Exeter Times, 1903-6-25, Page 1T1TIETIETu YEAR—No 26 • HERON& ND E X... GAZ PITT EXE :l'.ER ONT.,. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING-, Et' + +4+.+4 4.4.4.+4.4.0.•+t ++'*+++4"4a•44+II+44'4' 4444444.404.+, MEIN S .1+ Hesail G.J. Sutherland, Notary alibi)°, Qonvoye.n 41,• oer, commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and Drainer ca Marriage Licensee. Legal doeureente earefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at 1ort rates of iutcrest.. ©flied at the Post Moe llonsae.. 'ea Tiee, J. C. Stoneman was in Clinton, you want the best results use •l. • last week, on harmers. If ;1; Mrs• I'tel7onel], of Exeter is visiting 4. her :brother tore; this Week. Mr. D. Cantelon purelAassa. a new ++ li,orae this week to 'put an his wag- 0 4�' g D2ies 13011, of Tollgate jspetait Buis .. pest ' s eaelr with Mr, and Mrs, 'J(ainxiolq $e1L Mr. Wa'1tor J3lael ail, of Ildeaton, •4• visiting, his sena Dr• a3lackail, for a few days. • , INf'r Jelefeeon .of ev;Toironice is visit-, d� ing hire 5ousire Mr,. 'J. C. ,Sit oae/ea axle tlxis week, . The Rev, r. dMrs. Mai tt leave �. e M and a for their new homer in Chethiam„:earl. lis next week, ,1. ,Dr. Blackall Inas purchased the.. well +i+ ('known race horse Tom ° H, from 4 Mr. Hoc1gins, of. Denfield. A ,1. Mr. Jos. Blaney, bas returned home. from London, .where he'has been at- deriding the iiIilifary College. '1t Thera were . zu;arly 200 tickets sold kere. last Saturday, for ,the excursion to ,tslue Model Far•m, Guelph. Mr. Thos. Welsh is 'putting in new electric light :poles on Main street, the same height as the telephone poi- es. 'Miss.. Vera) Murdock, Who, blas` been in; Goderich, for some . tune, study-, ✓�' ing music, returned hone ,on Monday bast. �p•t owl+ 66Gllts �o a� dll a WE AIM SOLE AGENTS +'11, YY+; + f' Walls Floors Troughs, etc built with these Cements last for ever. Binder Tverine We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you Come ill -and get what you need and be read when y harvesting time comes. 4144 marerysanaw.woroolawava. i a - Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. +11 ' We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. c i 14.4 ilk.444'r++.1 1 ++++++++++';'++4++ 4.4444+++++++.14444.4.444444+4. Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. T. WHIN” SoaSt TheiWoCITZ.riin„ 1.atest1 Thing, You inc lotf Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and try are looking for one, us, -One trial will convince you that you cannot . get better -satisfaction for the same -money than we will give you. W. W Taman. A^ieerclaat t 'H'niIor. 1., MoTAGGART NORTH. END STORE. We have a nice clean stock of fresh ,Groceries, which we are . selling at —Se ye ry low prices. See our Ready' -•:t" "'Made Clothing. Ask for our Floor 4011 Cloths and Carpets, We quote a few prices. • 10 lbs Cornmeal for 25c. . 10 lbs Oatmeal for 25c. 81bs of Tapioca for 2oc. 13 bars Electric Soap 25c 41b5 first-class Currants for .25e Fires -class Coal Oil 18c. • ..Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder Oil always on hand, - Floor 011.61ot-l1s' yards wide, good material at 50c a ,yard, One yard wide at 25c,. Gorpets We have a' number ofdifferent designs in Carpets ranging in price from 17c -up to 90c, prices Ready -Made Suits at verylow is f„" art i L ., McT.a NORTH END STORE. Children Cry' for CAS that' our stock of f Spring and SummeroodS is unequalled. See for yourself. il,:- FOWLE R s ROS THE (MOTHERS, HENSAL•G, Bethesda —�• The Ladles of !Bethesda Methodist cihlureh,; Eecnsall ,ciituit, intend hold- lag a lawn , oeial on Mr, Frank. Vown's lawn, on Wednesday, eveninjg, JixI'y 1st., eonnmencing at; 6 o'clock. Ice cream, cake and tie win be,tsetrw- edc tAdmission,single ticket, 15e for two for 25c. en goodmusi,aal pro,g- ramme, etc., will be rendered. • Come and enjoy a pljeiasa'nt evening., Anderson Mr.