Exeter Times, 1904-4-7, Page 7FOR 'NERVOUS BREAKDOWN BIRDS AND ANIMALS WORH CinteES ON III..1-MANS. 'Parrot in an Imbecile Ward -The Dog in Lien of a Doetor, ' Dr, (neon-, Commissioner of Lunacy recently reecinunended the placing of parrot in the Imbecile Word of the Redreth Workhouse Infirmary, and the other day the tuaster of the workhouse informed the guardians that one heel been givea him for that purpose. A SPRINSSAGE. *4,4.009 To All Who Are Weak, Easily Tired. and ont Sorts, Spring should bo the most joyous season of the yeer. It is the har- binger of sunshine, and birds and flowers; it breothes of freedom. and out-of-door ille. But utifortunately, thero art thousands who cannot en- ter luta the spirit of the seaseei; Close confinement during the long winter moieties has lot them weak, dispirted and oppressed; the appetite is fickle; the blood, is ebeggish with impurities; the eyes lack the bistro of health; weariness and lassitude h taken 1 UNDERGROUND LONDON. 1 How Five Hundred Miles of Sew - 1 ers Are Managed. 1 The average Londoner is possibly , unaware that fleetly 500 miles of sewers we siteated beneath. Ina feet and this includes enly the large sew- ers, eeveral of them. so large that number of boats could float down them abreast, seers Tit -Bits. Awl some idea of the enormous east, of' draining Itondon may be, gathered froia the fact that the drainage works and machinery alone oest $40,- 000,000 sterling. The three main sewers in the Met - The idea is hegissing to Pre/7411 "87' 1111°' is ilee(leti lit` thin nenn" Hampstead. from Blackfriars to Ali- one of many hundreds in Prince Ede amOrf;fst Amami men ',hat the chat- by such people is a healtberenewing, bey mills. owe iron), Darrow to old ward inland win, nano been rescued ter oi these birds exertiees a pecul- blood -making tonic -something that iarly ber.eficiel effect in cases ol nor* will send new, rich red moon. enurs_ Fore. Ceeneeted with these WO P. irorrk eltronie sickness, and made volts breakdown, and noe A few inn, thrown, ti,e veins tninx hri rut.. JOOltitild0 Of OgUaler solvers rimasur- sound end well by Dodd's InieineY neure"--if cure it can Ix ce'lled. wealthy patients are tryiro-, the new „anertsda to ctiteenaremzia_Le,eatitrion.m, anraeti.te. imlIknebLolo'tn41.2n Toeepte. 107. idllim-o'bleelsetr...(4%.avlilloelld g111411ds•to sarary. f'svaenlaTim, twohrotbies raelnaweaon; gtv'f3 th3 world naany thrnIlleg stories cities in the world. that, did so much xor Iii.m. relates ilis of courage, and many of clever stra- p; pies An-tot:get them is nir. Russell Sege. and eruptions, tagem as well, One of the powerfel the Nese York Bauiti-militonoire, who In all the world there is nothing A thousand men are emoloYed all experience as follows: nobles of the olden. time was forced. has perebese4 0, iosirplitineot tod-aon_ ,enn do this so effectively. awl so nine year vOUlizi, 110t Oven excepting "Ingsr and dditely rbeascliflvw.witaits urliineaavryY, to tlee frririt MS eseillY is haste' 11° green tallieng spekimen, which he bee norm/gel), as Dr. Williams Viet: --netaae-S, in keeping- London proper-, lifti hid in a barrel and was borne away bad wing up in a cage in his lib, pins. ,,t,e1,x, dose createe new biome, TY drained, anti the stunentions total and Riduey troubh) that left me in a., by sennaats. who, laleetinX the etieneY, rary. The bind was both mem:amend- strengthens tee earaes, and ki p_buitaa or L000,opo„ooa tons a sewage is veny weak state, and at times I got ineelaren that the barrel contained ed and cbosen le.y the fondly physi- e. tee whole body. leere is a bit ef chemically treated every twelve eo weak that I almost fainten, end feed. "If flier° is anything living 1 ciao. Dr. Munn. It cost Ave lams ' stls.ong proof. given tw Ate. John plenum min talene away in sludge could seracely bold ep, it there will be blood on my nwerdnz dred dollare end, its attester