Exeter Times, 1904-7-7, Page 4ROZei llot or for 331uo Ribbon Ten Not neer yr simmering - MUSt be fresh and must boil vgoruiy Then it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from. - Blue Ribbon -take all the good out of it. Let it steep at least six minutes -eight if possible -in an earthenware teapot, and " you'll have the best cp of tea in your life. Ce.yion Te lerele.04 legistrec4 1,00eriork Gregm. 40c. Quid bo Jasle for tbse 1104 X.,oltael. (M. Rec,lerve Beare,: lc RPOS tilltinded ft, f 11 • OLSONS BAN ExmTER they are snot in business for their wattle" but ready to carry all svIto eau crowd on. EXETER OL)3OMW B MINUTES Meeting et the Board held ia the town halL Monday, June :nh,, 191)1 with all untnebere present. The following is the order at the business duly submitted and approv- ed, Per chairman minutes of previou meeting.. Iteports of committees. Ilepairs - That w. c, had been built and night soil removed . Per 11 Boston and S. Martin that the settlement a the nartnoll acct. for wood he left in the hands of the chair. Per 1.1. Huston and W, 3. Carling hat W. e. be painted and sandel under the directions of the repairs commit tee Per 3, Evans and W. 3. Carling tbat the following arcounts be paid. • it prepayments confirmed - 11,, Gould, labor ecet. S30%; Adele- cate winattng, $2.95; W. C. Ruston. light, $0.00: II. Seaekulasn varc sundries, $6.00; W. 3. 0' len, type paper and, express, loc; Teeee, rails. S3.00; W, A, Dalkedi loeets ete, $70.16, Per S. :11ar tin and 11, Unelonstita Tsignation of Mise :McCallum, to attend the Normal School be u' - cep e Per II. Huston and G, Bierett Chit liss Pringle be held in succession the vacancy caused by the resig- tat ion of Miss :51cCallum. Per T Evaos and W. „I. Csrling, the secretary advise :alle; j Iring2efortlto kit and hold. t lie a 11.- 4. 1 V0i*Unoni open for accept anee up to • e °rated by .Act of Parlianterst 1835) : • -• •• •••• '' •• S0 .3,(,010.00 0 ......... ,......... Zi,o00,000.00 • d.. .e. ... .. , 2,E.50.00 0.0 0 : 1 ' Quence, .1seiti-le.edirsubla arei elmitota. Orie xiTEIR laRAINic.:1-1 . ra .?..) a, zeto3* . et, except Saturdeyta r & otos eaeleed or collected. Forme supplied 4 Sett Olt peints in the Pemialea. (treat gee ndnan4 Va. 4 vet f C:ra 06 lowest rate/50 exeliaege, 4 VINGS DEPARTMENT die 0 ana upwards reeelectl. st 4 11, ' 1.11 to prbactral June 2fab. eud Devembe I . Ite 4 1. 1,11 egbeis eurreet ro.ne of Interest allowed. e ers,*teek dealers and business • IA b1e terra& Agents atExeterforDora.(tev * , . . ,40 e re. N. D. HURDON, AinDager. .....**.****+4•44r. The Exeter Times ;atandar for Juna •••• Twat FRIDA fieeerMISAX 10 4 11 18 5 and fi dh' ton1 year by 1 a he uncitaitted a 04 or el,e allowed to go his ow lt way 'Ilte trent al/pointed by lion. Alex. :Sleeken:4e to 'otect Ibe politic ks esigtte Ids office bee 1.1.150 Sir. 0 23 10 ett 4e1**its to tesist . h*ta • Ue *ltd to Parliament 25 and 1 teal fell upon deaf ears," wl less demanded nmuzzled 190t .„ os T Eve', on: en Om „re, THE A U DITO NERAL Is inclined to habitual, constipation and should itee Dr. ilamilton'aihiUS of Mandrake and Batternot which idithful (douse the system and regulate the d ugell stomach and bowels. Por mild and pen_ sure relief use only Drfittrnin on's Pills, Prize 25c, <Alter tment yefiv; eeetre serriet, John Leon:.14 laIditor-Genertil of Cattada, dent. of the Ow., rnuoni, 1/ beettuse the :4 tt,i Ot 111t. TH _ _ _ _ . HE OME PAPER Kusm 4104 centesteJ' lee tit. Ininisters,', anti becauee a bill ha leen introduc- ltev.• gayety. elethodiek Min- ed to render his check' up m the ae- ister of 3.exoptville, writes to the court( Fi iaCfrectiv, press regarding' the "Home Paper" The Toronto New..,, ,Nhes3 editor_ thus; --"l have been led to wonder bow a family n afford to do with - jai% z/re independent in tone, seys ;-- cavisitor. We xneY "It ie well known thtt Mr . Mc- l'ut this weeklY Dougan bns no '0 1rL to L....ova the disperse with 111 12i thiegs end net service. Ile is 'better oualieiea for suffer much Iose but the borne great ly needs the local .11C WS which can anr-tbe-dutits of hie orfien to-dav than be totthered front no other source. ever, Ills ambitioa to (To good work es as keen as when he was appoioted He retired because of the interfer- ence of the Treseney Board. Rath- er Onto ourtail the powers of < the