• .Chas. Malloy, of Kim, is via-, iting his brother, Neil. heir. Austin Hewitt •;visittieuli (,passiv- es in McKillop, on Sunday last.: Miss Mary and fasalen Switzer spent Sunday in the "Style Town." cMrs•; John :Di;ckefnson, and ;fa'milsy, are visiting with Mrs+1P;y;ax, Of Elam - Miss Grey and Steelratt, of Toronto, are the guests et Mrs. at. lOE. 1?)at- oiiffe. Mr. Alex: Andiersen, returned;fr;om Detroit, Tuesday, where'' he `has. ,beeln visiting with his brother, Frank, Staffs Miss Netta Norris is holidaying wFittie Milt tell fxi rids. Miss ,Drake is evisiti.ng: her aunt. Mrs. Botham, of Einburn. Miss Vine. Tuffin, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Pellen, of „Fa rel. abler. • • , A gloom fell over , the village on Whur$day last, when it was made *nown that the relentless hand: hand of death has claimed for its victim, Mrs. Crawford. She had not been en- joying her usual health for some time, but still nothing serious was thought of. The deceased lady was a devoted Methodist, a loving mother and ,a charitable neighbor. We extend( our,xiee;pest i sympathy, to the young falmiliy, in their grief. t '...M.eithaiits aid(V . f f HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up),...+,• .... ..,:..'... .... .:'...`.56,000,000. REST +... a',...'.$2,700,000 M E. . TIla5SDEN +.CHOSaFY SHE, General Manager Superintendent of flrctnchee BANKING AUGENERAL BIUC BUSINE . SS TRANSACTED Interest'at most favorable current rates allowed on accounts and Deposit Receipts.• Savings, Bank o `, Letters of Credit issued available in China Jap�- an rL + i ,C and foreign countries. CR. ®I TON ONTARIO. 1 W. ! CHI H L ) Manager The 1VLisses Brack, of London, niece of 'Mrs. It, Clegg, of Kippen, eveare (tho guests on Saturday evening, of. „Mrs, 13i11ings. Mr. Lorne Scott luxebeen transferr ro i n ank of Clio- •• fromthe Sov ae B ad, g •g. Clin- ton, to the tioveraeiy,n Bank, which has just teen 'apemen, here. • J G Mr. Wm. Oaldwill was,'in Guelplit during the Bast week' He, was also Brantford, visiting his•brothe r in B ixc•• , 6' rl law, Mr. Tames Hev±erly, formerly. of Exeter. • Mrs. Geo. Walker, of PaIntestont who has beenn visiting her moaner, Mrs. A. S+miall'acombe, for; the past few days, legit on Tuesday last for ber home. , Mr. H. E.rlx!ourn, of the , Hepi,s(all; Garelenli,ouse has just recpaived. ,a ship. malt of aver eaten and a 1x alii • of glass to be used in the extension of his greenhouse. Mr. Harburnhas one, of theamoat up ;to -date greenhouses Le. this part !of the poun,try, andcei - joys •a very large trade. A Liberal Offer. --The Times, •and Family Herald : and Star, Mpnt•real, for the balance of 1903 for 65e. and to a1.1 , who subscribe before July 15 we will include the two pipturepl "Purity and Alone". The t;we jpiet:area alone are worth the price. This is b. special offer to increase our subscrip- tion rapidly. (T'het 'many friends of pa. D iniel Bell, of McBride, Mich. will regret,: to learn of the,db(atrh of.jhis vwife,, wihidh occurred last week. Mr. Bell:had just returned from. a (few; 'weeks vis- it with his jpnjroGits hgne,i 11ars.,tBe11(, at that time being in herr usual health She was only ill for a dew (d',ays.. ul.2rs. Wan. Carroll, of Beapb(villle, is yisiting her sister, Mrs. T. Sutherland for a fetw days. 'The Rev. •Wa1,ter Ayers; of London, preached ;very acceptably. both .Morn- ing and evening, last Sunday, in the Methodist ohur'ch. Mr. 