Exeter Times, 1903-6-11, Page 1Eflonsagenerrno THIRTIETH YEAR -NO 24 1-113110 & MID DL t-i]SEX (*AZ Err E .vr.:AAMTPatsitS,1.526t4, ,vsmgarnsoistanguyiKOMO MIWORWOKILIMMICIAltrISSIV.:%70f0(1.7=A014... EX.ErER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE liTH ipos ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •••+! ..4. • -V t:4J, Potatoes, early and late and. all kinds Garden and Corn nd Ensilage Seeds Field. Seeds. • Paints We have the celebrated Sherwin & Williams Paint Cements National Portland and Star Portland Cements 410,169•11.10101•31t161.1ltillill. A. full line of Barb and Spring Coil Wire always on hand. A number of different styles of Lawn Mowers. 1.0.: A .n: Hensall G. Satlierlead,Noter7 Peeks Conveyan 4, ear, Oomadesteuer, Fire lnsurelee Agent, and Issuer of elarriage Licenses. Legal doeuntents + carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Aioney 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 40 4. 4. 4. 4. to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, °thee ab the Poet Ottice NOTICE TO CONTI:U(110Ra. Settled Tenders addresod to Dr. Macclearmid o aiensall, at, whose edlice Plans and Species cations may be seen wilt bo received up to Thursday evening,. Tun etah, 1003, the building oral) etheiten to the uddeellows Hall in the village of Hensel. Tee committee not bound to aceept lowest or any tender. Wm. CALDWILL, Chairman of Committee. Mr. Wm. White, 'of Begervillie is ceuite ill at time of writing. Mr. W. R. llockgins and younger brother, were in Goderich, on Monday Miss Hattie Sutherland has return- ed home after a pleasant .visit with friends in Toronto., Mrs. 13. S. Phillips was in Lucknow during the !past week •visiting rola- bares and friends: Mr. Alf, Shepherd, of Sarnia, spent "•11 atfew tdays of this week thee guel3t; of 4. the Rev. Dr. Medd. The Rev. R. 1VIiller, of Varna, was in town, on Tuesday on his way home from leant etrenice. The recent rains have greately im- proved the appearance of the crops, •eslecie.011,. the hay. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4' 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ T Latest in 4 loth __Is always to be found at this -tailoring establishment. If you. ha:Vent a good tailor and are looking for one, try us, -One trial will convince you -that you cannot get better -satisfaction for the same. -money than we will give you. - W. W Taman. Pates-claaret Tesilfora L. MGT NORTH END STORE. We haye a nice clean stock of fresh -Groceries, which we are selling at :ye ry low prices. Sae our Ready Made Clothing. Ask for our Floor 01.1 Cloths and Carpets, We quote a few prices. 10 lbs Cornmeal. for 25c. 10 lbs Oatmeal for 25c. 8 lbs of Tapioca for 25e. • 13 bars Electric Soap 25c 4 lbs first-class Carrants for 25c First-class Coal Oil 18e. Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder Oil always on hand. Floor 011G1otlis -2 yards wide, good material at 50c a yard. One yard wide at 23c, Garong We have a number ofdifferent designs in Clarpets ranging in price from 17c up to 00c. Beady -Made Suits at very low prices T g. art e••• NORTH END STORE. Children Cry or CAST R 1 116 We Can Convi.ce You that our stock of Spring and Summer goods is unequalled. See for yourself. FOWLER BROS THE CLOTHERS, HENSALL. Cromarty Miss Hicks, or Exeter, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jebel. Leary., !Airs. Gillespie spent part of last week visiting friends in Hanailton. Mr. Toclhunter, of Brandon, is visit- ing his grandmother, Mrs. Gillespie. We regret to hear of the serious ill ness of Lizzie, daughter