Exeter Times, 1903-9-10, Page 4CDDCLEDICK A Coni` of ss ues Tea The tender top shoots of the tea plant, known as 't Orange Pekoe,": are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea, The "'creme de la creme of tea growths! The most delicious and tasty tea in the world. Ceylon People who know,recognize this quality in Slue Ribbony Tea.The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel•, fence to them. Mac , I iireed Ce3'1Oze Groom Should be Ask rat the Witty Red Lobel The Molsons Bank (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 15455) Egad owe. Me ?treat. Capital (all paid up) — x2,600,00 Rosette Fuad — — — $2,350,00 es Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day front, 10 in tn. to ii p. nen except Stirurdays, 10 a. rn, to 1 p. m. Furores Save Notes cashed or col- lected. Fos ens supplied on application. Drafts en all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of 9x .hange. SAVINGS DEr.A.RTMENT. Deposits of 81.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 80th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Goverrmneast. OaCKSoN & CARLING, N. D. RURDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGEri. he ,x x 'der• Calendar for September 1903 Szrn'DA.x... 6 13 20 27 li2nND:i 7 14 21' 28 T trEsDA'r 1 8 15 22 29 WEDNESDAY... 2 9 16 23 80 THURSDAY% .., 3 ' 10 17 24 FRIDAY 11 18 25 SATURDAY 5 12 19 28 'CHUUDAY,SEPTEMBER IOth,'903 WILL RESIGN Lowden, Sept, 7, --As an outcome of able eliselosures made in the report of 'the South Afrioetn Wae commission,'it is rwmered in well informed quarters tivt the r,esi naation of Lord leenedawne, the fcamer War Se rertaryr Rigel grepeut taaaredgnl fileoreAaXlie' rlarl be t es,>•r,�c,lred ahoertly. It is added hat he will, be•Gue'reeded, ala. 'otrei',1n Secr{s'- Lia(ir by Mr. Brodirick, the preeeerilt. War Secretary, and that Mr. Wynd- ham, am, the, Irish Secretary, will by made head of the War OWee. + A meeting of l,ha'eabinet will be held s'ho(rtio- for the ,purpose `of dss'enssind the fiscal question now before the country, but it is generally believed that the attitude of the people with resp:{ct to the finding of the war Commission, a,s sdioweelay'llio tiirtmosee. to•send a monster petition to King Edi ward for. Lord La.nsdowne'e. dismissal, 1, and by Lbe publication of cartoons illustenting his incompetency will be considered, and that sdmothing will be determined upon as necessary to stem the tide of indignation now flowing against the ministry. 1F etvrAnEeli IS YOUR TROUBLE. you will find instant :relief and absol- ute cure ia Calarrhozonra, which kills the germs that cause the disease, cur- es the ,cough, prctt:ents :droppings in the throat, relieves congestion and quickly Insole .tiler emtliamreed \metm- lerenee.. Cata,rriozone cures perfectly the most chronic cases of Catarrh, lung ;and tbmoiact troubles, and is a de- lgh'ttful, si,m pia and sae lo, use. C;a- b eiristazonte is a scientific tre'atmeenit higbly endorsed by doctors and, drug- gists, and. sells everywhere tor onedol ler, small size 25 -ets.. 13y snail from N. C. Poison & Co.. Kingston, Ont. With. our issue. of August 22tb.wo COAL PRICES 1ppatod another milestone and the Mmes has en•t„xed upon its thieey- £lasl ye:sr. The Times, ever sines its -n,naigur:,at ion hue been publisher% by ,the saline fawily, although theta ;has;beep, ;s;aanekelt,sag' i ia the peruonnei of it,s !Management. enaent. The liberal patnonoee Oat hie been afforded us in thepa:st iblas been greatly appreciated, and as ;wig enter upon the 31st year. of' ,the paper's ltietory we are resolved to - punsue ihm scamp course that has - le$ bo the past success attained.. 