'Ayers is •exe- peleted ,to take charge of the tservieols nest tSund;ay. In the 'miornin,g thio' Sunday) School will give, an inter:nat- grogram in 'conneation evithithe b1- centenary of the birth of John Wes- ley. ,The service to oammeslce 'at 49' 45 in the morning. • The ,County Loyal Orange Lodge of South Huron and South Perth bane decided unanimously to celebrate the 215th anniversary of the .Battle of the Bayne, in the beautlifui and Ariagnes. sive town of Hensali, on Monday, July 1311i. There will be prizes for, bands and Lodges; eminent speakers who can talk on Oraneeism, the best pos Bible raihvlay accommodation to and from Masan, and not man, woman or ichild will be allowed to'aeave the tow,nt 'hun{gi y. • ve band under the able leaderslapl l P Lander is re id. o of "Mr. Chas. Lo, p >ty! Rome ing to the front. The boys deserve 'credit for the efforts they .are aunt - Eng -Eng forth to make.the band oue.. of they 'beast in the bounty..iThe following is the programme for Saturday even- ing !Marek, ''West Point Cad,el.s,'t; 2. Shottiche, "Vendetta." ; '3.W'altz, "Salvador, Spaniel."' 4. Cornet Solei "Nelly 13oltice." ; 5. "Jollificaibi.on"; l 0. Lancers, ":1 'Jolley Crowed," ; 7. Bari,• tone Solo, "Alice, Where art Thou.": 84 :Waltz, "Cecilia",; God Save the Xing. 'iVir. George Trott has ••held a .mov; able studio built which will no doubt prove of great convenience, to him an being able to ,move hie audio: to Grand Bend or Hayfield, for a- -weekjor two during the summer time. The build. ing was designed by Reynolds, &.In- gram, of ilensan. The floor, sides, and roof is taken apart in seetions, and 'aan be (put up in an -hour and' a half. There is 2000 feet of lumber. used in the building, and the cost is ab,outt $200. It is quite a size beams 12x24 feet. it is.a .very nice pieaeof, Work and the ,builders deiserve Ilei;edIit in getting up such 'a';stylish, and con eenient audio, Word has bean' received hero from the North West, of the d•eathan.Mon. day, June 15%, of :Mr. Thos. tHorttore a former resident of Ilenskall. Mr. Horton left here some 'thee months ago for Brandon, on his arrival there he was taken slick •with typhoid feever,. and later with diabetes whiieh caused hie death, 1Vir. Henan. ev(as ;botrn on. the boundary line, '1`uckelrs(mith., 2Ie. was a youing man, well liked and Lad 'many friends, and was a respeiot.• to (member of Ivlyi G'ree,n Dodge, C.O. leitat i a wife to Motive the Cob, ot,ht kind and loving kusband. ' DISTRICT MEIiTLNG, Oddfellows Hold Their Annual . Dis triol Meeting. Tait Maar lfensate The 'dietriet meeeti* of 'the Odd:fel lows was held in ae lsail, on. Friday evaniii,g hast when Grand tales- tor,. R, I3, Cowan, was praso,rt. Representatives from all the lodges ce p' tvitlu . `,the'' ext pt on of Iirucelfeild were presoyut. P' T. Petty was elate ed la t- ed District Deputy Grand Master for the ensuina, tease, and other business of importance was transacted. at about) 9' ;noloeI the lodge, o peen- ed and the work of the initatory de- gree was put ton 'by 'the Heimall+ lodge. iThe team did the work in good style, and •there was not a luta from .beginning to end, every one. do- ing'has partin such a manner as to win the approval oC the ,G,re.nd Master and other speakers. rrra'nd Patriarch Spackman, who was •called' on tai a speech, spoke of his;lo,ve for the order, and of the pleasure it gave life to be present at such a gathering. , as 'thiswhen all met to enjoy and spend a social even- ing. IIe spoke of the Grand Encamp- ment, and would be delighted to see the •eneamspment Bens ,1L ,Brother Gibson, of Liman, the retire District Deputy ing Distx p y Grand Master, a short address gave expression of the pleasure it afforded him, • in being present, and was greatly pleased with the appearance of the ;hall. The Grand Master was then called on for a speech. He thanked the Hen sail lodge for their kind invitation to attend the meeting and elated that such tgatherings were 4or making neve irtelndis and; .renewing olid toque e He had. no cr' t' n xt � ainta es, zc sm to make on the work done• by the team, it'in a very . r But spoke of e y complimen- tary way stating that he had never seen it done bettor and was more than satisfied. He had been told that 'the Henan lodge • would do the work well, but, did not enpegt they would alo it as •well, as thiey did. -e. He congratulat d the officers who put dn1 the inilfakory work.. He thougait there must be something in Odd,[el- 1'owishiip; when they would, drive mil- es :to . attend • a xweeting like this. The order has now a membership of over 1,250,000 with an average amount paid daily of $10,000 for the relief of brothers and widows. There were 113,000 lodges, 3000 encampments ;and 6000 Rebecca lodges.. During his term in office as''Grand tlates,ter: there had been an increase of aver 1000, membersin the jarisdivlotilon iof On- tario aitone. He wps plhcaf:,eel !to' oc- cupythe. position of Grand Master, as the worse• just suited him. In toneIud ing his address he thanked the Hen, sail lodge for their great hospitality and kindneyes. - The lodge was then closed and all retired rle the Dotmunerr ial hotel where supper, consisting of •all the nice things had been prepared, and a (pleasanttime was spent. Speeches were given bythe'different r e re - tatives in this districtsand a ve,ey enjoyable •evening was brought: to a close by singing "God 'Save the King" C'entre1tir. A Liberal Offer.—The Times and Family Herald and Star,. Montreal,. for the baianca'of 1903 for 65c. and to ,all who' ,subscribe before July 15 we will Laclede the two picture e, "Purity and. Alone". The Ore pie ture►s alone are. wordy tlae•' price, This is x special offer to increase o ur subscrip- tion ra;pidly.' ' The annual strawb f t' 1 d eery er iva an , garden party on Wednesday next, let of July en the parsonage lawn, prom- ises to be the best in theliistory of the church. There will also be * a grand concert in the, evening., , The committee having spared no pains in securing the best talent .for the 'oc- casion. Miss Amy J o'hns, at Alma College 'e S L.• Thomas, and '; Mies A. Coughlin, (medal"st) of Loretto', ,Ab- bey, will render vocal selectipn1, Miss Mongan of Lucan, as elocutionist and the Exeter quartette and other iustruinnntal music.; This concert, Promises to excel any of former years. E ianviit Eley. McDonald preaehecl on the Cm diton circuit, and Rev. Knowle,sprep, 'shed Anniversary Services at the Zion Itppointmen a • Several of the young people of the burg attended the school picnic at Zion, on Friday last, and report: a splendid lime. Last week's issue eontaincgdla couple of •errors which should have rand 2,y- 000 loac]s instead of '200, and $106.00 in 1plade ,of $1:50.00 ' Rev. Anderson, of Kirkion, 'preach- ed ,an the JElimaille ,ciiicuit, on San;- they last:, and Reif. Cooper preached anniversary Services on the Malden circuit, for Rev. A ndex:.4o. 