Exeter Times, 1903-4-23, Page 8ART'S
PRING IS HERE.—And we are ready for a rous-
ing trade. Our stook was never in better shape than
this season. Complete in every depar'tnient, and then such
good values The whole store is a vast sea of bargains.
The advertised items are only the spray.
• 8ic.. Do yon want some:' They
.are going out quick. 125 pieces of
regu!ur 124e Prints, widest width,
hese quality, dark, medium and
light slr:ides, all fust colors. They
are a int of mill renmants that
came our way, 5 to 20 yards in
each lid. Take your pick at Bic
Tthe yard.
40e the yard. This will be our
la -r. lot, of those Tap corded wash-
ing +;list Silks, pink and white,
flue and white, beaver ancl white,
coral and white, delf blue and
white, and solid cream. One of
the hest snaps this season, only
Some people say we are selling
nits Wall Paper toe cheap. We
don't think so, We are satisfied
with smell profits and quick sell-
ing, Colne in and see our love-
ly new stock of . up-to-date Wall
Papers 3c to 25e the roll for pap-
ers, and 3e to 5c the yard for all
our matched borders.
$1.95 the yard, regular value
$2.50. our best English Linoleums,
full 4 yards wide, new floral effects
New block and tile effects, and
new scroll patterns. If you are
going to • buy Itnew Linoleum,
now is your fortunate opportuni-
t3', quality guaranteed, only $1.95.
65c the yard. for a lovely
lot of ladies' Broadcloth suit-
ings, new mirror finish. All
the new shades, the kind
that don't crackle, spot or
shrink, swell for Suits or odd
We are ready for the big-
gest kind of a Carpet trade.
Our Carpets come to us dir-
ect from the mills, No
middle man's profit to pay.
Come in and see our display.
We can interest you.
OUR I ,,a1.,L,JN BRA'' isjust tis new as new
can be, everything right, down to the minute, style, quality
and value are what we offer you. Leave your orders with
us as early as possible, and we will give you good service.
Men's and boys' heady -to -wear Suits, an immense stock to select from,
values are in your favor.
B1O C1811 KOH J R. STEMf .T
Sovereign Bank
of anada.
Capital paid up 51,300,000.00
Surplus 270,00.00
President, - - H. S. HOLT, ESQ,
General Mgr. - D. M. STEWART, EsQ
Deposits of 51.00 and upward re-
ceived. and highest rates of interest
allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at
favorable rates. Loans made to far-
mers oe their own names at reason-
able rates.
A general Banking Business done.
Exeter aid raoil
Manager. Manager.
GL ADJLAN & STAN -BURY, Solicitors,
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rit-rgs,
Wntci•ies, Clocks
Specta.ctles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each boy. lac
Mr, 11, Smith of Springhurst farm
sold nine head of cattle to Mr. Jas.
Snell of Hullett, for shipment to Og-
den, Wash
. Mrs. Paulin of Dashwood will ad-
dress the W.C.T.U. meeting in Main
street church on Wednesday April
29th. All ladies will be made wel-
come. .
The subject of Mrs. Paulin's address
at the W. O. T. U. public meeting on
April 29th will be "Purity". Mrs.
Millyard will conduct the devotional
part. Some good music will be given,
TO ADVERTISERS. The Industrial Exhibition Board
decided to hold this year's fair from
August 27 to September 12. The
The copy for changes must be left name this year is altered to the
na later than Tuesday noon. Casual "Dominion of Canada Industrial Ex-
advestisementa accepted up to noon hibition,
Wednesday of each week. Messrs J 0 Tom, of Golden B C, and
W H Tom of Medicine Hat, N W T,
who was called home owing to the
death of their father Mr 0 Tom will
remain for a couple of weeks with
L 1i ca s their another before returning home,
Mrs. Rutherford,fo Alymer, is visit-
ing her sister Mrs. C. Gidley-
Mrs. McDowell of Listowel is spend-
ing a few days with her parents Mr.
and Mr. Wm. Welsh,
Mr. Thos, Bawden of Clinton has
been the guest of her mother Mrs. Mc-
Donell the past week.
The Huron County Endeavor, and
Sabbath Convention will be held at
Blvth on June 18th and 19th.
