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Exeter Times, 1903-11-12, Page 4
iptu)Ituliiil,tJiu1nAil'iili PP OM* 11utliN'IHNt'NS The Englishman's idea of breakfast is a healthy one. Toast, jam and tea -a chop mebbe-just enough food for the stomach to assimilate properly—the warmth of the tea to draw the blood to the stomach and assist digestion. Blue Ribbon Tea is title daintiest and crispiest leaves of the tea plant, It is pure tea—free of tannin—appetizing and nutritious. Try the Red Label Brand for your breakfast Blue Mlalcii, Vitiated Caea,•lom Green Islaoaald be Fifty Asir for this Red Label Thei oiSol S an ifrp'am .I,hp west come a:massage can- t d °• , waylell by. Rcm. R. P.Voblin, Prt.mier (Incorporated by Act of Parliament sae) ! elf MnanL1pba, who declaims! that Mr. Read Oatee,Mo-areaL iBordenis looked upon by the eleetorts, Capital authorized — — $5,000,000.o,f t'aue great wheat growing province Capital (all paid up) — $2,&6,420 l cwt the Dominion as •' man. to/whom: Reserve Fund — — — e2,720,77 I Canadians can look for future qui.d- anre With emery confidence. Mr. Bor- den is no longer the ;'member for,Hal- ilex," butt a statesman of thvatom I the Conservative party and the people of Canada feel Tread. That he desesvep, such Irecognitioa is amply shown by his ,cartesr during the record session of a' Galnlatllian. Parc'lim'enen't. 44 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day franc 10 a. m.. to 3 p. zn.; •except Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and 'United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ex ' hange. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st, Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at Iowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government.. vtereSON 8r DARLING, N. D. H17RDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGER P- xfie° gives Calendar for EtuarnAY MONDAY TUESDAY ... .z .. . ♦YTEDNESDAY... THURSDAY..... FRmAY November 1'903 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 . 3 10 17 24 . 4 11 18 25 . 5 12 19 26 BATURDAY 7 14 21 28 THE GERMS OF CATARRH. Not only •attack the ;passages of the head and throat but finally reach the lungs and cause consumption. .rN o ttb;- i:ng •dtesta:oys catarxh• so quickly as fragnaint healing Catarrhozone Whileh rieteievas•l:he tough, .sbopst he dischatrge bakes all soreness from the throat. "I consider Catarrhozone has no equal as a cure for catarrh and lung trouble amities Jas. E. Wetherell. of Brighton. "It 'cured •m.e after many good doctors failed to even ,relieve my trouble" Ca:taieninozome can't fail to cure—t it's l;uari<tmtiydd. Two months' treartmerlt ,$1.00 ; 'oriel Elora 25c, The Canada Cycle. and Motor Com- pany is to do a big markings down;acit. The stock consists of $6,900,000„ , ' one, half ocmmon and ons half preiferred The sharehot1ders are to be asked to wipe out the common stacle e?l,tii;ely and write the $31,000,000 .ptrefe)rred down to $6.001,000. From six millione Lei six hundred thousand is a pretty big ?t: duction in tt1ss nominal avetlltth of lite holders of the ,stock, anda;'s'ome of them may make wry faces over the o,petraibian of radu,cinb $1.0 tee $1-= Hamilton Times. 