Exeter Times, 1903-5-7, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, MA Y rth 1903, The o son . Ban oniTti (Incorporated by Act of 1'arilaruentig54 JJL UL , 1 1.41,1111 • mead Office, I►xo otreal, Slapital (all paid up) -- $x,500,00 • Reserve -Vend -- - --• $2,250,00 Se .:trenches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta. British Mumble, and Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. ne to 3 p. ran except Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p, m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application, Drafts on all points sn the Dominion, Great Britain and Unitedd Statesates taught and sold at lowest rates of ex deange. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed, 1 Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal Juno 30th and December 81st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men rat lowest rates and on most favorable teems. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government, OICESO\ & C,ARLING, Vf. D. HURDOm, SOLICITORS, MANAGER die 4 : °e#er fintr,s Calendar for April, 1903. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY YY E:•aNESDAY, . THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 12 19 6 13 20 i 14 21 $ 15 22 it 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 26 27 28 2p 30 THURSDAY, MAY 7TII T903 HOW THE COCAINE HABIT STARTS. _rr-- Generally from using catarrh suuffs and ointments containing this deadly drupe,. - It is well to remember that the only direct scientific cure for Catarrh - ozone, which cures by the inhalation of medicated air. Simply breathe Catarrhozone and it will cure all forms of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma. Lung Troubles and Deafness. Every breath from Catarrhozone Inhaler soothes, heals and relieves. Fernranent cure guarenteed even though other remed- ies failed. Try Catarrhozone, price $1,C0 ;small 25c. Druggists or N. 0 Poison & Co. Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Fills cure Billious- ness. GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBY- TELIAN CHURCH LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. All the news of Interest to Times Readers Happening in these Counties. Huron Oscar Rodgers who has been under- going a course in railroading at the Clinton station has been trans (erred to St, Marys. Mrs. V n tis McDonald cDonaid of Coclerich, had the misfortune while houseclean- ing to fall from a chair and br eak her right arm at the 1 i elbow. The glove factory at W ingham are contemplating a move to Acton to amalgamate with; the factory there if satisfactory arrangements can be to ode. Mrs. Brownlee a highly respected ' resident of Tuckersmith passed away t lust week after a short illness. De- ceased was amother of Ur. Br ownlee teacher at Kippen, Mr. J, P. Brine, who has been bailiff on the 2nd division court for nearly half a century, has resigned his position on account of ill health and the infirmities of old age. Mauv poople•say* they are 'all nerves," oasffy startled and upset, easily worried and irritat- ed, hiilburres heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require., They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres, and give nen nerve force shattered tttcted nervone systems A few days since a man, while gath- ering driftwood a mile th is side of Kincardine, found the cavo e the up- setting of which resulted in the death of the late, Dr. Frank Turnbull. The joint stock company recently ! formed to take over the Bell machine works in Salaforth is now running the business and a meeting was held on May 4th for the election ot a perman- ent board of directors. The Dominion Goverxuneut has de- cided to construct a rifle range at Goderich, The contract has been let and tue range will be located along the lake shore. It will cost in the neigh Lica hood of $2.400. It is unders,tcod that the Huron Cold Storage Company has as good as decided to abandon pork packing and will proceed with cold storage. A meeting of the directors will be held shortly for further consideration of the matter. Mrs. J. Churchill an old and respect- ed resident of txoderich was called to her long borne on April 27th at the ripe age of 91 years. Mrs Churchill was a native of Tipperary, Ireland and was a pioneer of Huron County. Maiti d J h t an o us on a young man aged 10 years, of the Bayfield line met For General.Assernbly Presbyterian with a sad accident on Tuesday of last church in the United States, May 2list week by the explosion of an old gun to Jnne 2nd. The Union -Southern barrel].