Exeter Times, 1903-4-23, Page 5TH2E .1\11. •
Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt
about it, the tonic that gives best re -
stilts is the biggest seller, and that is
Fletenneon E. Et en ri ilk 8 OW blood,
restores" strengt h and energy to the
reebi et, and is a scientific econstrncter
tlititwst+Awd„y8 pipette, In Obloros.
Aneeln in, `Bred:Lass, • Langour,
Brain Flag, Intl lees t ion a ed Dyepepsia
its action is prompt, and satisfactory
cures always folluw. Yes, 1 recom.
mend Ferrczone 10 my customers be.
cause I believe it is tile best tonic and
streogthetiing medicine that money
can buy," Large boxes cast 50c1 -
It In a Losing Game en the Xiong; Run
V or eiost Item*.
Any sensible young man ought to
know that he can't be up lato nights
abusing his stomach and be in full pos.
session a his faculties for business the
next day, and he ought to know also
that a mean naust be clear headed and
b full possession of his faculties to
bold his own in the keen competition
Of life, Your."good fellow" isopular
for the time being, but when, his money
is gone and he has lost his job and is
On his uppers the "good fellow" •busi-
ness doesn't get him anything.' Its
"poor fellow" then—another good mail
gone wrong, and "the boys" ard ready
to Lail another "good fellow" who has
the price.
• We don't mean by this M say that
"the boys" are mercenary. They don't.'
altogether pass up .a., "good .fellow"
itvhen he goes broke e but it isn't the
genie. They say he hit the:14)02e too
bard and couldn't stand We Vac'e. They.
reel sprry for him, but' be is Outont:
His good fellowship doesn't excuse:
even in the 'eyes a his,fritta for hare,
Ing thrown away gportunity.,
The young .itifin Who' gets the ,sleep
Ins system needs, is teftperate 1n ns
taints, Urea Within'. his meat& ancl.
shotis Tipfor5fork in the Morning.with,
A clear eye tiridactiTe brothat's..the
man business teen e ere. Twist -1w for.
They want employees WhOm-•-theY ati'
trust. - Having IvorketV hard add.. laid,.
by a competence, they NI;ant to threve
some of the bintens off, and *they evernts;
throw them off on the employee who is
too mucb of a "good fellow."
Cut it out, boys: There's nothing in
It. There's a whole lot of nonsense in
that "good fellow" business! You can't
fool the public very long by living be.
yond your means and keeping up ap-
pearances. There Must be a showdown
some time or other, and that means' a
Joss of self respect and Many bitter ex.
periences. Man" ti.bright and promis-
ing business man has failed because
Ile tried to travel in too swift a class,
;whereas had he lived within his means
he might have become a bighly success-
ful merchant
The world doesn't give up its freesires easily. It isn't in the cards for all
bf-us to be millionaires, and mighty
few of the "good fellows" get into that
class, It'sbetter to earn your way
rst and go hunting for good times
Isvhen you have reagehed the point where
you can spare both the time and the
money. Then possibly you'll have
more sense and bane a different notion
about wlaat le good time is.
Franco-German Frontier Incident That
Moved Soldier to rCarA.
Relations between the French and
Germans have emelt:lee:ably improved
of late years, and can even lea dee'
scribed as cordial, but this does not
, mean that the lost -provinces have
been entirely forgotten on this sido
of the frontier; as the follo-wing
• touching story, which The Petrie
has just received from its correspon-
dent at Saint Die, tfie • Vosges;
will show: A detachment of elms-
seurs-a-pied wee marching ,the other -
'day close to the, frontier when .it
• perceived just across •the border ' a
e farm -house, on a beach in front of
?which a man was sitting, He • was
'a soldier, too, and catching sight of
the French sergeant he rose to his
. feet, stood at attention, and salutrid•
ea accordance with the rule inSeen
ease. Rarely twenty yards away
the rifleinan watched him -fixedly,
...taking in every detail of hie uni-
form and accoutrements, and at last,
yieldieg to an sncontrollable im-
pulse, they renuTv4d their kepis, and,
waving then1 alert: shouted "nive la.
