Exeter Times, 1903-5-14, Page 1:HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE
4...4441.+++ g g'4 ,+ ete1,•i 4nlettHeV 4.4-444.444.4.++.
E el.4'3'4'4.4'4.4'4'4.4.4'4.4'4'44'4.4.4'4'+•b4•
Feed and Ensilage
Potatoes, early and late and all kinds Garden and
Field Seeds.
We have the celebrated. Sherwin. & Williams Paint
National Portland and Star Portland Cements
A full line of Barb and Spring Coil Wire always on
hand.. A number of different styles
.of Lawn Mowers.
4 4•� 4 4.4.4 44,44444 +4 +4,441,4
May be you're not particular about
many things, but you ought to be so
.about your clothes. There are some
;particularly nice things here in.
,Canadian Tweed Suits at 10, 12, $15,00
Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16, $18.00
Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20.
Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00
up to $7.00. The price includes the
highest grade of workmanship in the
W. W Taman.
rellerckeerrit Tailor.
We haye a nice clean stock of fresh
Groceries, which we are selling at
yery low prices. Sae our Ready
Made Clothing. Ask for our Floor
Oil Cloths and Carpets, We quote a
few prices.
10 lbs Cornmeal for 25c.
10 lbs Oatmeal for 25c.
8 lbs of Tapioca foe 25c.
13 bars Electric Soap 25c
41bs first-class Currants for 25c
First-class Coal Oil 18c.
Also Linseed. Machine and Cylinder
Oil always on hand,
Floor OH Glottis
2 yards wide, good material at 50c a
yard. One yard wide at 25c,
We have a number ofdifferent designs
in Carpets ranging in price from 17e
up to 90c. •
Ready -Made Suits at very low prices
We Can
Convince ..
that our stock of Spring
and Summer goods is
unequalled. See for
BRIEFS, —A game of football will be
played tonight, Thursday, in our vil-
lage between Zurich and our newly
organized tear.—Major Jos. Beck, is
in our village this week in the inter-
ests of the Independent Order of For-
esters, He has added several new
members to the lodge here. A num-
ber of the members from the Exeter
lodge drove over to assist in the ini-
tating of the candidates on Saturday
evening last,
Elim lle
BRIEFS"'—Tile warm weather of the
past week has caused vegetation to
Rush along yery rapidly. — Mr. anal
Mrs. Walter Hern spent a a few days
of the past week with Mrs. Hern's par-
ents at Goderich.-Mr. Chas. Miners
spent Sunday under the parental roof.
—Miss Julia Spicer and Mrs, Andrews
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. B.
Spicer.— Miss Mary Hern of Zion
spent Sunday with her sister here,—
The times are certainly looking up as
Messrs. R. Hunter, J. Hawkins and
G. Andrew have each purchased a
new buggy.—Mr. P. Pickard Left for
London last week where he expects to
accept a good situation.— Miss Laura
Andrew of Gorrie is spending a couple
of weeks visiting relatives and friends
around the village.—Mr. Geo. Eellat,
after a week of severe illness is on the
mend again.
.ienntne Castorta always bears the Signature
or Chas. H. Fletcher.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Casten.,
When slie was a Child, she cried for Castor's.
Wh.-n she btrame MISS, sbceu,ngto Casterfp.
LVhenalie had Childreii.she gave them Castoria.
—THE —
ank of
CAPITAL (all paid up)
General Manager
an da
Superintendent of Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts,
Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
other foreign countries,
W. 8 OHISHOL.MVI Mana -er
G, J. Sutherland, Notary nubile, Conveyan
Ser, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. i Lonoy
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest.
Office at the Post Office nensall
Theme's,— The auction sale of the
household effects of thelate Mr, Wal-
ter Hanson, of Heenan, was well at-
tended on Tuesday afternoon, and
good, fair prices were realized.— Mr.
George Joynt, has purchased a very
handsome rubber tired buggy. — Mr.
