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Exeter Times, 1903-5-14, Page 4
t 'R E *R.h .h;+i TER TIME S, M .jam. 1,. 14th 1903. REATVALUES V Coirpets OUR STOOK of nearly 50,000 yards shows the finest range of high class Carpets to be found in Western Ontario. Hundreds of designs to choose from in all the latest. colorings. Axminsters, Wiltons, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries and Ingrains. .A.xmixister Carpets Handsome new shades of Green, Blue, Crimson and Fawn for drawing rooms and rich oriental colorings for library or dining room. Regular $1.50 quality, Our price $1.32 per yard English Brussels Carpets If we make a specialty o£ any one line of Carpets it is in Brussels. $1.00 13russels for 81c A wide assortment of new new and striking designs, in ell the latest colorings, handsome borders to match, a splendid opportunity for intending putcbasers. Good value at $1,00 per yard. Our price Slc per yard. $1.20 Brussels for $1 5000 yards in this lot, comprising the finest designs from .00 the world's greatest usually sold tut $1,20 and $1.25, our price $1.00 per yard. �q English Tapestry Ctifipets. Showing Tapestry Oarpe iU -designs, colorings of green, red, blue, '150, 70c, ti0c, 50c aucl 40e per yard. A!w A special range, regular 70c for Sic, in In tiny color or style of design, 75c, 70e, 05c and All Wool Carpets - manufacturers. Carpets such as aro an excellent assortment of artistic brown, fawn, etc. all colors. 50c per yard. , HOME FURNI7HINOS Rugs AX1\&ThSTER RUGS to suit any room, and in any size. Cuts showing colors and de- sign with prices sent on application, Smyrna Rugs, carpet sizes, for parlor or dining room, at all parices. Tapestry Rugs, Brussels Rugs, Velvet Rugs and Oriental. Hand -Tufted Rugs in endless variety. Japanese and Chinese ;battings The popular and sanitary bedroom floor, any color, green blue, crimson terra, rose, fawn and plain cream. A great purchase of 105 bales direct from Kobe, Japan, manufacturer's clearance, regular prices 35c to 00c per yard; to be sold at at 25c. per- yard, or per bale of 40 yards. $9.00, (Send color wanted and style of design and we will give your order special attention) Inlaid �y Pattern goes right through to the canvas and will not wear off. A great ,e„ a,1.aid. L i.CJ,eums-cloth for hard wear, Block and tile designs and beautiful carpet patterns. 90c, 51,00 and $1.10 per yard. � ��� �^ �i� niTwando50c and four yards wide, any color or pattern desired, at 65c, 00e �,,! per yard, Pattern Sheets of above sent as requested. Cork arpet-Noiseless and practically indestrucbable. Specially adapted for rooms where there is hard wear and constant use, 90c LOO and $1.25 per yard B ARE CONTINUALLY S HIPPING TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA, Carpets, Ruffs and FIoor Coverings of all kinds in great quantity, It will pay anyone nohatter how small the order may be, to send to us for Samples and Prices before purchasing. Out of town orders have special attention. All goods shipped freight prepaid,. Carpets Cut • and sewn without charge. 4 f . , 136 an .138 Dun• das Street, rigi A. � �'�A G � '= 134, and 135 Carling Street, The only Exclusive ©use Furnishing Et wre in Vfle.Aer �>a t lRill , (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1355) TE i 9 111 11111BR ' • Head 08dre, filo •stress. ReservoFund - - - *2,250,00 38 Blanches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, l all the news of Interest to Britt zi cohtmbia and Manitoba. Tleti i t tltl el'$ I ill)1 ening EKETEF+ BRAN CTimesOpen Every Lawful Day Iron 10 a. m: I ill these Counties. to 3 p. ne; except i Saturdays, 10 a. tn. to 1 p. m. Huron Fanners Sale Notes cashed or col-! :3rr.Goily, of the Blouse of Refuge, lected. Perms suppPed on application, 1 was taken to