Exeter Times, 1904-4-7, Page 3CHRISTIAN
imented to tineir feet. By the
el and went agisiai to work', told again
power of a, bravo exaunple they arose
WO n a near victoryi Christian sold-
iers, wherever we go, we can find
OZ r Divine Leader ahead. Our backs
may ache, but he is carrying our
burdea of sin. Our feet may grow
tiren, but from ble feet and hands
mid head and heart ari, flowing
streame of blood. In olden times a
soldier was said to bave gathered an
aeiniul of pointing spears and press-
ed them into his ONert hrea:it that•
over his prostrate body Ids com-
rades anoint find a breach in' tile
- •
resented every aninliter who ever ma enoiieil;l:or elifi
cupiect this pulpit, rood they have s
i Qualities Discussed in This Sermon
Are Peculiarly A.ppropriate.
(Enteree exeoroing to Act et the -earn e
• bament ei Qaaarla, to the year one olscoileaged. Why, there bas been
Thousand, Nino Bemired andelsouere nothing but friction and trouble '
rd` trepe,Wrrneener'Re°114 itilreeoli'l ray chinch ever since I earae to iL
The people have iought and raisin,-
deeleataiie from, Los Arageles, Cale
says; Ree. Praal. De Witt Talmage
preatcheal froin She followine text: 1I. been anding fault avith aad niisrepre- eternal life. And here and now ep,
1 Timothy ii, in eedideon eisanniese as smiting, me. I am so discouraged. I on the folindetiora - stonee of a
good aoldier ot Jesus Cbrist," d'h •' • '
wise Gen ireeed lead Igo another • and. s mausoleum may we build
What is ware we. • .er of Place." Well. my brother, I confess the great "white Jennie, of a cerise
• blood flowing into a river of blood. You are basing a bard time of it. tian soldier's socritace."
owilood end eilniannendi mangles_ bad record, I know of one church #
Pauperism. war is a, mortal grapple, chiar m breakanpo, down its dee,
when nation Kays to aation, "lay
arrel with you cannot be settled
1 1sL
confess that some churches have a
'War 'mane ckness and death., wid-
vita for forty years lase meth? Sael.P" COTTON' TRADE
bodies, devastatea harvest fields and
ht by fighting, and now we will see
which of us two bas the power to
crusla the other," and then they put
their armies in the field commission-
ed to 1411 one another. Wan is a
grave :veil dug with bayonets. It
-0" -tile heavens deluging countlese
tears. It it num with clinti,ed list
and ileming eye -man with e coral-
lerY wagon ger a carriage and with
the surgeon's oper. Arm table for
eaucla War! It is the most brutal
the most fien(Iish. the unist
the Await Westing CU'se of the ages,
a We have the right to heti) it with 01
intense hatred and to prey that th
Prince of Peed) inay give us incor
antipathy to it end a more intense
horror of the awful sollering and
death that it entails,
It15 proper end right at certai
tizDes and seasons Tor good nen t
ge to war, if they go with the right
motive. The qualities Which go to
make Up a good end a bravo soldier
are those nbiela should churacteriee
good, Christian. The courage and
s'il sacrifice aoul devotion to a righ-
(pone eaese which have been diaPlaY-
ca in the Feld are needed in the
Christianie daily life. Therefore. Paul
aptly and powerfully uses the figure
too teat for a gospel comparison.
Pie is lir:Wig:ally eaYing to yowl
Tiereitiar: "Look upon your Christ as
great leader and general. Itialist
bie eerviee. ImplicitLv dry bis
a rai re. Cloiarge in Christ's name if
th'erelier is given you to charge. Do
mine! duty and trudge weary
reeve if that is your order, Be
wily to fieht on battlefield. Or
enecioi 112 trenelo or suffer in bospital,
es dotty fluty command." All yonnie
21.001:40tie 02)*(it.i.
*se ./1„
Ilygiene end, Other Metes
The clothraise
es I rub, end out,
wrivg, and
IAnd liarbor no care or sorrow;
Assured while bengind in ineshing
I That dat,y's well -acme for the mor-
ilitte garments inneo 1 sprinkle and
With never ever a thought, of serrow;
Arad merrilyiwith swaying iron -
This task is done for the znorrow.
ferent, Diameters. One Vaster alter elieesi •dipped in beaten egg and ;them more folly of His sufierings
another has been destroyed in repine Necessary That Raw Material, Be,
health department to endeavor to
check the epread of • pneumonia,
'which. is crowding the hospitals, The
stirring- up of the. dust in (titles the
more common colds and catarrhs
Well as tho More serious pneumonia.
