Exeter Times, 1904-4-7, Page 2(S.,,,,,E...C4M,g..ettetata'tieS.g.reetertetes,gleesat
A all that it ou,eht to he. As they tore figerea theek, "Why on earth does
re g'It't I) e. Th -t os et ern; st were oetirelv she want to go o thousaad mile* an
o a ( /1,, ..... ( , a ,
t .
-selt se devoted to otteing fee back in the hour at everything she Wales
,t'tt saddle and preveriting (triirette from aneoss?"
te running away altogether. She was That just what I ean' t tell
in thet. unpleasant position 'when the you," gasped ICato, applying her
coesciousuess of titter wealtuess, pit- Poceet-handkercluef te the uttered
W tea against brute force, presents it- part. "All I know is, it's exceetlitetc-
,self to the mind. If the mare made ly unpleasant."
tbe slightest false, step they might (To be contioued.)
, breel . their necks together for all the
power she retainetl of preveeting any
•>?>.,:.53Pit3114,f0i14P,30,701:1,3th4tDh%hattelli4,11/ 3t,11.43141tWlditM4 .such calamity. Still, the situetion CIRCULAR BARNS,
'was decidedly eNelting, for new, vlose A rem,arkable novelty in barn -build
!quadruped that had pressed upon her ,untler Stornow village, the houuds ing is reported frOin Lapel Inclieea
tueet:.t. toiren-0,..r;a0rendeaeinicsiltlInt p oll/aeirtdiri4li7t,e,„QeltrselrtetlItaittd1 soriekdie;illoe.0,4:11-1,:dthZ"thiaillitt.„ whiel; completely Tp?etely upset the eat- are ,Itr,5 tfieieet hricfolti ilt.Ittltlazliaa5r„ fteeot 0,:set,dliitio
inade a Sharp detour to the The walls, or rather wait, of the bar
letoe, Iti olden days, durtng the life+ ,Lwas
lot fouze Itea:es zttelte:ittett:tzl:e. stsitLtz.:30. Yi, r1werospeFeo 1:•voitle:lir liao:u/cietieiohellieeet:hl:ott:11;itlie„utels.es' e,,,:liottt: i;i:t.:111•117:, tiellitl.sstlii,o.tIluot 1 billygt' tltilliaesarzalr:21:.dil.):zh:i.:11.12,1-;:ur. rid net',
pilato if: nuoie sbnacirtia, hi ritlei ‘..i)irsittair Ito pr . -
too Itou otod wen renowned for tt, the tronsaction. Whets, therefore, di- 11°ItelesslY thrown out. so that none vent the weight or the roof fret
senerto.s.a hospitality. Eroni the richt otoetto. bounds went. tato maddinoton but the immediate followers were left spree,' ' • three heatty steel otrop
U1 ottendance ou the flying beeuties. encircle the In ild' g. T ‘. • '
est to the poorest, people were libeta '""S''• the welranze *.Tally hot tette-
-ttna naci4y was ever. l'iol.' followed by a modonged and ,..leanwili,le. Grisette 13.-41.5 Paniag• like , eYeltitie proof, for wind bast no chono
ieat away front tiv„, doors of delighted screech of "Bark forrtuell .13- mod thm.g. and Kates face, front to get it hold on the strueture. Th
t popular and hestouearted 9,..toe,toorrotto eettehed her eoro, teate :!1:a..e. exo:rOiloon.. ef endeavoring to bold staus for horsen and cattle are at
ilowovor lax, ta,se. toted a fell -grown, peony. raeged. io a eirele. there is a big feet
he count -Y. Such was the tett tele ProsPect of a scurry,
OL arras ached and tingled front the hes-room in the centre ana a eilo eu
I t of the odolie But, allei lift' sh"te t° he a P°siUre rel"' thle ,''sjraTt ote to tee arta. aucl worse tends from the groland to the roof'
, and in course or time this thing was certain, Grisette could not
eLe gentleman was gathered to PossiblY behove worse, and the rila,ne- 1, othoadnitaelglto? toreoRlelelliTa;see'titiVtienst'llad.5eaptrili°o1-1 tv°011e1):, f'ar,Irgsr,„"),:t:',gr'.07:,..9.3c,,,,,i':,...aids altel
• fOrt.qattiers, and itis,seideet sort, /es were in favor of some of ber arri- ,„
were ,i mg theta of the little strength they eese, itt a building of -he ordinar
utterly Stapleton took up the reins itabilita" subsiding, once hounds
- ped. 4 • ,..n.
Of 011e9,. To, lotto, oorod, mu, for , liorly tomer weigh. At the beet ... - i A 4,, Am.( S. 09, novi, type.
