Exeter Times, 1904-4-7, Page 6,
QAB BRIVER, §0, TgAus„,
Tx0n kip4, zaward, Were
Thomas Bond, who. 'is 81. years - Of TitADE„ 011/1TRRF.,..,„. GREAT -BRITAIN., Tot, ABBENINIIGESr O1 .LL OVE)3, FLYING ov.411 BRITISH BAR''''
Drove 'Ass' f Them' in ,fellows, Anion the eali-leming 13UILDING-,
tans ore tet boeiSIT 'reices, of Cattle, Grain„ cheese, often sold as Rein the products
, •
, • • • • . 220311' When' :e has flisieno 4114at C°e ap:Cl'ir3rAhrtaQdc1;13e4
(.4 Sc'Irl °tiler '1'elq4TroaitTclhiqCtt1133LieiCsoPr1.11:trIni.es°urof OwP Sq131* etb.Tionwge':-Oblnvolelir:4Wht Ithe Vtiet(9iia
Recent Events.
Advance on 010-1 dtlYs, bas gtven on ex° Toronto. Aeiril 5.-3Vheat-The mar- .5.,he fonowing°74tit:Yr.aport of Atr.
It would hirdly occur to the King,
=Pie Of lanselfishneSS Which it is dull, with, demencl 21,.,or A. W.orineley,, Agent of the Deliart- Cholera is prevalent among the perhops, whet), be entered the anuses
would be dirlicult to surpass, Says Ontario grades- N•'°. "whitt'l aur21 rru' meat Agrietlitttre In ckr°4-t Brit'Afn hogs in Wentworth County. of l'arliament, by the Victoria TOw-
the London Daily MPS.
jAps MARCHING ON. Winter juotet at 98e 10w frelghts. regarding' Canadian food products ttl Chief of Police Vaughan of Brant- er. that tins tower, so consptemous
Spring wheat is nominal al 88e east, Great,
ford died suddenly on Sunday night. ant° g
A despatch to the London Daily
1 won't! be- compelled to intervene, be- In August 1Aet„ being then 80
cense the (tinnier of such unfriendly' yeas of age, and still driving, he toad goose at so., to 1.3oc east, :vans.
nail fix= Seoul eays that after influences would. grow utt as a menace headed the poll for Pension of 420 too, wheat steady, with No. 1
Jo- to their security, TMs, Ile said, was e. year greeted by the Cab Ihivers'
their victory at Chong -Ju the Northern selliug at $1.02 At Georgi-
pauese advanced towards Kook -San, ' the seeret of the whole position to- Benevolent Assooiation; but when Beyaz ports; No. . N . i . t
Russiens before them. The lo.tter Pend Siam,
i,*i miles from, Chong -Jo., driving the swards Arttbia, Persio, Afghanistato -*Iteesxttlitlotraans:nrultohuencitesttl, 11%tvewsitasiili, 1;11**Thor: and No. 3 as.01:,,17,,,a, ,at. tlie. No,: ce00111)3ntala.v.a,d_ta,hebingli.oetil.v;ericeof olnvhiteulie wm:ry., b,ayaies, was senterived at winloog
have it I
1 bord is nomin I t gl PI C'rindino '
force of Japelieett has reaehed that the fetoe of the extreme patience of Longer."
BAltchon Hirer. Apporently some tude of the Thibetau Goverameut in 1 li'e able to drive for a year or
%toted. /doe is for the Cantoliao shippers to Five icewidic dele„..ate5 ,utve lett view, The g,.„0,t flag which flos,,ted
, 44‘, , T.1 (4,-• ,• ,,, ''' LI, • .• would hide o *wo-storied house from
whetber London, believes it or not.
* river. SoMe JapAuw--.4: returKarg Ito 0,-te• I -Gaon Government, his rmeeoenez,:i But soot) the old man was laid up ()4tts-Tbe olarbet is steati•v• witb liranu to-moua or +-apeman on Afenitoha for icoand la till, ,c,,,ri.,,,cta„, :there on '1 ed ha_ ille.d, to its
the south state that 53 Japanese in- Faido-••i have no For 1,,,eir OIT"ing$ alla little tiel",uti- N'' °- .oyerytizing ond advertise' freely in the iion of hringin hod, a large member great height by
fantry who were trying or/ advance anywhere, - white ouoted at 30?, to 80ic nort11 British trade joornols. A few Can- of inonigronts like an ordinary nitli;ecieti°oePb.'ulurinkgs
desire to pusb on i' with PieurisY and Pneumonia.
The history of the lost 1 months he has been able to earo
north of the river were ambushed by love years 1...tooe of .consolid,c, nothing Ile is now $looly recover- and west, and .41c low weights* --No- adieu firms have followed this Plan
Cossacks arid destroyed. The corms- ition. and rest-ra,134t, isn't" 1 wouki, suge'r t,l, Pao mid with true British /ouch, 10 will...02, quoted at :I2c cost, and No, au to_ a,..,,, ell ran o Me 111 0- irrifillaw,ITaryheosIt'erdaCy°11dnellciisdseld°nteoes caltiltio7oTti:10V(?:totlila:11•cd°1jeteso:1' Iwtlulit:i'eltdniggei:br bbiril'rtetaozo/Lt
Pondeut sa•Ys be 41'3111" this rerj°rt alw iniPutation rather tbutt be al° Imiles to he sc'w1 on his hQx Again* - rars1):,3-i°-Al-a.'estd. einand iv quiet, with liplrionzid::cae.:;•1‘11britietll .-t1:11s°11Npvloisdiailon".ChAall'saRionidly4 It7e*t'entlees for the coostruction ei
n gained by spending a lot of opens its folds, to a length of sUty
and a breadth of forty-five feet, and
and adds ;-°.91:ell reports as can unfaithful seutiao, and allow the , Tito strong probabilitoo however, is,
wharves to the value of 43,000,000.