Mellis, post master, of Kippen,
was in the village this week, visiting
his niece. Mrs. O. A. McDonnll. — Mr,
Chas. Kerr, who has been here on a
visit, has resumed his situation in.
Detroit. —.Mrs. G. F. Scott, of Chat-
ham, was in the yillage part of last
week and this visiting her sister, Mrs..
l Sutherland. The Rev, Mr. Ballan-
tyne, of London, occupied the pulpit
of Carmel church on Sabbath last, and
will take charge of the services for a
few Sabbaths.—Mrs, Mann was in
London, last week.—Mr. H. J. Billings
has purchased a fine new driver, hav-
ing sold the one he bad,— Mr, J. E.
McDonald, hardware merchant, who
has been in London, for the past two
weeks, combining business with pleas-
ure has returned,—The Guild of Car-
mel church had a very successful en-
tertainment and tea. on Monday even-
ing last. The choir of the James-st
Methodist church, Exeter, assisted in
furnishing the music for the; evening.
A good programme was given, and a
pleasant time was spent. — Mr. A.
Dent and Mrs. Dent, were here the
first part of this week visiting Mrs.
Sutherland, Mr. Dent's sister.— .A.
number of ladies attended the Con-
vention of the Woman's Missionary
Society, held in Exeter, on Tuesday
last.—Mr. James Upsha]l has had the
dwelling which he recently purchased
from Mr. George Joynt, of the Lon-
don Road, nicely painted.—Mr. Alex-
ander Lewis has rented the dwelling
recently occupied by Mr. F. Rae. —
Our newly organized band played
for the second time on Saturday even-
ing last.—They are making splendid
progress. —Mr. R. Bell, of the Seafor-
th foundry, was in the village Iast
week, on business.—Mr. B. Thompson
returned home from Seaforth and vi-
cinity, where he has been putting in
flax for Mr. George McEwen. — The
Oddfellows, No, 223, intend in the
near future to put in the lodge room,
some new settes.— Mrs. Jos. Oaye
and children, who have been visiting
her parents here, Mr. and Mrs Wm,
Moir returned to herhome in Toron-
to, accompanied by her father, Mr.
Wm. Moir. --The entertainment given
by the Passion play was very slimly
attended.—Mr. Wm. M. Harburn, the
enterprising proprietor of our green-
house is building an addition to and
making other improyements to his
green-house.—We regret to state that
Miss Maggie Stewart, sister of Mrs.
John Shepherd, continues quite poor-
ly. — Miss Ivison, of Kippen, spent
Tuesday with friends in the village.—
Mr. F. Rae returned this week from
Oil Springs, and since the death of his
wife, is making arrangements to leave
our yillage.—Miss Welsh is in Lon-
don, visiting her sister. — Mr. John
George Troyer, who went out to Man-
itobe., on a prospecting tour„ in writ-
ing to friends states that he has ar-
rived in Lavie, Manand is well pleas-
ed with that part cif the country.—
Mrs. F. E, Malobt. on Thursday
afternoon and evening of last week,
very pleasantly entertained about 25
of the members of the Kippen circuit,
at the parsonage. -141r. G. 0. McEwen
M. P, returned hone last week from
Ottawa, where he has been attending
the House.—Mr. A. Brandt and fami-
ly spent Sabbath with relatives at
Ailsa -
s Craig.— Mr. James
commercial traveller, was in the rv'il-
lage taking orders; and visiting his
broth er, Mr, Robt. Bonthron.
Wtnche ea
R Pn
F RT.—
The following is
the correct report of S. S. No. 6. Us-
borne for the month of April. Names
in order of merit ; V class, May Jones,
Ila Delbridge, Mabel Sawyer ; Sr. IV,
Maggie Coward, Chas. Godbolt, Ma.y
Delbridge ; Jr. IV, Nettie Campbell;
May Cooper, Everett Skinner ; Jr. III,
Nelia Heywood, Virda Berryhill, Ella
Heywood; Sr. II, Lille Heywood, Lulu
Godbolt ; Jr. II, Laura Woods, Ella
Washburn, Hubert Jones ; Sr. Pt. II.