Mrs. Lineoln says that although
most receipts direct us to Soak tap-
ioca an hour in cold water, there is
less of the raw starchy flavor if Pitt
directly into boiling water thole when
soaked ha cold water. Boiling wa-
ter eleauges starch almost inata.ntly
end begins to e,00lo; it.
The stomach is helped. aud diges-
tive conditiors improved by an al -
door to the JeWa at
to the gentiles in the house of
nelins (Acts we eun
his use of the keys, but we must beaa
In mind that while the kirogdora in-
cludes the church the church is not
the kingdom. Wheever beartilY be-
lieves that Jesus is the Christ and
understands it eannot but rejoiee to
be used to the utmost to help eom-
Pieta the church aml nasten the
The Jewish leaders liaving rejected
IIim .o.s their Christ or Ncssiuh and
having determined. to Rill Hine, the
ternating diet of the Nrar/OUS cereal disciples are forbidden to declare to
preparatione used breakfast anonthIls e a
or yeateitheChrist.H
petite and aid digestion by nialcing ieeribes reiected Him, but He is to Little ,aver Pills
impels. Don't then, tie noureelf to ttbera declares plainly that net only
one particular cereal, but pique ap- ,13aVe 1,1131 elderS. prieste and
•occasional changes, oiozhier wetly thinge at their hands,Must Dear Signature of.
It is not gem:Nally 'understood fly !and be killed by them at Jerusalem.
housekeePers that any cereel, with, Maid- 21/i but the third dair
the eNeeption of emu's or hulled 1B will rise again. When he, the
core, after it has been cooked road :third time, told them that He was
set aside to cool, can be out M to -die and rise again He told
WEDNESDAY, fried a delicate brOWn WithOUt and 0180 the manner of His death;
ler order as he crone to its parson- royal Wztlaio 11P240. The dough 1 lowed hate flaky loaves, toughening 01' impairing its flavor, that He would be moclied and
age. One minister was so tantalized Experts of the cotton trade_ lood My soul no trouble can borrow; Eaten with maple or auger 'syrup scourged and crackled (Matt. zone.
and ettacked that Under the p('rsecu- the view that the only remedy for MY hearty darlings may eat and and butter any such dish is an ap- 23; xx 19), They do not receive
tion of its members he committed the evil moth bee plunged Len ,. live, •petizing addition. to the breatifast "I -lis saYings, and imPulsive retOr suYs
iseicide. But„ tell me, you who have shire into distress is that the raw So g idlle I tell for the morrow. or 11111011 name. , that it must not be. According to
given having a hard time in that material sball be grown within the Few people l'ee.11ye 110W infinitely Matt. eel, 22, Peter said, '.Be it far
church,. do You Dot think you are EmPirs. THURSDAY, superior to the tele wane turnip is from Thee. Lord (margin, pity Idly- ti
getting along there as well as fmy What bas been done already was neeale 1 ply with whirling wheel the common yellow one. 'Pro boil- self); this allall not. be unto thrso.” '
one else could? "Oh, yes! you era well adated be Mr, 4. Arthur Hut- And balueli care and sorrow. ing this 1 egeteble with at bit or From this reieetion of the eross 011
ewer, "1 know I am. In spite of ton. vire-eheirman of the associa- While viewing garments, so deftly garlic., add bloc" pepper aud a good to Peter's denial he seems to be in -
three balking elders and two obstire, tior. at a meeting of the Statistical made, lump of butter, aud you will never creasingly out of fellowehip, hat the
ate, fault-finding mistees, tee el- Society in the Memorial Hall, elan_ To cover my 1
taking in new members all the time, 011051`00. row.
The present crop of the world,
Never 111 the ell1lrell'S histoz'y bas it
been doing so much good Then P°1"" ("4' is as follows
ly brother. instead • of complaining 7,; f States
2 lot you shoeld eon.. I -dr- 'rers'es
a one
The grim' and dust I sweep a
My mead no trouale can bor
aor deadly disease, Wh
laied. Go ahead and do your r t 1.004 ono therein,
' "ad 12128 b01101'°11 you alm,,T,°, Iteet of the world ...... 1.(190,1100 routeil to-fley, for to-morraw,
1 others. Lie has put You in it "4"i• Througliont the world, also there
("cult position. Post of difficulty al- , are 11 ir eel/1,410o spindien a eii me S,A.TURDAY.