'The athnwal upaineaa,ba pioltio sf the Eliniville S. S. will be heldas usual on July 1st., in Mr. Th,om,pson's grove. .Special isermons will be peen, ailed cit Sunday June 23111, by Rev...7, E. Fiolm'es, of Greaten, and ley the re ports the programme for Jtily will surpass those of previous years. laiver,yibody' welioame. A Liberal Offcr.e-.Thee Times and Family Herald and Star,. Monl;real,. for 'the balance of 1903 for 65c and th all . who subscribe before July 15 we will iiuelude the two pietureix, "Perity anti Alone". The. f' sfo tptcturef, alone are worth 1130 price, Tbis is a sptelal 'offer to increase o ur subscri p- Lion rapli,lly, • .0.411dren Cry for CASTOP eir' z.31 rood/ • i.eter rviunioi.p:al Council Coancil met at call' of Reeve, at Ton, nail,. June 22nd. All pilesjont. ,'.Che object of the meeting was : to boar ,a ,deputation seeking assistance for the o�tarti�ng and sustaining ofi'a band for the town,: The deputation consisted of'1Vlessrs C.11. Sanders, Ed, Christie, W. , C: Huston and Geo, Eacrett, wlloforcib- ly 'placed the matter before the board and ufged strongly that immediate action be `taken,; and,as liberal tel grant made as the eireumstanoes Iot Clio case. warrant, &•ftex hearing the. nal tion of the deputation, it was mon ed Eby' 5. ,Cobbledink, ,seconded by 5, Gillespie, that a grant at MOO r be made, one-half to be; paid atone and the balance on °etob�ex flat. next, pro- vided the. 'hand give an neon 'air eon - cert at least once a week.—.There be - tag no opposition the ll,ay.0 iaetared the motion carried. EO. 1I. BISSETT, 'Clerk. Sexsrnith. Haying is now the order of the day. Mr, William Rutssell lost a valuable bean, leitelay.: t /11Zr., Williaim Warren, jr.,;�zv'•a►3 laid up with ih�i mumps task week. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman visited friends cat. Rillsgreen, a few days ago. (David Meet hays hat; A, large gang c(e imeo w�oa�ktng among his sugar beets, I , n ::2 j •. �• Mr and Mrs. C. Aldworth and Miss .Gould, :vented friends near Hayfield, last week. A small army of Gypsies camped on the roadside near here for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jolzai Duncan and Mrs (Gould visited friends at+Thedford, ov- er Sunday. y and Mr.nl Mrs. A W ` df ll on,, unix fam,,. ily visited friends at St. Marys, one duly' last w;eilic..' ; t Mr. John McMahon, wife and fam- ilyleft o n •Thur 'a 'last tfor s an ex- tended t dtri a end, trip mong friends in the. Ne the West. Urediton t A Liberal Offer.—.The Time and Family Herra1d and Star, Montreal, for the balanee of:1903, for 65c. and to all who subscribe °before July 15 we will inelw1a the two •pictures;., "Purity and Alone". The two pictures alone are war �t th. he,�irice. This is a special offer -to increase o ursubscrip tion rapidly. Special Wesley 13.x.-.eentenary Anni- versary serviees will be held in :the Metlzo.dist iehuroh, Crediton, next Sab- bath. Irl 'L1 of morning, the rfssitor„ Rev. R. W. Knowles, w1es, will give a ;;logic ial address eammemorativ�e of ;the oe. rasion, being the 200th •anniversary; of Lila birth of Rev. John Wesley, the venerable( founder of worb3-wide Me- tbodiam. Also,, an old fashioned love. feast will be 'held at the lelose of the morning service. Come one, all and enjoy the showers of blessing. In the afternoon the programme compil- ed General Conference db for Sab- bath r ab 5 bath schools will be 'followed. In tine evening the service shall) 'take tag form of a platform meeting papers: and addresses will be given by t'hefol- lowing: Mrs. Isaac Hill, representing the ErenerUh League; Mas. (Rev.) Knowles, i spresenting' Ladies' Aid; Dir. R. E. Walker, represhintil . Fah - bath School; Mr. William Le ,leg re presenting ! Quarterly'. Official • and Trustee Board of the Church. These I peakers' will give 5 ea ' 7 minute addresses on some phase of the life work of Mr. Wesley. Special singing by the church choir at all the servic. es. Zurich - ,.4.4 A. (now* separate school is to +16e erected ,in Section Ne. a, of. the Township of Stanley, near Drysdale. Two new safes arrived. here .on Wed nesdayi for the Sovereign Bank and are now safely under 'over in that estacblisb,ment . Mr. Jtonethaun Meaner, •rule eh{ant., of Deshavood, left W edneasday• for Alberta, N. W. T. 