' that Bond's cab -driving days are a moderate -demand., No, 2 ctoottoi '13,.‘,,e .
1.-n obtaired here indieate that. the future. neace ,•i
loeitin its advance guard. nortoward - P.ond took out his Post liceose in at 43c and No, 3 at 41e middle' 4. i t th - 1 ; ) fifteen or twenty per cent inereoce in rhich bas certainly uo tivol in Fwo•
fror,t eellio-lcing, taking immense puts""e' nlitelt c°1afl oraY b''Vve °Ile' ,51arch, 1$40, us art omnibus driver. 'freights- „urns are ty lo e aterage o oill er the, rice i mac. ,:' , " ' . ' ' " ''''
I, 1 of:9 for ad if he receives more moo- - • P O 1 z. °rano to the land, and probably noue in the
inea1142f4., 3
fAtICQS With, it." I being then 17 yetirs old. lin start- { reas-The market is unchanged, 1, i , 1 .. hi d ,,,, .it 0 dlibeulty of gettlog logs out of the world, 'Abet mast, rising from Its
^-----",--4or-,-•°•* leil cab -driving in 134% so thrtt he Iwith No. 2 (Motel/ at , ey o, too log s goo n SOA.; as A
67r,c wrest and ' prothiet of ,some other countrY. be hush*
Oanaman food productS are often
Sold in Great Britain to 'the consum-
er as being the product of Great Bri-
tain or the product of some other
Forey Sharroclo otdio stole two emblem of Ibitish power, \thigh.
till 0001wy positious north of the Alluding, to the contemptuous atti-
han I. 1.et him ,
two in transit priees aro uboye those Oets. The only thing that can be to two years' imprisonment.
t le country to bo
tuabl JaPaues? 4trraY" stea'dni f°1- court:remised, bV encroachments ver" lat. 44-e middle freights. No. 8 extr4tiao„ey in Adverttsing, Financial re- A London lumber dealer predicts a • it is kept, in it.s place by a nag -staff
FORL'ES ENCAQV.D. has been driving a cab in the stteeto 106c eost.
BREEDING STOCK TS FREQ d- • _ e • Hery naturally pockets the higher At Ste Scholastique. Quebec, on
:base to a it6ght, of 110 feet, -
fixed on its foundations with a 010 01
of 3 feet is made of molly
irzle Echo tie I)aris ha' a despatch - 1 :on on for fitto,-.21, >ears, and orzt-Illie market Is tritit•t. tyttit. „s nott, "It is a, PriCilV Ile).1))Prer found -• •
'sheets of iron, bolit"", ' 1.14.`V Wit h
from, St. lineersburg Whieh FAVS iidUrIllpf the whole of that time he hos prices Avner, No, O Anwricon plow gpmze" getting tbe British of the inurder of his hu, . h oc, world
eint the eteeiecte4s %JO in the Chong- I BY 1/•• S• Courts 1.1 the l4ltrantl• roiatt-e itti•sed t C' "
thot the Japol:('SQ• Zia11,11/",er4,41 2,000 IMP. Ortootot Pecision• Randed Dow4',' used the St, Clement lInnes rook in low quot,--1 at ;iv ' T a a S ts 0 S Aut I
e )1e to elotnore their hives or tostos ;Wan, ond sentenced to be itange weigh" ii we_cmila pot tho
• 1..,e MA track, 0- tr. 01
,scoles, ".thart nixteen torts .
44 .)."'4 "1) AS) '1,141,17 1.11P gaMP' vamt une 1(1
0%ga:out:toot. Th„ two forccs Ai, . t A on his tune Rom la. u.on„ an eorn is noniima ;,,-141ac Nce,,,u tor .1,0its 0i, time „wad motley freid.vor Twenty-tbree _emplo„-iLeos of the ,110: • frm., sTmus.
0412: 3;00 7,...ards rt, in the , es.Plett‘l 8....“.7.ts 1.1 world-12=mM inert. The greeat :poke yellow. and $8e for mixed. ithis th, average collodion v.-;,-,poilvr minion IA•on ooete), !cowpony's toast,
Jotootaoit retersoag, iNL":01011 Q
eAsvALTivs wralTi1 PF.W.
the Roard of general appraiseis
of Alellnigt011 uls rksr11111.'
le'?;11.11Ad.-:.C1010411("T;Iltyth"liCITI eirillr:;:tuisstev'Io7Piel;:ienc'e'sVrt'e1:111till,,)11:•ralT1hIee w"itlt demand good. Nn. quo- ehoo,y. doe to the one fjtio,111,,y of tin. staircace in the world. At tile low:
• • • . • • Rve---Tlt'• t o •
t nar e IS r A II
• tb cormot afford to tio-hla c.qiuttiion furnace At Syduey went out. on >trite TheY wbo woold 'reach tha height.