111URSDAY, NOVEMBER 12tb, 1903 HEART PALPITATIONS AT NIGHEt MR. BORDEN,S GROWING POPUL- ARITY. Mr. R. L. Horden, the Conserva.Live leader, has everywhere experienced a profound appreciation of the splendid se)rreice , he and his strong' ,folleiwvint; inelasteired the country . durin? the long and fatiguing .session recently brougbit to ra close. At every point on bis wry home, the leadlsr' lof the Op- position eves received. with- enthusiasm 'Montreal tendered him ol,le of the g-reatieist reeepti•ons ever accorded a leader is that city. In his native pro- ysiance, hear. Borden was called upon td apaak to enthusiastic assemblages, and the rounds of applause which.!greetecl him show how rapidly be be won his way into tube beards of those who be - Bevy i,m a wise policy of "Canada for tllua Canadians." The Opposition Lead- sr't3'success has bean en,tirel'y:diue., act the brood view he has taken in; all im- portant questions. affepting the ,national life of Canada. Not onlyltthe ;people of Nova Scotia recognize these siplendii traits in his character, but aaz Give nature three helps, and nearly every.. case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of all. CherryPect r. ir6•:. v !t Nourishing food copies next. ;f Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. r'nret used Ayor's marry Pectoral el yearn ago. I have seen terrible cases of luny, di.. oases cured by' ft. I am never without It ALBEa'r 1,,w.. f1d1YIaTOY, Marietta, Ohio, 25e.. Oe., 51,1.00. J. o. Alergg CO , • An til'n, byte. ^ Limon. Memmemo= or esereitatese--- :x ;m tto Health domande dally action of the bOWels, Aid 'teeterewith Ayers POI%lw Rattles even the strongest man but to the. leverage man it is a taste of gen eral purgatory.. Take; a little Nervil- ime in sweetened water and awayagrces the palpitation. You'll be saved lots of worry by keeping Nerviline on)han& ww"bioh is a treasure for all sorts'. of pains and aches. Nerviline cures head ache, stomach and bowel troubles qui- ckly. Casts 25c. for a large bottle. AGNOSTICISM Dla qua,rt'.tslL '1ig'ilon I esbber did gaa r Is the 'legion : of de Abnosti ck. A lookiin' for somletlhin' he nebber can An' lenhin' out God an' ole Nick. Ile ember thas knocked at de Bibil doe, Ner wee' es -id de sinners in need; The 'd -m' b'•lierve nntitin' in ;de heaben ex de yartb, Ex'cetptifa' w'ait his eyes hab seed! De queerest 'ligian I elbber did hi ,ar Is de 'ligion of de Abnostick, Ile ih' lint like de lamps de t de'• virgins drab, 'Case he carn't show de li t•'t1e's%. wick!. He ;nsrlbbetr bas sot on de moaners' beret, Ner ,Listleineid 'ter 'de sperit's call, An' de oiliest p:reashin' he gibber his lijnf. is, "I don,' know noth.'n' at all 1" De quarest 'LLgucin T gibber did, hear . Is ide'bigion'sob dee( e,Alanosltrek.; ler he gibs no ytatrbsin' se!'trahiix>; aroun' ,Ter Ihaap, out de souls drat and sick 1. He's a-etud,v'':n' now, but yo' min' my word', 71e'll dra,p 'gin de; gospel wall ; Ef his heart, don' thump at the Jed'g- •metnt tramp, 'Dan I .don' know nu t ti n' al all Williafm• I3. lllayne. A DRUGGISTS OPINION. Ma. W. J. Sthneein, ' Atedbin,- Man., wnieets : "Our custto;ners : speak so highly of Milbwrn'e Sterling Head - Note :Powders that it is a, pleasure ,to reteenhnekld them to others.: They. Y , 'U 1,n a:1, "[ i' never ds,s,. pyo t b1, always cure. Price 10c and 25c. The, Meth of the .mether olf. Sir Wid,- krid Laurier, Ilifatdamle•'Addi:ala Ethier Laurier, occurred at the town of ! St. Lin, guebec at, the:a,dvaaintcsd a'ge,cif 31. y,uarts. ''rhe eleeeased ww+as the sleoeld wvifle of Sir Willfrid's fathielr,i'the.mRar- r:iagea,ciacurtng when Wilfrid was 7 years crf Age, but ha rolbticin bc'weevl (gem was always of moth1eiri and; eon. es `-l.'. 