declares Burito, of Emotion, P. E. L who vessele to the North Sea. It might "'Alter trying enverel ether niedi- 6341 0-1° '1°T°IctI1".'s else4IY" "93 time it has already doe ? l -- - - -.1.14 tiv0 ,saYS-e--"I was loft an almost hope,. be senposed" that, the occupation le,•eines witheut relief, i condoned thatenthrust his weapon into the barrel. It million dollers' worth of good. less wreck- hn an nttnen oi Plieument, an unhealthy one foe the men elogege it was a Kidney Peas' I had. and , went through the bidden =VI'S lee „There can be no rensonnble doubt la, uty nerves were, almost. paralyzed en, but this is not so, as the sewage Would find the cuire ill a Kidney rem- he, maede a !en-1We .1v0444" , 13. jUrtOS as mite and bruises. and to gaining my health. Ary wife urged from Animals how to treat such in- cellent dector I found I wee not re- ebis day Oe Australian aborigine; me to try Dr. Witlimus* Pink Ville. teat, men 'mann oniginallY nave learnt and though under the care or an ex- ie treated with protopitoephate or ,e(1,.Y. end decidecl t Dodtrfl ied,1:140-'b.'7;41:10t; tc,lbseictilemtiltlor Tut; wwwillepluent ar dd be it was drawn t im tnet it wen w.iten wounded; bean niunsernienn of and I nave reenOte to be thankful I withal.; n s net diseoverett his dog la lieu of a LIOCICtr* WiliR took her edvice. for nutter this RESULT ALL THAT COULD BE ASKED DODD'S ICIDNEY PILLS CURED STRAINCAUSED BY HEAVY LIFTING. Wiliam Share= Tens ef His Fee - carious Condition, and, Hap- py Release Front It. nturray Harbor South, rxj, ail (Special).-Williatta Sharam, $4. azDUCES PZNSZ $51000 ReWard 12e!.Bbe P4ittlt/ells eirnited, Toronto, to any person who :an preve that this soap contains 41rty form of adulteration whatsoever, or conteins any injuritius ehemieelee: AA. tor Aloe Octagon linerere JAPANESE COURAGE, Tile little men of Japan who have dared to face tbe Ressian bear can iron and lone water, winch clarifies it ,ney Pine, as ie pusses to the great reeervoirs *The result as a ready to be tanen away, asized, 1 neell ten beeee Dining ft, wet mintier the pumplug ican now ettion' nnnnt s nutehinery whieli draws way the rain ilieing disturbed as iteretof water might. be expecten to be very 'old troubles vrere baton -Led.' Dorld'a Kidney Pills cure all Rid- ney ill,e froin Backache to Bright'e Ingres°. and My Perfedlef Seve411, f% don treatment ray system. has been bunt for fifteen or twenty lunettes an a time, wbite the faithful Mote Indus- triourly licks tpe hurt clam of foreign sobetenees. The motioa the tongue has a MOST SOOTHING EFFECT, Wherever rattle-snanes Abound up and 1 eine again well and strong." , hertenly taxed., end the B9Wer3 also: If you Arm at all auwoll give Dr. but beside there being a number Of Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and see storm channels which are only uttlize now speedily they will restore enni ed when the volume of water in the to health end strength; but yol4 main sewers is abnormal, t110 pump - ion inexhinety at Abbey Mills Alone .111t4St get the genuine. with the uU 11.44fl0 "Dr, Williams Finn Pills for •-countries in which leprose Is also oa Uzn rrapper a; mind prevalent, the teener bcurrent teat each box. noid by medicine dealers tbe Into of the leptilo n emstion is or sent by rnall ae 4.10 gents a box not only non -injurious to 1ereous ine1' ISiV• b"e3 fQl" $450 irn writing '-etez.I with that dread eompleint. the Dr. Williams Menicine Co., that it in soree win- actually Brockville, Ont. Pain • bevel ea14. Dr, t deli/aura, 4- eeilien scientist, nee mated this coTrreN 'Tau wolt4o caretn investig The iide•eeting otory co acenred preset( by (1 th • 4 t out of pine wood. The method is avattia. Viet exptentnente aro iz. a e ere to unonifiteture cotton o 1 that lne leprous noe of the Mtt6r41'0 Nero in /educe to 011, %be wood to the line‘t Layere to aeiten ageloilleal by fullegrown aver process for ten hours. 