Exeter Times, 1904-2-25, Page 6liEW BRITISH LS 1 DISTRESS APTER, EATING. GEMS OF utlx-raE BA • CAME INTO OPERATION WITTI THE NEW YEAR. LLIo C/aild -Under Age of Eleven ¥0,y Engage in Street Tradiog. With the New Year came into oper- ation an uwesual, crop of popular lows. Poesibly the °illy oue oi the own er winch eeeds instart repairs is the nnitor-car Act. If ft shared the tete ci; the last New Year's "Black motorists noulti not, be sorry, ays the *London Exprees. Of the new statutes oue of the =Pet importout is ari Act to extend the Juriaiiceion of the country courts. ln all personal actions foienerly, where the dabt claimea expeened £50, ceen weld not go before the otnty court's, bet iad to be com- e:Innen ie the Flign Court, Peraefter the jurisdiction of the oty eourt will entrain to aetious er debt not exceeding £100. oneetineut will oecessarny add *e- to the work a the eoaritY coneequence mated - lye the lli C urt On rceielar !meta will consist in then' Cost that the eo$ts to suitors will be loes, A hemaee stetnto bears the title r Prisoners" Defence Avt, 1903." it1e that leek of meaus need no lett.av tlenar a prisener (sore oh - al aid In the prepainktiOn his tl,genee. that. 0. fieliCito ze igned to hiai, of the "docker" il fortuerly se - poor prisoner nt apiily to SotItt The air/ tOiZl witno t ne of 1,1 rimed rer xisel tet dace 'Olt CHILDREN. Fineloeistemt of Children Act„ einenb is now in force, will greatly ornery.. the Clindren'a Charter, 411C1 n:ohin winy poor families the ki- nd reerletions evill 331e4n the est of 'Mese-earners, the tiltimat ftt to the little once will melte Act feenerally welcoilte. ea:el:oral no eliild under the oge neaybe exuplO)ed in ales ebild enipleyed tory may he etn- rto will be granted or enpb 1sx3t at public child under the ot be employed inc iu the ev- orning. e new Act. gh„ secretary of the $noniety for tli Proteetion of tr'lv to Cbildren, "is that it le too rerinisshe, and that it leaves an nine; for lovel anthoritiee to Sub - 'Una,. the welfare of eltildren to oeal iptereste. I should much pre- fer to see it an Imperial Act not steireet to variation by by-laws of local autberit lea" The chimes of the Act referring to the employrrent of children in enter- trisnuents will not affect theatrical managers to uny great extent, for it le seldom that children under ten years are required. In Loneert the provisions of the Act will reninly affect perttons who employ ter s and girl: as etreet hawkers. By the new Borough Funds Act the obsteeterous minority of one rate- pnyer who could put a town to the expenee of a poll for and against a bill, which the loml council wished to promote in Parliament is extin- guished. Now there must be 100 de - manes for n. REDUCTION OF RENTS. 'Another Act sets all the new educa- tion authorities upon their financial feet, by gtv nag there power to borrow enough money to provide a working baI fice, a precaution which was ov- erlooked When the Education Act was passed. Of immense importance to the work- ing clasees is the Act which gives the long -sought power to local authori- ties to spread loans for housing the poor neer eighty years, and previous comeanies or persons compulsorily • taking, averionen's dwellings housing thirty people Or more until they have • obtained the approval of the Local • Government Board to a scherae which • will provide houses fon the people dis- placed. Thie Act tvill make it possible for 'the local councils building such hoes - es to'recluce rents by nearly is. a Weelc. A new Act empowers a council to • hire land for "military purposes," or So join other councils in so doing. •nMtlutary purposes" now includes nine for yeomanry, rifle and artillery praetice, building and enlarging bar- • rachs and camps, erection of