Clinton News-Record, 1986-07-23, Page 50Q
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He gives us light
By Shelley McPhee-Haist and Ball and Mutch Furniture in Clinton.
His business is not restricted to stores
A quiet stretch of road, a mobile home, a alone, currently Steve is making 125 lamps
couple of sheds — the scenet isn aa familiaronefor the University of Windsor and 120 lamps
in the rural ,setting of Stanley Township. a new hotel in Newfoundland.
However, this residence is unlike any other forSteve Lefaive is a worker. He''s in his shop
in the municipality. Behind the unassuming by 7:30 a.m. each morning. With half an
thatdshed is a fontury, a one-man factory hour lunch break, and an hour for supper
Steve Lefaive is the bsheds light oche ball.oss. He's the accoun-
he's back in the shop until 9 o'clock. afternoons, are reserved for family.
tant and the production crew. He's the Citation Lighting is a family affair. Ruby
driver, the salesman, the shipper and the
janitor for Citation Lighting of Varna. looks after the accounting and financing,
daughters Nancy, 12, and Bev, 10, help iwith
It's unlikely you've ever heard of Citation the packing and keep Dad company when he
Lighting, and that's the way that Steve likes livers his
it. He runs a lighting manufacturing cam deorders.
Steve designss own .products and uses
pany here that sells only wholesale products only the finest glass, castings and brass
across the country. platings to be found in North America. He's.
Stanley Township seems the unlikely loca not interested i\ quantity, only quality, and
tion for this impressive lighting company. he feels that his products are worth the
Steve Lefaive originally grew up in Wind-
sor. As a teenager he worked in Toronto in As well, his products meet the strict
the lighting business. Later he moved to this
regulations1,of the CSA standards.
area with his wife Ruby and he worked atteve Lefaive has worked hard to reach
the canning factory in Exeter. thisoint in his career. He says that many of
Three years ago, Steve Lafaive set out in the "growing problems" are being ironed
business for himself.out.
Today he is the successful owner of Cita-
tion Lighting. "I hope to see the light by this fall, to
His neat -as -a -pin workshop is home to make it to the break even point."
more than $90,000 in parts and his catalogue Next time you're shopping for a new light,
includes more than 160 products, ranging be sure to look for the white and red label
from glass to brass lamps, swags and floor that reads - Made in Canada, Citation
lamps. Lighting, Varna, Ontario.
Last year he produced some 4,300 units It's people like Steve Lefaive, hard
that went to stores across Canada. His ma- workers, ambitious entrepreneurs that have
jor accounts include Homeland Furniture helped put Stanley Township on the -map.
We, at Heard Construction
would like...
to extend a warm greeting
to all our customers
and friends. It has been
our pleasure to serve the
community with...
Heard Construction
Ed. Heard
R.R. 1 Varna
Don Heard
R.R. 3 Bayfield
Steve Lefaive of Stanley Township is a one man factory. For the past three years, he has
devoted his work skills to Citation Lighting. Last year alone, he manufactured some 4,300
lamps for sale in stores across the country. (Shelley McPhee-Haist photo)
The Hully Gully story...
• from page 2
pleased with that," Mr. Collins said.
Next in line for the business occurred
when Hully Gully took on Honda motor-
cycles, and with the Hondas came the ATVs,
which hit their peak in 1985.
Once 1985 rolled around the sale of power
equipment began, and Mr. Collins said that
business is climbing. "It is likely to peak in
six or seven years," he said.
Recently they also began to design and
make,- attachments for ATVs to assist
farmers. This branch of the company was
called Tri-Star Enterprises and they make
and import accesories such as broadcast
seeders, sprayers, brush guards and
trailers, all of which are designed to make a
farmer's work easier and more economical.
To top it all off, Mr. Collins said, "We hope
to be in the Honda car business within the
next year or so."
A Hully Gully London store was opened
six months ago, because, Mr. Collins said,
"It was time to expand."
The same products are being offered in
the 9,000 square footstore.
"Business in London is good, and getting •
better," Mr. Collins said. "We are stealing
some of our own customers."
As proof of Mr. Collins' success, the Varna
Hully Gully store has won service and sales
awards from Suzuki, Yamaha and Honda,
and they have won five or six trips to Japan
through these awards.
Therefore, it may be said that Mr. Collins
evolution from farmer to businessman has
been a successful one, which he proved
when he said, "In 15 years of business, we
have never had a decline.
Best Wishes to all our friends
and customers in
We're proud to be a part of this
growing community!
• Owners: Ken and Shirley Boyce
Varna, Ontario 482-9161