- His right leg below the knee Pacific' will sell very much reduced • as smashed so badly that an ampule - round trip tickets to Los Angeles go- tion had to be performed. e essential lung -healing principal of the pin :,tree has finally been successfully separat- ed ant. refined'sd into a perfect (cough medicine Dr. (WooICorway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price lie and delegates to the Presbyterian 23 eons;+. Assembly at Vancouver, in June an The assessor finds that Wingham opportunity to attend that Couven- has apopulation of 2,260. The total tion returning. assessment last year was $622,457, and Tickets on sale May 2nd and May this ,year 8631,217, being an increase llth to 17th inclusive, good for return of nearly $12,000. The population until Jui,. 15th. Liberal stop -over figetres for last year were 2,131 and privilegte going aLd returning. t-ltis year 2,206, an increase of 135. For rates and further informationl, The bank tarn on the farm of John address . ' Ratz, of Stephen, was destroyed by H. F. CARTER,`' fire one night recently. How the fire T:.13';`Ai,; Union Pacific R. R., ^ occurred is a mystery: as there had 11: James Building, Toronto,` Ont. been no person in the building for some hours before the fire broke out. The building and contents were insur-• ed in the Hay compnny. The statistics for Clinton shows the following: Total value real estate, $59055" Ua0 ; personal property, $24,- 0 ; taxable le income, $7,550.00 ; tot- al value of personal property and tax- WOLFE--.At Crediton on May 2ud able income, $31,750.00; total value Mary Wieland beloved wife of Chas. real, personal, and taxable income, Wong :gal 40 year.. 11 rnonths 24 $620,172,00 ; number of dogs, 89 ; num- ber of bitches, 7 ; population, 2,275. TIIE LADIES' FAVORITE Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladles' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sic]: Head- ing vias New Orleans. or by Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, re- turning same or diverse route. As this is anopen rate it will give the pub - DIED CLARKS -In Exeter on May 1st lir. Thos.Clarke aged 87 years 9 months. Corrinao.--- In McGillivery, 8th con. on Friday .May lst Ann Flannagan be- loved .wife of Timothy Cotter. days. BERTRAND-In Crediton on May 55th Alexander Louis Bertrand aged 55 O years 1 month and 20 days, Funeral ache, Biliousness and Dyspepsia without grip - Thursday to Crediton cemetery. ing, purging or sickening. BORN Many fat cattle have been raised ROWTCLIFFE- In. London on April 19, and fed in this county, and we have to Mr. and 1i rs. Philip Ron tcliife a Yet to hear of one that can heat a son. farmer living neat' "Clinton. -a calf, ONE -In Seafr..rth, on Thursday, 23rd• elevru months ounde. This anima} wassold_weighing 5c. April to Mr. and its Andrew Oke a a pouud, the farmer realizing $39.00 : son. What it would have been worth in De.vrs.-At Devote on Thursday April another year or two is hard to con - 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Davis ,t ject, SO4 GILI•`(LLAN-;it Kirkton, on April, 25, to lir. and Mrs. Win. Giltilian a. d:itt,;h ter. SAI.AR.is.4n Flay. 5.tnhle line nn April 30th tr. Oe. poet Mrs. Josias ae'_raras a sen. fred Out " I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well."