butts, targets and batteriee, and the stor- ing of arms, and so on. The new laws for 1904 are not— • with the exception of the Motor -Car Act—in the mature of experiments. They are legislative attempts to Im- • prove other laws, and with that im- provement to advance the social -wel- fare of the people. •- Other legislative products of 1903 ere the Education (London) Act, • 1903, Which cemes into operation • next May; the Patriotic Fend Peer- ganiratirn Are, 1903, and the Rail- ways (Eleetrical Power) Act, 1903, both of whieh are now in operation. /loye (*lend uni a Bent en ng mei siein the le" ene fault of raid. Mr. Benjamin 4 DRINK PLENTY OP WA PER. 'A 'well-known physician say,s that • the girl oho has not a. Clear com- plexion and wishes one has a simple remedy right at hand if she cares to 'use it. And it is water, applied not oatwardly, but inwardly. That is, not so much outwardly as inwardly. This authority save that tlfe sallow gir) should drink two quarts of wa- ter rising ond retiring, het not a drop at mealsMore than e water drank -must riot be trousers are vely nueh Dfli tine season, said, tile tailar, 'playing hi goods. "So are the ea1 have , ,,roplied the poet, 4 Can Ooly 33e Oured by nice/loving the Cause of the Trouble. There is only one way to cure in- digestion; the meclichie must ant upon the digestive organs—not upon teieir contents. Medicine should not 's but should Ladies Bank Thole Jewels 'and 'Arear Doubles. A few generations ogo imitation gems wea th re uoheard of, ane fam- ily heirlooms and costly jewels were N ary aleobee's Life Was Illeasur- woru by women oil all Stete occas- ed by Days and tie the stomaenworke BIUURTB DI8ELSE BEiTEN ADAM. ions in " oll their rev.) magnificeece. inake the stomaeh do the woek na- TQ -4a57* "lacvwever' ill the sniarteSt°t 11,..._ wours oo jotooded it should, do. 1)r. the "smart set" a ditiereet state of Williams nun Pi ls do this as lee affairs exists, says the London •e-. Dodd's, Eidney Pills Bad E'er stomach, restore the eeekenea Seciety womeu rarely wear their ble to be Out be a, the ether medicine can. They tone up Press. dnO tiOUbt Week. digestive ergans and promote nate reel jewels—whiell 'I're ue'lellY kept lira.I igeetion. There is et the lnank England or other safe about this—et has been Proved in depesits—bet have them duplicated in of thousands of eases that Dr. Willinme such Wonderful itratttiOUS that only Vink Pine eure huligestien wliert all an expert could detect tile sttbStitu- other needieiees fail. Mr. Elrear 'lieut. RobitiotiN, St. Jerome, Que., offers A jeweler who makes 4 specialte$7 of his testimony to substantiate thisweiat be terms "jewelry of recon - Re says :—"For some years I was a structed gems," bas worked up, a great suillerer from indieestion. Ey i large business In copying the famous aPpetite became irrennilar, and everen'oeeklares, tiaras ropes of pearls. and ntonneelf- 4 Suffered Much froln Palls ems beauties, greed doilies, and Am - weight on my corsage ornamen'ts belongin: tfoacf:1117- thinV I ate felt like a, M- in tbe st°211ach and was 1.' !qtz...e"3..)' erican heiresses. At a ste eeizect with (Beefiness and severe rnacee aches. Nothing I tried did me a. par- Itneeee\st,:eaiinPcia etrneratuldrenstoauotrdderir"ds ' tielQ of good Until X began the use of 1 In the lira owe. weds a meet a- Young glrl, Mary Makoheii who lives with ber parents cit iso msi- Darrierwitic tPlatenic viz14, autt these* to bis cestorner's home who Metres ne for about two 1 borough Avenue. this city. moothe. completely cured me. it ft' neatly two years since 1 4/seen:time, ettreoirew,derlginaglolofir'eonmehtiv;Eilualedlea../ irbitesetet.Terii;Eittpeleele:4,StleoTEri.i.4, 4 re an exact duplicate a! the origin - ed tl) °se of the Pills* 11314,11 la've