'A new and; wry important fades - ,try is about to be established las ;',feats its ek: Tavieteek Malleable ken Co.. an organization; composed almost entirely of Tavistock capital - isle, is now receiving tenders for the ?ctausl'nledtion of an improved and e,x tensivo .plant to be located on. the, site et:neatly purchased in Tavistock,-, A. start is to be made" ort the builkl- inge this Ball, and the whole isto be pia'mplettrd early next year. 'the ecelt I of therbuild'sn, 'alone• will exceed : t0, - (t 000. • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, su'' It is a consoling rumor that conies from the Z"emcisylva.nia 'coal regions that the output of a,ut1u'uc,ite,hasbeen seettewhat overdone, and that prices a,r^ more likely to fall than to. rise higher before next spring if thera is a outlet mintier., gate snit butcarwhl at sizes of. antihtracite,.says this report, acre a drug an the. market and the great aniniug, railroads have, shut down their , wasbexies ire' order 'to restrict the output. One r•ea ,on for this, is that mill owners, who tve•r•e forced' by the ll:igii pric:mis of! coal 'l)::'ur:0 bit.um;i= nous ecal have dons exactly; what teas expected of Lham at that time, They hem ;refused tot return to anthracite as a grill fuel. 11 the otperatarsicould alecru.tse the etubput of .etmall sizes, and not decrease the output of, ,large sires they would be happy. This is not hal easy bhang to do because ibe Ilea and but:7a„tti..t:p.t coal are leyx-pr•:i,- ducis from th•e manufateture of stoves ch,2;snut and the meet, ,SIR 1VdLFRID IN' A :ii>L°R.&fie t. Cecil Rborle's letter to Sir.John Mac daonald, just published, retails a for- mer or.`eaeacm when Sir Wilfrid Laurier was int a horny, ettys (dee atIo'neeinial Ghze,tta. In 189Ybr , dteedin the Libesial peaty lag a ,wild elbasmi• tarter unrestricted reciprocity, as be is now lending it in a ru .ih' to build °. railway he clime atot know lane, thing about.;He Icel.. Mn: Blake s"ss., 15(x1t and eli,d' nor, know what it meant till ho found himself ,atgain ovor•t;hrow,ee. tae. 'holt attemped Mre-Blatir in 1E03. f ' LIGIITNING NEURALGIA CUBE.;,. Not daengeraue bootee e it acts quick. ly. Simple, powerful--searccly letys than five limes stronger than any alder remedy in the world—is Nervi - Line. In brief, 0113 drop of Ner•viline hire. a power over pain actual €o: five drops of any other remedy. You have convincing proof of its value and ,you ;,ret r`i11 o+t your pain,. Druggists sell il, Money hack if not so, Ci s' ` s ~ l h ecti dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. "We 1aaro used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in our faarlaty for 26 ears for throat and 1nni trdaiYrae&. . A. roAxsxiex,, Appleton Spain' 2re.,600 }i1.00. a. C. Arlen co All ,arngee{e, lr,,itvrrl. Af,, a _..:.. ..,�,.,;�,,«,,;e Jtlfi>i' aFhp,:a•,a,Aras�s"at,9r'm7:c�, Weak Throats evestestrazereaseetegreaamseeesee Ayer's Pill`; greatly eki recovery Purely vegotabie, gently laxative., HUN�t�, Mft1DLESX, PERIEI All the news of Interest to Tithes Waders Happening in these Counties. 1iuron Miss Jean Carling, of Clinton, has accepted a school a shaft distance from Little C""urretit, A X1104011 slruwter..wara 'tendered Miss II, Coo best of Clinton, an the erre .of their a,j, r'ca:tr1fng enrarritagee Oaxi W'e:'.nnmday, Sept. lstt. the inalr>- ri'age Leek place at Oltuton, of NNW. Pielrkl a -a; rt 1 Seafort(b, til jlliss Viola 'Woodward, of Clan,ten. 