Cabinet commiti co- powersthat ;were not exercised tor thc protec- tion of the public intereet-ao of- ficiol who enjoys the confidence of Let none say "I cannot afford it" when it comes at less than two cents per week, to brighten the home we need tide weekly guest. Next to the Bible, in my judgment, is the newspaper in the home. To be an intelligent citizen we must read it Intelligent citizenship xneans familiarity with the public the conntry is allowed to resign. All nross. The local paper, it lease one he asked V. aS i nerease in hie I idoo tiy and one church paper, should authority sufficion to enable him: 111 bo every home. Let none say „ to check improper end illegal r1y- "I cannot afford it" for you cannot xnents. Ile merely deeired to be pine- .eatford te be 'without these. Many ed in a eosition where he could ex -1 moy //try "1 have no time to read erciso the functions of an Auditor. 4 the paper!, I think 1,VC succeed bet - 110 3'" bc" called tha "'"11:tmllsdog:_°±‘ i ter when we take time. We need the TrenmirY• 13111' le° klicrw the I these papers for our own personal eimile, he has been chained and I benefit, for the prefit oC the borne muzzled tie fir i*vonted many and /or the good of our country!' raid by llis growl. But he tired of iM723 You can depend on Ayer's Hair 'Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it neve tails to do this work o It stops eur failingof the ha'ir, iso. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? °illy hair laded until it vas, obobt 7 ok ln,11to rI toot ono bottle of Ayoi 's ilab Vigor 01.1.010 11. io icirrer darlO, riot, color, 'V our Heil'Vigor certiticly does what yoo Claim fOo' It -A. BuildAV,loolInlam 24 ete0 0 bottle, ",f, 0, eyeet All dm•glrOtl. /4 1. 11` ,c24 1, "er epecial report was laid before Parliament last 1VCCIC showing that the dan:Tdiln Government owns 6,012 miles of land telegraph lines 348 mil es of ca.ble, total 6,390. The average yearly number of messages sent is 96,500, of which the Yukon lines en rrie ti 42,000. 'The expenditure on the Governtnet telegraph service last year was $373,348, and the receipts $132,122. The Yukon line cost to maintein s$242,211, ald the revenue was $113,605. The overcro-wding of! steamers ts now compleined of. One vessel that, hes accommodation. and life preser- vers for 1,500 persons is eaid to have metered New "Vork carrying 4,000 persons, 3,000 in the' steerage. Such herding together is denounced a1. ' ntore than. tintigerous. An, mecl 4 rust),-44esult of. panic from any 14 cause would tnale abortive all the 10.1 -1:410 or:. safety. Thesuggestion j.‘t made to 11 4' en t ine against over- cro-,sMing, the s'atne as against era or typhus. continental ports no 'pro i i n 's made z:2,` 3 s 1 cro.t , and the steamship 1.411 ,1.' SA V 13 Ite .10 3t of July. 190I, Per 11 Huston and S. Martin, that the monthly reports of the principal be accepted with special thanks for t heir complet eness. Per J. Evans and George Eterett tliat the reSpaoizig of the seats in Mis. Dorrington's room be effected Under the tlirections of the repairs ran/11 (ee. and thst the cleaning of he school he done under the antler - vision of the grounde and sanitary committee. lights as recommended hv the at that the epplteattori of Mr, ioraus for leave of absence be granted with, the honrd's best uishes for the en- joyment of hie trip. and safe return Per H. Huston and S. Martin that the school re -open Tuesday Sept. 6, at 9 a. in.: Per 11. Huston mni V. J. Carling thnt the inspector's report be ar- eeptd. Per 0. Eaereet and J. Evans, that the leashing, reealsomioing and painting of ceilings be left in the bands of the repairs eOttainittee, the paint to be of sono, soft, light color. Per W. J. Carling and S. Martin that 11. Huston secure the prism lights as recommend edby the in- spector end also have the window or one room fitted oith ground glass as suggested. Per If. Huston end W. ,T. Carling that the fees for the commercial department be uniform with that of the, Iiigh school sections viz. .