1 1 X 4 TI T 11V1 1 $, N1,.i V E N,C B E Iti I2til, zi)O3, .fSEK, PERiN A11 the news of Interest to Times Readers Happening in these -Counties. Huron The Guariuch Heaiadd, refuses to accept any patent medicine advertising. Ev- en the s't,andeird firms, elf recognized wealth, are barred fromits columns. Mastesr Edward Wthilttekax, of Rox- boro, headed the b °nor lint, in the third form, at the Collegiate Iauiti- tute, at Se.ailorth, He as only twelree years of age, and is able you,ngestti pup- il in tiro school. ,Mr. Louis' Walker, of Usboralai, dis- posed of his bun•dated acre faxen, in. that tonnslni,p,b ging 1a1 2, boneession 10, to Mr. Joseph Wren, Hese Line, for the Sum ,cif $0,500. Charles Ask wi(h, of Auburn, who is a graduate of the Goderich Collegiate :has secured the position, of teacher of Churchill school, near Barrie, ab $400, pear annum, dult:'ets to comme Fee en t'lea li'tat of Tatnuary. • Prompt relief in sick.bea;dpohe diz- ziness, 'nausea, constipation, pain in the Pieta, guaranteed to , those, uainlg Oa.rter's Little'• Liver Pills. One a dose.' Small price. Small dose, Small pill. Mr. Wliilliatm Kyle, of Dixie, teem: - ship, of Hay, who is a. progressive, far- mer, has purchased from Mr. Sieber Granger the 25 acres apposite his fanm We beiliere Mr. Granger intends mov- ing into Henalen in the near future. Mr. Israel Taylor, of Cli:n,tonn, , Who bats berm prloisplaotang iii tjheelNetiei'he West, for several weeks, is expected home on Saturday and leaves again on Blenday aocombanied by Mrs. Taylor, for Selkirk, Man., eel:vere he will enga;gc in business. If your niaanit to quit being a weather prophet, have your rheumatism cured by Milbunn's. Rheumatic Pills, a guar-. anbeed remedy for :Rheumatism, Scia- •tioa, Neuralgia and Lumbago. Price 25c, at all dealers . lUir. S. Tells elf !Bleagravlevraetwwit:bipin ialcoidenit a little oven a (weewk ago. 1'Het was d;riieri nig a cola, when it became unmanageable and he was thriocyn out. He fell on his head and. the( •re- sullt wwras that one shoulder blade was broken. Mr. lakes trill reside in Winglh,am, probably fox .the. winte,r. , On 'Tuesd'ay last a quiet marriage took plica in London at !the xeeidence of Mr. Logie, when his daughter, Mrs. D itn, 'was uni teed in marriage wible Mr Bernard Thompson, of Eensall. The ltiappeecoupye axe now happily settled at She home of the groom on the,Lon- don road, near the tatter viIlage.,. Tiht:, Huron House,. Ohiin:'on, which has been so long and suocetsslfully; con- dauetued by Mr. 'E. R. Swwax ts,'has• been sold to Bilis Bros., of Berlin, and .To- mooto, who will bake possteascsion :when the transfer and other details, are coin pltetell. Mr. Swar is hasi net yet decide od what be, will engage • .in:, but . will likely take well earned. resat and then a look through the west in the apri,ng. There wvas a social gathering pf Or- angetarsu and their families at the re- ,sidetnce of Bro. Charles Tweedy, God- a;cide, On, Npvembex 5th., A' good all; tlendan>rer, an excellent oyster supper,• and a most appreciative! programme of musuc,raciha;t.one, sang, sword, danc- ing, a lc were the features of the even- ing. Anthony Nevin, of Centralia, W C. 11., of South Huron, 'occupied,. .the chair, and evna'ybody spent a most en- joyable sand profic1able evening. Someone entered the stahbie of Rev: 3., Kennedy, Methodist miniater at Lemdesboro, and also that of Rev. J. A. Hamisitpu, P.re;sbylletrian minister at the ,seme 'place and mutilated the berme by docking the :anim:els' tails and almcelt' stripping tbem of 1 hair. No reason is known for the dastardly deed, except it be because the minist- ers named have been active.in circuli ting +a pepition