'i'hey twill rc- side in Seefer th'. • ' Talisa to erifltg'a' +of W. \V Lattorkalll, oeeounitant of the `iateen's'Dankt, at. Riei;ettown'•, to Mika Hatt tip Ooiivbla,,of Chitntlant• Was solemnized on Wodne,at• daffy, Sept: pati, at- St. Pauly . t tleiirrtta, ad that place. lac ante knows better that those, who. have used Caste 's Little, Liter': Pills wheat !reidmd they halve given when taken Ler dyepe'psta, dizzi cess lruin in the side, eoinstipation, and dtserdercd shctma,clr, t Attica at dctnlg aat:i painful litmus of five me albs, .M.rs. John Rialeards, of catoidiariclla43la rel away suddenly den "Vi''einieela,y sash, at tlhe.;eatrly age, V.pd 3,7 years( lisp illness developed from Iain, at)tack leaf la sl;(rtiaape,. A, car licfad ,of p,tume was ee hlipped 1riaam C"hi.ruton, haat x' aeic ti.o \vinni,pcig. The fault iti as eteurebese4 nit a. NIA'S law figure, ,and ttbie.'oonsiguor ex►pco,lt, ;tee 'maize -S,t.00 per ;'buelbel In /Winni- peg, They were shipped in •a refriger txt,or ;cote. 1Vhy don't you try Cattet's Little Liver iP11sf They are a positive cure for sick headache, and •all lite ills pro- duced by disordelred Iiver. Only • one pill a donee. M. Jolnlathan Bentley, of 'East W atttaeneede, is the owner tot a: Y ork- Shdre sow ,that :ansa twq yeiars oJmdl last April ,'►told, has given ,'birtib; to la pige She hats had fi,v;a litterst the last, , One •cn 5147011 ,, last, t wtoen,Isegleteen pigs were bone In tike forst litter everei 10 pigs, the sauna 15, ,.;the thir'd-et,4,. the 4 fourth' 16, ,audi .torp•,fifth; 18, aait'nkaangi 73 a1tic(ge.the r. "Keep the bead cool and tlfe bowels' ctp>mtn " ds sensible advice to follow dol- ing the warm weather. If the bowels do not move rsgutariy once a ,'ciayease La,xet-Liter ]'ili{s. They are easy to Lake, and do ;not gripe, weaken or sicken. Price 2p5 coats. $02 50 to California and Return. Vit Chicago & Noreli-tit; es lean P'y. From •CCiricag,7 to San Francisco and 'Lee .Aegelee. daily, October 8 to 17. . Correspondingly low rates from .all ; points. Thee fast daily trains, with mn,gnificc,nt ,oquipmeat t'lxrough' to. : tthc coast, including the farmourx oleo-. ! tr',c lig:hLecl doily Ov srl.and Limited; 11d1 l l.a,rthree days /. a`c`ute averfaC rely aoubleltirack railway, ire'tween . Chieigca and the Missouri river. All ageing ell tickets vel thxsTina Send for fllusIxated beokiets, In,'rps, and full irfoii'inaaliiorr to 13. •'!IL 33ennrt;;•2 East' King Street, Toronto. YOU ARE TIRED. Your color is not goad Restienst one moment, fretful and blue the next. The world's out of'joiat., You're out' of joint with the worlds Not temper not feeling, but weakness. Neglet$ is unwise. You grow steadily worse. Get -good rich blood, than feel nese ger, strength, buoyancy. You'll see a dbaeen bb;in gs to do. You'll do th;Jm too if you use Ferrozone. It sharpens th'e appetite, and you enjoy your rood; you got eolor, ,orad old time,'stse'ngtb comes back. That's because Ferro - zone aids digeistion; makes red blood." yerrozene is strength for the nerves end vigor for the brain. Be sura of the name, Ferrozone. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. Middlesex A man's wife should always be: the same, erarecially to ,her husband, but if she. is weak and. nervous, .and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make hex feel like .a different person, so they alt say, and their hus- bands say so too At a meet -bag of the vestry )fa ;$t. Paul's Cati°drat,Lon !ore thr nan-s of Hour candidates were considered for the vaeant rectorship; Canon. Hill, of St. Thomas, Williams of Stxat:ford, Davis, of London, and Canon Dann, as- sistant rector. The meeting was un- animous for •Canon Dann, and his name will be submitted to the bishop fcr approval. NICE WORM MEDICINE. Mrs. W,m. Graham, .