Exeter Times, 1904-4-7, Page 5MED103.14 D.,L 0. 43 • P, S., Graduate Victoria Uhl,- vonsity. office and residenence. Dominion LaeoratOrY, Exeter. DENTAL . ----- TT. inxradAN,ii.D S. AND re S. D D.B.,Roecr firadnate ' of Toronte Univerilly. Dentist. Teeth esti'acted without pain'op bad r.fter etteits, (Mice in F. Sen's block"Wesde or Main treet,'Exeter- I*0*. D.A. ANDERSON, (0. O 31..0.8. DENT/SI. Ronor Graduate et tbs Toronto University land Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons a tarroonw hoeoret Also Poeleitratmate. of ewe sebeol ot Preethetie Deutistry (math amble mentinen EverYttingkuceen to the Peutal Protentioa denem Doe office. Dridgo worc. rows a1 heminuen,gold and vulcanite plates an dome pa the neatene manner vorsiele. li.i•JerteetLT harIn less ansesthetio need for painless extrae. tiou. °ace ouo door smith of Carling fliVestore ifaeter.chit. INSUR314PR, 111.rONEY TO LOAN. !LTA. Private funds ele lame en Fenn property at Fou 0.4(1040 halt per cent, DRNE6T 100,1,10T7 MONEY TO LOAN We have emlimited prevent fuede for laveetk meat nip on terra er village propeette' a lowea (4114're6alc11-$91314 twnwszo .Nneter. N TO 1111VO toaoop rano a • tatarOat. mouut otte lamas illagevroverties etleenatee OlieeDMAN 8TANDVIIY ters SolleitOrtle MainSt F4Xtter ON &CARLING, Dere/eta& Solteltore. Noterlan Conveyancers, cemuneeseteene enchain for et oelifolsolie IleaikeEte. !donee to Lean at lowest rates of inter -get. 08710Fie--blAIN EITAB41', a. eArtmo 0000000*•000004001 .04 0 0 0,1700.000010 Buggies! uggies! en Want a Buggy tU t1e a et 11et Btoek in town n the rienves Our priers ave low as =be fol. for first-class material and wOrknlan ship. 1310FORE YOU WY fLL AND 8E LJ. F Russell e Door. South Tom, Mil. EXETER 'MARKETS Wheat per buehell 00 Datsnew . .. 20 " Barley ..... Flour...-. Butter .... Zggs 0 * 0 00 4 * • • • ge II Pork Ilve weight ....S.1.60 to $4.00 Pork Dressed ..,, .to10-01 „ ...urhey ., .. 0004 14 Ducks . .,.. S 'Chicken ... 0 • * to 03 to 3/ to 42 $2.50 15 14 14& W. C. T. U. NOTES twattitt.4•41...t Mr. Itebert Holmes uspeaking be- fore the house, said, be thought' the Members &A not appreolate the grow- th of the cigarette evil. In 1899 there had been manufactured in Canada. 1,00,000,000 cigare0tes; in19001123,000- 000 tr 1901, 125,000,000; in 19024 000,000 (and in 1903,e178,000,00o en; 0114 epos° or 40,000,000 hvone Year, ,r,he government excluded undetsinableise-it tiara, similarly they shouldproteot 'the ,people from evils f`evihtin. alefevithetanding all that hasibeen taga.inist tho eigarcitte byleN- perts: n.otvlithstanding the decision a- feleterie,s and unions whereihees aro -extensively •employed, calispielnius among whom are the Western Union tralegraph..Co; The Ostler 'Printing face -3 The American District ,Tele. graph Co., and Peter --Smith eri S00% who have signed an agrelement =tato employ boy st who else the paper ,.pipp. -Mho ageneemen.t reads thus-;-"Qa and Alter Feb. 1st no boy under 'the age elf 1yeariswill be permitted :to smoke cig,anetten with the lenowleellge; et the management and rotain his position pith the company."' ` Not withstandeng the verdiet of- publie opinion regarding the cigarette • and ;that a dea,thinentencei'hangs ov- tat ; •ilgetlAdithettintling that strenuousler- • Rorita haevee been ma.do n Parleameint mon off houest and trang , con- .victions toncerning the cigainhte( to lereng its abolition: by 0egilelajion, lby Mr. IVIcLarerie(Illuniinte(dele)• ktnd suppareed by some Strong 01)er-etches; ntill notwithstanding all thisilhe eig. are tee is cleifende4 by men fielding the highest positions or trust in our country, viz: Sir Wilfred 'Lauri er and the Opposition, also by Mx. La.vergue, Mr. Oster, Mr:Barden and others. This ireeidieus and deadlytenenne- the oiganette-is claiming uneumber- ed vict ims i morn; our) boys Yearly. Wha I, do we clean Trom the, indef.