.122, ged,
• • goods o.re o,radually, if slowlY, gain- on.Priday because tbe contpony
• too. added ar. bond in reeounting I •7'
Trona \Odell 1 onflon 1001 5 like 90190
• - quoted at 00c east end west
I uchwocat-lhe to,orket unehang- faxor This gain in favor Is chorgod a foreman. round un0 round ow v 2
)clint city of the mist must wind
Tho Jap &s' 1,egritiori. at London oortotion of Itorsee for breeding' .-11
has reeinved tile following trleettal opurposes to be imported into the, bias the Jute pah„ of ted at "43- to *1-0 ll'inglIts`• Papa -dial) gOOAls. coPt- ararlAT 1/1•4 fr14 • iron door which brings you to tto
1,etwoon Joptateso and 'loot -dart forces aris„, oat of an, cet irm IT. i 1.1rwilallgoa; bki:Fo's inarliet that there is no OlVarden of the ViAupfe I'oorts. • iliac/a-sing ic„,a thread. 3.eaching
b • '
report from Tokio of tbe fIghting I:AlittQ States ditty free. caso
N' t * ti t I
' lnetY ter cents pa ents are potitiou is so heeil to eeP-Ilre 10 „ Lord Coroon has been tonntm et ineot the st„.rcase "i,,,ars 10 he ono
Itt ('urea." .21/414ultlaY 1,Pcte,o, o breeder of jiricish (solutol000; b 13,1't'r11 stuai.s. for export. room to try ofitlee galileeS," nod I con A Lsuiti was 50.4,1 in into duchne,,, 0114 it iu uot si,tii
eovole:: 121 1i2-1'; fC).rens oceliPied Inert:boron horses valued at .53,S00. BANE douivbtie trode'81"" ta some Canadian FlliPPers htu'est For the first tinte oeven Yeatrs that there lea.,.s tho t •
tObong-,itt after detoatrug t,.e entouy. s:ock was" sold ot . 445 ) fi• ..-ttlitobn flouts tut- Act of Barlialuent, Great rooll has • '' w Is de tit, Bald of feet ainove I no, t, blue light /lo tog-
aolitzetton a. .2.2
"q41 :11areh 21.1 a P0rti°1i. "t 001` !who brought to Puget Sound distriet. . • 2Ia it 2°111,2.9 of 'special blonds fo,. 802.17 to Foy the only way to make • -- at reioord price of £( 0( .the yLoitor ;las gaf,,f,ed at it awhile,
r • I op $40
The etoolty, who viol-dere:I ol)ciut ell•Allt1 NO 1 p A sots 10- No
wsio, (Nr casua/ti,, s ere molt. ,toongo too croztolus re,!,u4ati ants pro- QVT.E1,,,T 2 12 224 $5; and str'ong, haI,ern*. all".11.,111Y l'eeP; dC4r 132•V •*71.'e 12 Ult 1%tieeland t1 114472.14 ger than n 1:1411S 1141141.
11Iaros Act. Our doory produots are
22.2. 2., retro:rted th.0 direction of P,rlee '1`)-1' Per 4.1d1ri4,1' „fir 11 meriesTA tev
and foss:. ott„,..s (•411),, •vitio for the .free entr,y ieto the 'Unit- 1 VOL'U.4.13.3r, $1.910 on tracl., Toronto. law/1w,, each "'1 021 in• more oer-e„t Twenty thoosood people attendee .if 112e d2st. at ray 4,1 Hatt, looing
kl,"nrottatra and to,:vo otilors ,ea StOtt's of "any' unip-im Ifinfee4-1111111. is ot 17 tt) 1.1`o" d,,„ to 11- Mcetings lloole Park. I.,ozolon, on *Itself 111 dtirl'i•oeso a little waY
Nvoliodeo„ :it000rted for breodiriir pnrpove5.°' Page rerreotly' Botttionol Zersons Are $17.50. and shorts at i418,O0 Itore. " *" ' " Suntloy, to protof t nootiost the elm- the tower. does net ttzitiorve
'There were no easnobnies among ,tv'tt.i) clrarged rer cert., ad valorela InulOtes
ofsuatcskab, ra0n s aqnudotsehdorAtAs
rta"l "1;r41e 4of ion wee,a"rn-t*11221rI1
Cltiooiotst.i ind the ,, spiral otttirct Oionol. •ear twlivin'edns trhorucntod a1n1-t
112 wane kis ley teen e,- nee :,,:zeoesn ose the, co,o' cctor .o., o
« so
erv' .°t1°° p%lco
0222. i28o2o0o,Teeesees1412111,5e292t2e4*4eeerie,04213es2o1k.1it4S1
f DAoco,,tohro.
tAotl onit000rtl*e apn
1121(2.1324 , the invotelllelo111 tie ele lot01- Co..age3Lonos It11118el4• iiost ttretl, on too
'11 o
12 41 it is e' 2.ot ,",' terooe,pon1 01.(.21("IlAppr? ;secn ,1" t• d ` t.o• ItIh'n•eI‘tGh`.--
11C.".1 IOZPII"
4 "VITO• cro4it“rs,,• eaCl1-0O, t1V!4i•l,l•Y---11.7* doss.E• t!ng% who ron,no,i
• lreott S(lQ,o11u'rr.e Altl, a
orali c•IA'A lr5t0-
seTfee' efll'o•oOrevoo-n'e.locosne t0s'ee11n AoTenToteAe2.2.111012 CIKeellM; ..aen OeoPe, E.oDealSwTasA1T3114;S'
ho.,v..,Pe.,2re'er (ii -1t 1s o4.s ts• ncecnt ge lta?.,
theemirmasoelttvr. eioe',.;.',WiA.ltlpi ptleee'i.-c-e-T:I. bseteread,v ios t f,sea..: tqoui.Oe,.-0.t..,-t,o.r. apdoet,* w-lo-irnoeo'dsuctrtsu9nonn ing,OtvhfrveomIuvaV(r.ui
litoo were oni,,rol 433i by ---- Ion, "have any idlirat hudredsCUNTIW 'Pitt17(1171k1821141")„eirm,.ito.theimteoaplruosvhtehi.d pe
,a.i..s,ite,e t,oeroa°.e.r,asot` s -tFiveTFoR N
'AAM4otnonene o
St)ioteOnWtieAVlo 4140 itAttleWIei
Cepe2. lbepiond An InA414Aou,c000and4•04s141orfor tood 11 iilledonii1i is e1toe,1 i iso meat Io wpaut, ilegeltAroterinoetZ Tt.1:o1121
tons. awl it Itelin us to reolloo itA
cone.e'ii; two ne)-
11)111, eor the t sroclo dia•reot British porto, rraitio the, Nieinily of vitera.. orantletir 141,,zta gf %se rpoect,
'.2.3 1ore *Ho 1,,,,rer,, say p04-0 nolo '*1 ap not rof?-t• ititv-itee wiitA aro , tiettond *5 1,22.24" CIIOICV.ST PAN'. ISIT. ingfor*212.1 h22..1.21ed over , for 41.1 Ina 1,, e1212...