•Sheppard•ton., Ont., Writes :"I have given by boy Dr. Low's Worm Worm Syrup, and find it sin exlcellezat worm medicine. It is nice to take and does not make the child sick." ]'.rice 25c. Perth Backache is alinoa•t i.mineti'u'ely re- lieved by wea•rieg one of Carte :es Smart 'Weed and B.eliadonua 13)olrache Piasterls. Try one and he free iron: pain. Price 25 cents. ale fioteeerera,r old (liatughte r or Mr. Wm. Wood, ,nea`r St. Marys, had ar nar roar esoalpe from death, by eating of a small ;piece of breed lama had; ;betil etpr'eaad 1 wild atrychi,ne for ato poison rots. The timely appliance of power- ful antedates saved t:he'child. Danita •0h llmere, or the Hemet Shoo Quarry Com,pnny, St. Marys, bas sold Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest ell that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and lvhitt it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of e weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. "I have been troebled• with dyspepsia for rears, and tried every remedy 1 heard of,. bast never g„L anything that gave me relief m;tii I took 11 'at's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot pellet! Jai t t ,, 2 eie:o too higlrly+ for the good It mei 4.) ri. l; always take it in the sprite: uani ail haat exact not 00 without is W. .t 41..i,'zr. Ii..tiertlle, Ont. : Cr.WSarsaparilla rrertgllteraes' and tones the stosnacll and the WLxele &Waiv,e eystem. lx , , Cross? Poor .main! He can't help it. He gets bilious. He needs a ood liver pill-'Atyer's Pills. hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. aoii`: a ,, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE C Cl'e. 8, r, arta, k CQ.. z oecjA,. out. his interest in that business enter brise to Jolin Douglas, of atreets+vil,le, Out. The directors of the company will now be Douglas. 'Lawrie and Detin i ac, gat one an , tnxmnty are froc, from seine little ailment mused by inaction of the liver. trsa Carter's Little Liv- er Pills; The result will be a eloasa,n.t surprise. They give posiLive relief. • While in the me,ttot shoeing a horse in a'blaclrsmith Aloe aiAvonton, Mr. Davidson, Who (resides in . that village, had his thigh bone broken, besides suffering inttlairrlal injuries, as a result of this being crushed beneath the corse which lie was sltoeilntg. On Monday morning Mr. Wyatt! of Stratford, Wee.rn:zrried at Stratford, to Miss Mayrne Eexiuett, dhtughiterx{ of Dire, llyde, of that city, The wedding was celebrated at lite home of , tale bride's mother, by Rev, (leo. Jackson, in tine presence 'of only the immediate r elaktveis. DLutaitf no/t be' con;founded with; o.om= mom, ca.tbelattic or purgative pills, Car- ter's Little Liver Pills ole entirely un like them in every respect. One trial tt�iil pre vo tante. supe7ior•cly. The stlo;.'1 supeit'sitr'uctux•e aver; jthe river T}atelates ,ein Park streete ;tat. Marytix, underwent a severe test Wed- nesday oft,ettemen. Four wagon toads of. et one were ,driven ,on eatcli• boron • of the btridgelasn,d of anag,gregatc weight of twelve tons, The bridge, showed in the strain only a -dip of .3-S, of an inch. This test exceeded •1 be ex- pectaetions of the committee. THE RENEWAL A STRAIN Vateatl.on is over. Again the sehocl bell T n,gs at morning and at upon, again with Lens orf thousandis the ,har chest kind of work has !begun, the re newel of twitch is a mental and: phy- sical strain to all except the mosarug g'ed. The little girl that a few days ago .had ruses in her cheeks„ and the tittle boy whose lips were thenso red you would have insisted that they heti beeen. "kissed by strawberries,"; leave already bort eametbang of the appear- ance of health. Now is a time when many children should be givetee tonic which rosy avert much serious trouble fund we know of no otherso, highly to be xeco'mnieended ars hood'. earsepar illa, whi:eh tate-eaa:Dbhen% the ,nertes, peerfieiots, di,gmtstipn and asslniilation; olwd aids mental t development ' !by building up the whole system. DIVISION COURT. The. sittings of Court held at Zur- ich, on Wednesday last, by his Honor, Judge Bolt, brought quite a number of spec t.atorx more partioulariyi from the n;,i;hbosing Township of Stanley, with the exception of hearing a'aieeis- ion as to whet constitutes a lawful division longe.