al is made for z nerallv about one- °ea' -ri.se -Mali-vim was in The cul t since past the Oligbtest return of e...., e ,. ...a * -re ,, ' cbes of Briglit's Diseese from 4 vitiletie Ot 1,IW price 04 tho reel gems. . Another Remarkable Cure Brought Out by the Conine:weed and Egrua&-ton, Gases. •Toronto, Feb. 15,--(SpecialrenThe interest in medical circles here over the cures ot Mrs. Adams, of Colling- wood, and Airs. Philip, of Eglirigton. of Brigbt's Diseese, has been given fresh fuel by another and e'et eore startling cure of that emcee terrible ailment. Tide latest case is that of trouble."55 01 a 1.4tiliglell4arnitiosp./tulkt I):1,ectr;urtfrtailtolti, ijith:t1::17etweglryini-sthifiesenfitTercaci4sIstel l:tv tbtxtPiTemr leir' foend ilati measuslIred. le. d • it t, b h If . poor Tbey i‘teilol odia:ted taispatittetriedte :tohgatetnv$snedutliin reeeatithaigiamthoendrtieaalre:ounsareti. gie".;',:o phnwoo toYa °c:It.stao'int.yurf dem a n. string of Noels and her friends bed tented' to t . is given a fair trial. Don't for the des!) b. any piok colored Eiteglitutt...-- which are made by a trienufaeturing=bestr.telterboefso 1p4sretpyliitaisgoylignerngnrpanvtse take anything but Dr. 'Wile ' chemist. and semetimee even recoil- -10 will find tbe fuli mane urinted, gems 11nta Pirtic Fills for Pole People. ,rstructed storee alternate with real icoariemnoisw 4insttrhoengitoblieeaer.thyetmteate'yn iwifabict- : a on the wrapper around every -box.; At the Royal etturts. the opera. ctanddIrritot.0111,44.t.hplaockilci.tshQiitlitdnee7nrmaa by &I ttlediethe dealers e.r sent aild Stele dinners a largo percentage! otu mail at. 00 cents a bo X Or eix of the magnificent . ete Worn are 3etTeCt°4 the change. Here is the ea fon $2-ti0 by writing The Dr. products from the .mise*,e tabors,. ritt-ta7 AS told JAY the eirre mother, ituis Mecsecine Co., BrockNille, torv, costing anything front -R50 to Mrs. W. W. '11`rale°11nt 2O0 --perfect imitetious of, in many. l" claugnter. Mary, in no instances, priceless gems. LIGET TE...0.0WN ON' C CER, Field of Obeervation Opened lip. two r cancer closed these i tie 01scotery of the ewe eortence is attached to t diecesecies comer 11 hove been widely ls- ndq awetly. The dist fourteen years old, was taken demy Ill with Bright's Disease i MAY, WOO, We lied the doctor and A JAPAN'ESE VIEW. jontinued with him till September, Th 3.002, when he said he email do no - the course of an interview whie wog, room for Ito% she was so peters in " Catiffer S Seturiley 30113'.. le" Viecoent Hayashi, the Japan- '7111" with Vr°1167 as to 'W 41' 1 Whiter in Imadon says: mse'e unreeOgriirehle, re is eomething solid end dig -.CURE WAS QUICIC. Died about the average Briton that "From 4, book dropped in at the ver fens to impress me; England is a doerwe learned of Dead's Xidney ,,,SO progreveive. AO 0. city 1 consnier trills and as a lost rtSert deters:tuned „at‘::ti't.°01,14orrrtarro.iladollosdbodesl'otlosioli11161niianv.iiis London inique. In the first place it i!t0 try 'them Thee. gave her relief ,iug in itallar contlitiona to men. It is hoped that the tett, that cancer ygreerr inaets. tIhteilsoNcl,elloetwrasePire,oLtw4hatejtsatiktetiabtertnallotOotawalitunIr1044 iiCererke. able to may , lays: spirit1 ege. oefneat„ asormotrdpeerolypleautdown:;:totinemotli:ut4r; earl yn ga begi u n in g. So lun1333 ch different conditions from Mon, eXiStS in lieli. nbieh live under such .ontleees to a more speedy and Com .1 their country and 'King can produce. en'tliAreitelyr c ndfolstruebohNaess.neter was ete luaatiedge of the dhcetee. 1, As a ibrPliraer :cant the Far Rs"' The other citenrery was that 00i Can ess'ire YOU that,L011don at. the stiolghtertebrelazrse. illoviewier xulcienver; II Prof. Farmer and Messrs. Moore AO ,onee arrests attention' 1 il'n°1v Par- listtY em Walker. This dues n°t Pr.