Exeter Times, 1904-7-28, Page 5V aEG TA qtr. SICILIAN nevver Why not stop this failing of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair., Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer stops railing hair, and makes hair grow. ut">. ntrz e' nu.., MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D„ M, O. tt. P, S, Graduate Victoria. Uni• rervity, office and residenence. Dominion Laocxatpt'y, Exeter. DENTAL EXNrMAI, L. D. S. ANI,. 1?E. A. R. 1.tINSMAN, L. X. S. D, 1}.5., Hopor ilraduata of Toronto. UAivers iy, Dentist,' Teeth extracted without pain er bald after effects. Office in Fan - eon's block, West side of Main treat,' Exeter' D3,A' ANDERSON, (0' 0 S• i,'U-S. DENTIST, Honofi( raduate of the 'Toronto 'University end Royal College of Pcptai Surgeons of Ontario,with bottom Also Postgraduate of tG#►inn,oSchool of Presthetio Dentistry (with leanara.Die mention. Everything kungen to the Dental Profession done da this office Bridge work, crowns,, al- lununtun, gold and vulcanite plates all done in tba neatest mantic uspossible. d for aipess sutras- tly ;berets ss ape stile p teen. (Vi oonnadoor Fpnth of Carling Aro'sstore, TO LOAN llriieate Fonda to luau an Faun preerrlytet Focus and ems half per (crit. ERNE 3T ET,LIQTI' MONEY ONEY TO LOAN We ht►•o unlimited private Node for r ia re QSL ent uuou farm or village property at towel, eto9 of interest. DICKSON ik C ARLING Ve oast on rttr at Nearest. DCKS°;l. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of wa- llow George Millar, late of the 'rosvnship ofleeborne in the Couuty of Huron. painter, de- ceased. ;notice is hereby given pureuantto le, -S, 0., 1897, chap. 120, : that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Wil. harm George Millar, who died on or about the 11th day of July, 1904, are required on or before the 20th day of August„ 1904 to send by post; prepaid or deliver to Messrs, Gladman Staubury, of the village of Exeter. Solicitors for Azatia Millar, Admin- letrtltri:"t of the said deceased, their obrisidan and surnames, addresses' and dtsorptious, Uwe ;full particul- ars of t heir claims,, the s&a►eteer.t oC their accoux►ts and the nature of the secs siies, if any, ]teld by them. And further take notice that aft.:i' small lastmentioned date the said A(llX;iflstr.`tiTix will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the 'deceased among the parties entitled thereto, lltzvine' regard only to the claims of thick s e shall then have series, unsl thnt the said A.dxninigtx•atrix Will not be liable for the said assets or ,any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims pollee tillall not have been, received by her at the time of Such distribution, Glr.'tDeles 1* STANBU1 Y, Solieitore for ea:id Adrttintstralt etncl et Exeter the 22nd, (lay of July 1.90t,, THE & X The Exeter Times t ~ THURSDAY, Tt°L 28th, 1904 GENERAL NEWS. \1'ednt•sdaY. W. Wall, of Ash- field was suntnzone•d before the P. M. by T. McCarthy of the same,. township, for furious driving. The plaintiff claimed that defendant's furious driving upset' itis vehicle, and six witnesses were hard in support cf the charge. At the conolusiol o€ the evidence llis Worship reserved his deelehelt till \'4refdnesday, The Times and the Family herald and Weekly Star will be sent to any address in Canada or the United WHITE—W€CF WIRE. States till Dee. 31„ 190t for 75e, To take advantage of this offer you A very pretty rt:btldittx; must subscribe at once, celebrated on July 21st A very sad suicide took itlace in -10.30 a. xn., at the home' o, .... R T 1 A it S, r7 R> L 28th 1904., Disease takes no summer vacation. if you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter.. Send for free t.ittit,le. scorr & sOWNkt, Chemists,, Toronto, Ontario. Sec, aoci $t.c4).1 all druazists, as Lo'tdoa, July 23rd, Philip F, Rundle of Ingersoll dying from the effects of a dose of strychnine. 