Dr, L L. Follick, Miss Mabel and
Miss Lille McCord, of St. sxarys,
spent Sunday with friends he town.
Mr. Willis Powell who has been
travelling in the northern districts
also after spending some time east
spent Sunday at his home here.
See Popplestone & Gar -
diner's add on inside page.
Mr. Ray Fanson is having his house
on William street thoroughly renovat-
ed and papered throughout. Mrs.
Fowell taking possession this month.
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE E,MIPIRE To
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will hold a public meeting in
Main st. church on Wednesday April.
29th, commencing at half past three
all mothers in and around Exeter are
asked to attend, also all ladies who
are interested in the W.C.T.U. work.
We would especially ask those who
are not interested to come and become
Mr. Jas. Gordon of Lucknow a for-
mer resident of Exeter some 29 years
ago was a visitor in our village a few
days of this week having come to at-
tend the funeral of the late Mrs, Carl-
ing, with whom they had been neigh-
bors for a great many years.—He was
a caller at this office renewing his
subscription to the TIMES of which he
has been a subscriber ever since its
first issue.
That is what the people say of our'stock who have been in
to see us. We will say the stock is
ewFresh 9 and Clean
and what you will appreciate most of all, The Prices are
the Low 3S1s Of course this week is Special Bargain Week
but every day and week you will find prices in every Iine
that are genuine bargains.
Tri our 256. Tca i11 Ori
�a and Bla6K
FAN BRANDTEA is the finest Package Tea on
• g
the market,we have it,
riT.. T., Q'AL
„KT. ►� .1 : f
;t: , APRIL 2lircl, 1903.
To RENT—Cottage on Wiiliam et.
possessionilrst of May. Apply to lt.
(icIDLEY, Exeter..
dressmaking apply to Miss ARM-
STRONG at Snell & Rowe's
—11 a m Memorial service, 7 p m, ad-
dresses to young people.
Miss Holmes and the Misses Chesney
from Harrogate, Yorkshire, England,
are plaiting their 000410 ei.s. G. A, K.
FOR SALE oil LEA+':;.—The hotel in
North Exeter will be Hold or leased on
reasonable terms, apply to L. MaTAG
GA ST, Hay P. 0,
Cold wintery weather has been
lingering around for the past few days
and on Tuesday last we experienced a
slight fall ot beautiful snow.
to gereral work, and who want to
learn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience, references, etc.—The Gurney
Foundry Oo, Limited, Toronto,
--. WANTED. — Moulders Improvers.
Young men who have had experience,
and want to attain greater experience
ver a larger range of work, princi-
pally stove plate,—The Gurney Foun-
dry Oo,, Limited, Toronto.
To ORGANIZE A meeting of base
ball enthusiasts is called for Friday
night at the town hall at S o'clock, to
organize and make arrangements for
the corning season. All interested in
baseball are requested to be present,
furnished cottage with good garden
and fruit bearing trees also swaller
fruite. Wi1l.rent for summer months
to small family. Apply to G. A. K.
IacLggd, Exeter. .
EGGS Fon HATCHING. For sale,
pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs, non -set-
ters, per sitting 50c., also good early
seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nur-•
sery stock, 5c. per pound. 8. POWELL
, Exeter,
sixth annual convention of the West
Huron Teachers Association will be
held in the school house Exeter on
May 21st and Mud. The programs
are completed and will be highly en-
tertaining and instructive.
Having recently disposed of .g
my business to Jtr. John Oharl- +
ton of town, I desire to express +
my thanks to the people of +
Exeter and vicinity for the +
very liberal patronage accord- $
ed me during the past year ..
and I bespeak for Mr. Marl- +
ton a further continuance of
your favors.
Sincerely, +
VV. L.TfiLliIT
Vim' mere.. DAY.— The Government
will shortly issue a proclamation call-
ing for the observance of the Icing's
birthday on Victoria Day. As the
2tth of May this year falls on Sunday
the celebration wilt be held on the 25th
The observance of the day will be uni-
To TRE FAnatmes.—Why not follow
the advice given at the Farmers' Insti-
tute meetings and introduce new
poultry blood into your flock, I am
booking orders now for eggs from pure
bred WHITE &'GOLDEN wyandottes
The best general purpose fowl. Eggs
15 for 51.00. Speak for asetting early.