of George Miller. . Mr. Rahetra Mote. and wife, of Stratford, spent part of -last week visiting relaraiveis 'tore. Granton Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tames Rigney, .died last week. Miss Lot Diddleton, of Toronto, is home visiting her 'mother. Miss Armstrong and Miss 13. Dodds of Exeter, spent -Sunda.y here with friends. . • „ .A. +very happy revent • took pletoe at the residence of Mr. Robert; Bulyea, Bianshard township, last :Wedniesday, when his youngest daughter, Miss Minnie, was united in. •marriage to Mr. Joseph Gleeson, of Gra;nton„in the presence or about 60guests. The ceremony was .performed by Rev. Mr. Holmes, of Granton, beneath an arch of snowballs and evergreens. "The bride was at -tired in 1 white or.gandiel and was ieupported by her c.ousin, Miss Maggie Dagen. Mr. Frank Gleason was best hnan. Wedding ,pre eents were ; numerous. The young couple will make their home in Gran- ton. men atno eatglAR r weys bears the Stgr,ctctr, Chas. tt. Ftetchr. Pnby was sick,. we gave her Cas,e teen Gee wag a chat]. he cried io7 CastOrtc. Vtivo) berg n3P Mi44 she clung to Cestor:::. waensae uci abildree.see gave theta Castoria. THE -- Wier hants :an of HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 'CAPITAL (all paid up) REST irEt0$41n1SRE, General Manager 11 sa,000,000 $2,700,000 V. F. IllaBDEN, Superintendent of Branches AUGENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued available in. Chink Japan and other foreign countries. OREDITON ONTARIO. W. S CHISHOLM) Manager Mr. and. Mrs .Aimsley, of Leaming- ton, !spent a few days visiting at the Mettle° cliat pa c soutane. The Ray. W. It. Hiles, of Doreheat- er, was in our village this week visit- ing the Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Medd. - Mr. David F. Foss Lad the mister - fortune on. Sunday last to slip on a plank, and in falling dislocated his shoulder. The Misses Maggie and Let. Norris, of Toronto, are 'visiting for a -few days the guest Of Mgr. and Mrs A Murdock. The Presbyterian church of our vil- lage will hold their annual straw- berry social on Tuesday next. A big time is expeeded. Airs. James ElsAvy and son, !Mas- ter ;Tames have been visiting with Airs. Medd, Mrs. Elsley's sister, for thle pas 1 week. The Rev: Geo. Jewett, a former pas- tor of the Methodist church here, and who was stationed at Wardsvillpehas been moved to Dutton. Preparations are now under way for the arranging of a good programme for the Orange/celebration to be held here on Monday, July lath. Mr. David Wp30n preached in the Methodist church both •morfning anad evening ,on Sunday last, in the ab- petnee of Rev. Ds. Medd who was at- tending Conference at Wingham. Mr Wren is a fluent speaker. Mrs. L. Harold and daughter, Flo .0:levee, of, Wiaegh.aan, drOpped -off on !their way back from. Toronto, and spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. A. Murdock, They left for their home on Tuesday evening last, Ms. Benjamin Caldwell, in • the r employe of Mr. 111. Rennie, general imerchant, of this village, left last week for Port Arthur, where he has secured aood Ipasibion. •A. num- ber of his friends were at the station to see, him off. The distriet meeting of the I.10.)0 0'. will be held in the Oddfellows' hall on Friday evening, June 19th, when the Grand Master, R. K. Cowan, of of London; District .Deputy Grand Master, Gibson, of Lucan and Grand Pa triameh Spackimaneb or Exeter, are expected to be present. The, initiatory degree will be put cinhy Ike Herisall team. A pleasant time is explece.bd. • . • • . The •Rev. Dr .Medd and. Rev. IF: E. Malott, 13. A. 13. D., returned on Tues- day last from attending conferenee at Winghain. We mt.,: by th3 -lat draft of the stationing committee that Mr. Malott is stationed in Victoria Ave. ' Methodist ,church, ,Chatham. Mr, Mblott has been statien3d ou the Ki- f pen moult for a year, and during that: time has made many friends on his circuit and in Hensel, who will be sorry to learn that he is leav- ing.. Mr. Medd remains as pastor of the Methodist church here. He is •a good fluent speaker, and las services mach appreciated both here and al .Bethesda. , • , leasseeeeeeaaateaaaeseeasteaareeesa .aaseta.e.a.-----eateetteaseetaltexeltit PUN WHITE $a SONS creaae of three. Ada-cintiate, populate thion in.1.90a, 4, an inert:a:se Of O. Total fopulataoes in 18 Ve, etas: re, 1003, 2197, a. decrease ,of 281 or 11'14.2 per (\Mt:. SodOtn 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet visited at the formers home here, ou Sunday last. The, township grader ie. at work on the gas coneassion, and will continue to wbrk for 'senate days. ' The meeting held in : oonneation with the opening of the sadyenties' Chapel were- fairly well attended, out, owing to the rain, a great many were kept away who would otherwise have been 'dreamt People istieen pomdion, Crediton and other places being pre. tient. The tirograinme rendered by the children, on Monday evening Prov ed a great success, and aras very largely atitetnded. . Ehrnville •••••,...104•40,1 Miss Rowelifte, of Oregon, is visit- ing with Miss Helen Spicer. Mr, Peter Pickard, of London, els- lied relatives here, over Sunday. Miss Martha Hem returned on Mon day, after a weeks' holiday with friends in Goclerich. Mrs. (Rev.) Cooper was called to the bad:Aside of her .mother, near' St.. Cae therines, on Saturclely last. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, spent Sun- day and Monday with Mrs. Jackson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Vale. Mr. George Hicks and Mrs. An- drew Hicks, of Centralia, were Abe guests of Mr. and !Mrs. S. Andrew, an Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Cooper had the unusually good-luele of. having two weddings on for Wednesday evening. One on the Zion appointment and one on Fite - Dashwood Mr. John Hall has disposed of Itis driver for a good figure. Miss M. Jennison visited at her home near St. Joseph, Sunday. Mr. Chas. Fritz and family, t of Zurich, visited friends in town on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Minnie and family,•of Hensel, visited. his sister, on Sunday. Messrs. Blorlaisk, Hardy, Kellerman and. Goetz are attending a Sunday School Con•.vention near Hamburg. Metesrs. Geo. Brown and Will Tie- rnan left for South River, Parry Sound, on Tuesday. We wish the boys suecees. Our public school will hold its an- nual p!pnie in‘Leavitt's park, Grand Bend, on Wed,needay, June .17131. There should le a good turnout as our village fathers have proclaimed it civic holiday, and everyone should take a day off and enjoy the balmy hfrateacis of Lake Hereon. LA rich --- Mr. J. B. Dennis returned home from Woodstock. last Saturday. - bliss Tillie Kibler, of l3rampton is visiting her aunt, Mre. C. Fritz. Mrs. Joseph Let tel. is laid up with a broken leg, and is lying at the home of her son, John, where she is receiv- ing every attention. Mr. Wendel Smith , of the Goshen line, sold a year-old Indian Chief colt, recently for tee handsome sum of one hundred and tiny "dollars. It was a good one. • The contract for the Schwalm Dram was 'awarded Lo 'Wm. Dendo.e, and Nicholas Tester, of this 'town, for the sum of $1,550. The drain will be n the neighborhood of 3 miles long. The road on the Goshen Line North is out of repair, and the council grant • Ids practice near 'Montreal; lie came '4,444...4,4.0.0444,4,0***44.40.444s, asaaaaasasa4s44.44.44444•4444.4,444101 to visit his mother, who was Ill !but et s showly imettoring. • Air, Win, J. Iliggine and wife of •" Iiartnoy, Man., are 'visiting at the Ite home of his brother, 13, it. Higgins, lie has been in Manitoba ton many • years and has done well, Mr. A. B.