- Ienence of its dentendereS0 Oeuse, his, plainer than words can sa their de- cision Is saying; -“While we, know oll • these facts, yet attht ceet., „of evem ouch a great eacriLicel Nve will enjoy his b eta t oureelVpS a rata leo f Or pa r- ty ends and pelitical,purpeeee (nom the wealth and influenee ef the man • u tee ttrretris.' 11.413 neer utter We, tle, Olt tr- lan eremperence Union Meeting- will bo an the 'third Weeneedayitt • , the . mon t b. being t be 2Oth. 13111S. E. ELLIOT Y. pc eas newt.. The Poet- General's reportt allows 118 letteraddressed to the T. Eaton Co.. cOntaining $389.79, went estray and no traee;e.ver found of the money. One Ca zeediari girt will go as a nurse to Jarmo, at assist in earines for t;he japan-N.4e soldiers who are wo,undent and otherevise disabled. Miss M. C. McDonald, eif Baiely'a Brook, Piotou Vennty, Nova SeOtia, OUO Of the Oa-.' nadiaia wale went to Soutn Aghice, during the, /leer walebanikeen eeleeted f or. serviee nil"wflLrepreeleat this countrer n tele?, seat of war. alto ,or :I'o1e4 J, .LVangban„, of 13rantfore1, died, auddouly a heart dis- eam at midnight Saterdann It ie thounht death was". ace;elerated,. Zr worry in connection with the charenee be•eught against him bee Conetable .flan, et which hewas eleared, Satur- day after investigation brtlee opine raiseioners. Eloteasad. had held, the Poeition ear chief a palica for /8fsna Ile leaves a w'alow'and foarchildree, • DORN- .1114L,BRIDGE.e-at WinehelSee, cn April 5th, to Mr- and Mrs, C0orge Delbri„ son, DIED. WILCOX.-In l'oteter. oo Oth 1904, Daniel Wileccs. aged 87 years and 11 months. Drantford. on March( 31,et. The irtrane (twin% dean-dr:teen a ar. and Mrs„ Will Verit„).-, Elimvilie. on, Tuesday, April 5th, 1904, Mery APO Verrig, beloved wife of Thomee Val°, apd 00 Fears 0 days. She 110WS that ilantiOS *mu= mum eja cute itieliestiott an CanStiPatiene Cure those two ailments, and lassitude, brain -fag, insomnia, headache and c;t1aer nerve de- rangements will disappear. A healthy stomach, perfect di,gestion and pure blood mean good appetite, sound sleep and greater capacity for work and play. 'Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets after each meal, will do it. lykr riot try ? Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or • sent, postpaid, on receipt of przee. The Iron -os Remedy PASTURE 't ,Cent tie wanted for summer astur by „the month or season, good ',freeing anti plenty of water on the 1nd. -- john Blatchford, litirondale P.43. c• ARM. FOP, h AL E well iniproved farm, 170 ite ea, on • on. 10 and ltan the township efiBide ulph, eituated about Ulnae .miles rom Granton. About 100 ear:is:un- to: grass. Good buildiugs on ther pre - raises. For •particulars apply Li Mr. af,icilael O'Mara, Greaten, •P:.O. FOR SALE T 1 1904 LEAMINGTON %BUSINESS (5), E GE NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT To begin a Dueleives or Shorthand course, We can not get enough re,r4doufettee,aht°elpTel lit4:plaaellse2ualemnellsre Young Mel? Ot an teverage salary of pevermouth to start. New eontee fora Feb. 1, 'Write for catalog "De." A.D. 4110 W NegrinciPali OF INTEREST TO LADIES The ri,eir. of 44.tof,•Dareoweat to th- en Tuteeday. April •19Lh, w4ll af- toxd ; be ladiee of' Exeter • tied sure reiundiute country an :oportunity CZ corisultiug him regarding their Itair ita need* and their Teoninaniente ell 5;tyli....1 of flair floods. Prof. Dere enevent. carries with him. S. meet: var- int aesorerriene of hin feenotes eoncen. tion Switohes, Bangs. Perapidenrs Wavy Fronts