Clinton News-Record, 1986-09-24, Page 11Varna resident sings on the radio
career in teaching music.
The guest organist was Hedy Rempel,
VARNA - Joyce Dowson's many friends are organist at Victoria Avenue United Church
hoping she will be the lucky winner of a trip in Chatham.
to Nashville. She was a contestant on Barbara Ann Parker, with her bunny pup-
CKNX's "I Want to be a Country Singer" on' pet, explained to the children how the
Monday morning, and did a good rendition church came to be built. Sam's twin
of "I'll Fly Away". brother, Cam, who is to be ordained next
A large congregation celebrated Varna year, read portions of the scripture.
United Church's anniversary on Sunday. - The Parkers enjoyed the company of the
Rev. Sam Parker preached on the story of guests at the manse the rest of the day.
the shrewd manager as recorded in Luke 16. g
Friends of the Parkers from Chatham, the Surprise Party
Gantingh' Family brought a ministry of
music, with family, trio and solo numbers. Another celebration took place Sunday
They joined the choir to lead the congrega- afternoon, when Wilfred Chuter's family
tional singing. Eighteen -year-old Cindy was hosted a surprise party at Eric and
the talented pianist. She is looking to a Sharon's, honoring him on his 80th birthday.
By Mary Chessell
The decorating began at his home in Varna,
where a lighted sign was erected during the
night. He was given a tour in Eric's restored
Model A, then balloons and a happy birth-
day sign greeted him at "The Farm".
Present for the party were his three
children, 12 grandchildren and nine great-
grandchildren, his brother Tom, sister-in-
law Flora Dowson and her daughter Edith
Falconer, and Bill and Mary Chessell.
Along with spouses, it was a big party.
Wilfred was presented with gifts and a birth-
day cake lit with sparklers.
Roberta Kloss of Brucefield will speak on
her work with children as a foster parent
and a group home worker at the October
meeting of Varna UCW on October 2. The
meeting is at 8 p.m,
St. James' holds management meeting
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - Morning Prayer was held
aliin St. James' Middleton Anglican Church on
Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. with Rev.
Aubrey Bell officiating. Audrey Middleton
read the lessons and Bill Steenstra received
the offering.
The Board of Management of St. James'
met in the church hall on Thursday evening
at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Bell opened the meeting
with a reading and prayer.
A group discussion was held as the how to
bring the members back and to get new ones
to come. A question and period time was
Lois Wise read the minutes of the last
meeting and which were approved.
A discussion was held concerning tabies
for the hall. Edward Wise presented the
Rev McDonal
HENSALL - Hensall United Church was fill-
ed to capacity again on Sunday for Rev.
McDonald's final service. The church was
decorated with many vases of flowers. For
this service, the congregation sang Mr.
McDonald's favorite hymns, with Belva
Fuss at the organ and Norma Pryde at the
ng�Mr. McDonald chose as his sermon Look-
back on our pilgrimage together. He
recalled that at his first service with the
Hensall congregation he spoke on Beginning
our pilgrimage together. He stated that
Jesus was a pilgrim and not just a traveller
and related that he hoped that "we too, have
been pilgrims and not just travellers as we
have come through the last seven and athalf
years together." He stated two of his strong
feelings that the church must be a church
with an open door, reaching out into the
community and welcoming everyone into
worship and fellowship, and also his strong
feeling on the equali_y of people.
He closed by saying "I'm not afraid of the
future, because God is in the future as he
has been in the past seven and a half years.
My prayer is that you as his children will
continue to travel the pilgimage road of life
with Him, as you work and love together in
the name of Christ."
The choir sang an anthem and Belva Fuss
financi:1 statement. A motion, made by
Estelle Wise, that the prize, money from the
church float should go to to the St. Monica
House and Primate Relief Fund. The
meeting closed in prayer.
The ladies of the ACW have all been busy
in their own way. Estelle Wise is making
fruit pie, Lois Wise and Blanche Deeves got
together and made fruit pies.
Audrey and Blanche filled more meat pies
and at Audrey Middleton's on Saturday the
Christmas cake groups got together and
made their cakes. All these are in the Deli
Booth at the craft festival in Holmesville on
October 3 to 5.
Trip a Success
The ACW wishes to thank all for par-
ticipating in the shopping bus trip last week.
Hope to see you all on another trip one day.
d performs las
sang a solo. For the closing hymn, Chuck
Mallette joined the ministry of music with
the trumpet.
The ushers for the day were Raye Jacobe,
Cecil Pepper, Gary Kyle and Randy Parker.
Next Sunday Rev. Gordon Pickell will be
conducting the Communion service at 11
Following the service at the Hensall
United Church on September 14 the con-
gregation gave a surprise presentation to
Rev. McDonald before he left for his new
charge at Corunna.
Sharon Wurm spoke words of apprecia-
tion to Rev. McDonald in so many fitting
Following the address, a representative
from each of the groups presented Mr.