Tommy Sawyer, Lillis Godbolt, Jenny
D. MCDOUGALL ' Teachers.
ANNA E. Meninx
Central la
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen for
the month of April, The names are
in order of merit.—V class, H. Mit-
chell, Edna • McNaughton, Warren
Mitchell, Menno Callfas; Sr. IV, Laura
Signs, Leslie McNaughton, A, Hag.gith
R. McCoy ; Jr. IV, Sam McCoy, Har-
old Duplan, ,k+. Mitchell, Pearl Bissett;
Sr. III, W. Sims, Chas. Grafton, R.
Harding, Murray Elliott ; Jr. III John
Dempsey, G. Wilson, L. Robinson,
Norman Heaman ; Sr. II, Nobee His -
sett,, Archie Robinson, Mervin Elston,
Mare•ery Hepburn ; Jr, If, 1 -Hazel
Hicks, Elyrner• Nilson, E, Sims, Mor-
rie Hammen ; Pt. .II, Rose Wallace,
Ella Baker G. Bissett, Maxwell, Baena-
ham ; Pt. T, Anthony White, E. Call -
fits, M. eiallfas.
J', A. McNAtrisrrroN 1. Poachers.
FIRE, -- About midnight Monday
night fire was discovered break-
ing out from the roof of the
the Seaforth Milling Company'se"ware-
house and elevator, and soon gained
such headway that all efforts of the
firemen to save the building proved
fruitless. .pile firemen thereupon
made a heroic effort to save the main
brick Mill, }which they succeeded in
doing, but theniachinery was consid-
erably damaged, Loss on stock in
elevator,$15,000. Insured in Norwich
Union for $6000, and in Rueen's for
$4,000. Insurances on mill as fol.
lows, Oanadiat millers, $3,000 ; Econ-
omical, $2,000; Gore, $2,000; Waterloo
Mutual, $2,000; North British and
and Mercantile, $5,000. The elevator
carried $1,000 in Norwich Union. Or-
igin of fire unknown..
Bn.IEFS,---Mr, J, B. Atkinson, who
suffered a severe attack of paralysis
some weeks ago, has somewhat im-
proved, and his many friends hope for
his ultimate recovery. Emma, Robin-
son, of Iuhryville was home over
Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Robinson,— Mr. and Mrs.
Bickle, of Seaforth, have moved to
our burg, and are occupying the cosy
cottage, on Mr, Jas. Robinson's farm..
Balsden, of Nissouri, was a Sun-
day visitor here.—Ed. Waite, who is
employed with Mr. J. Dickenson, left
last week for a holiday at his home
near Grand Bend.—Mrs. J, Anderson,
Mrs, Ribey and Mrs. Dickenson were
delegates to the District Convention
of the W. F. M. 5„ held in Exeter, on
Usborne Council
Alexander : Mid, Pt, II, Lillian Boyle,
Clair Wood, Clara Vosper. No. on
roll 53 ; average attendance 40.75
Beene MoCelefAt r, Teacher.
013rTu .RY.—During the past few
years there has-been a speedy removal
of the early settlers of this vicinity, 0
One by one have they passed from the
scenes of their toll to the quiet slum- es
ber of the grave. Their labors remain 0;
in well cleared, well cultivated farms
and comfortable homes. Another has •
just departed on Sunday night last in 0
the person of Mr. William Baker, ;who
who has been aresident of this locali- t,
ty for the past half a century. Deceas-
ed was born in Devonshire, England, ,s
in 18355 and carne to this country in •
1852 with his parents settling on a e'
farm, lot 0, con, 2 Stephen. where he
remained until a yeaago when he 4
retired from active life and i-, i 4 .'d to i'
Centralia. He was married in 1355 to Te
Francis Kelland, who predeceased him s
about 4 years. Eleven children were •
born to them and those who now sur- •
viva are ; John K, of the township of 4.
tre0 •4404,4.**44004,44 ab44a04• o+44%.4++0++11.+4 +4449444+4+1
Grey Newton, William and Nelson
all of Stephen; Percy, Moosejaw,N.W.