and Wige. The eqeet of thieee high g. ade natural liath Pha- deetimes e,in not be procared from ,} any emir gaeda dealer in Atheriea. Pro. Doreninend hae rhe distinction being the largeal, menefaetursr nacet noted apecialist thes, goods. Privrite apart menta are at the 000- venieno,,... of all who avail themselves Or calling at the Rotel Generel, cn lihe dans or his visist. • • -Mr. John Davidson and ferniiy, et the Goshen hes moved Into elie, • village. •jell), inroads going out. eves;t toe, in June. • John .Balley and banally/ of thia ene viLlwi4emeeved. to Bruenfield lass weele where Mr. 134,11-anhaa been engaged rex; tlitt WAInnier- -.31enere Neil Cameron and Win. =, Weston left for I3uriiireeton Beanh, on =, neeneeze to stare, work wail Fred Bel- ngeur on the dock -there. -Mr- Will Robinson, prinelpal al tha sehP0i. ; ulso ,Miss Flossie Stu ahur„,, assistant, arz spending their Easte4 IloJiday3 Toronto. • ---X.tera. Sandy Browa 41:14 Edward iid left thie 'week' for tOevenSeund Lo siert the slimmer on the 'Govern- s:a:eat. &Steamer "Bayfaeld." •Mr, John Davidson, evlio sold ,fo.r,m, Menthe Onehert Line, qtaulely, has oyea lea fa al il,y into the village :Ind taken np hie residence int 'are, cottage on Coma street. .The fiend /apt Felideey and SA,tarday &yea the greatiest .eeenhere Lon years the watee rising to within one foot of the floor of the bride. fleia seeere covered will; 4cc, carry;ng.' :away Ohm. Dri2m,10,r's and: Wm jewe.tt's •bent eeemen daniaging' Several Imats. ton Mr. Hugh MeLeod'a readily -were- coin. sited to leave their hoinsen the teeter being, wo feet deesainaide. The north •to - pier was datelaged conside.rably; by he "'- great cinontltiem or Ice and driftwood owing down the river with the flood ???1 rauton 1, elf Toronto, rieti Mr. Wm, 441114,1r. Vu. ILn, wit o ve y f peat 3reek be; ijbnzggQr bet er. Mine WI: llon-leine lifft un day morning for Di:audio) at obee 'her husband isliving. Ushorns, School *10.01.4,110 , v Gee, Stacie et. Tni tiaogiiter et 'Wm. ..% etre, gclepesereasio a bottle or ea lie ereld,the other day Await owed seen 11,,eaeld, anaffor seme hours how alweenlIfel and deal h. he will Waver. -Death hos elainned nietira ttinee it "WaS Verb a p$ t s t the flounty of Perth, in the of Mrs. E'enmeily, who wen in tynolglitt year. She had been fined :to her hzd tor -,5avoral"years 11 Salturday she peened to •the teat Beyond from wheime no travel:, kevar rAurns.4 diriectors of . keerten d r twine faccary c up e' minds net to'star tU a.fter ha.rvest and The following is the of tho *motion MataillatiO116 Ike in $.5. 12, Vaberne. Name* are order nr.krit. Fourth Cla.74 over GO per eauthe ZoUowhi AlYneer Morley Delbert Morley, DJ te-ir°°1411. to oworat uo.y4 hotitual. direetors owing to on„ Atvoza:. xtangv.:,, (mar:, inikio, - b141 mannemoitecte .1`m'z •'41111 9ued, •Von St". t 0 Jr. 1V.-1.arottnn tee"4.11 eIr"In5tane45 brobe ught' about ore forced to inform you that 'Wag. Lizzi0 TIr4ter 6unn11114 erv4illi inIncsointa, to openalte tin) From Jr. III to Sr. 111.-1Vilsou Mor mut to mokil twicoror thebarvtam vian,3nra Ounnir44 Esom Sr,. 11 to Jr. Ille-Oordon, Meer lonisii.41,M,Geiruynni:,4;•1,tel4lilluitntle5ty'ric.'",;14121)31.:1-4 .811/-• bq'ulr• trust tshareinilders using' tv.ine, oloysrouTtl'llart. litatAZ;'J nts two11141 tmwefukz datipbecirneti)ytoal 1904, 0u -tiler than: toinit on tble mar- 1;ot ‘Ltio 109 tons or twin e4 in the wareelsolase there, ond 57 tons lit Mali. ttoba left over from Oast year. •Ivo • ,Laentele. Ienowlee. From Jr. Pt. 11 to Sr. Vera Ogden, George Ark..; Igoe itheden, Meilee, Albe Leh Erma P to Pt IL-Verda. dtu- lay, Mar gut: ri McGt ,My rile Can Exeter Muni,cipal Council. ^ Cuurwil rile: pursuant to