asking to have local. option in the township. Mr. Reheat Lege, one of .111he,' aldelet citizens and business an orf sLuck- nawY is dead at the age of 72 years. For over .thirty years he MUG, in (p,xrt- meatsbl::p with they late Mr.:Geo, Doug - lies, an tees Lucknow Woollen Mills. For nearly five years Mx. Lees Thad been in .declining health, and held re tuned from a;otive business life. - He Lewes a widow a.nd grown,• up, family of two sons and three. ,daughters. A meeting of 'the House or Refuge cemm,itlbee of thie county council}( to ccintoldder the plans for an addition r to ttho.t institution was heldlast week, with the f'oLlic'wvirnlg prelteln:l• a Councih lore Cante:Ion, Lockhart, Hicks and Herr, In pec'tor Coats, P•hysi„ian All Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat. . No wonder catarrh causes headache,' impairs the taste, smell and hearing, 011utee the breath, deranges es the atom- act and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional—alterative and tonic. "I was 111 for four months with catarrh In the head and thereat. lead a bad tough Ind raised blood. I had become dis- couraged wlien hey husband bought a bottle of hood's $arse perilla and persuaded rbc to try it. I advise all to take It. It has cured and built me up." Mas. Emu 13n-' bonrlr, West Liseomb, N, S. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh—It soothes and strength- ens the mucous membrane and builds up the whole system, Your Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all your life. .7.c. dyorQ0., T,owveil, Mees. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use DUCKINGHAMS.KeDYE Shaw, Clark Lam and Treasurer'Rcl•- mcs. II: was decided 'to'Ireaommeaxd ala addition 48x00 with• a verandah• on tithe eaat side. The basement will' be. used for storing coal arid vegetables Funke its a drying room. On, 'Oho first floor will be Meting and bedrooms far the infirm inmates. ' The scicond flalt will Lia ueled for hospital pur- poses and ww';iil :oatianan operating rctcam, etc. The,. addition will give about eighteen • m etre rooms, YOUNG LADIES READ THIS. If you are bothered with pimples rashesor ugly blotches en your face, cif your complexion is. sallow, it's an evidlelnce that ,you require Ferrozane too Lane up ,your sblogd4 One Terroz one tablet taken after meals makes eomplesdon like peach bloom; cheeke sawn become a'osy, eyes brigli t,y, ouwl'L be the tpieture of health. Thousaardss of ladies keep up their:youtthfuy lap pelairien;0au with Fe1'ruzolne, why, n:oe ,yen? Priec 50c al .druggists. Perth Mr. Joseph Bryan, of Staffa, is:mov lig into Stratford to reside. Dr, Hatteatm, of St. Marys, has pur- ;ch'ased, an X-Ray'machine.' Mr. Fxan-k Riddell, of Devizes, has sold this Stamm sto Mr. ;Wright. Ja.ne g Seainley, of Southgate, for- merly of Granton, is suffering from a abrake of paralysis. Harsh ,purga,bive remedies are fast giving way ,to the gentle action and mild effelcts of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try therat hey }wr:i.l), cetr- tai:nily .please you. S,tu:a;rt Moore, formerly of Algoma Mills, Ont., has bought Drs Tyer- man's farm on 10th can.. Bianshard. MVlx. Billings, sr., of St. Marys, wlbia fractured his sthigh 'some time ago, is at; last gaining gr;cun d. . Th,e young ,people of Steetford , are not getting married like they used to the Herald says. There is 'a , fall- ing off of 18 weddings compared with:east year. Scarcity of 'houses, .and •the high .,price of furniture the a'eaeoams assigned. • . Hagyarh's Yellow Oil can be applied