1+'our Iriontlt , ego his wife died and de- ceased bad grieved constantly, The ]souse was beautifully decorat. Seven weeks in the Guelph sans- { ed. for the occasion with smilax, car- tariutn resulted in his being dila 1 serious. and sweet peas, The care- ch•eeeed a. rweelr ,zg.o, since t('lticlt tnony was performed be tbe Rey, 11, Mrs. John Willie', Main street, when her daughter, Margaret 'Verene was married to Mr, Francis J. Wickwire journalist•, formerly of Leamington. time be has lived with friends. Ile wigs a prominent cheese merch- ant, a Mason, a curler, and popular with evexyon, Ile. was 1.1 years of Lieense Inspector Robert Hendee son, ;:n old and respeetod citizen died Sunday at the family resideme on Talbot street, London, after an illness of only ane week's duration, Mr, Henderson was both in Mont- real in 1832, and lived for some tune is Brantford and :Faris, In 1852 ht, went to London and was for ninny years foreman in the ;cooper Atop of the late Plias. hunt, In. 187( Mr, dlenderson was appointed b} th e Ontario Goparnn7ent as '11- ense inspeotor, a position which be ad ever since f,tirhtfullY :(n(t effiei- ' fly filled, Alaaesty the King's prize, the riveted: blue ribbon of the rifle voted, goes to Canada. Brivate J. Of the Duke of Coimatreltt's swtz liMee or Vancouver eclat v;^i1. ae sii+tiuction of making lb", lead- ing seem with a grand total of 321 setas►its out et a possible score of :155, he visitor', triumph was a grafi►1 rtise, but is popular. All tb ,idians in camp decorated tlt:ir with maple leaves taken from frees lining the avenue leading o the Canadian hut. Colonel An, out of private fundt+ gaproperties atlow°ratd lel TANDT,lli7t' olicitc#tit, Mehl St. Dater. CARLI Barristers, Solteltottas Notaries, Cleave oncOx1 Cotnmtssionerr. bolicttora for the Moist)r Dank, Eta. Stoney toLoan atlowest ones of interest.. OBOE :— .tLfl7 SWEET, EX,IZTER. seri. ceatLI Q D. i. a;, 1741,10K80 A. C. RAMSAY, V, S. Honor tlraduats Qatarlo \'Ctertnery Cal- Lego; Honorary Fellow in Ontario Veterinary .AsSoctatian. Alt diseases of domestis animal, beleuttficailyHeated. Salk fever treated by the latest oxygen treatment. OFFICl: a One door south of remit hall by6cESIzD h ch, eeecn(1 house north of Pr The Usborne and #libber. t farmer's Mutual Fire Meer ane6 t ouwanu. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont, DIRECTORS 1 Presidents—T. RYAN, IltrliLIN P. 0. Vice•Pres,:-- W. Id, PASSMORR, F+.. . tguna..n P. 0. V. MOBLEY, V w.x.1 t P. 0. A. Noitlus, OnonL RT'?t P. 0. Wm, Roy, 3ORNHOLM P. 0. X. L, ItussELL BBtrssEW) &L 1. P.O. AGENTS. 3. OARMIC xAL'e, STAFFA, ONT. A. DU NC`•AN ` FAR Qtaritit, ONT. S. WILSON, Ya'1JLLAItTON, ONT. +1 OST. 3. S.Cti1iFILLAN, LTlq4, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. MMotiCe Tisanes Taylor, of Exeter Newt wishes to inform the public that 11 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Isis wife, Elizabetl Taylor, after this date. •»Y, ` `. Exeter, July 27th, 1904. leftON COUNTY HOUSE 0 ' E- ll fuge and Industrial Varma.—Ap- plications for the position of keeper and Matron of the douse oteRefugc and Industrial Farm in the County; of Huron, will be received on or be- fore the first day,of December next. d- 1• a' be inwritingand ad- dressed tsons.to ,. t dressed to W. ane, County Clerk, Goderich.—H. Spackman. Chairman of H. of It. Corn. tDd til 18th 1904. ate Male , FOR SALE Part Lot 23, con,. 