adjouni- went at Town alaseh 3114. ia.b. ae at eneneillor Ta,ylor. A r r oarsge-eW ode- Tha, t t 113 fol- lowing accounts ba pesseti and' orders Ouduicre, Iabor, Irie; Wol. Crte.10:10 drawn on treaaurer Lor, apan; G. Ciulniore, labor, 87e; Wm. Greenhedo 1,25; VireLeb, doe$2,61 ; :Rich- Quaure, do $4.75; Win..Treble, do, 50a It. Yellowt do. $2.25; A. Deearinge 'do. Than Brock, do, 03.43 ; T. Ilan -- Weis repairing pump at retinae:tory, ;:e1,15; 'Geo. 11. Blestott, tog tag* 4and exprees "$3,85 ; Mies PE'emp, .'par t sale try, 525,00; Geo. II, 13iseett, doi 827.50 Well. Levet t, ceal for ;Mrs. Delve, I.75; E. Hunt, lebor, 40e; C. B. Snell, electric light to; April Int, '.$87.01); W. .7. Iteamanncoal, N. End fire hall 86.50. -Carried. Arinet t t a be furniahnd for a drain on Huron st mot Crom Thos. Snell's residence to ir- ling street, the parties,benefittel fa ' dO OIL the work. .-Carried. flountall to- jourr, to April 14h. -Carried. GEO. 11. 11ISSETT, Clerk.. , MAN'S MOST CRITICAL AM Vety often the vital resoureits ars small at forty:two, but if not; then, between fifty-seven and sixty-two yea.= or age Morels estrange; slow - g diowni and loss tor Ilia imporitant :t,ha,t this tran.sinref period at eleilay should benchecked; strtength :the weakened nerves be The wise man will , use Vermo. zone. whose poteney is iparticularly aP plica to those critical periods. Far riozont. 'quickens Lhe whole betinigel.rne parts vigor a nd power, pushes back Lhe tonset oC senility 'in aivery. mani- fest way. it's hecause Ferrozoneigiv- ha strength, vitality and vigor that'll u.seful to old men. Try it. 13r1ce25 cente Bayfield Miss Ella Gainer= left this iveek for Toron.to to visit friends. -Mr. lierry Darrell is' having the Pket Lot 23, eon. 6, in Ushorne. faen- Cemeaercie I Rotel reshingled this tainiVg tire aeeee of land. Good bilek week• , house, stebte, good t IL bat d and. --Jas. Ferguson left for Port Dover den. This reepei ty e rr•op last to take charge of a fishing Thaerene ROacl Post Office, at,i1 lie nog there. , solar close slate. ire1-111s easy, -IPtin. Mr. Janane Ifergusan loft. on Monday partirutals'apply to I Ii0MAS OAMERia far Port Dover, where( he has beencti- ON Fa rg uli I' PO. • •;4 aged Tor the summer. running around on oUaRelle eteXtg.,,e'd13.1`17,:sfjrt't,TY, t'ci.,?:1311.7ax.ectle7t.ieveeNevnkerttliee ssinroceavt- sh a ving II •S If00111,11-11e0.11._TNII sal 7 pure bred Durham. Bulls with - nre v after spending Pe gine or eligable for registration Irr," l- a aged bull which ia the sire of the er " the'r Buesilless College, et see, le 1ucluded in the cifferrin; r5tarlicd home' en Sa Lnrdal a& has pnoved himse a sure stock gel, ler. ge Wan 'sired by Rivareide St4imp, which clid. such good Serviee • intlie herd of J. and W. p. Watt. I. ,f.ariom, and Ls a halt brothel- to Stet of. Morning, recently- • owned by eeznea Snell, of Hallett, which t ook fireet9prize at .Lendon falr • ant/ solat den heVliereeesion sale for nel.00. •on Conceseion2. Ray, or Jentre Wee, nee'', P. 0. STOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind you ilave Always Bought Bears the Signature of eators to get tile nail inoperation, this fell for the harvest of 1905.u. The,eir cular is signed by. David president and opeas for itself, The trouble aenns to he, says the Herald that the company are indebtatlito the bank, and Although llienemourilk of this indobeclne.eas met: large, yet Lha bank, does not care about advanc- ing any more looney until thin old scare is wiped Que. Stephen The following is 'a.correat rvork of we unite wih t th a many- friends of' Uta standing or the pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the month of DIarch, together with The result of the recent; ;promo -- thin examination in Ind and 3rd, book °leases. The names are in order al' eneritle. Entremee,-Thos. Sandiers, Mitchell Eddie...Willie, and Barbie -Elea-. ver (equal) Lizzie Sanders,):Edath Par - hone, S.ata. Rinks. Protrioted from Sr. III to Jr. IV. - Total 810, 111111)11 Willis, 555; Thom- as Penliale, 552; Cecelia Ford ;519 ; Fred dileatner, 518 y Derry Terivebner, 501; Ilarry Parsons 437; Earl 13ox 436 /Tilde jareszent'or 435. Promoted from Sr. 11 o .1r. III.