'Inta the !taint cif allowi thenteelves to pon nee, teen to submit it, to "rattles." 8141 anith retits pulp tinte obtained is then plunge:I nere, at ail events?. 140t. Vibe:tenet-el. a eolie ha.te en. it mays 10 ;ale peened the poison Clout the hind or' cellulose. to weirli a, re-, 'rho nonsins onni to convey I Innun"An inn menus of 41 grainarY ;and geletine. Then it is dreeen out stodge to tbe North Sea are not Invr° 3nnoltn nnrinflo to ninety select- and eneaugled by unnehinecy. T1..0 any meens the bullet one ntinht, exe e I Ifeeftee lWL'UlS. proeesn i t t b „ . poet to find enpaered in Ile work. s said no o e teeoeneive Tne results woe fel Par ewoureging and it is thought that it thin'eotton They are luxuriouely fitted with cosy that the novel treatment s novv be- non be made oi pcactic 1. epartmeets for tile men caul lighted ll'gceetemetietilv puranel 4 • . • brAlt rtt will be independent USe ..,11rOp0 • I IV` leper asylum at niolchei. in the India, ;rho illumine forests of leirge carries 1,0tM tellS of sludgih. of Anse:lea and thromthout by electricity. Each S.eriwich Ielands. and at that nup- seaneinavia ann Germany wouto fur, owl When fifty milen front the coftet by our own floverraient at aish nenple material for her "eotton" the Cargo disirileiten over armt liben Cape t'olely. lie EMI. caught a number of the tele- ra In thtis tort"f r d g1.4:1 and admildsteret le ennui- vistant quality is given by alleins oil in'oepable of lifting 185.00(000 gale lone a water to a height of 40 feet every day, whielt in other words, im- plies that London could, never be de- stroyed by floods. At parkin, wit/To the sbulee15 dealt with, there are fourteen sew When a you ovor stope t Inge fteretu,:gie 'HE....'"FEDERAL LIFE: ASSURANCE. COMPANY OF .CANADA. TWENTYennOOND ANNUAL STAT mgNen The twopty-zeet7Ad iikktoug roo,ouog tif tbe sham:100ra tb. Aiesuraneo (Am:wally of Canada was bein at the bean orLiee tno y la Halainten Tuneday, March 1, pre4oier.t. ar. Davin De the eheir. The following reports fend Ibealacial statement Wenn altninittnn illifiECTORn* REPORT. Tour directore nave tie* honor to preeeet the report Ann feline! etiltdoorlYtb4nerf4a'ifir et4sed al 31st 1:121°"2 Tbe new business et the year corteloten of one ttonsend itn-senen, nninneations for nesuraueet, egnregating nin$41,114 nett hundred illtd SiNfearl applications for $2,70,172,50 were ateCerlef 4k3 Previ'Qua 'ear, the ineeme of the 041311Mni CillQw ninti et and the aneete tbe coo:teeny heve been Inerex5ell, ve Tarr readled QX011,141re, of guarantee eepita TIte seeurite' for penny bonieM tnelunling guntniinen ennatnt, cleeer of the Year to n3,763,00.70. awl the .i:nbilittee for reeervea and endintntg claims, $1,711,e00, showing atirlphilS Of $1,0511.760.70, ilusive 0 =ilea l'ilifiroAteil the eurplue te pelfey holdera was $1$2,7611.70. Foliclen nevelltY iiVeS 11QQ3MO ClaiPS tttlOugh death, to the 4=4114 Oft 30,234 02. of wioich- $3,00 was reloeured in other eonipartlen eaeb dividends ead divinende applled to the reductiOn -of prtnii $41.770.$71 with litinoultiee. the total payments to policy notPrg g_711Q4iiitc_ SZaCr4rilfil4elttexetiOn kr; been givea to the inveetment o1 th ads, in firsnelaes bond, mortge.en seettritien and loeue en oUei arnDly Uncured by reserves. Our inveettnenea nave ed -Refectory rate of interest, Eepensee bave been vont:led to reeeonable ceneiSteet wit fforte. ler new buses. no results of tbe year indleate a most g ess. COM9 the pre!ealing year, the fienree enbmitten 4likoW OcIYAT,P e$ a Millen per enet, ofe; for you The afletnenceer, earrien ny the eeMpeny now at ult. to; St4n441.50. widen tne vor'any beide ree-ereee is the fell etnennt 7.Pluhei by lave. own, lfl additien thereto, n eeneenerablee alrplu3 The field oUleern ern onerds of the cerapany nee Intenneeet entl doyen and I'Oentitiel to :noel; erenit r4r their able represententan en the everneene's eons. TIO