—.The plaintiff in Clio case was Edward Curvin, of the Goall- ess Line, who entered 'an action' damages against Jolim Dunn,' of the IBxtniscin Line, for 5,00.00 •alleiged: to have bean caused by Curvin's horse getting Burt bg a :barbedesvire'fenee ereleted wind maintained by Dunn. The passe, however had not been Bona ,into very tar before :t' was rleeidecl<,bee the pl. a,ntitt's Solicitor, M'r•: J•, '13' Stan - bury, to abandon 1`110 action, and a judgment of nonl-ieuit wae'entared, Currin to pay costs, and witness fees. Proudfoot, of Goderich, for defendant Another ,cane m -as John Pree Ler, against Louis Dumart, of Stratford, for an old account, but t.hs,,case "pet- ered out" in embryo, and a non -suit remelted. 1'roudtooi for pla,iptiCE. -- J. G. SL'a,nbury for defendant: The third case, a garnishee, Foster vs.DSe- Leabe N. M. Canton, and the St. Jos- eph Land Imp. and Manufacturines Company., garnisheels. Judgment for Foster against McLean for amount 13002.45 and cocks, and against N. M. CanLin only, as to the garnishees. l?roudfoot for plaintiff. WON,DEROUS REGIONS • The South Platte Valley, along the Union l'acifie, offers Lo homeseekerx uneurpa"ased opportunities. I;t poss- esses a ,perfect soil 'and. will bn,vo' in a few years an irrigation system cap -- able of supplying water to every foot of its arable land; the climate,.ls an ideal one, crops always being sav ad•ra. tire. . No other country is heater titled. for prodmeing such yields per acre of the three erops that give the large styes`, ly profits --potatoes, alfalfa and :mot' Write 'for copy or booklet, "Saila' Phalle Valley.;” or furtlielr inf'een e- to 11, F. Carter, T. 1:'. A„ 14 Janes uildr,ixI3 Toronto, Cau,ada. o • r Choate, G. A., 120 'Wooctl.vord 17etrroiL. SETTLERS LOT RATES WES Via l,Ime Chicago and north Western 13y', every day trona Sept. 15th ' 'to November 90th. Settlers ono Way see - ODA class t,aekels at very low rates from Chicago to points in tftela Mon lana, NeVed:a Idaho, Oregon, Wash- ington, California, titan to "Vietorie, Near Vat cauvar, 1r tt WWI I : r lti , e is rra,nsler. Nel- sen, I•tossland and other points in tho Kootenay Diet/ het. Coi;res.pondinigly low rates from all points in Canada, Full pairticulars from. genre;at ticket agent or 13. IT. Bennett, Geneirai ostr..fat, 2 Exist lying St., Toronto, 'Dna. . 1Otl THin TARTAR CUE. to leo Wow). Oat of Gsatituelo 1 to *Le Horse, Serlsert Allen Giles lag "China and the Chinese" says that there are strap y nakieonceptioils as tQ the mean- ing of the Chinese eue, which Lad really been worn by that nation for only about '950 years. It was imposed by the Mantehoo Tar- tars, the present rulers of China, as a badge of conquest. Previous to 1044 the Chinese clothed . themselves and dressed their Lair like the modern Tap- anese--that is, like the Japaneso .who still wear what is incorrectly knost"la as the "beautiful native dress of ja- pan." As a matter of fact, the Japan- ese borrowed their dress es well as their literature, philosophy and early art from the Chinese. The Japanese dress is that of the Dling period in China, 1368 to 1044, Rut where did the Mantehoo Tar- tars get the cue? They depended as a t'ttee almost for their existence upon