°Inise an ,lis fa a tine city; so is lierlio, and, !Piths, as they. certainly saved my immediate cure or preveetion, but is " for that Matter, $t. Petersburg; but .daughter's lit.' And Mary, the daughter on whore aennoaledged to be of the lprirgiltellitsit: all an "anWie of eitY gavQcninent- important e. At •Present Ito liellill• U 1 nulY use that term, Lon. IslernitgelltItee's ofifisdeertaetehh, andowpraonpoicuteucreed theist tat value is diagnoetic. It enables a don is a study." dietinetien to be drawn readily, mein The real secret 0! Ilritain's P°81.- haVeetnbitogihrieir intmlo.th:rn'slUsettlatelLineelaiteenrittlIdl eosin', between malignant and be- tion amongst. the nations of the nigant growths. "re- fundamental world, in the ViscOtnit's opinion, is .ehllece in, "If I mu ever sick again impoitante of the discovery must be ber love a justice and her laws awl I will teke nothing but Doeld's Rid - the sincerity tg ter citizens, discountee. Heretofore th& riot ter- rible thingt about cancer hue been the ignorance et the causes of its With and giowth. A microbe raratite has been suggestedbut has failed corn- pletely to justif the theories found- ed on the assuralition of its preeence. NOT EMBRYONIC TISSUE. Another theory width has been ac- cepted generally of bate has been that cancer is the untimely growth SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. nervous temperoment, My eestera of an embreonic tissue, that is a was able to resist the inroads upon tissue which had e.eitted in the body Damp lampblack will ignite from it by the use of coffee for some years the sun's rays. The same can be snid stationary. and undeveloPed sine° but finally the strain began to tell. Of eotton-Waste moist with lard or some previous stage, Evolution had epor tee seers I be." been employ- other animal 0.11., Lampblack and a started it into activity, and it 'dove- ed as telegraph operator and type- little 011 or water Will, under cer- a furious rate in an entife- writer by a railroad in this section. Itain conditions, ignite spontaneous- ly wrong way. • years ago 1 had used ily. Nitric acid and charcoal create Prof, Farmer and his comagees azni until two continually from the tene spontaneous combustion. New pri the cancer tells, tis method of their of collee I: wasTheieghtytyoerafl soolotli,)enreaatl:yoperating 2years. e - . i ze- , tors' ink on paper, when in contact bare now established the nature etaere..s. 1with a ateam-pipe, will ignite quick - growth, the eiithle conflation of 1 heir growth, and the irritating graph key is a great strain upon the fo. y 13olled linseed oil and turpentine reuses whith provoked it, incidental- nerves and after the (Jaen work was in equal parts on cotton -waste will ly shoairg that cancer cells al e not inter I would feel nervous, irritable, ignite in a few hours under a mild a. development of the embryonic tis- run down and toward the last suffer- . .. heat. Iron chips, filings, or turnings ed greatly from it:so:lima and neUral- should not be stored in a shop in gia. As 1 littler iudulged in intoxi- wooden boxes. The oily waste which eating liquors, drugs or -tobacco in is not infrequently thrown among any fern I came to tbe conclusion that coffee and tea were causing the gradual break -down of my nervous system and having read an article in the Medical Magazine onsthe Composi- tion of coffee and its toxic effect up- on the system, I was fully convinced SURE. •••••••••=m0, The Robust Physique Can Stand ney ' It is hardly necessary' to Red that proof piled on proof lies convinced the public that Bright's Diseaee le eurable and that Dade's Kidney Piller are the cure; that if the disease is More Coffee Than a Weak One. lof the ladeeye or