--. Total 6,10 Sherman Willis, 451; Glad ys Deareng, 418; Eddao Triefonerr 405; junior 1II.-Earl Parsons, Alay Sam - ;Vera, Devine, Cookson - Junior Diearing, John-. ley Willis, Geo. Ricks, Fried Preszea-:- Low, Sam Stanlake, Earl ShaptoneGeo 'White ker. Senior Pi. II.-Genelon Sextders,erl- orenee Triebner, eeela Willis, &liner 'Phester Parspns. Junior Pt. 11. -Wilfred Shapton, Ed- gar Wnurth, Garfield Stanlake, YoGer- [1 g p la El Is Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants areweajc and others strong. • And that's the • way with children. They are like young plants. Same food, sarne home ine care but some grow b'cr and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the lood does not feed. Scott's Emulsion reallyfeeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of \leak- ness and failure to grow— Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. • Semi for ftee saiap, e. SeMt & Downe, Chemiq-3, Toronto, 0 50c. Ana fLoo; ,Iruggv,ts. 1044, 41111Pr4t irkor4 40444... 4.4.ne •Ar - OM, O ▪ W. 4Inkm 4uum OW- 4t1.- ??1/rittfMrtt tewear this rtIrttn Mrint The White Sale interest does not grow less by the daily ShOW- tr and sPllin,Y It remains just as fresh and enthusiastic as the doz- ens of snowy white garments composing it. Many have been car- ried away by ladies who appreciate the beautiful in underwear, and know when they see R. Numbors testify to the superiority of' our Rig Collection of Dainty WhItewear. A greater seliing Volume has marked the Advent of spring Purchase early, Ladies White Drawers In fine carahrics finished with umbrella style, flounced, wide tucks, also heavy Cluny Lace at 25, 35, 40, 50, 6g. 7Q, 75. 85, 90 and 95e a pair,. Dorset Covers In styles of lace front, low round neck, beading,frills of embroidery bias skirt, all sizes at 25, 3O, 35, 45, 50, 6Q, 45, 70, 75, and 85c. White Wanes lade of tine India Linens, trim - ed with lace and insertion, cked at 750, 1oo, 20, $1. 40. White Underskirts Particularly flabby goods, styles excellent, cambrics of the best, all seams double sewn at 75, 950, 00, 1 I5, 1 20, 1 50, $2 25 Don't forget us in white s Ladies Chemises special beauties, Emnire style, elaborately trimmed for the s so and 750, Nightdresses Soft English Carnbrics. Empire style, low round neck, low square neck, high fronts, trimmed with Swiss and Cambric embroideries at 0, 75c, 1 00, $1 50. Yards Wiae s2c1).,tch or:1m) 0, novi This is an exceptional bargain as "NAIRTs." is known the or d over to make the best linoleum sold, AIRN'S SOOTOM LINOLEUM 2 YARDS WIDE LOO IN COATS—Prepare for a rainy day by bnyi g your - from us Every seam sirwn, Prmier & London Tower Brands are known the world over for durability, style. and above all for the rain proof qualities and no complaint come from those who buy them. Ladies' Waterproofs at 4 00, 5 00, 6 50, 7 00, $7 50, We ask Particular Attention to our Men's Rain Proof Coats, Premier make,thoroughly rubbered and vulcaniz- ed at 155.0C10 regular $7.00 Men's Rain Proof Coats, Premier make, the best rubber coat that is both rubber itad vulcanite at *8000 regular b$10.00 MEN'SARAIN PROOIP CLOTH COATS In beautiful soft finished cloth, excellent coat for spring wear. We put the knife Imo