Exeter Times, 1903-5-7, Page 8let BXBI E R '- .i x: Mr -1+ i,. MAY 7th, 1905. TEWA R1T9S piing, yes we are ready for spring. I: went, Big Values. We al Big Spring T' �► few of Our Speetalp for House owns dStock, Big Assort - red for a Cleaning Time WALL PAPERS.— We believe we G show the largest stock and best values iu town. We have everything in paper from the 3c line to the choicest .gilt decorated at 25e. Come and see our show, it will please you: 5c the roll for yery pretty new pap- ers, suitable for kitchens or bed rooms a. big range to choose from. lOc the roll for your choice of a big cange of new papers in gilt, glimmer and pastell effects, 123c the roll for the swellest range of New Pepers that you'll see. Papers in this lot that you would expect to pay 20e for. Come and see then. 15c, 20e, and 25c the roll for the choicest lot of papers that we have ever shown, all full gilt decorations, see them. Sc. Our big bargain lot. 25 differ- ent patterus. Last seasons best gilt patterns sold at 20c and 25c. Our Tearing price only Se. Cone quick if you want the biggest paper bargains you eVer heardOr—this is it. 5c the yard. Remember we sell all the best matched borders at 5e the yard. Yon know what the regular houses have been asking. They can't beat os. arocts 8c Gurtains 30v for a lovely range of pure yarn dyed Union O rpets, the kind that are a handfull when you take hold Of then. 70e, our price for the very choicest pure wool carpets, all yarn dyed and perfect in colorings. If you want a wool carpet we want to see you. Brussels, Tapestry and Velvet Car- pets. We bave a lovely range and all at money saving prices for you, Art Carpet squares to fit almost any sized room, in Tapestry, pure wool and Jute Brussels. All new patterns, very swell: Come in and see them. $2.S5 the pair for a lovely range of Tapestry and Rep Curtain suitable for arches, doors sand windows. $1.00, $L25 and $1.50 for three great big Lace Curtain bargains. Values that will speak fox themselves when you are introduced to them. 4Sc the yard for Velvet Corduroy the kind that don't fade, and the boys can't tear it no matter how much they try. Its a sure•bargain, only 48c. BIG GASH STORE J cPt. 8T E f RT THE I For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Capital paid up $1,300,000.00 ( Spectacles Etc Surplus 270,00.00 l CALL ON HEAD OFFICE TORONTO R. R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Sovereign Bank of Canada. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, MONTREAL President, - - - H. S. HOLT, EsQ General Mgr. - D. M. STEWART, Es Q. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENTFor coughs, colds and bronchitic troubles try Winan's Cough Balsam. Deposits o f $1.00 and upward re- r.Soid by 0, LUTZ sule agent for Dix ceived and highest rates of interest 2Lung Syrup. allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at''' -.Miss Evelyn Gill has returned home favorable rates. Las meele to far- !after a pleasant visit of a month with mers on their own names at reason- her brother, Mr. Theo. Sweet of St, able rates. i Catharines. A general Banking Business done. i Miss Ella Rollins,of Detroit who has ' beeu spending a few days with friends in London is now visiting relatives in and around Exeter. OFFICES AT Exeter and Oredi#on F. E. 'EARN, C. W. GILb1OUR, Manager. Manager. GLADarAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, MAY7TH, 1903 furnish the music at the annivrsary of the 'Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church. Hensall,on Mon- day eveninglMay 11th. Ld Twenty theusand Tomato Plants, For young pigs and calves use Stock - 15,000 Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery; Food. • Sold by C. LtTTz. Brussell Sprouts, Pepper, Stocks, As - Mr, and Mrs. Holtby of Lucan visit- ed at the home of Dr. Anderson on Friday last. Mr. Holtby is manager of the Merchants Bank in Lucan, Miss Elsie McCallum has beeu ap- pointed President of the Epworth League of Main st. church in place of Mr. J, Elston who resigned. May 24th is the date set by the Tem- perance Legislation League of Ontario for the holding of a prohibition con- vention in every electoral district. The James street church choir will Locals Dirs. Vale will shortI y move dolt Mr. Cookson's house cff William St, ';, Mrs. Rusk of Goderich is visiting' her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Huston. Miss Stanbury of Bayfield is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. tens, Lettuce and .all kinds of late cab- bage.—L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter. The W. M. S. will hold a district9 convention in James street Methodist church on Tuesday May 12th. Nearly one -hundred delegates are expected to attend and a profitable Convention is Mr. Frank Oke spent Saturday and ; expected, Sunday his grandmother Mrs. Thos. Clarke. Mrs. F, W.Coliins is visiting friends in Toronto, Port Huron and St. Cath- arines.. Mr. Lindenfield and H. Evans spent Monday evening with friends in Dash- wood. Mrs. Schosenburg of London spentill Sunday with her father, Mr. VVm. Hawk shaw. Mrs. A. Hicks of Riverside, Cal., who has spent the past winter with her brother, Rev. George Cobbledick at Chatham, bas returned to Exeter and will remain for some time with relatives here. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu list and specialist of diseases eye, ear - nose and throat will be at the Com, mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday May, 6th : Wednesday, June, 3rd, Mr. Geo. Jewell moved his fami y``,1903. Spectacles and eyeglasses pre( tlperly fitted, Next visit will be We"d- pnesdav, May 6th. tseNOTICE.—The attention of the rate- payers is called to the notice in another column re the construction of granolithic pavements. The council have under their consideration the lay- ing of pavements in different parts of our village and haye made notice to that effect. to London this week where lie has accepted a situation, Miss Elliott has taken a position with Mr. R. Hicks at the switch board at the Central telephone. Mrs, E. P. Paulin, county president. of the W. C. T. U., was, the guest of Mrs. E. J. Spackman, on Wednes- day last. CI That is what the people say of our stook who have been • in to see us. We will say the stock is New, Fresh, and Clean and what you will appreciate most of all, The Prices are the Lowest. Of course this week is Special Bargain Week but every dayand week you will find prices in every line that are genuine. bargains. Trij our 256. Ica in Omen aul B1a6K FAN • BRAN TEA is the finest Package Tea on the market, we have it. Mr. Joe Uobbledick spent Thursday in Loudon, .Elan Myers has accepted a position with the Sovereign Bank here, Mr, Isaac Outing spent a few days of last week in St, Thomas. The new weigh scales have been in- stalled on the market square, at the town hail. Room 1 of the public p'•itool is closed this week owing to the „lness of the principal, Mr. H. N. Anderson, Miss Mary Gti,;g has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. McFalls, Sea - forth, during the past week, Mr. Martin. teller in the Mol - son's bank is spending a two week's vacation at his home in Alexandria. Mrs. (Dr.) Eastwood, of Whitby, who has beeu visiting her daughter Mrs. J. G•, Stanbury returned home last week. "` Far Lame Back and general derange- ment of the kidneys, use Dix Kidney pills, Twenty -live cents a box, Sold by U. Lore. '.there was a large attendeuc farmers and others at the auction sale of fat stock en the agricultural grounds on Wednesday. Good prices were realized. Mr. S. Clarke, M. P., of Windsor, was here this week attending the tun- eral of his father, which took place Monday. .Remains being taken to Oobourg for interment. Mrs, John Treble accompanied her daughter, Mrs.•A, Loadmanand two children to Winnipeg, leaving on Wednesday for that place where Mr. Loadman is now residing. Mrs. Treble will remain for some tine. Mr, A. Q. Bobier has just completed a hog pen about half amile west of the depot, which will accommodate between 300 and 400 hogs. It is Mr. Bobier's intention to use the butter- milk from his creamery for the feed- ing of his hogs. The House of Refuge Committee of the Huron County Council will recom- mend to the County Council at its June session that the House of Refuge be considerably enlarged to meet the increasing demands for accommoda- tion. Mexican silver dollars are in circula- tion in different parts of Ontario, bought in by speculators, As the money is only worth 49 cents, parsons taking them at the same value as the American silver dollar' will lose 51 cents in the transaction. Look out tor them, 000.0000.0040.000.00..0.3,04, • • 0 a •• • JON MARLTON se (Successor to Talbot's Bazaar) Having recently purchased e the stock of W. L. Talbot, of 0 Talbot's Bazaar, I have de - o p cided to offer a few . • Water & Lemonade Sets • O at greatly reduced prices. See athem, they are lovely, and of the latest style. JOHN CHARLTON (Successor to Talbot's Bazaar.) Also agent for Hay Forks and o Windmills. oa®oee0®©e0o4000a00e44a®oo4 tiix Little Liver Pills will relieve headache and derangements of the ilfeer peculiar to the spring season sold :by C. LUTZ. Mr. Stadium and family of England arrived here on Monday and on Tues- day purchased from Mr. T. Cameron the property of Mrs, Wilson, London Road South and have moved therein, s TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets 411 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. Now that Sir Oliver Mowat has passed away, only five "Father's of Oonfederation' remain. They are; Sir Charles Tupper, Sir Hector Lan- ! gevin, Senator Dickey, Senator A, A. (Macdonald and Hon. Mr. McDougall. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew- ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To ACCO Co. LIMITED. FOR OPERSIST Y 1 EARS AN OLD AND WELL-TRTED REMEDY.—Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suece9s It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for 1)iarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Solei by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing yrup and ask for no other kind. Mr. Geo. Campbell of St. Joseph was a caller at the "TIME'S" office on Wed- nesday. He reports the prospects brightening up at St. Joseph and the possibility of a canal between that place and some point on Lake Erie as very probable in the near future. There are some large capitalists be- hind the scheme. Surveys are being made and thelwork may soon begin. It is not anticipated by officials of the fisheries department that there will be any change in the regulations this year in which case the following will be the close seasons ; Bass and maskinonge, April 1,5th to June 15th : maskinonge in Rice Lake, April 15th to June 1st ; pickerel, April 15th to June 15th ; speckled trout, Septem- ber 15th to April 30th ; salmon trout and whitefish, 1st to 30th Noveinber. Camps of instructions of the same character as last year are to be held in Ontario this year at London, King- ston and Niagara. The London camp will open on June 0th, and Lord Dun- clonald will inspect each of the those in turn. The Militia Act, it is stated will make provisions for establishinn, arming and training boys' brigades in connection with public schools, The matter has been brought before the attention of the de artment by the boys' brigade of St. John, N. B., and other points. It is said that tient A. O. Oaldvaell, will command the come pany of guides to be established under Lord Dandonald's military reform. J, POT ROSSD S e sehSuie. SNELL .;4.iStth'''-24/U4 . ,.fa.`a3:44,1..`,�w PirkillS WEEK we are prepared to aff'1' bargains' • in every department of our store. Dress 'Goods, Millinery, Ladies' W'iiite Wear, Prints, Muskies, Lace Ctir. . ains, Carpet Ends, Boots and Shoes, &c. • We have several pieces of black. Ladies, we have the finest and. best fancy Dress Goods, beautiful goods, value in White Wear thn,t has ever extra good quality, regular •90c and been shown in Exeter. See our vale - $1,Q0, Your choice far 60c a yd. es, they are sure to please you. Our Store is noted for having the very latest things in Dress Trimmings. Call and see our immense. range. Another lot of Lace Curtains . A few more Ends'of Brussels, Wool pat arrived, best value we have ever ' and Union Carpet left. Yuur choice shown $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, very special of any, lees thou coot. Art illuslins frozn So to 1.5c P Yam' We have a fine range of Wrapper- etts, very pretty colors and patterns we are clearing at Se per yard. Last week we received a lot of Men's Women's and Children's Shoes, right in shape, right in quality, right in price. Our Prints are, considered the best value in town, �'Ve sell the beat Print in our store for 10.) We have placed on our counters a lot of odds and ends of Fancy Oolored Ribbon, suitable for nec•Ic ribbons You take your choice for 15c per yard, A. large stock of GOOD FRESH GROCERIES always on hand, which we sell at rocs. bottom prices. We are prepared to pay hi;hest prices for all Farm Produce Remember the stand. The R. Pickaid Store. E dies'S 111 hite ' eta!? and. We have just opened up the largest and beat asort- ed stock -of Ladies' Whitewear and Shirt Waists eyer shown in Exeter, Every garment of the best make and fille=t caner ty, all nicely trimmed in -the latest styles. . NOTE SOME OF THE LOW PRICES' WHIT WFAR Night Gowns, nicely trimmed with lace and embroide- ry, 50e, 75c, $1.00. Ladies' Skirts with frills, lace and insertion trimming 50c, 75e, $1.00, $1;50 $2 00 and $250, ' Ladies' Drawere with cluster tucks and frills, 25c, 40c, 500 and '75c. Ladies' Chemises 50c and 75c, SHIRT WAISTS One nice • range, iusertinn trimmed '750. Nice range -with Lace to:mining and ticked $1.00. 13eant.iful line aith alt over lace and insertion trim - Whig, $1,b0. The nicest thing on the market. Lovely alloyer lade and insertion trim- ming with neat tucks all round $254; We are the big wrapper dealers of Exeter. Here you will find them in all kinds and colors made up in the latest style at prices to•suit every one, from $1.00 to $i.50. Ordered Clothing a Specialty, WOOL WANTED, — All those who who have wool for sale would do well to consult Mr. J. (:obblediek's ad in another column. ARBOR DAY.—Friday last was arbor day and the scholars cleaned up the yards, planted flowers while others played ball and other games. WANTED. —Good general servant for family of two. Pleasaut surround- iugs. Write at once, MRs. A. A. CAMPBELL, 425 William St. London, pt.s4 MOULDERS WANTED.—ACCUstOmed gereral work, and who want to earn stove plate. Apply giving ex- perience, references, etc.—The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto. CALVES FOR SALE.