Exeter Times, 1904-1-14, Page 2-erpool
:UV,' red
'eights. -rtr,ro.
ea 7et- east
a ,
at Nat e.ee
ether s quoted at
Nokohern at S7c.
at 28e lake' ports,
lin„ re:mit quotations
higixtr then above,
—The teareet is quiet,
ery erre, No, 2•white q
Ftee west, end at 29z; to ”
ehts to New York. tto.
sold et 8(a law freights,
lee—Tine tearket is feelet. with
S? . No. 2 tetoted a,
tiedle Ezeighte; No. 3 ex-
. , end No. 3 at, 31.c middle
it- quiet: and prfees o
2 white 'vetoed
08e east.
is stea
eWt . c1 1
'77 Titi'
ces steedy.
eeiow quoted
rota and No.
ii get autii
51te on track, To-
4-, To-
lzo t The 'vbt is firm,
go, No. 2 ateaoted ,at
(vmt. patents ere
killers of eleecia
Ade quoted at
Manitoba flours /
le ofivanclakte pricee
s, $4.63 to eii,t10;
Stela to
$1414 to $1,50
-474 rIAN,
rat. Renter.
, patch front Detroit say The
stet) in the dirention ef re -
the ebsteeles now encountered,
b • ' reeee in crossing the riv-1
3er ,esday night in the form!
a on to the Countil front
.ChareesL. Viee. patent- attorney, for
:ranelos,e to build a tunnel across
the Detroit T? -')1 k • -
sun ilaiiway Collision at
vinuoxd. xark000,A. A VERY GREAT SAVING A
Toyota. Xane.. fleepetch says
xiw1ty persons were killed end The goo' Clued Cheese' 4'444 t"""2.
..thirteoseveu etearea in the wreck. ef aounned the Best
Rock Islend express train at Wa-
rty on Wedne_edav. Most of
fixed are in hoteniiele Matte- The questiot of imerovenkent in
ka. The dotera announce tbat ail curing looms ha beee much discuss -
el the injured will Ncover, with the ed for• two or three ears pest, and
1t1O N. i oe e o tan agts to. e &kite 0
Greeimberet, It`coneas. Patch Intel-oven:Lent have beeu elearlY
it is thoktght thet earettesne.se of `get fertli, yet thero has not heeo as
trainmen caused the wmi
reck. Inetruct- Ich. progress mode M tido direction
-eU t
es rasing what is known as the eleo .Q l'eet. fretitlat '11111ard, the tas there ought to have been. and
leein system, wikkh is, in brief, build- ec41-tiete'r 1)i the 1)11-- z"le hing see°3'sd me"s°47 to
eteetneer d
tkrough the river. With w /tenger trein, //otitis that a freight icwwince those engaged in the ',natal -
5; stem, instead of tunnelling under $thrtu"
ni tstIT i_6re at, ilisbeillinetnre of elteeee that it M a matter
the river, the tourse for the twine/ O'n:INticitli*ch-14,11er igiadtlublteentitZ-Zakth:'Intc:i9entrY if,rAct11113tgli °Irse' !I4vs1)4.'c'nrd't
awed dretleed out, and kt would pass. The pasemger train leaved -Oaf curing rooms to ensure proper con -
would not oe necessery to go so The special etoce. train, tthicit the mom of the year.
,be constructed then. In this way into. the darkkkees at. a test rate. i'trol of the tempereture at 01 sea-
deep and would not be zo expensiviqpessenger train lied been metered to With the abet of providing a erh4t1 at W"3"114eg this Ye41.' UV
coestriketion. 000 l°
The tunnel is to oneet. had taot taken the siding, and ZigusLratian "31
'contain double tk•aehe in two aver- the trains came together with a tele- ;;Tet/IcAslirel:litnI; 1 ;I'IL*.-aere-ry•
likclit will grant *5C'''
large to attract k"I4 PI
eteraphio Briefs Prom 0-ar Own
•and, Other Oeuatries of
The Vietoria. Seoling Company.