externally for uiheusmatlisan, stiff $o.. instss,.ebalpl rdbrands, chilblains, sprains tete. It can' les taken internally, par manse clue in,sy,: bronchitis paints in the lace:mole kidney complaint, etc. Price 25e. Mrs. John Alexander, of the 2nd con., Wallace, died on .the 26th',inst. at the age •oif 38 ,years, from;_ the effects of a runaway nearly: three week ago, •Decleased, wets .the. ;dau- ghter of Mr. W. , Greenwood, Trow- jhridge, and leaves four children. Mr. J. W. Fisher,. of Wallace, has sold this term on con. 4, to . Mr. Levi Lake, of I arriston .and has purohas ed a lumber business in Atwood, which occupation he intends to follow in the future. Abraham, son of ‘the late Wm. Halley, one of Nissouri's ,ea,rliest settlers died at bhe 'homestead in NSssouri, on Thursday, the 291b Inst., in this 33rd year. Thr. cause. elf heath wee consumnp.hion, with which disease he had• been, afflicted ;for eight ywears. ; AN ENGLISH AUTHOR WROTE: "No shade, no shine, no fruit, ne191'- owwrer{s, iso lreave(s, (Novetrabar !"1 Maxny: Americans would add no freedom from Cartarrb, which is so aggravated, dur- ing thus month that it beomek : ' con- ntanitly troublesome. There is. abun- dant proof that 'Catarrh is, a consit- utio'nal disease. It is related to sc,rof lila and consumption, being one of itihe' wwtast•ing, 'diseases. 2o0d's Sarsaparilla ,has shown that what is capaple at era dicating sar,ofula, completely cures ea- tarrh and Laken in time prevents .ocn sunrption. We canri6'c'see bow any sufferer can put off taking this medi- cine, in view of the widely published record of its radical . and permanent tuxes. It is undoubtedly America's greatest Medicine for America's Great est disease—Cp.la'rtr'b. .: . A TERRIBLE COUGH. Mrs, Thos. Carter, wNorth Port„ Ont. says: "I caught a severe, cold: which settled en my throat andl sings, .and my friends thought it would send' met to my grave. When other remedies fail od, •Dr. Wood's Norway Pine . Syrup eo•m•pleitelty curved me." .- Are you thinking what pa- per you will take for 19042 SELECT THE BEST, WHICH IS TiHE WV��jppStU pp .75 CENTS A YEAR— N& EE1.1tN& No Equal in $116 Promo, Read their premium offers.' Write for sample copy. Address A11 orders; WESTERN flaVERTISER Lonna, Ont. Stephen Commit 1Tltl' 'Qou11041 of slaw Tzorrnsitiil of S<tep- 1t'en, e•onvelned in the Town Rall, Creel eton•, 'en DIOnd ay, Noy. 2, at 1,p. me All ntrwube'rta present. 1Vlirnutlea of previous meeting rend and adopted. A'n'der{sQll' .We'bb,—Thai the e1eke i be insi:ructed to write Mr. E. W.Va;cn- aolube, 0, E.,. for 'en explanat:ion re- warding surveys made between Lots 113. stud 14, '.Saulble eoucelstsi,on, Stephen. —Carried. Resolved that the reeve attend to the drainage complaint; au the went half, lot 26 S.13., C,cwceeelo'n, Stephen, and that Mr. Webb interview lVfr.•Ax- ms,t;rons as to outlet of drain between lots 13 and 14, Sauble Coneelssion, Ste{ ilhsen.; The following orders were granted: Mu,nielpal World, blanks re; reeurn of jurors, 550.; Express Co„, express of apsessmenit roll, 35p.; G. Orange, ‘gra- vet contract, S. BBI„ $18; 11:.Schaefer,' deo., Moak 4, N. B., $25.50;-S. MoTxisora do., block 8, C, R., $25; 1I. Wil Birt, se-. besting jurors, $1;13. Guinan, do.,($4 ; H. Either, do.,'•t l ; J. 1_+ ox, r Stiap:hen',s portion of Lnginee•r's fees, re Neil -Ne- vin drain, $26.70; T. Whittaker, ahar- Rty: wre Murs. Smale': $8.50; J. !Gilbeer, covering ottivere, etc., at N. sl eaver's, $2 ; John Barry, contracts, blocks 4 and 5, S: B., .