the asylum, Wednesday Drafts on all points in the Demin:on, ,it not being considered save to keen) many longer at the House. From one dine in Bruce; Toss-usher, no less than nine omen in a distance of less than fire miles left their homes for a sailors life and found 'watery graves. ' nus ito the Huron ,Druce and (Grey el- ectric Railnvay (Company si to be 'vot- ed on in. Colborne township on Sat-, urday, May 30th. Tho amount of the plr•olrosed bonus is 57;'0,00: { Capital (all paid np) - S'-,500,00 Great Britain and tatted States bought and sold at lowest rates of ex Stange. SAVINGS DEJART141ENT. Deposits of 81.uO and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. ntC1."iSON & CARLING, N. D. RtEDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGER Cite : rhhr Pups Calendar for April, 1903 5 12 19 20 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 23 1 S 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 13 25 Perth • Ed sarcl llendersui ,sdn•_aIt Mrs. J. M. Henderson, fit. Marys, died on Tu-. esday,of pneumonia. The Rev. W. J. Ta;ylar, iteot:zr cif st. James church, St.•Marys, left lost Week for an extended visit at i3ana'ff M C. lion. Thomas .i3allantSne has decicl- ed to build a nurse.,' home in cgnnec tion with Stratford City llospitnI, in ;memory of this Witte. The barbers of St. Marys oornmenc- ed their half-day weekly holitlay on Friday afternoon last. This will he continued all summer. They have al- so agreed to 'keep their shops(elos:hl on all public holidays. The ornigration'figures for "Aspril, just announned, show that 7,7'48 Eng • lish 1,71'3 Stot ch, 3(0 Irish. and 5,- 219 foreigners loft Great Britain for Canada during the "past nxonthss. The 'total tiwigration to Attrica; was -4,247, . and to Australia 712. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- - THt RSDAS: FRIDAY SATCEDAY FOR GAS ON VIE STOlt1301I. Results or emperfect digestion pressing up against the heart it ex- cites alarming symptoms. Instant re lief is afforded by the use of ten drops of Nerviline in alittle sweetened wa- ter,balf an hour after the meal. Ner viline aids digestion, exples the gas, viline aids digestion, expels th egas and imparts a sense of comfort. Ner- viline is good for a lot of other things besides. Keep it in the . Rouse for Rheumatism. :Cramps, Neuralgia. Toothache. 'Druggists sell it. THURSDAY, MAY l4TH e993 ,Cri:rford &Huniset,telre stock.com; mission salesmen and expfloters. re- oeived a cabs', • to-da;;-frotm London; gonfirming the report that the Brit- ! ish Government had planed an erapar 1 go on Argentine Battle on account of j the prevalence of the foot and mouth I disease in the Argentine republic. Not only cattle but sheep also are. prehi,• bled. Our farmers who raise and properly fatten ezport. sprep, a•t'tl reap tho benctfit of increased er.'dmrI i tm .Great Britain. The disturbiu:;t elzmenl; to (h; trade lit present 'k the difficulty of handling, cattle and sheep at Montreal on account of long sloremen s strike. The placing; of em Largo on Argentine cattle will help Cantdian shippers, because there will be. a better demand for Canadian cat tie. The traders in the cattle .market are jubilant over the situation. , ` My hair carne out by the hand- ful, and the grey hairs began to creep in. I triedAyer's Heirviger, and it stopped the hair from com- ing, out and restored the color." - Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Sarenl,Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara- tion as Ayers HairVigor. It gives to all who use it such sati.sfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. 