tot i t .4 1,1 1,14i;AAt,s ••vir.1 A;5 • AQ ,,rcss
4y'. ta.tA
etidr. r
tv iIetinlf n "1 1tmh1oo3°1tu4
1'i'aA2 444
a 233-4-0
Icnkyitnog twof Cfootlt-
a ort
•s(°1‘1"aatnre' s
'R'vaPurale4I a
tit equalA:lyorse,ew
"(- ) f
a ea" 'Mi-l
le. 'dIII° fftrwtliu" tooVt hea11l;o;Yo"d411 fo(.r3Wt":ylo1.i4
h(2.2221(4Ilt81)402front e22kolt11211.2e5pe1'184ndiunbutterInI)(wih
o.retertilrrgAZAporl 14.1115
1nethere are hunchts wholive and Il,uto-rrs prc
atleiisnie,and “ln
4,; 4terfle,fo Yere to.flud tho toli.r **ad 11214'22 (n
- • At
o e Is thrown 100 feet to the bottron of a quite Moto. ;.V41 1'447, r
nwenstWileIaTlAe4LsIleaEr,eeX.aIs01eLOf.ePhZeTreet,.ZiIeeIvnINtl.Eye, d','!4''3Itt;:t'ast,ti ha" c1"• T tC‘.•?
0 0.V r'el•auc, a '11'1'r1a 22nm2L0rleuunrmaetdt. uidOcthtuehsroeousliealnvhiseeoior innkd eeaypseyetl. u.amtO0-•''': t(1l"1 -7t0 A lo•••'3t.,o2tI;1,iraIencnlcfenop(mi.• 'nI4•eaIg"t c thioaas l u'aqd` ul,(aI l'" ilttvy
s1t,-tt.!. othrtoi•le •^bees.nt, dt'o29 put otifp ..i, tn. aot- nh, idsl• ananha•t. l•
,I- A ,..4. " i11Y
Cote of the miin P0 '22'. Bay ennsi",clInnzy diolootol sgned$otaw onown 1'. 2.02 eaes 2.i11ie coto •.1 70 thshirpors 2.1110 1(447022.0 tiIV11, ink ..
/1,c010440,1,,1ins, a1111,.. Thr„liy 2:4114411P. 2.2.220 Iteafiet, V,01,,1. men 1221(1 %V012.2.4'12. lotve oluntarily, liopto-The vottl,,ot iS ullrh11-441 sructionsfrontcon,itinees on this
'Ldmightgo 1'refr-l.or1111k,adat51.2ecant what is on the sacking which
or•ostotoo'rJ. n p „ . itt
orgaC.n'. Alatau
.t...l ,
roomc a.e1vet'l, e o' nte • Ilo•prto.ot,,f, werl
tthe 0,,,s-, 2'!1t72 2.'.' 42.222.10I, 1-1 of ts(rouse ea, d• st i it 9 2 . "nit,a t tarood. Iltey are nourotespeople to:ebno eovorstiiecasic.,11anyinr!,.ison other, contiinin,IL,*112.'0[021S MI 22(1' ru.a.00ohdsi'airItImidnceofiUr'1i4etrllha"Illlall't4t1lifrearthatthe;: 1011)'-''elltorilirlittt6futost oit comprine1 at Baotou tr the 1)ol,0 of It hs vitim it over 1oftwarate1 .111ill1
day. the Vtetor.e Tower ,-• ,•1•4•1K. • 12
from I.B
Ten setn of Charles Diclienn' works, untli it 2.02,23 ('2 zoilloted.
melt set 10 ecot $130,000, am being CONTA I OS MANN." arlaus.
tho Illise,74-mo in eopoet.at ion insoleot tart ono. feonee bairopi, who aro, I Wayn grClt t ing St range 4.`0,
11 t-'--'1 2222.1 1'. 25 *14 01.. cask. eurnselt; Itcoresmitative Ifeati's resolotion which tell V e story of 1-lnolond told
ferines niodeente„ No, 1 tiniothy Tht•-'re 18 a° 12.2 "at •.'le °11""`-' '1?" enpresriing s;eniiintliy for the Russians its 12.21 142.2214' ioto Pia t 41401,S
quateli at *11* .42 a ton leen, tsloTri blusttnt(*.ill'onitc.lersettl11.4,11111,1s111118,„ sleltie Is in -the War •14"ith Japan has loon all ouve tt Mott•on room,. llie
of a, Japanere landing at Poesiet 14', Plc, WY. VIII ''it .0-41 h'' t0 2'O)) faocieo into their heads-elliefly t he
Bay. IS•vi!ii " KANS Storaorlue "sloe I'llshrs ritoodt of looloeoo-ond are haunted
lo r nose in everywhere in Ai-,ia." The by the fear that Some day they will
OUT ON A CltrItql. &lotion of the, 'rotted F•totiol re:ire- lose their reason. 'I know one such
it in r,,port„a ot N.,,w_ohn-ono thoi 'stottative at New Chwono is greatly man who hos voluntarily made a
111110 R221-'- '1.21 ware:Lips are eiqiising 'dishlheth "
t,welve itaiLes outside of l'ort Artloir,
diroetiriss, tuft forts in oxperitneotal cAs GREasr.,-z,
firifor, The. cruiser Askold is still
Moller out at sea setaiting. Rich strike Nos pziers Made on,
StIneW-The market is dull. tvithout • • vo.efl filnios loteniti.oefile by tower is el riirocle 4:.,Fi; trItt!ttINA,
ofgerincs. priet•s nondoal (')111:v few Canadian- ibslus shilk tl•a• Iowa, •Io• touter wIt•ri •,•1,05
luntittc of himself fix ()tor thitty t
45 01
'years, without, ollowing the least re . 42.1 'e''';`:•CC'l 10
Edon of inonuitv litt:ratr•hot 1,1 uncoil tt t..11 or i(t)1,1•PeNvs::::::,,it11.7vou,411.2tri:•Itztrtil'•tr1.54,,,,ro,f„ 1.);11;ta:1"4:::;:Lii1:4122.11,itl:t'e• 4t:tt
• with on,erivms fair. can‘,„;i.a. 31.4.41ority. (,...24,ses Toynn, "elass., ineeed ont. 000 tern itt \he too a on Lite 1 th floor,
111•1TREAT FOB. BRUNK.11lBS. Oloted ot •Ic per bog on track here, (1°e0 rug' v•et ere"' for h" a2."..s.'i4"ilement is eiO•e't.I.Vti'n 1411111 t)l) 113'"Ihtl*
and inii,rior onalitv at, oth,„ .per Inc; (Porto. no r •• /11 • telt days 01,n )101164 Nefii v:4,21 of the :loyal stoirioto••, the
) 4 • 44. •
there are others --and these •It Cl 0 "t• mu:lien Cheese,
•Tolor. Farrelrs Farm.