T. ; Thornton also in the North vest.
Mrs. Wm. Hill, Mrs. Isaac Hill and
Mrs. 5, Heaman, of Stephen ; Mrs.
Duncan of Golden Plain, A.ssa., two
daughters Mrs, Hill and Mrs, •ickey
--- having died some time time a go and
Council met May 2ud, pursuant to one son Wesley in infancy. Mr. Bak -
adjournment. AU the members were . was a staunch Conservative and a
present. The minutes of the previous man who took a lively interest in mat -
meeting were read approved and sign- ters pertaining to the wellfare of his
country. He was councillor of Steph-
en for seven years, and held the posi-
tion of sehcol trustee of section No. 0,
for 21 years. He was a man of sterl-
ing integrity and upright in his deal-
ings. The remains were interred in
the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday, a
service being held at the Methodist
church of which he was a valued
member. There remains beside his
children his sorrowing widow (for-
merly, Mrs. Ruxtabie) to whom he
was married a short time ago. The
sympathy of the community is extend-
ed to the bereaved.
ed by the Reeve.
Bylaw No. 3, 1003, confirming the
appointment of path masters, was
passed and signed.
The Court of Revision of the Assess-
ment Roll, for 1003, will be held at
Township Hall, Elimville, on Satur-
day, June 6th, at ten o'clock in the
fore -noon.
A resolution was passed, recons- '
mending that no action be taken by
the County Council, in the matter lef
the Public Highway Improvement
Act, and a copy forwarded to the
county.clerk, The petition of Robb.
Gardiner, and others, and also of Robb.
Monteith and others for drainage
works under the Drainage Act. 01,
were approved, and the Council derid-
ed to procure some competant 0, L.
S., or engineer, to examine each area
to be drained, and prepare plans, spec-
ifications etc., and make an assess-
ment of lands benefited, in accordance
with the provisions of the said Acts.
Accounts amounting to $70.50, were
passed and orders issued in payment.
Council then adjourned to meet
Saturday, June 6th, as a Court of Re-
F. MORLEY, Clerk,
BRIEFS,—By the careless dropping
of amatch after lighting his pipe Mr,
Patten of Mooresville, lost his straw
stack by fire and came near losing his
barn on Saturday last.—Ia less than a
week, by the death of Mrs. Cotter and
Mr. Lewis,McGillivray loses two of its
oldest and most respected inhabitants.
Died at his residence lax con, McGilli-
vray on Tuesday the 5th lust Mr, Jo-
seph Lewis in the Sltll year of his age. •
Deceased was a resident of McGilli-
vray for 78 years and was one of its
oldest inhabitants. He leaves four
sons and one daughter to mourn his
death. His sons are William and
Thomas of McGillivray, George of
Clandeboye, and Alfred. of California
his daughter Mrs IsaacLewis of Mich-
OBITUARY. --Died ab the family resi-
dence on the Sth con. McGillivray on
Friday May 1st, Ann beloved wife of
Timothy Cotter Esq., in the 72nd year
of her age. Deceased was in good
health up to a couple of hours before
her death, On the day of her death
she visited her dough ter who lives bub
a short distance fconl the homestead.
Deceased was noted for her hospitali-
ty and kind disposition. She leaves
her aged partner and a large family
of sons and daughters to mourn her
death, She was interred in the Bid-.
dulph Cemetery on the lbh inst.
Roan HE.—Sr. IV.. Rose Oudmore,
Ida Armstrong ; Jr. IV, Dolly Wev'ry,
Bella Hawkins, John Trott, Harry
Randle. No. on roll -16 ; average at-
tendance 38
0. VosrER, Teacher.
Rooer IV.—Sr. III, Ethel Vosper,.