France!" So aneered web the 6erman•
soldier by- this .iletnonstration that,'
covering his 'face withhis ben.ds,„ie
•Aeurst into tear. Theenall, !air -heir -
ed man, who , looked betrely eighteen
• years of age, was an Aleatiane and
• the sergeant, as s5on as he had reaa
lizeilathe fact, addressing the,• cheese
eteurs in now and sad tones, . seed;
'Come along, boys, let 11S;b0 oft we
mustenot tempt the poor fellow,
' Only cowards desert,' A Moment
• later the detachment was Leaving the
•• spot, but the Frenchmen, as they
anenea intend, eihe
Paine in :4,he
• Are symptoms 'of a. weak., torpid Or
• *stagnant -condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is exheemele
.hazardous to neglect, so inaportmat 1,1
a healthy aaion.- of these organs •
They are)
en:met:1y attended by loss
eneren, leek of counega, and some-
times by. gloomy foreboding mid de-
spondency. . '
• "1 Nva;, froT, til sflh Sidney trouble, ad
became se week 1 eretel c r ly get ercuncl.
I took Ltedigine witliout 1.f..tietit, cad fInelly
&deed to tey nears serene:ulna. after
the Met nettle 1 tt e riaelabeiter Mat I
;cote:in:ad Neale -an 1sex but les made fug
•a new women. n bee el' little elle; was a
'Wee, site Jewel nut keep neytbing on her
•enetiaele nod we geve hev Itootes Sareapa-
leen witha etieed Ilea" TitOtIAS
Wellocchirg,, Ont.
.E.10ocrs Sarsaparilla
kidney and lieer trout) ea,
Jios 'the 'Welt tancl bell& 'ep the
*itulo sySteit. e •
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing ;through
the years, It pays to use the
rig,fht stuff,
Men of oak are men in
rugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send for free earnple.
SCOTT Le BOWNE. Chemists..
T.orontoe Ontario.
BOB. and $1.00 s all drunglets.
. •
Mahe Van' was -still Sterrenbg ein the
Other side of tee boendary, sobbnig
-as if ,his heart would break.--Pdris
COrreetemelence of London Tele-
- graph
adventures or Three 'Women. •
Three women started out to be
• The. first woman chose a million-
The sepond woman chose a poet.
.• Tile third evoman said, wait."
The, first woman, having found a
suit -able° millionaire, set her cap for
innx, „But; the millionaire was -wily
ancritok, to bil; won so easily..
•"I1 is evident to me." hp said,
"from this girl's anxiety that she is
extremely desirous of ma.rrYing me.
Sini has set out takttle this idea in her
head, and this very feateirritates me
into an obstinacy the% I shouldn't
have under other cirepenstances, •be-
cause she is certaii* very beauti-
ful." •
So he hung ofEtil the wonean
gave it up as a -7.i* job.
The second waMeen several times
thought she hadefenend a poet, but in
each instance witOluceived,, for he
titened out to be *tithing but either.
.an advertisement:retie:x:1er or a, writer
for the magazineen 'who could easily
-make enough to sepport her. Final -
lye howeven, she felinci the teal
thing, but the poet, who was a real
poet, would have none of her.
"My poetry.," he said, "is too sac-
red to be infringed upon.It is not
at all, you see, like the copyright
law. In my most enraptured mo-
raents you would bore me to ;death..
No, not" • •
o the second woman went off b
despair and sought the first woman,
and they wept together until curiok;
ity prompted theni to seek the trreend
woman, whom thee' found, inucneeto
their surprise, happily married eq,
raillionaire who had just publishekee
volume of real poetry.
"Why, how happens it," exclaimed
the first and second Woman, "that
you are married and we. are not?"
"Easy enough," said the third wo-
man, with a Condescending smile.
"You couldn't wait, you know, and
I could." '
The Patriarch, Nust Go.