—A choice lot of d calves to be offered for sale at the ► tral Hotel, Exeter, on Fri- day, May th. Private sale all day. Terms cast. F. MYERS, proprietor. EGGS FOR HATCHING. — For sale, pure bred Tuff Leghorn eggs, non -set- ters, per sitting 50c., also good early seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nur- sery stock, 5c. per pound. S. POWELL Exeter. nNTED. — Moulders Improvers. Yung men who have had experience, d want to attain greater experience ver a larger range of work, princi- ally stove plate.—The Gurney Foun- ry Co., Limited, Toronto. q 1ING &PRUNING —Mr, S. POW- s to inform the citizens of ,t xeter and vicinity that now is the proper time to have their fruit trees attended to. He has wide experience in grafting and pruning. Leave you orders now. Also a few choice ear seed potatoes for sale, apply ST1ti a N On ELL, Exeter. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco - Bobs, Ourrency and Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos aro the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904.—THx EMPIRE TO- BACCO CO. LIMITED, To THE FAMIEi s.—Why not follow the advice given at the Farmers' Insti- tute meetings and introduce new poultry blood into your flock. I am booking orders now for eggs from pure bred 'WHITE & GOLDEN wyandottes The best general purpose fowl. Eggs 15 for $1.00. Speak for a setting early. J. SENIOR, Exeter. AUDITORS REPORT. — The Auditor General's report for the 'dear ending 30th June 1902, shows the following amounts paid to postmasters at ac- counting offices in this riding for s.Ll- aries allowances and commissions, also estimated revenue from each offices:— Lucan. Revenue $1505.14, Salaries $537.83 ; Ailsa Orate•, $1102.20, $508.12; Clandeboye $219.10. 150.01; Dashwood, $341,08, $193.78 ; Exeter, $2397.42, $920.06 ; Komoka, $305.25, $127.76 ; Ilderton, $333,78, $192.39: Parkhill, $2316.11, $1087.13 ; . ASSESSMENT RETURNS. — The fol- lowing figures are gleaned from the assessment roll for the township of McKillop for this year: there are 837 names entered on the roll ; the popu- lation is 2,497, and there are 707 chil- dren between the ages of 5 and 21. There are 56,160 acres in the town- ship; of which 42,712 are cleared. The total assessed value of real property is $2,010,400 ; personal property, $3,- 800, and taxable income, $100, There are 3,101 days of statute labor on the list, There are 7,312 cattle, 1,502 sheep. 8,018 hogs, 1,815 horses and 17 steam engines. There were also 44 births during the year, SERIOUS Loss. --Word has been re- ceiyed'here of the serious toss sustain- ed by Mr. tired Knight, of Yorkton, Assa„ who left here some weeks ago for that place with a car load of merchandise, household effects, etc. Mr. Knight, in company with Mr. James Beer was busily en- gaged in building his new store at that place, and lead meanwhile stored his stock of groceries and other effects in Mr. Kerb Efliott,s building, While at work on the neve building a fire was noticed to have broken out in Mr. Elliott's house and in a short time the buildieg was atnas's'of flames and everything went up in smoke. The loss to Mr. Knight is severe, and will amount to upwards of $2,000. Mr, Beer will lose everything but his tones while Mr. Elliott is also a heavy loser. Divisxo\ Couwr.-Judge Holt pre- sided at the sittings of the Division Court held here on Tuesday, and as - 'posed of the following contested rases: Cairns vs Davis, on an account or good supplied to sun of defendant, iwho was not of age. The claim was for $12, Judgement was entered for plaintiff for $4. Dickson & Carling for plaintiff. Gladman & Stanbury for defendant. Dreary vs White on an account for wood. Judgment for plaintiff with costs' after allowing some payments claimed. Gladruan&, Stanbury for plaintiff. Dickson & Carling for defendant. Murray vs Sut- ton, on two notes. Judgment for plaintiff with costs. Gladman & Stan - bury for plaintiff, Dickson & Carling for defendent. DILATE( OF MR, Trios. CLARK.—Af- ter a long illness of many months of enfeebled health the spirit of Mr, Thos' Olark passed away on Friday night last at the ripe old age of 82 years. Mr. Clark had been a resident of Exeter for a number of years and was married to his now sorrowing widow some few years ago, both hay- ing been previously married twice. He was a wan who was upright in all his dealings, a lifelong and consistent xeinber of the Methodist church, and on the respect of all with whom he ame in contact. His son Samuel, of ,Cobourg arrived here and was at his father's bedside at the time of his death. The remains were interred in the family plot in the Cobourg ceme- tery. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the sorrowing widow in her sad bereavement. `;WEATHER F O R BOASTS.