' 11111141(`F/ Id Stule popor, 44,•Ji•s..erio••
eaFt.s are 22.3. 2-010* drink 1012u1s0 ililoint141,1drr-relrsihn°c;s11,:lnrt eit'aciis,etsist7:111:1: r'iloh tl,Ca41.111141:ii 111 l'' llott:o•;" * "f'tortli-en A 11101) of ottz•,1;e41 111012 t0; i„,"rolit them on sto floor o here toev nosy'
Oolodrei '242 1) in b ', q ogscial dor_ it, despatch front Grimsby f :1;VS !,.-- driven out of their senseS at inv per Th.; 2120;0:vs ,are ,(11,0%.0a ;.1,t 1 5 Logs," "Conatlit n r aeon- or Can- tile .h.lil at tie\ eland, .-I'l?F;-• r'lv-v- be riomir,•41, and it, is a vto't1.kiVill'h
patch roafino to tho ni,t, of ids The ont:10(.4 ripe Lino (2( ulpony's time or another, and who have corn- .' 11 few Collodion Coors ictte ioawyer and Ere% 194 15 I( "2 s* 14 to er.o this hugo noloow :ioc•-
fh,,,t to ohotlie up, the This,,,liao ves.. men have gruel; a 1,,,s0,-,,„,. von of gus muted deeds of violence. A few to 1Cie per lb. for fresh Rilled; thtel,s, atlian MT!, '• „ ,
11 the farm of .1 oloi It. Farrel. four utelts' retreat and ti•eatment are ailverosing tiled' (400A1S 11.1111 in ebarc.,ed with the murder of ;mother so,a-, -throb. ,..s ji worA.•, 2.2. *1. 11a•A'r"v
1Z3e; alai geOs.., at 10 tO 1...e per lb.'
ard ont-Imlf miles front Grimsby. has put them all right again; but,
The vein is 1 etween 12 cord 11. fcet although they are AS sane as possi-
wide. Tbe couipoey's Ilion succeed- Me in confinement, it is not safe to Butter -The Market continoes steady (nines from as long as it mites ids
(el in eappilig the flew lost Light. give them their freeticm for feer of with the demand good for choice loos plored in a tomb loillt, by parently oit hoot a sitlett• oni,fitirt,
a 2,200 1'4%4. Tile compooy holds 7 -to 1.9e• choice large .ile;1].11s. taS.to MO tlie in•lee iS reinnniebleiir;,enof: , fill'illf,s.l.i, NI bik, ,etracts vt.,..re
Ill's 2121"‘ 21°.`v got "1021
21 t° a (levul rel'a'SpnsentliltInldbeel;attcilfniclottaletsiln°tile2tOstis(lew. ho (-tr4:1111sititl's. 'We onoto:-Finost read at i aod looking Ole olio long thit, 'Boo
have been cored and dischareed re- . e, ,. a gemmed ride the whole:ale
rell • is for wlint the • ore the funeral from a book written by 1 of iront,•ori, whielt the leas. over-
-, too; lure to us oi tnen• own tree will
, - , aria . Itt,ted dairy tubs, 15 to 1(14.•; th, innws; worn is done by •tl,e re.- 111111. 2* Ile waS a follower of Inger- , balancing +timid. bring c.a.! i „too
,1 2211 when the ship was strucle 1.),y 21-'z* 2.) franchiso (Veer the road- ,.. , .
an enemy's torpedo, which killed waYs in the eonlitY, !tad if 1
' 1 d. ti r ^ •* Al' s 1 ' 1 • clown, iS ou.s• of the engineernArs, avir-
hilil. inake another gted strike, and the / ri _ le_e -.IL o ,i.rs v; to Imo it go cr„,,,,,,,ry prints, 21. to „.,,,,_ ..„..,o,_, tailt•r, told the coidisum.ei:si aralttihetioien;
sclr'irli*te 1I. S. Senate Jodiciary Com- t Os of our day. fit realit"O' 1-. is
noolitun end low grades, 1 2} to 14c;
oconsinander "'Bros. aeter causing proeseets are '(1 It they will, ti,ey back into the world, but have be- 1,1,, 1 .0, ; ly onos Who are tray% sc: al
his men to take to the boets, mid inte.,ntl to Itille the countrY a ., 1 ,I , . , • • -..ggs--Beceipts are modorate, and d".' mittec favorably. reported. a bill pro- held in it$ place by wrou1O-iron
ini as to AIM- a tne demand slow. f-lales of case , L. . _
care if the quality 1S good.