J. SENIOR, Exeter.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
yrup and ask for no other kind.
all wishes to inform the citizens of
Exeter and vicinity that now is the
proper time to have their fruit trees
attended to. He has wide experience
in grafting and pruning. Leave your
orders now. Also a few choice early
seed potatoes for s a.le, apply STEPHEN
POWELL, Exeter.
versary of the establishment of Odd -
fellows in America, falls this year on
Sunday, the 26th of April, and the
members of the lodge in Exeter will
meet at the lodge room at 10:30 a m,
and march from there to the Trivitt
memorial church, where a sermon will
be preached by the. Rev Mr Perkins.
Service to commence at 11 o'clock, A
full attendance is requested.
Alex J Dyer is hereby authorized to
collect from the owners of dogs and
bitches within the village of Exeter,
the taxes fixed by the village by-law.
Any person failing to pt,y his or her
dog tax will be prosecuted as provid-
ed by village by-Iaw, No 77. Mr. Dyer
has the names of all defaulters, and
it is to be hoped that the council will
not be forced to prosecute. By order
of the council. T B CABLING, Reeve
of Exeter.
SUDDEN DEATH—Mrs 0 Gidley re-
ceived the sad intelligence by telegram
on Thursday last of the sudden death
of her sister, errs. Stark of Toronto.
Mrs Gidley was in receipt of a letter
written by her sister on the Saturday
previous who was at that time ap-
parently well. This news of her sud-
den death carne as a great shock.
Death was due to heart failure. The
sympathy of a great number of friends
is extended to Mrs Gidley in her sore
FIRST ()operas —The London Free
Press of Tuesday recites the following
odd coincidence : The late Sir Oliver
Mowat was a cousinof errs R Horn; of
this city. The deceased statesman
was a first cousin of Mrs Horn's moth-
er, the late Mrs J 0 McIntosh, of
Exeter. They were playmates in To-
ronto in their youthful days, . Mrs
McIntosh's maiden name being mar-.
garet Scott. A coincidence is that
the old people were of the 'game age
and that each passed away at thee
seine same hour of the same day of the
week, Mrs McIntosh passed away three
weeks ago, •
BdrOd1118 I lidradilb 1
Bargains_ in Men's Suits, Dress Goods, Ready ?Slade • `skirts
Underskirts, Whitewear, ill fact Bargains in
every departlnF'nt.
Men's Fancy W oreted Suits, • high Men's Black Sage Snit, 4i -to -date
cut vett, up-to-dru.-, worth $12.50 in every way, it was $10.50, you can
for 510. buy it now for 57,50.
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits made in We have a few !en's Twee3Suits
latest ate le, good pattern, a Suit! left, they were 57.50, our 1 argain
worth 512, our bargain price .510, : price 51,50.
Just hoceived a lot up.to-date Dress Goods
Snowflake Canvas Suiting in black Canvas Suitings in black and navy,
and navy, a very dressy and fashion correct thing for unlined Skirts and
able material for suits and skirts. See
them before you buy your spring suit. Suits, newest thing for spring wear.
A few Snaps in Whitewear'
Night Gowns of fine white Cotton,' Ladies White Drawers made of fine
embroidery trimmed front and sleeves t white cotton, four rows tucks, ein-
Special, 75c each. broidery frill, 50c and 75c.
Underskirts made of good white Ladies' Corset Covers made of good
Cotten trimmed with insertion and cotton, full or tight fitting front,
tucks, embroidery frill, very pretty, trimmed with insertion, tacks and
Only $1,25, embroidery, 25c, Sao, and 50c.
Ladies' Black Sateen Skirt, wide frill on bottom, special 90c
i•- -••••....Y.4.1K,iY.Hw:...'.,,F�F..1WR.: • •. 044, �Sw.0 Vii' -Y.. ,puq, %�w!.M.-Ca.IPMMMW
A few sruips for the Easter trade, : in dainty Cotton Goods,
*Dress (xoods and Gent's Furnishing.,,
5c for a.'nice choice of now pattern a,
fast colors. •
8c for a good choice of new patterns,
heavy and fast colors.
