Clinton News-Record, 1985-6-12, Page 81ENTEI%F THE r A ,'1 ' GE f, 'S THE BEST EV ER RECIPE FO URGER?" - TWO QUESTI•NS 1 CAN ACTUALLY ANSWER T Jim White: What's the difference between properly cooked ked haunhurgers and a fast game of Trivial Pursuit? None - both are rare!! The subjects ut choking and trivia set me to thinking; how about a quick round of trivia about Canada s favourite collective food - the ham- burger. It must be our favourite; when 1 was Food Writer of The Toronto Star, the most popular readers' questions were about burgers. To give everyone his/her hamburger fill, here's my all-time favourite burger recipe and some Hamburger Trivia - which you can work on while your burgers are broiling or, better yet, barbecu- nhe recipe is from Pierre Franey, Craig .Iaihurne s culinary sidekick at the New Yor Times. Mr. Franey visited me at The Star where lis made the best hamburger I ever ate. And he did it using a can «t beet broth!! The recipe New in the Franey -Claiborne collection, The New York Times 60 -Minute Gourmet, which was the tint of a series ut 60 -Minute Gourmet tales co-authored by the pair. The Trader and 1 share rhe view that these ht+t ks contain some of North America's hest contempt irary recipes and should he in everyone's library. The answers to Hamburger lnvia appear atter the recipes. 1. In what year was the hamburger invented? a) 1867 b) 44 B.C. c) 1903. 2. What is the full name of the insatiable hamburger addict who appears in Popeye? 3. What was the first roadside hamburger chain in the U.S.? 4. What do you ask for when you want a cheeseburger in a chi -chi Parisian restaurant? 5. You might not sit down to eat a_ plate of fish sticks, peanut butter and charbroiled beef, but they do have something in common. What? PIERRE FRANEY'S BEST -EVER H.\M- t3l'R(;ER WIT} { PL-PEPRC'ORN SAJ. C'F 1.112 lbs. lean ground beef 750 g Salt t-1/2 to 20 to 2 thsp whole black peppercorns 25 25 mLL 2 thsp butter L 1 thsp finely, chopped shallots 15 mL or onion 1/4cup dry red wine 50mL 1 thsp brandy, 15 mL Ai/4 cup beef broth (homemade 50 mL or canned) 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 25 mL °°What's Wimpey's favourite parlor game?" 7'99 "Hamburger Pursuit?" 1. Shape meat into tour patties. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Place waxed paper on tlat surface; place whole peppercorns at top and crush with bottom of heavy skillet. (a tat patties (on both sides) with crushed pepperc+ans. 2. t tear a heavy saucepan or iron skdlct over medium-high heat but do nut add tar. When hot, .idd parties. (:auk abitur 5 minutes un each side, flipping «illy once with it spatula. (This makes a rare burger - Franey's choice. Fur hitter-tlone burgers, cook an additional 2 to 3 nunutcs per side.) Remove patties and keep warns; reserve in twos. i. In saint saucepan «ver medium heat, melt halt the butter. Add shallots and cook, stirring, until wilted. Add wine and cook I additional minute. Stir in brandy and reduce liquid by half. 4. Add beet hr ah and ci+«k until liquid is reduced to about i thsp (45 int.). Swirl in rcnr.uningF,, butter, return hamburgers to saucepan and reinovt twin hear. Serve garnished with chopped p,trslct. Makes knit- servings. (;riar with tries. Answers to Hamburger Trivia: 1. In 1003,,ii pptsrdly ut New Haven, Cain., at t nm, and still -standing, restaurant called Louis Lunch: The c recut gots to Louis' Lassen who, u's said, sandwiched grilled leftover meat between two slices of hread, dubbing his creation u "hamburger: Some insist that the tirst ham- burger appeared a year latter, ,tt the 1904 L mist - Purchase Exposition in tit. Louis, Miss,. tun, but this is where the Itrst hot dug appeared. 2. J. \Y'ellingttn lX'inept. 3. White Bite Castle; the tirst w,ts built in \XStchita, Is visas, un 1921. 4. Le Cheeseburger, tit count. 5. Nutritional mutes ahuut them: ftu+ds appear in a new p unphler, LOOKIN' GOOD, appear GOOD WITH BEEF. Ir contains beef recipes and an easy, -to- t +llow dict plan. (;et ti tree copy at the meat counter, of your local Lublaws, Luhhtws Super- store or'Lehrs.