Aril -ling the death penalty for persons rods broil:nig front eue7.1 door
killing (or who are accessories l•e-- through which it. pass, s, Out, the
lid be come so attached to their environ- `Io' 0 ''' 2 C• '
-------------------- oven Under the ''Nerchand iSO "Marks
intrit t int t no. c.ert to epend th
not finding Sugino, searched through reaLlY soon to snr. g • , .
the- ship three times for him. Find- smilers*Act" (of Great Britain) goods can
rest of -their days in it. .
bag his ship gradually going down,
Cotronander Iliroz wits compelled to
sels in Port 'Arthur harbor of Sun-
deo* last. soya :-
'•Conaniontler rfiroz and Dontswain
Sugino, who wore killed, displaeed
remarkable eourage. Boat owaill
t.; too n o 'Iv as .ita•t rp:ng ()Own to
light the inagozino tbo Fulozi
time our goods may be called for,
Trui:, mime' YARKETS. but as yet the avertioe British eon -
sower does not care whero his food
negro, and hanged them *002)2 tlte , life, it a wt.wjer1221 2•2104t,
rtliirtina bridge- deco , twit ilo •enirino i8 ?“.1 ;At
The body of pr. .101in 01 2. woric. 'rho lowly:AI -,1
Cliletigo, in a collin rnade 111111- int; front the oromol 10 the top ;to -
i. fore or after the fact) the President rods are not. readily visilde tlie
of the sane inmates of asylums are se-aTerket quiet et steed:v:0310- mark that will not lead people
p;ive up the search and enter a boat.. may a so c son.eaced to death. staireoso te the greateSt height in
• or Vice -President or Ambassadors. eye, and it needs a more titan or -
°There can. be no doubt Gott ninny (.:iiee • entor the country Iva no mar. or
much safer there -than outs" I
...ic e, and prices. We quote: ---Finest septem-la,.to as to where the goods corm •
Persons 'attempting such murders dinary 11(.1i'Ve, t:0 Seale t 11
It is this knowledge whith sends
ber's. 11c; late Fall and seconds, 9: -
enemy's hot fire a shell struck hien Britain. with us. Among nre. own people from -for exairoile, if you put Boston
As he was rowilig away under the Have no Vindictiveness Towards many of them to us and keeps theui to 101e.
here is a very clover doctor 'elle a on goods, the party concerned. would
his body were blown'away. Of the A despatch. from Krugersclorp says be fined, ins there is a Boston in
on the head. His head and part of
_few years ago had a practice bring- HOG PRODUCTS, England, but 73oston, 'Mass., or Bose
breve o s body, only a piece of Dressed hogs are untleangent, with ton, U. S. A., would be safe. "el.ova
-General Boleros the former Boer
nesh remained in the boat. Com- commander, addressing a congress of nag him in. a larA•,,e income. He Was, offerines moderate Ce • I • 56 t: 't 1 tl ot P • -• c
oo.- CO- la 011 app es om 1.. toe o
mender Tfiroz was alevays a, Model farmers on Wednesdfiy, said be re- however, the victim of a strong per -
officer, and he lea.ves a meritorious g
rette,d the forthcoming. representa- iodic impulse to introduce poison in
examplF; the rneraory of ethich then of scenes from the Boer war at his patients' lnedich-q., and the rear
that some day he would yield to it
everlasting." the St,. Louis Exposition, which, ho
and thus become a murderer grew
The Emperor has conferred the. Or- said, 'would he a. shameful prodee-
so strong that ha sold his practice
ion. General Delarey said he
der of Kyte and the Order of the
Rising Sun on Commander Hiroz, wished, to brjrp, to tee notice of tho and became an inmate here.
who was killed during the .Tapanese world the fact the Boers had TO BE N.EilAR ramATIvEs.
abandoned all thoughts of vindic-
attempt to bottle up the Russian
fleet at Port Arthur Sunday last.. tiveness toward Great Britain, and "The most remarkabie cases,
A movement has been inaugurated to that it was now their privilege to thoogh, are those who teconie ,in -
erect. 12 monument to the Memory work in peace. mates of asylums rather then part
of Commander "Tiros. • .......--e------. froin tbose they love. We gave two
sisters heoe, one hopelessly insane,
livieg. They have always been de -
The Nagasaki correspondent of t,lie
London Express says that -the Gov-
; ' erninent is determined to succeed en
blocking Port Arthur. It holds
twenty-eight old. steamers ready for
• ;
' Admiral Togo's orders. They are
"' ; stripped of everything except the
-- machinery necossarv for ;their
• gation. They will be .despatched six ;
at a -time,
the other as right as any woman
voted to each. other, and when it
en Stepney There are 40,000 Poles was foond necessary, twenty odd
and, Russians.
years ago, to confine the former her
A despatch from London says sister, who was on the eve of niers
The'Daily Telegraph says it is high riage, broke off her engagement and
time for the Passing of the alien decided to spend the rest of her life
bill. Stepney alone contains over with her relative.
10,000 Prussians and Poles. In "There are also scores of people in
whole streets there is not a single the criminal asylums who are of per-
Euglisinname over a shop. Each featly sound iniocl--in fact, many of
house in the Ghetto was ambitious them. have never been anything else.
They have, however, contrived to
simulate madness and thus ecape
the hangman or a long term. of
penal. eerv*itticleL14_____.
LORD CUR7ON'S WARNING to become a lisseneaster with seating'
for slaves of its own. Our common-
SO1156 5110111(1 hal; e had no hesitation
Encroachments Toward India Will in accepting what was approved 7)y
Be Checked. the United States and 73ritish colon-
s • • ' ,A. Calcutta denj)atch says: In the
' coarse or, 'the hodee-et 'discussion on
Wedriesclas- the Viceeoy, leord Curzon
of Kedleston, declared. it was his ex-
prese intention •to return to India.