?, or. Ir4dohotsh.hotifgolt: osotoaout"„ertill 15tri; :se‘gr",tdesd opiintlolieskeaSidZshl°1t7: atlitted Rgea114--;, °I'`'Ilt,e°, tihlueritv-illcialt:17stres4alslasotneas afterthe"
country Itounds with Ids preettete, hetPett eta usual foe the most convenie ecenit Iturill thent-laig. fate flying
17NT 0--F 11,R011/2f015rris,
ent ttate Atattl it etmeeed to he lenrcs' roilrtdoet,Lht, totd,totiattehe7t,:t4ototin°, 'i hc
t'Italt/etort Iran was o
a 'inn ld securely bolted, and into the worse of (Hee:grasstt. t • l
s rnetnre, beilt in the Otatttle etyle oi etotantietas teed hertetne it eft its hires_ tier, but one that undoubted' - d
.4.- e- h
Ttlii::7Di S: ra;Sallg. cf.: emplain
Ititeetere. It t'toot ett an emote „de owing to the e.t.a.:ooze impatienee,mand''d a' l'f'shed•hunter" 44'5 she
from which on exteuelve 'view Pof the crowd. preyed nnimually long, stsve14.0vert or ra.111-hr through, ea
minding rtnttrtrY Nvi-1$ Oh- several Ittintlitt'S Of valuable time be-, till'egltr-ent in its ttlrn. thc4 utmost
a 11°11°W ir4:1341-eakl'tttr ling thus unavoidubly lost, while pato.;
of the holm. lay a large 1
Iht, stood. lw and caarescl end sworo ,,,as
.ental water. °11 tchese the most terrible ealatuit.v had lutps
a pair of stately,. e d their very lives depend 'd
. swons swept gently to "to ieetantareents removal. of
and . ' 0. their slender necks tae unseetemee ohstaele. Now ims °
:rola si it. While their white ntediately to the right stretched a "t 'f.'s
pleinan ed Me snow in the `very big but ne rtneless jtmouthle '''' 1 0
tnornint Ian V It the left bank of hen4e 'et was t).. int too moo how. front, she 111.1(1
this 1:t!
known I lit aittabered wood, 't.uer, at etarting. when jumping still ,447''' nnrr(vw .P!"ra 1 ..,atkned oi,e1.1),tisr,tttt.,st, ,, agrittri!latlitlyaeoi:eiteutitiraioni ttertenia;eseila.:11,4 0
tiatile of Stapleton bore the (Alarm of notelty. and Kee. -phust clote. itt
oraSping sensatiou while coughing
hillside. rid , , , ,
indseeted, be nran.14 ,,tie4A had not as yet refulored seats 41111hs we 14 Inant. 4%at4 • end the obstruction to the bronchia
winditer s. vos „ steeply, too white .: _ c e , - o • os `been long in discovering; but the
att. atm aut.; mete eon wen. -toe hunts -1 lathee be- the swollen tantalite mem
In frout the •resit/Prick* an Imbrokell , man, though, could not afford tench '")st hehan's °""t•ref"sh114 c°"h! brene. end perhaps plugs of thief
expense lating greets, not un- cotridt.rii•ttEons when his hounde wore not be numbered in elle dtteeoev Ot , phlegm, glees rte. to etot,a or lee
Rite the the sea, preeented ,,, in fon mot so wit/tout moot thou o her ehororofeines. The very al:tin of (morally, in ;breathing.
itetif to la ;Pah
1 house
Or, Kinship Between rian and
.Seeeottalsie eat/ Profitable
.1. • Iliets far the Leuey Tilers 4.
ot the SOU.
Pr Et 1{11a Of
4”,4el, tiA 01'4 rS.
Vreell lelite from, the Irateher sitop
pounded. Ante are euperior to the
commereiel Itorke meal. -.
Shawls may eat too much- grain
OL meat for their health, but toil% in
any form is I/01May.
Usually a pullet or one year old
hen is not as liable to disease as 4
two or three year old fowl.
Goes' developed pullets mated with „oleo from the estate of a hula
two year old coelts maize about as whom. they' thought to be witho
BERRY OLD ElinAlcili
WS BY MAIL Altetter JO
Ocenrreeees in the Land Tie
Reigns Supreme in the Com.
• mereial World.
Holborn Guardians reee
Farmers who And it increasingly (lesirable a breeding Iten as can be means,
1, Further leaks have been discove
they in former years, are aispear heed. buy breeding; stays. or aancor
diffieult to etiecced with clover as obtained.
.ed, to abandon ii for some of the eggs for their Cheal)hesS4 in the Victery, Nelson's flagship, t
newer leguminoue crops writes Mr. Poultry are early rieers and they
is to remain in dock, Portsmoi
t • eon. Before taking this thrive best if an early feea is pro, for some time.
' 1 obt L 1)
✓ rit-vP. however, there are a few coat- vided for them, Two slugabed) at "tillinstbroph 6
' ipiderations they shook( rogax/3, it TO haVe eggs in wieter, keep tile tion, on the LOntlOn and North -we
n is doubtful if any of the'e newer early Iratehea pullets, house theta ern Beltway, have been emploe,
s plauts is adapted to as wide rouge comfortably, awl feed well. there over thirty Yea1`St.
• of soil mid clunatie eonditeens as isow Is a good time to buy inteed-
e the thither. Scauething else should hint" fortis when -the breeders have
e not be substituted for clover boforo large flocks and are anxioue to sell
n the farmer has erthausted the means them.