$10 ten dollars per annum. Per W. J. Carling and G. Encrelt that the sttlary of the principal be right hundred and fifty dollars for the ensuing year. Per 3. Evans and S. Martin that ilueSteachore', cheeks be issued on Per W. J. Carling adjournment. S. GRIGG, Sec -y. UE 1)BSERVES PITY TIMES, JUE 30th, 1904. Huron Blyth has a curfew bell which rings at seven o'clock on Monday, Tuesday Tbursciay tt.na vrithty even- ing of each 'week. Ministers Leweeers, Teathere, and ethens whose occupations give but lite tie exexcise, ebould, use'Car tees <Lit- tle liver Pills, rex: terold liver awl bidioesness. One is a dose. Tr e; them. The tnartiage of Maude Fisher; ofd Clinton, to Miss Bessie Piekard, of gelmesville, was solemnized on Weil, ueSdaY.o bst week, Mr. and Mrs, Fisher will reside in Goderich. The supplementary estimates sub- ntittee to the lionee of Commons last week contain an item of $1,600 the extension to the south pier a Bayfield, to complete payments. Axe free frem all crude and irritating matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's 'Little Liver Pills. Very smell: very easy to take; oo pain; po griping; no punging. Try them. The grocers of the town of Goder- ch have unanimously agreed not to eke any orders for delivery after $.30 o'clock on Seturday evenings. I Tins will make it petoeble for to get Mr-McLuhlen Inn her thunhter I Miss Madeleine-, arrived Monday ' night at Goderich, from Berens Riv er, Man, where the late Re. J 444, elelotelfhtla wts' engaged in utiseion le among t he Indians tent il his ented death last year. ,ozupt reliel u sicirilictulaeiw dize rwesnaneett, VOustkintion, p tin tlttside, gmenanteed tol !those using, C tees Little Liver Pills, One a lesSmell eerier. Small doee. Smelt The ;,1 eek, petve at the Methodiet oarsonve,Wingli,an aahe 30, by Rev. Dr. Wendy, of Mr. 3. J„ Denman, commercial t reveller, of Illuevale. and Miss 'Frames Ann. daughter of Robert Yeo, o Turn- herry. re4silgtsnsetritt,r sehool, in seetion o N. 3, Patte riiart, who Colborne, and who intends taking a trip to tbe :North-west, was present- ed by her late pupils with nit es. al and a purse containing it, bend - some seem ot gold. Jobn LeMont ahighly-reel/Wed young fanner living near Brussels was accidentally killed on Ttleaday while working in the hush. Lamont in company mith his father and three other men were using a large spring pole, which, wets over -head, when, the pole gave way and fell full Welqa on the hock of Vittiont's neck. causing, instant (tenth. IR. mae30 year old and unmarried, earlier closing. Iris suffering front sciatica was so great but thanks to Nervitine, he was cured. "I suffered for three years from scietica," writes E. S. Jen- kins, of Portland, "t/nd no man ever suffered more. 3 spent a small for- tune tn different remedies but the only one with real merit was Ner- viline. I used a few bottles ofNer- viline and was perfectly cured. I can xecommend Nerviline es a sure cure for stiatice; it's excellent nlso for rheumatism and neuralgia. Try Nerviline, 25e, at all druggists. W. C. T. U. Notes The next regular 'Woman's Chr- istian Temperance meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Jones, on Wednesday, July 20t11 at 3 o'clock. Wre cannot nurke much im- pression in the way of relieving pov- erty in our midst while intemper- ance is unchecked if. we find a house where the children are half clad. where the coal is bought by the -basket, where there is never any certainty about the next day's meal the chaoces are that the father of the household spends part of his Wages for strong drink. The slum 'is the offspring of the ealoon. If the billion dollars and over which the American people are spending ann-ually for intoxicating drinks should be expended for food, and clothing and fuel, poverty in its most distressing form would be an- nihilated from among us. MIMEEIMILIMMI.11,1110RIMPORIVI Itching Skin Distreea by day and night - That's the complaint of those who „are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Itheum-and °a- ward applieations do not cure. They can't. The, source of the tt'ouble is in the 830311-'1.1880that pure and this seal- ing, 844rnin.0,, Robing skin disease will disappear. "I ',vas taken with an itching on ray arms proved Very disagreeable. I 00001ude.3 it was salt rheum and bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days alter I began taking it 1 Celt better and it WAS not long before I was cured. Have never bad any ikin disease since." MRS. InA E. WAIO, Cove Point, l‘fd. Hood's Sarstv3arilla rids the blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions. SUDDEN1,4),7 .VITAC1,E1„). (atilt:ironl