from toe Kidneys A young viogoroor stye; ejenejeg the one Unfailing remedy is Dodn'e a naturally robust constitution far XldsloY above the average and not havieg a sue. It is elifficult to explain the dis- covery briefly in popular language, bet tee central point is the eetab- liniment of the fact that the cancer cells are cells which under sortie kind t of irritating istimrlus behave not as ordinary veils, but as if they were cells of tlie repronoctive tiesue. The profess observed during the develop- ment snakes it easy to tell if a cell that coffee was the cause of my is malignant cancer. Research, • trouble. therefore, has a new field of ober- "Seeing Postum spoken of as not vation hi finding what agents of having any of the deteriorating ea irritation are causing an ordinary tfects of coffee I decided to give up cell to act the same as cells of re- 'the stiraulant and give Postum a productive tissue. PART Ole Thid CEREMONY. Fire is an essent'al in scare wed- ding celebrations. In Persia the service is rad in front of a fire. In t keeping pace with it, and I -am a new Nicaragua the Priest, taking tko !man and a better one." Name given caCh he the little finger, laa:da by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. them to an apartment where a fire There's a reason. is lighted, and there instructs the Look in each package for the fame bride in lier duties, extuiguishing it by way of conclusion. In Japan the woman kindles a torch, and the bridgegroom rights one from it, the playthings of the wife being burnt then and there. # trial. The result was agreeably sur- prising. After a time say nerves be- came wonderfully strong, I can do 411 xny work at the telegraph key and typewriter with far greater ease than ever before. My weight has in- creased 35 pounds, ney general health - -A BROTHER'S PRAISE. "From the time my baby was bora," say e Mrs. Bobt. Price, of Combermere, Ont., "he was always them adds to tbe danger of Ore from this ,source. The sweepings Mora the machine shop, if icept on hand, sbould never be placed over iron shavings. This mass of disintegrated iron is enough to incite heat and If a girl really and truly loves a man she doesn't try to find out what the ring cost. Prison Worker : "My man, what is the catise of your being here ?" Con- vict : nay lawyer knew too little, an' the jury knew too much." Practitiorter—No Roe Otelt.°--Birs. An C, ChestnueofWhitby, was for months a rheumatic victim, butSouth American Rheumatic Cure changed the song from -despair" to "joy." She says: "I suffered untold misery from rheumatism— doctorte 'medicine did me no good—two bot- tles of SouthAmerioan Rheu mat ic Cure cured mn-enlief two ous little book, "The Road to Well- hour aft -r the first dose"—eri Ville," Caller : "And this is the new .--.4.... baby ?" Fond Mother : "isn't he Love may laugh at locksmiths, but splendid ?" Caner : "yes, indeed." he who laughs last laughs best. Fond Mother: "And so clever. See Mr. Kidder : "All', how -de -do, doc- how intelligently lie breathes." tor ? lf you have a few minutes to ------ spa,re I wish you would come over Ml II' Liniment fur sale everwhere to my house and chlorofm ear orray s , youngest, boy." Dr. Price : "What _ 4 is the reattei. with the lad ?" Mr. A. TREE THAT GROWS DISHES. Kideer : "Oh, his mother wants to , comb his hair." There is a tree ,in the West Indies steely and costive until I began giv- ing him Baby, Own Tablets. He is , i1,-- . that the natives say "grows dishes! '' s • - . It looks like an apple tree. They call now, 'well, strong andgr°nring nice- og is - oi 1 6 s it' the calabash. •'It bears very queer ly, and lean hardly say how thank- - 1 • le'aves and large white bloesoms that ful I am for my baby's cure." „ In , every home where there