Exeter Times, 1903-7-9, Page 8S, d- U L 9t 1., 1903. WART • Hort Snaps for the Hot Days. .. , x c. each for ladies' fancy Corded Silk Stock Collars, beautifully 061 trittu led with cording and applique, in black and white and ens fancy colors °d, and 5oc for two special lines of ` ladies' white nett and Batiste in Summer Corsets, full of comfort. Noc each for a nice range of littleboys, cotton washable e Shi t •-Waists, suitable for boys from 4 to Io years old,. 75c the suit for boys' linen and fancy blue and white stripe Cotton Suits. Regular value' $I%O0 to $1,5o, Clearing at your choice for 75c. 5c each for boys' hand made Straw Hats, They're great value. $3,o0 for boys' 'swell Norfolk Tweed Suits, lovely new patterns. All well made, best values we have seen this season, 35c for men's Yarn Dyed Orford Wearing Shirts, Good Washers and good wearers, $r,00, $1.25 and:$t,.5o each for 3 very fine lines of Men's Chip Panama Hath, very tight and very cool. $2,50 each for men's Duck and Linen Summer Suits, This is a bargain, ask to see them. BIG CISI 8TOR Bring us your Butter and Eggs We will use - you well. J 19. STE WfliRT Macs, George Knight, of Ivlderton attended the funeral of her little neph• All M11k1i11S i Trunks Valises ew, Ames Reginald Atkinson, �t and '1'elesnopeS Gleali 111;0 Miss Maud Jeekell, who has spent ., . Clearing at Cast, the past year with friends in Peoria, at t.,ust. g Ill, returned home on Thursday last, Mr, and Mrs, George Willis who have been rusticating at Grand. Bend have returned home for a shoat time. Miss Edith Monour is spending., a two weeks vacation with -friends in Guelph, Hamilton airs Niagara Falls,. Mrs. J. P. Ross who is leaving Chat- ham for Detroit and Miss Alice Cald- well, of Honsa1l, spat Wednesday in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Antos left on Tuesday morning fox. Bowmanville•to attend the wedding of her neice, Miss Tre- vilcock. Mr. IL E. Huston and family left on Wednesday for Grand. Bend Park where they will spend the summer months, Mr Ray Fanson left for Detroit on Thursday. He will visit friends in Cleveland and Pittsburg before re- turning, Mrs. I. G. Staubury and daughter, left on Tuesday, for Whitby, where she will visit her parents,Dr. and Mrs. Eastwood. Master Harry Carling and Allen Pickard are spending the holidays with their aunts Mrs, Geo. Southcott, Grand Bend. The Sone f n Bank of Oan.ada Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal. BRfNGI1ES is tlarorl Gouatl at Exeter, Groditon3 Zurich • ilensall, Glinton and Daslwood. A General Banking Business Transacted at all Branches. SAVINGS . BANK DEPARTMENT One Dollar will start an account. Interest allowed on deposits from the .day money is deposited and added to the principal twice a year, GLADMAN & STANBURY, F. E. KARN Solicitors. Manager Exeter Branch. for Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rh-1gs, Watches, Clocks Jewel a -y, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. • �- .yam . TU ADV ERTISEi•x The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JULY 9TH,1903 Locals sat -a -sat - Miss Cora Powell isvisiting at Grand Bend. Cherries and raspberries are now the •order of the day, Mr. and Mrs. Levitt of. Grand. Bend, spent Monday in town. Rev. W. M. Martin preachedin assiShathani on Sunday last. • • Mr. Will.Goodison, of Sarnia was a visitor in town on Sunday. 13ayfielc ,. are visiting relatives in town. Miss M. E. Coli spent a few days the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson, Grand Bend. Mr. A. Walter has returned home, after a pleasant visit with friends tit the Soo. jr Mrs. Walrond left on Thursday la for England •where she will spend. her vacation. Mrs. J, A. Stewart left last Friday for a few weeks visitwith friends in Sarnia. Rub rtie and Down of Lon- don, y x6 armee thP' nests of their cousin lliiss Millie Bissett. Mr. S. A. Stewart attended: the To- ronto Home Comers' Festival "it tha t city last week. Mrs. Drew, Beta and Master Har- old Drew, of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. S. Fitton. Mrs.Nelsou Oobbledick and children of Brantford, are the guests of Mr,and Mrs. J. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell visited h� parents Mr. and Mrs. Whetstone, o Kintore last week. • Miss Lulu Essery, of Crediton, spent a few days of this week with friends:in:town. . • . •-• The J•ames.street Methodist Sunday school will hold their picnic.at Grand 'Bend on.July: 15th...` Mies Elia Morlock who has been. � i the past week, we are pleased to sta e has somewhat recovered. Master John Ross, of .Chatham,. is spending a short time at the homeof his uncle, Mr. D. A. Ross. Messrs. Handford and Elliott ship- ped a carload of very fine horses to Winnipeg on Monday last. Mr. T.'Boyle ,ardfaniily spent: Son- -day with'Centralia friends. ' Orville Southcott is . spending 'a v eeks -holiday in London. Mr., Louis Hyndm.an, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Edith Hyndman. • Miss Canada passed her thirty-sixth -birthday on Wednesday last, 1st July. China Ware Just received a consignment of China which we will place on sale at prices that cannot be duplicated, A look through wiill convince anyone of this fact. Tomatoes and i'1elol s Some nice stock to hand just now. Prices will be found right. WRITING PAPER In' great variety. Come in and look at them, Exeter Civic lioliday .August 6,1903. is Mr. b 6t q August A uilla Sheers of gt. Thoma s, 'Kincardine Civic Holida 1' g , Au s +t spent a few d ay of this week Visiting Mrs, (Rey.) J. Snell and childret"J at his home on Huron street. THO GHTFUL t »•.:a ..,...y 6.fr ,. ERSON ' lo�r 1 WILL NOT. OVOVERLOOKOVERLOOKthe exceptlonail y p10 WV at which we are offering n English and Canadi . Tweeds andScotch Worsted Suitin s, It is 'a good opp Tw dss W g, Suit at reael reduced. rices. The tunity to get au ordered g y p reasonis, we want ant to make room for our Fall Goods, and following reduced prices, are closing our sin " stock at thep sloe 1g spring readings s $4.50 and $5.00, for $3,75 and $4, Pantings $5.50 and $6.50 for $5:50' and $4.50. Fancy Scotch Worsted Suits, were $18, $1:9; ggloll English T,veed Suits deb el , Were 18 now.- English ow. English Tweed Suits 01 were $17, now Canadian ;Tweed Suits were ala, now.... , •, . , Shell Suits for $7.50. Also Salts Belwarp Serg-es and Coatings, guaranteed Sunproof and Seaproof. Call and look over our stock before ordering. It does not cost are all new, If youy , you anything. to have a look at them, They need a snit it will pay you to call. W edding Presents a specialty. Gliariton's Bazaar Levetts Old Stand. Nr. and Mrs. F. J. Knight spent Sunday the guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. Knight, "Mayflower Cottage," Grand Bend. Mrs, Jas. Miller and Miss Ethel Dow left on Saturday last for Deloraine,. Manitoba where they will spend a couple of months. Rev. Dr. Hannon left last week for Prince Albert, N, W. T., where'he will spend some time with his sons who are located their. Exeter and Bingcardine will join hands in making the Masonic excur- sion of the 6th of August' to Kincar- die the best of all. f rs, 5, Fitton and. Gerai accom- panied by her sister, Mrs, Drew,of To- ronto, left Monday for a two weeks outing at Grand. Bend, Mr. Adam Whiteford, who has spent the past few months with his daughter, Mrs. T. Hawkins returned to Manitobaon Saturday last. Miss Gertrude Elliott left Saturday for her home in Renfrew taking the boat via Goderich for Port Elgin uouthampton and other places. Mrs. Evans children,, of Ailsa Craig, ands Miss -Verna Quance . are spending•a holiday with Mrs.. Quance a d other friends in this locality. Ours Bras Bandgshould not delay in the work of organization. They should be in good time for the Masonic excur- sion to Kincardine on August 6th. Mrs. Richard. Johnston and sis - r, iss Lyde .Kastle, of Warncliffe road, West London, are .spending July ilignth withtheir parents near Exeter. .