"os poet of honor, mitten risinerem lien tile 01,0 2,0114 Tile nourishing food I mix end
r ' 11 fact that stares us -n the fare is 4ii.iiiu.l,Y shlg, ibr o° s
wr'Av\CTro17ALIZE. .Iliat tlepreoent Fawley of 00t1021 is • I„"111'',5 112 ill- a,i„10./01, an_ loi
But there is noCier groat fact rinstaliciont to beep tbo apindlee fullv Swi”' rest 0"2110111 2111.0 0"
which the good soldier of Jesus employed. .
Chalet should realire. The duties of Mr. Hutton reviewed the 3)051(31121
the camp rightly performed are in India, West Indies, Uganda, Rile-
eoinetintes just es essential for God's desie. Weet Africa, and other p08 -
work as duties rightly performed 02 .: eSSillar:., end (a:32002,50cl the opinion
the front. The worle Ithith iS dime that Wet, Africa. will :emu loi. eble
by the commissery and the eergeon to grow cotton ranch 211000 eheeply
hem sometimes a greater part to'than Americi.
play in winning martial vietorieti assoeietioudo 03201'221311248.
then the spectaculer color sergeant, eouree, are limited by its feud
s in leataing the charge nefore the :end Mr. Hutton loid stress upon
emyris breastworks. What defeat- need of further eupport,
ed Napoleon Bonaparte in his fent- in areessalenn 100,000 aeries could
ous Russian invuion ? The haYouets lie put under cultivation in the 50110.
01 the haughty czar? No. The on 1004-3 if the oeseirintion were
conqueror of Germany and Avietria
and Italy eould bare brusbed those
guns aside aS he had done in former
exampaigns„ It was the la:armee]:
empty of bread which made the
"Little Corsierin” run like a. fright -
1')1b' Arg., diitoted with a anditiary oiled bare toWard home. It was
earaile. Let me in this sermon re- Moscow ill flames and hie ;nen with
eno:nt for you how a gospel sojdier nothing to eat that male (be French SU.1.Z BUT DON'T
leaned obey celestes huge, eau.• commander tremble before the stony
Went does, it mean to be a gospel filauce of death.
rer? First anal foremost, to take UlaRECOONIZED HEROES
oath of enlistment. The Mere
ietween au armY nod a 211014 11° at homes 7 1 ellen recounted these been. discovered in New Guinea. 272(1
'(11100 between a 001101121012v
of men(100(38 ",,oreeogoiyea heroes or unused aro these people to walking,
by one brain, ruled by one triri 1S's
24 241' t purpose. I ia•ant to en- on the solid ground that their fen
directed by one order, and a courage you in your ordinary duties hiee<1lylwn
theY trY 10 go arY tlis"
er of 81011 ramnieg hither and thither
of life: It is not, possible for every tauce. TheS" wele clik'eovortll by Sil
io; • f30e13 of Sheila or frighiendiq. Christian to be al. Chinese (101(L)14or P00340121 P. 'ill:111°r "e"Ilvi
s'aienteling eaithn tiding us thedi `°11i. rt, Stonewall Jackson. 12 112 nilt The 1r1b° 111°1' of th° 'Thgithurk"
ie the difference between the oath of pesellee tee ail ndristiiiii soldiers hos, and ;niece then immtnniariel they
,nlintinent, and no oath. Pefore a to sl (1(1(1 in the eonspicames places bur° lived 111 SWILWPS. (1102' 311.108228
1.21(08 U2(1 oath or enlistment be end win the plaudits of the Chris- hying Perched on hozzahoo poles, mid
ai ,• free maim After 110 takes the tiara world. But remember that the ehiviiled ab"ila 14viiiv°frot ah°v° 1312.
o ele of enlistment he is no longer an haulage private in cerise's ernideiesen mud anal water.
u i.pendent, individuality. He Le a who as a mother living in the home, A0 a result, since there ie no solid
imbject to the soldier's or- los a sister working eeeind tee eaten ground toeywhere ilear them, gP2'1'i2-
14214 iS 'liable to be sbot if he ter, as a daughter teaching school 11021 generation of these PeOPle
teroorts or alitiolzers 11372 Superior ofil- to support an aged parent or to 31041(10(1 e1)t1r0)y °11 ciumei"g
carts The oath of enlistment practi- 3 give an education to a young broth- a" swi11"-"111.-i'' They 1100 mich good-
esilly seers: "1 will, if neeessary, let 1eI'-is in God's sight one of the es_ SWilliZner53 that they eau glide over
others olo nay thinking. I will ,go
wizere I am told to go, and do what
/ am toid to do." The onth of en-
listment, is more bindieg than bands
of eteel.