6, in Usborne, con- taining five acres of land. Good brick house, stable, good orchard and gar- den. This property is a mile from Thames Road Post Oflice,and must be sold to close estate. Terms easy. For particulars apply to Tnt0MAS'' OAafEzz- olv Esq., Farquhar,Po cIIgRlTHO N DURHAM, BULLe Awl for sale. --The undersigned has for, stale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pedigree or eligable for registration Mor aged buil which .is the sire :or the utlt0rts, Sa includted in the crfeiring and has ProPed himself a sure, stock getter.,' He was sired by Riverside -•S;tanxp, 'which did such good service 1 Watt, the herd of J. and, ' W. B W , of 'Salem, and is a bait tpr:other to Star of Morning, recently.l3owned by James Snell, of Hullett, which took firtst •prize at Landon fair and Bold sit hds dispersion , Q ale `for, c 400 Apply„,, on Lot 16, Conee sion2,'Hay, or John ,hl"0r, Flensall P. 0. " AItM FOR) SAL, ..—,An'exeeileotln .16 : harm sof 101 acres situated on a good gravel 'road, half wayt between Giodetliioh 'end''Iducknow,, 1.1'1s4 miles 6'om 120 •od 1 on and a ' un a•nn n d 'ziom 'i , C 6 rrchaol. The fare has splendid build - :fags.. The, r1 lel 3 •x 50 S present there, are 50 acresin crop and 30 acres in hay%. The fences are in .fardclaw q candi ttfan. Never VCr fa itn_ wi ,11, Ic,C cxcelhan,t water, 1 acret3 !(F 4 miles of un d -,r - 'tlutsh, and nearly , u n if 4 .1i1 ' 'i:e Oq.0 , i media r H '.:. 1. n gnu 0 al,r,a, . i , 1a t,rcd. Tie .well ;boa snaps to.the 'quick .lrur.cha'ser: fonfuller Par;, ulars apply to Dr, D. A. Anderson, 'sex P.O. t f NOTICE TO O1 EDIT In the matter of the Estate of Jane Parsons, late of the Township of Ste- phen in the County of furon, Widow deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "Tire Re• vised Statutes of Ontario,' 1897, Chapter 129; that all creditors and others lowing claims agahnt the estate of the said Jane "arsons u'bo died on orabout the 18th day. of March Iflot, are required on or before tho 30th any of August, 1901, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & $tanbury of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executor of the said deceased their ehrlstiau and surnames, addresses anI d aari titti the full particulars of their clainr,the statement of their accounts,and the nature of the securities, (if any) field by Mom. And further take notice that atter such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, Raving regard. only to the claims of %stick he shall then have notiee,nnd that the said Executor will not bo llable for the said asses or anyt ar thereofto F anyperson or. a t neon, o pf whose claim notice shall not have beau recciv- ed by him at the tirne of such distribution. Dated at 1i xeter the 24th day of Tuly,1901. Ql,AAMAN .0 STA:1I3C1tY, Solicitors for the saki Executor. T 1`p 1 rr FROM ].'Iur1TI5- es, lot north 1-2 15. con 9 Cs - borne, on Thursday night, July 21, black nasally cow and 3 yearling heif- ers, one black and: twa red. Any in- formation leading to their where- abouts will ellt be thankfully received by Newton McCauley, Winchelsea. OR SAL] 011EA1',.—At'Ekim,vill , Fa eemfor.tA .fil i1 ouse'•with 2 1-2 ne- ac- res toe land ha.Yin aigoocl;gard;en with a c'hcdoeLvaxdnt'r of all leind(s of frudlt trees and`amall fruit, a newer failing well of t,oe best of water. For^par- tiiculalrs apply, ;tes the', owner, term; M,inerts, Exeter P.f.O. FARM FOR SALE,—Lots 20, 10 .can, and llth con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on the 11th con. and 120 acres on the 10th These farms are under good state of cultivation w•011 drained with good house and out -buildings, thereon al- so fruit bearing orchards . Never failing well the ,year round. For further particulars apply to T. B. Martyn,' Exeter. FAIiMVL FOR SALE.