'And you feel so secure in using •such an old and reliable prepara- tion. si.00 a bottle All arsegi3bi. It your dregglst cannot enpply.you, send ns one dollar and we will express you abottie. Be Sure sad ggave the name ofyotir nearest express °thee. Address, S.C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. '.. HOW CiN E MILLION IS SPENT Not less than one hnillion dollars is annually spent by people seeking; an absolute euro for 'Catarrh Bronchitis, and Consumption. Numerous are the remedies, but the one standing ,pre- Miss Barbara M. Etanfold, a Victim of Anaemia, Imperfect emintently above all others is Cater- rhozone. It cures there diseases be- cause it is sure to reach them. Cat- arrbozone is inhaled into the lungs, throat and nasal passages,and bathes every part of the diseased mcmbrano with its germ -killing, healing vapour. You simply breathe Catarrhozone and it cures. Price 25c and $'l at .drular- gists, or E'olson&Co., Kingston Ont., lit Edo Results That AstOaiSl al Relatives and Friends. JUNE NUMBER NEW IDEA winIAN'S MAGAZIN1; _irides, graduates, and flowers are the dominant features of the first month of Summer, and the June num ber of the Nem Idea Woman's Maga- zine treats of them all. "Jurte the Month of Roses,"' is a prat3tica,i flor- al paper, by Benjamin,B.,Keech,char- mingly illustrated. SarahSlater con- tributlas a noteworthy article on "une Brides;" Agnes Warren des- cribes "June Fetes;' Rad Kate Mar- ston -writes oe "A Woman and her pin .money." In addition to these' di- stinctly timely themes, the several de partments of society Fads, Good Hou- sekeeping, Embroidery,. and Home - Dressmaking receive novel treatment characteristic of the season. The sho- rt stories and verses are of exception- al excellence. ONE-WAY RATES To. many points in the states at •CaI ifornia, Oregon and Washington. .E.VERY DAY' The Union Pacific :wi11 sell One- way Colonial Tickets at the following rates from Missouri. River terminaals $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. 520.00 tO Ogden and Salt Lake City, a°0.00 to Butte, Anaconda and.•ilel- ena. e25.00 to Spokane and Wenatchee, W ash. 52540 to Everette, Fairhaven and New W hateom via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoeen and Se- attle. ee5.00 Co Ashland,Roseburgg, Eug. ene, Albany and Salem, via Bortland. Tickets on sale daily to June 15111, 1903. The examination 'oe eandidai oil and probationers for the Methodist Minis ' try in elle London Veonference took 'darn, in Stratford List week, conituen eine. on Tuesday. The candidates Mire, A. W. Budd, London; t •J, A. rs„*neay. Want e12 ; C. W. D ow•n.t7£anet ttr% Creek; I.Kirkpattrick, Merlin; Nail) t'tf Donald, EIiznyille; G.W. Tucker,, Berrie; t.'. ;i1. Col tar. Oakdale • G. W. Colter, Copenhagen; A.'i/.a I eL- Ian, peke Island ; W. 0. King, Blyth 3;. E. Langford. Kerwaod. From Chicago to St. Louis propor- tionately low:rates arts in effect by lines connecting with the fJnionPaci- fie to all above points. 'For full infortt nation call 'on or, 'ad- dress H. F. Carter, T.P. A., 14,Janes Building, Toronto, Canada: •Fi B. Ch-. oate, G. AS.: 1:38 Woodward Ave.: De- troit, Mich. Circulation and Debility Is Cured by In the ,month af'May, it is antabso- solnte necessity that ,the body should be furnished with riches' and purer supply of blood for the establishment of a health that can sufficiently cope With the enervating effects of het, summer weather. Poor blood in May produces listless, ambitionless, sleep- lessness and sallow -faced . men land w lmen,who quickly become victims of some -organic disease that ends life Intelligent .people recognize the. ne- cessity of clensing and fortifying the system in Slay by using rpaine'sfOelUi- ry. , C•ampound„which speedily removes all ,poisons from the•system, gives to the thin, watery blood a large propor tion of red corpuscles, and aronses all the organs of the body to healthy ac. tion. 