river with a rope about the neck. His pockets were fated . stones; and the hands were tied together. A 'Isongh' :-.shoremerns Union card ja the name of Alobert Lowery, Colorado, was found Son the body. It is supposed that the man was murdered and thrown in the river. THANKSGIVING DAY FIXED. Ministers Decide on Nov. 17th as the Date. An Ottawa desixiteli says- At TEuraday's meeting of the Cabinet an order -in -Council was passed fixing nnianiksgiving Pay f o r Thursday, Nov. 17. Strong represen ta,tions haa boon 183710 hi favor of selectirq; a Monday for 3130 celebration, but 11lEiilistors decided to stick to Thursday. l/IILY EXPLAINED. A fainnes scientist whose early home had been in a country district bad long promised to visit the scenes of his boyhood and deliver a lecture 13) 31±3 of the funds of one of elle in- stitutions of the place, .:At last he • fulfilled his promiee, and the lecture wasgnN,'Ieallt. Wheits close, lie was convers- l-ng with smit21 of the principal proe - meters of the anair they- warmly congratulated hi114 on tiee facility ' wint which (lie niede his rather, tech- nical matter interes-ting and en:ale to „ his •-soinewlitt-t uncultured atenienee. t. '-013,'' said he, by 'way -of explana- tion', i`Xeinvariably fix myhatt.ention ukn that Member of my audience wl strilies inc as having the least in . aligent face, and I continue to ex - 1 pl,*n any subject enon whieh 1 teueli entil 'I, see by that person's expres- stet that he understands it.'' NI in'ost, directly a f teriv a l'Ll S this leating public official of the little ton came into the rooin and made hi o way to where the scientist was stericling.- '"Sir," lie exclaimed, "you cannot POssibly bellei-e how much real plea., sure you have, given nee to -night. It seemed to MO all the time as if your eens - W'4S never away in-ornine. that you staohe to . ine alone, and that your whole wish was to enalfe me I ' tat- derstarid every word you said."