`'f It is. now'adrnitted by every person that the Masonic excursion billed for the 6th of August and bound. for Kin- cardine will be the great success o the season. • The 215th anniversary of the Battle cif -the Boyne will be celebrated at Henson. on Monday: next: July 3th. A .large delegation from different points is expected. The regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U. will be held at the ,residence of Mrs. E Elliott on Thursday afternoon July Kith in place of Wednesday as previously arranged. Dr. and Mrs. Winis,of Detroit, J,f ich. who has been visiting Mrs. Edward Jones and Miss Lillian have retur ned to their respective homes after spend- ing a very pleasant time. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each box. 250, Mrs. R. J: M. Perkins sang a solo on Sunday evening last in the Triyitt Memorial church which was rendered with very pleasing effect, and much enjoyed by those present, 0 Crocker We have just opened a crate of White Crockery, ill- cluding Cups, Saucers, Plates, Toilet Sets, Platters, Jugs, and Bowls. We have marked all the above at quick selling prices. White Cups and Saucers, regular priceQ 750, our cltn.cn selling price 500 doz. White Plates, all perfect goods in all sizes, our quick selling price 40c, 50c, 650, 75c doz We have about 50 sets of 4 -piece We have about 5 dozen Fancy Glass Glass ver fancy, regular rice 35c Pitchers, large size, regular price 25c, y y. r, p I set, our quick selling price 28c, our quick selling price 20c eaeli. Chir stook of Fancy China and Glass Lamps all clearing L want a Lam Come earlyand secure a at cost prices: If you wa p bargain. 5 only,10 pieces, Toilet Sets beauti- 1 only. 10 piece, toilet set, in brown, full dorated in green and ink ver first quality, regular $3 50, our quick y g p y newest shapes, regular price $5, our ..selling price $2,00. quick selling pales 13.85. k 1 only, 10 piece, Toilet Set, in blue, r Boy's White Muslin Blouse with regular price $3.75, our quick selling pique collar embroidery and inser- .price $1,90, tion trimmed, regular $1,50 reduced Boys' 'White Mick Suit with navy to $1,10. collar, regular price 85c, reduced to 671 W. JOHNS M.erebat Tailor, Main . t, Exeter, Boy's Print Blouse in blue and red clearing, at 30c, a big bargain. Ladies' White Undershirt, made of nice soft cotton, trimmed with ern- broidery and tucking, $1.25. 6 only White Umbrella Shawls, nice for evening wear,regular price $1,00, reduced to 75c, . Ladies White Underskirt, very fine quality of cotton, trimmed with inser- tion and wide embroider..y,special $1.75 A good stock of nice Fresh Groceries always on hand, Richest -611 Lowest Price for& ROW° Price for Goods Trade. OUT ALL GOODS SUMMER Midsummer is here and we want to clear 'out all our Summer Goods, Anything in Summer Goods must be sold at some price. Corrie and see our extra specials which we are offering this week. Nice new pattern lua1tns all colors ; FancyVesting, , theo newest Whieam - a lot of nice ones to choose from. To ;Goods of the season, only a few feu o clear at 5c,10c, and 15c, f 30c and 35c line to clear at 20c and 25e. The best quality Organdies, Linen, i A nice lot of White Shirt Waists, Lawns and Dimities. Regular 25c nicely trimmed with. lace and embroid- ery, regular price $1.25 and $1,50, to, clear at 75c. All that is left of our beautiful color•- etod Print. at Waists, regular 75c to $I,50', clear 45c. 50 pair of $1,25 Colored Kid Gloyes, 75 pir chillardren's egood oClashmere slightly damaged. To clear a 25c a Rose, raegu25ee 1fn, but ;dd sizes, pair, To clear at luc, 3 pair for 25c. A. swell range oftheNewest Neckwear just arrived,, come and pick out a niee one before they are all gone, Shaw '8e Crash hats at Deduced prices. Ladies' Sailor Hats at 25c. Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce, and 30c lines, to clear at 15c and 20e. .A. nice range of lawns and Em- broidery, all new patterns, To clear. out at one half regular price. Mr. David Lang, of Nevi York, bro. N. Perkins were about to drive to then of ttir,.R, HLang, of town, oc- Exeter, before starting the top of the. and in so copied the pulpit of Caven Presbyteri- doibung their little dIowereas a aged about an church on Sunday last at both ser three years who was in the rig at the vices delivering .pay fine discourses. time, and in some way clinging to the Re leaves here shortly to relieve 13ev. Rtop, she was thrown out upon the Mr. Strang,,ef Virden, Manitoba.ground fracturing the clavicle bone Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brownlee, of She was immediately brought to Dr. Elmira, N.Y. and Mr. Truman Brown- Browning, who set the . fracture. The` lee, of Oincinatti, Ohio, spent part of little patient is doing as well as can 'be last week and this with their sister, . expected. Mrs. D. Wood leaving for their home ; ch $50 TO CALIFORNIA. AND RETURN, - on Tuesday. Mrs; Brownlee will re Via the Chico o and North-Western main for some weeks longer to visit g with friends. Ry. August lst to 14th, to San Fran - Xntepdingexcursionists to Kincar dine on the 6th of,August are already lside of Andrew street, The whole arranging picnic parties and are much will be sold hi bulk or separate to suit elated over the opportunity for a sail /purchaser. Apply on the premises to on %he magnificent steamer The king hits, JAS, WILLIS, Exeta,r, Bayard' Fon, SALE. -1 top buggy;1 Portland The Weekly Mail. with a prem' �. ' cutter,nearly new 2 heavy one horse 'cture will be sent to any mese waggons, one a Chatham wagon and from now until January next for 50c, a rack for same ; 1 set heavy one fro horse sleighs ; two sets single The Weekly - .Malt and the EXETERg g harness, TIDIES until January first 1904 for one nearly new, tubber mounted ; 1 75 cents. set heavy single harness ; 1 cultivator; C. McIntyre, of Montreal, who cisco and Los Angeles, also to Port- Missis accompanied1ltaster, land, Tacoma and Seattle. Comes - by her nephew .Ales, Grigg, is spending a few days` }�°nd%ngly low rates from other points with her sister Mrs. Lutz• leavingavolimit stopover privileges, Re - "turn limit October loth, 1903. Three again this weekfor Sarnia where she .t, ains daily: from Chicago to Califor- will visit with her sister, Mrs. Cowan iiia, through without.: change, with. and family in their summer cottage first class ,Pullmans and tourist . sleep-; at Weesbachg Vic . inars. For, special folder 'and all Although it is to Mate to secure a information, write N. H. Bennett, ,Tune.bride this -year the country is Genial Agent, 2 East King St.• To - said to be full of beautiful blooming rontoi Ont. maidens who are not so narrow in BIa• $How CoMING4 TO T v'RTER ON their matrimonial views but that they JULY ISTH,-The John F. Stoiwe's would take into their serious consid- eration propositions -for any other Monster;Payilion, Uncle Tom's_Cabin month. Co., the largest and best show of the Mr. Samu.d Fulton, v3ho recently kind in the world,- travelling on their disposed of his property in Granton, : own train of palatial cars, will exhibit has decided to make his home in Ex- here next Thursday, July 16th, under eter haying on Monday purchased the their mammoth waterproof • tents. cottage on Huron street owned by Mr. Prof. Bullinger's superb military band Allen and occupied by Mrs. Yager. of twenty pieces, which accompany Mr. and Mrs, Fulton will move here them will give a grand free noon -day some time in the early fall. concert on the principal streeta:.There Fon SATs- •A: good second-hand will be one grand night performance buggy cheep, Apply to J. H, HY'ND- cly Admission reduced to 15c and MAN. ' WOOL-WooL-12000lbs. wool wan- i WOMAN'S INSTITIITEs-A public meet- ted at the Exeter woollen mills either ing of the Woman's Instituto will `be washed or unwashed. Highest cash price paid,, Mum &• Co, • - WANTED - Girls, highest wages, The afternoon meeting will be ..in Torontowho steady employment,. also boys and charge of Miss Kunter young men. Apply at McCoRMrox's J will givea practical demonstration on Ew BISCUIT FACTORY. London Ont, SEducatounof ou Prer Cx lb "Domestic aration of NoTICE ,-As there . is a bylaw pr •' Science. ' Miss Reynolds, Scarbaro biting the riding of bicycles, on the unction.. will address the evening ewatk,: any person or persons eeting