- Keteasan left an Mond,* ; for Ot•Latua, where lie has a govern- a. Pewit positioa in the agrieultural aa4. - pant:meal. lie has lately tatneslaed his ,te eourse in the Agricultural Clollege- .ts • Russeldale The marriage of Mr. Morrison, .1of Newry, to Miss Elizabeth Melville, daughter 61 Mr. and Mrs, George Melville took plaza at 'Maple Villa the home of the bride's parents, on ;Tuna 41d1,1 1903, the csr ucny being performed by the 1t.v. air. teat...non, of Cromaele.., in the preseanea of 175 guests. The lawn was en -fete for the occasion and presented a very beauti- ful effect as the bride, beautifully at- tired in white satin, leaning ou the arm o 1 her tather, procendad down an aisle formed with white rib- bon, bor ie by four very pretty maids dressed in white, and -ending under an arch of evergreens and flowers where the marriage knot was tied. Blaster N.orman Blorrisan, nephew of the groom was ring bearer, and the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ida efetville and the !groom by Mr. Wil- liam Barr. After the ceremony to very dainty reherche was partaken of the tables asso being daintly laid on the lawn, forming a crossa.nd areal the center of which were suspended white ribbon. The presents were beautiful and costly-, testifying to the high ,eseetan in which the young couple are held. Guests were present from Exeter: St. Marys, Stratford and Montreal. The happy couple left the next day for their home in Newry where Mr. Morrison conducts a (very large cheese factory. A large circle ea friends join in wishing the happy couple a long and happy married life. Klppen Inspector J. E. . Tom was at our nape' on Monday. Miss Mary Adair Visited for u short time under the parental rote'. Mrs. Makins and children, °flitch-, gam are visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Adair . . -; • The Presbyetrians- intend holding a strawberry festival on ;the •manse \ lawn on June 19th. Everybody came. Rev. Mr.. Sawyers, ,of Dencefielal , preached with his usual. eloquence in the, Kippen Methodiatallures, on Sunday. imm Mr. John Balfour left last week for the North West. He will also attend a meetin(f of the Generpc; Apeembly, at Vancouver, 13. O. Rev. Samuel Acheson, fOruserly of Kappa's,who has been peat or of e church in Pembina., Dakota, since leaving Canada, has reeeived and ae. eepted a call to Towner, North Da. kota, and has removed to that plaee. On Friday evening a lawn social was held at Mr. Graacick's. Thu night was all that could be wished for and the socip% was a decided success. Over 200 sat down to the amplesup- per provided by the ladies. The Ilen- sell brass band furnish -ed plenty 'Of. good music. The tent was well pair!) nized. The grounds were decorated with Chinese lanterns, and they were a eretty sight. Everything however has an end -and all too soon it was time to gee_ home'. The gate keepers took i.n abent 1354.00. The. S,abbalia School was well, satisfied, and it was by far the best ever held.by them. The proceeds will. be devoted to I he. wheel for the current year.. ad $75 to put 11 in nepair. 