'Paine's Celery Compound does a work for victims of impure, watery and stagnant blood that commands the attention of .the 'most eminent medical men in the world. Miss Bar. bars M. Stanford, Ra milt on, Ont. says: - "For over a year my, health w t .,in bad condition,and I became very weak and, .much depressed in spirits. ! I v troubles arose from. poor and,'wateny begot' and insperfoct circulation. 1VP,y appetite was almost gone,, and I' was afflicted with insomnia. After sever. al doctors had clone all they could for tie, I was weaker than .when they fi- rst began to treat me, and my family became anxious about -nay condition.: A neighbor advised my mother to have ane use, Paine'sCelexy Con;lpound/ 93e-1 fore I {finished the, second bottle myr abbetite was better, I felt stronger and could sleep sottndly five or six hours each night. I had so much tai. til in the wonderful Compound that I continued with it :until I was porfce tly cured. To-iday, after using six bottles, I am as well and strong as ever before. I thank you 'with all my heart for such a m,adicene ; it , sn.vted m ylife when other medicines failed All tray friends are astonished; at m,y, habbly :curls." If you are in need of free medical advise, write to consulting Physicians Department, The Wells &Richardson Co., Limited Montreal, 'Quebec. All correspondence is sacredlyconfiden- tial. SPIRING MEDICINE As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal.. It tones up the system, and re• moves n)1 impurities from the blood. and tak• 'es away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring, TUE L&DIES' T'AT'O' ITF. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladles' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Head- ache, B:lionseens and Dyspepsia without grip- ing, purging or sickening. ely municipal. The opposition object ed to having Dominion' funds diverted for such purposes. Iron. James Sutherland pledged himself to 'expend , all money's voted for public works, and contradicted Hon. R. Prefontaine's claims that the Department of urine and•Fisheries will administer ;the Quebec end of the Public Works branch. THE R'E1iK IN PARLIAMENT j...w....r.r.R ,F.'S9•�rCa�fi 4"fiw.^u.".•.`,Y6.0.iYigiG•'..6'�'..�-a+7r'�- The. business in Parliament during }the past week was almost exclusively i confined to :government bills and pri- rete motions. Little 'time ;was given i td' supply. Mr. Tarte called .ettentit on to the introduction of political Imo tdlocis ;at the Sorel shipbuildi ulg svpeks. ' A. long discussion took place in re- • gard to • freight contgerstion,• in 'the asresi. 11 was (pointed out by eastern imambers that the west was no worse ff in this respect than the east. he Canadiaia Pacific Raikwaty, ac- ! iordir,4; to well informed membranes, had done x vnrything ;possible to meet the growing demands upon its serviee but it is almost impossible to purcha- se rolling stock. So far as the gave ernment is concerned, it has not ven- tured to bake any • official steps to solve the question of transportation, The labour troubler in.Monireal -were ventilated. The labor bureau was shown to be .utter1)y itel0l4sc to meet such a situation r, 1 sit tion unloss the dis- puttents are welling s to senile their difgferences. The governments bill to provide for the ntppoiu(;ment of arailway eerie - mission was considered. h;^, bill t;•1 aid the settlement et railway strikers was also advana&l to the co!nmitbec stage, The necese are will aceomplish little more than legislation now on the statutes. • At Sorel extensive, imbrovements have been made at 'a east of over ;'25- 0,000 and the two •'railways the works v1.re to iserve are bankrupt:,, The Minister of Inland Revenue happcntr to be a director of the bank which has a large interest in the railways. In the St. •Franois River,th'e ' gov-t ernment has taken upon itself' the eolnplotion of ice piers which are per TY)1 4 h:+.) d.; t: PILLS act on the kid- ney's, Idadder and urinary organs only. 