10cfor a large range of the newest
patterns and the heaviest
4.11 perfectly fast colors,
print made,
15c. the yard for a beautiful silkeen,.
Something new, 10 new patterns.
20c a yard cotton Crepe ole Chene,
very new beautiful colors.
8c, to 25c. a big assortment of colcr-
ed Muslins.
A full range of Dimities, Organdies
and Lawns.
[`lil6il,el'y Iillizler3
Ladies Fancy Shirt Waists '
We brave tin up-to:date milliner in
Ladies' Black, Silk: Waists, in size
32, 31, 36, made up in latest style,
trirnmed wits, tucks and Ilene stitch-
ing. Only a few left, they go at 53.
2 only, gale blue taffeta silk, made
in latest style, trimmed with fine
tucks and hem stitching, fancy cuff
and collar. Rea beauty for only 5350.
L'tctics' back Shirt Waist's made of
! good. ei. ulet cerizud'' sa.teeii, box il.e. at
d.c,wu trout, fancy yoke; Special 50c,
.Ladies' lilacs Shirt Waist made .of
gond mercerized sateen, trimmed
with tucke and hero stitching, latest
cuff aud•Wade ill latest style, you tau
have one for 5150.
ii'e pay highest. Prices for all Farm Produce.
Remember the stand "The R. Pickard Stora"
on wt t e store in the per-
son of Miss Morlock. We will accept
produce in payment of same' Satis-
faction guaranteed.
Dregs UoodS
50e and 75e for the crew ehades in all
wool Violes.
010th. per yard, the new. Etamine
51,00' per yard, Flaked Homespun.
New Waist goods infancy Velours,
fancy and plain Lustre, Silks and Vel-
Geo it's Furnishing
Just in and ready for your inspec-
tion, a Hue of spring Shirts, that for
beauty of patters, has ' never before
been matched, The best and newest
Neckwear for Easter at popular prices.
HATS:—The most stylish lineof
Hats that we have ever displayed, is
ready= for your inspection now. We
have the hest the market affords.
Ordered Clothing.
A fine range of spring Salting, in
the newest shadee of 'Scotch and Can-
adian Tweedsand worsted. Prices
away down.
A' complete -line of jeady•to-*ear
POSTAGE RATE—The fnliowing not
ice bas been issued by the Posttnaster-
General : On and from. April 18th the
rate of postage on.British and Canad-
ian periodicals, recognized as second
class matter, posted by news dealers
in Canada for transmission by mail
whether addressed to subscribers or
spent as specimen copies, shall be one
cent per pound or fraction thereof.
Each article so posted must be stamp-
ed "prepaid in bulk by news dealers."
A11 matter so sent shall be subject
to the regulations relating to the
posting of .second-class matters and
specimen copies of Canadian period -
remainder of April Rev. Irl Hicks
Hick's forecasts are as follows : The
next period in which storm conditions
.will develop and run their courses
from ,west to east, will be central ou
the 24th and 26th. The Moon passes
northward across the celestial equa-
tor on the 21th, and on and touching
that date a series of highly electrical
storms are almost certain to develop.
Showery, stormy conditions will not
pass off until after new Moon on the
27th, after which date will follow a
brief short change to much colder and
frosts northward. April comes to its
close in the opening days of a Vulcan
storm period. Hence falling barome-
ter and change to warmer will be in
progress as the month goes out.
though Sir Oliver Mowat's death was
expected, the news was received with
genuine regret throughout the Pro.
vince. It will be remembered that
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor,
had the misfortune on January last to
fall heavily sustaining a fracture of
the neck of the right thigh bone.
After some weeks of discomfort and
pain, he was again able to walk with
some assistance, when on Sunday.
April 12th, whilst he was in the act
of being grade ready for bed, and.
whilest two of his attendants were in
the act of lifting him from the •chair,
the same limb was broken about six
inches below the other fracture. The
broken limb was set, but His Honor
gradually became worse until the end
came on Sunday last, Those who
were associated with him politically
and those who were not able to see
eye to eye with him will lay aside all
differences and will join in the sorrow
at the disappearance of aprominent
and;;universally rupected statesman.