on "Wotxtan's Institutes their and guilty of such offence will be Aim' and Object" "Horne and . Horne rosecuted,-W. J, Blssr7^e.' Makers." . All ladies interested_. in MOIILDERs' WANTED Accusto ed Woman's Institute work are -cordially 'to le held in the Town $'all. Exeter, Wed- nesday July 15th at 2 and :8 o'clock. ereral work, and who •wa to invited to attend. A silver collection n stovelate. , . Apply giving .ex- will be taken at the evening .meeting p pp yto help defray expenses. pe ience, references, etc. -The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto. THEX ARE READ -There was acloth- ingadmerchantbut who does nowots . eThe ieve ad - n Young men who have had experience, advertising solicitor told him that and want to attain greater experience two lines in the most obscure place in over a larger range of work, princi- his paper would be read by nearly pally stove plate. -The Gurney Fun- everybody in that' city. "Prove 'it, dry Co., Limited, Toronto. the merchant.. "Say anything you A LIBERAL_ OPFER, --The TIMIEs want tonin two lines." The 'solicitor and Family Herald and Star, Montre- put in two lines saying the 'merchaht al, for the balance of 1903 for 65c. and wanted to buy 100 cats and 200 dogs. to all who subscribe before July I5 The ad was sandwiched between Tiled - we will include the two pictures,icineliners onaninsrde page. That ,'Purity ann Alone". The two pictures night 17 boys and 3 girls brought dogs alone are worth the price. This is a and the next morning and until late special offer to increase our subscrip- at night his store was crowded with tion rapidly. . persons who had dogs and cats to sell. Fon SALE -House, stable and four One time there was such a jam in leis lots . corner of Victoria and Andrew store that he had to close the front streets (near Main st. Meth. church) door and let those in the store go out house'contains 8 roomagood cellar and by a rear door. Early next morning well and the stable is first class (new) the merehanb rushed tothe newspaper and up to date, also a lot on east office and closed up a contract for a year's advertising. Already he has had such an increase in business that a new room will be added to his store. WEATHER PROBABILITIES-Rev..Iri Hicks second storm period central on the 9th (to.day) promises to be less rainy although showers are predicted to be frequent.. "The Cirsb stages of this period will bring extremely warm weather, with south winds and falling barometer. About the Oth cloudiness 1 plow ; 1 harrow ; 1 straw cutter, and storms will form in 'western ex- Private sale. Apply to Mt s. Jas, treme'S and begin their eastern march WILLIS. The annual picnic, in connection With the Congregation and Sunday school of the Trivitt Memorial church is to take place to -morrow (Friday). The vehioles are to leave . the school Hall at 7 o'clock sharp. ' Dart fail to hear the grand noon- day treat given by Prof. Bollinger superb military band of twenty pieces on date of exhibition of Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Read their doub eolumn advertisement on 5th page,/ he Court of Appeal has decided that parents must provide medical aid for their children and that if death .occurs from neglect they can be con- victed of manslaughter. This is a de- cision in a Christian Science ease. INITIAL SERMONS -Rev, Wm. God- win, the newly appointed pastor of the Main st, Methodist church,preach- ed his inititory sermons on Sunday last. There being aood attendance at both services. Mr, Godwin is nob an entire stranger to some ; of the people of Exeter havingbeen a colleague with the Rev. Wm. during his astorate here. The TIMES welcome Mr. Godwin as a citizen and trusts weather, and touching the 15th, as the that his pastorate may he pleasant moon. passes over the equator and, in the higest degree successful, from•south to n�►rov thunder clouds, Buten i,Rn. cottAair ItoNE * on tocol sal a dmuch blusterin ,will be Tuesday' afternoon as Mr, and Mrs. X. ns. n t across the country, reaching their stages on the 10th and 1Ith. The storm clouds at this time are apt to be black and threatening, and if the barometer is muoh below normal, viol- ent winds are entirely probable. Heavy local dashes of rain will be natural, but we do not believe that wide -spread and soaking rains will fall and Behind blustering storminess thunder Olook for rising barometer, westerly winds and cooler clearing Finenitur rt ki We Carry Good Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY FOR ALL c.HUSTON'N Graduate -of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block. urniture!_.. turniture! EISEEsigiaMailitnialaIMEREMIECIT Asissamemszwesinsi AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un- dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce. to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the largest and best stook of.Furniture in the county. A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin. possible. Itwill pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock an& get our prices before placing orders elsewhere,. ` We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on the Shortest "Notice at Reasonable Prices.. Satisfaction guaranteed with. every purchase, ' • Undertakers and Funeral Directors novirm , ' ATIEINSOINT J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduat'e of Embalming College, Toronto. most natural but we do not calcalate that,•g moral and copious rains w il fall:. Slight rise of barometric pressure and change of wind; CO westerly and cooler; will naturally come in behind these reactionary excitements. SAD DEATn-The.`houie of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, of the Central hotel was darkened by the very sad and fatal results which Mel their in- fant child James Reginald, aged • 1 year 11 months and 13: days, On don-, day morning the little fellow was a- round on the upper fiats of the hotel • with his grandmother, Mrs. Oke, and while playing around, entered one of the rooms, getting some matches managed: to light them, setting fire to the curtains, also his own clothing... He was heard crying then afterwards crying more plaintively those near ran to his rescue when he was found on a chair with his clothing almost burnt off and his poor little body' bad- ly searched. Hp was at once seized,the fire extinguished and medical aid at once secured. Everything was done to soothe the little sufferer and he rested very well during the day till about mideighb, when after what seemed a good refreshing sleep he' a- wakened in great agony and continu- ed so until released from his suffer- ings about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning. It is thought that besides being so badly burnt his little heart suffered a very severe shock. To the sorrow- ing parents and family the blow is in- deed a very sad one as the .little lad, familiarly known as "Jim", was a, general favorite with every one and was a very bright, happy child, He had also won the affection of many travellers who stop frequently at the house, Little Jim will be missed and a large circle of friends join in sym- pathy for the sorrowing ones in their very sad and sudden bereavement. HoUSE 11X11.� .�3 L DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -they aro the latest.and most improv-. 1 1 C E t ed Dye in the world: Try a pimagt, • We wish `to inform the public that we expect to close down. about July 12 for 2 weeks f. o r repairs and would like our customers who need � choppp in to bring , in their gristing as early as possible. We will have in stock a large Supply; of Bran, Shol'ts, etc. as, well a stock of. o u rnoted Family. Flour (Star), so that: anyone can get a supply of Flour or Feed any tithe dur- ing : the two weeks we are closed down. 7 9/ j VE 1 BRO8 rMILLIRS We have not advanced the price of .. our tobacco. Amber smoking tobaectt, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play, chew. xng tobaccos are the same •siz i•', price to the Consumerasformerly. We have also extended the time for She redemption of Snowshoe tags to January lst 1904.---•'I°fsEan xx t Toast AO00 CO. LisfrVIt e•