The Vizerder spoktiorde on hour and
se half. --'eheeferring to their reepondi-
ies long ,ago.
Sentence Passed en a "Berman-
eo.t Enenay of Society."
-I from Hamilton snys
- A ‘11esPatt-/
bilities in Asia, lie etied India resemb- ,
_.,,, 31 111 yeaf'S in Kingston Peniten-
e "' ' led a fortresS, beY0nd whose woos uarn wris, the, ,dgsa , ,w4,1.111,111.1s,,,, the
there exiiti • on. one side a g aces a
, notorious,. ,,Gare ph, ;cimuital, 'who,
. .
;,'":;•••,;,- ;,'. ,' e 'varying, 'breadth. and dimeesions; brot,,,,a - oat ..0-f.,01,0,, 3.,,.111 bal.,0 ,laa•c, aall._,
• , , : . ,
'',',",,e;o• • -,'','','' ' Which they did not deSire to. oecuP7, liar '' -aied ' '<elle"' was.- renaletared • at-'
:'-',o; ;'-'-' ';-''',- s • 16:111, WI1)011- they could not; afterd .1,0, Flint Aria:- got on Tudeday' atter-. 10500154 141
,a,naCenlestweehlr ,:,..i.(agee0nor,...reeaelt,tilaY_; APrii, '-‘8•'' ..qa.lile,Y; .w0cert 17°, cetilY',.aeci ,2•1'..1,.'„',',1-;1" 60 ,
station be. • II the 1 emb si. 0 - ' Jill
:;",',..:';•'::, l'.':::' :. ' ''' '''' ,: :";,..:':''t('Irt: :9°"'Ple`134',' V:)",ii a foe„. ' TheY" ' wero noon rrom otnel i ueloce ,bir , Ner.: _bane , times; of '''t4Sitoing,ladY friend k .""Thank' 20 37111 om'i, • 11:0 C. ' 157 off cial , 1 ci,
y .5 . 1 y , ',I. mai , ,, .., , s .a e ...
e''''V '-, '.' - ' ', . •;',' ' . ,' .' qilito content ', that it, , 'should . reinain; stalpee' lifer editin To pesSing senteone you dear., :Ant T still find 'it' -veryCliploMats, TherroYal • ;part " ' tli.CO' the'''averooe increase- was twice tins. lent ehee ; . •Mrs" LlIaterson---Deteneo .. . ; -• ,- ,-; ,
in,'' the hands of' eliie,S, tillid Iti011dS, 'Wit, the 1-u21hee told "Etillis, ,,t,iiat lee ; be- haitd. to renteMber MY,''new 'nelrle:,". drove to the palene, ',being.' greet,od. ',nun:ilia.' -.1,luet eteen this -oliang& le,as She told ilia. she -least •Ordered ess inauy• •,,, ,. ..' • ... , ,
oei eneeleadly Anent:aces slue el C1 (P P, lieved Tin to be 0.: Pernienent onenlY Frieod-oAla, dear; nut, '.,,of ' eotirde, .2ey great ei*OWdS,612Pec441.0 linibg' the: ',4°i-, ' Ati4gia,1,147, ' 'oectliceel the '9Ver-e.elothee thia ,,40',9.SOZI,'' as she would • r if,.
e•:'''.,' -.'-"..'"-'-e-,', ' "-' ''', lm ewe ' lodge Under ite walls theY to Soot& -1- ' r • heart " • ' • - - ;too had the old one so long ". ' re -ate ' ', • , , ... -nroWel'Mgs - ' ' '. '. ,L ' , : . ' ' ' lier''BUsband hadn't .beeii in debt.. ' • ' ''''''' ' :, ' ' -
The,v are enjoying the following
story in Germaine jnst now. The hero
had just returned from the Arctic
regions. and was relating his adven-
tures. "On one occasion" he said,
"I was attacker* by a Polar bear.
reached for my gull, but found, to
my horror, that S, had no bullets left.
Tears came. into MY eyes as I
thought of the horne and 101/0d 01109
W110111 was never to see again."
"But how did you. escape'?" asked
hi.s friend. "My tears froze on. my
elieeke, 'They liecame ad hard as
,slciel. I slipped them bete' the rifle
anti stiet the boar through •ehe
25, delivered here. Cored ineats are would be allowed, os "leave Scots -
in good demand at unchanged prices. au" apples are classed by themselves.
37e o-note:-73acon, long clear, See to Fgges come 11-0111 Cenada packed in
Sec per lb. in case lots. Mess pork., the "Foreign" or "Trish" cage which
$16.50 to $17; do, short cut, $18.- holds 1440 eggs. These are sold as
50. • "Irish" oi• "'Selected Danish," which-
elmolced meats--ITams, light to ever may bring the highest. price.
medium, 1210; do heavy, 12e: rolls, American and Canadian boeon and
10c; shoulders, 9,1e; backs, 1.13e, to hams ere sent from pent or landing
14c; breakfast bacon, 18 to 13le. to English smoke-hone:el and aopear
Lard -The demand is fair, with
prices unchanged. elVe quote:--Tiere-
es, Sire; tubs, Etic; pails, 8ee; ,com-
pound, 7-2,- to &lc.
Buttalo, N. 'Y., April 5. -Flour -
Firm. Wheat-Sprieg, No. 1 North-
ern Duluth, offered at $1.09g,. Corn AN INHIJ1v1AN OFFICER'.
-Nothing done; firmer. Oats --Firm-
er; No. 2 white, 47c; No. 2 mixed,
Sentenced for Brutalities to 87
48?,c. Barley -Spot quoted 58 to Sol d.iers .