British Columbie has declared e die
dend of 50 aler cent,
Tho plena Mr the improvement al
Mee -areal luneter• have been apptoved
by the Government. '
The o Grand Trunk engines end
/ many cars were • smashed in collision
in the eterds Allakuiele Satuto
The customs duties collected at
Toronto during 1908 were 87,672.-
8.1, an Increase of $1.204.027 oner
trim Dominion Exhibition will be
fate tubes of solid steel. retch tube rifle eraeh.
teQt outsifin diantev„,r, it wei.s in the tliird cur of
n • 1, •al ;11.i:tenth:on, aed te gar a eora. Vrod.Taempsou Ottawa min
Itorgo uorob:s. of people 'her of the orOinance corps, was er-
interested la the remelts, Irested for aPPearing In Public with-
eentral or consolidated 'out Ills unifecPle
Montreal wilt appeal agoinst the
coot judgment compelling theta
$18.840 tar tile servicea of t
dorlog the lougsheremen
foot ineide diaireter. seeger train, the arst cAntelt do.
oave aueoe calla. been preceded by a, smoker and bag-- -
and the inerait B••,;•ge 4.4 121, gel -t •• o 'iaur arga
11 shoet3e- be or- .10 16'ed. The eate% wiefee 'cool 'cheese cluing rooms woro estate.
•• wee or,cupied to. 014 ewe or rbeeo,:lisbed by the Dominion Depertment
Imen, was ate; turued WA P1441131i ! a. AgrtettlIttt%) In the qtalag. 1.9
through the•ear behind it, wee% i at there four illustration atotious
.nete erowdekl with penneegers etame °ele 70/000 cheese from some 40
etereneo lo -Leo rana., mese o't these ,factories have been entrod during the
Pasemeere were past two ettmons. As the cbeeso
SOUIV ti* f.4ene utterable., •thee were collected from the faetories.
. r ore 3 -
n tte. teem of •t le pa teeige s ul-re ,er trout tbo s. tuo tot from aR
por000s 1101'; ‘110",4-171„. lionoie Martin, a, girl eleveill factories were eet asido emit week.
.,5ton oir the toilers of etsars of age, was pinned down be., and after beleg carefully weighed.
0114600 a1,00. The tween tho two ears, the heavy stove ',one was Mama in the curing room
restieg ap, °tie foot, Hee cries ate eeeti the Mato to it put in'the upper
ns, usod tofor wit as • g.a.Cted t 110 rereners: nunly of them. etorey where the temperature was
rro o. 'Liew4o form t bleedieg item woutiels about the ewe • uot Controlled. When the therEe
tile :melds. in tee r'sin. ,i,o0 w0.4tor00.aul allOS. Wetted 110,01c411,57 to ga trte • corresponding 'week were sold.
t. Ste -tight proeoeoleg, to nobort. oialt.0`jed Mit, It took two hours ot steady cheese were again 'weighed as
ato;3d.05,01nt'stiine ‘Ticontscezeligtet7Isriea3nd.t Ft) tollva:equ." ta0,31.,t4isIT: aEhlewtoasr cbaefeerneo, tield triliermdifattrit:e4eifitnrenscheritute-
higher, the
•ie els at
;41'411 .5b€.1
oe fkaeseer,
LTA no e no
authoritiera are advieed that ono
holier burst. but they are suit in -o
fointee ot the Patties and real;
killed. The hilted et -e a•enred ,
to ineltolo the whole tilaiit Ad'
Le- anl manlier of utls.
bending' over or as "*Pa-,:saVilig in Shrinkage On the whole lot
pies, sician did not have k tees eel:Quieted,
o telt her that lier father ...
THE FOLLOWM4 wesalLio,
er had beeet The
siftieiing wink n Iwai sws Of, ectuel savieg of tie Stovre e tove fed on ker. I00 00ell the cliPZ`P‘ handled thie
only f
o Bear
te at, the four tfool eta,-
with s
UM tilt ed.
ruarieet is oiet o±
ged. Frieze. beans
$L80 to $3 AO per
;veep appe-lea-The tkmand is fair.
witli, prices oikelikeugeid t 4- to Se per
Ito Evaporated, applea. Cie per Ile
IXops•-The 3uarb;cit, is unchanged at
to twe. according to quailly.