His works speak for him and be
leaver us to he numbered among the
great men Canada has known. Mr.
W. Mortimer Clarke has been appoint-
ed his successor as Lieut -Governor.
lowing item will be read with interest
by the many friends of the groom, A
very pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of lir. Chas. Witherden
West Lorne, on Wednesday evening
AQprrl 15th when his youngest daught-
ter was married to Mr. Arthur Spicer,
of St. Marys, formerly of Exeter.
The ceremony was permormed by
Rev. J. Ashton. in the presence of a
number of relatives and friends of the
contracting parties. at half past
seven. The bride, beautifully dress-
ed in cream serge, trimmed with lace
and applique, entered the drawing
room leaning on the arm of her fath-
er, while the wedding march was
played by Miss Ashton. The brides-
maid was Miss Bella McPhee, niece of
the bride, who wore a dress of . white
organdy, while Mr. Russell Howard,
of Brantford, a former Exeter boy,
served as groomsman. Little Miss
Blanche 'Holland, attired in white
organdie, a very pretty little fiower
girl, carried a. basket of white roses,
After the usual congratulations the
guests sat down to a sumptuous re-
past after which the evening was
spent in games, music, etc. The pre-
sents received were costly and use-
ful. ' The happy couple left for Brant-
ford and points east, for a short visit h
before settling down to the sterner T
realities of life. They will reside in f
St. Marys. The TIMES join with a r
host of friends in this vicinity, in best -
wishes for the .future prosperity and r
happines..,nf the young couple, that
their pathway through life he .r, long
and pleasant one..
CLEAN TJP THE Tow '. — Public
heeli.li is a matter of first 'importance.
There is nothing takes precedence to it
Our Council have taken the necessary
steps to have our Main st. thoroughly
scraped and cleaned and the superflu-
otts dirt hauled away, thus saving a
lot of dust and greatly improving the
appearance of our thoroughfare.
Good health is often a question of
good sanitation and poor health is fre-
quently a sequence of poor sanitation.
It is surprising the number of people.
who do not know what good sancta•
tion means. Their ignorance often
entails untold suffering and enormous
expense upon others. Sometimes the
guilty escape themselves. Now is the
most important time of the year from
a sanitary point of view; Diptheria.
and small -p sx exists in a more or less
virulent form in many towns. these
diseases revel in filth and make a pic-
nic ground out of unsanitary places.
Clean yards. cellars, etc. are a requis-
ite if Exeter is to preserve a clean bill
of health this summer. We must
have them. -Our Overseer 'should in-
sist upon the citizens paying' due re-
spect to health requirements. Curl
citizens should not' need urging. A
clean back yard is a pleasure, and well
repays the labor necessary to get it.
disinfectants and paints are not expen-
sive ; not half as costly as Doctor's
hilts. The pleasure of living with
thornngly clean surroundings should
indnee everyone to ernbax•k at an early
dare upon a thorough clean up. Dis-
eases cannot he toyed with, and to de-
lay is hut to toy with diem. Delay
means the absorption into the earth
Mitch will later on produce disease we
want to avoid. Let us take the neces-
sary steps to prevent this. We urge
every citizen to do his duty. • •
Exeter's most highly respected resi-
dents died on the 16th Inst, in the per-
son of Mr's, Carling, relict ot the late'
Isaac Carling, Deceased had been
confined to ber bed more or less for
five weeks, and during that tithe had
undergone a great deal of suffering.
Every thing was done in the way of
medical skill and nureiug by loving
hands, that could be done to restore
her to her usual health and strength
again, but of no avail. The late Mrs.
Darling was 78 years of age and was
born in Newton, Devonshire,Engiand,
and came to this country with her
pai ents 70 years ago and settled on a
farm two miles south of the village,
better known as Devonshire Inn, Al -
some years she went to London to live
with her uncle. the late Mr. John
_Balk will, and while Living there made
the acquaintance of her late husband,
Mr I Oarling, and after some time was
married in the year 184.0. Mr Carling
was in the tanning business and atter
some years sold out bis tannery to a
Mr Hyman, removing to Exeter in the
year 1854, and embarking in the same
business. Mrs. Carling having resid-
ed here continuously up to the time of
her death... She is survived by six
daughters and three sons. Her death
was peaceful, as without a struggle
ehe fell asleep. All that was mortal
was interred in the Exeter cemetery
on Sunday last, while her redeemed
spirit rests with God. Among those
from a distance in attendance at the
funeral were Mrs R E!liolt, Norwich,
Sir John Carling and son John, John
Balkwill of London. Mrs Sparling, R.