1.11e am.- Crediton aunt was supplamentio.d. by $69, col- t d th ilia on 'W dne d aeon ev ge e s ay, roan private citizens 'who bendfit from the trade of that section. Hurondaie ----- Mr. Dave Dew spent Sunday in Cen- tralia. Miss Ella Stoneman. is this week, the guest: of Miss Ruby Hoston. Bert teddy, son of Mr,Ralph End- dy, lied the (misfortune. o break his aum, on Saturday last. S. S. No. 1. Claborne, will hold their annual picnic in Mr. E. DOW'S grove on Friday, June lahh. All are wel- ......0.111•00,•••••••6 In the restful calm of Tuesday, all that: elites m.ortal of Amelia 'A. Eng- land, believed wife .of Walter Eng- land, townline, McGiluivray, soeiti away to her eternal home, at the ago of 43 years, 4. monithe and 12 'days. Her aim in life was a true and !god- ly one and. thy bar •pleasant ways and kindness of heart, wan a host of fri- ends who feel and know that they have indeed lost a- good friend. The bereaved 'ones have the (genuine sym- pathy of the community, in this their hiaun of sorraev.; , Biddulph Extracts from assessment rolls of 18,90 and 1903, an interval of 7 years: aura of langltentl, population in 1,8 9 6. 851 ;in 1903. 731, is dterebse oO 1,17 or 1.3 ,3-4 per tent- Metlaiodist, population in 18 86.710ain 1903, 641, a diecrease of (19 or 9 3-4 par ,ceseit„ R. Oatholie, population in 1836, 70•2"; itt .203. 594. A (let:ranee of 108 or i152-3 per ent. Presbyterian, population in 18513. 210 itt 1903, 213, an incteiase of 3 or 11-2 per iceat. 13aptists, popu- latioti in 18 90, 8; itt 1003, 11„art A rid arson --- Miss Ialyth Sperling is visiting List ives in &anat. Mrs. Di:Allison visited friends - Exeter, on Monday. Will Anderson and Ruben S Wit Z.Ar spent Sunday ie St. Marys. • Mr. John Dickenson has returned from attending conference at -Wing- ham. Miss Alice Murrayy, of Kirkton, spent Thursday of lest week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. A. Robinson visited with ales. Jae. 'White, of St. Mans -s, Suaday. Miss Ruby Werryy and Bert Pe,arn were guests of Leva Pearls., St. Marys on Sunday last. • Miss .Nellie M. 13.. Anderson has re- turned to Toronto", after visiting with Mrs. John nude:nears.. The Anderson leawt ars 'League pur- pose holding a garden party on the evening of .1un ISIL, aa the home of Mr. Bambara Wright.: Come one, come ali and enjoy yourself:. The anniversary services of Anders son 'Methodit Sunaa,Y Sch,01, tailto preached by the Rov. H. A. Crab:1m, of Melburne, on Sunarty, June 1.4011. Music will be furnisbed by St. Marys tatethealiat rte - in BrUlOefield Miss Beulah Bearer was in the city on Tuesday bast. The Misses and Millie Bertrand re - earned. ip Detroit, arta: ateak. Mr. and Mrs. Link ancl family, are visiting frienls in ibis locality. The E V angelleal : Church Sabbath School purpose twilling a plash; at Grand Bend on June 17th. •,Mr. .1. 11. liolizman and wife, ond Mr. Gen. Hammen, Rev. Daum and wife, and Miss Lydia Ifinkbeiner n re attaintling• the S. 8. Convientian. Nortb. Easthope, this week. Mr. Gollieb liorloek hits . commene- esi the foundation of his new dwelling and according to plans and epecitica- Lions it promises •te ba. one, of the handsoniest dwellings in the village. The friends of the late Mr. Thomas Morita* will .regret to hear Ofhis .itudden death which occurred in Cbic- ago. Alahoughan invalid for years his demise L. was a shock 10 all his acquaintances. The many friends of Rev. Thomas Vinkbeneasteli. 