iiterintent of the *Zee releZ nave Wee proven initheet in tno. Paure eertieen. " inneetere regret to reeort neatie a mt., T. U. nnaerenernnu, th 'Iclnan4Inoerythttetlatneantagi. avna4n;netle;I:toliti West ietieerootifotlabei;linteriler DAVID DrnnTilit. Pr' dent and n'inerigtag Direfeor. AuDiTons, nzPowr. el Direetere a tho red.erni um A:Mt:rano. n'ornetany liavs eerefnlly audited tbe bcohe end reconle of Your yer lug ;net December lest, anti nave certifiel to their and Jour al vetichere liana been y axe ed. andzo ism* e lutaturea, bonds. ete., in the. nese:me:Ion r recorded. hcfln „I, whilst those deilOSited Willi the Gevernment bitate.e,„: bn by 4T:talent*, the total agreeiefr, with tbe einem nowin I.n the .ofstaneete, ying statements, viz., revenue end nozel be year's operntione, and, &BO, the nuaucial p2Uon it' the • 012, arch, 101-014..S. STEPHENZ, CHARLES STIFF. Audi Reopectfully eninnittel,„ • Finaneial Stetement far 1033, urn end annuity ineonze ......$48.7.931. 17 t et and rents ... . . .G3 10 hell) o elung tbe day) -»I it ch he might, bail yen U e Owe, Ow Or TO4v4atp awes coveter. It n. Cbeney enema teeth Viet partner or the erre of V. deing beeineeezi Toledo. novelty and St end that tend arra will pa7 (be eac and every case at f:atosrh elm% sun of 111.VNPRED 1101..1.4Aftta tunuot. he cured hy the nue of Hall's t:uterrit Cure. FltANK 4. clinNny. to ectore me and euttscriecti prn:once, Vet/ nth day Qe A. Le 1850. •Norfo t jury were going to tee,: to s Id be allOwed to !oave the court: ipately tne nat; ter was derided measuring 130 feet aerres: that is without tossing. Ate. Jtietiee Chan - say. MY one of them woent be wine nen il lie did r et think there enoogh Tor a small tug -boat to rife woeld e etne' Melanin' in fOR•111". down. Ilere the Auden. otter being' ebteirdeally treated. has to en through etlOrnlana •iron cages, resembling., gi gentle colanders, which tell; bail: a JId obleets, such as plecon of tonal, old beats, cud so forth, whilst rot "infrectrently venni/We articles of Sew- ellery are Tonna 'Wedged beterten the ., Tie 1 Oetire. no b 0- ellienttut • d. rerOL)a sin )14.min eeneed to re a tental The horse will tette, 1 ne Le ava b ref..- Ike reception 4Zif etenteale‘een lice. s of both sten in , hue tei will Le no Opening' Co.,,os.olity. bat's elf a C114e. Tha bite of the terrible tarantula i Ter line long been created with, Cr seveval miles. annealed with the r untie 2'RETFT.11, CHILDREN. Liidente Hill is the old Roman :eft tU oorts ofcurative mut liven nfAttICAL rOWETIS. Mexico many natives who nro led with paralysis allow teem pless, in ninety-nine tines out tl been in existeneo long before a sitrale be t .,, brie% of the preeent City wes laia. etaacte to be bitten by it peliodically "tired the "asen ean --r41""et• At ono Unto it was orl`rollrhed bY wiz b bona:nal results, Dr. Steioer ,t,„1, „,, hewn, oe„,„... 4 1% „,.. a subway, but this has tong since o some little trouble of the etom fort; e tilinhs; while in Peru the some - ' -1 "w"-' ''' """''''' ""° ca""'"' disappeored, though the bath. which airaoi, ren,eay is used In ea,ael ar mid the little one Will be bright, ineasuree entre 14 feet to 10 feet No.,i,ovrtizi, that bane of, the 111,411 An- goodenatured, and •will sleep soniulty ' ', ' • across st i ti remn um. dna 1 totilevs, ' and naturally. There is just one al- neneeinge nip said to co* Wm/. an wEINS allsolutely safe medicine for lee •-"n ‘rtirtft 1, it fallible vitro ea rim, tle onea-Baby's Own Toilets. In Pereoes of proviousle, blentelee met I, in; provided, that is, the suf- homes where this medicine is *sed Ere who nuddelan, eenlininl nd, an 0, re,C:' bee acme; eitough to stand a, there are no sickly, crogs, (toying elia- fenve that brouget them into to 1,1)1110.1,10.1y large "doer:" of the pain- then- rrh° Ta4kts win euro au ttig , iccualtleTiYex(nfinillit(letf,°11selash°11/;diebIoN•anlIdeot fel "meal inc." minor ills of little ones, and will The negrova of the Congo basin it safely and speedily -there is no London coroner, in it leeture on "In - allow themselves to be bitten by tho doubt about this. Giro the Tablets Sanity in its medico-lee:al aspects." terrible termites fwbite alas) when a single trial and you will bo US en- During his life the King leas borne oe tacked kV the dreaded sleeping thusiastic about them fis other MO- till." 4istin" names' Fel. 11-e first eicnness, and stoutly maintain that thers aro. As for instance, Ales. 1-11"4"1. 