$154.30 i T: Madden, Qom. wwrok1d,, $'10,00 ; S,313. ; Z. Tennant, no. l+laiirfieid, S. R., . $6:251; T. Baer ye,, watching impat pit, $ 1,:25'; Wen. B,allilns, gravel a'ceeunt,. $64.64; Doi, do, S '73'., $•25.02:1 Eennutei do., De and. Bernd $ 72.32. W. • C. Hos text. 844 $108:06 ; L. • Mei:xich, do., ; and wwtcelt on • S..11.„ $34.20; '. Law,son, Igraidvnlg 1st S. •R., $39.50; W. Dloiy'le,)do, con. 12, $6; G. S. ,EEtienkie and ottcris, do., $47.75; Araby Webb, cleaning rout G; B.;tput, $8.;,'Richatt'tl Hill, put- ; i,ng in tile . ac osa L.R., $'3.00; 51.. Finkbeiner and athero, putting in con. :rate 115, $;P.75: ,S. Stanlake,,See, lumber account, N. B. $16 e S. SStan- lake & San, do., $28.35; W'. Robinson, demagt:•s Ito grain by aat,tlew $4.;; W. Rhode,..dox tax refunded, $1.00•; Dr. McLaughlin, medical se.rvioes, re Col- ceky., $6.50: Dr. E. A. Hoist, do. , $6.•50 Wuilfred Leland, repairing culvert, aeon. A. and I3., 75c. ; A. Hudgins, ac- count, $3.30.; R. Adore, drauwiang har- es and g'Ir!avle'1,, ; $ 2., The council adjourned to meat again on Tueeday, December 15, at 10 a',clock, .a'•m. Board' of Health meet- ing to ba ]held .at 9 a.im. H. EILBER, Tp. 'Clerk. Exeter Municipal Council. Council melt at call of Reeve, at Town Hall, Oot..28. All present. Min- utes of previous meeting read and:con firmed. •Mossrs. Mill and McCallum hataing refused to taut ala fence viewers, it was moved by J. Creech, seconded by J. Gillespie, that Messrs. Jn•o'. Gill sail Wesley J. Bissett be`vappointed in stead•.—Cara'ied. G,ill,eapie—•Orebclh..-Thal a lawful division fence be net fess than 4 feat in beighe and that a by-1'aw be pzepar ed °enflamin . the appointment of 'fence viewers and to determine the height of d.ivisien fences.—Carried. Mr. L. Treble interviewed thetcoan- ell basking pe'rm,ission to enlarge hubs lumber shed. Cobbleydick—H,al}vkun,s--w That the requestb a graintead.--Carried Dillispie'—Haevkilh,s.—,Theater the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn an hre;aaurer,for same.—D. •A. Alward, part salany, $93.75.• 'Carried Cdbble,d,5k—Hswkanel—'Ph:at it he fund known a,s the penlmanent ceme- tery fund lad placed: in the, Sldvelreiign Bank .on deposit. Moved in amend-. Imeliit by J. Gillespie, seconded 'by Oradea, that' it be placed: in the 11 01 -- sons Bank. The Reeve declared the 1 amendment carried. Caabbledz,ak—That Lhs Local improve Debelntur'es be miade payable at the Sov,ertrlig:n Bank --No ,seconder: piel ee pi,e, Ileevkkas.Tibee. they, he meadia pair'able at ..the Molsona Bank,— Carried. Council •ad.jou,nned to meet on Tues. day, Nov. 3, at eigtht'o'elock. Council mei pursuant to adjourn - at Town Hall, Navieirnbe,r 3rd. Ab- s:tnit• councillors H awkins antlf Cob - be eldiiek. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Onee:ch-Gillespie.—That by-law.. No. 10, 1903, to appoint fence viewers and to determine lermi,ne the height of division fexreee, as read a first time be 'now Inea'd a second time and finally passed. -Carried Plilespie—Creech.—That the 2ollo;wvs. ing accounts be passed and orders Idrrafstm on treasurer for 'same. T. Welfsli,, labor, ,$13.50 ; W. Davis, . do. , $12; T. Jones, do. $9.25: T. Webster, do., $2.(13; Rd. Davis, do., .