Ila Johnston,Edna Trevethick,Blanche
Sbeere, Maude Johns ; Jr. III, Lois
Birney. No. on roll 3t ; average at-
tendance 28.
M. E. GILL, Teacher.
Rome V.—Sr, III, Sophia Worry,
Case Howard, Lillian Amos, Lulu
Martin ; Jr. 111, Lillie Hodgert, Eni-
nra' Hall, DeLemine Millyard, Katie
Collins, Clara Davis. No. on roll 30 ;
average attendance 28.
H. E. WALRO .D, Teacher.
Roost VL— Sr. II, K. Stewart, C.
Pickard. A. Pickard, H. Gardiner, W.
Amos, G, Acheson, . and V. Stveet,
equal, W. Birney, IT. Carling,
Wood ; Jr. II. E. Brock, F. Johns, C.
Pickell, B, Boyle, 0, Wood, L. Jones.
No, on roll 46 ; average attendance 39.
H, D. PRINGLE, Teacher.
ROOM VII.—Sr. 11. Harry Sweet,
Young Creech, Willie Snell, Gordon
Taylor, Nellie Pickell, Eybnnre IJarn-
ess i Jr. II, none ; Sr. Pt. 11, David
Hall, James Walker, Maurice Quance,
Fred Shaddock, Oliver Hedgers, Frecl
McPherson; Mid, Pt. II, Willie Heide-
man, Oscar Anderson, Russell Balk.
wilt. Lily May i rayne, Mary Acheson;
Jr. Pb. 11, Lulu Hastings, Ernie Har-
vey. No. on roll 51; average atbend-
ance 41.6.
F. E. CARLINo, Teacher.
Rooar VIII, ---Sr. II, Ida Welsh, May
Jewell ; Jr. II, Willie Ford, Latimer
Grieve, Eva Shaddock ; Sr. Pt. II,
Fred. Beock, Reggie Bissett, Willie
BRIEFS.—Mr. Wm. Jamieson, sr.
spent Friday, in Granton. — Helena
Routley, of Sunshine spent Friday in
the village,—Miss Clemens, of Sun-
shine, spent Sunday in the village.—
Mr. Norman Balfour has engaged
with Mr. Prank Elliott, of Fullerton,
as mason tender.—Mr. F, Holings-
head has raised his barn, and masons
are busy working at •it,-- Mr. Wm,
Brown, sr., has purchased a new driv-
er from Wm. Moore.—Mr. Silas Shier,
has raised his barn, and the masons
have completed the foundation.— Mr.
Wm. Jamieson has erected a new
fence to the front of his lot, which
greatly improves it.—Mr. L. Johnston
is on the sick list with an attack of
la grippe.—Miss Ella Copeland, of St.
Marys, spent Sunday in the village.—
Miss McDonald spent Sunday with
Miss Nellie Sweitzer• — Mr. Reuben
Switzer spent Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. T. Bleak. — Miss Ballantyne
spent Sunday with the Misses Elliott.
—Miss Rook is the guest of Mrs. F. P.
Sweitzer.—Mr. George Farthing spent
Sunday at Sunshine.—Mx. J. Summer,
ville has purchased a new driver.—
Miss E. Cornish spent Sunday and f
Monday at her home here.—Mr, F, P. ,
Johnston spent Sunday at her home
here.—Miss Alice Murray is learning
the tailoring with Mr. Heggart.— Miss
Isabella Barr, is learning the dress
making with the Misses Heggart.—
A large number from here attended
the Foresters' sermon at Woodham,,
on Sunday last. — The lawn tennis I
meeting was largely attended on Mon -
in full force with a large membership.
day evening last and the game is now j
Mr. W. J. C. Brown returned horne
from London. on Friday Last and re-
ports having a good. time. — A Iarge
number of our ladies
atte,id e
d the
Convention held in Exeter,
on May
12th.—All report having a good time. ,
—Miss J. Urquhart, returned home on
Friday, after spending a week at Lon-
don.—Mr. Nelson Fletcher speut Sun-
day at Winchelsea.—Miss M. Sawyer,
spent Saturday with Mrs. A. E. Flet•
eller.—Come one, Come all ! to the
base ball meeting on Thursday night,
at Shier & Marshall's store. A large
attendance -is requested as there is
some important business to he done
such as orgauizing and electing new i
members for the coming year. Mr.