3.ears he was "Albert' Pri”Ge the online is certain to be ellica- David Duffield, Poneonirte Ont., save: °I Wales." Oil his aceellea his does, if only it is applied in the "Baby's Own Tablets' saved 1.11V . ' , • 1 Itlitesty teverted to a singlo flame, eat liar etriges of the malady. d ••••••••••• • tmonean bath, which is the olden children are (Toes, inntnn, struettire in London, anti intlet have • "le ward '•ThOY are a,ewm,(4,1,1 "You don't mean to say Im has Jt, woe noted by Krausse, nearly a mforerucinecbtioren and gattuy paid you in advance for the fullneaten, ago, that the Siberien Fees- reoommond them to other mothers." course of sinning lessons ?" said the ante, when bitten by a rabid dog or year children will take this meth- east vocal instructor. "Yes." re- wo'f, used to kill the animal at once eine es •readily as candy, and it is plied the other gleefully, "becaune of -whenever poesible-and inoculate iltems.elves with its spinal marrow. Tee learned Austrian physielan on- ly makes mention of the:custom to laugh at it. But he n.dinits that the sufferers had a, rooted holier in its efficacy in warding off the attack of hydrophobia, which else, they averr- ed, was almost certain to follow. A significant admission this, in the light of what we now know of Pas- teur's treatment of the SAME DREAD DISEASE. Tee Greenland Eskimos are said to cure themselves of the itch by • it/mining, themselves for an hour or two inside the freshleakilled eitecase of a whale. A favorite Chinese re medy for cholera is pig's liver, mix- ed with brick dust from the inside of a: furnace -a, compound known as the '`Iiver of the biding ,drago.o.' ' The Matabili are quite sure that a lion's breath cures any form of skin disease, and many sufferers have lost their lives in attempting to get near enough to a sleeping animal that they may inhale his expirations. Among the Irish peasantry ri some- what, similar belief is common with regard to the ordinary, domestic ass end whooping -cough. A loaf of breaci is baked aad given to the ani- mal to eat. While It Is making its meal a cloth is hold beneath its head, a,nd the crumbs that drop from its mouth are carefully caught there - ha • They are then boiled in milk, 1111d given to the patient in 1110 form of a possea whicli i6 supposed to wore woneers 1 ofitieting tee speedy cure.--Peat,son's Weekly. leleADIeTG 137 'rile lantern fly of Surinam, South ft.isierica., has two sets of eyes to catch the light froni all possible di- rections. The' luminosity whicli glows from tlm head Is so brilliant that it is easy to read by it. :Irate eeenie,le-oLook here., do you ruson to tell ' me ...tir.at 1 have got suell an oe;ly-loolcing nose ,as r000tes...svoo,o.--' 'Pitt riy appal'atIlp cannob. lie, ma.dani," Irate Pen-atio-- "Then, for goodness' sake, go and get 'one that. coo.," guaranteed let from harmful drugsa lucky misunderstanding. X said Sold by all druggists or mailed at ro him r 'You dotthtless know our first lesson begins with "do." *ITe immediately apologized. and ino- dueed thc dough," EXPTY NOW. How One Woman eletit Medicine. 