13., 13. D., • of lutliane. -ti. 5., will Lbe pleaseto heer of I be ,success he has attained, x-eceiviag the •appointinen•t ot teacher in the (asse- t:um department •ate NorthaVatern College. We congratulate the college upon this important •Laccesaion to its tenebing force. The new professor is a Itharaugls et, adapt and Uiinkr. Lad has just the qualities 01 mind and heart which fit him for the function of teaelling The Evangelical 'Wessel). ger, 61 Cleveland, the, official organ of the Evangelical church, speaks of Rev Mr, lqukbeiner, thus; Brother Fink - battier is - a successful preacher and pastor, and will no doubt carry his personal enthusiesim and force into his new work, His antioiniment wilit find hearty teripreval.r We predict for him a r successful career us test+ The grim reaper has again entered our midst and removed one of our honored and respected citizens in the person at Mr. Tobias Feltner, Sr., who departed. this life on Monday, jams 1, at the .ripe !old • age of 832tneers,i 57 months', and 15 days, iDecteased 'was txt).itt ate ,viliagte tett , Pattu'dayand passed the. do in:his usual way. On Mr. Alex. Sloss loft for Moosejaw, on Thursday Mr. George Simpson has, Laken a a position in 131:vett:en. Mrs. 3. 11. Simpson has gone to the home of her son,, Cecil Simpson, 01 Ket ithiors. Miss Jennie Bell has gone to visit at the home toe her sister, Mrs. R Di:ea:Lamer, Bleoseaistv. Mrs. A. Swan, Tett this week for the home of her ,deughter, Mrs. W. Xals- sr. of MooSejanr, where she will now reside. . 4• 4*ttintes Baird has rattoted 110 4 <1;• 4. 4. 4 '14 • 0 4. 4. e A Nice New Line of Boys' and Girls School • Shoes at a Very Olosc Price. • 4.4.444444444.044.444444+440. ai es Buttoned Shoes, regular $2. 50 Lid fc)r • - • • - • • • • - • -• • • • .81.25 Men's Canvas Shoes, just the thing for summer wear for Boys' Canvas Shoes for sunimer, * • 4. 4 4. 4.; • • 4. • 4. 4. 4e, Sunday morning Ise took a sudden a.t- tack of apoplexy and became unconsc ious from which he never recovered. Mr. Fahne-r came to this country in 1810' from Germany, arid was one of the first settlers in this vicinity, hav- ing had to undergo many hardships before he had ,a pagefortahle home for himself. He WAS a kind neighbor and a lovingg husband, being a great far. orite with old and young, holnest In- dustrious, a conscientuous Christian and one who was always ready to givIa a (helping han4 ito nathe mask-. He will be greatly missed in thee -II: - lege, and especially with the olderr people, who thought a great deal of him and aexieseacted him mazy much,. One by one our aged -citizens are cross ing the Bar, and we realize that"Life is short and time is fleeting." The remains were interred in, the Credi- ton cemetery, Wednesdaylast, the Rev G. D. Denim .officaa.ting, - after which 3.n appropriate •seam.on was preacheal in hte Evangelical church, of which the deceased was a demetedana timber. He leaves to mourn his demise a wife, three sons, Erederink, of Howard City, Mich., John and Christian, of this vil- lage, and one daughter, Mrs. Matthew Weill, of this village, besiaes a !num- ber of relatives and in. lailge circle of friends and acquaintances, who have the sympathy of this e.ledniV in this ltraroaawaeztoq putt .stomoao arm Bielalulph CloatriCil 'amts. -as -a •Tho Council met, pursuant to ad- journment on June 1st., :1 900. The Reeve and all the members were pre. sent. A !communication from G. C. Jones G. T. R. Superinte-ndent was received relating to water run an railWarr Lot 30, con. 3. -Filed,. .A. communication from the citizen committee of Clandeboye, with regard to the Colby family was received.