aro often1,5,Ltuagetar tacked by painEttl and danger ous Calle, Cramps DiarriMee., Dy... watery Chelera Ilttorbets, Cholera in. fantum, etc. 1.1r. Fowlers ItIxtreet ,of Unid Strawberry' is a prole:tat; and Sure +cure which slleuld nlways bo keel.; in ile,ho,use4- Perth Mr. Robert Berry, ot. Illattetterd, warden of Perth county, sold a fine two -ye ar-old heavy draught filly to „Tomes Deletion, of Dom nie, the other (ley for the handsome sum of $21$0. kssentiall lungeheali ng rinei- i1 of the pine tree has finally' been succesitully separated and refined in- to to perffeert, cough Weed's Norway Pin Syrup. Said iby all dealers, on a gentrautee orsatisfte- lion. Price 25e. A very pretty wetlding took piece on Thursday, June 10, at St. Jot eph'S Lutheran churcloSebringville, when Miss Ida Soloing, youngest daugh- ter or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Suhring, was united in marriw.ce to Mr. etre J. Bald, of Fullerton. D Den's Kidnefr•Pilei•aot on I lie kid- neys; blAder .ened urinory ongans only. They cure ibuoitaohe, weak back, rite- /time:clam, eliabelLes, congestion, / in- flammation ,gravel, 13rightes diseaee and 'all 'tather diseases arising from evtrong artion of itho klidnyes and R. T. of T. in Council The attenclance at the veal -annual meeting for Huron Distriet on Wed- oesday last from. Clinton was some- what smaller than usual, owing to 11 confusion in dates in the notices sent cut, but the business elearaoter of the meeting was equal to the best yet held. F. G. Neelin, of Sea - forth., District Councillor, presided, and in the absence of the Distriot Secretary, Mrs. Crittenden, oi Blyth, James Mitchell was appeinted pro - tem, Iii his semi-annual address the. District Councillor dealt Ivith sev- eral matters oft interese to the Or- der and the cense of Temperance generally. His address \VaS, referred to a committee for distribution, and then the council adjourned for din- ner served in the nixte-roonas of the hail by the members of Clinton Council. On reeuming business the Com- mittee reports were preseuted as to', lows; Report of CQUI. en Distribution I Inasmuch tm the letter of our Distriet Secretary seems to intimate that she cannot perform the duties and as on active secretary ie. impera- tively necessary irk the interests of this District Connell, we recommend that Sister V, M, Watts, Aset, Seo., be oppointed to conduct the work daring the balance of the term. 2. That the advisability ot again urging uten the Grand Council the Memorial for direct payment of tbe District tax to the Dietrict Comicils for whom it is raised, be again eon- eitlered by this District Council. a. That the question of Tempe time in Politics s sug'gested by OW DiStriut 041111410rebe submit ted o ft speciel eommittee consisting of the Dist.. Coun, Treas. johnst on and Sieter .1. That the question oi .ette of- ficial visits of the Distriot Coun- cillor be referred to the Com, on State of the Order; 41zul the 'neuter of sermons on Temperance to the Committee on Temperance work . The report was ettoptel tie reed :le 1' full discussion, eport of Com. en Order. 1. Vour CoMmit ve 1 tIiev t hat t Dist ric Councillor i.hu1d vieit every Council in this District at least once during the present term, and euggest that he notify the Select and Vice Councillors and Secy. of each Council of tbe time of bis visit and invite the officers and members ot neighboring councils to attend with him on finch visits; in any case where the officers of a neighboring Commit attend with the District Councillor. 1. he necessary travailing expenses of those eo-opeeative be lead. This report Was adopted the Dis- trict tax to remain at two cents per member to meet the expenses or the work proposed. Com. on Tonoteronee Work. 1. This committee helieve that a( lee s t t wo t el perance sermons should be preached during the year ley each clergyman in the County, and we re- commend that the S. C.,'Wice Couto and Secretary of etch Council be a committee to interview t ha clergy men in their section to that end, and to make such arrangements as may be deeme(t advisable where consent im given to so preach. 2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to each clergyman and to each Select Conn., or to the Secre- 'netry to be read in the Council. 