There are 38 fete buflaloes 'in the
Dom.ielon eberil • at Banff National
York. All are in spleadid eontlitien.
.• There aro 14 fullegrown bulls and :
one old patriarch is 30 yeare of s
- Ile was the first,- animal oweee. •
ed ' by Lore Strathcona a1veeen
Heights, where all the animals •...;lieeie
in confinement in etlie- West, le
• from. This animal is ofig.tael,
ttportance. Very soori heentilie
and then he Will be metintedeee,
He b.ad been a Mig ..letetefig4404
had yetainecl the' leridetehilie "*f
.herd throtigheitre Many yeare'a%ei
t*o years ago, :When , 4ett,..
'Waterloo. 91d,' 'as he Was, IAS
niense bulk; an.d....sttength...enabl.ed
to kill ,plie -antagaiiiat,
ly dispoSe.` of jinpther, ,
been thathe, 'hrbitd.hisl�ir
rock, the ss...te,',vjould,Pr,01).d.1...
• been difTerecet. • erne bele ,Whiciteeinen
Tb"1111771.4 tvir net,r4
money ltas been spout to make it an
'act replica< ot the lkitleh eapital.
Ten Streets have been laid down. And,
named aftei. those in London.
%%flees met reeveutien et' abortion itt
nomestie Aelmals.
Abortion is the premature birth of
the foetus due to the nature of the
food given to the mother and to
other influences. It varies in im-
portance . according to the stage Of
pregnancy. If it occurs in the early
stages it may cause no apparent in-
convenience to the animal, but later
on it may cause fever and a consid-
erable uneasiness, and a yellowish
red. discharge from the vagina. It, is
liable to be brought on from injure
ie s of various kinds, by bad food
and by excessive exposure to mild.
It often results from debility-. There
are enzo-otic forms of abortion caus-
ed by bacteria developing in the foe-
tal mexabrane, causing it to break
down. It is diMeent to determine
how the bacteria get there; they are
supposed to be introduced by ' the
Tere aro several forms of blood
disease that will CallSe. a1)Orti021. The
most common cause ise feeding preg-
nant animals food lacking the ele-
naent of nutrition, especially hen,
straw and cornstalks affected -with
ergot, rust or smut. The ergot,
rust or smut will net necessarily
cause abortion el the animal is fed
With good, nutfitious eood, have'
fed large quantities of these sub-
stances to cows for six weeks with.
good food with no bad results. It
is the poor quality of the :fodder
that causes the mischief, iPregnant
animals require to be fed on food
that contains larga quantities ot
phosphate of limo to develop a
healthy foetus, as the young ereature
requires a large amount of that sub-
stance in early dife to make hones
and nerreek
penes contain from 54 to 56 per
cent. phosphate of , lime, and the
other tissues of the body somewhat
less, so that it will be seen that
there is e great drain on the system
of the mother" fox' phosphate of
lime. . It is found tbat the bones
and. other tisanes of the body of the
mother are ,cleficient in this sub-
stance derieiepregnancer. To prevent
abortionnfrcen this eausta 'feed clover
hay, neeme ilenieed Meal and oats,
as theneeeare ;elate in phosphate of
Emcee eAl.ebesee. ehet the cows and
bulWante Olean and healthy before
theYeeirieueed • see that the introduc-
tion' et -bacteria piny be prevented.
If 'aa animal slicruld abort, have it
removed at °ricer •and. also all the
portion's of the eoetel membrane. The
• straw where • the -.animal has been
kept should :bt9 celleated and burned,
And tbo places edisinfected, as the
-er ,sight seems to have a, bad
effect on the °thee' cows. We have
• no medicines' that will prevent abor-
tion, and there are no medicines that
will eaeme it, malese. given In claim
to endanger the lite of the aninaal..:--
p. aremlosp., .University of illinoie.
_The neeensetve Elbow. •
The angles!,4t, Which: Ivomtin cai
her elhoiv m. tibortiY,e'
• her, trailing.;
ai4, • 01i -timing 'dkittn'
.::ziorTUs3o1 fwneh Tr v'r 'tat
'elePareMillitelne-otere- ec;:ti'se#dell•
0-411e: eniste.„94#..
oughfai.ea t* nf
cities "Oxen
upon Piitie c„.tatid. •• equ.
why will tonain 'Wetily,iiicreaseA §
by the adoption, ' .„61+
whim in the carriage: (Sp.'itheir • arin.S?::
Because Women have:;13eedinc. rife»,
nated.,.‘jAli an inconv,enient and:Alb-if;
ettlyr.nc14..cd 'dress •teaSori', Ilttt
theye-elleinlelereke it to .anSitliee-*14101o'vil'
• but the, crownin
of '4die streetz-
c in 7g ele
4.114§t0:4z. (OM
ds Of'
"George certainly has very strong
• bands," said his mother-in-law grudg-
ingly 0.0 she watched lahn unscrew the
top of a can of preserves which had
Stubbornly withstood his young wife's
efforts, says the (lentleman's kfagaf
• "uasn't he, theUgh?" eried his yOtneg
bride admiring/Y. "NOW 1 know what
be meant wben he spoke in bis sleep
last night About having such a beauti.
ful pair of openess."
Ail 'Mat -Was Necessary.
"YOU Must abandon all business ea res
for the future," says the physielau.
“But 1 fear that I have not yet ac-
cumulated sufficient money," protests
• the multimillionaire.
"Sufficient" repeats tile doctor.
"Why, My dear sir, you have enough
Money to pay physicians' fee for thie
rest of your lifer.
Like most Englishmen, Lord Hint°
smokes cigarettes a great cigai„. elude
copying the prevailing fashion, sti do
the gildod youth of the Cenital. It
is not probable, however, thnt. they,
use the same breed; of "Turkish" as
the a ovprnor-Gtenergl, who cigere
ettes are buptoeilen, ten. four-inche
long affairs, that- pest: tibbett as much
as a very fair ' elgar. They ars
brought over by:L..1.46rd. Minto -him.
self, and, it Is earelate relate the ex...
chequer Of 'Canada gets not a cent
of revenue from them, says Day by
Day in Toronto, News. Everything
for Hifi Excellency's, use comes in,
' of course duty free. Which ie
• enough to melee, oee to become a red
• Republican. Inere are Wo of the com-
monalty pay,ing big imports on tilar
imported cieeeire and toltcco, while
Lord Minteenegya nothing Horrible!
Eneeeerea tifeew,hole questioa is ob-
soured by neinolen and, until that
cleers awaY 'eteenot be judged tin
its merits.
. Some men treat a girl nicely for a
t‘year or two, just for. the sake oi
treating her badly all the rest of
her nee.... e. _
M dic in e
A Mir are
are not one of the 'wonders of
. the world. They are not the
discovery of some marvellous
n man, tnade in some mysterious
e land. They. do not drive Doc-
torato despair, and 'Undertakers •
into insolvency. THEY ARE
should be hegIected. .
An unsurpassed nerve tonlo
A 'blood- maker and purifier
.1:41 gentle bet effective laxative
Not Et oethertio
•TableAr9 25 Cents
have heeri usit g Strong's Pilokone
for several Mont I is with q.pspiti that
searrent nee merecom meeding it to -ITIY
patenwithevei'y eon fid 8,
''FB.consets,1-.. M. D. cort:Inei,::
tb-iniclii t, ' -4:
.Price rov 4:4rngul..4ts
or by mail receipt of prid','-
e •
T.eeSTRONG.: '.,Meerni.fac-turing
C.,hainistteLtiei Cite On tatiea'
rules the ,heed one- ineporteen Vole
Silver Heighte, • and which defeated,2
o'ne ',by One....
4 .lierd -snch ='climensions 'aSthis
• 4s.: sight' whaelf, 'Since the_ .tiljp,e.