1- at hand for growing it. satiefactor- First get the birds up to about
e ilto He Las appliances already for the growth desired by moderate
s handling the clover ci.op ableh he feeding, and not forcing. and then toile Tottenham AratePaYers bavo
d does not. have if he grows clops of I'm them up to fatten. jected Ur. ea negie's offal of -40,0
e the Issaa and pea fenaitieS. Newer , A healthy fowl does not need for two bittuch free libraries.
y plants repuire a certala eanotint of condition Powders, egg hoed. or anS Nine linintired motor-car1-1 and mot
unhvolual 'knowledge of their helots other preparations, but wholesome leycles, have Deer). registere )( 1
for their full development. The and veriest food, !en hundred inotorseetedrivere Item
het 4
Ifenry Gaitipbell-B•annerraan
about to seit his torch house,
svenor place,. which overloo
%Ingham Palace ttardens.
/ty• a majority' of nearly two
't te voulu do was to keep the mares
etialat foul trust, to Providence
10 hod On ugly way
Soden., in Manner 01 "lie 03 the InT106111a1 nth" 35 eon
toe:elated to strike terror "gested and swollen and uenally quit
of her rider. ?Severs i,dt.re, The secretion of phlegm I
low. inspired by the scantY, and the coegio amt.- o
% good groy 1101`3e 'VC1;1: ch"ra"cr' hrhigs 11
twm oeootto son, bat 4111.10 eat t ()rat Th1,4%,
Tile treattnent approprietC. for a
tteck of acme:, bronchitis. ois col
n the cheat. varies Sotnewhet
ording the stege of the diset.sto
In the beginning' the nuteous mein
The grower eau hardly hope to 6e,. A hen mate go hurtgr,e during the in the county of-sorette
cure the best results until he hes a entire day, and ir Oven. all that sh° Orders for the engines of tin
stock Of eethrience of his ow,, heoee will eat at night„ will lav 'better oeh,
v. battleships bave plac
t'$ the Glassew flerald. 'with fir
Clydebank. Belfast, and. London
t tt eliange not atorzipted in the local- than One that tins been fed three or
thy should ne undertniten with slight four times a day.
eantion the Oret yeer heist. An over fat hea is a, poor layer.
n• Farmers do troll to eeperintent in and if she nay v7gs at 4111 'they
414 •Pidieinii7s way a ith ;my plants.; will etther fail to belch. or produce
whatil rettlt Ineter maltooen, 10 their 11,efornl and weal.; eekens.
sit nation than t hot. 11111iel' their
present eult h at don. 14 ele)vt-r 15
landslip has occurred at Bela
ton owing to the sett's 1111,04(1* a
•the stormy weather. Three priv
Perfectly fresh eggs will burst unit hoilees and a. public house are •at
Crock. from freezing, wheras older dangered.
- too vablahle a logettie on ally farm , ergs will not. This is due to the ColeSerett. Nara, late of t
e f th ditrarded, teoned fact that in the fresh egg Iho tfheli alrenedier Guards. who le in his 81
e have a Chance tit lent.1 as good as ie practically tilled with meat while year. tool lives at Croydon, Ared t
o that given to other eeonnee, No in an older egg suttee evaporation first eitot preettee wIta the Britt
P one expects the latter to mette •t has talon pluee through the pores of army dee.
, „ „
s fievortilde ehowies while the 1411131 if; , ereit and there 15 nn Or space, Lortuton omnitots oomotottes
it, wholly occupied lay a prior crop, To allow for Internal exintashm. rdered that wherever traffic
nilts the oundbuses are to trt
r quietly, In Order to 'make
t plant • 00 teat farm. I feel rout -Went ' cow taught to be ••t. • cleaner ra journey a day.
- that this hos not been done. flu Ile horse, Thie is difficult be-
8- Its llabilS 41141 Iteetis v11011141 be 416
varefully stuillitel es (twee of any CLEANINCI '1111.1
e. Ginn, of the 43rd Light
c The metal teetiunis of starting cane(' of the /titbits of the anitnal, entry, who hos died at Sudhu
s clover to gnaw are cei•tainly crude if , hot for this reason the cows 1*1101114 4$uo1k. was one to the snreotors
not- Inottonat. It it; hardly 11, hare reeeivo rnore care. Their tient-4,0e troopship lot/re/theta-1, too
tito.. 13011So. 3 Q",,IreSSZ071
forartal a sort oti valte.O.