The soldier must be able to answer
roll call in a certain company, of a,
krtain regiment, of a certain bri-
gade, of a certain division, of a cer-
tain come. So the gosilei soldier
must have a distinct place in whith
be has his name upon the muster roll
of the church militant. There should
be en "free lames" in the gospel
army, iica guerrilla bands. „Guerrilla
eanhs are filled up for the most poet
ith iconoclasts and anarchists and
kthroats. But the gospel soldier
muse be a regularly enlisted man, de-
tailed for work to some one Bible -
class, to some one Sunday school, to
some one prayer meeting, to some
one church. A gospel soldier is a,
Christian Who obeys orders. -Mao can
yea "obey Christ 's orders unless you
have taken your individual place in
the gospel ranks of Christ's great
army, called the church?
The true gospel soldier always eon -
skiers the posts of danger the posts
of honor, He 'wants to hear the
singing of the shells, even though
that martial song may have to be
accompanied by his own death rattle.
Do wants to be as most of the sol-
diers were after they had enlisted for
the Spanish-American war. Oh, how
anxious the officers and privates alike
longed for the front! They wanted
ko have a glorious part in the li13er-
2tion of downtrodden Cuba. Some
len had to die for that liberation.
hen the brave fellows of the differ-
ent regiments,•by telegram upon tele-
gram, sent to the governors and to
the officials at Washington, practical-
ly scdcl, "Wo are ready to go to the
front -aye, to sacrifice our lives,
need be, in our country's service,"
• So eager were 'those soldiers for
dangerous serviee that when some
of their colonel$ received the tele-
grams that switched them from the
• trensPorts at Tainim to Jacksonville,
'Flaa there were sorrow and disap-
• pointrneat inmany ,hearts,
)(este of danger and difficulty aae
always posts of; .bnor in the Unitl.
' States army. 'And yet to hear som
• Christian soldiertalk you wroadd
,suPPose ethat the posts in Cluest's,
al1nly,where ethee are difficultieS are
'the poets to he avoided or cleserted
Even sOnie of the 'ordained 'ministers
of JestueiChrist feel that Way. 'Q11,"
willing to fineneta extelisiou F.s-
• g the expenditaire et :10s, an
ea:re, it gives ail outlay of 1,.:3o,(1(10,
"nruell of which. if not 130 "
I go to the 334210110(1 (ble, who
Wes aeiniehated with. earthie• 73
ITe giveth moo
21114724 comfort to-alay
"enallicient (ley
gaitience rn 3
•Ancil raiet 13
aid Mr. Ilutton, "would be lecover-
ed in tile liret tiealiou."
The Tribe Discovered in a
Ciiina, Swamp.
Christian soldiers, who are the stay It. 1 rib° that c011 brirdlYWltlk 31°8
sentials for lois great army. you nee and between the ban submerged reed
the power 12012184 the main line main Mae water 221)111(08. 1111(1 it is as
0)20 it possible for other abristian tural Tor 411 Ahgaiambo to slip into
soldiers to fight in the open. Paul the water to go next door as it is
is saying to the soldier in the reer r°r e, W011litn in this country to
as well as at the front, to the in-
conspicuous as well es the conspicif-
ous soldier alike, `Endure hardness
as agood soldier of Jesus Christ."
And why should we all endure
hardness as good soldiers of Jesus
Christ? For two reasons. Pirate
because it is possible for evely rad-
ii -ate as well as Christian officer to
receive the highest of rill soldier's re-
wards. What is the highest? Yea,
the very highest? We have read
how the Duke of 'Marlborough was
honored. Not only was Ile created
a duke, but on aceount of the Blen-
heim victory parliament voted him
the magnificent manor of Woodstock
and his royal mistress gave him
$1,000,000. We have read how Ar-
thur Wellesley was raised to be
Duke.of Wellington on 'account of his
victory at Waterloo. Lord Roberts,
recently the commander of the Brit-
ish forces, and Viscount Kite,hener
were raised to the peerage for their
services rendered to the British
crown. But all these offerings and
throw a sbawl over her had and
call on a neighbor.
They never leave their swamps, but
remain hidden in them from the
time, they are born until they die.
They are as shy as tbe crocodiles:
and reptiles that dwell there.
This life has changed their bodies'
se) that they look unlike any other
human beings in the world. As thea -
never walk, their legs have become
Small and flabby, and their feet are
so soft that blood flows from , the
cracking skin as soon as they are
called on to tread on hard ground.