3. Your committee ask ibis Coun- cil to consider the question of having a big Temperance Rally gathering or picnic at Soule central point, in the near future, to which some prominent speakers would be invit- ed. Claueee 1 and 2 were adopted as read and clause 3 referred to the an- nual meeting in jewelry for consid- eration, the sentiment of those pre- sent being unanimously in favor of the proposed oathering, Lett the ina- Mr. and IVIrs. Chas. nogg, Witlder st., St. Marys, recently celebrated their silver wedding. Relatives and friends from near and far assembled to do them honor and to participate in a celebration which will long be remembered. by all who ever° priv- ileged to enjoy ite There were many presents of silverware and other or - tides, both costly and beautiful. Mane, people say they are "all ner- vets," easilly, startled or upset, ilyl worried 'an d irri tated. Xehilburnes Heart and Nerve Pills are jest the remedy such people require. 'They re!store Tierldo thtermony of the, ner- ve centres end give new nerve force Lo sha,ttered nervous systems. Mr. Frank Markey, sr., woodwork- er with C. Richardson & Co., St. Marys, metwith a. mishap on Sat- urday forenoon. While passing the blacksmith's department he acciden- tally tripped ovee some iron work on the floor and fell heavily, strrik- bis head heavily on a piece of iron which Ieft him prostrated for. sev- ernl minutes . Besides the head bruises he was also bruised on his side. WHEN YOUR APPETITE PAILS. Andy it makes you dizzy to even, think cf. ea Ing, you need Fcrlipzonc the greatest ol: appetizin, Tonics. Tt builds up the whole body, the taste becomes aware of neW flavors in food yau never noticed before. A relisii and alter -satisfaction in eating, is another result from Ferrozone which improves the digestion ttrid converts everything eaten into nour- ishment for the blood, end brain and-'= nerves. Just one Ferrozone tablet after meals, easy to I ake and pleas- ant. Try Ferrozone, Price 50c, al„ druggists. 1Inder the provisiom of the 01L014 103 Jildge 100111..str,,,1 has 0 rit±; the deportation of Icertain "United States Fill rtioyerh, amp\oyed in tbe ' survery of the Gletna ',erunk P 46111 /1 Miss Nettie Blackmore, Min. neapolis, tells how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by tak- ing Lydia E Pinlcharn's Vege- table Compound. youNG wo.vzx : --I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark spots before my eyes, and at my men- strual periods Isullered untold agony. A member of the lodge advised me to try Lydia E. Pinle-ham's Vege- table Compound, but I only scorned good advice and felt that my case was hopeless, but she kept at me until I bought a bottle and started taking it. I soon had the beTt reason in the world to change my opinion of the medicine, as each day nay health im- proved, and finilly I was entirely with- out pain at my menstruation periods. I am most grateful." -NETTIE' BLACK- mOEE,_502$8 C00nentral Ave., Mine a polls, Minn. forfeit if original of abouc lotto. prourng genuincness cannot to produced, If there is anything about your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. PinIcham. she will hold your letter in strict eonfidence. She can surely help eou for no person in Alla eriCa Call Speak trom a wider experienee in treat- ing femalc.1118. She as helped hundreds of th0118a1.1, of women 1.Iba,ek to health. Frer address is ' Lynn, Mass.; her advice is free, The, Mud, You Have Always 13ouglit, and which has bee; in use foe over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under bis per- sonal supervision since its infancy* -AilowliQ one to deceive you in t-145.* All Couaterfoit,;, Imitations and. 44 JuSt -as-goodIP are but li'experimente that trifle with axul endanger the health a Ltaluts, noel Child'een.-1.,Pxperience against Experiment. eter YVhat is ASTC)RIA a harmless substitute for Castor Olb rite, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It es, Ileaennt.It BeitIner °Blum, Morphine zor other Naroetio Itzt Is its c'n'iantee ItileStrOTS WOrlISS tottni. etilays VenerisisteesS. It cures Diarrhoea and WWI relit, -v es Teething Tronbles,, ewes Cleustipatiert Nataleney,. It assimilates The Venda regulatfe-s tho t40)1.1.