sides taireng a temple of tilt
oetiteeion let cluteeetd, tne fenie 3,-..-44443,t,41 to ati,1 ber nettliseal Too aim of treatatent at, this euto
• got over, foil/wee-1 by a im• Pet"".;ty. 3141 the'l4P14 unitleasiirelv lo to *Iteat-en.. the ootto lot orinoin
termtnal Colt:Mel
fid the,
'Isar wore ratltAttted as a verttelee ""e •
stronghold of fOZO.S., ct'Oto Vagelt the tlet Duetell
tc.OF bard to dielotige; taut shiredther
sannarofte as these were in point of have tteutly 11104
6314 pourently One. Ilealltity it tilttlaarod deelttedly
rown not's, it Naas a talosi 1101E4 Ea ors an amtrie(
a se al thief henoe-bred telteplet. ftr had certainty I
natelf raere theft inettirg a • very favotela
ee tend piiiiside, • on lea' toistrees. There are
/tor tot o who pt,,,oet,,, woo 613 311 of le•latalt. width [wen/god no , toomet en, ince,w034 314 ('34 vat
;hoot thins.; laws/tunny. ois‘truetittO whatever. 11 1'* was not iu tteSt ieeeted by' Warm drititte au
thus eattoott t tote o much thee of her 10431 initse hind the inhaletion of waren vapor, noel
au, oorrkao0 do, legs hounarrieet in a ditch. era that • vete() 40' not. es may let thoottla
ed on Rug* ollat. after a 1111. II‘rfirPnirt sho got. otee, best. afot lenemade (without Ishie
• 'tar either ofIctolleeetwrrionbie ('463314.' 1331
et,V1,0014 ,a,°,tro7s'r W,ii III a tt;z, Ilt ...tuillTte 14;13 h:',41,1 114 .,hout la..3101kt or $(.11:13417ehaitiinea..a‘t.ilizi.
h • " ai ir 41 1,,
' . . tint ghoin T. lEr1 * f4r4A7 toieealate „essesicoret, reader galled aervice. ' '
I tet ed to thtt mere e p shatter teal rather ' Tile put -fent of rows(' 143(04 rertlat
. ,
atornorg tote. of emote/rt.. and hooi, tt , mese. and pletelehlt m on
, •esatte, 311141054 3'4"3143011041 413 1 hp 60(931'. Mani W11 11 .1.t 3344310, equable temper
.risiter, Foun4. of the level:Om twitte •eS .334.3260. "t 363 10 333034 exPasure wha
4 cOvt-ete rater:el agrees extent..
O assoloption that failure IS dee MOre, 811011141 kePt, free fr°111 S00lc Vathruhry 25„ 18,12.
to the tivilmal than to the plant. , they ehould he larnehed. and the bag mos. thountoottio set, going
s have. not haul o falltire of' (lover, r,bould be wiped With datup eloth htoth too pone eioeit in We
(.1 for mune- yeers. Ger preetire :amine; or sponge Just before 'irlinnlagham, ereeted by subecripti
luta been to sow the eved on; prevent dirt front fulling into• the os a ontmoriai No, choso
01 amitto
t wheet ground early 113 the spring, , Tho amount of dirt ard filth south African tour.
• We have obeerved *1 -it when we sow that OlOta into the 11111h• front the
11.1'.e'ilitohrtton101 utd4 laVizZr0 fieoruottr.111.4iii;i1;iitlevliptotbtiel ecthil'te'ritctaSulaltelstriost-ttgilnealtn.ittlpilas soist:oonoinfgtlitlef Under the Pavettlert of street
Lincoln some workmen have diecov
' weeds 01166 Oe 1Wieit oefore tbe vlover 'milk, To reduce this (Sill further, ed a N"41 45 feet' deeP" The lin
3 plazas ocenety the ground. the stood!! good attire/nett two -tuning to $ilence: covering it were held only
0 is much better ell over the field stievial pails. oaken boaree, which had begun
A 'Illetimit is Wed. London theatre managers now lila
CIEE11, TITS IN JAPAN. lattnotnicentent to•their Malden&
- than on the land where the form rot,
they flew laefore t ;1 oe•ttere ftwet..tte i ittetanneast. If the attack is at id
, tote arroere thot ftetrt a 1,ote. ift,t, :severe much titne will lle forted be
_lomat% hunts•• Itowet.er, When the artiovs ore
mat a ati n ' 1
33.1.102 11041 601310 to ou end, Au ternibled without eoluntery eVort, 1t1°°1! hs' this time was in a glow, i Mina' to bed for a (lay or two. 1
tertetept s foretuono direetly a end tbie wee orie--at lefoit so otr le teal. noel lost itti 1'0!,41•111Flaivr, anthenice, i lere IS nun t pant 01 1.011,11;4es, re t
novo. wee tfieelo. I:eon:ant elnitit tattle. Kate co/owned-for whOtt tie. cantion ilad fled 11'0 414" WiS(1Cr: heri,Iting the. ellost with sotne linitnen
er alt.1 I hither. at least balf-asdoeen . wall an(iieg a_ litije 04qoide 434, idea. her ono It:teeter:. wee to 44,on '1.r111 afford relief; lett. sometime,
I near to tbat (toed gra. t , - 1 ' 'clothe. urtn14,4 Ottt of hot to I.