the horse. The accepted theory is that out of gratitude and respeet for his noble ally the Tartar, so far as 11e could, took on himself the equine form and grew a cue in imitation of a horse's tail. This somewhat grotesque theory might fall to the ground save that it is supported by striking evi- dence. Official coats as seen in China at the present day are made with peculiar sleeves, shaped like a horse's leg and ending in an unmistakable hoof, cov- ering the hand, which are known as. "horseshoe sleeves." Incased therein a Chinaman's arms look much like a horse's fore legs. The tail completes the picture. Collee Chewing. "Coffee chewing," says a doctor, "is a habit easily contracted, for the taste of the crisp roasted berries is not un- ,leasant, and the exhilaration, the stiM- ulus, that the berries give is quite as marked as that which would be obtain. ed from a glass or two of beer or from a drink of whisky. "It is this exhilaration, I am coiivinc• ed, that causes the habit to be formed lad that makes it a hard habit to break e yay from. It should be broken away from. Its effects are highly injurious. Wiley are more injurious than those of tobacco chewing. "The coffee chewing habit wrecks"dee nerves, it makes the skin sallow and it destroys the appetite. I have had oc- casion to treat a number of men for it. 1 always advise such men to break off by imperceptible degrees; to give three or four months to the task. Some suc- ceed and some do not. Dien who work in coffee plants find it almost imAossi- vie to succeed." A flea A rderver. Not all visitors to the country are as ignorant of the farmer's surroundings as the farmers sornetimes suppose. Browning's Magazine gives this in- Sta ce: "Waal," said Farmer Wilkins to his city boarder, who was up early and looking round, "ben out to hear The haycock crow, I s'pose." And he wink- ed at his hired man. ''No," replied the city boarder; "I've been out tying a knot in a cord of ferOod." Farmer Wilkins scowled at the hired man and wanted to know why he was not getting to wont at milking those cows. Seeing Snakes. Persons suffering from delirium tre- mens usually imagine that they are surrounded by snakes. An explanation of this hallucination, says the Family Doctor, is offered by the result of some recent experiments. Sixteen alcoholic patients were examined with the oph. thalmoscope, and it was found that the minute blood vessels In the retina of their eyes were congested. In this con- dition they appear black and are pro- jected into the field of vision, where their movements resemble the squirm- ing of serpent% AN ARCTIC MEAL Getting Supper For Men and Dogt on the Polar ace Sheet. Dogs were unhitched and fastened, as usual, and then each of the Eskimos climbed over the ice foot with his snow knife and disappeared behind the para- pet, where the other fwo were already cutting snow blocks. I fastened my, dogs, got out their ration of pemmican, "cut it up and fed them, standing by witis whip in hand to see that there was no bullying, and that each dog got his share. Then I unpacked the cooker, oil can and kitchen box, passing them up the ice foot as high as I could reach. I did not wait for the completion of the igloo to commence my preparations for supper, but with a few strokes of the spade excavated a niche in the snow- bank, put the cooker in out of the wind, filled the lamp with oil and the boiler with ice, placed a few snow 1)100ks, around it for still better shelter and lighted up. By the time the igloo was completed I had enough water melted for our tea, and supper was entirely ready by the time Iny Men had fed the dogs, and they lost no time in freeing their clothing of snow nett joining me 1n the igloo. Still less time was con - Burned in putting away the tea and bis- cuit and pemmican, and less again in railing aft to dreamless slumber. --Com• mender Robert Id,;t'eery in Uutlfl k,...,i.1..e s .e:.',:. 