are young UNLESS OIRCULATEIM grow right from tile trunk and larger children this medicine shourel always be kept on hared. The troubles of little' ones come when least esipected, • and a, dose of the Tablets promptly given may save a preeiolis little life, Baby's Own Tablets cure all the minor ills of little ones, and en oc- casional 'dose will prevent sicknese, They are guaranteed to contain no opiate or nateriful drug, The Tablets are sold by all rnedieine nealers or sent post paid at 25 cents a boo by writieg The Dr. Williams Menieine Co., Brock -cello, Ont. Health Is atieured by the raw precess of curing disease. RELIEF 1111 e.e; MINUTES. Sick headache, Indigestion, loss Ilft vigor, felling memory, nervonanese are all infallible signs of weakening nerves arid indicate that your nerves lack rich blood wlth which to build '11p their broken tissues. Dr. Ageew's Heart, Cuie heals and strengthens the heart and gives it tho power to send rich blood coursing through tho veins, when most diseates disappear as by magic. It branehes. After the flower comes the' fruit, just as our alipleu or pea-ches do. But this fruit is in ,the shape of. a goaad, orily stronger and much larger, sometimes a foot in dia- meter. Now, see what a use the the people of that country make of this fruit. The shell is so hard that all sorts of big and little dishes and drinking ceps caa be carved out of it. Even Dots and kettles are made relieves heart disearm In Bo minutes and is a wonderful cure. •17,1 and used ever the fire, but, of course,. one DP' Agntw's eintnlent sergs Piles In the.? cannot .. last at long as oue !eon to three 41layi. Z,SC, 01104*,,, " Pure soap!" You've heard the word's. In S lin' i ght S o a7-71 have the fact 5 .. NL I G IJ - REDUCES EXPEK.Sit .0 atisc for the Oetagea Sar. 231 SOP •THEIR HEANTING, A little plain -thinking has deduced the following common-sense elefini- tions of et few ordinary words; Jealousy The boniage paid by feilure to success. Charity; What which should appear eold to the giver and not to the re- iver. jeergivevesa: The noblest cif all vir- tues. Fool: One who is and dews not know it. Wise Vent Otte who is and 40014 Alot show it. Conversation; The idle ma's ess and the business men'e r tion. Money: The wise man's convenience, he fool's neceSsity. StleCeSS: To be perfectly satiefled til 011e'S aellieVeltlentS, ruhition: Never to he sntiefied with 01 achievements. Cf)lilt IN EUROPE, ile Spain s14U yields 32.800 ter3 cork annuelly. worth $6,000,000, 4taly's production he decreased to 4,000 tom; (S250,000 worth). Itely used to 111.Ve Splendid eork forests, but they have been felled for char - void and for potash. Setenty-eve ate ago Eteelend's supel,y of corke I c* le altogether front Italy. $100 Reward* $40o. The rewires of tin* esieer will be pleeeed to learn that tberti la tie no* detailed dee that ecitece been able to cere AIL ice *eases. *a Mutti Oaterrh. caterrit e'er* Is the wale Peeitivit cure ewe keowe to misdirsi fraternity. Cilearrk eitiug eonstitutienel dlettive, fgelUirte conetitutionol treatment. More Caterrii Cure Is taken interaolt,v, Acting direct. ly upon the blood mot inuceue ow of the system, thereby deetroying tha fuendatIon et the els:ease. and elvine ths putivet strength lie building up tbe coasLtu4*n nue eseleting Iluturts le do. RN work. The proprietors hems so much faith In its curative powera thet tecy offer Outs Hundred Doltere for taco thet It foils to our*, Seat fot Usa of testimookos. Athletes.' P. J. CHENEY Li CO., Toledo, O. stole by all Druggists. 75e. 'rake leellei Fatuity Villa for aerie eteen, *145 4t, gotd-Mot 4ight, Oditit77V -1,41.4ife 7144° /4:4;4P--4 TWENT- Y-1;1;11RD ANNEAL STATENENT OF TITS -- North American Li la Assurance ompany cher z "AU thiege that can be eeu through are calied transparent. Fenny. mention something witith is transearent." Fanny : "A pane glass.