Sir Francis Winter describes these
beings as :follows, in a, report to
the Australian Government :
"The men would be of good sta-
ture, if their bodies, from tho hips
down, were in proportion to the
upper part. They -have good chests,
thick necks and powerful arms, Ilut
from the hips down they were shrun-
ken creatures, hunting more like
ones whorl viewed frem the side than
like human 'beings.
honors, these di gn ties and fame, Met. pre short and broad
given by a gratefulcenntry to
faithful. sons, will be -as nothing -
compared to the greatest gift which
is given to a Christian soldier. The
gift which is the smile of approba,
don from a loe-ing DiVine Com-
mander. The "Well done 3" which
goes to the Christian hero or the
name • of Achaniram j-ndSon. The
"Well clone I" which is given to the
huniale servant eirl and to the hunt-
ble clerk and to the humble ' eurse
and to the humble missionary.
THE SOLDI-ER'S SA crzwicu.
But why, again, shoul4 we all en-
dure hardness as good soldiers cf
Jesus Christ? Because in so do-
ing we aro following his blessed
example. He who spared not him-
self, but suffered freely for u$, has
the right to expect fortitude from
u$. Prom none or us does be ask
such service as he hineseif ,rendered
to us. When the armyeof Aleiereider
the Great was scaring a noted moun-.
'thin pass the strength of the sold-
iers became exhausted. Many threw
themeelves upon •the grotiad to . die.
The great commander saw Aide con-
dition.; not C ,
braid, He quietlydismount,ed' from
hes war • charger. Tie, tlniew, aside
hieheavy cloaks ' a prir
yetit Pidkaia, then vigoreuie
ly,event ,to•',Work digging away at the
tee. His soldier's saw iaine. Meer' rvide ' All: arias ivaite,tO
eay's a 'visiting tlergyinan, `4X 'am so Icne'w' ' lie was ae 'tired aa theiri When their civic 'precincts 'dean. •
and wenderfully • thin, with 400(211
toes. - They ere sie feeble that they
look almost as if they lacked joints.
"Tile feet of all the people whem I
saw rested on the floor when they
stood dr sat in a way that 'reminded
one b -resistibly _of wooden feet,- ne-
came) -, they were so helpless and
• 'Insects are scrupulously dean in
their perawial toilet, and often
bresh, comb, and week themselves -
a service for which they- are admir-
ably provided with natural imple-
ments. This habit is traosferred • to •
communal affairs. The streets
withie the city bounds' and the gates
and e.xternal 'plaza abd "country
roads" leading into the foraging
fields -as with agricultural ants -are
kept free froin filth and, obstructions
that Might gather , filth. Tho con-,
starit washings and combings, of
babyeants by the narses wouldla
fy /the • most fastidious maternal
taste, One may not say that San:
ita.tton, is , an , eicatt enanietonian
science, but, it 'certainly is an art
thoroughly practised he every de-
partment of ,the formicarei, and
broils/et to perfeetion as far es na-
tural, conditions ,willperitait.. Every
, insect' citiaen. taltee part, in this
' •
Seed Cnke.-Beet to a (Teem one
cup of buttfr anal 'two cups of eeear,
add three tablespoomfuls of sweet
milk, a, little $alt, and vanilla oe
(0 the (este, with 224 (2 1.11)111-
83)001112235 of carraway seeds. Stir
in flour in which a teaspoonfil of
halting -powder bas been :rifted, anal
make stall enough to roll. Roll out
thin, vet in round eakee, suet Jodie
in al moderato oven. Tbis ruin makes
about, seventy-five eukee,
An 'Apple Plum P0214 ing.-Take
three purls or hreadermillis railled
(mate fine, one pert tart apples chop-
, pea 31.130113 as for mince Neg. and 0110
part raisins and English currants,
rithrT chopped or whultx, as yoUr
taste may' dictate; teespooefatl of
Salt, and Nvater to natal, tam sufficient-
, aro all the Ingredients required>
Mix well tor:ether end steam for
two hours; servo hot with to rich
sauce, t eking ho preened ion. to
make tho sauce samoier than is us-
ual, es the imitated is not sweetened
, at nil.
I Spa nish Sauce. -Wil two nnee%
01 loaf 51.13401' and 0 (0321r1(4. 02 pint
Or Water, bail 1•111(1 of a smell
lemon and the prel of Mt orange for
re quarter of an hour eater it comes
to a boiling point. Stalin and
thieken it with ono -half a table. -
spoonful of flour and a half oinice
of butter beaten to a cream. Mix
all together, then ncid the noire of a.
lemon find oronge, and boil
all together for a few moments.