these two lines. One that was 12,50 now goes at $10.00. One that was 15,00 now goc..s at $12.50. Curtains of Use and Beauty BOBBINET CURTAINS by the yard at 25 and 35c. Nottingham & Scotch Lace Curtains, 54 to 60 inches wide, .3:i yards long, single or double borders with spray and floral centers very light lacy effects, designs exceptionally good, styles up to date, at 95e,, 1 00, 1 20, 1 40, I 50 a pair. 10 Per Cent off on Cash Sales, redeemable in Silverware Popplestone & Gardiner 120 Wall Paper Designs to select from. than Penhale; Leare,nte having childeen to cara- mel= School are earnestly requested to eend them immediately . after, the Easter vacation. 1.c0, on roll 40. Average „attendance P. FRED J. SANDERS, Teacher. St. Joseph ---* -Lest Friday death • claimed the three-mr)rithe-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dticharme. • -11,/r. 'Luke Nigh worars a smile. his wit% ,greseutect him with a charm- ing baby girl last week. ,Iceeon the lake has hroked up and fishermen 3vero lucky- in sav- ing most er the.ir nets and tackle. -Mr. Frank D. Curns, who has been absent Tor five years, anutreiedi to St. Joseph last week. During his absence he served in theErlitsheBoe.r war for Mese sears and in which ho did net gel e. sera,Loh. -Reports reached us here of a fload itt Rlondel.e, a few mules below Grand Bend. Nis. David Geromette and fam- ily and Mr. Scion -ion WiIlianaa and family had to move; out of their horo- ea. Much +other deemage least been done. tOsetttle have perished and 411 loose 6,Iiings around the!farms have been Sweat away. Varna Iweek getting his etTects moved:over to Mr. Turdy's house, het having -sold his own (to the Rev. T. Davidson. .Cor a snug sum. Dan aIvrays hasnu eye tor buainess. CREDITON Roller Mi s __- Lumley 111 I -felr. Frederick Cole.Sr., the sick liat ai presient.: ffeumley football team' has purchased• a new foothall teaga. *Miss Ellen Ilonton, spun; last Oristing and Chopping •week visiting friends ateSeaforth. ,-Mr. ThomaS Passm,ore sgentelnet Promptly Done. week and part of this vistlan.gefriends a t Toronto. ,-;Quite a number from here pur- pose igoing to the west in the • near trutu.ne. - -The Misses Ida and;Skella Pass- more entertained a number' of their young tEriends on,e evening at week, -Miss Maud Glenn and Mrs. Ge 93o1Lon attended the drawing,room re nen-Lion on Saturday last or Mrs: Wrn Glenn of Glennwood, 010;satilr ,1Poeter is g,31( tug things Toady to start ior th.a \east net1 week. Tite bridge fler,008 1119' river 1 1-1 ralleie north of Um Bannockburn brid- ge 'went down wilh the flood on Vri- da y iCternoon and tha timbers were seien in Bagield on Saturday., e ---Mr. V. M. Die,11141as a 'large num- her of trees tapped and bas his evap- orator egoing turning out ,syrup by „the :galeon. seripte bridge, stands all floods but won't carry hie horses. e -Mr.• D.4 MediT,aelnieton is busy tads t We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. H. Sweitzer HALF CUFLE IS DANGEROUS. When you get a Cold, La Grippe,Influenza,danot be satisfied with something to cheek it. The greatest danger is ia the dingeringresults of a half mere. Melly a life history would. read different to -day if hat severe attack of Cold and La Grippe had been properly handled. A hard cold will settle itt the week- st part. AnenInet, acts on the enth-e inueous membrane of the body -relieves Con- gestion --cures Constipa- tion, Biliousness, and. Dys- pepsia -every large gland of the body is brought, under its influence and a clear-cut cure established with a medicine perfectly nameless to man, woman, or child. 50 ceuts of dealers, or by addressing WInson-Yete Co,,Niagara Falls, Ontario. Free tare. pie te any address.