- Itetterred to County Councillor Brad: - ley. • The following accounts were order- ed -to be poial;. George.Rad.hbuen, eultvaira, Div. 5, . $2.;90;E. D..Dinsanore, grant to road beat, $!0.00; R. Coursay, spreading gravel, S. B., 84437; Wm, lod,g1nksi can. tile culvert:, Div. i,6.50; DWest man, eon. tile, Div. 1, $46.00; jnos lIocagins, work on hill, W. 13., $12.00; Pastreak Illefnma.n, tile drain, Div. 4, 85.00; F. A. Ryan, 1 day under b.& W. act, $1.50; D. Weratman, gravel contract, C. S. R. Div. 5,; O. Westman, gravel contraet, station St, Granton, al55.2n; 13. Wee.man, con. tile, Div. 5, .$13.00; D. Westmain, con. tile, N. 13., $4.00.; 13. Weetmau, con, Lite, S. 13. a,3.00; D. 'West raan, ; cur - vert, S. B., 75c.; John Ryan, Work on road, Div. 1, $1.00; John Ryan, 2 days with. grader, Div. 5, $22.00; Jpeeph. Quigley, 9 1-'2, khays at gata, Div. /3 and 4, $3.80; Thos. Toohey, one day, shovelling gravel, Div. 3 and 4, $1.00; Dwelt Sun, advertising and printing; 65.00; R. D. Stanley, 4 days with gra- der, Div. 5, U.00; H. Radelf.fies 11, cords gravel contiaat, N. 13., a34.6 5 Alonzo Abbott, tesim on grader, Div. p $3.50; T.."Arimitage, g days with g[rader, Div. 3, 3,3.00; ,Jno. '.Davis grant to Smith's, S. B., Div. 3, $11.60 B. Abbott, 61-2 cords gravel contract Div. 3, $10.13; Oscar Hudson, repair- ing tile, Div. 3, .%1.13101; D. Wasaman, • eon. tile Div. 3, 8/60; R. JEloagins, grant to beat, Div. 3, $1.00; Walter latodigins, rep. Lucan tows:dine, Div. -3, $1.00; W. J. Smyth, balance of selary, for assessing and O. of R. $14.00; plja BI. Ifodgins, material for wiad-break, Sausala hill. DIV. 2. ,S33.75; EaVm. Kent, use of roadway in winter, $0.00 Jas. 13. • Bryan, 2 days with grades, Div. 2, $3.00; 1Vra. Sim peon, yraver account, Me. ; A. Patin, gravel con- tract, Div. 1, $31.23; A. Paten, rep. culetert, Div. 2, 75e. The council decided to consider the various petitions from Granton and Hamlet end granolithio sidewalks at a meeting to be ;held on the 1.5th. 'coe 2 W. D. S't Axtrr, Clerk. CO MIT OF REVISION. a The Court of Revision held its first meeting on the 28th nat. Wan. Hod gins, Albert Batson, and John Nangle asked for a redaction in their ellaaMblailtf.-No actioa. • jno. Casey Was put on, as na. f. lee 21, con. 6; Wm. Thompson put an us 1. s. lot 30. eon G. . •Nelson Powe, dog struck .off. Thomas Lawton, dog struck off. Ha;y0er, assessed as tenant, lot eon. 1. Joseph Beeson, assessed as freehold er, n 1,-.2 25. con. 10. 11. Thompons, assessed as te.nanti pt. lot 24, range 3, v. T. James Blair, name struck off. Robert Cooper, name struck off. James Hodgins, m. f. lot 30, con, 3. Mrs. C. Ryan, areehold, lot 31 con.$ Mrs. Ann labidgins, freehold, lot 33, eon. •• 'Mrs.. E. Coursey, freehold, lot 3'?„. con. 2. . ' Mrs. S. Stanley, freehold, lot 39,cen 2. R. Dickens, freehold; lot 11, eon. 5. airs. Ellen Ryan, freehold, lot 33, eon. 4. John Ryder. assessed as freeholder for S. half lot 22, eon . 9. Wm. Gowan, asses*d as oraipa,nt, pt. lot No. 11, S. B.. L. D. Stanley, assessed as freeholder, bt. 15, con. 13. The Court adjourned to meet again on Monday, the 15t1s day of June, 1903 at 2 ps m. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. • 'err ..C...[451193 We are showing the best value in Hammocks. Our pri't's $1,45 to Lawn Mowers F.mart's Brockville Nrowers from $:.3 50 to' MOMM•*1011,11* Screen Doors And Windows Are you prepared for Fly Weather. Our prie,N aro rigbt. 41Ita0.1.,golvral71.11.1HROMMICKSOM, ettg•np•TV.ItItraloreWORMERIAMMOO.•111,01=* Ready Mixed Paint, Alabastine, Murallo, Barb, Coil and Spring Wire, Spraying Machines, etc. Lowest Prices. flEAMIIN:atiARDVtfl • IE