* Teacher : "Qui' e correct. Now, Fanny, mention 601E10 other ob- ject, through which you can Stie," Fttliny 1 "A keyhole." '4 fay fiteesrew,ne Thu/tiepins' my .19."4 cut," id theway }firs, R. U,%Vlight, Brockville, Olt., describes tier suffering. eteemothering, ibitteriesai palpiOstiska., tfter te7log massy remedies without beseit, bottlee of Dr Ageertv's Coe. for **Heart teetered her eo perfect beelik. The end dee:spew) itheast instrzit relief, and tee day triffering ceased altegiathe—et Toramy : 'Wan:ante 31 want to ask ee sou au important questieoze seam - ma 1 "Well, what is it, 'dear ?" Tomniy : "If a boy is a lad and has a stepfather, is 1110 lad a step- ladider YoOni.minemeioa fttuard's Liniment Relieves leuralei Little 'Ethel "Matetna said she hoped you would call to -day." Mrs. Caller 1 "That was nice of her. e is your mamma?" Little Ethel : "Oh, site's spending the day in the country." „or Over eiety Ware reine. WINSLOW'S iliaorume syear lass beal need Us millions of vnethers for titer children while *cetera/ It mottles the Child, f anvils Va. owe. *Lep' pain. owe' wind colhareguIsites thest starch end lower. and MON Wet rometv tor Diandites. 'Beene's-fire crate G lisEELIE Bold by drth44i0.4 throughout the world. Se "ewe end ash for " WIltsr.on 8SOOTHING lirner." 11-e3 Mr. Braggs : 'T saw something new in dresses to-day."Mrs. Braggse "Oh, what was ' it, john?" Mr. I3ra.ggs : "Yotir sister's baby—It's just two days old.," Lever's Y -Z (Wise Ilead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. "I punish you, my Stall," said the strenuous mother, as she wielded the slipper, "to show my love for you." "Well, mamma," rejoined the ihcor- rigible • youth, "you needn't force your love to work 'overtime on my account." Minud's Liniment Cures 1111111S1 etc, NEVER UNDER FIRE. The only regiment of regulars in the British army that has never yet been "blooded," that is, that has never been under fire, is the Irish Guards. • This , regiment was only formed in 1900, as, it will be renaem- bered, the outcome of Queen Vic- toria's visit to Ireland, and in hon- or of the splendid work performed by Irish regiments at the' front. ' 11 When you think you leave cured a coogla or cold, but find'adry, hacking congh remains, there is • danger. Take hiliokes C4 natxrnicvti Die The Lung '41r4-kt '44t,ii Tonic at once. 15 will strengthen the lungs and stop the eaugh. Prices; S. C. Virstr.s & Co. sn5 21c Sec 1. LeRoy.N.Y.,Tosonto,CSn, 115-0 831 5. Oe. E Sireet, West, Toront Ended 3Ist Deten e Assets • •ter•41•11 1,40,144, .f1.1.0•.1P. 444773.70 CEIPTS. -.Ti etsh El $4.,102,016 1331 To 0, mm4100400 248,740 78 easseenseeen-41,o8.1., on,rnemnrwarmser*,§71., 8645644R:0 e. PISBURSEMENTS, pe.ariatttc.for Death (ialtee. ;423.217 1) It other po.,iri;i4",7 355,720 ASSETS. P. y etortgiteete 4 '...151 N1109046 a, and Vel;kEitEdree" alu .047.47)"" 4.243.444 sally /teat keeeetet. dllocludiug lesep• • RV. aeste;eeeediee a74,404 Lewes 9E4 Neird. etc. 1.S. •• 1,1••te • atia,tioli Uy seiene on Stock* (nearly ail ea 4,11.; 44.3,510 —UyCash la illitUIVS HI113 en bend /11,1111.1•oee, e2,484 --137 Premiums outstandiug. etc fete, co $5.1170,1110 ea trotter.) , . st Intenest 18:g31 778,0;18 Se.374,310 ,,,,, tel,003.iteti ZIAPILITIES. , tt .— VIE Funtt . . . en•, W. 407Am 00 --To Annury Re- serveGi... tin.Ga,140: 00 —To beet aro Vatg Proofs, 000t Expeueito, etc. .,... 41,807 02 ------65.075.504 02 11...wcOmmacc.,9 es* ....r intry.a13 ... .. . . ... • ... .... ..............., ;55130246 70 4it Anti found i7irreCt.