Serve hot with the pudding. .„
Salmon ries.--Salmon pies are on
excellent luny idea, as this fish is so
cheap and meaty in its canned form
Line the sides, but not the bottom
of a shallew pudaling-dish. 'After
draining the .2,21112 11l perfectly, even
to the extent of pouring solne eOld
baked. l'on shoold melte enough
ownatlevritire-efirointr,. anId,0111hreiti:i3)satiorNiiig. thito
about an, inch thick. before, it is
It. Make a gravy with a little nice
beef stock for foundation end thick -
crust over it. This_ crust, should be
gravy, so that some will be left to
and some small hoops of butter over
salmon, and f hell. put the ru ler
oft' again im eat i a icily, lay it into
the dish; scatter sell and pepper
servo with tbo pie.
JelIiocl Chicken. --Boil tender,
in enough water to coeer one chick-
en. 'Remove when done, and let
water boil down to ono quart. Cut
the meat into small pieces. To the
waiter add tbree-quareers of a box of
gelatine soaked, One tablespoonful
,Worcestershire sauce, and salt. and
pepper to taste. Slive one hard-
boiled egg, add to the chicken, pour
over it tho st re Med 11(14305, lafix
well, and put into square mould.
Set it in a cool place to harden.
Egg P uffs. -e-S of Len . tab] psi) o o afu 1
of butter to a creamy consistency by
working it with a fork: heat throe
egg e to a froth and add them to
tee butter; add a level teaspoonful
of salt, and six tablespoonfuls of
flour, Beat all these ingredients,
together until they: rearm then put
them into buttered earthen cups or
small tin pans, and bake in a hot
oven for half an hour, or until they
aro cooked through .and nicely
• blp.tvdncieldn'g Sauce. -Beat two lee -el
tablespoons of butter to a cream,
add one-half cup or powcree sugae
and stir Datil lig end feo hy, ±lien
flavor with grated nutmeg and it is
ready" to serve.
HINTS TO Ia 01-T sit KEPPla .
as..ueattli-er ds-uSter, 31ato,bee11 15 0 0' CI
New•York citY 1)Y au advlsorY
board or illeysicians appoirated, byethe
use the white sort again, 'love of Christ was t
8;11;111 radishee boiled allele with a ward hint (John xiii. 13. 1 he Lord
spoonful of minted poraiey make a Jesus told Win. that new be was
delicious V.7.skti.1. whell celd. S'erve repreatinting Mad not Coal,
with a. French danorino. strenee that fratm (ho rieem;
THE IDEAL, lItiatineaND,
or argues.,
mouth may equie bleiaing and curs -
nig, sweet water Anil 11111er (Jas.
331, 8-1 2). but Peter, although
'l ng was loot yet, a Spirit filled maim
"10r5 1413 There was zinieb qf Peter. lIhea we
gramilites about the food. ere opo.ai into self is recitoned diend
praises toe wife witenearer be can, tale tee noro jesus alone 110S 1110
Is courteous to his wife's relatioile rinee in nine in. vOa),
Sete a gaud eireuiple for hio; child- 16 our eiiderieece,
01:lige:lids ins izt iiringieg up the 110°' th° Isi°3)10
11111,3,08•2(32,n101:s" 51.1 s w
th the housekeeping the disciples. I will quote 32 22)
and gave them a message ea 1
211, for the ealee of ooe.
111 ii2tc2'oit
81111011,t(1,:el,es.:onier.1401glti.s.ioirra owning
Tal.es reamoranie latiereet
ife's elot bee.
IValks about, the aa
wean his wie. is in.
Itemembera that his wifc
d vela:cat has,
' %vet, 1"011..;01S 11*' go -1
o leae ing for liusiatee,
alweive reeala
11711 312'
about his word not given by the others, "If
ally man Will VOI'lf. ;like' Me let hint
in his wily 5 deny himself anal take up hie cross' cuREs minezsTiox, pyspEps
.dee Wrapper Below.
oria es ewes,
tenet 42$42a0
FOR $11401101Eit
Eathig Became a Dread.
when aislied on imanielloal main, ,
tioveers lois helve, wieely end w
and lets Ids NS be e, hellt/Ovet 112
prory 1,,eolte of Inc word,
A water bottle that hos become
stained and dirty ehouhl bee e
daile' and follow This (4'0" BILIOUSNESS, SOUR, WEAN AND
3. G. CZLIni9, Ilarney's River*
N.S,. tells of what tlds wonderful re-
edy hes dame for himi-It is With grati.
tude that I eau testify to the wonderful
curative powera of B.B.B. I was SD badly
tie -totaled with indigeetirea that whatever
nte caused roe o Inuels torture that
eating became a dread to me, tried
numcrous rhysieians, but their medicines
scerned make me worse. I thought
would try B.B.B., so gat a. bottle, and
After talaug a few do,:es felt a lot better.