—,The; undersign- ed is o,tfering for sale his ex- cellent fiarmxlob 1, con. 4,township of 11Ml,orne, about; two miles 'from Cen- tralia, containing 100 crs/s of well celtiva,tetl land for farming or. pas. tune being well drained. There is a tree ;bank 'an ,hozus e d good trams barns, twa goad' wells of waterrwith windmill pumps also an orchard with greed.: fruit, .bearing 'trees., Il='ori fur- ther particulars apply on Thai prem- isa., ox to MR. W. 3. CAVES, Centra- lia FA RM If oil, S E.-I,i Usborne township, bomb pail's of lots 17 on the 1:3111 con.,containing 1`25. 18,. g 'e bre • and a acrefi. Buildings are .r storey c barn d }owe half b?'icic,house, Unakb•Lrand ,1 • of horn. Two orchards, bush and is .itu'Lted 2 1-2 miles irons Kirkton, 7 miles from Exeter, and. 1-1 mile from school. 1. Must be sold to close an osLaie. ]"or fur- ther feel t,Pl;r`t') Win Pr.id- itini, t1uost•ldate, Wn1. Baker. -Fub- larton, Excels tors. t A. Graham. , Wellburre cousin of the bride: in the presence of fifty guests, relatives of the contracting, parties. The bride t►•lio was given away by her brother, Will 3 White, Supt, of Immigration Agencies. for the Dominion (government,: Ottawa, was beautifully attired in tinted Dresden silk, tt ielt yoke of spangles and applique, and old lace carrying a boquet of bridal roses and maiden. hair ferns. The maids of honor were her two little neices, eaeh wearing a %Caut.iful pearl ring a gift from the groom. fusee Grate Whit(* of Ottawa, as ring bearer and =flirt? ftrothy \\'bite, of Detroit, as flare,. o i bothattired r girt, tired in s}•itlta silk. `f'lte wedding march was played by miss Mayrno White, of Ottawa. i- ter congratulations were extended the guests followed the bridal party to the dining room, where the wed- ding breakfast was served, atter r "Melt .Mr. and -elm. Wickwire loft for tz trip to. Toronto, .Buffalo, and Niagara Fulls, The 11res'nts be- d upon: the bride and groom were in evideuoe of i.be high esteem, in which they are held by their many friends. Relatives ant friend';; aver, present from Ottawa, Detroit, \V indsor, Leamington, S. Marys, Anderson, Stratford. (:all. and To - route. 11r. and Mrs. Wicksi ire re•- i ur sed from t heir wedding t tin J'u- erson, the commandant of th,. team esday, and wilt take up their tesi- jubilant. Ienc:^ at the Monte at the bride's A little boy nazite.d Donald :Or is ; mother and will be "at haps s" to who lives on Wino street, London- friends after 'Sept, lyt cure near being electrocuted. Ile climbed a telephone pole. going up NOTE AND COMMENT by the spikes driven; into .bit pole When half way up 1►0 stopped to Lord t)umb:maid has Leen nether recalled nor Bugged by the Ianperial Government. (=rant Britain values free speech, and a British subject i( not to be deprived of the right at the instigation of the naraw and spiteful Ottawa politicians. T grasping one of the 0nrgtid ay wires front the street ear lin; tle boy was barefooted, and as 1i ood on the iron spikes, the electric charge pa.sited through him and ha was held fast Ile screamed tor help and his brother climbed the poi. uu1 striking the lad's foot dislodg- ed hint. The little eellow ,droppett CP distuzzee of twenty fat and was sash caught by . persons nearby, escaping Signature :serious injury. of Peter A. Bc1:leperche, at clerk ,in the host office, Windsor, has bean suspended pending an investigation by officials from the dcrartlrint; ear a.t Ottawa. The suspension was the result of the arrest of young Moira a few weeks ago after being caught in the act of stealing a lei - ter from the post office, FOUND ATLAST.tv A liver pill that is sxnall andsure that acts gently, quickly anti thar••- eughly, ?that does not ig'ripe., Lara - Liver MIN possjesseSi these., nuali,tiert, and are a sure cure for Liver . Csm!