H, Kirk spent Sunday at his home
here. — Mr. Norman Balfour spent !
Sunday at Fullerton.
Ladies Buttoned Shoes, regular $2. 50
Men's Canvas Shoes, just the thin for
summer wear for ........ ; $ 0
Boys' Canvas Shoes for summer, 80c
A Nice New Line of Boys' and Gills School 40:
Shoes at, a Very Close Price. {
11 1:4y �
Boy wanted to learn Harness Beaking,
*.**m96+00**G43464:4***4.0144®41 0.4,444.44******00410A0 .4.44
government survey steamer Lord.
!Stanley, for the season.—Miss Edith
1 Falconer has taken a position in
Smith Bros, store in Goderich. — Mrs.
Card left Iast week for Saginaw to
attend the funeral of her son the late
Albes Osmond who was killed on the
railroad collision on Monday last near
Saginaw, he being fireman on the line
between Port Huron_ and Saginaw
for three years.—Rouse-cleaning and
gardening keep people busy in our
village at present, — Several from
Clinton, Goderzeh and Seaforth en-
joyed the lake breezes here on Sun-
day last.—Mr. H. Drehmann our pop-
ular tailor was in Goderich on Wed-
nesday on business.—Mr. Will Jowett
is adding twenty feet to the dancing
pavillion which will make lots of room
for the summer visitors to tip the
light fantistic.
BRIEFS, The remains of the late
Mr. Henry Wolf who died in the hos-
pital at the Soo on Friday last was
brought to Crediton and interred in
the cemetery here. Deceased was a
son of Mr. Chas. Wolf of our village.
and was a young man of 28 years of
age, possessed of many good qualities
with many frierds and was respected
by all who new him. The Macabees,
of which order he was a member, took
charge of the services ab the Soo.—
Mr. B. Eilber, who was here attending
the funeral of his brother-in-law, the
late Mr. Bertrand, left Tuesday for
his home in Uiby, Mich.—Mr,Edmund
Bertrand, who was home attend-
ing the funeral of his father, left on
Monday for Detroit. --Mr. Mathew
Winer, and Mrs. D. Stahl, continue
very ill.—Mr, C. Kuhn is having the
ground of his lot put in shape for the
erection of a new dwelling.—Mr,
Henry Eilber, M. P. P., who came
home from 'Toronto to attend the fun-
eral of his brother-in-law, the late Mr.
.Bertrand, left an Monday morning for
Toronto. Rev, Mr. Krupp has pur-
chased a house and lot in our village, '
and will locate here in the near future.
Mr. Krupp, it will be remembered by
some of our older residents, was pas-
tor of the Evangelical church some 35 1
years ago.—Mr. Wni. Lewis is atpres-
ent sick with pleurisy.—Mr. Jacob
Ratz and Miss Lizzie R-itz of Park-
hill are visiting their sister, Mrs. 0.
Zwicker.—Mr. Arthur Zwicker spent
Sunday at his home in London..—Mr.
and Mrs, J. G. Young and Mrs,Young I
pent Sunday in L nd n
o r1 number
of onr villagers ars busy planting-
lantingpotatoes. -- In writing 'mina from
Na inks, Manitoba' Mr. Herb
speaks yery highly
of the place and
that he likes the country very much.