'they care baekat,ha %leak hack. rheumatism. '•dhahetr s. congestion. inflan=ation. gravel.'. 13:Sgia'r di-o:xsr. awl all other diseases arising froxn wrong an:tioe of the kidneys and bladder, Tormovertemem POOR GIRL, PITY; eiBele ti rev. ing ' Yes, into weaktiesta but :r, tr.rnrtl. . turhee-iflenty of theme Tiri 1 u eaurs: she is, and .r :ik un .10),2s, no'. (At enough,land n'.1, .,et s far k a than. ttnough. This criniit.ion i5 ..r, frequent, 'but bow sel- ilrrrn nota ,i c =:IS l,3 frrarl parents. Saye her Po ri)zen then watch her tippet lie • iialrruv -her el oaks and lips grow ruddy, her step elastic., her :sbiri to buoyant. .' 11 this r,iwply i h';• ree suit.• of eating ing r„a l digesting enough ;making blood, anti i hereby at rr,,n;;1.h- fi ening the nerve and brain. Toe ere r t Ferrozone'gives 0 woman's strength to weak girls. Your daughter or. -rife needs F rrozona get it to -day. ! • sLTIpe; '; LY ATTACK D. Cl:ll:lren are of,...) attacked suddenly by painful ar d al,rnu, ^, a C'a1,. 1 rarnps, Mar - 1 thew, 1)ys .nrorr. Lh x .r:a STnat,nx, Chiltern infnntunr, eta;. 1 r. 1 nw.ers I' anncr, ,.f Wild 41rawbt:layl a prams.'( aa.l sure cure which 'sin• rtht ,.Iw•nya bu krpi in the• h•lc.s0, von 2 .A Of in every tow #f and vil'le may be had, the 7,10a. by oil Ce. ;�S ta• S ¢xr . fr11Y that makes your horses glad. Castoria is for Infants. and Children. Cas4oria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, .Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach. and Bowels oflr tants and Children, giving stealthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Castoria, "Castoria is an excellent medicine fo. children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Osrooa, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to childrei;. that I recommend it as superior to any pre. scription known to me." E. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. 3," THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CEI'ITAUR CCNM,,,,e4Y, 7: NUASAY S-RZ- YC,X CITY. �+ � �q, •itr'•,-.c`• T � . G� N !Y�.?.iu,4l•^y5•• .' l�P.w �^=r^;:�i..emtF�"�,aa���-+cY+�•"t'.a.�1'•.�,,..7. �'.v.\. t.va.......1%su.lrlr'+��roti°d.JJ To are a id i ®;s. Take Laxative_:Quinine Tablets. on eves sa boyo 25c.! Seven Million boxes sold in pies( it 2 months. This signature, .. ALL THE USi„F UL Branches are taught in the F. C. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not gurara;Beed lace jobs, but after a router irs this College it will be No .Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. e nid t hE•m, if possible In obtain sllsi,loyu.I t.t, hnt we first, equip there • i It this rtitet o F 1T 1) l . e •it,t,titlt 1 tl Ills I tIt )1 (.01 has atqu•reci. d' W WESTERVELT, Principal. nutomru tilt.. +J.gwvexafosavae las.anr,nsr•aTc 1.trndon, Huron and BrucC. Gorse Norma passenger. London depart.. .. 8.15 A, at. 4.40»M. contr;a1Ia ..,.... .... 9,1 560 Bxotor 9.3C 0..0 Homan- 9.44 6.15 Rippon 9.60 11.26 OruooHeld 9.58 0.t3 Clirxton , 10.16 0.55 K ingham arrive 11.16 8.00. 0OIe G Sot7TII- Passenger Wingham, depart 043 A. lrr. 3.16 i'. et Olinten 7881673 .47 X1.26 Brncafield 8.05 4.49 g Krish .. '2 64412 dvert 5e 3lbceter 8.86 6.1.0 Oentrdlia 8.40 6.26 London .arrive..:9.37 6.12 We are agents for the celebrated Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Hakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windtililis Binder Twine in season. Buggies, s Wag ops o arld o Cuttersr a ' We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Rubgies: and for the Chatham Wagons. - ,A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers. One Door South of the Central Hotel, s in the TIMES it •a 'S' a