By the titno 1 'lad token the last of two
bottles I was us 'well as ever, sad have
had no rcturzt of the trouble since.
re,catmirqui your medicine to the bigllest
&gee. 1.1.B.B. is for sale at ell dealers.
May nieeee follaawieg
C*4b 1211(1 .1(172141211, anal 1101. followirog ,
o 041 like Siam% lioter; not merely
dein ina sonant Wee to on., eeir„ but
ateitiall'y aliening one's own self and
'eating it arts dead ami buried. The
21e1C0r 1,2V.:140.1,1S iloviers or jet
jewelry. nut olwoyo; prioloiodel
"r* daiiiy dying (II Cor, iv.
Tie. eening cola -
lig " one's life
ity ,
is in Ma eir
01'0 1:1 1 110 prt1SPII
• r
yes 42,34,21 42511
Iv() 03 1.41, pe,2
.12)2111 2133, "I
1 there is tho fottnv of glory or
31 toritand. o 12172382 no ipate a t.,
1 pazaprring and indulging and ,
unto Felf in this presitnt life
lilf3 ' mean eternal povert ' told tor-
nent and surely will rileen that if ---- ' -" i ---- ""'" - -
ten learee end a etteitanenefto i prveions mood 01 christ is de-
• ioifieiNi•inielgom.;visiitilt IF II:44(11;01f, nniftlinfNeht)::111,21 ' '4021 und not trIsted in.
swan u,..3 froro. self and presmt ,1 e 'Crood s
thoroagl'1:.• Wit 13 chat r weter, ite tee 14021 anti It'ad 1,3 t 0 GI.L'L 242'415220Q
bottom ilt* L11144141 it Mill I)e, Wen to '....11 In'VIVITI and 1111221 011t• affect ions
/et the tea leaves end 'a hoosear re. there Ile sets before on Elie glori
main in it fer sera, 111 (()'71, and it 'anal Nis eingtionne areuring US of Ills
mao lou neceseary to ure a ihyttle ttesire to have Ur ;31;11.1" it and tlmt
illIe N?, V,
I1501.1 it to us (.1211111evil, '
bru141. It.5,1N-S-1`tri'St. I 21). V:e must distinguish Inn 1.1. tem ,
; 22, 24; r John iii, 2, il; P1111. iil, 20, .
1 ur P:( eting ITini in tee e iv as e 1 i ' Tgeit,..., ea., ..., e, ,..
Ilia in SOW.; on a silk al re i. oft en o
', leinies His Pa tiler's throw, to re- a ANii6...V4 •iif cgm„,y Pirto
S2100121.11)425111 tni'ql 11 'in ,
11 3111S 'Writ to earth to restore ail things
boon irereel out, when the OM ne0S • of which tl,o prophets bate spoisen
I are that it will look es W131 318 O'er 01211 0412` return with 113111 when Ire
again. The ironing arena be done 'saran he manifest in Iris glory to sit
on the wrong Mae, Willi a 11103.101.0.1e... en the throDe of Ilis glory to judge
ly hot iron. A piece. of nmelle. laid tb t" (1 11 • ' • fe- '•
r zmis ss. 11, 1 1 1 h,
Cures Couahs, Colds, Brom:bills.
Hoarseness, Croup, ilstbres,
Pain or Tightrsoss tbo
Chost, Eto.
• 131 V21111. any possibility of its acquiring xxe, 31; Rev. lit 21). It* will well
a SI) iny look,
over the :elk en it ill ironed will pre- Avi4 i) 0( col an Matt,
relent" to look up every reference I atopa that tickling in the throat, le
himself pleasant to take a11 soothig 0na beat-
prae-erfully. Peach one for
mg to the Mr, E, 13ishep Brand',
must search the Scriptures and re-
ceive all meekly.
Text of the Lesson,. Mark -e-ii
• 27-28. Golcleia. Text,
IVIatt. xvi., 18.
This lesson is recordeu 111 Alain.
xvi, and Lune ix. as \veil as in Mark,
and, contains the iirst particular pre--
dietioa concernizig the reneotion. the
death and the resurrection of the
(-heist. • Luke says that He was
alone, praying:nand Fis disciples with
when Ile asked them this ques-
tion, Whom do men sue- Ont. I am'?