- ` ti a 'o Sick I .ailz 110 laix>;t • pans t1 n 1 i, I c . c p . P rite. $35,000 IN PRIZES This yearthe- Chnadian \ t _t! Exhibition of Toronto, to be itel'i tram August 29th to September 10,1t will give premiums to the extent o'. thirty-five thousand dollars in spade besides some three' thousand dollars in medals and cups, of which twenty seven thousand dollars will b e devot- ed to live stock.' Particulars of com petition for this handsome gift of money and trophies are given in the good-looking prize ilst, url,ich can be had on application to IYIariager J. Orr. 70 King Street East Toronto The Times and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States till Dec. - 3)., 1904 for 75e. To take advantage of this offer you must subscribe at once. ►• C t Speaks for itself tself bC+t te. Cures Sick Headache. Cures Newts Headache t Neuralgic e Cu res y cur gic S3 adachc itii14:P$ Cures Summer Headache t. ti@ili t Cures }3s Bilious Headache Iketat Cures any Headache• R^ Pleasant Is P snot to Tate ikte +riee Sal Is Absolutely 'e ` , Gives Speedy Relieffie£ a►1sitic:Sells for 05c a box Illktee.rt Samplebox 'sent fr ee 2k1T HERALD 12EMk,D'Y CO. Chicago meant( gr is Kind You Rale Always DIV CLOVER SOD Clover is one of Ontario1s most valuable farm crops. It is .general- ly ,neral-ly recognized by Ontario Larnters to be a heavy yielder of bay. which Inc nishcs a large amount of valuable food constituents. Its beneficialef- fects upon the soil however, do not seem to be eo clearly understood Scientists, who have made a careful study or the influence of clover on t he soil, tell us that faf,ter large crops have been removed front the land the soil is actually richer in nitro- gen after growing clover than it was :before owing to the large wnount of nitrogen cl1 the clov- er roots have obtained from the stir. As a rule farmers grow clover and timothy together, and are therefore unable to ascertain the comparative influence a, each chof these crops on the soil, We have conducted, a series of ex- periments at the Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. on -.three different oc casions, in order to ascertain the comparative value or, clover - and gr.tss sod for crop production. We grew u ore s end grasses upon sep- arateagate plots and removed the crops, after which the land wasilowcd and other crops were sown. The re- butts,..:,tleruf rc show the' influen ce 1 he roots remaining in the soil have upon the productiveness of crops following the clov- ers and the grnszes In 1902 barley was sown after each of four varieties of clovers and three varieties of grasses in four differ- ent places in our experimental grounds. The average results of the four tests in pounds of barley per acre were as follows; Red Clov- er, 1516; Lucerne, 1450; Alsike iR Cloy - es, over, 1427;Mammoth cd 1 er, 1408 ; Meador-, Fescue Grass, 1,- 068 Orchard Grass, 1015; and Tim- othy, 946. It will therefore be seen that the Red Clover sod gave an in- crease, over the Timothy sod of 570 Pounds or neatly rlY 12 bushels per acre, In another experiment which was t completed in 1.)00, in which winter wheat wa s roes etboth clover and ?grass sods, it was found that an • r average of 3IJ4 pounds of reheat; per acre was obtained from the clover sod,and only 2300 pounds from the grass sod. In 1899., a mixture of oats and barleywas sown on cloversod u d also on grass sod. The result was very marked, as an average of 2'. - 256 pounds Of mixed grains s t r acre was obtained from the clover sod and only 1078 pounds of mixed grains amser acre from the grass sod. By averaging ill', results of those throe grains we -Joel that the crop grown on the er o$gave an in- (,'' C10V S in- crease over the crop grown on the grass sod od by fully 56 per cent. The results of these experimentsis helpus te appreciate the beneficial al influence on the soil from growing clover.: 11 also indicates the suit- ability of a properly cultivated clov- er sod, as a preparation for. Winter wheat> or for spring ; grains.' i ttittlftfltiflttftt4ftitt tlirtttf'fttfft+ t o. - ftttttft Pftli7 tart tit tttittttlt!'tttf eW 37 pieces New Wrapperett o sell at 8, 10, 12 pieces New ss Goods to sell at 50, 75c 1.0 25. pairs Lace Curtainsi e to sell at 25, 35, 50, 1.00, 1.25, 1.40, 1.75, $1.95 75 95e, 89 pec Flannelette's to se Cel 7, 0.1=3, 9, 10, Get of otlr' iiIve ware by dea witl New rrivals r 1 POPPLESTONE J E TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. -ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE Dr. William McPhee, dentist, at Ottawa, is dead as the restilt of an elevator accident 1 ur aafter-, ata ac ld nt ori 'lit sd noon. He was in the elevators at' the Bank Street Chambers and at- tempted to get out at the wrong Roar with disastrous results. Ile was somewhat deaf and when the elevator stopped at the second floor to let a passenger out he thought it had reached the ground floor, and ntade a spring to get off as the ele- vator started and before the door was closed. Ito was jammed and badly crushed. Ile suffered a com- pound fracture of the knee. A rib broken and punctured a lung, and he also suffered a scalp wound. He died an hour after the accident. He had practiced dentistry in Ottawa many years and was highly respect- ed. BORN REDDEN — In Centralia on July 9th, to Tr., and `M r Arthur Red- den, 7v Mrs. s. A.r h H den, a son. KELLER. In Hay township, : on Jin 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris "Keller, a daughter. ELOPP — On Zurich road. flay, township on July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Elmor Klapp, a son. HICKS. -•On Thursday, July 21st., lo lir. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks, 5th concession, lJsborne,. a; daughter. MARRIED ielcWALI, ERS —WELD—On Ju}yi °41.h at the Evangelical `parsonage, Sag- inaw Michigan, by Rev. Mr, 13u1 . - green, 3. W.Wa to I 1VIr, McWatters, t .ls to gt , Miss Maggie S., eldest daughter I. W' Mr. I (.11 of enrich. ich. ux r 1x7ICH\ I T' T IT]J.-Tn 1laetcr,, Jul 21 1 4 byv. H. on 21st., 90Rc July e Graham, ofV eIi urn, cousin of e bride—Mr. Francis W' t}s r'de l] ,T 'Wick- wire, wire, to Margaretaret V. White, dau- ghtorof the late JohnWhite, founder of the Exeter . Times. Subscribe e bre lbs,foz the c Ex ter ,tlsnes. Toronto has the reception mood: despite midsummer Beat. and after die 0girt~ of Dundonald and Scholes s intends to take T'r - on . (rr } 11110 8eara rye the Kind Yea Nave Aiw ys Bought - I1 Q• ii Signature „ of dpi , K tis dfi f t11 ltlll Junk Dealers, Main -St Exeter. §d Occupying J. P, Ross' 11. g. ore, one St d th f m •> Gristingand Chopping g . Fromtl Done. g g We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our rain H. Svveitzer oor soil o pay highest Will1 u Nest cash r= price for the following 4 tr ads such 7 all .r. o l as kinds of ;. 4.. -1' SeraP4. Iron • Brass + Copper r+ Zinc Lead °+Fewer + + •si t WHooo e the kne•d• r K' Rags O' Old Rubbers , K Bones •` and . ^1 a 7d I3ott les :I. .Y. 'Y- p ^Y No quantify r # foolarge or e6y'` * Small. t.. i. .:,...x.+4.4...÷+++++++++++++++++÷.:. , 50 -YEARS° EXPERIENCE ENC TRADE' MAtttts' DESIGNS N Oit;rs Anyone sending a eketolaCandYRdeNartHption fla&c.y quickly ae c erta ir our -opinion i ; ,h ether a invention is prat ably patentable. Cec . non. strictly ccnddential'a Patents sek!0.tf7ele. (2tt agency for securing patents. s8cc[s:atoetFtcac avkht trrRRa t►ut A4eCo.rocs recetve `i if i 114. r1{ A hand m ° t o a ,ih sirens t . e is l! rr. e i Y,nr est oar 7 R culatrnn erany aoientttlecnrRal. TeXms, as " gear; four menthe L: olE3 db , 8 « yallatetv6ideslem 36113foadwti York AiaNch eines. (MwW Ti` tn"l.,iyya. :.="etas, 2 . C.