McDonald with a rose, symbolizing their
love and appreciation: The Sunday school,
Mindy Bell; The Messengers, Evelyn
Elder; The Explorers, Santosh Malik; The
CGIT, Linda Traquair, Jennifer Selwood of
the CGIT presented Mr. McDonald with a
CGIT Crest, making him an honoring/life
member of their group; The Church Board,
Lloyd Ferguson; The Seniors, Nan Britton;
The UCW, Grace Drummond; The Choir,
Belva Fuss; The Youth Group, Pam
Mallette; The Sunday school staff, Joanne
Tenders approved...
• from page 10
per hour this season and the out of town rate
is $30
Other rates are as follows: minor hockey,
figure skating and junior curling, $27 per
hour: mixed curling, $40 per hour.
Building Permits
Bayfield Council gave its okay to six
building permits at the regular meeting on
September 15.
They included: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chap-
man, Louisa Street, replace windows and
patio door: Mr. and Mrs. William Gam -
mage, Anne Street, residence addition;
Brig. and Mrs. D. H. Battye, Blair Crescent,
enclose sun porch; Terry Milner, Howard
Street, new residence; Sharon Colquhoun,
Stark Street, new residence; Jack Tillman
Jr., Victoria Street, new residence.
The building inspector's report for August
showed $98,000 in building permits let for ad-
dition and renovation work.
Engineer Gets Go Ahead
Council is moving ahead with plans to
rebuild the Log Hill Road. Members passed
a motion accepting the tender forms
prepared by the engineering firm of B. M.
Teachers Training Worshop will be held
on September 27 from 9 to 3 p.m. in the St.
Anne's Byron. The Rector will be happy to
drive any of the teachers to this startup
The ACW Retreat will be October 3 and 4
at Inspiration Place, Paisley at 10 - 3 p.m.
The Deanery meeting will be on October 7
starting at 9:30 p.m. in Walkerton. Hilda
Bell will be the guest speaker.
Next Sunday is the Harvest Festival and
people are needed to decorate the church
flowers, fruit, vegetables as in past years.
Ladies please bring your jars of preserves
to Estelle Wise home in Holmesville by
September 28. Monday evening we will sort,
and price each jar. The Telephone Commit-
tee will phone the members.
t service
Ross and Associates. The engineer has been
given the authorization to call for tenders on
the work, to be received no later than Oc-
tober 6 at 4:30 p.m. Council will study the
tender specifications and costs at the
regular meeting that same evening.
Clerk Pat Graham urged council to pro-
ceed as rapidly as possible with the work.
He warned, "The work must be done in 1986
or else we stand to lose our grant money."
Showers of happiness were wished en Bet-
ty Currah at a bridal shower held on
September 18 at the Anglican Rectory in
Many of the parishioners and friends were
present. Special guests included the bride,
maid of honor, Charmaine Duguay of Lon-
don, and the groom's mother, Ruth Smith of
The bride received an array of gifts. In-
teresting articles were received and a draw
added to the festivities.
Refreshments, donated by the guests, as
well as a shower cake made by Deb Wain,
were served.
The wedding of Betty Currah to Matthew
Smith took place on September 20 at Trinity
Federation to hold meeting
The Huron County Federation of
Agriculture Annual Meeting will be held an
Oct. 9 at the Brussels -Morris -Grey Com-
munity Centre.
The speaker is Sam MacGregor from the
Rowcliffe; The Centennial Committee,
Margaret Cole; The Congregation as a
whole, Elva Forrest.
Margaret Cole then presented the Centen-
nial Autograph Quilt to Mr. McDonald from
the Centennial Committee. Belva Fuss,
presented him with a gold watch and a pic-
ture of the church on behalf of the United
Church Women; Jean Jacobe presented him
with a crystal bell and a vase of flowers;
Dave Smale presented Mr. McDonald with
an engraved desk -pen set on behalf of the
Bruce Energy Park. The topic is the Bruce
Energy Centre.
The social hour is from 6-7 with the dinner
to follow at 7 p.m.
As these students watch the crowd, Richard Lobb (right) works to auction them off dur-
ing the Grade 9 auction held at Central Huron Secondary. School on September 19. ( David
Emslie photo)
Holmesville United Church
plans an anniversary service
By Blanche Deeves
Holmesville - Sunday morning, worship
service was. held in Holmesville United
Church, with Rev. James Bechtel of-
ficiating. The children went to their classes
following a story from Rev. Bechtel.
Anniversary Sunday will be held on Oc-
tober 5 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Woodall as the
guest speaker.
Enterprising Seniors
Twenty-five enterprising seniors met in
the community centre in Holmesville on
September 18. Murdock Morrison was in
charge of Ow meeting.
The fall rally will be held in Dungannon on
October 16.
Gordon Lobb spoke to the seniors on the
farm show and left two tapes.
Helen and John Linsday showed their
slides of their trip to England, Scotland and
Ireland. The anniversary cake and ice
'cream was served for lunch and a social
time was had.
Congratulations to Heather Harris who
received The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies
Auxilary to Branch 140 Clinton Bursary for
her continuing education to Fanshawe
Brenda Harris was home with her parents
from London this weekend.
Our biggest sale
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Twin Size MATTRESS ONLY... 189.
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Similar Savings on Simmons Beautvrest and Caresse
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'TILL 8:30 P.M.
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