--Yolin..a. raVe. X ,iiiIi;r, Wm. T, Stunden, Coneulting Actuary. *New insurance -issued during 1.9033 .. ..,.. . . . .... . . $ 5.004.000 tieing tba best year in General Ili:iin'Cii in i*.bi' .ifia;;;ry OF 'iii1V Viomp"oy elneuranre in forte et end at 3.903 (net) ..... - Su2,4e2 077 *No monthly or Provident yolicies were imitte;i—iiiii" Li."47gai liavtog iotea discontinued. 4. el Tressidexet, .7011le L. ISLAIICIE. Vice -Presidents, JAMES TSIORBURN, BON. 131R W. 311. LERWDlT1, Ifedical Director. Directors. IION. SENATOR GOWAN, IC.C1„G.M.G., E. GintbrEy ESQ. L. W. SMITH, ESQ.. 1C.0., D.c.L., 3. X. 01:11101:14,E, D. eleCRAE. ESO. GUEI.PIL MANA(*•iwt; DiteECTOR, GOLI ILAN, ALA.. r.C.A. Sec:retary, Superintendent of Agenetee, W. 11. T2YI.01t, D.A,.. LL.D. T. G. MACONXEY. The report. containing the proccedinge of the Annual Molting, livid est Jan. :lath last, shoring wicked proofs et the continueil ptogresa and solid Position of the Comeaey, will be sent to policy -holders. Inn -millets explana- tory of the wttrattive tuveetaitat plane et the Company and a copy of Orb Alumni Report, ehowleg its unexcelled Inanelel _position, will be furnished oi. nemilcation to the Rome Ofece or any of the tesaipany'a Ageuelea. "I've come to tell roe sir, that tho photographs you took of us the other day are not at all satisfaceory. Why, my husband looks like tin ape!" "Well, madam, you should have thought of that before you had him taken." The eiterneteth's "Weal or Woe r The starialkoh is tho eeetre from, whick. froen the staitielpoint ef health, flews " weal sr wee." A healthy stomach means perfect digestion --perfect digester,* means strong' and steady nerve centres—strong nerve centres mean good circulation rid' blood and good health. South American NervIes makes and, keeps the stomach right.—es Fred : "Prank is in a terrible roc.' Georgie: "Dow so ?" Fred: "Jes- sie's father threatens to disinliedt her 0 :One rriarries Wan, and She says she will sue him for breach of promise if he 'doesn't." tilipard's.1.1filmeat Cures .lantlrilit "Bee last I heard of him he was climbing the ladder of success." "Yes; but he was 'trying to go up so fast that be overlooked a place where there was a rung missing. I was Cured of lame back, after suffering 15 years, by 3IINARD'6" LANIMEN'le Two Rivers, N.S. ROBER'P ROSS. I wits Cured of Diphtheria, after doctors failed, by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Antigonish. JOI1N A. FOREY. I was Cured of contraction of mus- cles by IHNARD'S LINIMENT MRS: RACHEL SAUNDERS. Dallhousie • • 5-f BASTEDO'S-7611113 87., 13.587, . . SP rre 't;12'3 3E71177 Fend for catalog, W.' e give extra, rains. ttete Vitro ri.icl Oiensing, ;end for arice,114 • 11-04 " " omigion, Una Stoaritstaps 4/r. Men -trim% fro LIvorrepot Pr15anc SoLeferpooll, Large and Traet Steemehips. Superior necommodation for sill classes of pas. sengers. Saloons and ntencroonn are amidshipS. Special attention has been given to the ,Secerid Saloon arid Third - Class teconim odatiori. For rates 01 passages and all particulars, apply to any agent of the Comoany. or to eafe sen ger aent, YOUR GROCERIES all Over thl Kitchen. Send. for one of Our MUSE -PROOF ONSEEIY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal back. Sent to any address on receipt of O.. The Berg nett Mfg, 004 MECUM:, ONTARIO. Do not send stamps. Agents wanted An admirable Food of the Pineet quality and flavour. • Nutritious and Economic/3a, 48-21 YO UT1 OVEileiJATS fate Snits wattle! look hotter dyedlf no owns of erne in your town, write direct Itioutreeli Box Lei m1191'1314 Awlenteein Desileica co. BIGITTILEAra - - Poultry, Buftter, Eggs, fipples, ALL KINDS 0 FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign if to us seal VIN Will get you good orlon- Bawseo Oarturtission Co TOMIC)1.4".71. urnr . . DO,e1fINIOX /AIM 01r1PICF,Fee .....— et 131. Sacrament St., Mon tr..ird.• Isane.N.0 8-04