'oneir-.Tu el/mixt rite Arm at a
rer lb. for 'bulk, and et $1. -
-et is tale, with r.
ceipts only moderate. No. 1 timothy
quoted at $8.75 to $9 on track, To -
oto mixed at 86.50 to $7.
The : market quiet at
S per too for car lots on tract:.
otatae-7ha market isequiet and
limn with few offering, Clioice ears
ure quoted at 78 to 80c per bug, on.
rack here, mid inferior quality at
70 to 7e per bag.
Poultry --The demaad islimited,
nd pries unchauged. Turkeys are
ted at 1.11.-e tre-14c, per lb., and
goes( at 9 to 100 per lb,; ducks, 10
to 10Ie per Ms ot,', $,1 to $1.25, per
pair; thickens, 9 „to 1.0e per Ile or
75c to,S1er,tfr; fowls, et to 7o
per I
'11.11.1 DAIRV'MARIZ:1•7X.S.
• t,teae-The market was, milet • to-
• Chedee Ordelainade tolls or
afir/elf-de Oman& but 1 g,e sup-
plies t.if cxeamery cause weness. "tte
kluote:—I'inest 1-/b. rolls. 17 to 18c;
choice lorge rolls, 10 to 161e; select-
ed dairy tubs, 16 to 17c; secondary
graees (rolls and tubs), 13 to 1 r
creamery prints, 201 t
'The ar
was etabbe
ina Iioydetreet valoon 00 Weziss-
tay ulght. The pollee aro ,liing
for Javi; Thuntlareo. It is alleged
t1t the fen quarrelled tater the
Paelnent of a drink, and that Cato
unto strnek liandateeo with a
liard cue, alterellikon the latter tamer,
0 stiletto iskto eirizata's twat t.
The ICing 1u dose tavoy wltli
'apterous inile d'tio rnts
'ho hold positiona in the region •o
late Slweriegos Thete is now
baJe at fla1oraI raetle, where-
Vietorikes; tOkle them
ipply of loaves
of household
And other
n lo -
• des -
were tnre
and tlo.
table bre
cal hater
for ftruoo ten, bis
eert, sponge -lingers, and aft
tionary comes thi'' tlses a week
from the stillroom dep Intent at
"Windsor Castle.
alio wages gam by the lCisgt
Sold. For Three Theusand Pounds Ids meteserventa are on a very muck
a Tun. /lower scale than those given oy toe
late Queen, and restrictions about
Lqndon despatch see's :—Tho.,suppiles for the stables aud liveries
Sa" And A Varier taus are rigidly enforced by Lord Par-
italebone were sold at Dundee •quhar, the Master of the lionstetold.
43,01.10 a ton. The previous
The amount allowed by the Queen for
enzli was 42,800 a ton. There is livery gloves was three pounds t
said to 'be only four tona in stock
in the werld all supplies. American. Year; now no JuaneY 1.8 give"' and
and Britieh Itaving been cleared up. anlY faur Indra Annwed aannallY%
The luxurious appointments of Wili-
.•ord and smoking rooms- and niauoi
IN PIPING Tikes or esee.,E, to he found. in many herge establish-
ments do not exist in the reyul
Departraen.t TlePares ror houses. The latchen departn
• war, though fiell kept up, ie
being extravagautly furnieh•
A despatch from Ottawa snos: The as much as possible is
Depertment bas a centraet earo place in the xvn •
with the Sanford. :Manufacturing Co., and as little bre - •
Ilamilton, and the Mark! Worlc-1
man 4:: Co., of Montreal, for
trupply of ,a reserveo •
dothibg. Thi
for use in tl
ing call.
are t •
per cent. 08
other words w
ot the caving,
itn the ta-
apital, outlay
Andrews mad Peter Pepper
ned 40 or twenty, days in ja
amilton for standing too
n front of buei
eablvgram ftorn Northern Nige
aunouricedtke death ot Cana-
Itileelotinfy. fr, Albert Taelor,
vitone bonze was in Beachville. Ox-
ford county.