$2.50 Bissell:, part salary, $85; Geo. Ilan -- ton, c•onsltable's fees, Hallowe'en $1.50 Chris. .Luker, do., $1.50; Juo. Gill, do., $1.50: W. J. Blase t, charity to Mrs. Sutton, $7; Do., to Mrs. Delve, $9 ;1 G. N. W. Teliefgna.ph: Co„ 52c. ; Jne.1?ord, labor from Oct. 3rd. to Nov. 3''ed.,1,$30 Nelson Stanlake, labor ac ca,metery, ,$15.; --Carried. Chree h,-SJillesple.,—Ttleatt the care-.. Uu.e,ke!r„br. authorized to collect from all dealers in monuments creat- ing same in cemetery and damag- ing the grounds, a sum suffieien}t to put the grounds in proper repair. Ifelll IIPIIIIUIIPIINIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIlU1VII IP11110111aI1111VUlli,Um A\'egetahie Pre p a ra tionforAs- tingreparationforAs- ling the?ood alldReguta- ting the Stoslachs andi3owels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Res t.Contai ns neither Opituti,Morplline not Mineral. NOT N A c °TIC. • aF: rIza ar Id .aMt :Er? 'R .t .T,: za Sts dJ,�:Jrarre li'oatd14 Salt•- A▪ rmrr lea w+•gmae1J'. '.' ;Wm.seel' Jizaar nraturrrza nava: i Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Dlarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverisli- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FtsSimile Signature of NEW YO t'lIC EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. STORI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of itt OSS For Over Thirty Years ST 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. e.0*o00o oso©9.600000 &fl^6.4ate00o Portland Cement 1,E HAVE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYE. J09. imollaimmmanom COBBLEDIOK WANTED ---r A man to represent "CANADA' GREATEST NURSERIES” in the town ok EXETE and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR fiflRUY SPEG!fII TIE& in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c. Stock true to name and free from Sala' Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary Ola' commission. Stone & Wellington TONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 sores 6004.0®00040000000000000004t TORONTO, - ONTARIfiI Guessing at the heat of an oven spoils more food than inexperienced cooks. ' ..••••••••••4 1 Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are R ruined if the oven is too hot or not hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the Imperial Oxford Range Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. With the Ilfnperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you call at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? �n7 —Carerle d. Connell adjour'ned to Tuesday, Nov. 17, :a. 8 o'clock p. m. G1;O. 11. B1$SETT, Cheek. C7 -ale :6% 61-0 4=03, ens:. Boars tea The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Toronto, Canada Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON London, Huron and Bruce. - GOINQ NORTH— Passenger. London; depart 8.15 a, at. 4.401'. M. Centralia 9.1 6 60 Exeter 9.80 6.0 Ronsall.. 9.44 6,16 Kippen 9.69 6.25 Brumfield . 9.68 0.38 Clinton 10.15 0.55 Wingbam arrive., 11.10 8.00 Fomes Sown— Passenger Wingham, depart .,6.68 A. nr. 3.15 P.M Clinton 7.47 1.25 Brucefield 8.05 439 Kippen .. .16 4.67 B.ansall22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 6.10 Centralia 8,46 6;26 London .arrive..:9.31 0,12 4 ryenvernieem r ass rix. ISEWARE OF WORMS. Dan't 51 worms gnaw at the vitals of youxr clh$l:dreta. Give, theca Dr– Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup anti' they'll soon be ,rid of these parasites:. Price 25 cents. EXETER MART ETS Wheat per bushell ..• 75 to 76E Oats new ... .. 26 to 28.' Barley 36 to 40 ' Butter ...... 10 • 14 to 14$ Pork live weight ....$5.10 to $5.10" Porn; Dressed .... $7.00 to $7.25• Turkey 10 Ducks (Thicken 6 oe W . WWool 7. To Cure a Cold hDaymin Two Days.Take Laxative Brom° role Taxer, o x9► ore. Seven' litlil{ion boxes sold us past 12 )months. This signature, va. 4e4t, z7versomi box, � e •a