68c. Bye -No. 3., 8.1c.
Milwaukee, Wis., April 5. -Wheat.- A Berlio despatch. says: A lion -
No, I, Northern, $1 to 81.01.; No. 2 commissioned oilleer nerned Mitschke.
Northern, 98 to 99?,:c; old .Tuly, 99c belonging' to a military regiment at
bid. Ieye--No. 2, 72?,- -to 73c. Bar- isTeisse. has been senttinoed to impris-
ley-No. 2, 62 to 68c; sample, 88 ()omelet for three niontlis. Eighty -
to 59e. Corn -No. 3, 50 to 51c; Ju- seven cases of ill-treniment of soldi-
/Y, 524c bid, ers and otlior brutalities committed
Minneapolis, Minn., April 5.-Wherit 'by IVIitschke were disclosed. .
9750; July, . 97f,c; Sept.,
831e; on track, No. 1 hard, 993c; No,
1 Northern, 98-ec; No. 2 Northern,
95ec. Flour-Eirst patents, $5.15 to
$5.25; secceid do., $5 to $5.10; first
cleans, $3.60 to 83.75; .second
$2.65 to$275; bran, in bulk, $14,50.
on the market ns "Wil-tshire," "Cum-
berland," "Yorkshire," "Berkshire,"
or tiny other favorite brand. Of
course, if you could prove a 'case
were forged the parties concerned
would be heavily fined, but a11 this
funny everk is done in cellars or be -
bind the scenes.
121/eleoine to King Edward and
Queen Alexandra.
A despatch from Copenhagen eays:
--ICing• Edward and Queen Alexandra
arrived here on Wednesday to at-
tend a fainiln gathering on the op-
casion of King Christfan's birthdtter,
b • 1 •
The bubonic plague has broken out Vet thio suspended Jaeob's loddot•
in several towns in Peru. has its owo mogniiicent reward I'm-
Goiseppi 'Marconi, the father of the those who' climb it. 10 the top. .11 .
inventor, died. at Bologna, aged oo one has enthusiasm to spare for aro,
yearS. chiteet ore', the Viet aria Tower IAA;
It is reported that. the Aincer of enough of the areifiteol's geui'ls to
_A.fgoanistan has 'been 1)07so1e7l The engage him. for 1)111011 longer time fie .
despatch comes from A4shkaliad, capi- wal be abl°to stnY But 514, is the
tn.]. of the illiswiao Trans -Caspian ter- view of 10(2(101111(4141Ole which
_ architect, artist Jou. 1111 i 401 1 ri.1
Capt. oontieff of the Russian (1(4- ‚113 great eity lies deep belie, 3)7444tillec7 is chergccl with mnitrarY a toy vrov1(1-"lilce diinininhel and
14001'025 to A0,11 rl a as well as to smoky. pined. of W112.1 21 a
tor.y. , will 213)2)1911 PPcal to Ili 111 orb 271th fIr
ricEoN FARM.
Pigeons are farneed by an inhabi-
tant of Los Angelos, Cal,, wlio rears
to meet the demond of deniers at
least 15,000 of the little feathered
ereatures aVery year. Tlie Sarin,
which is described as the orily one die with ite safety frote the weld. it
the world, covers 21/1 •1117011, ()X eight weighs, iie,,,,,,teeoess. ,10f) Teo
acres. Three gigantic lorta 11022 Ltie 2)0 10 ou ing t.i.kt,
ne8-1.1Y 10,1/00 33e333.r4L.Y1 82)84.08- Na- of stoue frois: siolare, is .
1141111 1137 such a large •nittn her 01 1111.475 16 ft. , Emu> and creswins
mreeciltlillii•ersoraega(c)iesidnelieuaalit jt,:ietienrgor6fil000c1,N0atlige-
g°whiela3t°,adtentc.111 asebiO01.0itti iilgS tawlOnesral'ecils 001 ir:11-1,1) .451 t tt(14 12012)330 11.11;(.41ttiai 11 1.2,2 .(11t1) ti..7)1e,1
top is (3 ft. he four lions
evhicle ion. 20 rc.,•-t
high, these cote:ere: 2.' (,'i f41017
111'611ed. bui ti.reeee of castforin-
isle. ethatrt:. 1.2.2,10 12 (3(4113378 130 feet
ab'ove roof, altd thieingli this
agaiie passes Ue flagstaff, front tee° '
top of which floats 400 yards of •
biggoeit Un-
. • ,
Noevei' ;1'1611:Ps
which -this great flag flies.
MIs Cattersen.--aTrs. ttr,,iitet" Is. a 1;
Woman ,witie a great deal 'ot 4)11e10, •••
cliiieber nearly', half a hundred. years
Even half -way up tlie. Lower Lfin-
don seems e dwarf (lite. lin yea wells
around the arcade above the first
tier of windows an arcade with ions-
sie'e and enormoue arelies,
and as wide its some of the Str:,eis
you (1iraly Kee below. Bet -Lite roof
is the i.veastire of 111*? lower. BuiLt
ELS lightly as could be, (•onsistent
stale limed soaked in water.
,This year's ieseet: of .2.13e''''33ritisit'
Medical Direetoiey r,contailes,a totai,
number, or no,naes that, is, ,really • stir-
„prisiog, ''Phdrc ate c:ensideca41$--
lucre, • than 6i000;,,Praetit1011er41.';,,
London oio13e„,..wk,a)F4, .theAptale.".for.
, Great "Britain 'andIreland: 'pews! tee
37.)7.80., , The; eici eters , inereaSe" tithO
rate of ah0t' " 400- t, veare 12.3)1 1p5
.cUltutz,1,•WatfTOitreyeare eitieteati,tif
, • • • / • •
,•,, -;.. : •, „ • • ..