Sir Wilfrid Lauri?r wos a Ieteu'-
aut in the Fenian mid of 1870, in
he provielonal battalion ot Artha-
askaville. and has received a. medal
his eervicee.
A prominent gentleman from SI
/erre. visiting Illelitax, stated tho
ero was no feeling in tile Vronc
lends fawning annewatioo wit
'the 1:Tnited States.
MneQuire. aceountaut in 13
IlUnion Banta at Shoal Lake.
ji was oveldelatello :hot by a rovolv
;that he hept under his pillow.
' condition is eeriotts,
'arty •
t$2,0thra for each ofthe factories con-
tributing eheese. As everyone knows
the past toe/ teasons lactoe beet/ re --
eligible for- the very cool :weather
and Uttlifit -C9Ilditi011 of tl atmos.
phere that prevailed all tamonete fn
an ordinary fiefL9Q11 SAVilig 01
shrinkage would let very much great-
er,. because a. high temperature and a
dry air are the two ecoautions that
inerente the shrinkage.
• But the saving In shrinkage is only
eousideration.. The -Main
ono le the great improvement In
quality. The epeciad cooled in tba
tete rooms and those mood in un-
Mitrollad temreraturea have repeat-
e- been examined mid compared by,
o lame- limber, of, cheesebuyers,
cheesemakers and others, and in ev-
ery ease the ceol,eured thecae
been -pronounced the b‘
YU this -ett er
aae Marks Oa -larded litisI!Seeret
or-kcoya, 1"145 a Window in,'
aut, and is Contemplat- —Died .a„ Bening
in a Table., Maniac.
Upon Vroblieher likty, on the ees- Coin is one of the most rugged
era eliore 017saffra. 1,004154 trefinente apote inereeth WeleeeItakd there
ea only by whalers and waives hunt- til recently lived an old Man naned.
ers, lives ger-Ice-ea, the richast Es- Iseac Uarke. This veeerable old
qiliakauxIn the. world. ,Aillueneer nuas ,rep.nted topopesethe pow -
a relative terort, lare-oly 1 4iflQ rr ot diecovering hidden wealth in
eovironraent, and the New York Notirre. Ilo osoo to room ,too wad
plutecret would be as helpiees. de-
tente all Ins latennne--4-4.irslneq- -
Vrorbaienlisepriallacy5 tar) FiwoAliavve
o lotter from Seattle.
()theta years the Esquineaux-"eade
ortaire" has been acquiring the lue
urios ,ot ti}.44tiox. Two ,s,oloo0o,s boasted,otonore then this. Ile stat-
counttry m search of cent. play, lead,
and, -and various mineral*.
It is true enough that a. ;pal nkine,
a, legli nine, a sand hank, and sever-
al clay holes were opened op tnrough
his dlscovekies, but the old mon
go lie planed o window en bee ed, and those who knew bon be.
houso. What aa Advance that lieved bine that be knew of A rich
PlOana 00 ordinary Fusquiteaux met*, vein of gold in a oitonotain not
orBye et
WI(' utr,letocel by recollect" miles from Cefn. ..
4ng that the ESSiraggt ""limuit."--their One day Ito cetne holue need and
awo XtAnte^^-11ves- in a snow bous weary, dragging with bink a piece of
in winter and in o. tent. of skins aux.,. roek which was certainly rich with
ing the eentmer. Nor-1:0-yaes hQ14.5V gold. But Isaac Marks guarried his
is built loot of wooden planks, the precious secret well,- and he died
eckage of ships east away its *bat 'abort ,- tiine ago tekiog -hat tocr t
dime quarter. and in CiviWea‘ with him.