( 1), ;lad Dowels, givimr healthy and natuxa1 sleep* Tho ranacea-The 'Mother's Friend, MIME CASTORIA ALWAYS earn the Signature of The KM You e Always Bought Use For Over 30 Year NW:MAY 71T41 VCIPtt CITY. nts will be nethino• to their ad vantage Gy writing to The Diabetic Insti tute, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C. NOTHING TO PAY1 jority favored *.Dominion Day as the most suitable and convenient foe a large attendance. Itro, Thos. Nand gave a retort of 11.15 at ten dance at Grand Pound', for which he received it vote of thanke. After the passage of some ac- counts. the report of Dist. Treas. Johnston was read and adopted as follows; Bal. from January report-- $ 5 8'. Reed, from 'Dist. Secy11 15 " " Grand Council, being District tax collected 11 90 $28 94 Expenditure -bills just passed, 0 130 Bal. on hand ,,.,,,..1222$ Exeter was select ed as the plate of holding the annetel meetingin 'Jan- uary n05, and a hearty, vote of thanks was tendered the members of Haemony Council, of Clinton, for their generous hospitality in enter- taining the District Council. Adjournment followed, and after again feasting on the good tables 'Provided the delegates dispersed to their homes. CATARIIIIAL 1)EAFNESS CAUSED By. a thickening of the lining mem- brane of the middle ear owing to pro longed inflammation from catarrhal germs. The only cure is fragrant, healing Catarrhozone, one which is carried by the air you breathe to the remotest parts of the throats and ear. Tt reaches the source of the trouble and cures deafness per- manently. Every sufferer from im- paired hearing should use Catarrho- zone which has effected many, wond- erful cures. You simply breathe its healing medical vapor, -very easy and pleasant. Do this and your hearing will. be restored. Catarrh - zone. never fails; it is guaranteed. Two month's treatment; for $1.00 at druggists. TORONTO EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST ' A copy of the prize list for the Canadian National Exhibition lo be held in Toronto this yea6rom Aug. 29111 to Sept. 61211. has been, received. It is an exceptionally handsome and well printed production. The cover is in three colors and tastefully em- bossed. All'the classes are 1118e13r ar- ranged, and the executive are pleas - cd to 1.13r that the greatest care has been taken to have the rules, regu- lations and conditions explicitly Set forth in clear and unmistakable lan- guage. There are no fewer than 250 classes covering practically every in- dustry known to Canada that te worthy of encouragement, and call- ing for $35,000 in prize money. Tr/ several departments considerable changes have been made and the premiums addedto. A new .art gallery and a administration building being erected and im- provements made to the grounds. The famous El /Ole Wtttch Band, by gracious permission 0 11 iS',lRjl'sLy the King, and of the colonel and officers of the gallant old "Forty- twa," 11414. been engaged and Will play thVee times each day during the entire period of the exhibition. A number of other decidedly super- ior attractions have also bee -a 11r - Buggies Buggies! Do you Want a au ggy We have Uri finest stock in town. il the latest atyles, in the newee olors. Our prices are low as can be founl for first-class material and workman. ship. BEFORE VOU BUY CALL fiN ID SEE US. J F tsseII Two Doors South Toyer Popular Stallions • Cks Metssrs, Bawden & Mcleonell'sdifor- onghlibred Shire, Clydesdale and Hack; ney Stallions wiU stand tfor the im,-- eericeve•raterte nf betook this season at Lhe,Lr,;own. stables, Exeter. CANONGATIr No 10521, ceydesdolee at their OW11 dAble, Exeter; S15 to insure. IVLOULTON WileLIAM Shhinea. beautiful grey, will, inland at their' s,ta:bles;Enetleize $15 ;etc/ in- - Isti'13713LLER, No. 7332, a thhoroughbrede, Hackney Stallion, will stand at, ,thleit- stm:bilo, mvElN,1‘ toer, $11titige toirn:Ture sr. :13 A WDEN & 133cD0 NELL, Pr op.. ranged for. All ogether, therefore, - I he Executive feel,,justified in prom- ising that Toronto. ' Great Fair, 1904 will eclipse 1.11 predecessors. Copies of the prize list caui be had on application to T. 0. Orr, Manager,. 70 Rfring St. E., Toronto. THE LADIES FAVORITE. Lnsa-Liver Pills are thelaelifes,fav- - medicine. They mare eolestinale I ion, Sickheadache; Billiousuessand ilyspep,in will/out griping, parging or sickening. 25e. pays for the Times till the end of 1904 -for n OW Subscribers only. Ete 1114C3111Elt. X 13081.e tee 'NO Kind Ybe Have AlWafS Boighl Signature of e,