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, THEY LIKE FRESH AIR. gapa.nese I'aeop Houses Open in Summer and Winter. The JaPtmese attribute their l'O- While a coffee • user my stomach markahle comparative itrimturity trouliled rim for years." says 0. ladY of from. 11161unateism to the fact that Columbus, 0., "and I had to take they use water very freely. Another medicine 1l the time. I had what subleet on which the apanei e feel I thought was the best stomach medi- strongly in the necessity for plenty eine I could get, had to keep getting of fresh air, Any subject of the it filled all the time at 140 cents a Mikado, Mr. lrancock states, would bottle. I did not know 'what the smile at the notion that fresh air iri cause of my trouble was, but just, any forni could be harmful t • • dragged along frorn day to day suf- The japanese eat fresh ait' With faring and taking medicine all the even raore gusto than they do food. time. • The eamerai of old rose i11 the morn- t • there to take a nomber of deep l • and coffee and began drinking, Postueu and L have not had My prescription breaths. 'The time of the morning filled Since, which is a great surprise chosen WaS just as the sun was cora- to me for it proves that coffee was Oa, up. At this hour the air is Pur- cause of all my trouble, al - este In the coldest nights of winter ""° thongh 'never suspected it. air circulates through. the native "When my friends ask. me how I house without intei ference'. If , the feel since I have been, taking Post= sleeper feels chilled he adds more bed clothing. But the paseage e saYt 'To toll the truth I don't feel at all only,. that X get hungry fresh air through the entire house is ,and. eat never preVented. everything I want and lots of it and When a Japanese suffers _from in- it never hurts me, and I am happy somnia he gets up and goes out and well and contented all the into the open night air, and if there time.' • is a laid near he climbs to the top "I 000lcl not get my family • to of it. Dot insomnia is very rare in, drink Poston). for a •While until t10 Mikado's kingdoln. , mixed it in a little coffee aad kept • on reducing, the a,mcanit of coffee 1111 - HISTORY° 1.N TATTOO. til I got it all Postann. Now they all' like it and they never 'belch it' up There exiSts in 4Paris a farhoos pro- „, fessor, Pere Tible, who, to describe "A.° ct3t161e* 1 "We all lc -now that Posture. is a bins in his own words, is an "engra- sunshine maker, I find it helps one ver upon human Skin." Ire lives in tho Grevelle quarter. As a kind of greatly for vee do not have to think 6f aches and pains all the time, and peratanent advertisment he exhibits Isis left arm, on which are "engra,v- .egol uSo our minds for other things." ed," order, all the Presidents 9f lqaino givon by Postern- Coo Battle the BePublic from Thiers to Loubet. Crse On the professor's body, it ia stated 'The one evlio has to bother with is to be found the whole history of coffee aches and pitins Is badly handl- 1Pria.nee-porteitits of Charlemogne, capped in the raeo for lame and for- iTenoi 17., Joan of Are, Louis 5rST1., tune. Fostam is a wonderful re- Bohespierr, -Nap 0 loon, Comb ett a, and builder. 'Pliers's a reason. others, with esm,tcheoris, fares, flag Look in each pacIsago for the Tam - trophies, and t..341/ lax ornaments 1 ous ttte boa, ``The Road to Well - big to pass out into tho outer ai • ',About six .montlis ago I quit te,a aalore., alz:MOV. • Aro Ptadia en; innittly of tter an vagotm The 4.0 Tonic whoa the first sign of a cough or 1 cold „appears, it wilt cure you easily and quickly then -later it will bo harder to cure. estio ac., end $1.00, ell • 15-04 "Money," said Eben,"Is wbat manes de mare go. But scone- -times it wants a sensible driver to provcilt somebody E`ttin gittin' throwed ham]." Lever's $7.