a. man would not lodgo eletel
in it, But it is as a, neetropolito,
kelon to the habitants of Ida
noigbborn. A year or so ago hel
311 On hutip to his poseeasion
and the 140 season a whaler
'ought him up a 51oVe. Ills pro -
lye teneleociee ete now tito
snhjeet f dies:use-Jon among secason-
en halialf a dozen-. porta,
and it is 'kid be is to have it tahl
• rtitAD OP- 111$
•° ' ar are aujertbieg b
rri4'. vine. an unknowt axtt
le though . thq-noik:iitit;rxe. :66Tii.a7u4nt-hrtiroligi...:Pn..a.r
arliable is the w kieh
ee.- A
'tit thmn. They 'will gorge tl
hes with food toetley tt they_ iUI
It. la a tribuel . eustoni nativo of this place tough 3± 4tdo-
La to 1. -.kW the *elle of
-: the lmitrtqc,ri lest tor- it h &Wen yeara ago. amt I was
kr wounded.- -Tito -emote ag-
otego. Wieei n. and theneforeo:e
himeelf and ntually
' - what- ',.1.110- :lutes Provide' hut- ho ricwomq ,:irt i eiblo
tu ter of food andelothing, ,to / ' thOtalletrt-irtuttt.
onceal eve
vorries himself,: not
howectSie.: Is. .* man 'ett'ill'S la depth' of the . sinima
'hilotill‘-itet,..** ,d for
rt 0
ittiono ,Otl*t; PrIt'VZei Pot forester amonsee .the monerous wild
641`:'' °e°411'-'-a's4'''•aav4-111g. 'I italti74.1.i:-.'lk IlvOti vild ratit tot-
lght, in a, little nativeitiot,:id,ottithinti arAoili og in rags,
t -he nret...ent enisla
-ee-e -le- Ilsete.e..- and eventually he became deaf and
'--".""I' — ' "rn"—idistalt from the lottgestraino jlnaflY'
wer,a8,,w ne i'o. native winnatt teak pity': tip Ihn.
1,44,-,fbrotigke'clothed hive, and -led -bimo tho
ola., to ..,thefieSt.; From titer° he found
wan. 4/..Qi.O'ItiliSr. ' ' ' : ' . '
and -bli i t ' Wpm he arrived- at Ms
peter mo he Was hardly r'gniznt, but
h&was at thOto a small extent he reeove
ea 'ruined
$14vf frn,`91). n34'.7* 1491' 1.07 ,,fav. mar.
ng wandered.
In bad two
ftfiele. tieltOtts tale.e torgietria elkii vie
existing ,in, the that ortio',
fiele IN daqd• in
'illoivo0 '
is Ath lino -rot '"grown to l'il: ' - I , 5
Then) he said
oaten. consitletecl. lie has
portions, the region rjoin,od..'1,ittle'reileoitir.faolLtIlfen.ilorn„oui •
r etre", i
bably Iriot'a. dotter bill in Ids pos-ttenlide which he bad eonio
Eessam, f money would be of no i his travels. ttrhero were quantitieti 0
uti -AO 1 • Buellie has enough rubies tai teem the 1111110S and
lia tttlzat f evA-...v • '• - • til !$b . mores. '' o
to ettisti''
• Not loeg ago
staggered into the mi
at Lyell. Ile had
to tell of copper min ex-
lQ vadat he had deo
'red jaTzt1:00:niA, iro had nroofe •
his atatement. but be refused to to divulge the positeno
he new minos. I:o boasted- - of
which Would ho 145 before
hie luck turned .birt brain.
o days of rerfeleing camp
ving Intatierfuel with -
n L.
ong, 00
Sir William Allan. M.P..
hnoen the wefl-
rnarina engineer and
er, M dead at London.
George Gissing, ibe Engliah novel-
ist. is dead front eonsumption at St.
Jean de Luzin the Pyreneeo.
, The efityct of the war scare has
paten1 a trmisfer much shipping b
"ileSa from, Japan= to neutral tgs
At ,Newton Abbot. u on Suture
• tho crowds stormed the plat-
torm id broke up a raeeting veiled
by the riff Iteform LeA1)4910..
James G. Longstreet, flue falo
ttoideilerate General, died at '41., 1
ta,,Qa., on Sitturdey, aged 84,
it took -six separaee contacts
1,740 volts to electre-
Whites et
who was plate
, •ne•
keen -
Is laborS' an
en. olly the t
ret,leaeder 41111
the notsputea lw
montaitye whit% ha
be laretrst and taunt.
,oll the r:pron aegion.,