—Mrs. N. S. Swin- ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go .to bed, tired when you get up tired all the time. Why? Your blood is im- pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. .!03 4::::: Ask year doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He known alt about this grand old family medicine. Nohow bis advice and , xra wtli be r J f0 n '*n co., Lowell, Masa. 1 u The estimates brought down in tha House at Ottawa last week included the following items: Bayfield, exten- sion of south pier, $5000 ; Goderich, harbor works, $10,000 ; Kincardine, harbor, repairs to piers and dredging, $3,000 ; Southampton, improvements of harbor, $10,000 ; St. Joseph, wharf, $5,000. There is also an item of $8,000 for the post office at Clinton. SUDDENLY AT PACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and danzerous Colic Cramps. Diar- rhoea. Dysentery, Cholera .Morbus, Cholera Infentunr, eto. Dr. Fowler's .Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house, We presume these figures are taken from the assessment rills of 1902, and are likely to be approximately correct. As the figures given by the census ot 1001 were 5:3,480, the population roust have increased 4,508 in one year, or else Huron County was under esti- mated on the census. Indeed their is a suspicion abroad that Ontario gener- ally wargnot given full credit for its population, at;cl that Quebecwas if anything, ovet-estimated. Henze Ontario suffers by the Ioss of six re - pry Seri tativee. The Goderich Star gives the popula- tion of the County of Huron, as sent by the County Clerk to the Ontario Government as follows: -Bey field, 573; }Jlyth, 8:48 ; Bruesels, 1159 ; Clinton, 2339 ; Exeter, 1717 ; Goclerich, 4033 Hensel 1, 702 ; Seafot•th,,. 2127 ; Wing - ham, 2213 ; Wroxeter, 428 ; Ashfield, 3000 ; Colborne, 1729 ; Goderich Tp., 2800 ; Grey, 3235 ; Hay. 31n"'2; Howiek, 3788 ; Hallett, 2663 ; 2558 ; Morris, 2393 ; Stanley, 2091 ; Stephen, 3978 ; Tuckersmith, 234:5 ; Turnherr_y, 2048 ; 'Osborne, 2243 ;. Wawanosh, E., 1872 ; Wawanosh, W., 1953_; total population of the county, 57,997, Mr, Ed,. Botterill, clerk of distribu- tion Ottawa, has 1ltanc ed in his resi- gnation after a, service of thirty-itv o years, He will be superannuated on January 1st next, Mr. D. McGillcud- dy of Goderich is spoken of as his suc- cessor. The salary is $2.400 per annum, Perth Mr. Geo, W. Mills cabman of Strat- ford died almost instantly on Monday of the blood vessel on the brain. Will be found an excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thousauds of letters from people who have used there r ua he prove this fact. Try them. Mr. R. Shepherd has been appointed tothe position ofDivsS10i Court clerk iu St. Marys i the place of the late Edward Long. Miss Long, town treasurer, has filled the office since the death of her father, two years ag 0. DONS PILLS act on the kid- ney's, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back. rheumatism, diabetes. congestion, inflammation. gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising' from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder, This week's Ontario Gazette announ- ces the incorporation of the St. Mary's Cement Co., capital $600,000, The directors are ;-Ambrose Kent, J. J. Orabbe, T. H, Hamilton, Geo, Reedy, 7.'hos. Bryce, N. W. Tavel], J. H. Hal- lett and J, J, Main, Toronto ; R. R. Hall, Petrolea ; and 11, B. Harrison of Owen Sound. SPRING MEDICINE As a spring medicine Burdook Blood Bitters hast toqu 1, e a It tones uprhos st andre- moves all impurities from the bloocml,' antale, es away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in tho spring, Plans and specifications are out for a $15,000 Y. M. C. A. up-to-date build- ing at Stratford, to replace the pre- sent building, which has only been built about seven years, and which is too small for the large city and rail- way membership. The new building will be on the corner of Downie and St. Patrick's streets facing Downie, and adjoining the Grand Trunk shops, Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk,but troth, One pill a dose. See advertisement Small pill. Small dose. Small price. Mr. David Murray. who works in Weir and Weir's flax soil], St. Marys, was badly injured last week, in the skutching. is scalp was cut across almost from ear to ear and almost torn from his head. He was putting on a belt on the machine, and, stoop- ing over too far the rapidly revolving knives came in contact with his head. it is thought he will recover. The following gives the population and assessment of the different muni- cipalities of the county: Blanshard township, population, 2,491, assess- ment $2,341,206; Downie; 2,651, $2,374- 148 ; North Easthope, 2,012, $2,025,935; South Easthope, 1,884, $1,215,075; Ellice, 2,789, $2,070,164 ; Elma, 3,683, $2,818,830 ; Fullerton, 2,146, $2,052,644; Hibbert, 2012, $2,062,350; Logan, 2,986, $2,360,056: Mornington, 3,014, $2,252,- 970 ; Wallace, 2,690, $2,072,238 ; Lis- towel, 2,661, $688,960 ; Mitchell, 1,883, $520,260 ; Milverton, 703, 8115,600 ; ' The well known strengthening pro- perties of IRON, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are found in Garter's Iron Pills, which strengthen's the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. NOW 1S THE TIM, To Replace Unhealthy Blocd by a Fresher and More Highly Vitalized Fluid. Paine's Celery Compound Is 'I he Only Medicine That Can Purify The Life Stream and Repair Shattered Strength. The sleeplessness, nervous prost a - tion, general debility, weakness, 1 .n- etional, irregularies and desponde y from which thousands of womn young and old, suffer, can be quit., y removed by properly feeding t e 'nerves, and re -placing the unhea]t'y by a fresher and more highly vitaliz d fiuid. The happy change, from 11 health. and misery to true woinanho and happiness, can only be affected 1 the use of Paine's Celery Oompoun The present spring demand fo Paine's Celery Compound, woman' friend and life giver, is enormous in every province of the Dominion This fact alone, amply proves that the great compound possesses virtues and powers unknown to other remedies. Dear wife and mother, do not, procras- tinate ; listen to day to the voice of reason and the pleadings and testi- monies of the thousands' of your sex - who have been madewell 'and Strong. Mrs. J. S. McKinley, Chelmsford, Ont. says. "I wish to let you. know what Paine's Celery Compound has done for. me, 1 was afflicted with nervouness sleeplessness debility -and general weakness for five years, and during that time I was doctored stud spent a great deal of money for medicines without any good results. A friend advised me to use .your compound, and I am happy to say it has com- pletely cured me. I now eat well., sleep well. and am as strong as ever before. I am sure I would have died. bad riot Paine's Celery Compound come to my aid. I wish every woman to know at out your va'u'able• nredi- eine." If you are itr need of free medical advice. write to Consult:rig Fhyaic•an's Department, The Wells & Richardson Co. Limited Montreal, Que, All cot• respondence is sacredly confidential, A 130'57'S RJ 1'ORMATION. Boy WANTED. -- Boy wanted to learn Harness making, apply to R. 1:1, S WHET • To BENT -Cottage on William et. possessionlfirst of May. Apply to R, GIDL'b71,:, Exeter, "There is no more effect ive way.'x says 'Hardware and Metal;""for wiz ing ing the influence of the depart. went store than by the local merchants giving all publicity that is within their power to the goods which they carry in stock. The departnient stores frequently advertise bargains, but the great majority of the prices theyquote wouldnot be sufficiently attractive to get the business if they were:compared with the figures at which the local merchants can sell their goods. It is this fact that needs to be impressed upon the customer' and the only way it can be done is • by means of publicity. The best medium for this purpose is the local newspap- er. An advertisement in the local newspaper, as a rule, is the cheapest thing „which the country merchant gets. "We have, a boy of twelve in the goe al horse, eoiwt-ioted of st'etili,ng, What would • you advle,o ?" was the tuesstlgo r,eeolvted, by wirefrcim ono of ,oltar e•au,nty jndggs. 'Tice aroswe a sent batik �v'nj3=•"D•ekay aVcttiou ani carate nartie ouilatns." T',hle partiloulars name lar due ;iiihno•,,: arnelt frolm. a ttottee atnndiaoititl they w:et'o ii't rilou,s enough' to Nvarrahab a 'long •i(tx L'ho 3.01,csimalttcgry, !i hg juitlt- gel> '1tmecletxt, had live pttudiytrtg mtotd- ttrm ;ngthgds in child-eavin erode, and r dB e e ai a u. , 'A. z irate fro tiantsfor ' y td .d the g7w- a'rdiatn ltftpr, -at the lad to the Supe'rizi- .t'e.nd'an.t, of Negleptect ahil,lretn,•tleeir'e being no Childron'a Aid. Sotsiety orgee, nixed in the di L:tinct. 11'Jeci bar memo to iths tte ty under the obeete sur¢-eal- ittnee .o.f Lite locta.l cric¢s;t'a'blie, au,t' Nvzus dole, h,ninded over. "1WT.e1,1", Ire u,akted "w etre• do yaw think you • are (going nowt`• "Tile Refortnlatory," ho replied n'itbou;t•4 a anile, that being; the only puntellme:nt that he could eoncei.vio of. IIo rt'i salon e:ulilgib(Leneel,ttud be rap, Ipreeia,te.1. ,ti>!e itdeattlre more he come pine:hc,ridtle.dt, it - Then past to be ;gciina tl.e.tely l:orgaltien • far the future', a •nten'+ life -:to he tou,stpd, rrespected, ah1etl rend enciourtoeed in ia1;tt,ha.b wavy wul-tttdry and. eommondablo, Afttgv #` M011j,1B'i1 .14al frp'o from( tamp,, unlul,u'tl• ro ltrainit; lrio,eeiereie.1; willing hind a x- flnuis: to do. sight, need: a farm. lie e wusl nocur'21 leer`, bina far tomo flop 11r..h t4 tunnel: um,virptnrnent. p'ue 1 any 110 fdcvr:g'oC', Tr::t;! gagd resoluL•once. took soma money belonging to his em- ployers. son and rad bon 't 'ct r t s ' y h a a tr led i t B g Lb aco The youngman, ,d v_ e.r;ed leis ]roes and trela rxd that • etutiP) it to a d,ow'nrighlt good thrashing. Th itneidl,ent wiaisl undoubtedly- disctourttr,- ing, but there has been no more steal- ing reported, and in other ciire'eltiona toady progress bras been: made. The strong Likelihood i.•s that this, rta,tiolne, a1 treatment and change of ecene, will prate affeotiv'e. The, boy, ingoadl of bang an expo s'o to the community, lvif�r refferm uncertain;iso living amil:l, normal e.urroundings and is an ludas- trial, unit in a Country wltere the cry- itng steed its for manulel labor, and nye• fui1;,selfrelia.nae chtizelnehip. The same policy has; been successfully tried with twenty .other lads duriln.g the past ye- arn in •orelor to demo'nsttraite the p.rn�si- bili.tiell •off this clays of work, tn1, it is Date to (say that hundreds could be de- a7t wit;l2 In a tatmiler, manner. Tillie eo-ic,alled bad boy ira usually Oho pr;odue of unoongd nia'l etua•rounxdrynes and un-, e 'an p.a;tleeti e relatives, and what he need,e is not c;onfi.nment in an inslitu- ttio n but a. complete charge of scene. and free elope for Inv activities. With v 'Ili1le •mterle co -CM erj rilon belt:;wt'opl mtait;is,tratte:s and the Chiidrem s Soojicty, mrltny tstuvah lades m-iigh,t be suo- cessfully ;h idled, under the fodsltt:tr, biome plan. -J. T. Kelso, Tolnortto. This is but a sample of what; might be clone in ai];most every town or tout'n 9hip.iu Outarlio, ani it is part of tare work Lhe Childrkn'S Aid Society c-1 Huron •wthll glad to.'assitst in wlbe 'cta;se's aim brow s to their :notice The, officers of the Society in Goderich in- vute .00rlteapotnd,etnai, a.nd•cv-(operation from friends of children in every part of t,bi.s; county. Addre,ss Jamas c}hdtll, dlllesidelut, or,Mrs. James Clark, setare;tasty. SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ENDEA'X VOR DENVER, 1903. The Passenger Department of the Chicago & North-Western Railway has issued a very interesting folder ou the subject of the Christian Endeavor meeting to be beld at Denver, July 9th to 13th, together with information as to reducedrates.I� and sleeping car ser- vice, as well as ti short description of the various points of interest in Color- ado bytourists. ado esu visitedSend Y 2 -cent stamp to W. I3. Knfshern, Pas- senger. Traffic Manager, Chicago, copy. DIARRHOEA WEAKENS THE SYSTEM and if not checked becomes a chronic condition. No remedy Compares with Nerviline, which is prepared specially for stomach and bowel troubles. As a radical cure for Cramps, Colic, Gas in the Stomach, • Summer Complaint, Nerviline excels everything in the medical line, is an iudispensible house- hold staple and rests only 25c, Buy a bottle to -day. i3g`kI :"-s Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills, Portia nd Cement L IIAVE lust received. a tivan- City c f the hest grade- of. Port- land .rerm'nt which w are selling at $.2.65 per barrel. Dloth sacks to be returned free. can be had rat either Centralia.or Exeter Storehouses. WO"L WAN 'E" 5000 lbs. c.f wool wanted for which the highest Market prices svill'be paid in cash at Centralia( and Exeter store- hntl�es. JO .NUMMI Fane ts, Attention! sl M ass Meeting of The FARMERS ASSOCIATION Will beheld in EXETER.-Ou SVe'3netday .May 13th, at 2 o'clock. p. m. FARQUHA.R- Wednesday evening, May 13th, at 7,30 p. m. SEAFORTH. - On Thursday, at 2 p. at. VAIINA.- Thursday evening, at 7.30. At each of the above meetings ad- dresses wit' be given by W. L. Smith, of Toronto ; R. 13. McLean and Robert Mc stordie, of Kipper. Subject t- Re- duction ot Railway Rates, Equiliza- tion of Taxation, Railways Respon- sible for Cattle Kl11ed,'t.'ornpel Rail- ways to• allow Drtt.ins across their Lattld-. Far trams, this sho.rlki ' into est yon.. Conte tine tin•] all. .Ladies cordially invited to ttt'Urid. R. 13. �1cLEAN, B, S. PLIILLIP$, President. Sew etary. WPVII,IIbur: 011."'IIII11.11,11.,44114,•1,9,,.aelaal41111111111NU P u• I. •. I N lf} • 1III111011111111111(11iiII1111111111 IIMill IIIIII 1111. IL 111,1,44,11 ,• 11111111111J1,110111 In I Pill(Ill1II,III41.11111..uIILII lfllllllllilllllllnl. -y' e etablePre aratio o �V of s- P rA similatingtl oodandRegula- ting the.Stainschs and.Bowels of e:: u l NI* f" r I � 11\� ^+a��'� 4,.n „..T`FN�(* :�,I Prolnotea igestion,eltee}`fu--' nese and Rest.Contains neither OptuttS,Morphines nor Ant Nee NAIICOT.IC. i R/ ;, .7r±rt,..,ecfOlr7.i2r:0111>2ZPdi : zcP. Panpkin Seel- -4it.d'avna : 1404ofldSalkr- AppeL�nmtne _ e '7prmseed - fJ'ugFeor eYo! X1.1 r)" 13j` ,Aerfec t Remedy for Constipa- ons1iP a -tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, tion, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish -'I mess and LOSS OF SLEEP. fin. , Tac Simile Signature of ���.//,..,fes , Y/T.(iVp 1SFEW 'YORK;. I,T�4. 9`YS�M ire, piz v II 1•,t i• t3 :.a+'1•' '1 .. qt.Q1 ',..xl- r,,ti.;, ,, i; e , t:; veil rXACT COPY OF WRAPPEt3. p ,,„� Tiia FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON TH OP EVERY BOTTLE OF Castor's is put up in ono -silo bottles only. It•: not sold in hide, Dealt allow anyono to se11. on anything else on the plea or promise that its a "jest as good" and "will enawer every pure, oseel tri' See that yott got 0 -A -2 -T -0 -B. -I -A. lhofao- similo gnataso it oa �<i 4( every wrapper.. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose *Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Him with a. Secret Remedy. " I had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, be stuck to his work regularly, and we now havea happy home. After he was completely cured I told him what I had done, when he acknowl- edged that it had been his saving, as he had not theresolution to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." HER HUSBAND I HER FATHER WAS A DRUNKARD Lady who cures her husband of' his Drinking Habits writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER "I bad for a long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving himmedicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one dap when he came home very much Intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards, I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in Lit: coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. FIe never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some- thing that set every nerve in my body tinglinew1th hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me -a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything else dear to a woman's heart ; for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before I had given him the full course he bad stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving' him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand If he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. Ile never has and I am writinq you this letter to tell you hew thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." WAS A DRUNKARD A Plucky Young Lady takes on. Herself to Cure her Father of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF HER SUCCESS. A portion of her letter reads as follows :--• " My father had often promised mother to stop• drinking, and would do so for a time .but then returned to it stronger than ever.. One day after a terrible spree, he said to us : `It's no - use. I ean't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided to try the • . Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had read about in the papers. We gave bins the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his • tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to. directions, anclhe never knew he was taking it. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. His* health and appetite are also wonderfully fin - proved, and nos one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change - is for good. Please send rare one of your little books, as I want to give it ton friend." FREELand pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain; tl' sealed envelope,Cgrrespgndenco sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp for reply; Address the Samaria Remedy Co., -23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. a aeeereaseneet Clare a Take Laxative % mo Seven llllion boxes sold in past 112 months. 1 in vzia "1 hie Ta,blets.' This signature, W. Attie:•C, 4 1. e. ;ay Cures rip in 'Tao G]Days. Ia every' ire' box. 25c. Ton can make your hers aces as sort as. a glove ntrd as taagb as wire' by uslee,RU1Li;ICA Hare neer pile You coo lengthen its life—Make It last twice as long as it ordinarily would. makes a peer fooktng bar - nese like nen. Made of barb, heavy bodied ell, es- pecially prepared to with. stand the Noatber, poll everywhere int ttaoe•"ail efzea. aaisbellars X16016COflUJS, ALL. THE USEF UL Branches.a.re tanght in the F. C. B., COLLEGE. Our students are .not guaranteed nice jobs, but after a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to ,Hold Any. Position. We raid thcrn,,.if possible lo obtain ernployrilent, licit We first equip there to inaintititl the' high ;.i;eputetion this school has acquired. • J: V. WESTERVELT, Principal, .._,.,:ie,.,rOSSAs.R.Ase,:.:..... aaar%,:.:.cr.:rs.K.4:,a-vee„ London, Huron and Srtica.. GOING NORTH— Paesengor. • Loridon, depart, 8.16A, al. 4.40e. se. Centralia s, 0.1 5 50 Exeter 0 3C 8.0 Hensel!0.4t ' 8,15: - Rippon '9.5n 0:5 Bruceflold 9.58 0.33 Clinton i0.15 9.45 Winglratn arrive 11.11, 8.00 - _... _. terse Sovrtz- The en . or wing�ham, depart . . 8, J a a:. 3.1.5 P. so ' Cllintcn 1:47 4.25 I3rucefield . 8,05 430 I{iaPen Ii 4,,7 n� �� E e �i the , Pa H..ansall. ;12 6112 d 0r e r il_l. the TIMES t. Pays Ti,tooter......,... , e.Its 5.10 Centralis u Iii 5.25 .a London rrive..... . :1.31 9.12' Fr r. XF':ia1 • 111 —We are agents for the celebrated • it Maxwell Binder s, Bowers, Hakes, Hay Leadeveg roc., _. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, an.d Fleury Plows andli Grinders, Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season. Wogg9ra.s g179'Sidl We are agents the McLatighliil Cutters olid 13ii les and for the Chatham Wagons. �g A Full Linc of ing Machines,. Washing.Machines and °'Wringers.. fR Boor South of the Central hotel. • • o•