•whenethe ,beffalcinroemed' in eeehritieS0
herds' over theeprailles, has rateln
greeted the eyes of a white inft.
The enterprise of the ofilcials 'Who •
have had the buffed° in charge, for.
their efforts to preserve this -tangible
link of those days before theeenoo,t'
West felt the. taming hand.of the
wbite settler uport its mane, is to be .
;conafteaded lay ell Who feel, ani inter -
'eat ie the life whiah occupied . our
great -.solitudes before history for us.
libt Nice.
"What a nice, big boy. you are,
Tommy," said the pleasant 'voiced
neighbor.. . .
"I'm big all right," said Tommy,
"bat 1 abet nice."
• "Don't you want to be Called nice?
That's very trange. fy Georgieeis
never Ilannier than when people al-
lude to hint ds a ince boy.
"An' I can lick him with one hand
tied behind me," said terrible Tont-
A Socona London.
The chip( desire of 'the municipality
of Bare, in Chile, is.*to have their
eneene J!.1101VIr _as
111U 1Z-1,0411-v.',*,,rtz el
•liXtin titeni sothaL,"
arm extended by: Side
be raison entieeIn 'efteita the-aven
anent. In -this 'poseinonethe. erthenot
Merely "ecconaplishee 'Abe Of
proteeting 'the Sldirt fronithe dirt,.
tele, being comparvativqy free",and
constrained,: •11:iti..tenSion. (5.4,111c. NVII•bre'
body iy te118h-ed4,..,tintlfit418"; p.osSf_151e,..to.
walk with- senie-nlennee oteaseaand
grace. even::eielfen.'liainlicacr )3Y"the
necessity of"- ,caving foe trailing
gown,. .
41, 6:9r.lifYt: wf tba:mstuifl Odc.auntrortobrtpi,,-
1,1f-Oktis of J W Hilison, and
v, in all 30 -bead df, Short...,"
k shire Sows to, be sold
e. of -Exeter
outity'-of ,Iii.;1;on en
Liver, Pills.
°That's what you need;''
'thing to cure your JoilioUS-
nes§ and give you a good
digestion:: .Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure- con...
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. -?!a -
All a eeelets.
eet eeer fitott;tnallo of tkpard a"beautifel
hr-wn to riebiyIncic ? Thee use
ge, on. ov DinknOttrrel, r.rito.i. A co., 0,14841M,
U- 1114811 ) DYE whiskers
for the
SDAY PRAY 6th 1903
nlogue on applieetion;:te
. ", : ' „Hiiro,nditae Ont.
RotS014",:: Au ofibn
Merton, Cot,
Oristina an,d'filiopplila
Don F11)11101j
We are giv ingexcellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re,
modelling our mill
Dry Soft Wood Wanted
Lumber, Coal and Wire
All kinds of aemlock or Pine, either in
the /91101 or dressed a,s you wish.
A few of my Spring Pieces.
Coal at bins, . . $0.00
Coiled Spleen Wire per cwt... ..$2.80
th y flemlock Barn Boards. at
. „ ..... $15 SO per DI.
Dry Herulook Jointit.g and Scant-
ling at $15.50 per M.
No. 113. C. Shingles at 80c per huneh
Cheaper grade .08c per bauch
1 1 n eh Hemlock . *let .60 Per 14,
1 i n eb Pine *12 . SO per IV.
It will pay you to write or call and
see me before you buy.
A,. J. ,Clatworthy's
Lumber Yard, Granton,
F0i SA ,Ii.lei.
axle/area—we ever for sale on reasonable
terms, Met very doeirabie reeitlential property
known as "The liooper Homestead" situated
on Lot To 80, south of Uuroe Street, Exeter.
Titere is erected uponthe land, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwellingale° the
neeessoutheuses. The lactasei
is n goodie.
pair end Mee 0 rooms. The lot eon tai Ilfe, an acre
of land rule is excellently adaptee for garden
lug or fru ttgrowing. Tigre 183 pica tif ul suie
e!Y, of lewd xind soft wateell
r, 'e property is up
eo. ego. and the termseasy, tor particulars up.).
Ply to Dioxsorr le Clertenea berrist•ers Exeter
or to 4. H. ifoorea, Row ,P. 0„ Penne, 1/.
4., proprietor.
Agen for the Weseente assorneos Con -
Penn of Toronto also for the Pneonic Flint
alStinAlICE COVPAIVY, of 1.,01.34014 England ;
-enee.......--neteeereenaremereea.:eneenee-ana-----e...- — •
1 . 131t0 WIN1 1N (- 14;1.. D.
g P. 8, urraduata Vuu. rsite
°ekeStt.j ihMlUSSCe, oeutuoe Labora•
tory, Exeter.
2 Bar:3461EFE:478Aongrio(MIT:TacTseol:i
Planing M ill s
Moorn7ictoxl..oa; at MwessTt;teEpTof iEnixerneis,t.
We wish to announce to the nubile
that we11,zavce. apelar
geustitcohck, ofd
. i'Y
lumber, on hand for • building purpos-
es, It is here you. don't bave to wait.
1 in. Hemlock' at $15,00 per
1000 feet. '
B, C. red cedar Shingles, a
Doors, Sash and all kinds
of House Furnishings con-
Rtantly in stock,
No claptrap, but straight
business atthe old establish-
ment. 28 years experience.
SS Ltill
The.season ibt. be ginning for 4,,ivigali
work is here and .ye!.1..03 ineelang for
the hest an achipeay. ...eW.,e ligelle,the
0eerineaAndeo,, , Mow-
er, s, 70..;,63j.ti I:8.11:d,, c:i.ltiv,,,,,a..:tOils,.
Repairs -f,r ,a,l)c)0. Machines "always
are Manufactured ' in lianail-
ton and. Chidage. .
0 lid Disc: lia.rrows, wlii
:eA.alrganeledst lict,ele'l:td .ao,.ug y
ontP;11`1:i e°e r(le,4.67. :kit th`c:01, ::). ,iditi: e, :;f:::",vt,.:h• .;' W7irirell
'CALL AND GET •-•.• PRI ...
, (Successor to Elliott ez• Gladinan)
Bsirrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
one' to loan on Farm and village
' rties at Lowest rates of interest
. • , Money to*Loan.
Oirrien -- (Formerly Elliott and Madman.)
aa• D.R. A. R. KINSMAN, L.
D. 5. D. D S„ R0)301' Graduate
of Toronto 'University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fa -
Son's blook. west side of Main
We have unlimited private funds for invest
vent upett farm or village property at lowes
eateeotinterest. '
•1 have e,large amount of private funds
aoun on faanyzmd 1,,iyowprol,e) ei lee
of int,erest.'
Barrister Main St. Fxeter.
{D. D. S. L.D.S.
. ' 'DENTIST. .
, OnOr.,.aradnate of the Toronte Dnivereity
mad' Reyal,, College of Dental Surgeons -of
Ontarlo,.Witli.•,loners .Also Post•graduate'.
'cage Senora 0t,lf.T.Osthetio Denusteee (with.
otierabIeniention,. • - •
crowns, El'
nimiold andvulente platestadone in
tieneatest„nnunker • pbsibIe., A perfeetly
3*nlefelaesthetio:usedlainies extrac-
pfri.-ll-A:• r •
xiatexinethe .• "
1 Door, Soulln-cf
*:.v. •
_ .
.1301j(4{ -
Doyen Want a uggy
We have the guest stock in town
nil the latest styles, in the ewer
Our prices Ore low as can he an 7
for first-class material and ever man
liEFORE YOU 13171"
CHILL 11D aeu -Us,
•Two Door
S.outh Tone' Hall,
Happy and
Prosperous New Year
Is what we all e•xpect :1.nd oe,$.1re,
.Begin by making the home
bright end cheerful, and if your
family are iniu‘ical. you cannot.
add to the 1)110111:nes end ebeer
of home Yu ore than by placing in
it a Piano or Olean. It will not
only add (beer to ibe home but
will help 3. our children to take
their proper place irt the social
and business world when your
aid is withdrawn frc rn them.
it V
Sewing Machines
In Sewing Machines we carry a,
large and varied elf -Tie of the
very best makes, alto needles
aud repairs for all, machines.
Sheet and Book mole
Hymn Books, Bibles, &e, always
in stock. Call and see us.
Oar terms are the best,
f Worthington's Canadian
Stook To rk ic.
Sanaes Leask, breeder and feeder of
the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial
Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says:
• Dear Sir:—
I have fed your Stock Tonic tP
cattle and like ie very much. It mak-
es than thrive well and pnt onflesh
more rapidly. 1 think it is the best -
Tonic have fed to horses. We' are
also feeding itto oiar hens this winter
e, .e.
eae.,,- 'and they, ate laying better thtiii. ,tliey-, -.
tomiL":'1'.."T' have done for a. long time,: pays,
to feed it: Yours truly; • • . '' •
— 3AVES LEASK,. F., ,
Greenbank P„0., Fehy. 2g,.1.903:
The' "underSigned>w
Car load' of 'Buggies arny.e ..On• the'
est"of April,. and if y4j.1.1.....vaiat.:.:6;
Buggy, call a:the '41114:Cbarliic':c
shop befote y9u. buy.
Buggies aie finighecl' in different:.
colors, , and are extra gradu. •
on't foilg et the ''..Stan'd
11L;:,:pay.-'not. be :able : to
etl-eiteriagh.,'coal or wOod.
,O''kdep yoti warna this
tunter but ''yett eau dress
..c.Varni:.•.in our -
• b ad 4,a mare, es-tticitednife beth
legs, WoaTetreGineee's See= ' Fenno' -
took it dOwa,Coittpletely and' pift, her
in good, 'conditioe. It has done 'my
tows good, Think it is a good 'tliintg
and, can, recommend it. ,
B. CHunosIrat,••"Dairyniap,"
uliletore Jany, 17th, 1903. .'
Puriff your animals blood before
turning them on the graes. They will
eurprise you in the fall. -
• 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 lb. sack
The WOMington
gor Sale and Guaranteed by:
()aging, Bros, Exeter; Cook" & Son,
enSall; E. Schmidt, Lucan.e,.
, •
co 0
Anyone sending a elcetobanalletcriptfonmay
glitelay ftseertiar der opinion free WheUitt an
invention is prcll ablY patentable. Caforafrokia.
tient strictly am ddential.ilatabookonTatentg‘
scut free. O'at. agency for SeStIrillg patent%
PatStits tat en tbrdugh Mono & Co. recotve
6-Peciat totiEE, tithout enarce,
$cientific Jiintritan
abandsemetyinustrated VMS ly. Largeat,
etuatiOn O1CZIY setentine lotinee. nerneeene
Ear; lour $1. OtodVall nelvadealara
UDR g CO361sroawa NawYor
litanth 0 cL
a. p45 P
I lent ante ne
nOt let-
go.x Clarence-sciiiareik.:,,c,orner. Spa(,:lina
Torouto, Canada, treats ChrtiniC.diseases; And makes
a specialty .of Skin DiSeases, rn
„ples, tJ1cers, v-1
PRXVATE, DISEASES as Ithp,otericy, Sterility, Vari-
,, 6ocelc Nervous Debility, 6fc's (the tiesitlf (if yOUthful
:folly, ap4 excess;)Gleet and Strietarn Stagd-
ing,,treated by galvanism, the only methprt • yithout
,pairi arid all bad after effects.
OlSeaStas of WOrnen—rainfUL PrefIi' se or suppressee( 'olenstroation,
ulceration, leueorrhnea and all displacements of the womb. z
°ma@ tO 8 D. M. Sunday it° 8p. m.
d *sons