'fix' ,u,li,qu,uu t , i fl ,i ii, tuaieIU IIISH RtluueiH*i n ' rye,fi(n,ia,wa, a y—",'u. nn 51313 ItiAT THE FAC -SI VMIL,E unnn nm wnnrununnuugun1u.. II I1u fVeget�blePreparatlo' z1tmtlatSlo scat: 1 Baivve SIGNATURE ReamotesTsigesliolt,C leerful- :mess kildgestOotltiiitl$ 0plum,Morphiitn. nor Mimi. N.A3Eg,v OTIC. J30Sono r ah &:J Roars ,folk -jint,a F$4r.'a O�!re42d'icer- Tffiialwyl 01701vr? Aper,fectI emedy tor cons tipa- tion, Sour 5tomacthD1arrhoca, Worms,Convuisions, everishr• gessmato ,ss OF SLEEP, 'acSigriaiurs of (461 IS ON TI -IE } . APP OF EVER' BOTTLE ®F EX cT COPY Of WRAPPER. Oratorio. is pat up in one -also bottles only. 111 is net void in bulk. Don') allow Anyone to :sell; yon anything else oaths plea or pro also that it is "jeat as good!' and "will SUMO every par-- pose,' ser So that you get 0 -1 -8 -T -0 -R -I &, Tho fso- ainiio gootaro of n i5 eS ever/ %nappor,- J.,: ^:ai. t:lw.�?!�.F`:??4'''•i` : s4"�,.k, '•yirP + �"v4it.. 3 etfili ti..,'•.`` •Ati. ..' ^ 0.0.444 ,0ed044448'00.0.44+4+l9m Portland Cement • E RAPE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of 'Port- end cement g can be had at either Centralia. Or Exeter Storehouses. WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOVE. JOS. WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'{? GRE .TEST NURSERIES" in the town of EXETER and surrounding country, and take' orders for OUR II>IRUY SPEGIf6TIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &o. Stock true to name and free from San /Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary ore commission, Stone & Wellington FON-TRILL NUBSERIRS over 800 acres 4444444440++,++4Se,+,•+++* TORONTO, ONTARIO' The old-fashioned bake -oven was the best our great grand- mothers could get. They baked in it in a kind of a way and were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But the modern housewife wastes time and good food when she fails to avail herself of the improvements of the Imperial Oxford Range No other range on the market can do the baking this oven does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with fresh super- heated air all the time. See this range at your dealers or write to us direct The Gurney Foundry Coo, Limited Toronto, Canada wee:mealy ad itfomntreal Vancouver 2 SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taught yin the F. C. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not c � nice jobs, but t after a guaranteed , course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment, but we first equip them. to maintain the high reputation this school lies acquired. J. W. WESTERVELT) Principal. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MAxaxe aesmrls COPYRIGHTS 8&C. enema seeable a siceteh and description may quickly' aseertellr our opinion fre3 Whether an • Invention Is pros nbirppatentabie. Communion. tions striotlr:orn#Ientaai: 5andbookon Patents.• sent free. Oldest Aarenvy for seauring_�ppatents. Patents tai,an through Munn & CO. reeetvl' epeeist notice, Stthont oearme, in the stit- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest oh" siltation of any soientiao journal. Tornio, $a at galtr ; four moaths, Si. 50l1 betel newadealors. MUNN & CO salaroadway, New York Breach oo co. 625 L' 8t, wnch'+agton.1). Q. enstiereameneteiteatettoseaereessaneVetineae To Cue a Cold jn 3 Take Laxative r mo Quinine T - Seven boxes scold in post 12 /tenths. This siiaa Day on eve) Cu es rip in Two Days, bor. 25o.