—For the first week in May the St. Louis man e.rom'sed us chilly weather end frosts, and we have had them. Now comes his predictions for the incoming week: "As we enter the regular storm pe- riod, say about the 10th,• the barome- ter will begin falling in the west, a de- cided change to summer temperature will begin in the same section, vast cloud areas. will begin to move east- ward across the country, and from the 11th to about the 14th, storms of rain, hail and thuuder—some of them fu- rious and tornadic—will visit many states lit their sweep to the. Atlantic seaboard. Storms at this and the re- maining periods in May are apt to re- peat themselves in daily cycles, or at about the same time of day for several successive days. A decided rise in the barometer, change of wind to the west and cooler, will mark the end of series of storms, and will be followed by nights cola enough for frost in northern to central states. The gener- al aspects of the sky, clouds, wind currents, temperature barometer and hygrometer,will give timely and am- ple warnings as to whether the storm centers are e3ming your way. COST ONTARIO Two MILLIONS.—rhe Ontario Department of Agriculture has issued an important bulletin on "Peas and the Pea Weevil." Since Ontario is the greatest pea -growing section of the continent of America, and since the crap is used in a great variety of ways, this subject is more important than 'may appear: The pea crop has undoubtedly occupied a very important place in the Agriculture of Ontario. According to the reports of the Bureau of Industries, the average value of the threshed peas grown in Ontario duringthe past twenty years amounted to ully eight million dol- lars a year. - In 1807 no less than• 896,- 73ii acres were devoted to the pea crop, this being the largest area under peas in any single year. Since that date, however there Ixas been a grad- ual decrease until the year 1902 when only 532,630 acres of peas were grown. This decrease is uudoubtedly due to the great damage done to the crop in south-western Ontario by the pea weevil, commonly known as the "pea bug:" The total direct logs by the agency of the pea weevil in 1902 is es- timated at over tOd million dollars. • W. C. T, U, Nomas.---- The inother`s meeting held in the Main St, church, it it riderr a We Carry Good Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY FOR ALL C. ILJSK.. I. Gradni,te of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block . unit -:4,., .e rnitur "..,,,'�i' ';r oei..-- 'hslrtt$,+-"iz.^-.ry'"44: -a AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un- dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we havo on hand, without doubt, the largest and best stock of Furniture in the county . A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It, will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere, �+- We do all kinds of Oidsred Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on 't( the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with every purchase. • Undertakers and PUnAI-al Director6 ECE J. D. Atkinson, Practical Eznbalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto, on Wednesday, April 20th, was quite well attended considering that it was the first held in our town. The church was tastefully decorated with flowers, and on the platform, a pit-. ture of Miss Willard rested on an easel. Mrs. Millward gave one of her well prepared bible readings from the first Psalm, which was much appreci- ated. Mrs. Paulin, our county Super- intendent from Dashwood, gave an address on "Social ,Purity." Perhaps. not many are aware that so much at- teneion is being paid to this phase of W. 0. T. U., work. In 31 counties in Ontario, public meetings have been held, educative literature distributed and sold, while one missionary, Mrs. Beale is engaged exclusively in this work. Whoever • undertakes this work will find as Nehemiah found when he rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem, "That the strength of the hearers of hardens was decayed and there was much. rubbish." Those who engage in purity reform work are everywhere confronted with very much rubbish in the form of ignorance,. prejudice, false modesty and extreme conserva- tisnx. Practical thoughts on the sub- ject, --(1) Guard your companionships; (2) guard your reading, "What we habitually read gives a 'hue to our thoughts and feelings and to our dai- ly conversation." (3) guard your thoughts, The counsel of all others. most needed in youth is govern your thoughts. Evil thoughts are worse enemies than lions and tigers; for one can get out of the way of wild beasts, . but bad thoughts win their way every where." "Whatsoever things are. true, • whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatso- eyer things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on .these things." ; (4) Heart parity can only be attained by faith in the atonement. "Blessed are the pure in heart fox they shall see God," iVirs. E. Er.Llo'rr, Press Supt. GO TO T1IE For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (stat) Pastry (Princess) Nheattet (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand •. Give our Flour and Feed a Trial and be convinced that it is all right.. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. q -1f RVEY BCROS MILLERS Children tory foio: ST Rik