-Z Miro Head) Disinfect- ant Foal; Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and dioin feet ant. Wife :-"Jrunes, do you know that you are a Very 1,014111 noan e" Hus- band :-"Inow ridiculous I I am nearly six feet in height." Wife "That niakes no difforence; whenever nsk you for money to go shopping you are alevitys Short." iirizilkgoateseara, Ifiezet rnmface teengpirteen, pitiless in its ousults, an.1 no respecter of persons, has Intl. 13 opaque; er in South Atnerican Xervine. Tins bonnach and nerve remedy stimulates .ligestion, tones the nerves, aids circulation, drives out impurities, dispels emaciation, and ;zings :lack the glow of perfect health. Cures hondreds of '1' &rooks" that ha.ve baffled phy- sicians, -63 TELEPHONE GIRL. Herr Baltazzi, a well-known sports man in Vienna, is being sued for damages by a telephone exehaage girl, whom, in the course of a 'dis- pute over the telephone, he had, in heated ' language, accused of not speaking the truth. Por Over Sixty Years 5.7a4. WiNstow's soorntsa Synur has been usoa *17 minions of ureth•rs or their children while teething. li soothes the child, 00(1411* the gums. alloys pain. cures lea rolie. regulates the Stoma and beNrels, and is the hest rooredy tor trinrrlIces. Twenty-five cents a bottle Sela by arugests throughout the world. Bo titUll and usk for "MEN. \VxssaoWs SOOTITXX(1- srntla." eo-of LEAP YEAR PREROGATIVES. How many people aro aware of the origin of that special female preroga- tive belonging to the leap year? By an Act of the Scottish Parliament passed during the reign. of Margaret, "every maiden of both high and low degree shall have liberty to speak to the man she likes." And mark this, all ye bachelors of the year 1904: "If he refuse to take her to be his wife he shall be nutlet in the sum of $500 or less, as his estate may be, except and always if he can make it. appear that he is betrothed to another wo- man then he shall he 'free." Little ravez.--01c1 time a 'quarter- a•box "Purgers "are quitting the field in whole battalions. Dr. Agnow's Little Pills at so contS a vial aro driving them out at all points. Because they act gently, moro effectively, never pain, and are ossy to talc. Sick Headache succumbs to one dose, -C;, "You misjudge rne," said tho hypo- crite, reproachfully, "I admit I arm a poor. weaR mortal, but lyinc, is not of my Tailinos.". "It cert'ainly 18 not," agreed the 14'd -headed naan. Pit is one of yotir sucoess- es,'!, • . J. 1•I 14Yi C71,. - nine if gene •tneld be' all alateti aeloa. awe r 11*511 in thc reeve nerfele. unmbrefla is poning nie in Ise% may umbrella." r. an just front,. with et =SU. "Ws u. borrowe Mr!" A Cry far Man.- A*n in cryot the kW ee) e for Cure F. thane:y Curt a. h, . written egain e it in canto c deo s disease, dill:nen inileteennit n e e blander, g.'41:11 efel ether Itelney a . ripens. Peen neeleet The am:a-fenny ins einem; "note," Tine rotate), 11 peetue provcate entl .4.444440,•..e Snbintbs, sighing, the only girl 1 reuliy eared for I couldn't bave." "Winn," ene/nitn- cc! Bacnlote. "that doesn't sound very complimentary to Mrs. Sub - blabs." "Olt, she felt as badly about it as 1 tio. You see the girl Winded .$5 a wen anal we can't afford more than $4," 044.0444.4. CIIEAP ONE WAY RATES TO TIIE 'WEST VIA GROAT NORTH- ERN RAILWAY. Effective •daily during Martel and April, cheap one way Colonist tick- ets will bo iesued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington, and Ore- gon, also all points in British Col- lumbia. On March lst, Stio 15, 22nd and 20th, and April 5'th, 12111, 19111, 26t11, one way second class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature on any of the above States on application to Chas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6 King St. West, Room /2, Toronto, or Ie. I. Whitney, General Passenger agent, St. Paul, Minn. "Wall, boys," said the schoolmas- ter, as he prepared to take his seat one mild March morning, "I sup- pose you are all prepared for an early spring ?" "Yes, sir," said tho small boy who was invariably blamed for everything, "but I want to tell you 1 oidn't put it on your chair." Thea lhe schoolmaster dis- covered the bent pin and the spring was postponed. e-aeoe said been Ever Felt