'where he owns a large tract of land.. 11, expects ro be absent about a mons b. The Gipsies were in town• the past eEma k, •ani made. 5.v eriI IJrse trader, . with, failrn oris ant (11 t i !Mr, Jiolin Hey, of the Gosheix'Line, is said to have bought a fairly good roadster from them for the small ;price of it 1Ie is considered in ilubk by lids broth erfarmers of the neighborhood. The Julia I.tarSon, with tare lona- looked for cargo of posts and spices for Messrs. Magel & gender, of this \allege, arrived. at St. Joseph, on Monday evening, ;ind unloaded "the• same night, in ,ease,'rough weather should set in. •Ther , gentlemen ex- peet another load or two before they o v„ an af,theu Craincommence to'm v y berry island .cut. We un1cistand that iVleesrs ifrccl Schroeder `' and Dan. Sararas, lot :he ,Bronson Line, have had .. saverai •af their sheep and lambs worried by dogs,,lately. This is to be regretted and most of Mao farmers in the viein- ity will sympathize withl:hem in their loss. i;'eopie who kcep',viotous brutes who will attack either manor animals, should beunxade to destroy}* thane, or bear the bast of any injury done by th,cm, to this case, however, the 'difficulty will be to prove whose dog did the mischief. - Rival towns are now disputing no to ,thee highest ,point in Ontaria4 hT.e Stratford Mame. claims ibis pride -and joy fax Stratford, or rather tot Seebach'is 11111, (seven miles' west oaf' the Claesic City. The Woodstock Senn Una -Review- ttsserts that 11 'belongs to the hill in Zorra, just northwest of Woodstock, The altitude of Strata ford is 1491 feet +above• tele Seal levelj that, at Woodstock about 950 feet, RN . WinTl . & SON'S 4444444044444 4 4 9, 4, 4 • 0 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 m 4 A 110 S • 4,0*.* 4404.4444G* *0* 4.4•444,+ 40+44 44^t,4,4.44+444444*4444444 yie ortl;vat la had from the boree in i11 fitting or war i -out harness. Cue. Htn ess is ttie. most comfortable kind made, and is strong and stylish an eppecr Ince. A horse is comfortable in web harness and giyc:s satisfeetary service, A/1 Work Guaratitteed. ,..i-. .v. 3.s.!w!J.•.:9...Y.: n...', �ctw-vc-ax:ra+=p... �w:Fr.Wrrs�:regio++:.�-srvF.^:,:4*b.•=,-„Ps..... ey eres1 ele ele 4 Ato, + 4 A0+441 C l 44•�•d94C+mti<id�O4Q4+A+�046�46�•W44 * hayfield layr. McDonald, of 'Toronto, as visite. ing at Mr. John Whiddon's this week. Miss Bella Whiddan,from Toronto, returned to her home here this; week. (Miss Kate Parke left for visit ;to friends in .Detroit , and tllfarlet te, Mich. 11Ir. Bright Smith of Barrie is the b ! , guest of his brother, Dr. Smith the past weak. Messrs.. Dr. .Buchanan, jr,, and JohnDeichert were in the ills village on g Sunday last. u y alesere. Harry Marks and F. A. Edwards attended Ringling's circus at Landau, last weak. . . Mies Reza Stanbury returned, home from Exeter, this week, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. F. A. Edwards left on ftionday for Kincardine, for a months'' visit with her eisteaur there.' Messrs. ' Murdock Ross and Louti . BacLeed. returned h ome from, Sarnia, na Lost week, wieelre.thew. spent ,the isan- son fishting• .. . , Dr. Turnbull and Wife, of Goderich,. and Dr. Rutherford and wife, of Teas water, were the gue,et.s 'of Dr. Woad op. 