Wilson and J, Adams of St. Marys,
Roland Balkwill of Glencoe, James
Gordon of Lucknow, Mrs l3awden of
Clint on; and the Misses McDonell of
Hens all;
MEJIoin.-- John Charles Tom, the
subject of this notice, was born in
Cornwall, England, on Sept, 29th,
1830, and died in Exeter, Ont., on
April 18th, 1903. He was the only
child of John Toni and Elizabeth
Zoney, both of whom predeceased
im to spirit land some ten years ago.
he deceased had been in 111 health
or about three yeare, never having
ec overed from a severe attack of
ple urisy contracted d wring his short
esidence in Ayr. He came to Canada
We Carry Clood Lines in Furniture
Gradu Ile of Dr,• Myers School of Embalrniug.
Opera douse BIock .
Atun ! urm
,;;;;, e. "- '1
k s AVING PURCHASED th Furniture and Un-
dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce
to the public that, we have on hand, without doubt, the .
largest and best; stock of Furniture in the county .
• A visit to out store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin
possible. It, will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and
get nur prices before placing orders elsewhere,
We do all kinds of Ord -red Work apd Repairing and Picture Framing on',
the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with
every purchase. •
Undertakers and Funeral Director8
J. D. Atkinson, Practical Etnbalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto.
in 1853. and resided for some few
years in Port Hope, removing to
Exeter, about thirty-two years- ago.
He was united, in marriage to Mar-
garet Greenaway, in 1837. Be fol-
lowed the boot and shoe business for
many years, making for himself .a
1 good reputation, and securing a mo-
' derate fortune. In business he was a
man of stirling qualities. Honore wad
his motto, integrity his watchwnrel,
and his word was as good as his bond.
. He was a life long member of the
1 Methodist church. In this relation
he was not a man of many words, but
a man of much weight, In his doings
and givings the one hand knew not
what the other was wont to do. His
aim through a busy life was to "re-
deem the time.' There was stamped
upon his heart the maxim, "Industry
thou diLmondvirtue in thyself what
a gem thou art." And when the even-
ing bell struck the hour of release he
had no relentings over wasted hours.
when the end came all was peace.
He fell asleep in Jesus, in the presence
of his now sorrowing. widow, three
daughters and one son-in-law, Rev.
W. Down. The remaining members
of the family not having arrived from
the far West. He leaves to mourn
his loss his beloved wife, three daugh-
ters. Mrs, (Rev.) W. Down, Mrs, W.
D. Yeo, Mrs. D. Bowermrm,n, and two
sons; Wm. H , of nxedicine Hat, N W
T, and J. C., of Golden, 13 0, who
arrived for the funeral, which took
place on Tuesday, April 21st, and was
well attended by relatives and friends
frons near and far.
Is contained in a bottle of Poison's
Nerviline, which cures Rheumatism,
Cramps, Sick Stomach, and Indiges-
tion. Mothers find Nerviline is first
class liniment for children's sore throat
hoarseness, cold in the chest, and tak-
en in hot water before retiringg is a
spl endid remedy for 'colds. Don't be
without Nerviline ; it is the most eoo
nomical, potent and reliable house-
hold liniment made, and costs only
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cureCoustipa-
Fol- Pure Manitoba
Family Flour (Stat)
Pas ri"y (Princess)
eat a (Breakfastfood)
A good supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
Mid be convinced that it
• is all right. ,
Roller and Plate Choppers in use
to suit customers.
venutne 6.astoria always bears the Signets:: a
el Chas. 11. Fletcher,
When Baby was sick, we gave lier Cosle.'f*
Whet she Was a Child, she cried for Castoaris.:-,. ,+
Whoa she become bliss, she Citing to Cadet -la.
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria.