Exeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 620 PER CENTI DISCOUNT
WONIMIIRFUL what a lot of furs we have sold
during the past ten days. 20 per cent. off our
close prices is what has done it. Just twenty
days more for the big saving of 20 per cent. On any far
garment you buy from us, We have out 20 fur coats,
men's and women's, about, 30 far caps, nes, women's
and children's. "Some very pretty grey lamb caps in
the lot," and quite a nice lot of far ruffs and capermes,
It will pay you to buy 4. far coat for next 'winter, We
avea few very large sizes in men's far coats which
hould be very interesting to hill sized men, Among
he ladies' far coats we have severatextra small sizes
s well as a nice range of medium and large sizes.
Print Rernants
...webolve inet °Pealed P400 mill eerie of new
eaca piece. They are a nice eLearkt All goo
design,e, perfect colors-. Caine la and see them.
one:wine% boeglat from lts.
Telescope Valises
A neetime just iu, well mule, her c r
Special valuee, 45e, We, 75cs. 954 wed $1.10 thr
New Week Mesa Goode "pebble vile?' mare epecial values, nice
bright On ietz. eentehle for skirte, dresses or Suit% 750 aud 81,00.
.alooney Biseente. oh ye, they are good, pure and rrisp. with that
rich, nutty flavor. Came treea ztaveye wonted. Try
Do nem waist4Zlonely *OW semi pea u antra dinner „set, We
are showing a swell lot 97 and 108 pee fi to the eet, Oer best "inee we
$0 83 atzd 812 59. the set:
rints-5 to 29 yards in
etzeple patterns, tiew
You will save money
SAME 14$ Oat MI
G ADMAN Se S'reV247
tet -
4a you ever think whet might haps)
to oue funny, if any of the above shoikL tind
you with no flour in the nin. and no money In the
puree? Wouldn'e it be wise for you to provide
agelnic that day, end to Leigh) NOW?
Auy of our branches accommodate all who
wish to lay aside mallas welt as large sums.
nches ft Huron County ab
Dashwood Hensail Zurich Clinto
reign Bank of Canada
For Marriage Menses/
ddlirtg Rings,
Watches. 1ocKi
J ow el ry ,
*occludes Etc last week rater/slug home on Monday.
Ann tele Mr. Tram Tapp, who has been visit-
, R HICKS inghis parents here for the past feW
Watch Repairing a Specialty. nionths returned th Winnipeg on
' day last.
Miss Bertie Real who bas been sof-
fering from a severe attack a inflam-
mation is, we are pleased to say, re -
cove n•
Atkinson are holding anoth-
ctal reduction sale of furniture
the next 80 days before taking
stock. See adv.
Mr. Peter Hawthorne who has been
visiting Mr. W. H. Campbell during
the past week returned to his home iu
Seaforth on Friday last.
The Ladies' Aid of the Main street
Methodist church will meet at the
home of Mrs. IL Reoper this (Thurs-
day) afternoon at 8 o'clock.
efanagea Exeter
Mrs. S, E. tagance. who visited her
brother, Mr. Chris BolOsen in Melb-
ourne, returned home Saturday last.
Mr. George Herrman and soo Hor-
n:mu drove to Strathroy and Laudon
DR. OVENS3u?Lofi,Vgg:
Eye, Earl Nose and Throat
visits Exeter inonthle.
Glasses Properly Fitted
11/41asal Catarrh and, Deetaese treated. Offle
=1VemErICI„Ab,H2OTEL. Data( ot visi
1. Junespi, vroh March ,
tin-d.Orf tI attieenOa-ttve.
The copy for changes must be left
nobleterthan Tuesday recoil. Casual
ativestisemente accepted up to noon PROPERTY POE. Seze. - Desirable
property in Exeter with suitable resi-
Wednesday of each week, I
Ilence thereon. Good investment.
TliteRSDAY. MARCH 30,1904
Rev. R. J. M. and Mrs. Perkins ar-
rived borne from Lindsay on Satur-
day eyening last getting. train service
as far as Lumen reaching Exeter by
Apply to GLATiArAzt 44; STAarnt/RY.
eeree-aese driving across the country.
Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add Mr. Will Willis who expected to
on page 5. leave on Meech 1st for his home in
Mr. Thos. Horn is laid up with a Springside, Man., left on Monday of
broken rib. this week being unable to leave here
Mrs. Wm. Brickwood is recovering owing to the blocked rat way sery ce.
"I i
ber recent illness, A Wia,rton rninister recently in im-
Mr. James Swenerton, of London, 1PreSSiflg npOn hes hearers the eertain-
was in town on business on Monday. ty of death remarked -"My friends,
Mrs. .T. Taylor and son Thomas has remember you are not travelling to
the graye by the Grand Trunk -you
elltt.trned after visiting friends in Hen.
are speeding on."
Mr, Norman Hern who has been
Essery and daughter Bettie were employed as clerk with Messrs Haw-
frientle m
LOndon and Glen- ka & son left on Friday f N
as or or
oe last week. -
wich where a has secured a siroilia,r
Hon. Tbos. Greenway, ex -Premier position. We join with his many
of Manitoba is visiting with b is sister, friends in wishing him success.
Mrs. Dr, Rollins.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris and son
Percy, of Ailsa Craig are visiting
relatives in Exeter.
Mr. G. Baleden who has been visit-
ing friends in Melbourne and Glencoe
returned to Exeter Saturday.
Mrs. L. H. Dickson returned home
from London on Monday where she
had spent the past week visiting rela
Mr. George Scott, of Woodham has
moved his family to Exeter and tbey
have take a up their residence in Ed-
ward Howard's house on William( et.
north of the creamery. We welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Scott as residents of
Mrs. J.. D. Beattie, wife of Xohn IL
Beatty, formerly manager of the
Northwest Transportation Company,
cte Sarnia, died ofepneuraoniN in that
town last Sakurday.
It Speaks for Iteelf
1.0101,090K ----------------
25c. Clii RE'S 11 EADA Ciii E
• '
• •
Guaranteed to Cure within 30 lialuartes, or money' refunded o
4llteruggits or tr.eiled. The iterald Iternedy Ce., Montreal
0 000;tre00,00•0•0******************otroonoto•0000100
M, Q. Cobeledick ef Ansa °twee, is I
visiting friends in teWn.
Mr. D. Wilcox who bas egaia been L
very ill is now improviug,
The several milliners •evill 130011 be
batonwnetzk raaltieg iteady the Easter
MeAllan who has accepted a
poiition as milliner Me, E. 3.,$pack.
mutt has arrived and entered upou her
Mr. mid Mee. Dattald SDePhensort
who etUtle her from Bag teed last sum-
mer and have been woreieg with Ur,
A. Gibson, Thames Road, leaves on
Feeley for 'tidier). Head, N. W.
etatiro.; Cape rules
where they beve acsie
aced a a
°413,tiVi4. t1;11.* D. llamiltore occupied ilre
pelpit of .let mu -et chttreh On Sunday
t heat mereoing and eveteing. Tire
eyeeend eretraioesau meats. aCiiksnet-
Iy favorable liaprmit/A in Exeter,
has au agreeable voice Ana his dis
of Winter Goods
Going at Sale Price New Prints
They are a eice lot, all the new colors and designs. pr
The follo-wiug list proves how little anything pertaining to
- winter is wanted around here. The customer knows
all this and is figuring accordingly.
mime were both arra cereest
Alr. Fteh is this week baying
his bare shop, wluch is up-to-date
its every respect. thpropshly Over-
hauled, papered and paueted. Mr.
Fish takes pleasure to keeping' his
shoP uP-to-date, *ttractive and com-
fortable, fee the eenvenience of his
fele VISO TOM.. - Remo*
Ileanaara, htee heeta in the employ,
of Mr, J. A. Stewart for a member of
yeete and Who bite proved himself a
qetwortity Arai eSpahie clerk bee
a pted positron with J. Tornig
on dry wards inereliarre a London
eieedry evenieg .at the dose of
Leegoe eervicee in James street
rah be wee presented with ea ad-
dreea expreesiog regret at his ream -
I bet with weary good wishes for
1,1 re seccess and prosperity,
last .asStechlelleutott natnentrvree:zyla:pdiabto,
Oen of the Britian and ,Woreigo
1 iely, Serum* were preacb-
ad about the world in. honor of
Lhe aurae The time Was naterall
right to. be an opportune one, to
reaae an appeal feta more funds t
carry en the great work et the' ;10^
tet'y. The reillione ef people. who
wad the Biblealt wee felti had
'tied and it was'not *Algtag' ta0
ak Met everyone wile had
by R 4301110 contribute
cautery fund, Tbei OW.
1 here oteSunday ISOM-
apprepriate AerMOUS
or the .flible. Scalety
nfrerneen Imam meet..
the nernes-et elioreb
attended and adresset
. R. j. Perkine
erailtere or Welling -
e London, ',rho untsic
was prar a the !joint theirs of
ettent churohee.
ng all of last week the London
on arneStnce railway track was a
S ne of busy actlyiter-unt with rail-
way eerviee bat with a large gang or
with picks and ebovels elearing
oub he track as the snow was from
*three feet dee% and was pack-
(' frozen on the rozulbed, he
was opened as far as Exeter on
Monday when a paeseuger train Was
sent as far as this point, the same
train making two trips each way tins
far. day Sunday a roam of 50
tnen with a snowplow and two loco-
motives, worked between Reeler and
Reesala hat only streceeded in open-
ing up the road one wile, On Monday
three gazer of weir were put on to rr.-
ceed with the work as vrell as three
snowplows awl severe" locomotives.
Oa Wednesday morning the first melt
service from the north Tor ten days
reached het, and that only from Clins
ten, the track 'being aew open to that
point. When the balance of the track
will be ready for trailer depends very
much upon the weather clerk. Shout*
thilW enntinne there will he an early
opening but a freeze up would be a
eerante result. The num is pi'ed
up mountains high beside the track
so that when a. thaw comes the water
finds tzo outlet save over the roils.
Wben frost appears on the scene the
situation may perhaps be imagined.
The conditioa le one without parallel
in the history of railroading in West -
era Ontario. No freight trains have
reached this point since Febar 27th
and the line of provisions of all kinds
are beconaing low. Our con merchants
received &good supply of coal during
the fine spell when the line was open
or the matter would have been even
more eerioue,
DIVISION COURT -It was not expect-
ed that Judge Rolt would be able to
get here on Thurefiay to hold Court
but His Honor braved the stormy
weather and bad roads and drove all
the way from Goderich arriving in
tosvn on Wednesday night. Quite a
long Bat of cases was awaiting his
disposition but some difficulty was ex-
perienced with some of the cases as
witnesses were not able to ;get to Ex-
eter. The list was disposed. of as fol-
lows: --Bran ad vs Belhack and Hoiland
garaishee, judgment for $25, Gladman
& Stanbury for plaintiff and garnishee
Cockshutt ys Deavitt on two promis-
sary notes, adjourned till next court.
defendant to put in counterclaina ff
any within ten' days. Gladmaaa &
Stanbury for, Plffs. • Dickson & Carl -
lug for Defts. Ogden vs Carroll was
not tried as Deft, was out of the
County and ease adjourned. Gladman
& Stanbury for plff. Martin vs Cope
land on 'balance of an account. Jud-
gment for plff for $5, Dickson &
Carling for pltt ; GIadman & Stanbury
for deft. Canada Carriage Co. vs
Brown, judgment for plffs, Gladrosee
& Stanbury for olfEs. Bartner vs
Bobier on account for rent, judgment
for plft. for $40. Gladman & Stan bury
for deft. ; Dickson & Carling for Off.
Makins vs Miller was tra,nsferred to
Bayfield coma on applieation of pill'.
Gladman & Stanbury for pl. W.
Bryclone for clefts. Mellvilie vs
Crews on a note, judgment by consent
for 01. Dickson & Carling for plff. ;
Stewart vs Ilawksha,ve, judgment for
plff. Gladman & Stanbury for plff.
Ilawkshavo vs Brown and Sovereign
Bank garnishees. Jeeigneent against
debtor for $56 by consent and againgt
the garnishees for $41. Gladiman &
Stanbury for ,plff. and garnishees;
Dickson & Carling for deft. Guelph
Carriage Top Co. vs Sheardown
which was adjourned. from last Court
was dismissed in favor of defendant.
Gladman & Stanburyfor deft.; Dick-
son Su Carling for Of%
Wee 8175 for 8130
Were 875 for 1,88
Were 7.00 for 4.25
Were $0.75 for 8100
Were 5.00 for 175
Were I.50 for 1,10
Were 1.00 for 89 eta
Wer, '14.00 for $2•89
Were 335 ter 200
Were :1,,kat for 1.90
Were $5.9P.•QO
Wee 8.7e re
Were asp- for
Were $5,50 for 83.75
Were 0.00 for 4 25,
Were 275 for 2.04.
Were $4100 for $34,
Were 40,00 for 32.4o
Men's Suits
Were 810 00 for $8.75
Were 8,50 for 0,99
Were 7,50 for 5.99
Men's Overcoats
Were 81100 for s8,50
wpre 10,00 for 7.50
Were 7 50 for 5,99
Boys' Overcoats
Were $7.50 for $5-60
Wee 6,50 for 5,00
Were 740 for 3,99
Aleu's Pants
Were $1.75 for $1,40
Were 1.40 for 125
Wore 2,00 for 1.00
0 s Reefers
Were 82,50 for $1.85
Were 125 for 125
ia ere 140 for 2,40
1 Calf Coat
1 Only Man's Rik Calf ott
W8 828.50 for $22.60,
We have all the new spring prints in now fel' your inspectifort...
they are 6c, Sc, me, I2%c,
Now Ginghams and Chambrays
For waists and children's dresses we have a big choice in those
in stripes and checks of blue and white, pink and Whites green%
linens and reds.
1)rices away down, roc ie,
New Stikine Waisting
Those are very fancy COIOrillp nd pattern; and make
bealltifill waist or dress, You must see thew IO appreciate th
Vaines. Only 1 sc and 20c per yard.
Spring Nouse furnishings
A big range to select from.
Good, union carpet for- zsc. 3ne.
Qood wool carpet for.... „. 1.* 0,
Best 3 ply wool. carpet tor.. 4* 4441,0100{S* 0.*
Nice quality tapestry carpets for, . „
The finest tapestry =pots for.... „ , „....
Window Shades
In ceam ight and dark green, and red.
ci 40C Pc,
7$ci 850.
and fioc.
,E3R 0
Tbe ruale
evening hist.
unable, meeting of th
e held On Friday
;ere wee good twee
Fotaen A tea lit k, Owner may
have SAM* by ea lit% at the Trines of -
lice. proving propene' and paying for
this ad,
Take Laxative Brom° Quinite Teblets
AU druggigts refund the money if it
fails to cure, E. W. Grove'i signature
is on each box. 25e.
Some oeople are thinking a h
c,14 weal her trent many be aU eye
Lor tbe sea -on, now that March is here.
Perhepe their ritertiotaee do not. run
brek to the yeer of 1885 when it was
14 degrees below zero on Sr. Patrick's
Frldky, March IS, extensive clear-
10ettetion, sale of registered short-
horn eattle, and wele brea draught
horses trout one to flee years ok, on
lot 13, con. 1 Usiborne, 2. miles south
of Wintitelsea, Jes, White, Amet.
Wm. Brock, Pronrietor,
TIMPEn&Nefl SUNDAY. - A mass
meeting ot the Sunday sellools of
town will be held in the Mein street
church next Sunday aftensoon, at
whicit there will be a good peogram
eonsistiog Of addresses, singing and
inc tetions. A profitable and good time
is expected.
AN Om aND WunTialan Ittaunny.-Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
overate& years by millions of mother:roar their
children while teething'. with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gum, alays afl
pain. cures wind collo. and is tho best remedr
for Diarrham. It is pleasant to the taste. Soki
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents &bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Alm Winslow's soothing
Syrup and ask tor no other kind.
Cattle have clime ehrot the bitter
winter in excellent condition, Urmare
report. In *harp, frosty weather
horned beasts have great appetites,
and are not so particulaain their diet
as they are ha mild, "muggy," sloppy
wca then Everything put before. them
is eater& up clean, and they melee the
best ues of it, as shown bye sleek and
fat condition.
An exchange esaye.e-.& teacher in
ono 'of our public esehools, wishing to
enler,ge the vocabulary of her claw in
English 'composition, asked each mem
bet InE it to writ*. E !sentence contain-
ing eyrionyras oe the words "run and
eeeee, One 'Attie fel)iltrce, having 'tube
Gravely looking up the definitions in
his email dietionaryagravely su.brate-
ed the following highly eleecriptive re-
sult; "A dog trickled down the „street
with a tin canfjiedto big narrative,"
Doraw TerezitRA13 /T.- If you ask
some men for an advertisement they
will tell you no one reads weekly pap -
els nowadays and that they would
not pay a cent for a column, Let that
same man he caught kissing the hired
girl and if the printing office is in the
top of the seventeenth story building.
he will climb all the way up and ask
the editor to sty nothing about that
little affair. that it bee been greatly
exaggerated. can he -explained, etc.,
and here's a good cigar and how much
is ruy bill up to a, year from next Jan-
ary. But no one reads a weekly paper.
Oh I no, -Exchange.
Syrup made from trees in Huron
county will he an unknown thing this
year unless the weather moderates
very quick] Y. Other years trees have
been tapped and a very good supply
of sap running by the end of February
but what with frost and snow, it is
useless to attempt, to get to ale bush
to commence syrup operations. If two
or three weeks of sim-hiny days would
welcome as, without a too sudden
rise in temperature, there may be
some hope of getting some of the gen-
uine maple syrup made around here
but present prospects are not very
Bean ee The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
vtic1 in 011
,ussion ef the reports upon $a
bath schools 4m,1 church life an
wet*, These were AMOrt the who
satisfactory. alessre. McNeil, of Be
field, Davidson of Vernal, ,1".JL Ham
ton, or Londeeboro, torrether with t
representative elders of Rippe% A
burn, and &nodal& were appointe
as commissioners to the next goner
assembly to beheld in St. john, N.
in the month of a`tine[.
The price of news paper has taken an-
other boost, while the newspapers sell
at the same cm price, ftideed what
the price of paper will be is a matter
of doubt as all quotations have been
withdrawo. The Canada Paper Co.
(Limited) of Toronto, Montreal, and
Windsor Wits, Que., has iesued circ
lees th publishers of which the fo
lowing is an extract. Owing to th
tsillnputlagderoouf 8.13111tPanedautbseedexbtyra tellszepennos
entailed in having to use coal fo
steam in manufacture Instead ou
usual water! power. we are reluctant'
compelled to withdraw all quotatimi
On news print,
REV. Int, lifroce IronecisTs.,--Thitd
storm period. Tide period is central on
the 1Ith, 12111 and 13th. Riming the
presence of the March equinox, and
the Moon's apogee on the 131b, there
is only one other disturbing factor at
this time, On end about March llth
the eattins equator rs preseuted to.
ward the 'north pole of the Sun, on ac-
count of wbich fact there is a regular
annual perturbation, attended by an
excess of electrical and magnetic
phenomena in the Ea,tett and atmos-
phere Disturbing earth currents,
auroral illutninations, seismic shakes
and Voleanic activity are among the
things that, as a, rule result about this
time. Falling barometer, higher tem-
perature and wide areas of rain and
snow may also be expected about. the
12th and 13th. High barometer and
cold, blustering gales will follow, pro-
gresslyely about the 13tb to 10th.
A mass meeting of all the Senday
schools of our town wilt be held. in the
Main street church on Sunday neet,
commencing at 3 o'clock, an interest -
is- Come and e
h -
poet Redu
e & Undert4iOn
re 0
argaius Sure
your Friends to cal
Director and,
at UkTh
be Embalmer. Opera Muse Bloc
You a
Y When you insist on having
Harvey Bros.' Flour. Our
ing tenaperance programme is being
prepared, in which many of the young
people of our town are taking part.
Every person will be welcome.
The next regular W. C. T. U. meet -
beg will be held at the Main street
parsonage on Wednesday 16th
The Rev. T. Egerton Shore in com-
menting on the Toronto Junction vic-
tory for Local Option says, "The
main secret of our strength and suc-
cess here was the unity of the church.
es. That, is the great lesson ot our
Canapaigns. and I. am pereuaded that
the churches of tbis land, or of any
community, can accomplish anything
in moral or social reform, ifthey hut
set themselves to the task as one man.
In our town of 8000 people we have
seven protestant churches and one
Roman Catholic, The Protestant
ministers all meet together as a minis-
terial association onee a month to
discuss matters relating to the spirit-
ual awnadsminortahlIr alefasereeloaftiteh:tthoztn the
Local Option idea had its birth about
a year ago, Soon a movement was
slarted which resulted in the organi-
zation of the Citizen's League,' the
actual membership of which has
been small in numbers, but large in
influence, being composed of a num-
ber of the strongest and most respect-
ed professional and lousiness men of
the town and the ministers of the
.Besides Toronto Junction, Local
Option carried in the Toevnahips of
Niagara, ca,rtwright, Raleigh, Lans-
downe. Euphrasia, McLean, Ridout
and others.
Is made from the choicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat.
The quality of our
Eras been improved by Steri-
lizing it Give it a trial it is
a "Food" not a 'Tad.".
O'er facilities for handling the chop-
ping trade are unsurpassed. The new
Vissot grinder is giving great satis-
fifiRVEY 6R08
eaeasee.e.fteeeeeese. eeee
Large Attendance I
we have enrolled as many stedonts
during the last five months, counting
z from September, as we enrolled last year
5 in ten months. This tells the tale Th
young people of Western Ontario EvI- e
bliINTLY KNOW which is tho
school te attend. New students admitted et
at.n time. Write for csralogue.
ta) *
e Principal g
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
-they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
All cplors at 0, larTz, tzeter.
A Great
and won
Notwithstanding the battle
the snow blockade, Ross &Taylor
still an top with a large stock of buil
ing materials, Having place4 0
orders for Thirty oar loads of
Lumber Lath,
and Shingles
We will bob. a better positionZi
ever to supply our many enetom
with all they may require either fro
shop or yards.
13ee Keepers Supplies ready
Place your Orders for Tana.; earI
Esteroates cheerfully given.
earCell in we The to see you. -ft,
Complete assortment of uo-to-dat
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, alste
full supply,
School Booke
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articies
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes..
rug Storig