—Mr R. E, Walker has improved the
appearance of his butcher shop, by
having it nicely painted. Ele has also
painted and remodeled his delivery
BRIEFS.— Messrs. Chas. and Win.
Wamsley, Fred and Jas. Atwood,
Harry McGee and NY m. Higgins left
last week for the Soo where they in-
tend spending the summer.—ti r. Dav-
id with
• whowasengagedwith
F. A, Edwards for the past two years
and a half left for Detroit where he
has secured a situation, Mr. Edwards
has engaged Mr. Campbell for clerk
for the summer.—Judge Holt of Gods -
rich was in town Tuesdav last to at-
tend Division Court here but the
cases were left over. — Mr, George
Chesney of Seaforth was in the vil-
lage on Tuesday last.—A large con-
gregation turned out to the English
church on Sunday morning and even-
ing last to hear the Bishop deliver
t vo grand sermone, math million was
held inthe morning also.—Rev. Mr.
Carrier of Grand Bend preached in St.
Andrew church last Sunday morning
and evening.—Mrs. John McNaugh-
ton of Varna was the guest of ber
mother, Mrs, T. J. Marks here last
week.- Dr, Medcalf and wife of De-
troit are at the .Commercial hotel
this week. Dr, is looking after his
property on the bank and intends
building a large store house thte sum-
beer.—Messrs, Edward Reid and San-.
dy Brown left last week for; Owen
Sound where they start on the new
Crediton, Ont., May 11, 1003,
Dear Friends.—We the niembers of
Court Crediton, No. 14, of the Inde-
pendent Order of Fo resters, desire to
convey to you our heartfelt sympathy
in the great affliction which 'has be-
fallen you in the loss of a respected
and kind husband, the late A, L.
Bertrand, our deceased brother. His
kind genial inanner endeared' him to:
all with whom he came in contact,and
we feel his removal from our midst
leaves a void which it will be difficult
to fill. Rest assured dear friends that
in this your hour of trial, our prayers
will mingle with those of all true
friends of humanity, that there may
be granted to you that consoling in-
fluence of our most holy faith. We
commend you to His care, who has
said. "He would be a husband to the
widow, and she father of the father-
less. Trusting that his grace may
sustain you and on behalf of the L 0.
F., Court Creditor:, No. 14, we remain
dear friend. yours fraternally,
THOS. TREVETHICn, Chief Ranger,
R. E. W.t inn o, Rec.-Secretary.
For General Assembly Presbyterian
church in the United States, May 21st
to June 2nd. The Union -Southern
Pacific will sell very much reduced
round trip tickets to Los Angeles go-
ing yia New Orleans, or by. Denver,
Salt Lake City and San Francisco, re-
turning same or diverse route. As
this is anopen•rate it will give the pub
lic and delegates to the Presbyterian
Assembly at Vancouver, in June an
opportunity to attend that Conven-
tion returning.
T. P, A, Union Pacific li. R.,;
14 James Building, Toronto, Ont.
Via Chicago & North-Western R p.
First class round-trip
tickets on sale
from Chicago May 3d and May 12th
to the 18th, to Los Angeles and. San
Fransisco. Corresponding low rates
from other points. Favorable limits
and stop -over privileges. Low one
way settlers rates to Western points
in effect daily until June 15th. Three
trains a, day from Chicago to the
Coast through without change. Daily
and personally conducted tourist car
excursions to California, Washington
and Oregon. For particulars apply to
your nearest ticket agent or addrees
B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toron-
to, Ont.
Screen Doors
Screen Windows
Screen Wire
Door Hinges
Right Sizes, Right Goods,
Right Prices, Big Stock to •
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Poultry Netting, all sizes, 40 np.
Barb, Coil Spring and Plain Wire, Page Wire Gates, Hoofs
and Staples. Get our prices.
ReaUu Mixed Paints 1 imlement anti Wagon Paint
All sizes Tins in Stock at 15e, 25c, at 50e and d0o per quart.
45e and 85c 1 All •Oo'ors.
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