'Sunday last. Mr. and. airs. Chas. 1ohlneton, of Stanley, enteetjained the Methodist chair and sevsefai others at their home on ,Tuesday evening of this waeik, Rev. Mr. Yellanta ,preaches : hid fare- well sermon in the. Methodist church, on Sunday morning next, before leave ing for ]3anmiller, where he will be stationed for the next term. M r. Jiosseph Archer had the melee - fortune bappen to hirn oJ (breaking his leg badly, below the knee; on Wed- nesday of last week, while looting togs . in the bush, which witi ate ;doubt lay tine up for quite a while. Among the exAurlsipnisjts tot Dottro.- it from Goderich, an the "Greyhound' lust week, wlecre Mre Wtm. O,sa uz d, Miss Gilpin, Miss Kate, Parti, T. J. Marks and Geo. Greexxslode,. all, of town. All .report a 1ple!<asaet time. The ,publie eenool closed on Tuesday wiivetn a 'liiresenhiatiion wasl made to, A'Iiss Wright, before tallying for her home •in • Straibford4 )1hsga Wright leaving resigned her school, intends to attend the Normal School ,for a term before taking up teaching again. CALIFORNIA' AND RETURN $6 2.50 Tho Chicago, Union Pacific and 'North-Weal:er; Trine will Issue, Ally 1st to 10th, inulusive,'round trip trick els from Chicago to San Francisco and Los Angeles at tthe rate +,ot aa2.5Q Corresponding low rates from; -otIi r pirate. Reatux'r 1'u'mit, August 31nt, i 03. For folder and other. partcoule ars write B. H. •i3enne.tit, 2'.Etast Kin St., Toren:to. • PEAK AND CHASM. Colorado l a'o in whatever dixa,rtion the tourists a n oo„e byrail,x • he go may h f to the mountains his journey is a sur ceasioni of sce erY,.rnar i ng in the haracteri ties of laeid beat c >s u p y grotesque ruggedness, and awe-inspir gra;ude'eir. • Up the canons are stupendous walls rising perpendikubarly> or gradually, sloping back toward greater hills, or, yet again, leaning forward above the chasm, as if thretening to come tumb ling down --.projecting great rooks that hang suspended :over the train as it glides smoothly by—a. general= of wonders and grandeur such as belong only to the ro'cky;,mountains. To enable ipeokile to reacli' Colorado without unnecessary expenditure of tim:g and money. the 'UNION PACIFXX' bus ;put in effect ,very iow rates and splendid train service• from Missouri River to Denver. ;Accommodations , are provided fog all classes of passengers. Full information cheerfully furnish- ed an appliA'ation to H. F. Carter, T. P. A. 14 Janes Building, Tpr.ontca Canada. F. i3. Choate, G. A., 126' Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. MARRIED. Dignan—Howard. —In Exeter, on June 23rd, 1903, by Rev. R. MilI+yard,.Mr Edwin H. Dignan to .Miss Yelena A. $oward. Shnp:ton—We atco+tt.—A.`t the resL.. deuce of the bride's parolnits, by the, Rev. 3'aines Etaiinon, D. •D.., Mr. Ed's ward Sh:apton, of Stephen, to Miss Edith Weetcott, second daugb,te.r ea Mr. and Mrs. W m. Westcptt, of Stephen. ucinnne U:.K +• a rtcx•a: n bears the Sl nataro, izietcher, When Baby. was tick, we ga,+e her Cae;rta Wien she was a child, site cried for tam:orig. Wi,wu' 1 -*'e berm nee Migs, ui,-ag to Castoriet. CV-hens:lehad Chitiren Saxe Fare them Castoria, 1111b NO8' S at Lo i. 11 Sprayers, roc, $3.75 and $ts, - Pure Paris Green, Screens Screen Doors 90c to $2.25,Scrcen Windows 15c to 35c: All sins in stock, -rQ t er wIne r Is ' ceelebl�ated on Ceennt of its• perfection n Quality, Length. i?vt nes:l, and Strength.. Ye . 1ia t: alargo quantity on hand, and wilt be pleased to quote prices. • L'.a'i1'n Mowers from e. $.: 01 Scythes 50c, 75e, and 00c. � s to.30 e Stones : c,. 'l t and oc 1s0Yth 5i Cri'ass Hooks `�0c 25c & hi0c Brockville Make � s _N dine Better. Snathes, 75c and 80c, We still 'have n hill. Stock of Baa b, Coil piing and Plain Wires,. mn's `t'.