That Death Would be Wan me ? Mrs. Margaret Smith often did. until Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave her new hope and cured her heart arid nerves. "4 was for two years a great sufferer from heart trouble and nervousness. At times X was confined to bed, when my pain was so intense -that 1 wouoi nave welcomed death with Joy. I was at- tracted to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart by reading of some Nvoncierful cures tvrouht by it. One dose gave me rt,11 ef 111 30 Ininntes. After using four bottles 1 cantruly soy 1 never Telt 'better in my life.,1 Brussels, Ont. • 23 Or. Agnewo; Pills, .0 closes. 10c. Paalitirtl; 1a, KINDS CV Bvititro rEUITS Ecrore Hope t4 11. And Farm Pro. duce generallyn consign it t� 115 anti we will get you good enneno. ntnnnninP.Z.-nnn Paid to policy holders All otber pnyments 0440. Balance.. ,, .. Debentures and bonds ,.. Mortgages - Loans on poticiee, bonds, All other =Van Claims awaiting proofs . Other liabilities Surplus on policy holders' Aseets Guarantee eapital • -Minn 41 . 172173 118 10199 Assets, Dee, 31, 19O3 4 • .4 • $ 4* 44 04 • 0*. 404 • ;$15494742 20 •••••• 404 4, • • • • 0.414.44• 630et31 93 stoelts, ette . -.......-. 2no.63n • 4 A.'. '4.70.. *V4 lat44444:.4.,::: .0004 424.1b47 n0 6 40 . ... 55,505 05 _ ..... . ..... 31.155 62 nedonut .-..- 182,760 70 $ 1,S960 70 ,. - . .. . . ..1.893.960 70 .4-.0 .4 . ...... 870,000 OD Total seettrity• .... .. . . .2,162.969 11 Policies were is nen assuring . . .---$ 2.748.172 Total insurance in force . . .. -......$14.915,249 55 The foregoing reports and statement were received and adopted on the motion ot President "'David Dexter, secomled by Vice -President Lieut. -Col, Itierns. ' The retiring directors were re.eIected. and at a ettlitsequent 'meeting of Om, directors the rollowing officers were re-eleetede Mr. David Dexter, President and Itfanaging Director; Lieut.-Cola.Kerns and Rev. Dr. Potts, Vice-Presideats. nnsnlAniMfMggnannninS Dre'Cnnitrn ran TALKING MACHINE r Itoprodueennottgs, krone -non, band numle.,t e,,,lnuti and elem. *11100 $sa„cio mach i enormous voluinn, ran bousei a10001100t, and enbrnainzneatik bnautiMky silver finished: mural amplifying burn, spring inoror,apeedregalittor,12oro rest and ail natoeinnents 001110C1.4 011 emptusiyo roubints, handsomo nrilunientod 'alga. Don't oasfrorri Slat trs $.7.5 r Taming Machine, weg Ivo Sass:and ZatancnatIllae. EC ‘tbviilltintl2r 13%1;32 Po2s°tteraerfc,°,5w.st' 1d0R°y. ef;.d:.4e ef Sond your Mune SUM MUMS.. trual, ynu 111 mud bluing by aral past 1191: wo also sand Handsome (MIAllituMed Sea:: 'Insp.:X.57100m; togiyo toyarsrith the BM - ti yCaz eat% sell onicirly every- Imy. needs Sluing. Vilma Dont send na 0*114 frieY1 ya5yrtagn ati uan ads i'Mwm3O nine complete, also one Musical ant Song Record. My Old 5111110117 100*0, "sunning Wotes, Sun "Mime, DlIlo Annie limr: Carry tie Sack: to Old Virgiiii.% TIo Sid Oaken 'Bunker, Aiwa. Ufa, NVitore in My 'Vramiv. 1*cic 10oz' InD. 'eIniin?°tS. :I: rola:Pt el It-1 rot' ni4", ':1 17 n1onlginth CrnViolda *M. :endr:theBiningnow and ea t30tIto i4anotAl• TalkinT fila?Oline la A fOW dayg! Ronembbr thts 1,Lq1,3110 no4a Toy blau, Sill BiZef Talki r‘r bt 'Zs it n oueu Yoe 118patt ah, at elm dilioeo any time after 9 a.m. 'Ale will forfeit 0190-o 0114033* 013O zenitsullexrAteteliad earl ,9107 ce:Ner,iotgiLl o1*onf4uLthe Taltlrrterrheohizin,4mms000:nplpet4trz.. giza".0.; sileonto.11., ,...M.W0e4MWWWW.Ved.r.1.1. Tntlie WASHilifitrail X UNSIONS An admirable -Food or the `"nr% nt.V4.4 Finest quality and fia.vo LT. ''''' 55 Ntueitious ced Ec ofeei 4-21 ' 343,FiFicW • COO113i Yuri knst•end your iku:no 01 itintininnitinnilinn COI° Look .for ezent, in your town, 01(01111 IlilirSi, 1 Tninatreel torortto Qttetteet gneeiee LAOKAVIA14-11 n A !Li j e, 3SD-1;',RON Good 10 72 0 C Oil. 0 :10 t1,114 t s ---721-,r clgli o o Plailacleloitio., and! 1E31 ti Izt3 V70