haing tra foot at one time. and the crowd. fearful of tirieett ' I 1
c. s tee 5 re... . a, 31 . csIN me- , , e a er itte
agreseltitlet. hooting. ShOnting. (and flirting ferthee intnry, and •tenititet, ord. Rattier than lose a Nano she 60,i:tattled with fotw or aye drops 0
34 16 eeased tin' One 1110. for the. gate to la-. 1 reeved. the Inane ,1^4t 001131'0d to !'1150`11 evert' 334)13 fl in I; ,1,710"at,i,',1e• °r,".°." thia fhtttthdell Ittnal
30,eat. to tee ,/j,kc.)Fp ibliillt of the toot: the litt between 1 - tre%tit. mot me, body. Toe *lace et woidt too,: lemes will wet% nolde'• innaht.1011
SWOrrat1 Of fill:It 11e0P10 Wilt) *11 **1P tha i'llilittl In"' Et demon. il. 1 ret 36 0- 31.4'r''' tfoing- 311t(3'34 31341 her. Tien; 01 wntrnt rainy frdm 11 crouP htettl
e /
olh'ning itieet ail intense for forrnifing ,Itrte fashion ulifell (lolled ate; attempt NIN:shs0 ohiftl(!)21t ri(‘I:t611,,Ivrtillf11: 4. ..1,.13L4111a1}101(11.01‘1.111i1".1 10116.4,11;`,)1.111,41"1,11:13%(311,Oet'i. of 1) jA°11::!,,,r‘,':',7,tfl;
their legit iettoot coeupationust„Itanelvtlaiet ;:ittetterves11;t1001nie.t.i<;tleticarieatsitirt.‘foill7.11,131!!,,to‘letwItltilite vocal, timoo when ti.or have ridden ,.,of t‘e,e (64 443 it inettire of lienzoit
Irv; a ra.gular holiday.
little lay little the vrowd began to 'Ole was about. l'inditatt lieeself 'their verY itest null.r hizelar e;re11111- -,:i-474.43`° 43" "I' Fae"41•114v4114 3114S 14
diSpur,o, woi. the ,stopletoo foxes ,solately powerleee to control the eel stances. and wIn ,,zvathize with 'A'`'4,,,"' (43:3,;„,,4 '''.4. 3631466, , .
suotahool thior,ma1.8 movements. she Itosioo deststeo wlutt less tuivontunms terleits 3331 ,ht ed e ,, , ;„ ' , 4830tidat.ent shoulo
haft OSP.. more tally
ttnenvialale repntation, Piet: Slant. ; in her etaissttors to (e) to, and there_ teem tlds dare -devil. foolltrartly mood .tii tOotol-l'hot"o'111;113,31:``170. tahli1:1httltot.eeni
the huntsman. he- order of Sir Beau- , ley Itroinably saved herself a fall. Slie (''' the girl's.' .
• • , • re/int:loom the. attack. latter
ion the asliesto n
OATS. h. s and Oitstonte net Te•prsro 1. s artain is about
lowt.red. aeroi•ding to, lair. lest I.
t .,i mea 1.e I the 14..°rei•-`-'"er' I to. mina of the curtain Plight eau
:1141iXet f 031)1' 06*3 hut s -seed oti1 i tt:‘,,,.1,1rortz LiTaah.cr olacpaansrra(1a0f1 7:41 rhinioeNivirlaisov.;10t:av sPialiiirie‘ *It cam" Into the. possessi
f thing; foe hintseio to tut 1,,. d000 1.0 1*15.9 it shows the worlt of for-; of tito pulalie Alevandrn Palare
troth, readily with u soolluty poo eign inetructor. She dotei it an an; always been in dinletotiett, mid to
a 101111mo:7, oon(t. „ 1 aretaiintlishinent, not, as on Quin:Y-10f. eat.eutIve have Opt %mined
pnn .1% ineees . (1,1 I •
tetett with tt, diatt eter of to toeitta is , 111631i. Ile' "A "P4Ilt u02)111a (3(305 , eines the latinee and paz.lt at (lest:,
r of ottod dimenstoos. tootnt out loo imt, blaelten her teeth 'intlet• ;my mie-,loreer to ream. WOrlithg eXp(VieS.
kerlteIS Of the grain you wto (alum ideo that it 17.333..08 her attrae- ln London streote, ns soon as n
,Ital;It4i:i(!iii411 ‘t‘ht,eid.letttoii)LoithtiLesoisaatibiluaittel "" value' •Uive " aaPnuese tt. ,street, department mon scatter fin
boelt 1.'••hed ten feet fOnare ;11111 he w1b. hard eravel, from item bins pine
t he 1 00 Iternele and CONer With luave Vhinf" " "len' .11nY freulint inter" is at the Interst
twit. mace: a 10,,,,,or of oleo tive, Her husfeout is suPPOred to has inede the roeclway slipper
el Melt leyee of sand, moistening'. pnilm 0t• gli"vriug wri':tioo. of the busier thoroughfarete
s Now ofoott the low to a warm (Varltr. gitse a prosperous ap- Jeimi,,gs, of oftonvo
champ. trotted the hounds straight Sat Perfeetly still. g-33. 4' her' c) 0s( II? °It f""fhlt P' (In" 33 12631 the 1? 1* Is loum. and the s
aWaY off to Madaington Gorse. from head. awl the 130.Nt 11313Illt4' W1111 Ilt'‘e()/11('' r°11';e1•005 thrit 14'•ata Ilrewsee crotion the treatment innst
was following close in Ids footsteps, lake sus', /thfum; the
whiela place a worthy yokel had just eraeh and a smash 'which sounded do- patient ,ehould
brought the weleolne rifest* of intern- eidedb; alarming in the ears of a ro- °had sel"."ai tin"' 1231 3331 mood in puree plenty of LiTh1.1, ii1111S1
topmost- it1131 eill111:1* 433 the run end shouted to ;fond, and should driek freele of enol
genet% that a llue old dog -fox had. eire, and width eteat the :her to come feet or slow, as the ease !water.
Vest viewed Int hhaself stealing up the twigs flYine• in evory dit.eetion, the
tght be, nt may nartieuler and! Sometimes drugs in the form of so-
Warm and sheltered Sides only a few mare haul el far into the next field.
;during' these brief glances he Perceiv- called exPoetonanis ore nteeed the
teittutes previeusly. To Stirrup's in-UTile noiee 01 breaking branehes caused
tense consternation. Rime otof Itoot. colonel (moor to tern rest.' in )118 tea -that 51)1te of It:ttte"s Courage early 'stages, and others to cheek
and good hot•eemansidp, Grisette had secretion hi the later stagns, but all
Ina tiering the preceding day given Isaddle. and, when he peratited the
to cry oet. epenettoa tworovinoeleorapietely overpowered her mistress; cough. 3131411 06(03 are more or less Laid
uttorano: to one or two ominous- girl,
$ometime cougbs. Nate at the last ilttt. Thlt /Cato safely over, ,and, was far from being a safe eon- for the etonmeli and are to be avoid.
minter had found herself obliged to !no harm dono, he did rot diminish .''''0..v.4"-ce• Dtit. there was little time I ed if pot -slate: and esPecially had are
/for reflection. +Since they had left paregoric and other preparations of
fall back upon Grisette. Now all his speed, for now the hounds -were Stornow, the hounds had never fal- ()Plum. TheY are sometimes neces-
tbroegh the morning the grey bad simply racing in their front across
pro -.4411 exceedingly fractious and irri- the big grass past/was, pointing. as :tered for a. second, but flown along sary in certain ca.ses, but what these
:with a breast -high scent, Very few eases are must be left to the (loctor
tatae, refusing to stand stile for one :if for Stornow, thieltiv fenced and
eingle second, anon plunging her head Very unuPgallable bit of country. ;were with them. Dick Slant, the to decide. -Youth's Companion.
,lientsman, caul Colonel (linker cut
Oantly forwards with an impalient .1 which tooh 4303.11 of doing. as Col-
rit. which almoSt drrigged the reins onel Mintier had often found to his 10tit the wurht. th' 'latter with Nate in
t attendance. end behind them not A ITOUSE, DIVIDED.
(Alt of liatifs leends. again :suddenly •.cost. In the large moist fields the
tossing it on high, till her face was headishes grew long and yellow., ; nt°r° than a d°7 -en each
In imminent danger. The short gal- ,ing to the horses' legs, reathing a-1riding his hardest' with 'Yes eagari•F
lops iiitherto indulged in between the most up to their hocks, and render- bent on the racing park, that, in 13
gora. tort the Hillside, etternating , it extremely difficult to avoid the lemPaet h°4:41.' streamed on, on, on,
„without a straggler or laggard amons,-
.vith periods of prolonged inaction, cut drains which intersected .the number, in stern and terrible sir -
had apparently roused the mares ira- them, and whith made riding fast
pee/teen temperament to a dangerous ,a work of considerable danger, (•speei- !cnce. The yokel had been right when
to :he testified to ltraddington Gorse
point, and rendered her a far from ally' with an animal not absolutely
;holding a, good oIct clog -fox, who had
eleaeaut mount, Added to this, she ;hand; but the pace was too tt,roat to
brought them along in a style not
rietplayed the still graver fault of 'allow of hesitation. It really began , often seen, even in the crack hunt -
lashing. out in the getteways, so that to look as if they were in for a good
int; country of •Great Dritatn. taut
hating badly licked ari utoffending 'thing,. and as if for once sceot wes
, place. preferehly in the nunlight, and lilni!!..e IlerPs-"e ae" r("Ij1C1 11)8 I \rich, las just; received i.r°111 the A
s t subovhs, and he will r
see that the stunt iS hePl well 10111s-,malte an attieletive landscape gan-"uv'r
seed that germinate, the uniformity , A sapaues0 house gonoraoy all Archer, in (assisting
tentel but not wet. 'rile Jammer of :don, rendered eeconti-elass b
of rate and the thriftteappearanee of m: mu, fit,or, tithe 114 number of roono, eatiture several Ituesian warshipe
the '.‘-"""g Phu", s"''''id 1111 he e°11- in it, &penile on the umabor of lied- 185'1.
skivvy(' in pessing upoil the quality mons the owner requires. Teo,. an, "It is the pleaeing. elanractei.
of the seed, Two or three lots of
1 00 itoroefs each shouol 110 tooleo divided for the night ley paper shut.- 1120 entertainment and neither 1,
Yo*' a given lot of seed, and it would tere, fixed in grooves, like the (little smoking nor the deinhing that a
11)102a b:atItieler filial:it:it could 1st Oe -ted. at ,shih0e1315.0 0afrelln310()(11(01 orr8:110T37)(111951Ttog101;;b.ox. tSn"lifCItStIlel'eelitirman of the Ienolen P
to the music halls
Oats aftected With smut should not if a dapenese husband divorves his 'tilioll Coe Limited, at the alarm
be used for seed 'until they have been Eltvnidreehhee lilitensketslond0otit)•11:°;11$601°11111 ifioelr. fulIir,-, ill'eie'itteingWross reeeiPts from the Live
treated. The formalin, or formald-
ehyde, treatment, is most satisfac- US.; but divorced women in Japan pool corporation electric trams la
tory. The 40 p.c. solution of for- ill.nelanr,,,y1 l' 11 fanllwialoytis 1 blingtulTu3rt again,
and1116600.80>inecarle.riat;10110oufnin6(.8.ait•loy (3,•eviel;,005,021L0n00,t
maldellyde cnn be purclumed from or obedient slave, and takes nothing previous year. Altogether over 1 13
obtained through any good druggist
at about 50 cents per pound. One ble commodity.
away with her but the seine value- 000,000 passengers were carried du
ing the year.
• pound or this 40 p.o. solution stirr- Most of the people you meet on Louth (Lines) is concerned becau
ed into 45 gallons of water makes a the Japanese New 'Year day are for rieverai months past the dotal
et t.
solution 01 about Proper strength
Most persons have had the miter- for treating seed oats. and ft SUM*
lence of walking with a frieud out of dent quantity for treating 15 bush: -
top and trying to shift jintt at the els,
moment when the friend also makes
the ettempt. This is an instance
of thwarted harmony much like that
which appears in a story, told hy
V, 0. of an, elderly. couple. Thetr were
childless, and had never beeu united
by the bond of other lives linked
with their OW/1. So they were al-
ways in a state of well-bred dis-
now Pug seemed to change his point, agreement.
ttir,ott and again bore away to the right. On the subject of meals they dis-
,k,„„ ii7
Jd a E4' The pace began to tell upon him, as agree8 thormotthly, and each usually
wel1 as neon the borsee, and Ile suggeeied a dish for the Sunday
sought a convenient refuge, leaving dinner whielt the other did not LIP-
, 0_ the sound and springy 'Wei which
'"' and malting for tbe difficult country prove. One Saturday the man came
SIE -1 P 0
1...cza =kg i r.„..i.„,., h,ti,i.,. „, bad closely' adhered. to,
all round about" Shepperton a villago
, . ligoo,ntlrielotu.fronienedmn,atrkweotrlti5oitilltboautbatask. jenta.r_
row's dinner any more, Marie. I've
conspicuous by, a solitary wiedmill
. standino on 0.1)1g round. hill, which "And zo have I. George. You
Et is o Ir01.Ar Best interests to l't ft OW About he Liza l' . ...
, forme( a landmank to the surround- were so undecided--"
elere °aUiiadcloideci ? I told you What I
on one or either side by still wooden
i ., . , "Well, X mean you didn't cleciee as
ratite commonly termed "oxers." Two I did. So I bought a. goose."
r. Chase's Flerve ood. pioughed fields, heavy ancl bindine, "Whegeoossoa.hoave I. I told you I'cl
now lay in front, of the pursuers, tfie like' 8'
first of them being ,separa.ted from °Well, now we are agreed for once,
I the arable , lend by a tall- and ma- allYettwoas5:'''otto 1 suppose :Wow. ' hove
There are hosts of girls in_ this pleten
ly unstrung. She 603,14 not r 00117111m:11y hairy bullfinch. Dick Slant
12437 36140 0170 ill 11C041 of just such a sleet/ for more than half (it, bow- at pulled his clever hunter, up to a trot, cold goose and stewed gOose for the
next two weeks." ,
1164331310 as Dr. Chase's Nerve 1Poocia time without starting uP arid cry- and after some persuasion and: 'job -
monotonous work in factories. ing out in excitement. They, relapsed into their usual si--
11ing in the mouth, managed to bore ionoe,
,w,,,,,,,,,„,„ or „feces they have exh,ausl ed. "As 81141 WaS 8.1'°Wilig W°.alror an(1 a way through, and then pep off the Sunday'- fornoon the wifo asked,
thc i r iier volts syst ein 8, and ,,,F,uffer 363244 43333 I became al welled, and ee_ 'bank' over the ditch on the far
irate nervous, sick heshiaches, loss tained a box of Dr, Chase's Nerve and the Well-trained • tin own alce s it'' did "Do you want a little quince in the
apple -sauce with. your goose ?".
D f appetite, enerip- and ambition, rood. She used this treatment foe ilkeNvise• It Wasi erninently a place "your. goose, you mean.''
3121(1 weaknesses and irregula,rities several -weeks, and from the 'rst we where a good steady horse .,showed to "No, I'' don't. It seemed so els-
pie:eller to their sex. noticed a decided improvement,. Her advantage, but it was useless a two geese in the house
:l3,, Crha80's Non.re Food formS appetite became better, she g•ained Grisette to go slowly or to chlhlahlleg surd to have
• that I sent mine to Aunt Jane.",
sew, rich blood, creates new nerve in weight, the color returned to her Slie rtished at the bullfinch in her "What 4 1-. sent mine to Uncle
lorce and actually adds new flesh face, and she gradually became tiStici1 wild manner. The reins were Joe 1".
tea voile:et. When you have read strong and well. I cannot say too torn out of Kate's hands, and she ,,,,,,,--7--,----- -",,,,, °---'---'-'-''-'-''"'''''-''
the letter quoted bellOw w314 believe much, in favor of this 'wonderful herself. nearly -dragged off backwards.
that you will be satisfied that this treatment, since it has proven such -Nevertheless, she got over safely,
II 33.1{.., Very, Lreilill1011t .y011 need.e, bleeeing to my (la u tth ter." t ill ough in rather a sorry plight. ItTer
hire. Je. ititeLaughlin, 95 Parlia- Dr. Chase's Nerve Poodt 50 cente hat , was battered in, and a sharp
..tni street, Toronto, stat,s :---Itry a box, itt alt dealers, or TiMinariSon: "thor.n bad caught her face, and
ritl 13 Cue V 11131 3.314Lle, 1,8;81:, 1 all guia 3.3atos & 3*01119338.337, Toronto. To scratched 131 to such an exteot that
13,7 Teii;ir 801-1-o31l4. Trer appraite was tteontet you aga..1n44- iinitations the be bloocl flowed freely.
al,d 6101, al:e ail.) i e . 114 1(3 eeeid portran 31 314 signature of Dr, A, to, (eeo, 1,1.31121.,• sow colonel aillyker
.•:,,33* 14 eat obout the etlatle, the heinous receipt book au- indignwitiy, as be saw tee rod drops
0133333, ate ner thatete were corn- thor, are oe every bOX. malting their slow way down her die -
traordinary Restorative Powers of
DR. tii. tt GRASES 0
Is sent direct to the dIseased
ii-pne by the Improved Mower,
kieals thetl3lers, clears the air
passages, stOpS droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. Alt alentern, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Cs„ Toronto and Buffalo,
Upon a well wept floor spread a that the thing is a present aud has
layer of 9 or 3 inches deep of the not to be paid for. Those who are
oats to be treated, and with 1101. CalT,Ying crushed salmon or talc -
ter sprinkler thoroughly wet •down big up the street in giving New
with the solution. Place upon this year's salutations are playing'battle
wet lae•er another layer of the oats (lore or shuttlecock,
and wot down as before, and so con-
tinue until all the oats ; et
until the pile is as large as it is de-
sired to handle. Now thoroughly japan is to some extent, at least,
shovel over and into a well rounded still an Eastern coentry influenced by
pile mat allow to stand for two Western thought. This statement iS
corroborated by its theatres, many
of which are still conducted on strict-
ly Oriental lines --that is to say, they
aro open froth nine ill the morning
till seven or eight in the evening, and
the play is in progress all the time.
'The price of admission is as low as
• one cent, and for this one has- the
Blood on eggs may be caused ,by option of staying all day.
carrying' a. squashed salmon, with a in the town 'have exceeded the birth
by11ia/aipperapseteriatilgeavsbri°e1111111diolfdtss tit a ti s ins.:111tri ige(i.ps tacit' enbcyoulroricgaeliaecioltu 11:11:1101
tle gold paper kite. That Icite means be given to newly -married couples
talte up their abode in the town.
Notwithstanding that the Lend
papers have been,inclined to brag b
mese there have been in London 1
such. theatre disasters as that
Cbicat_t,o recently, the immunity
0 nit o p,00d tact t managt
ment. Several of L.ontiOn's large
theatree have been destroyed by fir
lent Cach case the outbreak o
curred after the audience had left.'
Hope lives until love dies.
Honesty needs 110 advertising.
Short, prayers have the surest ail
They \i/h0 live on. faellion die
A Intuits life always follows h
-Morality is motor and net'irtec:lia
A rnan .finds life Where 1
loses self. _
Only the selacentered are set
The doors oi truth open' only 4-
haril:lnilaletsalid)icli is; useless cannot
ti.,11.,(1,t'ahr(1\r‘lealasr but the thinge tilt
aelt-Tebtovhao lte a servant. cal
toltheiosreasititiccereatao endure failure -Oa
inro-rtoe-•ocitajs Isbulredveenrs'.bettered
Parading a cross is no proof o
possessing a, crown.
TTe gives but an empty hand wh
withholds his he;trt.
A tittle ein 1110,y liold namth sca
row as a large orm.,
to -new ideas is no proof 0
loyally to old ones.
IL in 710 sign that a mae relin
to hsaven ccaese, i s r iv i n
oi,herS there.
e te e • s or 41 t, Not
A esnotrvitcieu.in the si,a t iment ,:i 0'4
hours, then spread out in as thin
layer as possible and shovel over
from time to time ,cirail (try, hasten-
ing the drying as rapidly as possi-
ble. Warne clear weather in &silo
able for ,t1Os Work.
7-7-''''''' ?i,••• %."
Lad:141 '
"."*----.....__.......,.... '-,'-'---''''.._,..... .;1.1.5..,,...g7,,,,.....47...14;4.....,....1.c......._,,_,..,_,..--- :1C.:'1_,....7.r:t7......
1. .....
OF Ithitleititairt BOAT,'
-o •