Tie was evidently let:unite up to the
following nuestion: Whom say ye that
I ram? The people had various opin-
ioes about Hine, sonie thinking Him
to be -John the Baptist vand others
Elijah or J'ereeliale or ono of the
other prophets, but Peter, answering
for himself said, art the
Christ, the Sem or the living God"
(Matt xvi., 1(3). To. this Jesus. an-
swered, ".Blessed art thou, Simon
Bariona, for flesh and blood bath not
revealed it mite thee, but MY Fa-
ther which is in heaven" illiattexvi.,
• Man canno4 or minsoi. know Cod
or recogiiiiie Christ. tiocl only can
reveal Himself to any one, and this
Ile does by IBS Spirit, but there is
no bindraece to our knowing God
except, on our part, for all who will
114*432 acquaiee -themselves with IIiin
(Job :tali., 21:; John vi... na). In the
words rollowing, spoken by our Lord,
'Thou art. Peter, and opon -this rock
will • build My cherchee' If our
teacliers load tohl usi that our Lord
said, "Thou are 'Ponies,' and noon.
this epetra' I will blind My church,"
and had also told as that npntrase
sientilee piece of rock a
while "pet,ra" signifies a solid rock,
O ledge ,(actioedieg to 'env Creek dic-
(ionary), how inuc.11 • idle talk and
controversy eiee might halve been sav-
ed from:, ecetireritingitiae.'clinrch being
'Atilt 'upon "paleli' 'aipitte'' Or Stolle, .. a
Did • Ocean , leetert . even saY, "Thanic
Peir.1", awithee the wisdenii nor tile
poWeli, Yet", 'hsU 5121112 aver.. 'prevail'
against . the elierela'• of 021r1t?" As
iiiii'tha'ae• eaves privilegie,d:, to' .open' leie
prtanTs OF A SERMON,
QUeell Alexandra has just forward-
ed to the Cordon Boys' Irome and
the British Home for Incurables Sad
rt‘prOSt'nting the profits derived during
the year fro131 the sale of Canon
Isitmoing's sermon, "Recognition in
I:aerially." This sermon has realized
a total profit of $7,860, which has
been distriblited equally between the
two charitiee.
'Ma George 0. iiillgitt, of Ingle, -
wood, England, ,otens a carriaga mare
with a Inalla Or silvery hair aS ree't in
length at the tips. She is ten years
old, an4 ts the mother of a colt a few
months old with 1110110 and tail al-
ready reaching to the ground. • Or-
dinarily the .mane of the mother is
kept braided and in a net.
Troubrea with Kidney Trouble
for Six Mouths.
gany Nen and Women Are Trouble
With Kidney llrouble, Some For Less
Time, Some For Longer -No 'Need To
Be Troubled Fox Any Length 0,1' Time,
If They Only Knew Of The Cures
Being Made By
Backache Is The First Sign Of Iiiiarteei
TrOUble-Thou Come Complications
Of A Blore Serious Nature.
or,' MISERY. Mos. Willianl Li. Banks„
Torbrook Mints, N.$., tells the pub -
lie about the great qualities of Doan's
Kid.ney Pills in, the following words
was troubled with kidney trottble for eix
months, and had 811011 terrible name
across' my kidneys all the time 'allot
liardly get erouricl. After ta,kieg
one box of Dorm's Kidney Pdls I began
to feel better, and by the time I had
otakeli three boxes I was completely
• Price zi0o, -per boo, or boxee for a2.25e
all ("ciders or The Doan KitineY Pill Cos
reroute, ;Vete
the welliknown. Galt gardener, writes
: -
I had a very severe attnok of sord
throat and tightness in the cheat. Some
times when I wanted to cough and tout/
net I would almost -choke to deittle My
wife eat me a bottle of DTI, WOOD'S
NORWAY PINE SYR11I, and to any sur-
prise I found speedy relief, I would
not be without et 11 14 cost $L00 a bot-
tle. sod I earn reap:emend it to ever,yend
Seithereil with 1400411444 or cold.
Price 2o Ceuta,
arariged Fiervas
Weak Spe/is.
r. R.N. a crapson's, Sycl nay, M.S.,
Advice to all Sufferers from
Nerve Trouble is
Ile says 14j have beoo ailieg for about
year irorn deranged nerves, and very
often weak spells w00141 come over ca
be so bail, that I socnetitees thought
wottld. be Onabie to survive them. 1 have
been treated .by doctors and have taken
numerous nrreparations but none of them
helped (140 121 the least'. 11111721132 gb1; a. box'
of lalilbairol's Heart and Nerve Pills. 13efOre
taking illem 1(114 not reel able to do evy
work, but now 2 coati work as well as ever,
timoilis to °toe box of your pills. They
have made 'a oiew lean of ole, and aiy
advice to any iierson eroubled as I wab,
24 get a bcix of Milboarn's Heart arid Nerve
Price ele cis. per hcx, 003.3 for Saieei
dealers, or
veROOT r